
Chapter: 1586-1590:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1586. Snow Crystal Formation | Reverend Insanity

The two Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies entered the sovereign immortal aperture and settled down in Mini Green Heaven.The sovereign immortal aperture had five regions and nine heavens, among all the nine heavens, Mini Green Heaven was the least developed. Thus, Fang Yuan used it as the storage area of dream realms.Shadow Sect's members, Ying Wu Xie, Lady White Rabbit, Hei Lou Lan, Fairy Miao Yin, and Bai Ning Bing were all cultivating in Mini Yellow Heaven.Lang Ya's battle was too high end, everyone who participated had rank eight battle strength. Even the variant human Gu Immortals relied on the super immortal formation to fight, once it was destroyed, they could not fight anymore.In a crucial moment, Fang Yuan would possibly need the Shadow Sect members to use ancient battle formation Omni-directional Travel, so they did not join that fight after all.As for Fang Yuan's time path clone, he was at the most northern part of Mini Northern Plains."Tch!"With a soft click, as the time path clone placed the final mortal Gu in, the Gu formation activated.This Gu formation had a huge range of a few dozen square kilometers of land, there were tens of thousands of mortal Gu used to create it from rank one to five, they were of all paths but most of the Gu worms were ice and snow path. The core was made of two ice path Immortal Gu, they were obtained from the snowman Gu Immortals, refined into Fang Yuan's property.The cores of the Gu formation were three of the rank eight immortal material, ice path crystal essence!Each ice path crystal essence was large like a mountain peak.The entire crystal was ice-blue in color, it had crystallized texture, the surface had countless holes of varying sizes, a large amount of cold and icy air was spewing out of these holes unceasingly.If the frosty air was allowed to spread, the ice and snow path dao marks would also be carved in the surroundings, modifying the environment and creating a habitat suitable for snowmen and snow monsters to live in.Thus, Fang Yuan's plan earlier was to use an ice path crystal essence to create a snow monster production line and establish new sources of revenue.His original ice path crystal essence was obtained from his marriage with Xue Er. But earlier, he slaughtered the snowman tribe and obtained two more ice path crystal essences."With these three ice path crystal essences, I can easily produce snow monsters.""I will name this formation, snow crystal formation."Fang Yuan's time path clone observed for a while before nodding in satisfaction.Attainment level was shared between his clone and main body, Fang Yuan had formation path grandmaster attainment level, so did his clone.This was different from Shadow Sect, back then in order to deceive heaven, Spectral Soul made use of the fact that his split soul clones did not carry his full attainment level, so that almost all of them only focused on one path.Even if Shadow Sect's members fought against Heavenly Court, they would not be found out as the Demon Venerable's split soul. This was also why Shadow Sect was able to plant spies into Heavenly Court.As for Fang Yuan's time path clone, it was easy to expose, but Fang Yuan did not need it to go outside and fight anyway. Fang Yuan's motive was different from Spectral Soul, his time path clone was meant to make use of the light of wisdom.And to deduce matters in the light of wisdom, attainment level was needed. Fang Yuan made a wise choice between the two options.The snow crystal formation was created by time path clone, its main purpose was to emit the frost energy that would constantly alter the environment inch by inch.Of course, the formation also had the ability to monitor and control the area."It is a pity I am a formation path grandmaster and not a great grandmaster. Grandmasters can mimic other paths while great grandmasters can use natural dao marks directly. If I am a great grandmaster, I will not need ice path Immortal Gu for this snow crystal formation, I can use these three ice path crystal essences directly."This way, Fang Yuan would be able to free up these two ice path Immortal Gu for other uses.Of course, Fang Yuan did not lack Immortal Gu so that was not an issue. But normally speaking, Gu Immortals had very few Immortal Gu, if they used the Immortal Gu for formations, they would not be able to use them in other aspects. Thus, attainment level had an incredible effect — Gu Immortals could save use of Immortal Gu!After setting up the snow crystal formation, Fang Yuan's time path clone flew away.Even though he was not a land spirit and could not teleport, he had Immortal Gu and could fly very quickly.After a while, the time path clone went past several hundred li as he looked down on the ground while concealing his figure.There was a group of moving snowmen on the ground.They were either mortals or Gu Masters, they were all captured by Fang Yuan from the northern icy plain, there were several thousand of them.Snowman slaves on the order of thousands in numbers were not rare in treasure yellow heaven, but the quality of this batch far exceeded the norm, because among these snowman slaves, Gu Masters were a high proportion. This was not normal, in treasure yellow heaven, this batch of snowmen could be exchanged for ten times the usual number of snowman slaves!These snowmen had left the place where they lived for a long time and entered the sovereign immortal aperture, they were very fearful and timid.At this moment, the group moved forward while conversing intensely.When Fang Yuan slaughtered the snowman and rockman Gu Immortals, it was inside the immortal battlefield, he kept it hidden. When he captured these snowmen, he disguised as a snowman Gu Immortal, so these slaves did not know the truth.Immortal killer move — Familiar Face!Fang Yuan's time path clone turned into Bing Zhuo and descended from the sky.Using Gu worms, he created a blizzard in the sky as snow descended slowly."Ah! The immortal of our tribe!""Quickly kneel down, kneel down and greet lord immortal!""Welcome, great immortal Bing Zhuo."The snowmen quickly knelt as they paid respects to Fang Yuan's time path clone.Fang Yuan's time path clone was expressionless, saying: "The world is in chaos, but we are in paradise. The three mountains have immortal fog, the snow race has nothing to fear."His voice was not loud but it was heard by everyone clearly.Whoosh.A gust of wind blew as the blizzard stopped, the snowmen raised their heads but only saw the empty sky, Bing Zhuo's figure had faded with the wind.The snowmen were stunned, after realizing that Bing Zhuo had vanished, they got up with joy on their faces, they thought about his words.The snowman tribe leader thought and said to the elders: "Earlier, we came here due to the vague guidance of great immortal Bing Zhuo, he wanted us to come here. And now, he has shown up to tell us that there are three mountains ahead where we can live in peace?"After talking for a while, everyone agreed and set off, they were no longer hesitant, even though they brought the young and old with them, the speed was much faster than earlier.To create snow monsters, the snow crystal formation was not needed. Just the three ice path crystal essences were enough to show effect just by existing, it was a simple matter.But time path clone spent so much effort to create the snow crystal formation, he wanted to give these snowmen a place to live and grow."With the snow crystal formation, the snow monsters and snowmen can live here without obstructing one another. But I cannot isolate them completely, I need them to interact and conflict with each other, so as to develop.""The snow crystal formation's maintenance is not a problem with food path methods, but the three ice path crystal essences are expendable, they will be used up eventually." Time path clone flew as he thought.The frost energy that the ice path crystal essence emits contains the ice and snow path dao marks of the crystal itself, these dao marks would be carved in the surroundings for a while before dissipating, they would not increase sovereign immortal aperture's total number of ice and snow path dao marks. But the environment it creates would suit the snow monsters and snowmen a lot.But it was too early for this problem, the three ice path crystal essences would only be depleted after a long time.After managing the snowmen, the time path clone went to Mini Southern Border and had the rockmen settle down.In the five mini regions, Mini Southern Border had the densest earth path dao marks, it was most suited for rockmen to live in.The process of settling down the rockmen was very simple, the time path clone used almost the same method as before.While the time path clone was managing the immortal aperture, Fang Yuan's main body was at another end of Southern Border.This was a huge Earth Trench, it was deep and dark, even in broad daylight, it was covered in darkness.These dark shadows were dark path dao beasts — shadow monsters, this was Plunder Shadow Earth Trench."Back then, I succeeded in learning ancient battle formation Omni-directional Travel here, I used many Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies to stop the righteous path pursuers. Hmm…"Fang Yuan observed and had a moved expression: "Southern Border's righteous path built an immortal formation here too, and it is not weak at all.""Who is it? This is an important place of Southern Border's righteous path, any unauthorised lone immortal should leave before regretting it." At this time, a Southern Border Gu Immortal's voice resounded from the clouds, he was hidden within the immortal formation, not showing his true figure."Oh?" Fang Yuan's lips curled up, killing intent surging in his eyes: "I want to see how you'll make me regret it."Boom!With a loud sound, he started to attack the immortal formation forcefully.

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Chapter 1587. Death by Ghost Hand | Reverend Insanity

Boom boom boom!With a chain of explosions, multicolored lights shone like fireworks. Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wisdom, strength, soul, poison, star, refinement… killer moves of many paths were used easily by Fang Yuan.Under such attacks, the figure of an immortal formation appeared. It was like a reinforced castle, white lights shielded it like a mountain, blocking all of Fang Yuan's attacks."Hahaha, colorful attacks with little power, your methods are too flashy, they cannot take down our formation!" Within the immortal Gu formation, Yang clan's Gu Immortal Yang San Mu mocked loudly.Fang Yuan was currently in emperor yama form, Southern Border's Gu Immortals could not tell who he truly was."No, this person's formation path attainment is not low, he is using all sorts of methods to probe our formation!" Chi Qiu's expression changed as he said in a low tone.This immortal Gu formation was set up by Chi clan, Chi Qiu was tasked here to guard it, as a formation path cultivator, his words were seriously noted by the rest.Yang San Mu frowned immediately, asking Chi Qiu: "We are defending passively, do we let him continue testing his moves?"Chi Qiu shook his head: "Our formation has offensive methods too, when the Gu formation is destroyed to some extent, the attacks will be unleashed. Don't look at me, I cannot command the Gu formation to retaliate, all of you know that this setup has its reason, I am sure there is no need for me to explain it?"The immortals looked at each other helplessly.The fundamental cause was Fang Yuan after all, he had once disguised as Wu Yi Hai and mixed into Southern Border's righteous path, at the crucial moment, he controlled the immortal formation and left after gaining great benefits. Southern Border's Gu Immortals lost a lot of face, they made changes after that battle. Chi clan's immortal formations were no longer controlled by outsiders, they operated on their own, it was to prevent traitors like Fang Yuan from succeeding.Yang San Mu saw that Chi Qiu was without options, he turned to look at Xia clan's Gu Immortal Xia Fan.Xia Fan was a wisdom path cultivator, seeing that Yang San Mu had turned to him, he shook his head and answered: "The other party has very powerful wisdom path defensive methods, I cannot deduce his origins, unless we can gain crucial information later."Yang San Mu heard this and his expression sank.Next, he shouted at Fang Yuan: "Hahaha, scoundrel, why are you using so little strength, are you here to scratch my back?"Yang San Mu, Chi Qiu, and Xia Fan had rank seven cultivation level, they were also defended by the immortal formation, they did not fear the rank seven Gu Immortal Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan snickered and ignored him, he continued to probe this formation from different angles."This immortal formation is more complex and strong than I had expected!"Yang San Mu continued to provoke him, but Fang Yuan was completely immune to his words.Yang San Mu frowned: "He is just one rank seven Gu Immortal, while we have many people and the immortal formation. If we hide here and let him attack freely, wouldn't we lose face in the righteous path? Will any Gu Immortal be willing to face this daring scoundrel, if you can kill him, it will be quite a good story."Once he said that, nobody moved.Almost all Gu Immortals were not rash people, it might seem easy to deal with Fang Yuan who was alone, but that was the problem. Why would any ordinary rank seven Gu Immortal have the guts to attack this fortified immortal formation alone?The Southern Border immortals were thinking that an ambush was likely here, they were not going to take the risk.Yang San Mu could not get anyone to move, he was quite gloomy.He was the temporary leader among these people, if they avoided battle this time, news would spread and others would put the blame on him. Yang San Mu would lose the most reputation among them.Read more chapter on our vipnovel.com"Right now, Southern Border's earth veins are moving as immortal materials and Immortal Gu are being exposed constantly from the Earth Trenches, and yet I am here guarding a bunch of dream realms.""I wanted to go around and leave this post. After paying a huge cost, I was about to succeed, but if I avoid battle this time, and allow this person to leave, the clan would have an excuse and evidence against me, I will never be able to relocate myself."Thinking of this, Yang San Mu gritted his teeth: "The enemy is quite peculiar, as a righteous path member, I cannot let him off. Everyone, guard the formation, I will go fight him."The Gu Immortals heard this and had varying expressions.Some urged him to be careful, some clapped and praised him for the bravery, some assured Yang San Mu that they would guard the formation and he could go in peace.Yang San Mu sneered in his heart, but showed an attitude of acting for a righteous cause, after saying some words that boosted his reputation, he left the formation to fight Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan saw him and was slightly surprised, before understanding Yang San Mu's mentality immediately.Soul explosion!Fang Yuan pointed as an immortal killer move was used against Yang San Mu.Yang San Mu fought against Fang Yuan for some rounds, he could not take it much more, he panicked as he thought: "This person must cultivate soul path! Even though his attacks are simple, they were very powerful, and his defensive method is very profound, I am not his match and will lose sooner or later. I should retreat now while it has not turned ugly yet. I have found out about his background anyway, I can explain myself later."But Fang Yuan's battle experience was incredibly deep, after seeing that Yang San Mu had the intention to retreat, he quickly activated yama battlefield.Instantly, Yang San Mu's vision changed, he was trapped inside yama battlefield with no way of escaping.Yang San Mu was shocked: "Immortal battlefield? How can this be! How can there be such a rapidly activated immortal battlefield in this world!!"He was shocked and panicked but he tried to stay calm: "Don't fluster, this immortal battlefield was created so quickly, it must be deeply flawed. Maybe it is easy to deduce and break? I have other immortals on my side, they will have seen this immortal battlefield appear and surely help me get out of this."Fang Yuan pointed as three yama children attacked Yang San Mu.Yang San Mu's heart jumped, he fought as he retreated, trying to stall for time.Immortal killer move — Great Thief Ghost Hand!Suddenly, Yang San Mu's body shook intensely, a look of shock was frozen on his face as his eyes almost popped out, he shouted: "My Immortal Gu!"Fang Yuan successfully stole an Immortal Gu, he threw it into his immortal aperture without looking.Yang San Mu spat out a mouthful of blood, he was immediately in bad shape after suffering heavy injuries.It turned out that Fang Yuan stole the core of his movement killer move. With the loss of the Immortal Gu, the killer move failed and he suffered a backlash, the battle quickly went sour for him."It seems my luck is much better than yours, I could not steal Feng Jiu Ge's core Immortal Gu, but you?" Fang Yuan snickered."Feng Jiu Ge? Who exactly are you?!"Great thief ghost hand!Fang Yuan succeeded again.Guh.Yang San Mu spat out blood again, his killer move's activation failed, with this second backlash, he lost his life.Great thief ghost hand could actually kill people!

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Chapter 1588. Scheming Against Each Other | Reverend Insanity

"He actually died?" Fang Yuan saw this result and was slightly stunned."It seems this Yang San Mu is really unlucky. He got the core Immortal Gu of his killer moves stolen by me twice in a row." Fang Yuan had a plain expression as he shook his head.This effect was from their difference in luck.Earlier, he could not subdue Feng Jiu Ge because he was a Dao Guardian with similar luck as Fang Yuan. But Yang San Mu was a normal person, thus he died from great thief ghost hand.Fang Yuan suddenly realized that luck path and theft path were very powerful when combined together. Even though his luck path true inheritance was not complete and his theft path true inheritance was also incomplete, these inheritances originated from two venerables. It was a rare case in history to have inherited true inheritances of two venerables at once.Inside the immortal Gu formation, the Southern Border righteous path Gu Immortals saw that Yang San Mu was trapped in the immortal battlefield, they became quite nervous.Chi Qiu urged Xia Fan: "Quick, quick, quick, haven't you deduced this immortal battlefield yet?"Xia Fan was deep in thought, seemingly not listening to anything.The other Gu Immortals were discussing with uncertainty."What immortal battlefield did he use, it was set up so quickly, this is simply unprecedented.""No wonder he has the guts to provoke us alone, he has quite the incredible move.""It will all depend on Lord Xia Fan now."Xia Fan heard their chatter, he rolled his eyes and thought to himself: "These people know nothing about wisdom path! Do they really think immortal battlefields are so easy to unravel and break?"Xia Fan could feel the difficulty, he thought to himself: "Oh Yang San Mu, I hope that you can last some time."But as time passed, his pressure intensified.There was only one wisdom path Gu Immortal here, if he could not deduce it, no matter how many Southern Border Gu Immortals there were, they could not enter the immortal battlefield and help. If he failed, his personal reputation in terms of capability would suffer a hit, but that was nothing compared to the rumors that might spread, saying that he had the ability to do it but refused and watched Yang San Mu die, his reputation would go down the drain if that happened.But how could Fang Yuan's yama battlefield be so easily deduced and broken?Fairy Zi Wei could do it because she was among the top three wisdom path great experts in the current world. But Xia Fan was not!"I cannot deduce it! This killer move's foundation is too deep, it seems to have a terrifying origin!" After deducing for a while, Xia Fan was already full of sweat.The Southern Border Gu Immortals were still talking among themselves, Xia Fan felt increasing annoyed, he opened his eyes and anger showed in them: "Can you people shut up?"The immortals stopped talking.Chi Qiu coughed: "That's right, be quiet, let's not disturb Lord Xia Fan, I believe he will not disappoint us with his abilities!"Saying this, Xia Fan was forced into a corner!Xia Fan looked at Chi Qiu with a dark gaze while the latter had a supportive look, Xia Fan gritted his teeth in anger.But he was a wisdom path Gu Immortal after all, with a shift of his thoughts, he smiled: "Everyone, calm down, you must have forgotten that Yang San Mu is most skilled in investigative methods. He went out to fight because he is very confident, he must have detected some information or truths that we do not know."Xia Fan and Yang San Mu were not on good terms, they hated each other.But now, Xia Fan praised Yang San Mu and placed him on a high pedestal.Everyone was stunned before realizing.If it was like what Xia Fan said, Yang San Mu's actions were simply too much! He had left them aside and went out to take all the credit for himself.Right now, Southern Border's earth veins were moving and immortal materials as well as Immortal Gu were appearing everywhere, who would want to guard this place? Who would not want to go out and seek fortune?If Yang San Mu gained credit here, he would be redeployed and leave this place.Not only Yang San Mu, everyone else here desired to leave.Soon, the immortals started to change their words.They started to agree with Xia Fan."Lord Xia Fan is right, Lord Yang San Mu's investigative methods are renowned in Southern Border, who does not know that?""That's right, that's right, I remember the time when he investigated the turbulence in black heaven clearly. After reporting to Yang clan, they moved out in advance and actually arrived at the accurate spot for the meteor rain. It is said that Yang clan obtained three hills worth of star path immortal materials from that.""Lord Yang San Mu had even chased after the demonic path Gu Immortal Nian Wang Huai before, that guy was so vile and devious, staying hidden for a long time and evading Tie clan's capture multiple times, but he eventually ended up in Lord Yang San Mu's hands.""In my opinion, Lord Yang San Mu must be very confident this time. We must trust his judgment, we cannot fluster. I also need to remind everyone, after Lord Yang San Mu wins this time, we need to place him in the sub formation and inspect him carefully. Remember the matter about Fang Yuan not too long ago."Fang Yuan had used familiar face to disguise as Wu Yi Hai and was in the righteous path for a long time, he toyed around with the Southern Border righteous path Gu Immortals during the dream realm battle.The moment Southern Border's Gu Immortals heard this name, they became extremely angry."Hmph, Fang Yuan is a demonic path scoundrel who infiltrated the righteous path, one day, he will be punished!""Demonic will never defeat righteousness, this is the rule of this world. The demon might be arrogant for now, but he will face retribution one day. Even Spectral Soul Demon Venerable got his soul captured after death by Heavenly Court, didn't he?""I want to kill this demon personally, sigh, it is a pity I could not join that fight."Chi Qiu did not speak, he looked at Xia Fan with a deep gaze.Xia Fan shut his eyes as he started deducing again.Chi Qiu sighed internally: "As expected of a wisdom path Gu Immortal."He had said that earlier to trap Xia Fan, but Xia Fan actually reversed the situation easily with a few words.Xia Fan hinted that Yang San Mu was greedy for credit and did not want to share it with the rest. All of the Gu Immortals here were savvy people, they soon understood what Xia Fan was trying to say.He meant: if that was not the case, and Yang San Mu was instead stupid and entered the enemy's trap, what would they do? If he died inside the formation, everyone would be implicated, they would be labeled as being 'vicious people who watched their comrade die in battle while they cowardly hid inside the formation', right?Thus, these immortals had to praise Yang San Mu to the sky. Xia Fan used their mentality to easily get past Chi Qiu's attack.But Xia Fan's mood was bad now: "This immortal battlefield cannot be unraveled by me alone. Damn it! We need to seek help, but before that, I need to make some credit, I cannot be so useless. Hmm?!"At this time, yama battlefield disappeared as Fang Yuan reappeared, Yang San Mu had vanished from sight."This, this, this!""What happened?"The Southern Border immortals drew in a sharp breath, the rank seven Xia Fan and Chi Qiu had changes in expressions.The situation was clear, only the enemy was left now, Yang San Mu was likely to be gone.But why was it so quick?Yang San Mu was a skillful person at the very least, he had ample battle strength, how could he die so easily?The enemy's immortal battlefield had a dense soul path aura, without any time path aura. There was no time difference inside it.Thus, the biggest possibility was that this mysterious demonic path rank seven Gu Immortal's battle strength dominated Yang San Mu! But was that possible? Or rather, he must have used some peculiar and uncommon method. right?The Southern Border immortals were shocked and found this unbelievable.Fang Yuan looked at the formation as his gaze flickered in cold light.Originally, he wanted to disguise as Yang San Mu and dispel yama battlefield, getting into the formation by disguise. But after soul searching him, he found out Southern Border's arrangements and gave up on that plan.Southern Border's righteous path had deep foundations, looking down on them would be stupid. Familiar face was already exposed, it was impossible to replicate 'Wu Yi Hai's' success again.Even though this killer move came from Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable, in the world of Gu cultivation, there had never been invincible killer moves. After such a long time, the era had advanced greatly.Of course, Southern Border's righteous path might not be able to easily produce Immortal Gu or killer moves that could see through familiar face, but they had other methods to decipher the identity of Gu Immortals.Especially with Heavenly Court's guidance, Southern Border's righteous path had many ways of ascertaining identities, the process was strict and had many procedures. Especially when they had soul lantern Gu and other identity type Gu, it was hard for Fang Yuan to disguise himself even with familiar face."Demonic scoundrel, what did you do to Lord Yang San Mu?""Quickly release Lord Yang San Mu!""Lord Yang San Mu might have already escaped that immortal battlefield using some method that he had."The Southern Border Gu Immortals spoke, some were still carrying illusions in their minds.Fang Yuan's expression turned increasingly cold."This immortal formation was set by Chi Qu You personally, if I try to deduce it step by step, there will not be enough time. I can only force my way through now, let's see how tough this formation is!"Thinking of this, Fang Yuan dispelled emperor yama, used ancient sword dragon transformation and activated reverse flow protection seal.Next, he used immortal killer move myriad dragon, causing a sea of ferocious dragons to charge at the formation.This killer move was currently Fang Yuan's trademark, upon seeing this, if any Southern Border righteous path Gu Immortal could not tell it was Fang Yuan, they were just purposely acting unaware!"Ah! This person is Fang Yuan!""Oh heavens, that demon is here!""He is here again, he is simply too daring, he is acting so freely, he is truly looking down on the righteous path of Southern Border!"The Gu Immortals screamed one after another, unable to conceal the shock on their faces.Other than shock, there was also fear that they tried hard to hide.

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Chapter 1589. Attacking Forcefully | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan had to conceal and hide himself in the past, but now against the immortals of Southern Border's righteous path, he did not need to anymore.Fang Yuan's appearance was very shocking to the Southern Border righteous path Gu Immortals now!In the past, Fang Yuan disguised as Wu Yi Hai and obtained great benefits in the battle of the dream realm, becoming the leader of Shadow Sect, eventually he was chased down by Southern Border's righteous path, but he was able to escape.Heavenly Court's pursuit could not do anything to Fang Yuan.Months ago, Fang Yuan suddenly appeared in Southern Border and killed two Gu Immortals from Hou clan and Shang clan, if not for Paradise Earth's inheritor, even Tie Mian Shen would have died.Afterwards, Heavenly Court sent out the rank eight Gu Immortal expert Thunder Ghost True Monarch, the process of the battle was unknown but Fang Yuan managed to take away three of her rib bones, the scene of her getting beaten up was displayed in treasure yellow heaven. Instantly, the world was shaken, Fang Yuan's reputation completely suppressed Feng Jiu Ge as the number one rank seven expert! Most Gu Immortals realized that even though Fang Yuan only had rank seven cultivation level, he was a unique individual on par with and should be treated as a rank eight Gu Immortal.Furthermore, Fang Yuan was an otherworldly demon who was reborn using Spring Autumn Cicada, he was vicious and devious, many people despised his nonexistent bottom line, even as a Gu Immortal, he attacked mortals.And now, Fang Yuan was the most dazzling and rapidly rising demonic path overlord!Such a person had shown up, Southern Border's righteous path immortals were naturally surprised, shocked, and panicking."Lord Yang San Mu had sacrificed himself heroically, our Southern Border's righteous path and this vicious Fang Yuan have yet another debt of hatred! One day, we will make him pay the price!" Xia Fan patted his chest as he said in sadness.The immortals were silent, nobody held any illusions anymore. Fang Yuan's appearance made them feel intense lingering fear and also a sense of pity for Yang San Mu — why was he so unlucky as to face the great demon Fang Yuan? He could have stayed in the formation but he chose to go out, wasn't he courting death?But silence did not last long, someone shouted immediately: "This Fang Yuan is as vicious as ever, he lured Lord Yang San Mu out, thankfully, we were led by lords Xia Fan and Chi Qiu, under their leadership, we managed to hold our ground and did not give this scoundrel a chance to sneak in."The immortals all had varying expressions, someone wanted to speak when suddenly, the world shook, the entire immortal formation started trembling intensely.Outside the immortal formation, countless silver scales filled the sky. Myriad dragons flew and charged at the white formation.The Southern Border immortals' expressions also turned pale from the reflection of the silver scales' light.Fang Yuan's immortal killer move myriad dragon was like a tsunami, even though they were protected by the immortal formation, they felt extremely small and weak.Fang Yuan's myriad dragon did not get much more powerful than before, but with myriad self Immortal Gu, it was far easier to use myriad dragon now. When activating it, the steps were fewer and the success rate was higher, the time it took Fang Yuan to use myriad dragon once or twice before was enough to unleash it five to six times now!Fang Yuan continued to use myriad dragon, countless ancient sword dragons charged at the formation, causing the formation to explode with greater force.Pure white light ripples spread like waves or the contours of mountains, blocking the attack of the myriad dragons."Interesting." Fang Yuan observed carefully, even though the immortal formation was shaking, its roots were not shaken, as he increased the power of his attacks, so did the defensive power of the immortal formation."We have the Gu formation, we should last for some time." A Southern Border Gu Immortal said in uncertainty as he looked at Chi Qiu.Chi Qiu's gaze was flickering intensely, currently, the immortal formation was keeping them safe, but!The other party was not ordinary, he was Fang Yuan!The demonic path overlord that Heavenly Court could not deal with even after pursuing him for so long!"Everyone, seek help from your clans, tell them Fang Yuan is here, quick! Do you think this formation can block such a person?" Chi Qiu sighed.The immortals saw that Chi Qiu was very anxious, they did not wait but started to seek reinforcements.Earlier, Fang Yuan did not state his identity, he was just a rank seven Gu Immortal, how could the Southern Border Gu Immortals ask for help? They only reported this battle normally.But now that Fang Yuan exposed his identity, these Gu Immortals started to ask for help openly and loudly.Roar…The dragons roared as Fang Yuan attacked, the immortal formation blocked him with all its strength, it was also increasing in power."Block him, even if we die, we must block him!""The western part of the formation is broken, quickly repair it.""I don't have enough immortal essence, who will replace me?"The Southern Border immortals blocked him desperately, due to the strong pressure from Fang Yuan, these immortals stopped scheming against each other, they were truly united.Chi Qiu tried to fix the Gu formation while Xia Fan spat out blood multiple times, in order to try and deduce the flaws of myriad dragon, he had given it his all.They were rank seven Gu Immortals but they were like this, the rank six Gu Immortals were in far worse conditions.Outside the immortal formation, Fang Yuan crossed his arms as he watched quietly, he was calm as a breeze.After having myriad self Immortal Gu, the killer move myriad dragon was much more usable, it was no longer his strongest method, it was a killer move that could be used conventionally and regularly.Fang Yuan's strongest method was now an immemorial yama child's soul explosion. But he did not have any immemorial soul beasts to modify now. He had already used both immemorial yama children, one to kill Feng Jiu Ge and the other to kill Lang Ya land spirit, but neither succeeded.As for an ancient yama child's soul explosion, it was similar in power to myriad dragon, but it was amplified by yama battlefield and would be slightly stronger.Thus, Fang Yuan used this method to attack the immortal formation.Intense winds blew, Fang Yuan floated in the air, looking at the dragons attacking this formation.His demonic might was already developed, right now, he singlehandedly suppressed Southern Border's Gu Immortals, they were busy defending against his barrage of attacks.However, Fang Yuan frowned lightly.It was taking quite a while. Fang Yuan needed some more time to break this immortal formation.Fang Yuan still had three methods left, but reverse flow protection seal could not be used against the immortal formation. This formation got stronger as the attacks targeted at it got stronger, reverse flow protection seal could not reflect anything.Lead soul into dream had failed against Heavenly Court once before, measures had been taken against it when they fought Lord Huang Shi. Lead soul into dream needed to sense the target's soul, but these Southern Border Gu Immortals were hidden in the formation, Fang Yuan could not sense them.As for great thief ghost hand, it could not be used, the immortal formation was hidden behind the white light in multiple layers, great thief ghost hand was unable to get close."Lord Chi Qu You!" At this time, inside the immortal formation, Southern Border's immortals received a surge of morale.The reason was simple, Chi clan's first supreme elder, rank eight formation path Gu Immortal Chi Qu You, had arrived in secret."To think that this immortal formation had this hidden pathway in it, allowing a rank eight existence tens of thousands of li away to teleport here! The clan truly put in a lot of effort into this." Chi Qiu praised in his mind.This hidden pathway was left by Chi Qu You just in case a situation like the dream realm battle occurred again. In that situation, Chi clan, which had access to the hidden pathway, would have a huge advantage.And now, Fang Yuan suddenly attacked, Chi Qu You thought about it and decided to expose this hidden trump card."Continue controlling the immortal formation, act like you cannot last long, I will make an arrangement to lure this demon into my trap." Chi Qu You smiled.Fang Yuan had lots of treasures on him and was a demonic path overlord, Heavenly Court had a huge headache against him. If Chi Qu You could use formation path to capture Fang Yuan or kill him, not only could he gain a lot of loot, he could also raise his reputation to the limit, he could also use this matter to raise Chi clan's ranking in the Southern Border righteous path by several levels.Even though Fang Yuan had great achievements, Chi Qu You was a formation path great grandmaster and had rank eight cultivation level, he was extremely confident in his formation path attainment,after learning about this, he came here to take Fang Yuan's life. Any other rank eight Gu Immortal who did not cultivate formation path would not have Chi Qu You's advantage and ease.With Chi Qu You as the mastermind, Southern Border's immortals had a huge surge of confidence, they started to contest with Fang Yuan patiently.Chi Qu You had formation path Immortal Gu, his methods were very quickly set up, he soon created a formation inside the immortal formation. This was Chi Qu You's expertise to begin with.But when he was about to succeed, Fang Yuan suddenly stopped and left the battlefield using Fixed Immortal Travel."Did he sense me?" Chi Qu You frowned, but he thought about how he vigilantly created the Gu formation, he did not expose anything. The chance of that was low, so why did Fang Yuan retreat?"This is contact heart river bank?" Jade light flickered as Fang Yuan appeared in the sky.He looked down, the surrounding hundreds of li were covered in mountains, only the land below him was flat with fog in it, it could not be seen clearly.Fang Yuan breathed in deeply, using myriad dragon killer move again.Myriad dragons attacked as the fog rose, clashing with each other.But soon, the fog could not stand up to Fang Yuan's attacks and faded, exposing the true terrain.A shallow deep blue lake surrounded by silent verdant mountains. Around the lake were pure white round rocks, they stacked at the river bank.On the river bank, there were a large number of wisdom path contact heart Gu, there was also the obvious aura left behind by some Chi clan rank six Gu Immortal.Fang Yuan did not chase them, he looked at contact heart river bank and grabbed, starting his plunder!Information that contact heart river bank had been robbed soon got to Chi Qu You, this was Chi clan's resource point, even though there was a Gu formation, the defense was not as strong, Fang Yuan easily took it over.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1590. Cloud Bamboo Mountain Range | Reverend Insanity

"Come." Fang Yuan floated in the air as he opened his immortal aperture's entrance.A large number of wild contact heart Gu were drawn by a gentle force, gathering in the air like a beautiful colored cloud, entering Fang Yuan's immortal aperture.The process lasted for several minutes.Fang Yuan estimated: "More than three thousand are rank five contact heart Gu, fifty thousand are rank four, and over a million are rank three and below."Contact heart Gu resembled colored yuhua stones, they had different colors and shapes according to their rank. It was a wisdom path Gu worm that could steal the opponent's concentration and make them enter a daze, losing the ability to perceive and think. If combined with other relevant Gu worms, it could form killer moves. Contact heart Gu had a lot of value in combat, the most usual method was to supplement it with enslavement path methods to enhance the enslavement ability. Of course, wisdom path Gu Masters used it too, but wisdom path was a rare and mysterious path.Gu Masters face difficulty in raising Gu, most of them had less than ten Gu at once. But for Gu Immortals, they could get tens of thousands of mortal Gu easily, only Immortal Gu were hard to get.Fang Yuan's situation was simply a rare exception."Contact heart river bank is a mid-sized resource point, I attacked and destroyed the Gu formation here, while the defending Gu Immortal escaped for their life without destroying the contact heart Gu, this was why I could obtain this wealth."If the defending Gu Immortal took away or destroyed the contact heart Gu before leaving, Fang Yuan's gains would be greatly reduced.That Gu Immortal must have exerted all their effort to block Fang Yuan, they could not distract themselves by storing the contact heart Gu. When they left, they either had no method or lacked the resolve to destroy this place.After storing the contact heart Gu, Fang Yuan's gaze returned to the river bank.Rank six strength path Immortal Gu — Pulling Water.He activated this Immortal Gu, the river water was pulled up like silk by a formless force, before being moved into Fang Yuan's immortal aperture.This contact heart river bank was a special area filled with wisdom path dao marks, there were earth path, water path, wood path, and other dao marks as foundation, but they paled in quantity compared to wisdom path.Fang Yuan took away the water, but the dense wisdom path dao marks still remained here."It is a pity that most of the wisdom path dao marks are on this land." Fang Yuan sighed to himself.There was no helping it.Even though he had pulling mountain Immortal Gu, it was targeted at mountains, not land."I'll bring the rocks with me." Contact heart river bank's rocks were filled with wisdom path dao marks too, they were excellent materials. Fang Yuan brought them along.He took everything that he could take.A moment later, he used rank seven Fixed Immortal Travel to leave this place, leaving behind a ransacked resource point.Fang Yuan was currently being pursued, he could not stay at a place for long. Otherwise, his enemies would be able to encircle and plot against him.Thus, when he attacked Plunder Shadow Earth Trench earlier and was blocked by the formation, he retreated wisely, it was not because he found out about Chi Qu You's scheme.Fang Yuan focused his mind as he used Fixed Immortal Travel, crossing an enormous distance, arriving above a mountain.This mountain range was majestic and huge with curved contours. There were no trees on it, only bamboos. These bamboos were very thick and each were the size of giant trees. The leaves of the bamboo were triangular with a long base and sharp tip, the tips were thin and sharp but tough, many mortals would pluck these leaves and tie them to wooden rods to create wooden spears. This was also why this bamboo was called spear tip bamboo.The spear tip bamboo forest was huge and covered the entire mountain range. There were many lifeforms living in the bamboo forest, it was filled with vitality. Most had cloud path dao marks, the highest quantity group was the cloud fox. This fox had snow white skin and could float in the air temporarily. Right now, Fang Yuan could see a group of cloud foxes floating around in the bamboo forest, playing with each other happily, it was a serene sight.Fang Yuan's eyes shone: "This is cloud bamboo mountain range, a large resource point under Chi clan's control."The super forces of the five regions controlled resource points, classified into five groups, mini, small, middle, large, and giant.Fang Yuan's dragonfish sea area in sovereign immortal aperture was a giant resource point, it could produce copper, iron, silver, and gold dragonfish. It was Fang Yuan's most important source of revenue now."Oh, oh no, the demon Fang Yuan is here!""Plunder Shadow Earth Trench was attacked, contact heart river bank was taken by him, to think that he would come to cloud bamboo mountain range at this crucial moment. Sigh."The two Chi clan rank six Gu Immortals defending the place saw Fang Yuan and were flustered.Fang Yuan used Fixed Immortal Travel to arrive here, there was a huge disturbance as Fang Yuan did not conceal himself, Chi clan's two Gu Immortals immediately noticed it.The two Gu Immortals were currently deep within the mountain range, there was a huge spear tip bamboo in front of them, it was over twenty meters tall, the bamboo was so large that even ten grown men could not surround it with their arms.And inside this giant bamboo, an Immortal Gu was being nurtured.Indeed, a wild Immortal Gu was about to form here!Chi clan's two Gu Immortals were putting their focus here while defending cloud bamboo mountain range, Immortal Gu were unique, this wood path Immortal Gu that was about to form was the most important thing in cloud bamboo mountain range.Boom boom boom!Fang Yuan waved his sleeves, sending out sparks and smoke. The two Chi clan Gu Immortals sighed together, activating the Gu formation to block Fang Yuan's attacks.Chi clan was most skilled at formation path, while Chi Qu You was a formation path great grandmaster who could use natural dao marks and mortal Gu to create immortal formations.Read more chapter on our vipnovel.comThus, Chi clan's resource points all had immortal formations, and these resource points had something in similar, they were all dense with dao marks!As Fang Yuan attacked, jade green light appeared on cloud bamboo mountain range that blocked Fang Yuan's attacks. Countless spear tip bamboos started shaking as leaves shot out with intense winds, it was like a tornado of countless spears that shot at Fang Yuan with great intensity."This immortal formation is not only larger than the one at contact heart river bank, it can even retaliate." Fang Yuan smiled, using reverse flow protection seal.The bamboo leaves landed on his body and were all sent back to attack the immortal formation without question."This is reverse flow protection seal! Quick, quick, stop the retaliation method." The two rank six Gu Immortals panicked before encouraging each other: "The Immortal Gu is about to form, it is a few minutes away from completion, we need to wait for the clan's reinforcements."The immortal formation was manipulated by them and stopped attacking, it focused on defense.Fang Yuan could not reverse its attacks anymore but he smiled nonchalantly, dispelling reverse flow protection seal.He activated myriad dragon killer move again, sending a barrage of attacks at the immortal formation.The immortal formation shook intensely, the two rank six Gu Immortals were sweating profusely, gritting their teeth as they spat out blood, defending themselves desperately.After a while, Fang Yuan's eyes shone with brilliance as he found a flaw of this formation.Fang Yuan's formation path attainment level was at grandmaster after all!He noticed this flaw and started attacking it.After a while, cloud bamboo mountain range's immortal formation exploded intensely as a portion of the green light covering the mountain range dissipated suddenly."Oh no, he destroyed a portion of the immortal formation!""Hang on, reinforcements are coming."The two Chi clan rank sixes were greatly shocked.Fang Yuan sent out attacks again, creating explosions on the defenseless cloud bamboo mountains.Yama child soul explosion!He found that soul explosion was more suited for destroying the immortal formation, he used it without hesitation.The start was the most difficult, after creating a hole in the cloud bamboo immortal formation, the difficulty reduced drastically, Fang Yuan made good use of the weakness.The two Chi clan Gu Immortals' dreams did not come true.Fang Yuan's dismantling speed became faster and faster, he destroyed more and more of the formation until he reached the Chi clan Gu Immortals."It's too late, let's retreat!""What about the Immortal Gu? We are only a few minutes away from its creation.""Leave, we will lose our lives if we stay."The other Gu Immortal jolted into realization as he wiped his sweat: "You're right, we'll leave! What about the Immortal Gu?"The Gu Immortal companion struggled for a moment before gritting his teeth: "Destroy it!"

Reverend Insanity