
Chapter: 1561-1565:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1561. View At The Peak | Reverend Insanity

This was one of the greatest pursuits of refinement path — combining all kinds of killer moves into one Gu worm!For instance, mortal killer move self strength.This move was a strength path killer move which Northern Plains Gu Immortal Su Xian Er had created for her daughter Hei Lou Lan. Its core was strength path, but it treaded on soul path and qi path, once it was activated, it could produce a human phantom, the phantom's appearance was lifelike and was a portrayal of the Gu Master's inner consciousness.Moreover, this strength path phantom could act on its own and chase its enemies.There were altogether fifty Gu worms used in forming this killer move.According to Fang Yuan's current comprehension of the refinement path maxim: any killer move, be it of mortal or immortal level, could be considered as an incomplete recipe.That was to say, self strength killer move's contents could be altered by taking out and adding in various kinds of Gu materials, continuously improving it until it becomes a Gu recipe for self strength Gu.When the Gu recipe is perfected and self strength Gu is refined, activating just this Gu worm could produce a strength path phantom!The benefits of this were clear as day.A killer move condensed into a Gu worm reduced the amount of Gu worms used to only one. When the Gu Master activates it, not only would it be extremely convenient and fast, the primeval essence expended would also be much less than activating the killer move.Another example was immortal killer move myriad self.This move was Fang Yuan's unique creation, it combined enslavement and strength path, made from the merging of killer moves like dragon horse spirit, three heads six arms, rat epidemic, thunder explosion. leopard rush, horse barrage, three hearts combination soul, beast phantoms, six arm heavenly zombie king, and so on.The core Immortal Gu were Self Strength, Pulling Mountain, Pulling Water, and Cleanse Soul. The supplementary Gu worms were all-out effort Gu, bitter strength Gu, borrow strength Gu, self-reliance Gu, refine essence spirit Gu, earth strength Gu, water strength Gu, wind strength Gu, lightning strength Gu, fire strength Gu, heavenly essence treasure king lotus Gu, lurking soul coat Gu, breath concealment Gu, group strength Gu, as well as all kinds of soul path mortal Gu.This killer move clearly had lots of contents, it was extremely troublesome to activate.It was because Fang Yuan had practised it frequently to the point where it had become a kind of instinct that he was able to use it freely in battle.But in fact, it contained countless extremely complex steps.What if this killer move was elevated and refined into a Gu?Myriad self Immortal Gu!It would clearly be extremely convenient and usable!Fang Yuan would only need to transfer immortal essence and activate this Gu worm to produce tens of thousands of strength path phantoms, quickly and conveniently.Fang Yuan did not have qualifications to do this before, but now with his quasi-supreme refinement path attainment, he had the ability to reach this level!All kinds of killer moves refined into Gu worms!Fang Yuan's heart thumped with excitement, but he did not lose his calm as he continued to ponder."I now have the ability to elevate killer moves into Gu worms.""However, even though there are killer moves that can be refined into a Gu worm like myriad self, some killer moves cannot, like purple blood river formation or ignited thought flying rock. If these killer moves are condensed to their limit, they will comprise multiple Immortal Gu. Later on, I will need to coordinate and activate these multiple Immortal Gu to use the killer move.""This method has benefits and demerits as well.""The benefits are that it will be much more convenient and quick, the exhaustion of mind is also sharply reduced. But there are disadvantages, first, when myriad self killer move is condensed into a myriad self Immortal Gu, other Immortal Gu might be required to be used as Gu materials to refine it. Moreover, the power of just myriad self Immortal Gu might not be as strong as myriad self killer move."Myriad self killer move used so many Immortal Gu and supplementary mortal Gu, while myriad self Gu would only be one Gu, if its rank was just rank six or rank seven, it would have limited dao marks, thus not enough power."Another thing is that when only a Gu worm is used, it will be easy to counter. Killer moves are complicated but they are also much more difficult for others to deduce and decipher."Killer moves could also be continuously adjusted and elevated. For instance, myriad self killer move had the variation moves strength path giant hand and reverse flow protection seal.But myriad self Gu itself would not have the potential to be elevated further."Of course, the overall benefits in elevating killer moves to a Gu worm is still much higher. Simply because the Gu could be used as the core of the original killer move anyway, raising its power and also preventing it from being deduced easily.""Even if some Immortal Gu have to be used as Gu materials during the refinement process, I can refine them again!"This ability would be extremely helpful to Fang Yuan.Look at myriad self first, Fang Yuan's reverse flow protection seal was a variation move of this killer move. Since the start, it was extremely troublesome for Fang Yuan to activate reverse flow protection seal, he needed time to prepare for it because of the complicated procedures, and if there was even a slight mistake, the killer move would fail and inflict backlash to himself.But if he had myriad self Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan could modify reverse flow protection seal, greatly simplifying its steps and activating it much faster.With this, his battle strength would rise by another level!Fang Yuan possessed a lot of killer moves, but the ones he used frequently were few.Myriad self could be condensed and elevated, purple thought perception starlight could be condensed into multiple Immortal Gu, ancient sword dragon transformation could also be condensed into one Gu worm. By then, with myriad self Immortal Gu and ancient sword dragon Immortal Gu, he could use just two Immortal Gu to unleash the killer move myriad dragon!Divination tortoise transformation, self cleansing killer move, hundred and eighty slaves, enslavement after victorious fight, and so on could also be condensed and elevated.As Fang Yuan continued to ponder deep into this subject, he suddenly had another insight."Wait, be it killer moves or refining Gu, they are both basically the utilization of Dao.""Isn't my reverse flow protection seal using Reverse Flow River? And didn't Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's orderly well use City Well?""City Well and Reverse Flow River are not Gu worms, why could they be used? Isn't it because they are secluded domains of heaven and earth, containing a huge amount of dao marks which are then used by us?"Fang Yuan thought about it again, the nurture, use, and refinement of Gu worms were in essence, Dao.There were too many Gu cultivation paths1, fire path, water path, metal path, wood path, strength path, wisdom path, soul path, rule path, poison path, theft path…"These paths all involve the nurture, use, and refinement of Gu, all involving Dao, this is in fact a kind of Dao that connects us to heaven and earth!"Suddenly, the most classic phrase of the Gu cultivation world appeared in Fang Yuan's mind.Man is the spirit of all beings, Gu are the essence of heaven and earth!Never had Fang Yuan's understanding of this phrase been as profound as this moment."I want to condense and elevate killer moves into Gu worms, I need to take out Gu worms, add in Gu materials, and merge them into one.""Immortal Gu are the fragments of the Great Dao, Gu materials are the accumulation of dao marks, as long as the path is the same, they can be substituted with each other.""The reason why killer moves like reverse flow protection seal and orderly well can be activated is because Reverse Flow River and City Well have an abundant amount of dao marks that can take the place of Gu worms. From this point of view, these two killer moves have actually progressed from killer moves to Gu recipes!"As Fang Yuan continued to ponder, many of his questions from before were being clearly solved.Refinement path was actually rather special, although it was one path, it was related to every path. The comprehension gained from becoming a quasi-supreme grandmaster was much broader and deeper than any of Fang Yuan's accomplishments in other paths."Thinking about it, I am using landscape as before Immortal Gu to restore Dang Hun Mountain, it looks like I am using a Gu worm on the surface, but it can also be seen as using the killer move landscape as before. Any killer moves can be seen as an incomplete Gu recipe, thus from another angle, this is also Gu refinement.""Only that what I am trying to refine is not a Gu worm, but a rank nine immortal material — Dang Hun Mountain!"Fang Yuan was only rank seven, but he could refine rank nine immortal material?The important thing here was the orderly well killer move, which was Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's method. And back then, the orderly well killer move that Spectral Soul Demon Venerable used on Dang Hun Mountain was of rank nine level.Realizing this point, Fang Yuan immediately got many new ideas for the restoration of Dang Hun Mountain."Dang Hun Mountain can be restored, it can also be used as a core like Reverse Flow River and form an immortal killer move!""Oh! I understand! The peak of soul cultivation recorded in Spectral Soul's true inheritance —the Three Headed Thousand Arms Demon Soul, isn't it an artificial secluded domain of heaven and earth?""Also, the rank nine killer move ghostly concealment of Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable has countless dao marks working together and can function endlessly without adding any immortal essence, this is also an artificial secluded domain of heaven and earth!"All along, Fang Yuan did not understand why ghostly concealment did not need immortal essence and could continue working all the time.But now, he came to a realization.Did Dang Hun Mountain require immortal essence? No.Did Luo Po Valley require immortal essence? Also no.Spectral Soul forcibly resisted the calamities and tribulations, although he used immortal essence to activate killer moves, in essence, he did not require immortal essence to possess his extremely powerful battle strength.But this did not mean all kinds of dao marks could be casually piled together with enough quantity to form a secluded domain of heaven and earth, or form a killer move like ghostly concealment.Dao marks needed to coordinate together.Wasn't this coordination just Gu refinement? The required Gu materials needed to be selectively chosen.Wasn't it nurturing Gu? The required food materials needed to be of a certain standard.Wasn't it using Gu? The coordination between Gu worms was the coordination between dao marks.Fang Yuan continued to ponder deeply for a long time before slowly opening his eyes.Three days and three nights had passed.He had absorbed the refinement path true meaning in a few hours, but his comprehension used up three days and three nights!Fang Yuan's black eyes shone brightly, he looked even more unfathomable now."You…" Looking at Fang Yuan's eyes, Lang Ya land spirit became uncertain with shock."What's wrong?" Fang Yuan asked.Lang Ya land spirit sighed: "The air you gave off a moment ago made me feel like I was looking at Giant Sun Immortal Venerable or Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable!"Giant Sun Immortal Venerable and Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable… any Gu Venerable was publicly recognized as a supreme grandmaster of their own path.Fang Yuan was already able to reach their boundary with his refinement path quasi-supreme grandmaster attainment.He was no longer looking up at the towering mountains, from the level below, he was able to observe the scenery!This was the view at the peak of Gu cultivation!

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1562. Emperor Yama! | Reverend Insanity

"Slumbering lightning python!" Lang Ya land spirit gave a loud shout.At the next moment, lightning bolts flashed and interwove together, forming a huge dragon-like lightning python.Lightning was yang, python was yin. The lightning python contained yin and yang, not only was the wild nature of the lightning curbed, it even showed some gentleness.As a result, the lightning python was not ferocious, but graceful and lovely.It moved in a zigzag pattern, slowly coiling around a mountain-like elephant shaped rock. The python constantly crushed the rocks into the finest powder.Refinement path had four publicly recognized strongest immortal killer moves to deal with immortal materials. One of them was slumbering lightning python.Lang Ya land spirit originated from Long Hair Ancestor, he naturally had extreme proficiency in them.This killer move was elevated to rank eight by using rank eight refinement path Immortal Gu.They could not process this rank eight immortal material elephant armor mountain without the rank eight slumbering lightning python.This was an immemorial immortal material of information path.Lang Ya land spirit had already been processing immortal materials for several hours now, over ten rank eight immortal materials had already been processed, these immortal materials were divided into various categories and were all of information path.Slumbering lightning python gradually dissipated, elephant armor mountain had completely been turned into fine powder. The powder gathered with other immortal materials, and under Lang Ya land spirit's methods, they all formed a constantly rotating multicolored whirlpool."It is done, you can stop the immortal formation." Lang Ya land spirit let out a breath of relief, extremely exhausted.Immediately, a hairy man Gu Immortal removed the refinement path immortal formation.With the immortal formation gone, the aura of the multicolored whirlpool immediately started to spread, the distant wisdom Gu was like a kitten that had smelled fish as it flew over and jumped right into the whirlpool, looking drunk."So wisdom Gu had such a trait." Fang Yuan said with a moved expression."According to legends, wisdom Gu's recipe contains a large amount of information path immortal materials. In nature, a wild wisdom Gu can only complete its advancement in areas that are full of information path dao marks." Lang Ya land spirit said.Fang Yuan immediately understood.Wisdom Gu's Gu recipe was not recorded in both Spectral Soul's true inheritance and Lang Ya true inheritance. Only Heavenly Court had some records.Fang Yuan could not control wisdom Gu, but he could move this lump of multicolored whirlpool from afar.As for those over four thousand years of lifespan Gu, he had already collected them after refinement path true meaning."I had to trouble first supreme elder to personally act, I will gradually repay this debt." Fang Yuan spoke in a sincere way to Lang Ya land spirit.Although the method of moving wisdom Gu was simple, the cost was not anything small.Various rank eight immortal materials had to be merged to create this temporary multicolored whirlpool. And this whirlpool would gradually dissipate not long after, it had no use besides deceiving wisdom Gu to change location.This cost was naturally borne by Fang Yuan.After discussing with Lang Ya land spirit, both sides came to an agreement to let Fang Yuan owe the cost for the time being and not immediately pay. After all, Fang Yuan had just been through an intense battle, he urgently needed to fill his immortal essence reserves.This was also because of the rise in Fang Yuan's status. Before this, he would not have been able to enjoy such great benefits.But now, after he had pummeled Thunder Ghost True Monarch, he had the dominant status when communicating and negotiating with Lang Ya land spirit."Time is tight, I will immediately go into closed cultivation and use all my strength to deduce a way as fast as possible to get out of this predicament." Fang Yuan said."Good, good, then I won't disturb you." Joy flashed by Lang Ya land spirit's eyes, his exhausted look easing by a lot.Fang Yuan returned to his cloud city.Feng Jiu Ge's group had invaded Lang Ya blessed land and taken several cloud cities. But by some luck, Fang Yuan's cloud city had evaded this calamity and was still safe.This might also be related to Fang Yuan's powerful luck.Fang Yuan entered closed cultivation, the other variant human Gu Immortals wanted to get close to him, but Fang Yuan did not meet any of them including those of the snowman race.Inside sovereign immortal aperture.Immortal killer move — Strength Reversing Life and Death!"This move is a strength path killer move, it is not too suitable for my time path clone, I need to modify it into time path in the future."Fang Yuan's time path clone immediately turned back into an immortal zombie and arrived in front of wisdom Gu.After a while, wisdom Gu erupted with the light of wisdom, Fang Yuan's time path clone sat cross-legged and began to think rapidly in the light of wisdom.The issue of the dao marks left by Feng Jiu Ge's group in Lang Ya blessed land was shelved aside by Fang Yuan.Comparing Lang Ya blessed land's safety and his own, his was of course more important."Right now, the most crucial thing is to elevate yama. Otherwise, once I come out of the blessed land, the immortal essence to maintain yama is really too high."If yama was not elevated, Fang Yuan would be in an extremely passive situation.If his location was exposed and Heavenly Court continued to make deductions, they would learn of even more secrets which Fang Yuan absolutely did not want to see.Previously, Fang Yuan had thought it was much better to use ghost official garment along with ghostly concealment's power to block Heavenly Court's deductions.The killer move yama was a successful result of his attempts.But now, Heavenly Court had a lot of clues on Fang Yuan, the current yama was not enough to protect him.This deduction continued for over a month.Of course, the light of wisdom was not used the whole time.The whole process went smoothly for the most part, because Fang Yuan had great grandmaster attainment in theft path, quasi-supreme in refinement path, and also had good grasp over ghostly concealment, ghost official garment and other killer moves. The process slowed slightly because of his slightly lacking soul path attainment.The biggest difficulty was during the mid-late stage. But it was also resolved after Fang Yuan added rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token.The killer move yama had a huge transformation, Fang Yuan renamed it to emperor yama!Emperor yama had four main components. Ghostly concealment, ghost official garment, Soul Beast Token and myriad self."Although I have deduced emperor yama, it can only be considered an initial version, I will need to activate it and constantly adjust it.""My main body will be in charge of this. As for the clone, it will continue to deduce the way to deal with the dao marks left by Feng Jiu Ge."Just like this, Fang Yuan stayed in Lang Ya blessed land for about half a month.Fang Yuan finally came out of his closed cultivation.His clone had already completed its deduction task, Fang Yuan found the method to resolve the problem of the dao marks left by Feng Jiu Ge.He gave this method to Lang Ya land spirit. The latter's expression immediately changed at this, cursing Heavenly Court's sinister craftiness.It turned out that if refinement path methods were used to get rid of these dao marks, it would instead help these dao marks. The killer move self cleansing was also ineffective. Heavenly Court was not a match for Spectral Soul Demon Venerable in soul path, but their refinement path foundation was not any weaker than Lang Ya Sect. After all, among the three supreme grandmasters of refinement path, only Long Hair Ancestor was a hairy man, while the other two were humans, and most of their inheritances were gathered by Heavenly Court.Fang Yuan was a quasi-supreme grandmaster, he saw through this scheme and even provided the simplest way to deal with it.Fang Yuan could quickly deal with these dao marks when Lang Ya blessed land was relocated. Other methods would require more than ten years.So the question returned back to the starting point – Lang Ya blessed land's relocation."What do we do? Maybe Heavenly Court intentionally made this arrangement to force us to relocate the blessed land." Lang Ya land spirit was very worried.Fang Yuan also had the same worry.Heavenly Court had not made any movement in this period of time, but it did not mean they had given up. It was more likely that they had already made preparations and were waiting for Lang Ya blessed land to expose its location.But if they didn't relocate, Heavenly Court would find this location sooner or later."Looks like we can only prepare to relocate. This is the recipe for myriad self Immortal Gu, if it is refined, it will be a huge boost to my battle strength." Fang Yuan said as he gave a Gu recipe to Lang Ya land spirit.This was the result of his recent deduction.Using his refinement path quasi-supreme grandmaster attainment, Fang Yuan was confident this was already the most outstanding recipe possible."Myriad self Immortal Gu?" Lang Ya land spirit's attention was immediately attracted. Although his obsession was different from the previous land spirit, he had originated from Long Hair Ancestor after all."If your Immortal Gu recipe is refined, it will be at least a rank seven. But, several of the immortal materials are in scarce amounts in the sect's storage. It will be difficult to purchase them in a short time period even from treasure yellow heaven." Lang Ya land spirit gave a bitter smile."No worries, I will gather these immortal materials myself." Fang Yuan waved his hand, giving a slight smile, his gaze deep and eerie.With the new emperor yama killer move in his hands, he intended to use this chance to test out this move's power in a real battle!

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1563. Meng Tu | Reverend Insanity

Southeast of the northern icy plain, north of Inkman City, northwest of poison grassland, and at the extreme south of Meng tribe, there was a place called autumn blade plain.This was a special land created naturally, it was flat with no grass growing on it.Meng Tu walked step by step in autumn blade plain.He was tall and well-built, and had a bronze luster to his skin. He was wearing an armored vest that revealed his shoulders. His pants were rolled up, revealing his calves.He was walking barefoot.The plain and natural ground was as sharp as knives, as Meng Tu walked on this silver soil, it was like walking on a mountain of blades, as his every step left behind a trail of blood.But his expression was without a change. He was silent, his eyes closed, and his brows slightly knitted as he pondered over a doubt in his mind."Autumn blade plain is full of blade path dao marks, forming countless edge Gu naturally. I have been walking back and forth barefooted for several years now, but what is it that I am lacking for which I am still unable to make a breakthrough in my blade path attainment level?"Blade path was an extremely small path, it could not be compared to paths like metal path, fire path, earth path and so on.Sword path could not be left out when mentioning blade path.These two paths were deeply interconnected and yet conflicting with each other. Because the origin of these two paths was the same, that was edge Gu.Regarding edge Gu, it was recorded in <the legends of ren zu>. Ren Zu was walking in Ordinary Abyss where some places were swampy, it was easy to get stuck in the mud, and the stench was foul. Some places were full of thorns, sharp pointy tips were everywhere, Ren Zu suffered a lot of injuries. In some parts of the ground, there were also edge Gu. When Ren Zu stepped on the ground, his soles were injured by the sharp edges, his injuries became larger as blood flowed, when he walked, the pain could be felt striking deep within himself.Edge Gu was the origin of both blade path and sword path.Many wild edge Gu were produced in nature, autumn blade plain was one of the few edge Gu production areas in five regions, and was controlled by the super force Meng tribe.Meng Tu was a rank seven Gu Immortal who cultivated blade path and had peak rank seven battle strength. He was a genius when he was young, and grew rapidly, becoming a famous expert of Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world, and was one of the pillars of Meng tribe.Several years ago, he gave a request to the tribe's Gu Immortals, wanting to stay in this autumn blade plain. On one hand, he could look after this important resource point of the tribe, while on the other hand, he was doing this in consideration of his own cultivation.His blade path had been stuck at quasi-great grandmaster level, he wanted to use this autumn blade plain, by imitating Ren Zu's actions, to truly step into great grandmaster level!But over these years, although he made some gains, he was always obstructed by a thin veil from stepping into great grandmaster.Meng Tu had a determined personality, he refused to give up even after not seeing results for several years."Sigh, breaking through to great grandmaster realm is truly difficult! The tribe's supreme elders all praised me as a blade path genius rarely seen once in a thousand years, but I am still only at quasi-great grandmaster level even after hundreds of years.""Although I have already sensed the thin veil obstructing me which seems to be so near to me, it feels like it is far away in the horizon and is as difficult as stepping into heaven!""But I need to continue walking, this method still has some effect. Some day, I will definitely be able to become a blade path great grandmaster!""Huh? Who is it?"Right at this time, the Gu formation that covered the whole of autumn blade plain was destroyed abruptly, revealing the clear blue sky.A figure descended with overwhelming aura, directly charging at Meng Tu without even saying a word!"Such guts!" Meng Tu shouted in fury, he did not dodge, instead counterattacking with a knife-hand stance.A loud sound resulted from the collision, the attacker was stable like a mountain, while Meng Tu was sent flying from the force"My immortal killer move might look like it has no momentum, but all its power is contained within, I can easily break the ordinary defenses of rank seven Gu Immortals. But this person is uninjured after taking my attack head-on! This is a powerful enemy!"Meng Tu was surprised, he quickly stabilized his footing and shouted at the attacker: "State your name. You dare to intrude on my Meng tribe's territory!""Hahaha." Fang Yuan laughed madly, saying in a completely altered voice: "Meng Tu, of course you don't recognize me, but that is not an issue, because the dead do not need to know too much."Myriad self Immortal Gu's recipe required an enormous amount of edge Gu, more importantly, it required a kind of special rank seven immortal material that was deep under autumn blade plain – drinking blade wine.This wine was not produced naturally; it was an unusual product formed from the bloodstains left by Meng Tu, which had seeped deep into the ground and merged with this place's blade path dao marks.Fang Yuan knew from his first life's memories that Meng Tu bitterly cultivated here to breakthrough to blade path great grandmaster, but was never able to meet with that opportunity.Meng Tu failed to breakthrough, he imitated Ren Zu by inserting edge Gu in his heart to deepen his understanding of blade path. The killer move he created was incomplete and had serious hidden side-effects, Meng Tu's mind gradually started to be affected and he would often fall into a mad demonic state.Meng Tu also knew that this was not the ideal method, but he kept on insisting on cultivating relentlessly, hiding it from others.When the five regions chaotic war started, Meng Tu took part in battles, however, the side-effect started up during a battle, he fell into a crazed demonic state, killing his own tribe's Gu Immortals.After Meng Tu regained his senses, he concealed all traces while also fabricating false reasons, concealing this from the tribe.However, as this happened suddenly, Meng Tu was not able to deal with the traces completely, Northern Plains' Gu Immortals slowly noticed some clues and found the truth.Meng Tu faced huge pressure, Heavenly Court came and secretly instigated him.Meng Tu had initially felt fortunate and wanted to use Heavenly Court to make contributions and make up for his mistakes, but how could Heavenly Court be schemed against by him, a blade path Gu Immortal?Meng Tu was instead schemed against by Heavenly Court, he made mistakes again and again until he had no way out other than to side with Heavenly Court.To support this chess piece, Heavenly Court deduced the opportunity to advance to great grandmaster, which was the drinking blade wine deep underground in this place.Meng Tu followed Heavenly Court's guidance and came to autumn blade plain, he dug the ground and extracted a large amount of drinking blade wine.When he took a small sip, his organs felt like they were being cut by blades, when he took a large sip, he felt so much pain that he wished for death, by the time he took the third sip, he had advanced to blade path great grandmaster.From then onwards, he completely devoted himself to Heavenly Court and became the spy with second highest status in Northern Plains after Prince Feng Xian.Later on, due to a lucky coincidence, his identity was exposed by Ma Hong Yun, but that was another story altogether.Fang Yuan had deduced and confirmed that this place contained drinking blade wine, although the quantity was not much, he only needed a small amount. As for this Meng Tu, Fang Yuan had carefully picked him to test his emperor yama killer move.Fang Yuan could not find a rank eight Gu Immortal to test the might of his emperor yama, that would be looking for trouble. As for ordinary rank seven Gu Immortals, Fang Yuan had no use for them. However, Meng Tu, who had peak rank seven battle strength, and was already renowned as a blade path quasi-great grandmaster, was an extremely good choice.So Fang Yuan made a long trip to autumn blade plain, directly looking for trouble with Meng Tu."The attack just now was Meng Tu's hidden killer move, its power is beyond ordinary, but I could block it with just emperor yama. This defensive method is pretty good."Fang Yuan assessed in his mind.He had already activated emperor yama.He was covered in a yellowish-brown robe of an emperor, turning into a ten feet giant.The giant had a crown on its head which had strings of pearls in front and back. Its face was deep and dark, as if it was shrouded by a layer of fog, or was a dark whirlpool. Its sleeves were long and wide, it had a jade belt on his waist, and a bronze armor was covering his chest and back. The surface of the robe was adorned with golden threads that had weaved into thousands of ghostly monsters who stood orderly and without moving, giving a dignified aura.Meng Tu's attack was not without any effect, the thin bronze armor on emperor yama's chest had a dent.But with a little consumption of Fang Yuan's soul foundation, this dent immediately bulged up, restoring itself.This was the specialty of emperor yama!Rank nine ghostly concealment did not expend anything and also functioned on its own, while ghost official garment relied on soul foundation.Emperor yama, which was a combination of the these two moves, did not require immortal essence, but spent Fang Yuan's soul foundation!"Meng Tu, you are nothing much. You have cultivated here for several years, what new killer moves have you created? It will be a real pity if you don't use them before your death." Fang Yuan provoked.Meng Tu laughed from anger, then looked at Fang Yuan with pity: "No matter who you are, you are seeking your own death by challenging me here! There used to be a defensive immortal formation here, but do you know why I persuaded the tribe to take it back?""Because as long as I am here, there is no need for an immortal formation to guard this place!"Meng Tu fiercely stomped on the ground with his right foot.At the next moment, the ground shook as endless blade lights surged up, countless blade path phantoms gathered into a huge army, surrounding Fang Yuan tightly.

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Chapter 1564. Decent, I Suppose | Reverend Insanity

In a blink of an eye, Fang Yuan was already surrounded tightly by countless blade path phantoms. Not only this, the endless blade lights filled the whole sky, isolating inside from outside."Whoever you may be, your defensive killer move is indeed amazing!" Meng Tu was protected by many layers of blade path phantoms, he gazed at Fang Yuan deeply before smiling and rubbing his hands to ease the numbness from the previous force."But!" Meng Tu raised his head slightly at the tall emperor yama, his gaze filled with pity: "You should never have come to find trouble for me here in autumn blade plain.""Hehe, actually, it was not wrong to find trouble for me here, but your timing is really bad, if it were when I had just come here, you might still have some chance at survival. But now, hehehe…"Meng Tu laughed, holding his hands behind his back as he shook his head.At the next moment, Fang Yuan continued after Meng Tu's words: "But now, this place is already filled with your traces. Since years back, you have been comprehending blade path here, trying to breakthrough to blade path great grandmaster realm. Thus, you can greatly influence the dao marks of this place to form an environment that is close to an immortal battlefield killer move1, like this scene in front of me.""You…" Meng Tu's expression immediately changed. He had believed no one knew of his trump card, and thus had never expected Fang Yuan to not only be unsurprised, but also speak of his trump card in such a familiar way.Fang Yuan's low and deep voice continued: "Do you know why I am looking for trouble with you? It is precisely because you have this method which can form such a battlefield environment. This is close to an immortal battlefield, but it is still not a true immortal battlefield, with an essential difference that your influence is already at its maximum, you are unable to control it at will, so it might have trapped me, but aren't you also trapped?"Meng Tu's pupils shrunk rapidly, his pleased mood had completely disappeared."Who exactly are you?" He asked Fang Yuan nervously.Fang Yuan chuckled, looking at his surroundings: "Although your blade path phantoms are in high numbers, their quality is not up to par. It happens that I also have a similar method, why don't we spar a little."Fang Yuan's yellowish-brown emperor robe suddenly emitted countless howls and shrieks. Next, those ghostly monsters weaved on the surface of the robe came alive, and started to move, then jumped out of Fang Yuan's emperor yama robe one by one, turning from small to large!These ghostly monsters had human shapes, but they all had malevolent and terrifying faces, knife-like claws, and bloodshot eyes, looking quite horrifying."Kill!" Meng Tu narrowed his eyes, as he mobilized his blade path phantoms to charge towards these ghostly monsters.These blade path phantoms all had his appearance, but their faces were vague, and compared to the size of the ghostly monsters, they were like rats against carriage wheels.The ghostly monsters howled and spread their huge arms like a tall tree waving its branches.Bang bang bang, all the blade path phantoms on their way were destroyed.The monsters ran amok while letting out crazed screams and howls, easily crushing all the blade path phantoms on their way."These ghostly monsters are really powerful, each having rank seven battle strength!" Meng Tu had rich battle experience, as he noticed this with just a short observation. His heart immediately felt as heavy as a mountain, his eyelids twitched violently."But it doesn't matter, my blade path phantoms are created from the natural dao marks in autumn blade plain which are almost endless. Although the quality is not good, it can be made up with the quantity!"Meng Tu quickly calmed down."Hmm, these yama children have quite the battle strength." Fang Yuan assessed inwardly and was pleased.These ghostly monsters originated from the ancient soul beasts that Fang Yuan had gathered in green ghost desert.After Fang Yuan deduced the killer move emperor yama, he modified these ancient soul beasts, changing them into human shapes and turning them into yama children.This inspiration came from blood deity Immortal Gu's recipe.Fang Yuan was a grandmaster in blood path, with the light of wisdom's help, he had already completed the blood deity Immortal Gu recipe.The current Fang Yuan, with his refinement path quasi-supreme attainment, could change any Immortal Gu recipe into an immortal killer move.So Fang Yuan was able to grasp the immortal killer move blood deity.The killer move Yama child was deduced from consulting not only blood deity, but also some main contents of Spectral Soul's true inheritance.For example, soul beast modification.Spectral Soul modified the soul beasts in the Door of Life and Death, causing them to become loyal to him, they even faced Duke Long without fearing death.There was also another soul path immortal killer move — Life and Death Retrieval.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable had created this immortal killer move by comprehending the secluded domain of heaven and earth, the Door of Life and Death.What kind of place was the Door of Life and Death?When any living being die, their soul would return to the Door of Life and Death. It was only when Red Lotus Demon Venerable damaged fate Gu that the Door of Life and Death's power weakened greatly, allowing countless souls to linger behind in the living world to gradually turn into soul beasts.Life and death retrieval had the power to let the Gu Immortal retrieve souls from the Door of Life and Death.Fang Yuan completely merged this move into emperor yama, giving his yama children the ability to instantly return.Soon, a yama child gave a miserable shriek, its thigh was broken and it was knocked down onto the ground, countless blade path phantoms immediately flocked towards it.But Fang Yuan willed: "Return."At the next moment, this yama child immediately turned into fog which flew back into Fang Yuan's emperor robe, turning back into a monster image that was motionless, but was filled with injuries and a broken thigh."It can do this?" Meng Tu was astonished once again, his hands, which had been held behind his back, were loosened as his gaze towards Fang Yuan turned somewhat stunned.This was too outrageous!Meng Tu had been intending to rely on quantity to kill every yama child, but had not expected them to be able to return like this.Theoretically, any killer moves could be deciphered, but Meng Tu was a blade path Gu Immortal and not a wisdom path Gu Immortal. Even if he was a wisdom path Gu Immortal, against a rank eight killer move like emperor yama, unless he was a wisdom path great expert, how could he decipher it on the spot?Even Fairy Zi Wei could not decipher it on the spot.When deducing reverse flow protection seal, she had to repeatedly gather clues from battles, continuously accumulating them before she was able to gain some results.Fang Yuan's emperor yama used ghostly concealment as its base. This rank nine killer move was an artificial secluded domain of heaven and earth at the same level as Reverse Flow River, how could Meng Tu break it?Meng Tu simply could not deduce it, he could only summon his courage to continue fighting with Fang Yuan.However, the yama children's quantity was limited, although they killed a large amount of blade path phantoms, the injuries accumulated to a serious degree and they were recalled by Fang Yuan.On the battlefield, there were fewer and fewer yama children, while blade path phantoms seemed to be unlimited. After all, Fang Yuan had limited time, he was not able to modify enough soul beasts."This battle has likely weakened autumn blade plain's foundation by more than half." Meng Tu's expression was gloomy.The price he had to pay was high as he was using the whole of autumn blade plain, the future benefits of Meng tribe, to engage in a battle of attrition with Fang Yuan.But regardless of how much he had to sacrifice, Meng Tu still persisted with this tactic.Fang Yuan's previous words had truly scared him, he had already regarded Fang Yuan as the strongest enemy in his life, so he was cautiously using any available methods to deal with Fang Yuan.But, this was also what Fang Yuan intended to attain with his words.Only this Meng Tu could be the best whetstone to test his emperor yama killer move.There were less than ten yama children left and they stood on guard beside Fang Yuan, while the unlimited number of blade path phantoms surged towards them like a tidal wave."The speed of recovery is passable." Fang Yuan's expression did not change, he had been standing on the same spot from the start, unmoving like a millennium old tree.By now, the first yama child he had recalled to his emperor robe had already recovered completely.When these yama children modified from soul beasts returned to the robe, they would start recovering from their injuries. Naturally, it expended Fang Yuan's soul foundation.This involved a profundity of Gu refinement.The yama child was still a soul beast and the healing, from another angle, was like a Gu refinement process."If I bring out these recovered yama children, I wonder what expression Meng Tu will have." Fang Yuan smiled inwardly, but did not do this, instead using another method."Let me see emperor yama's offensive prowess." At the next moment, Fang Yuan inwardly called out: "Soul explosion!"The emperor yama suddenly spread its arms, its whole body shook as vast waves of darkness erupted out from it.The yama children were completely safe in the dark waves, only shaking like they were being blown at by a fierce wind.But those blade path phantoms were like weak candle-flames under a storm, instantly extinguishing!In an instant, the whole battlefield was cleared, the unlimited blade lights were instantly destroyed.Meng Tu was sent back hundreds of steps from the soul explosion and was half-kneeling on the ground, a glaring radiance was being emitted by his whole body as he pushed his defensive killer moves to their limits."Such power!" Meng Tu quickly stood up and looked up at Fang Yuan with a shaken expression: "This killer move is truly amazing, it should be a combination move containing both offense and defense! Its defense is so strong, and there is also the powerful method of sending out troops, but its strongest point is its offensive power! I have never seen or heard of this killer move, was it created by this person? If so, then who in the world is this person who can create such a killer move?""This soul explosion effect is decent, I suppose." Fang Yuan gave a nod of approval.One yama child was completely used to create the power of a peak rank seven killer move, but it still did not reach rank eight."Defense, yama child, recovery, soul explosion… these aspects are all at the peak of rank seven. But emperor yama's true power lies in two other aspects. Let's try this."Just as Fang Yuan was thinking, Meng Tu had already charged over, shouting: "Come, try my killer move, heaven and earth blade!"Immortal killer move — Great Thief Ghost Hand!In an instant, a ghost hand, as if from the netherworld, that was as large as a handheld fan appeared behind Meng Tu and directly entered his body. It then came out, disappearing from sight once again.Puff!Meng Tu suddenly coughed out a mouthful of blood, the core Immortal Gu of heaven and earth blade was robbed, the killer move failed and the backlash immediately inflicted serious injuries on him."What's going on? Where is my Immortal Gu?!" Meng Tu's heart shook in unprecedented fright!

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next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1565. Forced To Die | Reverend Insanity

Previously, in green ghost desert, Fang Yuan had used great thief ghost hand to steal rank eight Immortal Gu Soul Beast Token.Great thief ghost hand was only a rank seven move, and its core was rank seven great thief Immortal Gu. But with the help of the killer move yama, its power rose to the point where it could steal a rank eight Immortal Gu from the legendary immemorial soul beast Qing Chou's body.Back then, great thief ghost hand's effective range was extremely short, which required Fang Yuan to get near the target.After returning, Fang Yuan modified yama, adding in great thief ghost hand to form the completely new emperor yama killer move. Right now, great thief ghost hand not only had a long range of effectiveness, it also had the ability to conceal itself.It was not strange for Meng Tu to be struck by it, instead it would be unusual if he was not struck."This is your blade path Immortal Gu? Oh, a white butterfly's appearance and the size of a fist, is it bladewing Immortal Gu?" Fang Yuan recalled the great thief ghost hand, he was holding a rank seven Immortal Gu in his hand, which looked like a butterfly with layers of exquisite cloud patterns on its wings.Cold sweat dripped from Meng Tu's forehead, he was lying weakly on the ground, he looked at Fang Yuan with narrowed eyes and spoke in a hoarse voice: "You… you actually seized an Immortal Gu from my immortal aperture? Did you obtain a true inheritance of Thieving Heaven?""True inheritance of Thieving Heaven… hehe, your guess is correct, I obtained one indeed." Fang Yuan sneered as he stored bladewing Immortal Gu into his immortal aperture right in front of Meng Tu, sealing it in Heaven Sealing Mountain.Meng Tu's eyelids twitched violently.Bladewing Immortal Gu was not his vital Gu, but he had raised it from its rank five mortal Gu stage. He had failed dozens of times and expended a huge amount of resources, as well as time and energy to raise it. He had never expected there would be a day where it would be forcibly seized.Anger surged in Meng Tu's heart. But even more than anger was fear.Why did Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable become a calamity of the world in the past? Wasn't it because of his Immortal Gu stealing methods? Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable could even steal things that were hidden in immortal apertures. And now, Fang Yuan had reproduced Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's method, the nightmare that he had casted upon an entire era was like a thick layer of dark clouds that shrouded Meng Tu's heart.Meng Tu healed his injuries to the best of his abilities while speaking with a tensed expression: "Since you are a theft path Gu Immortal and have also inherited Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's true inheritance, then you should be aware of the rule set by your ancestor Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable back then. Thieves have their own honor, always leave room for appeasement and never act too overbearingly! Since you have taken my bladewing Immortal Gu, what else do you want? If you want anything else, I can lend them to you."Back then, Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable had rampaged throughout the world, with no one able to stop him.But Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable was not evil by nature, he was good natured at his core, he advocated honor and glory. All he wanted was to return home, his cultivation journey and resources stolen were meant for this purpose.After the five regions' Gu Immortals knew of his goal, as well as being aware that they could not defend against Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's methods, whenever they ran into Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable, they would lend anything Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable wanted as long as it did not endanger their lives.Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable did not have insatiable greed, after he obtained the things he wanted, he spared the lives of the Gu Immortals and let them off. In most cases, he only took what he wanted, he did not care about other Immortal Gu or immortal materials no matter how high their value was.Since Fang Yuan inherited Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's true inheritance and was Thieving Heaven's inheritor, Meng Tu knew he could not win, and since the situation was extremely bad, he directly asked for mercy.Fang Yuan frowned, mumbling: "If you truly want to do this, it is also not impossible…"Just as he was speaking, Fang Yuan's eyes suddenly glinted, pushing his hands forward as he activated immortal killer move soul explosion!A vast wave of darkness immediately surged towards Meng Tu.Meng Tu did not dodge, instead laughing: "You really thought that I, Meng Tu, am a person who begs for mercy?!"Just as he ended his words, he was submerged by the soul explosion's dark waves. But shortly afterwards, his body let out bright blade lights as he boldly self-detonated!Boom!!A loud explosion with terrifying might threw chaos into the whole of autumn blade plain!After the explosion, not even the corpse of Meng Tu remained, while Fang Yuan's emperor yama was mostly destroyed.The quasi-immortal battlefield that covered the entirety of autumn blade plain also completely disintegrated, and autumn blade plain's surface sank by five to six feet.Fang Yuan quickly used his investigative methods to scan the battlefield, and after several scans, he finally confirmed Meng Tu was truly dead."Meng Tu actually self-detonated!" Fang Yuan was surprised and had a strange expression, he had not expected Meng Tu would be so bold and direct.This was clearly somewhat different from the memories in Fang Yuan's first life.If Meng Tu was someone who disregarded life and death, why would he have sided with Heavenly Court?It was because of this, Fang Yuan had felt Meng Tu was not strong-willed, so when Meng Tu asked for mercy, Fang Yuan subconsciously chose to believe him.Naturally, Fang Yuan never intended to let go of Meng Tu, but when he was about to make a move, Meng Tu had self-detonated one step ahead of him!Such determination and will was truly too straightforward."Maybe Meng Tu's nature was gradually changed by all kinds of events. After all, humans do change. Also, in my first life, it was Heavenly Court who made a move, they definitely used some exquisite methods and plans to instigate Meng Tu."Fang Yuan shook his head as he gave one final glance at autumn blade plain before flying away quickly.Almost all the edge Gu in autumn blade plain were destroyed after this battle. But their growth potential had become bigger, because with Meng Tu's self-detonation, all his blade path dao marks were engraved in this land.Fang Yuan had obtained little benefit in this battle.Besides testing out emperor yama and obtaining the rank seven bladewing Immortal Gu, he did not achieve his original intention, which was Meng Tu's soul and immortal aperture.Meng Tu's firm resolution had decreased Fang Yuan's benefits, his goal was achieved — even in death, he did not let the enemy obtain the maximum benefits.After Fang Yuan displayed great thief ghost hand, Meng Tu knew that his Immortal Gu could be stolen one after the other by Fang Yuan, with his serious injuries and the fact he was trapped at this place, he had no hope of escaping so he resolutely chose to self-detonate. From his point of view, it was a rather sensible action."It has always been difficult to prepare oneself for death, this Meng Tu has true courage! In my first life, he sided with Heavenly Court, he was cast aside by his tribe and Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world, sullying his reputation as a shameless person. This life, although he died, he will definitely have the glory of a fallen hero." Fang Yuan sighed inwardly.Regardless, his goal was still achieved after the battle.Before stealing bladewing Immortal Gu, he had secretly taken out the drinking blade wine from deep underground. In the process, he had casually stolen hundreds of edge Gu which was better than nothing.Fang Yuan retreated extremely quickly.Autumn blade plain was in the territory of Meng tribe, when Meng Tu saw Fang Yuan intruding, he would have definitely sent a message to the tribe.So not long later, Meng tribe will sense Meng Tu's death and many Gu Immortals would come to inspect autumn blade plain.The items were already obtained, Fang Yuan was looking towards the future when Northern Plains obstructed Heavenly Court's expansion, so it was not worthwhile to kill these Northern Plains Gu Immortals, as it would weaken Northern Plains and be basically helping Heavenly Court.As he was not in a fight, emperor yama's robe gradually shrunk to a silk-like clothing, while the thin bronze armor on Fang Yuan's chest and back stuck to his muscles."Oh? Someone is deducing me." After a while of flying, Fang Yuan's expression suddenly changed.Meng tribe was a super force and had specially nurtured a wisdom path Gu Immortal. They were definitely shaken by Meng Tu's death and were sure to look for the culprit.Fang Yuan held his breath, carefully looking at his emperor yama killer move.Emperor yama's robe gradually expanded and continued to expand along with the increase in intensity of the deduction of Meng tribe's wisdom path Gu Immortal.Fang Yuan was defending against the other side's deduction while also calculating his soul foundation expenditure.Meng tribe's wisdom path Gu Immortal deduced for a while before stopping, gaining no results.Fang Yuan nodded, greatly pleased: "Emperor yama's defense against wisdom path deductions has become stronger and is at rank eight level. Even if Fairy Zi Wei deduces about me, I can block her!"The conclusion was, emperor yama's defense and offense were at peak rank seven level. The yama children were extremely difficult to deal with, not only could they act flexibly, they could also rapidly recover, and even if there were losses, they could easily be replenished with soul beast modification.Even more amazing was great thief ghost hand, this method could steal rank eight Immortal Gu. In this battle, with just one attack, it had determined his victory, forcing Meng Tu, a peak rank seven expert, to self-detonate.At a similar level to great thief ghost hand was emperor yama's defense against wisdom path deductions. This was also what Fang Yuan needed the most."However, emperor yama still has room for improvement.""I should design an immortal battlefield killer move with emperor yama as the core.""This time, Meng Tu sealed the area, isolating himself from the outside world. If he had not shot himself in the foot, he could have freely escaped, and it would have been much more difficult for me to kill him.""Also, if I had an immortal battlefield killer move, when Meng Tu wanted to self-detonate, I would have sensed it one step earlier."Fang Yuan was always striving for improvements, he believed emperor yama could still be elevated further.

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