
Chapter: 1596-1600:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1596. Time Cutting Edge | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan was not a novice at exploring dream realms, he had a lot of experiences.Fang Yuan had already understood Meng Bi's dream realm at this point."I need to use the time path Gu worms in the aperture to create a time path killer move and heal Meng Bi's injuries."Meng Bi was injured from overly using water text Gu, this time path killer move must target the root cause.Even though Fang Yuan had ordinary attainment level in time path, he had Spectral Soul's true inheritance, Lang Ya's true inheritance, and Hei Fan's true inheritance. Especially the final one, it was a huge help for this problem.This dream realm was testing the explorer's knowledge and ability to formulate killer moves.Of course, it was not so simple.Fang Yuan analyzed them, he found that the time path mortal Gu in this aperture were unique to this dream realm, they did not exist in real life.Fang Yuan was not surprised, this was a dream realm after all, it was different from the real world.Others, including time path great experts, would have to test their luck now. But Fang Yuan's luck was very good.However, he had a better option.Immortal killer move — Unravel Dream.This move was useless when he explored Thieving Heaven's dream realm, but now, because this dream realm was much smaller, it had an extraordinary effect.The necessary Gu worms started to float in the aperture, giving Fang Yuan the answer directly.Fang Yuan already had a blueprint in his mind, using these Gu worms, he started to test them.After failing twice, he succeeded in the killer move, Meng Bi was saved. And with this, the dream realm was over.His soul returned to sovereign immortal body as Fang Yuan opened his eyes.He joyfully discovered that his time path attainment level had risen from ordinary to master level.But his joy did not last long, his expression suddenly changed.At the same time, immortal killer move emperor yama that was shielding his soul started to expand rapidly from its original state."Someone is deducing my location, they are quite proficient!" Fang Yuan smiled coldly.If this was before the defensive battle of Lang Ya blessed land, he would be worried. But he had emperor yama now, his defense against deductions made even Heavenly Court's Fairy Zi Wei without options for now.As expected, after deducing for a while, the other party was unable to break emperor yama, they paid a huge price for nothing.Fang Yuan's emperor yama killer move shrunk back into a simple garment on his soul again.Fang Yuan's gaze flickered with cold light, he looked around as emperor yama's aura burst out in the surroundings, to play safe, he decided to leave this place immediately.Using Fixed Immortal Travel again, it was simply too convenient to move around with this Gu.In a flash, Fang Yuan went from one side of Southern Border to the other side, who knew how far the distance was.Fang Yuan flew for a while before lurking in a grey valley that was filled with mist."My soul foundation is only at thirty million man soul now." Fang Yuan calculated as he sighed.Using emperor yama would place a burden on Fang Yuan's soul, his soul foundation would be depleted. Earlier, against that mysterious expert, emperor yama expended a million of Fang Yuan's soul foundation, the deducer was truly powerful.Long ago, Fang Yuan's soul foundation far exceeded thirty million, but in the battle of Lang Ya, he expended it greatly.And also, exploring dream realms consumed soul foundation and also caused great harm to the soul.If this was before, Fang Yuan could use his resources to raise his soul foundation again. But now, Dang Hun Mountain was still being repaired, it could not be used.Without Dang Hun Mountain to produce guts Gu, with just Fang Yuan's guts Gu in stock, they could not last long."To repair Dang Hun Mountain, I have been using landscape as before Immortal Gu. Event hough Dang Hun Mountain has the effect of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's orderly well killer move, it is just a rank six Immortal Gu, this task has been draining my immortal essence."Fang Yuan's immortal essence storage was drying up.His abundant storage had already been depleted by the intense battles earlier.Heavenly Court's attacks on Fang Yuan did not kill him but they were not in vain, his foundation was deeply hit by this!The lack of immortal essence was also why Fang Yuan wanted to work with Chi Qu You instead of fighting.Actually, Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture had an incredible amount of time path resources1, the rate of time was rapid, his immortal essence was produced at the fastest rate in the world compared to all other rank seven Gu Immortals.But his expenditure was even greater, just him alone could not make up for the deficit. The dragonfish business was sustaining him for now.The dragonfish business was raking in huge profits, Fang Yuan used these immortal essence stones and constantly converted them into immortal essence, alleviating his problem."With the dragonfish business and my guts Gu storage, I can still sustain myself. When Dang Hun Mountain is repaired, everything will get better."With Fixed Immortal Travel and Omni-directional Travel, Fang Yuan was not afraid of people approaching him.The truth was, with emperor yama's protection, there was little possibility of them deducing his location quickly.Fang Yuan decided to continue exploring time path dream realms.He had left many time path dream realms in Plunder Shadow Earth Trench, after setting up a Gu formation to alert himself, he entered the dream.On a snowy mountain peak, an old man looked at Fang Yuan with his hands behind his back."Kneel down." The old man said plainly.Fang Yuan was dazed but quickly followed the old man's words.The old man's expression turned solemn and grand, he said slowly: "From now on, I will impart upon you the strongest killer move of our clan — Time Cutting Edge! Once this is shot out, it will not miss, anyone hit by it will die. There is only hope in taking revenge on our clan's mortal enemy after you learn this move.""Yes." Fang Yuan heard his words and had a feeling he was going to have huge gains in this dream realm exploration!As expected, the old man taught him the entire killer move, time cutting edge.This move was very complex, much more than Fang Yuan's own creation, myriad self. And the harder thing was, this move had a very short completion time, hundreds of steps needed to be completed in three breaths of time. Otherwise, Fang Yuan would face the backlash of this killer move."Three breaths? How can that be possible?" Even Fang Yuan felt that it was impossible.However, the old man's explanation had not ended. Fang Yuan listened closely, the solution was for Fang Yuan to use another time path killer move to shorten time cutting edge's activation time to three breaths, that would allow him to use it.If other paths uses time path methods to accelerate their killer moves, they would be adding fuel to the fire, the effect would backfire and the move would fail, resulting in a backlash.But time cutting edge was a time path killer move to begin with, when using other time path killer moves, there would be no conflict, instead they complemented each other.Thus, rather than time cutting edge itself, Fang Yuan started to learn the supplementary killer move — Shrink Time.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1597. Time Path Grandmaster | Reverend Insanity

Time path dream realm.Fang Yuan turned into a young looking rank six Gu Immortal, his eyes were shut as his body was covered in specks of white light.As the number of white lights increased, Fang Yuan's aura became denser and more stable.Suddenly, his body shook, his aura became chaotic, it was like a tall building collapsing into the abyss.Guh.Fang Yuan opened his mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood."I failed again." He opened his eyes, bright light shining within.He had already failed to activate shrink time three times, this was a rank six killer move used to supplement time cutting edge.With three consecutive failures, Fang Yuan's soul foundation fell with each injury, his thirty million man soul had fallen to twenty-nine million six hundred thousand.This was not Thieving Heaven's dream realm after all, the soul foundation loss in Thieving Heaven's dream realm was too absurd.Fang Yuan did not feel discouraged, his gaze flickered as fighting spirit rose in him.Ignoring the rest, just shrink time itself was very valuable. It was not only useful for time cutting edge, he could supplement it for other time path killer moves.The exploration failed, Fang Yuan's soul left the dream realm, returning to heal in the sovereign immortal body.Guts Gu.Fang Yuan took out a guts Gu and used it.Earlier, he had an abundant supply, but now, he had to use them wisely.He did not have many guts Gu, Fang Yuan planned to use them for the healing of his soul. Therefore, he could only stop his soul path cultivation.The truth was, not only would Fang Yuan's soul foundation remain stagnant, as he explored more dream realms later, it would continue to fall. This was something to be expected, there was no helping it.Soul path cultivation was no longer his priority, he needed to head into the River of Time and obtain Red Lotus' true inheritance, that was the most logical plan!Fang Yuan needed to go soon.Firstly, the longer he waited, the more problems that would arise. His enemy was Heavenly Court which had a deep foundation, they might have another great expert awakening at any time. Heavenly Court also had traps set in the River of Time, the more time passed, the more traps there would be.Secondly, Fang Yuan was placing his hope on Red Lotus' true inheritance to resist Heavenly Court and preventing fate Immortal Gu from being repaired. This had the greatest chance of success now. But in the worst case scenario that Red Lotus' true inheritance could not help him, he had to make other plans. Thus, the earlier Fang Yuan obtained Red Lotus' true inheritance, the more time he had to deal with the future.As for his soul path cultivation becoming stagnant or falling, or even the lack of immortal essence, Fang Yuan did not care. Of course, he was not ignoring them, he already had the way to settle them. Once Dang Hun Mountain was repaired, everything would be in order again!Other than this method, Fang Yuan had no way of resolving these problems now.Currently, Dang Hun Mountain was about thirty to forty percent restored, but the soul path dao marks had not reached a qualitative change yet, it could not produce guts Gu.After resting his soul, Fang Yuan entered the dream realm again.This time, he finally succeeded in activating shrink time.The first three failures were not for nothing, each failure led Fang Yuan closer to success.Fang Yuan finally grasped the killer move shrink time.Of course, the shrink time obtained in the dream realm might not be usable in the real world. After all, dreams and reality were different.Fang Yuan was clear in his mind, the content of shrink time was accurate. Even if there were differences, with the light of wisdom, he could spend some time to create a version usable in real life.At this point, this stage of the dream realm has been cleared, the entire cultivation area faded from Fang Yuan's view.His time path attainment started to rise rapidly before stopping."I am still a time path master. But… compared to before, it has risen a bit, I am approaching grandmaster."In the second stage of the dream realm, Fang Yuan started to practise time cutting edge.This move was even more difficult and complex than myriad self back then.Fang Yuan focused his mind and practised, he soon felt his head spinning, thoughts were expended rapidly in his mind, it was like a dried pond.Fang Yuan was very patient, he practised the contents continuously over and over again, moving towards the path of success.While practising, he got injured again.After leaving the dream realm and going back to his body, Fang Yuan was shocked to find out that not only did his soul foundation fall from this injury, his lifespan was also shaved off to some extent!"Getting injured in this dream realm will expend lifespan!" Fang Yuan's heart jumped, this was a new discovery. But thankfully, he had a lot of lifespan Gu now, there was no issue. Of course, other Gu Immortals would think differently.Just like this, after a while, Fang Yuan got injured four times before he finally managed to use time cutting edge in the dream realm.Just once was enough, this was not reality after all, the dream realm collapsed as Fang Yuan entered the third stage.The old man appeared again: "After six years, you finally learned time cutting edge, not bad. But we will have to test it in battle first."Fang Yuan cupped his fists: "Please arrange it."The old man laughed: "Rank seven Gu Immortal Li Xin is that person's right hand man, there is chaos in the south due to ancient desolate beasts, he is there to suppress them, go kill him!"Fang Yuan frowned slightly, he only had rank six cultivation level under this identity, without deep foundations, how could he kill a rank seven?The only advantage was his killer move time cutting edge!Before Fang Yuan could think anymore, the dream changed, the surroundings were covered in flames. A person stood in the sea of fire, looking at Fang Yuan with his triangular eyes: "So you are a lingering member of Bo clan, hmph, die!"Saying so, dark red flames surged towards Fang Yuan like a huge wave.Fang Yuan quickly retreated, at the crucial moment, he activated the time path Immortal Gu in his immortal aperture.At the next moment, the flames engulfed him.Fang Yuan died in battle.The dream realm exploration failed, Fang Yuan moved his injured soul back into his body.This dream realm was quite ridiculous. The battle started immediately, Fang Yuan had no time to react."Furthermore, other than time cutting edge, I can only use the other time path Immortal Gu without formulating any killer moves."Fang Yuan was quite vexed.These time path Immortal Gu were all rank six, when used alone, how could they match the rank seven Gu Immortal Li Xin? And his dark red flame killer move was clearly rank seven!"It seems that I can only counter offense with offense and use time cutting edge against him." Fang Yuan made up his mind after a moment.If this was real life, Fang Yuan would fight cautiously. But the dream realm was a different case.After a while, Fang Yuan entered the dream realm.Dark red flames came at him, but Fang Yuan did not dodge, he used immortal killer move time cutting edge.A thin blade formed instantly.The flying blade shot out with the flash of a sharp light."Hmm! What is this killer move…" Li Xin had a shocked expression as he fell, the dark red flames surged and burned him to a crisp.Fang Yuan was deeply shocked."This move is amazing! It could easily kill a rank seven, even though this Li Xin was covered in defensive methods. Even in the dream realm it is so powerful… it seems it is not weak in real life either!"With Li Xin's death, the dream realm dissipated.The third stage of the dream was passed, Fang Yuan became a time path grandmaster!

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Chapter 1598. Forget | Reverend Insanity

The dream realm reached the fourth stage."I killed Li Xin." Fang Yuan said.The old man stood in front of Fang Yuan, nodding: "It seems that you are already proficient in time cutting edge. But you only learned the rank six version of time cutting edge. I will impart you the rank seven version now, listen carefully."Fang Yuan focused his mind and memorized it.The rank seven killer move was many times more complex than the rank six version!Fang Yuan got a headache from just listening to the steps, this was the most complex killer move he had ever heard of, there was no competition.After imparting him the killer move, the old man said to Fang Yuan before leaving: "After you succeed in learning this rank seven killer move, come find me."Fang Yuan was left alone in the dream realm."It seems that the fourth stage still wants me to practise the killer move." Fang Yuan pondered.Having understood this, he started to work, practising laboriously in the dream realm.Even though the killer move was complex and difficult to master, Fang Yuan had lots of patience.His personality had already been tempered into a piece of black steel by his previous life and the toying of fate, he was extremely firm and determined.These small setbacks would not make him dejected or feel like giving up.While Fang Yuan explored the dream realm and practised his killer move, inside the sovereign immortal aperture, Fang Yuan's time path clone was sitting in front of wisdom Gu, using the light of wisdom to make deductions.Next, he opened his eyes, muttering: "The formation's deduction has reached a certain point. Next, I will move onto time cutting edge."It was actually quite strange.This killer move, time cutting edge, had exceptional power, why was it not recorded inside Spectral Soul's true inheritance?After all, this time path dream realm came from Spectral Soul himself, normally speaking, time cutting edge should be recorded inside Spectral Soul's true inheritance.But in fact, Fang Yuan's true inheritance of Spectral Soul did not have such content."We have not deduced Fang Yuan's location yet?" Xia clan's first supreme elder said with a grim expression.In front of her, a group of Southern Border Gu Immortals fell into silence, they all had ugly expressions.Because Fang Yuan destroyed Plunder Shadow Earth Trench and took away all the dream realms earlier, Southern Border's righteous path gathered together and sent out their people, forming a group of specialized individuals to track Fang Yuan.The leader of this group was Xia clan's first supreme elder, Xia Cha.Xia Cha had white hair and wrinkles on her face, even though she was old, she had a grand disposition, her gaze swept across the crowd as she dominated everyone with her aura.The Southern Border immortals lowered their heads.Who did not want to find Fang Yuan? But he had emperor yama protecting him, even Heavenly Court's wisdom path great expert Fairy Zi Wei was without options against him, not to mention this hastily gathered group of Southern Border Gu Immortals.Of course, Southern Border's righteous path had deep foundations, they were not to be underestimated. These people were not completely incapable of finding out Fang Yuan's location, they just needed more clues, like when Fang Yuan appears again to attack another resource point.With sufficient clues, there was a possibility that these people could use their various methods and cooperate to unravel emperor yama.Emperor yama was strong, but if it remained the same over time, as deductions piled up, it would eventually be broken.Xia Cha knew this too: "This damned Fang Yuan, after plundering Plunder Shadow Earth Trench, he vanished into thin air!"Xia Cha felt pressured.As long as Fang Yuan was still alive, as leader of this expedition, her reputation would continue to plummet. If it got serious, the whole of Xia clan would suffer too."This demon Fang Yuan, he is hiding in seclusion, he must be exploring dream realms and gaining benefits! We must eliminate him fast, otherwise, he will get much stronger again." Xia Cha said eerily: "Everyone, if you have any trump cards, use them, I swear on my name that I will compensate you all fairly."The Southern Border immortals looked around at each other, they did not move.Xia Cha felt increasingly disappointed, her gaze swept across the people and stopped at one person: "Liu Hao, I wonder what brilliant method you have?"Liu Hao was slightly stunned.He had a tall body, he wore a green robe and had a goatee, his face was yellow, he was the representative of Wu clan.Because of the turmoil earlier, many of Wu clan's Gu Immortals had been sacrificed, thus they recruited a lot of outside Gu Immortals recently as their external supreme elders. Liu Hao was one of them.But the truth was, he was a Central Continent Gu Immortal, a spy sent by Fairy Zi Wei, arranged by Wu Yong as a Southern Border righteous path member.Xia Cha was familiar with the other Gu Immortals except Liu Hao, on the surface, he was a secluded cultivator and did not have much reputation.Liu Hao reacted in time and smiled bitterly: "I am ashamed! I cannot do anything about this, our information is severely lacking, especially clues connected to Fang Yuan. In my opinion, we are not weak, the problem is that we have nothing to work with.""Indeed, indeed.""Liu Hao is correct!"Liu Hao's words resonated with everyone present.Xia Cha was slightly disappointed, but she did not suspect Liu Hao of lying, after all, Wu clan and Fang Yuan had deep enmity between them."What do we do now? Do we continue waiting? If Fang Yuan does not show up, will we do nothing but wait for him to appear?"Xia Cha thought about this and felt a headache coming.But at this time, an unknown voice suddenly spoke around them: "I can help in this matter.""Who is it?!" The immortals were shocked, even Xia Cha stood up as her eyes shined brightly, she stared hard.An unknown Gu Immortal with a muscular body and conical hat suddenly appeared in the immortal formation. If he did not speak, nobody would have noticed!"Who are you?!" Southern Border's immortals were all prepared to fight, the atmosphere was extremely tense."Wait, you are…" The expression of Tie clan's representative changed as he stopped the immortals."That's right, I am Lu Wei Yin." The person said plainly with a smile.Dream realm.The old man nodded with satisfaction and a bit of shock: "Rank seven time cutting edge, you mastered it as well!"Fang Yuan had a plain expression, cupping his fists: "I did not disappoint you."The old man nodded: "It seems that you are talented in this aspect, very good, our clan's revenge can finally see some hope. But I have some things to tell you.""Please tell me.""First." The old man raised his right index finger: "Rank six time cutting edge can kill rank seven, but rank seven time cutting edge cannot kill rank eight Gu Immortals. Rank seven and eight are too different in strength. Thus, even if you mastered time cutting edge, do not seek the enemy for revenge yet. You are only rank six now, you will only be courting death.""Second." The old man raised his right middle finger: "You only have rank six cultivation level, using rank seven time cutting edge is quite difficult. You need to raise your cultivation level to rank seven or even rank eight! When you raise your cultivation level, you will be able to learn rank eight time cutting edge. With a rank eight killer move, you would be able to take revenge, but before that, you need to endure!""And third." The old man raised his fourth finger: "Time cutting edge is an extreme move, it has incredible power but the drawback is huge. The higher the rank, the stronger the drawback. You must have realized it now, right? That's right, time cutting edge will remove your memories related to it. The more you use it, the more you forget. One day, you will forget me, the enemy, and even this killer move itself. Thus, before you lose too many memories, you need to control yourself and not use this move excessively."

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Chapter 1599. Tribulation and Divine Technique | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border.The sovereign immortal aperture had already been placed, the entrance was open and swallowed a vast amount of heaven and earth qi.Swoosh swoosh!The turbulent heaven and earth qi approached grandly, if anyone saw this, they would be deeply shocked, no blessed land had ever been able to absorb so much heaven and earth qi at once.Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal body was near the entrance, watching the heaven and earth qi flow in. Because it was too dense, the qi could be seen like moving fog or clouds."Absorb more, absorb more, take in everything you need." Fang Yuan smiled, he could tell that the sovereign immortal aperture was very 'hungry'.City Well, Reverse Flow River, and Luo Po Valley, even though the three secluded domains of heaven and earth were unique and amazing, they caused a huge burden on the blessed land, the expenditure of heaven and earth qi was intense. From time to time, Fang Yuan had to absorb heaven and earth qi from the outside world to replenish them."And this is before Dang Hun Mountain gets repaired, after it is restored, the amount of heaven and earth qi needed will be even higher!"From this aspect, the destruction of Dang Hun Mountain had a tiny bit of benefit to Fang Yuan.Of course, the biggest reason was that sovereign blessed land had a lot of resources, it was like a huge foundation that could handle the weight of four secluded domains of heaven and earth. Ordinary blessed lands could not sustain two of them at once.Placing his immortal aperture and opening the immortal aperture's entrance had several drawbacks to Fang Yuan.At this moment, because the inside and outside were connected, when he absorbed heaven and earth qi, Fang Yuan's location would be exposed to heaven's will.And if any Gu Immortal tried to make deductions on him, the difficulty of defending himself would be many times higher.Thus, Fang Yuan had been buying immortal materials and turning them into heaven and earth qi to replenish his immortal aperture. But recently, his focus was on repairing Dang Hun Mountain, he started lacking funds, he could not buy them anymore so he had to place his immortal aperture to absorb heaven and earth qi.The sovereign immortal aperture was definitely a big eater, it needed dozens or even hundreds of times of heaven and earth qi as ordinary blessed lands.The sovereign immortal aperture had its fill, but heaven and earth qi continued to pour in unceasingly.This phenomenon did not shock Fang Yuan, because he knew that this time was different, his tribulation was coming.Fang Yuan was a rank seven Gu Immortal, he faced an earthly calamity every ten years, a heavenly tribulation every fifty years, and a grand tribulation every one hundred years.Ever since Fang Yuan used his time path methods to modify the sovereign immortal aperture's rate of time to its quickest, his calamities and tribulations had been coming at a rapid rate!This was an earthly calamity.But be they earthly calamity or heavenly tribulation, they were not a problem for Fang Yuan, especially when he had the killer move exposing heavenly secret. This move used heavenly secret Immortal Gu as the core with supplementary Gu worms to allow Fang Yuan to deduce the contents of upcoming calamities and tribulations.Thus, before this earthly calamity even formed, Fang Yuan already knew what it was.As expected, the calamities and tribulations formed like how Fang Yuan had predicted.Earth qi continued to rumble under Fang Yuan's feet, forming into huge yellow spirals. Heaven qi rumbled in the sky, booming as green lightning in the sky continued to flicker.Screech screech screech!With a chain of shrill noises that could burst eardrums, terrifying statues emerged from the center of the yellow spiral.These giant statues were ten meters tall, they were muscular and had sharp teeth that protruded out of their faces. Suddenly, they opened their red eyes as the purple bat wings on their backs expanded, they flew up and charged at Fang Yuan."Yellow spring ghost martial statues." Fang Yuan floated in the sky, his arms were behind his back as he looked at these statues calmly.He was very relaxed, he could even look at the sky during this critical moment when the enemy approached.In the sky, the green lightning split apart the cloud layer, countless statues that resembled the yellow spring ghost martial statues appeared.The yellow spring ghost martial statues bore their fangs and claws, but these statues were very orderly like a group of troops, they had solemn expressions and huge bodies, there were eagle wings on their backs."Green lightning divine martial statues." Fang Yuan smiled in his mind, recognizing the second type of statue.At this moment, the yellow spring ghost martial statues had already reached Fang Yuan, they slashed their claws and opened their mouths, biting at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan did not move, ripples appeared on his body.It was the famous creation of Fang Yuan, immortal killer move — Reverse Flow Protection Seal!Be they the yellow spring ghost martial statues or green lightning divine martial statues, their attacks were all reflected back and injured themselves. Fang Yuan was completely unharmed and could not be defeated."Begone." Fang Yuan waved his hand, immortal killer move myriad dragon burst out, within the sea of silver scales, myriad dragons flew and attacked endlessly.Even though there were many yellow spring ghost martial statues and green lightning divine martial statues produced by the heaven and earth qi, how could they match Fang Yuan's myriad dragon?At the start, they could still resist, but soon, they were engulfed by the myriad dragon army, losing their numbers rapidly. The heaven and earth qi were scattered by the myriad dragons, even though heaven's will was unresigned and sought to try again, the next wave of myriad dragon destroyed the gathering heaven and earth qi again.A moment later, the calamity was over, the immortal aperture's entrance closed, the sovereign immortal aperture became peaceful again as the turbulence ended.Fang Yuan nodded to himself and concluded: "This earthly calamity only had the yellow spring ghost martial statues originally, but changed because I did not go through the previous earthly calamity, instead using the immortal killer move endless trouble to delay it."Immortal killer move endless trouble was among the contents of Hei Fan's true inheritance. It could delay the current tribulation until the next time, and undergo both tribulations together. The weakness was that it would anger heaven's will, the following calamities and tribulations would increase greatly in strength.Heaven's will was trying to suppress Fang Yuan and prevent his cultivation level from advancing, it intentionally made his calamities and tribulations as weak as possible so he could gain few dao marks.In this situation, the weakness of endless trouble was actually advantageous to Fang Yuan!Thus, Fang Yuan used this killer move to undergo two tribulations together, he could gain dao marks and heaven's will could not stop him."Yellow spring ghost martial statues were the earthly calamity, while green lightning divine martial statues were on the level of heavenly tribulation. This time, i gained quite a few dao marks!" Fang Yuan inspected it, his soul path and transformation path dao marks had increased.These were both useful to Fang Yuan.Of course, he needed time path dao marks the most.The sovereign immortal aperture had a huge space, Fang Yuan intentionally chose an empty area to undergo tribulation. Even if heaven's will wanted to destroy anything, it had no target.Even though the calamity was over, Fang Yuan's body remained here. He started to activate heaven's will dissipation, only stopping after he confirmed that the remaining heaven's will was cleansed away.When Fang Yuan's main body underwent tribulation, his time path clone had been staying with wisdom Gu, deducing immortal killer moves continuously.Previously, Fang Yuan successfully explored the dream realm, his time path attainment level rose drastically to grandmaster level.With this attainment level, he was very successful in deducing time path killer moves.Actually, Fang Yuan's main body had many time path killer moves. Spectral Soul's true inheritance had many, followed by Hei Fan's true inheritance and Lang Ya Sect, in theory, Fang Yuan with refinement path quasi-supreme attainment could deduce and modify these immortal killer moves.But for Fang Yuan, Hei Fan's true inheritance was his main consideration. Because his time path Immortal Gu were mostly from Hei Fan's true inheritance.For example, rank eight Years Flow Like Water, rank seven year Gu and after Immortal Gu.The remaining time path Immortal Gu were all rank six. Most were left behind from Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, and Fang Yuan also had day Immortal Gu.The time path clone's main job was to use Hei Fan's true inheritance as the foundation along with other immortal killer moves and time path Immortal Gu recipes to deduce the most appropriate time path methods for Fang Yuan.Even though not long had passed, the time path clone was extremely efficient!Currently, Fang Yuan had an entire set of time path methods, covering offense, defense, movement, and healing. He just needed to spend some time practising them and he could easily grasp them."But this is not enough!" The time path clone opened his eyes, sighing.The light of wisdom faded away as wisdom Gu flew away slowly.The time path clone went to an empty area to experiment on the killer move.Immortal killer move — Time Cutting Edge!A flying blade tore through the sky, instantly vanishing with shocking speed.But the time path clone's blood flowed out of his mouth as he shook his head, greatly disappointed."I deduced rank seven time path methods that are suitable for me. But in the River of Time, when searching for Red Lotus' true inheritance and facing the obstruction of Heavenly Court, I will need to have rank eight time path methods."Hei Fan's true inheritance had rank eight defensive killer moves that used years flow like water Immortal Gu as the core. But it did not have rank eight offensive methods.In Hei Fan's case, he only obtained Years Flow Like Water in his later years. With limited time, deducing rank eight defensive methods were already not easy. He had rank eight level dao marks, rank seven offenses were enough for him. Of course, most importantly, he solely had Years Flow Like Water, he could either use it to attack or defend himself at one point in time. Defense was naturally more important than offense, especially for a righteous path member."And time cutting edge is very extraordinary. Even though rank seven time cutting edge cannot kill rank eight experts, it can harm them. It is a pity that after modifying it, the power is far lower than the original, and the backlash is heavier."Fang Yuan was not unfamiliar with this situation.Like how he had created myriad self Immortal Gu's recipe, because of his refinement path quasi-supreme attainment level, he had modified it to its limits. Any minor adjustment would be detrimental and make it worse than before.Fang Yuan's modification of time cutting edge was similar."It seems that the complete time cutting edge killer move is a rank nine killer move!"Like how Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's immortal killer move orderly well was also rank nine and could not be modified further.Even though Fang Yuan only obtained the rank six and seven time cutting edge, even the incomplete versions could not be modified. After forcefully changing the content, the disadvantages far outweighed the advantages.Furthermore, with Fang Yuan's deductions, time cutting edge's memory loss effect was not simple. It was not as plain as the old man had described it, the memories lost were not just about the move, but everything related to the move.Any information related to this move, be it memories or records in information path Gu worms, even carvings on stones would be erased from the River of Time as this move got used continuously."Spectral Soul must have obtained time cutting edge in the past, but because he used it often, all of the information that he had regarding time cutting edge was erased from the River of Time, therefore, it was not inside Spectral Soul's true inheritance.""Of course, there is a possibility that Spectral Soul's true inheritance is not complete, Shadow Sect still kept a small portion of it including this hidden from me, but that is very unlikely.""Regardless, I am sure of something, this time cutting edge is truly a divine technique. If I can grasp it, I will have more confidence in the River of Time, my chances will rise by twenty percent!"A day later."This is it." Lu Wei Yin half-knelt on the ground as he placed his palm down, sensing the changes in the earth qi.Next, several figures descended from the sky and landed behind Lu Wei Yin. They were led by an old woman, the rank eight time path great expert, Xia clan's first supreme elder — Xia Cha!"Fang Yuan placed his aperture here and absorbed the heaven and earth qi, in fact… he went through a tribulation here." Lu Wei Yin said with deep certainty.Xia Cha's eyes flashed brightly, Lu Wei Yin was indeed Paradise Earth's inheritor, his earth path methods were profound to this extent!The Gu Immortals behind them started to converse."With Lord Lu Wei Yin here, we will be able to find Fang Yuan!""Fang Yuan has many secluded domains of heaven and earth, the burden of heaven and earth qi is huge, with such a clue, we will definitely find him.""Don't you all find it strange? He has Fixed Immortal Travel, why is he staying in Southern Border? Why not go to Eastern Sea or Western Desert, aren't those places safer?""Hmph, he is already wanted by everyone, nobody can tolerate him, nowhere is safe.""This demon is too vicious, he is likely staying in Southern Border because he wants to rob our resources, especially the dream realms in Yi Tian Mountain, we cannot let them go unguarded!""Kill, we need to kill this demon before we can rest at ease!"

Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1600. Ambush, Reverse Scheme | Reverend Insanity

In treasure yellow heaven, the higher the value of items, the taller and brighter the treasure light.At this stall, the treasure light had been consistently tall and bright, it was like a torch compared to the other stalls.Southern Border Gu Immortal Tie Qu Zhong's divine sense was moving around this stall."I want three thousand copper dragonfish. Hmm…" After hesitating for a moment, Tie Qu Zhong added: "And two hundred silver dragonfish."The transaction was completed quickly, Tie Qu Zhong paid a hefty amount of immortal essence stones for them.When he withdrew his divine sense and flew around Southern Border's sky with his main body, his vision was obscured by clouds.Tie Qu Zhong's worry had dissipated."With these dragonfish, my rank seven edge Gu can be fed for now. However, dragonfish is only a temporary replacement item, to solve this problem, I need to be self sufficient and create the white steel extract resource point in my immortal aperture."White steel was a rank six immortal material, one of the earth vein essences. White steel extract was a rank seven immortal material, often, there would only be a small bowl of white steel extract from a huge piece of white steel.Tie Qu Zhong wanted to create a resource point to produce white steel extract, but it was a huge project to start with.If he could not solve the problem, purchasing dragonfish to feed his rank seven edge Gu time and time again would incur huge costs, he would be making a loss.When Gu Immortals cultivate, they do not just fight, resource management was also of utmost importance, occasionally even more than fighting.Thinking of the white steel extract, Tie Qu Zhong's gaze turned to his right, there was Gu Immortal moving with him hundreds of steps away."Shang Hu Zhang." Tie Qu Zhong transmitted.The Shang clan Gu Immortal immediately replied with a nervous expression: "Have you found traces of that demon Fang Yuan?"It turned out that the two rank seven Gu Immortals, Tie Qu Zhong and Shang Hu Zhang, were members deployed by Southern Border's righteous path to hunt down Fang Yuan.Because of Lu Wei Yin, the group that chased after Fang Yuan had always been consistently following his tracks, finding new clues from time to time.This time, the immortals went to the southeast of Southern Border, due to Lu Wei Yin's suggestion, rank eight time path Gu Immortal Xia Cha ordered the Gu Immortals to work together and search for new clues.Shang Hu Zhang and Tie Qu Zhong were one of such pairs.Tie Qu Zhong smiled lightly: "No need to be worried, I just wanted to ask about the white steel extract."Shang Hu Zhang heard this and relaxed, he smiled too: "So you want to create a white steel extract resource point to feed your edge Gu. This is not hard, Shang clan can assist with that, but the price…"Both sides negotiated for a while, Shang clan eventually fought for a price that was not too low, while Tie Qu Zhong made up his mind and gritted his teeth as he agreed.After succeeding in the transaction, Shang Hu Zhang's smile widened, he praised: "Friend Qu Zhong, you want to create the resource point, it is truly wise. Even though the investment is expensive, in the long term, it will save you a huge amount.""Indeed, like how I bought dragonfish this time to replace a portion of the white steel extract, if I do this every time, the expenditure is huge." Tie Qu Zhong sighed.Shang Hu Zhang's gaze suddenly flickered: "Dragonfish? To speak the truth, our Shang clan has a dragonfish stall in treasure yellow heaven too. Not only do we sell ordinary dragonfish, we also have copper dragonfish. Sigh, friend, you should have told me earlier, I would be able to give you discounts."Tie Qu Zhong chuckled: "Shang clan is also in the dragonfish business?""Our Shang clan is interested in any kind of business. Friend Tie Qu Zhong, you also know that the biggest seller of dragonfish now is Fang Yuan! Come, come, I'll introduce you to the stall, it is run by one of us. Trading with outsiders will lead to their growth after all." Shang Hu Zhang said with an earnest tone.Tie Qu Zhong had to thank him profusely but he felt unmoved on the inside.Even though Shang clan gave discounts, the price of the dragonfish was still quite high. And this stall only sold copper dragonfish, there were no silver dragonfish here.Fang Yuan killed Qin Bai He and You Chan, obtaining the number one spot in the dragonfish business. Fairy Zi Wei obviously knew about this, she had exposed Fang Yuan's information in treasure yellow heaven earlier, other than great thief ghost hand and other methods, the dragonfish business was also exposed.Thus, the Gu Immortals of the entire world knew that Fang Yuan was the current number one seller of the dragonfish business in treasure yellow heaven.And naturally, he attracted the 'envy and jealousy' of these Gu Immortals.There was naturally an impact dealt, but the actual loss to his dragonfish business profits were marginal and inconsequential.Copper dragonfish had already been replicated, but the cost of production was much higher than Fang Yuan. This made his competitors' copper dragonfish much more expensive and unable to compete with Fang Yuan.Other than that, silver dragonfish was exclusive to Fang Yuan, currently, Gu Immortals interested in the dragonfish business could not create it yet. This was a huge advantage for Fang Yuan.With these two elements, Fang Yuan's number one spot in the dragonfish business could not be taken away.Of course, Fang Yuan was not going to sell dragonfish using just one identity. He opened many stalls and created the scene of many Gu Immortals replicating his silver dragonfish, selling these for huge profits every day."But even so, my immortal essence stones are dwindling rapidly." Fang Yuan sighed.Repairing Dang Hun Mountain used a lot of immortal essence, and immortal essence was converted from immortal essence stones, Fang Yuan's huge expenditure was far beyond his immortal aperture's production speed.However, the good news was that due to his full investment, Dang Hun Mountain was now sixty percent repaired, the soul path dao marks reached a qualitative change and could now produce guts Gu again.But the production of guts Gu was terribly little, Fang Yuan needed to continue repairing Dang Hun Mountain."Dragonfish business has too much profits, not only would many forces and Gu Immortals interfere, Heavenly Court would definitely try to suppress me. But currently, silver dragonfish is too hard to create, while ordinary dragonfish, iron dragonfish, and copper dragonfish have expensive methods of production that cannot match mine."In time, Fang Yuan's advantage would continue to dwindle, especially after Heavenly Court obtains Spectral Soul's food path inheritance from soul searching, his dragonfish business would definitely face a huge challenge.Fang Yuan knew this, he needed new sources of income.The dragonfish business would not last long while guts Gu was exposed already, even though it was a monopoly, because the plans in green ghost desert was halted, Fang Yuan lacked souls to mass produce guts Gu.Even though Fang Yuan had started his preparation, like the snow monsters and spirit snakes, these were not very profitable businesses.Especially when Fang Yuan planned to refine time path Immortal Gu.Time cutting edge needed specific time path Immortal Gu. Fang Yuan thought about it and decided to give it a try. After all, the original time cutting edge had incredible attack power and prospects, Fang Yuan did not want to give up."Oh?" At this moment, Fang Yuan's expression changed.At the next moment, Southern Border's Gu Immortals appeared around him, encircling him.The leader was an old woman, it was the time path rank eight Gu Immortal Xia Cha, she smiled coldly at Fang Yuan: "Scoundrel Fang Yuan, you have finally fallen into my hands.""Lord Lu Wei Yin is truly incredible, we found this demon at last!" Shang Hu Zhang laughed loudly."Kill, kill this demon and eliminate all future threats!" Tie Qu Zhong said loudly with deep killing intent.Heavenly Court's spy Liu Hao had a grim expression, fixed space Immortal Gu was ready to activate in his immortal aperture, this Gu could counter Fixed Immortal Travel and prevent it from being used in a certain area.Lu Wei Yin was silent, he wore his conical hat that covered his expression entirely.Fang Yuan laughed instead: "You guys are too slow but you came after all, my planning was not in vain."Southern Border's immortals were originally very excited, but upon hearing this, the atmosphere changed.Xia Cha squinted as cold light flashed in her eyes: "Hmph, little scoundrel, you still want to deceive us when you are going to die?""That's right, he must be putting up a front! Lady Xia Cha has acted personally to conceal our traces." Someone shouted.Fang Yuan smiled: "Of course I did not sense your presence, however, I could sense your deductions. Why do you think I purposely stayed in Southern Border, leaving behind clues and allowing you to make deductions on me?"At the next moment, there was a loud sound as a formation activated!

Reverend Insanity