
Chapter: 166-170:Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 166. Second Battle versus Bai Ning Bing | Reverend Insanity

His hair snowy white and his orbs blue, a one-arm figure in white.Who else could it be but Bai Ning Bing?Before the ice blade touched his body, Fang Yuan could feel a cold eerie feeling assaulting him from behind like a comet striking the earth, full of cold killing intent.Fang Yuan's irises were black in contrast, unmoving in danger, leaping backwards and injecting primeval essence into the Sky Canopy Gu, creating a white armor to protect himself.Bam! The iceblade struck the ground heavily, and at that instance a bunch of white icicles grew from the ground, erupting upwards.Swoosh!!The sharp icicles stabbed upwards at the direction Fang Yuan was retreating towards, creating an icy path.Fang Yuan easily somersaulted and avoided them.The mountain path was narrow, so he slid down towards the valley along the edges."Hehehe, Fang Yuan oh Fang Yuan, why is it that everytime I see you, I feel that intense urge to kill you? Mmm, tell me!" Bai Ning Bing excitedly shivered as he laughed maniacally.His laughter attracted the gaze of the other Gu Masters in the valley.Seeing Bai Ning Bing and Fang Yuan, their expressions were different."Lord Bai Ning Bing, let me assist you!" A Bai clan Gu Master who originally stood at the side shouted and struck towards Fang Yuan."Clan leader, it is our clan's Fang Yuan!" Gu Yue clan's Gu Masters shouted."I know." Clan leader Gu Yue Bo's expression was uncertain, and he dodged the Bai clan leader's attack as he decided, shouting, "Get the materials into our possession first!"Fang Yuan had mysteriously vanished before the wolf tide arrived, causing the Gu Yue higher-ups to feel highly doubtful of him. In addition, the intense pressure from the Bai clan Gu Masters resulted in no one going to reinforce Fang Yuan.Bai Ning Bing saw help arrive and flew into a rage, shouting at the person, "Scram, this is my battle, don't interfere!""Lord Bai Ning Bing, you lost an arm and have reduced battle potential. You are the hope of our Bai clan, you cannot be lost. Let me sweep this obstacle for you!"The Bai clan Gu Master shouted as he leapt, charging towards Fang Yuan.He activated his Gu worm, both hands glowing with a orange yellow light.Bam!He lightly patted the ground, and the light entered the earth. Instantly, a lump grew from the earth.The mud lump advanced towards Fang Yuan as it got bigger.Suddenly the mud lump exploded, revealing a yellow mud arm.This arm was humongous, as tall as an adult as it grabbed towards Fang Yuan. Its power and presence caused others to feel suffocated.Fang Yuan snorted in disdain.Seeing this arm grab at him and about to succeed, a dark golden light suddenly shot out from his aperture, turning into a shiny ribbon of light, wrapping around Fang Yuan's body.The big arm reached his body but was twisted by this dark golden light, breaking and collapsing."Oh? What Gu worm is this?" Bai Ning Bing showed shock on his face.The dark golden light dispersed, revealing the true form of the Gu.It was over a metre long, as wide as two fists. Its dark golden exoskeleton displayed dominance as its sharp razor blades at the side of its body shone with cold light.Chainsaw Golden Centipede!"Come," Fang Yuan shouted, extending his right arm, his fist clenched.The Chainsaw Golden Centipede's numerous segments climbed up his body nimbly, its body twisting and turning like a snake, coiling around his right arm.Its mouth opened and swallowed Fang Yuan's right fist in one mouth, all the way until half his forearm was swallowed.Fang Yuan's arm swung, and the metre-long golden centipede moved its tail. In the air, it drew an arc, emitting a crisp sound.At this moment, the golden centipede shrunk its body to the max, its near-two metre length shrinking to one meter and a half. At the same time its feet shrunk into the exoskeleton, leaving behind only two rows of razor blades.At one glance, Fang Yuan looked like he was holding a dark golden-silver bladed, giant hiltless sword!The reinforcement Gu Master was shocked, he had never thought that the Chainsaw Golden Centipede could be used like this.The Gu Master's raising Gu, refining Gu, using Gu — all three required deep research. Fang Yuan's method was innovative and unheard of, using his imagination to the limit.But actually, this method was not invented by Fang Yuan.Three hundred years later, a new demonic faction talent, the 'Chainsaw Mad Demon' would use the Rank four Chainsaw Killer Centipede, one of the advancement paths of the Rank three Chainsaw Golden Centipede.But in this life, Fang Yuan using it at this point is really unprecedented."I shall let you guys have a taste," Fang Yuan smirked, using the primeval essence in his aperture and injecting them into the Chainsaw Golden Centipede's body.Buzz buzz buzz!The Chainsaw Golden Centipedes' two rows of razor blades started to move violently, emitting a wild sound, causing others' heart to shiver upon hearing.Thunderwings Gu!Fang Yuan's eyes shone with determination as a pair of eerie blue thunderwings formed on his back with a crisp sound.Whoosh!The thunderwings flapped, causing Fang Yuan to shoot out like lightning.Fast! Fast! FAST!The speed was so fast that the Bai clan Gu Master's iris shrunk as he felt a chill.The smell of death was so close, and he shrieked as he used his strongest Gu; a thick yellow light appeared on his body.The yellow light was like armor, except that before it fully materialized, Fang Yuan had already gotten close.His black hair danced in the wind, his eyes like lightning, looking like a demonic god that emerged from nightmares, killing his way into the mortal realm!His movements were violent, and he completely exerted his muscles. As they tightened up, he used the strength of two boars to their limit.The golden centipede-like sword, waved like a golden shadow in the air. The razors rotated violently, slashing towards the Bai clan Gu Master's waist.Crack!The yellow light armor broke under the slaughter of the chainsaw – it was never fully formed in the first place. At this moment, it scattered instantly.The razors entered the meat as if it was cutting butter, and as Fang Yuan flicked his wrist, the chopped up meat flew all over the place along with the blood. The Gu Master's spine smashed and his intestines were grinded to a pulp.The Bai clan Gu Master's upper half of the body flew into the air, while his lower half remained on the spot.Plop.He stared with wide-opened eyes, staring in fright at his lower half, dying in extreme fear and shock.This commotion caused the fighting among the two clans to stop temporarily. They all looked towards Fang Yuan, sending shocked, angered gazes.This Bai clan Gu Master was also a Rank three elder, and was slightly famous.But under Fang Yuan's aggressive, dominant attack, he was instantly killed.Fang Yuan's body was still blood bathed, with the Bai clan Gu Master's flesh still sticking to his clothes. The Chainsaw Golden Centipede's two edges were still rotating violently, and with such ferocity, it caused everyone to look away."What a great Gu worm!" Bai Ning Bing shouted, his eyes showing insanity and excitement."Fang Yuan, you did not let me down indeed! Come battle!" He shouted, his passion blazing like flames, striking towards Fang Yuan."Noisy fucker." Fang Yuan's expression was cold as ice, turning around to counterattack.Bam!The Chainsaw Golden Centipede and the iceblade collided. With a cracking sound, the razors cut into the iceblade and caused it to shatter into pieces.In the next moment, the Chainsaw Golden Centipede broke through the iceblade and swept across Bai Ning Bing's face.Bai Ning Bing's expression changed as he resolutely let go of the iceblade and retreated backwards, almost two metres of distance away.The Chainsaw Golden Centipede when shrunk was only 1.5m. Adding on Fang Yuan's right arm, there was still a little distance before it could reach Bai Ning Bing. But Fang Yuan willed, and the Chainsaw Golden Centipede suddenly extended itself."This?!" Bai Ning Bing was dumbstruck and did not anticipate this turn of events.He was hit on the chest by the centipede's tail. Even with his ice muscles protecting his body, there was still a large cut on his body.At that instance, he felt a strong force assault him, and he was unavoidably sent flying, landing on a huge rock behind him.Blood splattered on the rock's surface, but his ice muscles soon stopped the bleeding.Bai Ning Bing coughed intensely and was about to get up, but suddenly he heard a thunderous sound.The sound was right beside his ear, and an unprecedented sense of danger entered his heart.Bai Ning Bing's iris shrunk as he did not even raise his head, but frantically rolled away.BAM!In the next moment, the Chainsaw Golden Centipede descended from the sky. With its imposing aura, it struck the ground that he was at a moment ago.The razors rotated violently, and the huge rock broke into pieces."If this hit landed on my body… I'm afraid…" Bai Ning Bing's heart chilled, and a sense of anger stemming from his indignant nature rose.Ever since his battle with Gu Yue Qing Shu, he had stopped suppressing his cultivation, and let it rise naturally.Although he lost a limb, he had his complete cultivation, but was still suppressed by this Rank three initial stage Fang Yuan!Indignant! Humiliation! Rage!"KILL!" He growled, his wrist turning and injecting primeval essence into the iceblade Gu, forming a brand new iceblade.Seeing Bai Ning Bing come closer, Fang Yuan laughed coldly and attacked with all he had.He had obtained the Black and White Boar Gu, thus his strength was greater than Bai Ning Bing. At this point when waving the Chainsaw Golden Centipede, it was as light as a tree branch.Cut, slash, hack, twist, turn, the Chainsaw Golden Centipede rotated violently, moving as agile as a bee in Fang Yuan's hand. At times it appeared heavy like an elephant, sometimes ferocious as a tiger, and sometimes flexible like a snake.The most crucial point was, the golden centipede followed Fang Yuan's will, extending and shrinking at times, sometimes longer and sometimes shorter, sometimes straight sometimes curly. That made it hard for Bai Ning Bing to adapt, and he could barely defend himself.He cried and screamed as he retreated gradually, his body filled with injuries. His white battle robe had turned into a beggar's attire.Fang Yuan moved like a black wind, his expression cool as he displayed an extremely profound sword technique, saber art, axe and rod skills. He fused all these skills into one, turning the Chainsaw Golden Centipede into a lethal weapon!A Gu depends on who the user is."Good on you, Fang Yuan!" Bai Ning Bing shouted after numerous iceblades broke; he finally realized that he could not go head on against Fang Yuan.His body was bathed in blood and the ice muscles' defense was almost broken, but this led out his immense battle passion.If close range won't do, then long range it is.Blue bird ice coffin Gu!Bai Ning Bing pulled some distance and spit out several times.Several flying birds flapped their wings and flew towards Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan did not fluster. With an unchanging expression, his left arm moved and the blood colored moonblade stopped these ice birds in their tracks, causing them to explode in mid-air.People were normally proficient in using moonblades on only one arm, but Fang Yuan had such a rich battle experience, and even his left arm could completely shoot out moonblades without any deviation.Bai Ning Bing seeing that did not work, used the Icicle Gu.Icicles flew and mixed in with the blue birds to form a barrage attack.Fang Yuan's long range attack was solely moonblade, thus he only chose to block the most dangerous ice birds. Against the icicles, he dodged some while tanking the others with his Sky Canopy Gu.Bai Ning Bing finally had a bit of an upper hand and wanted to increase his advantage, but Fang Yuan suddenly laughed coldly and shrugged his right hand, causing the Chainsaw Golden Centipede to detach and burrow its way into the ground.This hidden threat was too much.Bai Ning Bing was dumbfounded at this, scolding loudly as he quickly took steps back!

Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 167. A fourth one?! | Reverend Insanity

"You forced my hand!" Bai Ning Bing gritted his teeth, forming an iceblade.At the same time, he activated his Swirl Gu and Fierce Wind Gu.The white iceblade storm appeared once again!At first it was just a small gust, but very quickly, the size expanded and the icy winds roared as the blizzard spread. The floor was slowly covered in hard ice, preventing the Chainsaw Golden Centipede from emerging and attacking.This iceblade storm is a unique move of Bai Ning Bing's. Evidently it showed the battle talent of the Northern Dark Ice Soul physique.This was formed by the Iceblade Gu, Swirl Gu and Fierce Wind Gu. When used together, it created something that could attack and defend. Without two or more defense Gu working together, one cannot resist it.The fierce winds roared and the ice blades froze all in its path. The white storm assaulted like a huge beast awakening, opening its mouth and devouring Fang Yuan.These three Gu together form a ferocious offensive technique that can freeze all life. Even with the Sky Canopy Gu's defense, Fang Yuan would probably be unable to block it.The storm approached, but Fang Yuan showed a look of disdain.The thunderwings behind him instantly flapped, pulling a large distance away from this iceblade storm.Times were different now. If this was the past, his movement speed would be lower than this storm, but now the storm could no longer catch up to him.Fang Yuan's eyes shone with brilliance as he turned his direction in mid-air, and flew towards the valley.The iceblade storm chased him relentlessly."Don't come here!""Fuck off!!"Whether it was the Bai clan Gu Masters, or Gu Yue clan, both were scolding and shouting.Fang Yuan laughed coldly, continuing his charge.The iceblade storm had an imposing aura as it continued to chase Fang Yuan while Bai Ning Bing's laughter was heard from within."Don't think of getting any further!" A Bai clan Gu Master blocked Fang Yuan's path.Fang Yuan's hand hooked, and from the ground a thick and long golden line jumped out and landed on his right arm, like a large sword.Buzz buzz buzz!!The rampaging sound from the razors caused the Bai clan Gu Master's eyelids to shiver.Fang Yuan held the Chainsaw Golden Centipede in his right hand as blood light shone in his left – he was using the Blood Moon Gu but not shooting it. His body was covered in a white coloured armor, and thunderwings sparked behind his back. His black hair flew in the wind, and behind him there was a mountain-sized white storm.His presence was overwhelming with his eyes emitting sharp killing intent, as if he was charging through the desert, a general with seven victories under his belt. Stomping all his enemies into minced meat, and chopping any opponents into broken bones."AHHH!" The Bai clan Gu Master felt an impossible pressure as veins popped on his forehead, and he suddenly shouted loudly, edging himself on.But as he shouted, seeing Fang Yuan was rushing towards himself without pause, he suddenly shut up and ran away.He was scared!The fear in his heart eroded his fighting spirit.Fang Yuan did not care about him, instead rushing over towards the thunder crown wolf who was on the verge of dying.Winds blew as his charging was fearsome, and everywhere he went, Gu Masters avoided.The thunder crown wolf forced itself to focus, turning its head towards Fang Yuan. Lightning gathered on its teeth; the myriad beast king's pride refused to let itself die so easily. Even through death will it retaliate!Fang Yuan was seemingly about to collide onto the thunder crown wolf like a meteor hitting earth, but at the last second he suddenly jerked his leg and rushed up into the sky, flying out of the valley at a steep angle.He had just flown out of the valley when an intense explosion occurred behind him.The thunder crown wolf's cries fused with the sound of the ice blade storm.A move like the iceblade storm could be said to be Bai Ning Bing's masterpiece, but it had weaknesses too – it could not be easily displayed or stopped.Of course, this storm knocking into the thunder crown wolf was also due to Bai Ning Bing's personality.The thunder crown wolf was heavily suppressed by the white storm.It was already going to die, but now it could resist no further. Its armor was cut into pieces and blood and flesh flew all over the place, revealing its white skeleton, which was quickly minced into bone matter."Damn it!" Seeing this, the Gu Yue clan's side all swore.The Bai clan Gu Masters also showed a pained expression.With Bai Ning Bing doing this, after the thunder crown wolf dies there would no longer be any valuable loot left on its body.But Bai Ning Bing did not mind it. Instead he rotated even faster, enjoying the feeling of devastating a myriad beast king.Gu worms turned into rays of light one after another, flying out of the thunder crown wolf's body.These wild Gu worms had all resided in the thunder crown wolf's body, using each other to work together and survive. Now that the thunder crown wolf was dying, they were like crewmen on a ship, abandoning the sinking ship and escaping for their lives."Catch them!""Quick, stop these Gu!"The two clans shouted at once.The situation went into chaos again as clan elders attacked each other in attempt to hinder the other. The two clan leaders could not split themselves, thus finally, only two or three clan elders with movement-type Gu managed to fly out of the valley.The wild Gu worms ran everywhere and Fang Yuan focused and observed, trying to discern them."What a pity my recon Gu is Earth Communication Ear Grass, it cannot increase my vision. There is definitely a healing-type Gu on this thunder crown wolf, but whether I can catch it or not, it's up to fate!"This was betting purely on luck, but Fang Yuan had no choice.Recon-type Gu worm, there were all sorts of them, but right now he only had the Earth Communication Ear Grass.His thunderwings spread and he rushed towards the closest Gu worm.This Gu's body was covered in a blue light, trying to fly far away.Fang Yuan rushed up, opening his hand and grabbing it.Whoosh!Its body emitted an intense electric current and assaulted Fang Yuan.Thunderwings are formed by lightning, it has speed but is not flexible. Fang Yuan groaned as he used the Sky Canopy Gu to endure this attack.He could forcefully grab this Gu, but he wisely chose to give up.The ability of this Gu was already exposed; it was able to use electric currents to attack enemies, so this was obviously an attack-type Gu, but Fang Yuan wanted a healing Gu instead.Fang Yuan gave up on it and approached another Gu worm.When he got close, he saw this Gu's appearance, a body that seemed to be made of light blue glass, flying in the air with a semicircle shell that had turtle shell markings.Thunder Shield Gu!This was a defensive Gu, able to form a semicircle lightning shield.Fang Yuan gave up once again, looking around and finding his third target.But at this time, a white shadow came from the valley, holding an iceblade and shouting Fang Yuan's name.Fang Yuan sighed, knowing that lady luck was not on his side. He could only take the best alternative, reaching and grabbing towards the Thunder Shield Gu right next to him.Thunder Shield Gu created a lightning shield, its eerie blue lightning sparking as it tried to resist Fang Yuan's hand.Fang Yuan sneered, releasing the Spring Autumn Cicada's aura. Suddenly the Thunder Shield Gu became tame like it died, dispersing its shield and falling towards the forest.Fang Yuan waved and grabbed it in his hand, releasing his primeval essence and instantly refining it.Stealth Scales Gu!Ripples formed all over his body as he vanished on the spot."Fang Yuan!" Bai Ning Bing shouted, as his eyes shone with lightning.This is the Rank three Lightning Eye Gu, using the power of lightning to break through stealth.But it did not have see-through vision. Fang Yuan noticed this, and although he was stealthed, he could also use the forest to conceal himself. Bai Ning Bing's gaze swept through the environment and angrily growled as he had no findings.Fang Yuan found a hidden spot, instantly sitting down and activating the tusita flower, making it spit out primeval stones.Although he was Rank three, his aperture only had 42% primeval essence storage, and though he had the upper hand during the previous battle, it could not be sustained. Right now, his aperture only had a thin layer of primeval essence left, being around 3%.Gu Masters needed primeval essence to activate Gu worms.Without primeval essence, Gu Masters' battle strength would drop drastically. In fact in extreme situations, they were even worse than mortals.The primeval stones continued to shrink, the natural essence injecting into Fang Yuan's body. The primeval sea in his aperture started to rise gradually.Back then, when he was Rank one or two and using the primeval stone to replenish his primeval essence, it was very noticeable. But now that he was Rank three, as the Gu Master's primeval essence quality is greatly improved, more primeval stones are required and a longer time is needed to replenish it.Sounds of Gu Masters battling continued to be heard. After eight or nine minutes, Fang Yuan replenished the primeval essence in his aperture back to the limit.He came out of his hiding spot, discovering that five clan elders had died.Among them, three were from Gu Yue clan, two from Bai clan.Each clan elder was the clan's asset. To think that so many were sacrificed this time.Gu Yue Bo and the Bai clan leader's battle was very intense. They were feeling heartache from their respective losses, thus getting more aggressive in their attacks.Other than this, there were three fighting groups surrounding the wild Gu worms.Ordinary Gu Masters do not have the Spring Autumn Cicada's help to capture wild Gu worms, thus it was troublesome.To catch the Gu worm, they cannot deal heavy blows. Instead, they need to gauge the strength they use.Eight to nine Gu worms had flown out of the thunder crown wolf. It was not certain how many Gu worms they had captured, but three still remained right now.The clan elders surrounded these three Gu worms, striking as they blocked the worms while facing obstruction from the other party. This caused the scene to be at a stalemate, neither sides able to gain anything."Water Cage Gu, trap it!" A Bai clan Gu Master shouted, spitting out a water ball.The ball increased in size until it was over two metres, covering the Gu worm completely and trapping it inside.Bam!In the next moment, a golden moonblade flew towards the water ball cage and burst it open by force.The Gu worm flew away, escaping with its life.Seeing this Gu worm fly away, the Bai clan Gu Master cursed. To think that a Gu worm at his mercy got away just like that!The Gu Yue clan Gu Masters were even more furious. These Gu worms were originally their battle rewards, but now that the Bai clan interfered, they could not gain anything."Bai clan scoundrels, shameless dogs, go to hell!""Gu Yue clan, you guys are finished. Our Bai clan will definitely rise up and stomp you all to the grounds!"Both sides were furious, full of hatred and madness. They had battled till their eyes turned red, and only fighting remained in their minds.Fang Yuan saw the Gu worm fly away, thus he had no choice but to look at the other two groups. There was still a Gu worm at each of their encirclement. There might be a healing Gu worm, but it was unlikely.Fang Yuan knew that this world did not have things like 'a wish coming true', but even so he wanted to try.Just when he was about to rush up and attack, he heard a wolf's howl like a military horn, spreading out in rhythm, rising and falling in succession.Soon after, tons of lightning wolves rushed down like tide water.There was no lack to the sound of bold lightning wolves and frenzy lightning wolves, but the one that made everyone's expression change was the mountain-like giant wolf.Thunder crown wolf!"There's a fourth thunder crown wolf?!" The clan elders shouted as they could not keep their calm anymore.

Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 168. Lightning lycan | Reverend Insanity

Wolf packs were on the move, rushing in like the tide.The situation turned for the worst, and the two clan leaders and their elders' expressions changed.Although both clans managed to resist the wolf tide, it was through a dangerous battle and were pyrrhic victories. Now that there is a new strong wolf tide, they had no way left to resist it.At once, both clans subconsciously stopped battling."The reports said there were three thunder crown wolves right?" A clan elder screamed in panic."No, this thunder crown wolf has lots of injuries, and the size of the wolf pack isn't very large either," Gu Yue Bo forced himself to remain calm and analysed."Don't tell me, this is the thunder crown wolf that attacked the Xiong village?" A clan elder slapped his forehead as he shouted.This was very possible, and most likely the truth.The clan elders were feeling solemn as one said, "The fact that they appeared here, doesn't that mean the Xiong clan already…""That goddamn Xiong village, how can they be so useless? Not even able to resist a wave of wolf tide!" someone scolded.But some were optimistic, "You see, this thunder crown wolf's forelegs are injured, the muscles have all shrivelled!"They followed the voice and observed, regaining some lost morale.It was true.This thunder crown wolf's hind legs were developed, but its forelegs were smaller, with shrunken muscles. This caused it to only use the back legs when running, jumping forward like a kangaroo."Wait, this doesn't seem like a thunder crown wolf…" Bai clan leader suddenly thought of something, shivering."Lightning lycan!" Fang Yuan had an answer already.Five tigers one lamassu, three hounds one molossus, ten wolves one lycan.The lycan was also a type of wolf, but it was far smarter than a wolf by many times, and was usually the strategist of a wolf pack. The lightning lycan before them seemed like a thunder crown wolf in appearance, thus a recon Gu Master's confusion is very common. But it was a true blue myriad beast king, and had intelligence no less than men!This lightning lycan, although inferior to an ordinary thunder crown wolf in terms of physical strength, had human intelligence and was far more dangerous than a thunder crown wolf. With a huge army of lightning wolves to command, it was no wonder that the Xiong clan was exterminated by them."Go!" Fang Yuan spread his wings and flew into the sky.These elders here had undergone long battles, and their battle strength was greatly eroded. They could not deal with the wolf packs, and more crucially, their misgivings towards each other made it hard for the two sides to work together.Fang Yuan turned around and left; the myriad beast king was no joke. Even though there was still two wild Gu worms flying around, he couldn't care less.He had to leave immediately, for any later and he might not have the chance!Knowing one's limits and being able to let go and give up, this is the number one criteria to roam the world."Retreat, the wolf tide is huge, we cannot do anything to it.""Get back to the village and plan our defenses!"Even though the clan elders have not realized the lightning lycan's identity, they all had retreating thoughts.But at this time, the lightning lycan growled, opening its huge mouth.Its wolf fangs were sharp as a dagger, and in between, a black lump appeared out of nowhere, forming into a black ball in an instant.Pew!The black ball shot out, drawing a curved black trajectory in the air and smashing on the ground."It missed?""This thunder crown wolf is finished, its aiming sucks!"The clan elders shouted about, but Fang Yuan flew even faster.Bam!The black ball of mist exploded and under that intense impact, the black mist spread all over the place.The speed was faster than the eye could see. In a short moment, it covered over a hundred li (one li = 500m) of radius."This is the Rank four Wolf Smoke Gu!" Fang Yuan's heart sank; he had made the most logical response at the first moment. But the black wolf smoke spread too fast, completely enveloping him.At once, he felt like he was standing in the middle of the night sky, seeing nothing but darkness. Everywhere was thick smoke, making breathing difficult, and was extremely uncomfortable.But thankfully he had the Thunderwings Gu, so as long as he flew up, he could get out of the wolf smoke's range.Crack!In the next moment, a lightning bolt struck, splitting the thick black smoke apart like a thunder snake or a raging dragon, travelling over a hundred li and assaulting Fang Yuan head on.The lightning lycan attacked.The lightning was so fast a person could barely react to it.But at this crucial moment, Fang Yuan's battle instinct surpassed the speed of his thoughts, reacting in advance.Thunder Shield Gu!Sky Canopy Gu!A round lightning shield appeared in front of Fang Yuan, and on his body a white armor appeared as well.The raging lightning shone at an eye-piercing brightness like a heavenly dragon roaring, ramming onto the lightning shield.The shield lasted less than a second before it broke under the intense force of the lightning.The lightning landed on Fang Yuan. At that moment, even though he already shut his eyes, he still felt the light piercing through his pupils.A intense force assaulted him, causing him to fall.He was about to faint as the electric currents moved, paralyzing his muscles, almost causing him to forget to breathe!Plop, he landed on the ground.He finally only managed to regain consciousness after intense pain surged through him like waves.He endured the intense pain and numbness, and tried to get up.The Thunder Shield Gu was already dead, while the Thunderwings Gu was hit and barely held onto life; it was impossible to use anymore. The Sky Canopy Gu was injured heavily too, looking rather dispirited. After all, it was hit by such a strong electric current.The lightning lycan's attack emitted a Rank four Gu worm's full power.The more a Gu worm advances, the bigger the difference between realms.For the attack of a Rank four Gu worm, at least two Rank three Gu would be needed to defend against it. However, the Lightning Shield Gu died because the previous battle had already caused it to sustain much injuries."To think that this lightning lycan thought so highly of me…" Fang Yuan laughed bitterly, observing the surroundings.His surroundings were dark, full of thick smoke; Fang Yuan was unable to tell directions."Be careful, that thunder crown wolf became smaller, it is now as small as a normal lightning wolf and is hiding among the pack," A clan elder shouted at this time from the smoke.Fang Yuan heard it and his iris shrunk.This lightning lycan was too crafty, and very sinister. It probably wanted to eliminate all these Gu Masters, and when it attacked Fang Yuan, it showed that it did not want to let a single one of them off.The surroundings quickly shone with countless wolf eyes.The sounds of their growls and the sound of the wind from wolf packs running about were all heard by Fang Yuan.Under such a dark environment, the Gu Masters' vision is greatly obstructed. But the wolf packs were unaffected, because they had given up on smell and gained excellent vision."I have to get out of here quickly. Who knows if I will encounter that lightning lycan? Even if I do not meet it now, just being surrounded by the wolf packs when I only have 40% primeval essence, it is insufficient to sustain my expenditure!"Fang Yuan quickly considered in his heart, then he activated the Earth Communication Ear Grass.Over ten roots grew out from his ear and extended outside.Many voices were heard. There were wolf cries, battle noises, clan elders' frantic growling and lightning wolves' sad cries when dying.Too confusing!The Earth Communication Ear Grass' range was huge, but it could not discern small details.Fang Yuan frowned, only listening to a direction with less noises.But quickly he encountered a pack of over one hundred wolves.Lightning wolves ran from the black smoke, each ferocious as ever.Fang Yuan summoned the Chainsaw Golden Centipede and activated the Sky Canopy Gu.The razors rotated violently and the centipede was like a large sword, cutting through the black smoke and landing on the wolf's bodies, causing a rain of blood and bones.Fang Yuan attacked like a boat trying to row uphill, eliminating his obstacles.Numerous lightning wolves died under the Chainsaw Golden Centipede. But then the second, third… they continued to assault him."This lightning lycan is too sinister and diabolic, actually making the lightning wolves surround us from the back." Fang Yuan had been moving in one direction, and after rushing for a while, he realized the truth at once after he kept encountering lightning wolves.He battled as he retreated. After a while, he was bathed in blood.The pressure was too large, the surroundings were covered in darkness; he was unable to see anything. Wolf packs rushed in from all directions, and it was difficult for him to deal with it alone."Gu Yue Bo, what do you say?" At this time, the Bai clan leader said from within the dark smoke."Alright, let's work together and get out of this first!" Gu Yue Bo shouted, quickly replying.This was the forced circumstance of the situation — only through cooperation can they have a chance of survival.Otherwise, by fighting alone, they would soon expend all their primeval essence on the lightning wolves and be turned into food. That would surely be a bad ending.Howl!"Fuck!"In the next moment, with a wolf's cry, an intense explosion was heard and the two clan leaders shouted, no longer able to organise the clan elders.Evidently, the lightning lycan came out and did a sneak attack.It had a man's intelligence after all. Once it attacked, it was able to interfere with the two clan leader's plan, and ruined the flow of the clan elders' resistance.Without the two clan leaders to suppress the scene, how can the clan elders work sincerely together?This was a huge question."I'm unable to go on. My primeval essence expenditure is too high, I need to borrow strength from others!" After killing for a while, Fang Yuan felt exhaustion.He had the strength of two boars, but now he felt extremely sore all over.His primeval essence was no longer enough. He had injuries all over him, but he was forced to stop using the Sky Canopy Gu.The Chainsaw Golden Centipede's body was dim, its razors already in bad shape. In a short period of time, it had killed up to a thousand wolves, and within that number, there were bold lightning wolves as well.A few of them were harder than steel, because they had a defensive Gu.The Chainsaw Golden Centipede was not invulnerable, and without razors, its attack strength would be greatly reduced, quickly becoming useless.Fang Yuan did not prolong any battles; he quickly moved as he fought.He relied on the Earth Communication Ear Grass to analyze the situation. Once he heard a frenzy lightning wolf's footsteps, he would change directions and try to avoid them.The frenzy lightning wolf was a thousand beast king, he could not fight it alone. Once he was pulled into battle, he would fall into encirclement, and that would be a dead end."I'm not satisfied!" From the thick smoke, a clan elder cried as his voice came to an end.From the black smoke, the wolf packs attacked, and many clan elders died by the wolf's mouths, growling in helplessness and indignance."I can't hold on much longer either!" Fang Yuan felt the aura of death, but he was still calm; the more dangerous it is, the calmer his mind.His heart did not waver at all. In his previous life, he had been in worse situations.The situation right now was still not that bad. With the two clan leaders fighting the lightning lycan, Fang Yuan still had a chance."Oh? Fighting sounds ahead." Fang Yuan heard the noise and changed his direction. He was at his limits, so no matter if it was the Gu Yue clan or the Bai clan Gu Masters, they were useful to him either way."Kill! Kill! Kill!" Far away, he heard this Gu Master screaming, battling relentlessly.Fang Yuan sprinted over, and suddenly came to a stop.Bai Ning Bing!Notes: 狡电狈 – Lightning Lycan, well to be honest it directly translates to 'Cunning electric 狈'. Since there's no english word for 狈, Lycan is used. 狈 is actually a legendary wolf in China that may or may not exist; it's said to have two very short paws in front so it rides on a normal wolf's back instead. (Or something like that…)彪 – Legendary/mythical tiger that does not have an equivalent English word. So I just subbed it with lamassu.

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Chapter 169. Finding a path | Reverend Insanity

Bai Ning Bing's body was laden with injuries. He was breathing raggedly and looked like a mess.When Fang Yuan got there, both were stunned.Fate was indeed, a mysterious thing. Just not long ago, they were still mortal enemies, wanting to kill each other. But in this moment, they had to work together for the chance to survive.Working together with Bai Ning Bing?Fang Yuan's eyes shone like the abyss, evaluating, "Although Bai Ning Bing is batshit crazy, along with the fact that he also recognised his own fate, that does not mean he gave up on living."A will to live was a person's natural instinct, the most basic requirement of all.The truth is, because of Bai Ning Bing's intense will to live and because he was facing an unavoidable path of destruction, he developed such a personality.In this world, there are no eternal enemies. Working together with Bai Ning Bing was the best solution. But how can he ask it in a way that can convince him?"Hehehe, Fang Yuan, to think it's actually you!" Bai Ning Bing spoke first, laughing loudly, his tone becoming aggressive, "Then die together with me. With you dying alongside me, it shall be an interesting end to my life.""Interesting?" Fang Yuan had a thought. Smiling lightly, he approached Bai Ning Bing.The surrounding lightning wolves attacked, but Fang Yuan shrugged his hand, the chainsaw centipede swinging and killing three lightning wolves on the spot, sending them flying.Up till now, the Chainsaw Golden Centipede's two rows of razors were already greatly damaged. Its cutting strength was greatly diminished. It could only be used as a blunt object."Under the pressure of these wolves, let's have an intense life and death battle, isn't that more fun?" Fang Yuan got closer to Bai Ning Bing, his mouth curling into a cruel smile.Bai Ning Bing's eyelids trembled, he did not expect Fang Yuan to be a greater maniac than him.But this was in tandem with his wish. If Fang Yuan's attitude had gone softer, and in order to survive Fang Yuan wanted to work together and escape, he would instead look down on Fang Yuan, even feeling humiliated and wanting to kill Fang Yuan himself.In this world, some people are like this. If you be kind to them, they will feel that you are easy to bully, and look down on you. By having a strong attitude towards them, you can gain respect instead."You really want to die? Then I'll grant your wish!" Bai Ning Bing squinted his eyes, emitting a dangerous aura.Fang Yuan laughed heartily, his steps slow as he spoke in a old and experienced tone, "Humans only live for a hundred years, it is as unreal as a dream that ends in an instant. What is the point of a person living in this world? No more than just being on a journey, and witnessing interesting things. Although I do not want to die, I do not fear death. I am already on my right path, I have no regrets even if I die."This was Fang Yuan's true feelings.Since the start of time itself, who could live forever?Even if it was a Rank nine Gu Master. Or even Ren Zu himself who could only live longer, but not forever. They eventually face destruction.So be it if one dies, what's the big deal? Even if in the next moment, Fang Yuan dies in this wolf tide, he would have no regrets.Because he had already worked hard for his goals. He had given it his all, and lived all according to his will!Being able to look beyond life and death. Only then can one live unrestrained, only then can life have true freedom.Bai Ning Bing heard this, and his entire body shuddered.He kept saying he was not afraid to die, but he was still never free and at ease. Because he could not see beyond death, and was unable to let go of this life.When a person fears, he becomes a slave.Bai Ning Bing himself was just a slave to life and death.However, this was not his fault, since he was still way too young. Many things needed to be experienced by themselves; only then can one gain enlightenment.But now, Fang Yuan's words gave him a new path, to go beyond the truth that he is struggling with."Witnessing interesting things… already on your path… no regrets even if you die?" Bai Ning Bing muttered, then suddenly asked, "Path, what's a path?"Fang Yuan laughed coldly, getting closer, "Everyone has their own paths, I don't have to tell you mine, and how would I know yours?"In this world, many people do not have a path through their entire lifetime, while some walked on their path constantly struggling, trying to find the sanctuary within the darkness.Bai Ning Bing's blue eyes suddenly shone with a blinding light."Path… that's right, I must find my path!"In this moment, the excitement in his heart was impossible to be understood by others.He was like a man, bitterly searching for a girl but to no avail, yet one day he finds the correct method. Or like a treasure hunter, blocked at the last puzzle for a long time, but one day he finds the method to solve the puzzle. Or like a difficult question, thinking for years without an answer, but suddenly finding the method to solve it.Bai Ning Bing had no path and couldn't find the meaning of his life, thus he felt lost.Fang Yuan cannot solve his feeling of being lost, but from the sidelines he can give him hope. Giving him a consolation to face death — as long as you are on your path, even if you die there are no regrets. Thus, death is no longer so scary."I feel that I am about to find my own path!" Bai Ning Bing clenched his fists, his expression becoming extremely excited.He looked towards Fang Yuan, saying meaningfully, "I finally understand our difference. You are on your own path, but I am still trying to find mine.""Hehehe!" He suddenly laughed, his expression turning crazy, "Fang Yuan, if you want to fight, I'm all for it. But not now! Let's work together. I have the Lightning Eye Gu, but my vision is obstructed, only able to see thirty steps ahead. Once we escape from here, let's have a battle another day. Being able to work together with my mortal enemy, don't you find that more interesting, more fun?""Oh, how can I believe you?""I'm not asking for you to believe me. You can choose to trust me, or not. You can entrust your back to me, or you can strike at any time, and sneak an attack on me. Hehe, it all depends on your mood!" Bai Ning Bing shrugged as he smiled, showing an inborn nonchalance.The thick smoke was all over, and their surroundings were lit with wolf cries.Fang Yuan's eyes narrowed as he considered Bai Ning Bing's suggestion.Convincing a person is very difficult, yet very simple. The important thing is accurately understanding their thoughts."Alright." Fang Yuan stretched out his hand and caressed the Chainsaw Golden Centipede's armor, raising his head, "But be on guard for my sneak attack anytime!""Hehehe." Bai Ning Bing's mouth curled, smiling very deviously. A wave of air blew as the black smoke dispersed, and the broken arm's sleeve swayed in the wind.In the thick smoke, to decide the direction, it was difficult. The more narrow their vision, the more easy it is to get lost.Bai Ning Bing had the Lightning Eye Gu and could see up to fifty steps ahead. But now, it was restricted by the thick smoke, so he could see less than thirty steps ahead. However, this was already much better than Fang Yuan's normal vision.While Bai Ning Bing had the Lightning Eye Gu, he could not see the entire topography, and had no clear understanding of the situation.He could only see what was ahead of him, and at times he even ran into a wolf pack and got surrounded by them.Fang Yuan on the other hand, had the Earth Communication Ear Grass.The smoke reduced vision, but could not block sound from being transmitted.The surroundings were noisy, and the Earth Communication Ear Grass could hear up to two hundred steps away, but Fang Yuan could only move according to the noise. His vision was too narrow, only able to see a tree or a rock right in front of him. Without anything to compare to, he could not discern his direction.Cooperation!Bai Ning Bing's Lightning Eye Gu, together with Fang Yuan's Earth Communication Ear Grass.The two Gu together, complementing each other, caused the situation to be easier."This is the southern side. Going this direction, we'll get to the Gu Yue village." Bai Ning Bing's eyes glowed with lightning as he said."No, there's too many wolf packs there, we have to take a roundabout route." Fang Yuan's right ears had roots flying around."Hehe… then we'll go around the southeast direction, how about that?" Bai Ning Bing licked his lips.Fang Yuan squatted down, extending the roots into the soil and listening attentively.During that period, the lightning wolves that rushed up were all killed by Bai Ning Bing.Fang Yuan listened for a while, before standing up, "There's an opening in the southeast direction, but we have to hurry, the opening is going to be filled!""Let's charge then." Bai Ning Bing said, but did not move immediately.He still had some guard against Fang Yuan. He did not dare to attack ahead and reveal his back to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan laughed coldly; he was also full of qualms towards Bai Ning Bing.Eventually, the two killed their way through shoulder to shoulder, with a distance of five steps between them.The lightning wolves howled, attempting to kill them.But relying on the Lightning Eye Gu and Earth Communication Ear Grass, Fang Yuan and Bai Ning Bing could avoid strong enemies and continue to roam, finding an opportunity to break through.The advantage of having information was unveiled here.Bai Ning Bing and Fang Yuan, if alone, they would be trapped by numerous wolves. But now that they worked together, they could control the initiative and started to have an easy time.After charging for a while, the path ahead of them was suddenly clear, and the bright sunlight caused both of them to squint."We're out!" Bai Ning Bing laughed loudly.Fang Yuan looked back, only to see a thick black veil behind him, as if a black pot had covered the entire mountain.The intense smoke continue to emit sounds of explosions and screams. Evidently the two clan leaders were still fighting the lightning lycan."To think that working with you is actually quite pleasant." Bai Ning Bing turned his body, smiling lightly."I feel the same way too," Fang Yuan also smiled lightly.But in the very next moment, both of their eyes shone sharply.Iceblade Gu!Chainsaw Golden Centipede!The long iceblade cut through the air with a cold light.The thick golden centipede attacked head on and carried the howling of the wind.Bam.Both sides collided. The iceblade cut a wound on the golden centipede's body, but broke right after.Fang Yuan and Bai Ning Bing both took a step back, both of their eyes emitting intense killing intent.Their temporary cooperation could not change their enemy status.Fang Yuan's black hair danced in the wind, while Bai Ning Bing's white shirt swayed; both had too much in common. Precisely why they became natural enemies.Black iris against blue orbs, almost creating sparks in the air.Both of their killing intent slowly dispersed."Hmph, this is but a dying man. Even without me interfering, heaven will take his life. What's most important now isn't Bai Ning Bing but the Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus! Once the lightning lycan attacks Gu Yue village, its most likely game over. I have to strike before that, while I have the chance…" Fang Yuan analyzed, his eyes narrowing.Bai Ning Bing's eyes became even brighter, muttering, "Path… no regrets… that's right, even Ren Zu has to die. Humans live and die. So as long as I can live an interesting life, what harm is there even if I die?"Thinking so, his eyes glowed with an intense brilliance."Hahaha. I've finally found my path, and that is to witness this world's brilliance! Fang Yuan, we will battle another day. I hope that by then, your death can bring some light into my life!"Saying so, he leapt backwards continuously. After pulling apart some distance, he turned around, leaving.Although he was in a mess, his body full of injuries and his face covered in soot, with only one arm left, but his back was straight like a sword; he was no longer lost.He had found his path.In other words, he had truly become himself!

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next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 170. Can the blood of Incorruptible Justice be cold? | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan watched Bai Ning Bing's figure walk until he was far away."Witness this world's brilliance…." His two black pupils flashed with an imposing light. The Bai Ning Bing who was no longer bewildered was more dangerous than before.Life and death no longer bothered him, and the closer he was to death, the more he would display the incomparable grace of the Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique."However, wanting to fight me later, heh." Fang Yuan suddenly chuckled, "You are bound to be disappointed…"The instant he came out of that thick smoke, Fang Yuan had decided to leave Qing Mao Mountain.It would be interesting to fight with Bai Ning Bing, but it was of no benefits to him.Bai Ning Bing had set the definition of brilliance on Fang Yuan, and that was because he was young and his view of the world was limited to Qing Mao Mountain.Fang Yuan, however, was different.In his grand plan since his rebirth, Qing Mao Mountain was only a starting point.As long as the heart possessed great ambitions, one was bound to be broad minded, not being constrained by small details with others."It's time to leave, the lightning lycan is more cunning and more difficult to handle than the thunder crown wolf. Just with Bai clan or Gu Yue clan's current strength, it will be difficult to withstand its attacks. Unless a Rank five expert appears and turns the tide, or maybe if the two clans ally."Bai Clan and Gu Yue Clan had deep grudges against each other; they would ally if the situation came to that point, but the alliance wouldn't be sincere.Fang Yuan wasn't optimistic about this prospect."Qing Mao Mountain's state will be determined by this battle. If the two clan leaders are both killed by the lightning lycan, Qing Mao Mountain will become the lightning wolves' territory. If one clan leader survives, then with the alliance, the other clan will only become cannon fodder. If the lightning lycan is killed, the two clans will definitely have to rehabilitate due to the severe casualties. The clan will tidy up its internal affairs and I will be investigated."Fang Yuan could clearly see the changes that could occur through this.This is the world of Gu, and in here an individual's strength can rule over the group. Thus, the higher the cultivation of a Gu Master, the more power he has to turn the tide.No matter the Bai Clan or Gu Yue Clan or the lightning wolf packs, as long as another Rank four expert appears among any of them, the outcome would be a foregone conclusion.However, no matter the situation, they were all disadvantageous to Fang Yuan."It is time to leave. Although I still lack the ideal healing Gu, how can one have everything he wishes for? After returning to the village, I will take the Heavenly Essence Lotus and then take out a healing Gu from the clan storage before leaving immediately!"Fang Yuan gave one last look behind him; the sound of intense explosions were still coming from the black smoke.He turned around and left, rushing towards the Gu Yue village.With his status as an elder, he could forcefully open the clan storage and take out primeval stones as well as Gu worms.There was unrest all around, people were frightened; it was the best time to take advantage of the situation.If this chance was let go, no matter what the battle outcome is, the general situation would be set, making it difficult to take advantage.Thunderwings Gu couldn't be used for the moment, so Fang Yuan could only run quickly through the forest.The wolf tide had ravaged everything in its path, making the once dangerous pathways peaceful and safe.Soon, Fang Yuan was able to see the Gu Yue village in the horizon."Hmm? Who are you!" Fang Yuan swiftly stopped; two strangers had appeared in front of him.These two were both wearing Gu Master's clothings. One was an elderly man. He was tall and his back was ramrod straight, giving a sense of being as steady as a mountain and as profound as a deep pool. The most eye-catching part was the copper mask that he was wearing on his face.The mask was of a plain design and gave an antique feeling. There were three openings on it, revealing the wearer's eyes and mouth.His eyes showed the vicissitudes of life and revealed a grand and righteous aura. His lips were pursed up, the contour in between as sharp as a blade, hinting at this man's firm willpower.The mask didn't cover his ears, exposing his greying temple hairs and revealing that this man should be of an older age.The one next to the man was a youth with eyebrows that were as upright as a sword, and eyes that were bright and shining, periodically sending out sharp glances that looked like an eagle or a tiger's.Looking at this appearance, the youth's age should be similar to Fang Yuan. However, this person's belt had a silver plate on it, carved with the character 'three'.So young and already a Rank three Gu Master, this showed amazing talent in cultivation!This was a young genius!However, Fang Yuan's gaze only paused a moment on this youth, before turning towards the senior.This youth had a slight dark complexion with similarly pursing lips, the entire body releasing a sharp and professional aura, definitely not someone to be underestimated.But the slightly bulging chest area along with the structure of the limbs and throat allowed Fang Yuan to instantly see through her identity as a girl.Fang Yuan would never look down on women, but compared to this heroic girl, the identity of the middle-aged man beside her would shock anyone."Tie Xue Leng….." Fang Yuan's mind jolted, he inwardly recalled the identity of this middle-aged man.The man was wearing a copper mask, and the square amethyst plate on his belt was carved with the character —'five'.He was the Rank five Gu Master, enforcer of the law, a great detective, the number one investigator of the Southern Border: Divine Investigator Tie Xue Leng!He was impartial and merciless in upholding justice. Many demonic path cultivators had been arrested by him and many vile characters beheaded. He was the model example of the righteous path, and had made a very high reputation for himself by solving countless cases as he travelled throughout the Southern Border."Little brother, please wait." Tie Xue Leng cupped his hands to Fang Yuan.He had already made a name for himself for a long time and was also a Rank five Gu Master, but his attitude was polite and amiable."Seeing little brother's state of injuries and hurried appearance, did your esteemed clan leader and elders encounter trouble?" He asked.Fang Yuan automatically changed his expression to that of anxiety and astonishment, while mixed within them were doubts and fear. "Who are you guys? How do you know this? Right, we were chasing after a thunder crown wolf but we ran into trouble by encountering a lightning lycan. I am hurrying back to request reinforcements.""I am Tie Xue Leng, I am an ally, not your enemy. I just came from Gu Yue village. Little brother, you don't need to return for reinforcements, the beast tide concerns all humans and we need to join hands to face it. This Tie shall contribute all he can." Tie Xue Leng immediately took this task upon himself...."Damn it, to think that I, Gu Yue Bo, will die here today!""Hmph, even if we die, we can't let this lightning lycan get off so easily."Gu Yue clan leader and Bai clan leader were full of injuries and had almost exhausted their primeval essence. Right now, they could sense the grim aura of death.The thick smoke had already dispersed. All the elders had died, and only these two clan leaders were left.The lightning lycan also didn't fare well. Its body had some deep wounds from which one could see its bones. It barred its teeth and retreated to the back of the lightning wolf packs, its eyes flashing with a sly look as it retreated from fighting in the frontlines."Come, you coward!" The Bai clan leader furiously roared.However, the lightning lycan kept on retreating backwards and then let out a howl, commanding the ordinary lightning wolves to charge towards these two Rank four Gu Masters."Cunning bastard…" Gu Yue Bo and Bai clan leader looked at each other, and sighed.They had prepared to make a strong counterattack before dying, but the lightning lycan had a wisdom that didn't lose out to humans and wasn't fooled."My life is over….""Damn this, we are going to die in these ordinary lightning wolves' mouths!"Just when these two clan leaders were becoming extremely distraught, a voice suddenly arrived from a distance, "Two leaders, hang in there for a moment!"The voice echoed through the mountain forests. The two clan leaders' bodies jolted and they immediately turned to look, noticing a tall figure rushing towards them.The figure repeatedly flashed, freely moving through the wolf packs. After a few moments, the figure stood beside the two clan leaders."You are?" The two clan leaders asked at the same time."My name is Tie Xue Leng."Gasp…The Bai clan leader drew in a long breath in shock. He was surprised, joyous and also puzzled; why was Tie Xue Leng here?Gu Yue Bo, on the other hand, was aware of the reason as he joyfully said, "So it is Divine Investigator Tie!"Just as he said this, the wolf packs charged in."A bunch of foul creatures!" Tie Xue Leng's tongue seemed to burst with thunder, and with a low shout he willed a Gu in his aperture.BOOM!A formless aura suddenly erupted, radiating and engulfing everything.This aura was like a mountain, indomitable and unshakeable. It was like the heaven itself as it overlooked the world and saw through everything.Righteous Gu!Only a Gu Master who had a righteous heart could use it.The righteous aura could weaken vile creatures; within its range, the lower the willpower of his enemies, the more the weakening effect.Tie Xue Leng had once used this Gu to make a Rank four Gu Master lose his fighting strength and surrender completely. This was the supreme art of subduing enemy without fighting.Howl howl…The lightning wolves' momentum stopped. Their limbs were trembling under the pressure of this aura, and they didn't dare to move forward.Houuu!The lightning lycan gave out a battle cry from the back, trying to command these lightning wolf packs."Such nerve!" Tie Xue Leng glared and suddenly stretched out his right hand, making a grabbing motion towards the lightning lycan.Rumble….Ripples spread in the sky, and an enormous black iron hand tore the sky apart and grabbed towards the lightning lycan.Rank five Ironfist Grappling Gu!The lightning lycan was cunning, but it lacked bravery. In addition to that, its body was riddled with wounds so it didn't dare to resist this move head-on, and instead quickly dodged.However, this black iron hand had firmly locked onto the lightning lycan, and it kept on chasing.The lightning lycan wasn't able to escape from it. Its vicious personality was stimulated; it gave a loud roar and fiercely collided against the black iron hand.The enormous hand shattered but the lightning lycan received serious injuries. Almost all its bones were on the verge of shattering.It let out miserable whimpers but didn't dare to fight Tie Xue Leng again. Finally, it resentfully looked at Tie Xue Leng and the two clan leaders, before it tucked its tails and ran away."It is about to escape!""Quick, stop it!!"The two clan leaders shouted, but Tie Xue Leng stood on the spot and didn't move."Divine Investigator, please finish it," Gu Yue Bo cupped his hands and implored.Tie Xue Leng slightly shook his head.At this time, Fang Yuan and the young girl finally arrived. They had seen how the lightning lycan had been forced away by the iron hand."Dad! Why did you do that? You are injured!" The young girl quickly approached Tie Xue Leng and stamped her feet in anger; her reproaching tone was full of concern."Ruo Nan, this lightning lycan is very cunning. Chasing it away by force is the best way to deal with it." Tie Xue Leng spoke, when suddenly his body slightly trembled.Puff! He spurted out blood from his mouth.There was a strange, gloomy greenish color in his blood, and as the blood fell on the ground, it immediately corroded a patch of green grass, letting out an unpleasant smoke.Clearly, he had suffered serious injuries."Dad, are you okay?!" The young girl, Tie Ruo Nan quickly lifted her hands and tried healing Tie Xue Leng."No need to make a fuss about it, you know of my injuries, I will feel a lot better after letting out some blood," Tie Xue Leng laughed and waved his hands, refusing the treatment.Seeing this scene, the two clan leaders who had been feeling resentment just before, immediately felt embarrassed."Divine Investigator is selfless, you helped us even though you are suffering from serious injuries. We will deeply remember this favor.""I have heard of Tie Xue Leng's great name, and today I can see that it is fully justified and worthy of admiration! We thank Divine Investigator for saving us!"The two clan leaders cupped their hands one after another and expressed their thanks."Lord Divine Investigator, please honor my Bai village with your presence. This gratitude of saving my life, I will do my best to repay!" The Bai clan leader said.How could Gu Yue Bo just watch as the Bai village tried to bring Tie Xue Leng away.He knew why Tie Xue Leng was here, and gave a proud smile, "I know that Lord Divine Investigator is here due to Jia Fu's request and has come to investigate that murder case. Our Gu Yue clan will do our best to cooperate!"Bai clan leader's expression changed when he heard this.Tie Xue Leng said, "It is so. However, the one in charge of this investigation won't be me, but my daughter Tie Ruo Nan.""Eh?" Immediately, everyone present turned to look at the young girl.

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