
Chapter: 1546-1550:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1546. Assimilation Wind of Central Feng | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains.A boundless grassland extended into the horizons.The clear skies had no clouds, it looked empty but three Gu Immortals were actually concealing themselves, floating in the air."According to Lady Fairy Zi Wei's deductions, this place is the closest to Lang Ya blessed land." The leader, a male Gu Immortal, thought to himself.If Northern Plains' Gu Immortals saw his appearance, they would gasp: "Prince Feng Xian!"Indeed, he was one of the five openly known rank eight Gu Immortals in Northern Plains — Prince Feng Xian.As times changed, the number one rank eight expert Old Ancestor Xue Hu had gone missing with his wife after the destruction of Snowy Mountain blessed land.The first supreme elder of Yao tribe, Yao Huang, was chosen by Longevity Heaven and left his tribe, becoming the next generation South Desolation Immortal of Longevity Heaven.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was once a lone immortal, but he now occupied Hei tribe's territory and created the super force Bai Zu tribe, becoming a righteous path member.Five Elements Grandmaster was still trapped within Longevity Heaven's Immortal Gu House, Calamity Luck Altar.Because of Heavenly Court's invasion, the reappearance of Longevity Heaven, the conversion of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu to the righteous path, and the disappearance of Old Ancestor Xue Hu, almost the whole of Northern Plains had turned into the world of the righteous path, the demonic path Gu Immortals had to lay low and keep out of the spotlight.Out of the five rank eight Gu Immortals, only Prince Feng Xian was still intact without any changes in his circumstances.This person had a special status, on the surface, he was an external rank eight supreme elder of Gong tribe and the husband of Gong Wan Ting, but he had a hidden identity, he was a spy sent into Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world by Spirit Affinity House long ago, and was now the most influential spy that Central Continent had in Northern Plains!Fairy Zi Wei had been planning for a long time, she sent Feng Jiu Ge and the rest to attack Lang Ya blessed land, other than Chen Yi who was openly waiting to reinforce him, she also sent the hidden piece, Prince Feng Xian, secretly."Lord, one of Northern Plains' ten great fierce areas, Loose Tail Ridge, is nearby, Lang Ya blessed land is likely hiding here." Beside Prince Feng Xian, a rank six female immortal spoke.Beside Prince Feng Xian, there were two servants of high status, because of his reputation, they also became famous in Northern Plains.They were Le Yao and Swordmaster You Lan, these two were Gu Immortals from Spirit Affinity House, it was Le Yao who spoke this time, she wore a yellow dress and was extremely beautiful.Swordmaster You Lan had stayed in the base this time, she did not follow Prince Feng Xian.Prince Feng Xian nodded slightly, he guessed the same.His gaze turned around and focused on the Gu Immortal beside him, there was a rank six hairy man Gu Immortal standing right beside him!This hairy man Gu Immortal was dazed and not moving, like a statue, he was controlled by Prince Feng Xian's supreme methods.If Lang Ya land spirit or any Lang Ya Sect hairy man Gu Immortals saw this person, they would know of his identity.Because this hairy man Gu Immortal was from Lang Ya blessed land.Back then, after the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Lang Ya land spirit helped Fang Yuan to relocate his assets from Hu Immortal blessed land.Fang Yuan obtained the sovereign immortal body and wanted to return to Northern Plains but he was chased down.In order to help Fang Yuan, Lang Ya land spirit sent two hairy man Gu Immortals to receive him, but one of them died and the other went missing.It turned out that the missing hairy man Gu Immortal met with some other situation, but he was recently captured by Prince Feng Xian alive, he obtained a lot of information from this hairy man Gu Immortal and that led to the crucial clues for Fairy Zi Wei to make her deduction on Lang Ya blessed land.Because he knew of Lang Ya blessed land's terrain, the Central Continent ten great ancient sects could use the immortal killer move to directly teleport Feng Jiu Ge and the rest inside.Le Yao frowned slightly, she asked worriedly: "Looking at the time, Feng Jiu Ge and the rest have gone inside for some time already, why are they not sending out any information? Are they in trouble?"Prince Feng Xian pondered: "There would be problems for sure, even if we have Lang Ya blessed land's information and took the initiative, this is still the number one blessed land in the world originating from Long Hair Ancestor, it had unfathomable foundations, they would definitely possess certain trump cards."Le Yao frowned even more deeply now: "Central Continent only sent a number of rank seven Gu Immortals into Lang Ya blessed land, isn't that too… overconfident?"Prince Feng Xian laughed: "That is because you are unfamiliar with Feng Jiu Ge.""Oh?" Le Yao was surprised.Prince Feng Xian looked afar as he sighed deeply: "I am a person considered to be enormously blessed with talent, I started cultivating when I was thirteen, I became rank four when I was sixteen, I reached rank five peak stage at eighteen. After accepting the sect mission, I went to Northern Plains to develop. After spending three years, I became a rank six Gu Immortal and all my tribulations after that were successful. I roamed Northern Plains and joined Gong tribe, after a hundred years, I became rank eight, even though I was treading on thin ice, who in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world could expose my true identity?""I had once been extremely prideful and arrogant, because I did not depend on the sect's support, I worked hard and made use of opportunities and different forces to reach rank eight! Until one day, I met Feng Jiu Ge, I realized I was deeply inferior. Compared to me, he is the true supreme genius, his talent is so great it dominates this entire era!"Le Yao was extremely astounded.Among the higher-ups of Spirit Affinity House, there was the saying of 'Northern Feng and Central Feng, both soar in the sky as Spirit Affinity's pride', they were talking about the rank eight Gu Immortal Prince Feng Xian and the rank seven Gu Immortal Feng Jiu Ge.Spirit Affinity House knew about Prince Feng Xian's supreme elder status, they felt that Spirit Affinity House would be in the hands of Feng Jiu Ge and Prince Feng Xian in the future.They placed these two on the same level, but Prince Feng Xian was a rank eight with great strength, while Feng Jiu Ge was famous due to his potential.Placing a rank seven Gu Immortal on the same level as their rank eight master, Le Yao and Swordmaster You Lan were once indignant about it, even Prince Feng Xian was not happy, he sent a letter and questioned the top supreme elders of Spirit Affinity House.But as time passed, Le Yao and Swordmaster You Lan gradually reached a new opinion regarding this matter.As for Prince Feng Xian's change in mentality, it was because he had fought with Feng Jiu Ge.A number of years ago, when Eighty-Eight True Yang Building had just collapsed, Feng Jiu Ge led the Central Continent Gu Immortals to find out the truth in Northern Plains. As the biggest card of Spirit Affinity House in Northern Plains, Prince Feng Xian secretly met with Feng Jiu Ge.Because of this meeting, both of them sparred. The results were shocking, even though Prince Feng Xian did not use his full strength, he only ended with a draw against Feng Jiu Ge!Thinking about that scene where they fought, Prince Feng Xian sighed deeply: "Feng Jiu Ge having rank eight battle strength isn't the thing that shocked me, what truly moved me was that immortal killer move that he used! This is an unprecedented creation, nobody in history has ever achieved such a feat.""What immortal killer move?" Le Yao asked.Prince Feng Xian had a solemn expression, he said slowly: "Feng Jiu Ge named it — Assimilation Wind Song."Northern Plains, Lang Ya blessed land.Feng Jiu Ge took a deep breath, separation song was useless, at this point, he only had one method left.He would not use this move unless necessary.Because once activated, not only would the risks be huge, the process would be dangerous and cause immense damage, there would be reduced gains after battle, Feng Jiu Ge had always used it cautiously.But now, he had to admit this, he was forced into a corner.He had obtained a lot of intel about Lang Ya blessed land from Fairy Zi Wei. But after fighting, he realized that Lang Ya blessed land's strength greatly exceeded his expectations!Not just this super Gu formation, but also those Gu Immortals hidden inside the immortal formation, as well as the killer move complete silence.Feng Jiu Ge knew that Lang Ya Sect had an immortal killer move that countered sound path, it was called silent world.But he did not know that Fang Yuan had specially modified this move into an even stronger version, complete silence!Feng Jiu Ge had defensive methods against silent world, but against complete silence which was many times stronger, he was left without options.Immortal killer move — Assimilation Wind Song!Feng Jiu Ge dodged left and right, fighting for an opportunity to use the strongest offensive method that he had ever created in his life.Whoosh whoosh whoosh!Intense winds blew, the world went through a transformation!This was not golden wind, Luo Po wind, willow wind, immortal wind, profound eerie wind, star galaxy wind, or fan door wind.Once this wind appeared, Lang Ya land spirit's expression changed, the hairy man Gu Immortals were also deeply shocked, while the other variant human Gu Immortals were tongue-tied!These were the winds of assimilation!The number one wind in the world capable of assimilating everything, few methods could counter it.When immortal apertures were destroyed, this wind would blow."How can this be the winds of assimilation? This is impossible!" Some hairy man Gu Immortals lost their composure and screamed."Unbelievable, a person can actually control the winds of assimilation?!" Bing Zhuo was so shocked his eyes were about to pop out, his cold demeanor had completely melted.In human historical records, nobody had ever been able to manipulate the winds of assimilation personally. But now, this record was broken, Feng Jiu Ge became the first person throughout history to do so!He could actually unleash the winds of assimilation!!Feng Jiu Ge had seven songs currently, obtain treasure song and towards heaven song were used to assist his cultivation; green jade song, heaven and earth song, submission song, and separation song were his trump cards that he reserved for major fights. The final one was assimilation wind song, he would not use it unless necessary.If he failed to activate this move, Feng Jiu Ge would be the first one to be destroyed by the winds of assimilation, it was extremely vicious.Many of his songs could be turned into clones through song warrior, but this assimilation wind song could not, it was the most special one!This move was too powerful, it turned the battle around instantly.The variant human Gu Immortals were helpless, they were flustered.Because ordinary methods would be assimilated by the winds of assimilation and turned into fuel to make it even stronger and larger."Lang Ya blessed land is the number one blessed land in the world, but against this wind, it will likely be destroyed!" A rockman Gu Immortal said in despair."It will not!!" Lang Ya land spirit screamed, he knew he had to stabilize the morale of his side.He screamed: "These really are the winds of assimilation, assimilation wind song! I did not believe it when Fang Yuan told me about it, but the truth is in front of me, I need to trust him!""Everyone, don't worry, we have a way to deal with the wind!""What? Fang Yuan could even have information about such a secret?" The other Gu Immortals heard this and felt hopeful.At this moment, Fang Yuan, who also had rank eight battle strength, played a crucial role despite being away, he stabilized the morale of Lang Ya land spirit's forces.Fang Yuan had memories of the future, he knew about the ferocity of this move, during the five regions chaotic war, Feng Jiu Ge had used this move to slaughter countless beings and it was deeply feared, thus he had already told Lang Ya land spirit about it. Even when he fought against Feng Jiu Ge earlier, he was deeply cautious of this move.This move was very powerful but it also had major flaws, for example, Fang Yuan could dodge it if he used it in the five regions' world.But in this situation, the winds of assimilation had started blowing in Lang Ya blessed land, the land spirit had to resolve it as soon as possible.What method could actually resist the winds of assimilation?

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Chapter 1547. Lang Ya is Helpless, Jiu Ge Dominates | Reverend Insanity

"Come, true stability branch transformation!" Against the winds of assimilation, Lang Ya land spirit growled as he used an immortal killer move.Once this move was used, the silver giant underwent a huge transformation.The huge human shaped body turned into a huge heavenly tree, its trunk was silvery-white, it had countless branches and leaves that resembled silver carvings, it was extremely dazzling as the leaves clashed with each other and created sharp sounds.The branches and leaves grew rapidly and faced the winds of assimilation.The winds of assimilation which were rampaging everywhere were obstructed by the huge tree, their speed of growth shrunk by half!"This?!""The winds of assimilation were actually stopped!""Unbelievable! Lang Ya blessed land's foundation is truly unfathomable!"The snowman, inkman, and rockman Gu Immortals saw this and felt overjoyed."Oh? This is… true stability tree?" The flash of red and white light that shot out of the winds of assimilation was Feng Jiu Ge.Even though he created assimilation wind song and could create the winds of assimilation, once it was used, Feng Jiu Ge would need to leave the center. Otherwise, when it spreads and fills up the space, Feng Jiu Ge would die.Feng Jiu Ge could only summon the winds of assimilation, he could not manipulate it. He had tried to control it, but any method used on the winds of assimilation would cause it to become stronger as they get assimilated.Feng Jiu Ge had immortal killer move song warrior, he could turn heaven and earth song, separation song, and the others into clones, but assimilation wind song could not be turned into a clone.Feng Jiu Ge was far away from the battlefield, Lang Ya land spirit and the rest were busy dealing with the winds of assimilation, they could not bother with him."This is indeed true stability tree, to think that they could really counter the winds of assimilation." Feng Jiu Ge watched from afar as bright light shone in his eyes.This true stability tree was a legendary immemorial desolate plant, it was famous in history. It had existed since before Ren Zu's birth, the Immemorial Antiquity Era, it lived through the Remote Antiquity Era, Olden Antiquity Era, and died in the hands of Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable during the Medieval Antiquity Era.This tree had many wild Immortal Gu, among which were several rank eight Immortal Gu. Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable was only rank eight back then, when he was traveling in Eastern Sea, there was a huge tsunami that caused great harm to the world, Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable's Immortal Gu could not stop this flood, he had to borrow two rank eight Immortal Gu, Peaceful Wind and Silent Wave, from the true stability tree.But this legendary immemorial desolate plant had great status and strength, it refused to lend them to Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable. In Genesis Lotus' rage, he fought against the true stability tree and killed it, retrieving the Gu to stop the flood and saving countless lives in the end.Even though Genesis Lotus killed the true stability tree, he praised it immensely. After becoming venerable, he sighed occasionally: it was a pity that he had to kill the tree back then. This tree was unique in the world, it had the latent ability to counter the winds of assimilation!Fang Yuan was reborn and knew of Feng Jiu Ge's assimilation wind song. This move was shocking in the five regions chaotic war and killed countless Gu Immortals. Thus, many Gu Immortals tried to find ways to expose its weakness and stop it.There was no unstoppable move in this world, there were only unstoppable people.Even though assimilation wind song was powerful, it was just a move, it could be countered.Western Desert's rank eight Gu Immortal Thousand Transformations Ancestor tried to find its fundamental flaw and sought help from a rank eight time path great expert, they saw the power of the true stability tree in the River of Time, after returning, he created the transformation path killer move, true stability transformation!This move could restrict the winds of assimilation.At that time, Feng Jiu Ge was only rank seven, but he could make rank eight Gu Immortals research on how to deal with his move, it showed how powerful assimilation wind song was.Fang Yuan remembered this matter, he prepared in advance thinking about how Feng Jiu Ge attacked Lang Ya blessed land in his previous life, to deal with this strongest move, he used the light of wisdom and his transformation path attainment level to deduce true stability branch transformation.This move was the simplified version of true stability transformation, but the current assimilation wind song that Feng Jiu Ge had was not the complete version that he used during the five regions chaotic war.Thus, after using this move, Lang Ya land spirit turned the silver giant into a branch of the true stability tree, it managed to block the winds of assimilation."Go deal with Feng Jiu Ge, don't let him act freely. After I deal with the winds of assimilation, I will go and help you to kill him!" Lang Ya land spirit instructed, ordering the Gu Immortals of the three variant human races.The variant human Gu Immortals responded as they used the super Gu formation to attack Feng Jiu Ge.Lang Ya land spirit was covered in sweat, he spent all his effort to sustain the killer move and deal with the winds of assimilation.He sighed bitterly to himself: "Fang Yuan taught me this move, but I found it too troublesome and did not practise much. To think that Feng Jiu Ge would really attack and use it against me! Sigh, if I knew this, I would have practised this move even more."Lang Ya land spirit was completely restricted by the winds of assimilation, he was barely holding on. Countless branches were destroyed when they interacted with the wind, but at the same time, new branches grew.This move that could stop the winds of assimilation had a huge price to use, it expended a lot of immortal essence and the mental energy of the Gu Immortals sustaining it.Soon, many hairy man Gu Immortals inside the giant silver tree became weak and mentally exhausted."Persevere, we must persevere!" Lang Ya land spirit shouted in encouragement."Lord, why can't we give up a piece of the blessed land?" A hairy man Gu Immortal asked.Lang Ya land spirit could naturally give up a portion of Lang Ya blessed land, that would prevent the winds of assimilation from affecting them.Compared to the entire Lang Ya blessed land, that small piece of land was really nothing."No!" Lang Ya land spirit rejected immediately, he thought of Fang Yuan's words as he explained: "If we do that, we will fall into their trap. Cutting off a piece of the blessed land means we will have to connect to the outside world, we would need to open the blessed land's entrance, that would allow the enemies to find out our location! We cannot do that!!""Hmm? This Lang Ya land spirit would rather pay this huge price to deal with the winds of assimilation than give up a piece of the blessed land?" Feng Jiu Ge was surprised.If Lang Ya land spirit did that, clues would be leaked, Prince Feng Xian, who was outside, would be able to notice it. The situation would be stabilized then.With the rank eight Gu Immortal Prince Feng Xian's help, these hairy man Gu Immortals could not stop them.But Lang Ya land spirit desperately held on and refused to do that, Feng Jiu Ge's plan could not succeed.Crack.An intense lightning appeared out of nowhere, landing on Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge moved like a trail of smoke, he vanished on the spot, evading the attack.He looked at the sky as he thought rapidly: "Heavenly Giant Solor is restricted by the winds of assimilation, only the super immortal formation is left. It is easier to deal with than the silver giant."Immortal killer move — Separation Song!Feng Jiu Ge activated separation song as the immortal formation started to break apart.Even though separation song had no offensive power, it had an incredible effect, it could break up any Gu formation.But thankfully, when Fang Yuan designed it, he had considered it and created many layers in the immortal formation.Feng Jiu Ge's separation song only broke up the outermost layer of this super Gu formation, the variant human Gu Immortals were at the center of the formation, they were safe.Feng Jiu Ge had to use separation song again and broke up the second layer.But the third layer appeared after that."Oh? I want to see how many layers this immortal formation has!" Bright light shone in Feng Jiu Ge's eyes, he activated separation song continuously, after breaking up six layers, he stopped.Even the powerful Feng Jiu Ge wanted to vomit blood now."How many layers are there?!"Separation song expended a lot of immortal essence, after several uses, Feng Jiu Ge's immortal essence storage was less than thirty percent.Of course, his greatest expenditure was in assimilation wind song."Assimilation wind song can match the effect of countless separation songs, but the risk is too high…" Feng Jiu Ge shook his head, he dispelled the notion of using this move again.Even though it was powerful, it was risky, Feng Jiu Ge rarely used it.Back then, when he fought against Prince Feng Xian, even though he used it, that was in a spar. Prince Feng Xian had written to Spirit Affinity House that he was unhappy to be placed at the same level as Feng Jiu Ge, it created huge political pressure on Feng Jiu Ge. When Feng Jiu Ge went to Northern Plains, he met with Prince Feng Xian and suggested a single-move spar. In that battle, he had sufficient time to slowly activate his Gu worms without any outside interference, the risk was very low.But right now, Feng Jiu Ge was in the middle of battle, there were many interferences, he needed to use his killer moves rapidly, earlier, he had taken the risk because there was no other choice. Against the super immortal formation now, he felt less pressure and necessity to use it.Feng Jiu Ge did not use assimilation wind song, he looked around, the giant silver tree was still dealing with the winds of assimilation, it had already been reduced by half its size.After some time, Lang Ya's side would be able to dispel the wind and find time to deal with Feng Jiu Ge."There is little time." Feng Jiu Ge sighed.Heavenly Giant Solor had both offense and defense, even the winds of assimilation could not affect it, if Feng Jiu Ge attacked the giant tree now, it would be futile.Lang Ya blessed land had shown great strength in this battle, far out of Heavenly Court's expectations, Feng Jiu Ge already had the intention to retreat."Before leaving, there is something I must do."He smiled as he activated an investigative immortal killer move, moving rapidly like light. In the blink of an eye, he crossed a huge distance, appearing in front of Gu Yue Fang Zheng."Come with me." Before Gu Yue Fang Zheng responded, Feng Jiu Ge suppressed and sent him into his immortal aperture."And this place too!" Feng Jiu Ge flew in the air, seeing Dang Hun Mountain at a certain area of Cloud Cover Continent."Come!" He activated his immortal killer move that had been prepared, he kept this secluded domain of heaven and earth in his own immortal aperture."These cloud cities are all mortal Gu Houses, but there are many hairy man elites living in them, they are all Gu Immortal seeds of Lang Ya Sect. Good, good, they are all mine!" Next, Feng Jiu Ge struck and stored a lot of Cloud Cover Continent's cloud cities.While he was doing this, he was attacked by the super immortal formation, but this formation had lost many layers due to Feng Jiu Ge, its power was greatly reduced.As for Heavenly Giant Solor, it was restricted by the winds of assimilation, if it tried to leave, the winds of assimilation would grow stronger instantly, Lang Ya land spirit's hard work would be completely wasted, it could not stop him."What aura is this?!" While moving unhindered, Feng Jiu Ge found the aura of wisdom Gu as he felt immensely shocked.He soon arrived in front of wisdom Gu, Feng Jiu Ge's pupils shrunk from shock: "If I was not seeing this personally, I would not believe it. This is a rank nine wisdom Gu?!"

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Chapter 1548. Paradise Earth Inheritor | Reverend Insanity

Even Feng Jiu Ge was dazed when he saw wisdom Gu.This was wisdom Gu!It was written in <the legends of ren zu>, it was the vital Immortal Gu of Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, it was known to nearly every living person, to think that in this time and place, it would appear before Feng Jiu Ge!"Lang Ya blessed land actually has wisdom Gu!" Feng Jiu Ge was deeply shocked, he could not control himself.But soon, he forced himself to calm down.His eyes burst with bright light, he closely inspected the wisdom Gu before him, finding out that this rank nine wisdom Gu was actually wild!A thought completely engulfed Feng Jiu Ge's mind, that was — take this rank nine wisdom Gu away!Immortal killer move — Obtain Treasure Song.He activated this killer move with unprecedented force, erupting with rank eight might.Obtain treasure song was able to help Feng Jiu Ge refine wild Immortal Gu directly, the song was warm and kind, filled with a peaceful aura.As he sang, the wisdom Gu that was fluttering between the tree branches became still."Rank nine wisdom Gu?!" The variant human Gu Immortals who were controlling the super Gu formation were shocked.Wisdom Gu was originally hidden in this valley by Lang Ya land spirit, the variant human Gu Immortals of the three races were outsiders, they were not informed of it.But now, Feng Jiu Ge destroyed this area, wisdom Gu was exposed, they noticed it."We cannot let him obtain wisdom Gu! Quickly disrupt him!" Lang Ya land spirit screamed as he ordered in anxiety.Next, he added: "But be careful, don't destroy wisdom Gu!"Even without his reminder, the variant human Gu Immortals from the three races knew how important this rank nine Immortal Gu was.But now, to disrupt Feng Jiu Ge while not affecting the wisdom Gu close by, they needed intense control and it was quite difficult for these variant human Gu Immortals who had just started using this immortal formation.The variant human Gu Immortals had to forcefully manipulate the immortal formation as they attacked Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge grunted as he used song warrior.The obtain treasure song warrior flew towards wisdom Gu, while the other song warriors helped Feng Jiu Ge to block the attacks of the immortal formation.The variant human Gu Immortals attacked with excessive force that implicated wisdom Gu, but Feng Jiu Ge would block them and defend wisdom Gu.Wisdom Gu sensed danger, its survival instinct made it fly away.Obtain treasure song warrior followed behind it but could not produce any effects.Feng Jiu Ge saw this, his heart sank. Wisdom Gu was rank nine, even though obtain treasure song was good, it was only rank eight, it could not affect wisdom Gu."If I cannot get it, should I destroy it?" This thought emerged in Feng Jiu Ge's mind before he denied it.This was rank nine wisdom Gu, destroying it was a big waste.And this Immortal Gu was formally the vital Gu of Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, if he could get it, it would greatly benefit Feng Jiu Ge, the Central Continent ten great ancient sects, as well as Heavenly Court.Feng Jiu Ge was unresigned, he did not want to give up."Don't go." Feng Jiu Ge pounced at wisdom Gu.Wisdom Gu flew rapidly, but Feng Jiu Ge pursued it endlessly.Wisdom Gu felt the threat of Feng Jiu Ge as it buzzed, emitting a strong light.The light of wisdom.Feng Jiu Ge was unavoidably covered by this light of wisdom, instantly, countless thoughts appeared in his mind and collided, his intelligence surged, his gaze became incredibly sharp.All of the questions and difficulties he had in cultivation were all resolving, even though he did not get immediate answers, many crucial bottlenecks were easily broken through."Oh no!" Feng Jiu Ge was a legendary figure after all, after several breaths of time in the light of wisdom, he sensed something amiss. He bit his tongue as he forced himself to snap out of it and retreated.After leaving the light of wisdom, he watched the escaping wisdom Gu with lingering fear."What an amazing wisdom Gu, after this short period, I already lost so much lifespan!" A strand of Feng Jiu Ge's hair had turned white."My mission here is to capture Gu Yue Fang Zheng and reclaim Dang Hun Mountain, these were all instructed by Fairy Zi Wei. But to think that the rank nine wisdom Gu was hiding here! I already tried my best, but I cannot bring this Gu away. Lang Ya blessed land is also incapable of refining this wisdom Gu, otherwise, they would have done that already!"Feng Jiu Ge's thoughts moved rapidly.Immortal Gu were unique.A wild Immortal Gu had deep attraction to any Gu Immortal.And it was a rank nine wild Immortal Gu in front of Feng Jiu Ge.And most importantly, this Immortal Gu was actually wisdom Gu!"If they refined wisdom Gu, I would not be able to snatch it. But now, it is wild. I need to go back and inform Heavenly Court and the sect about this. The next time we attack Lang Ya blessed land, we must get this Gu!"Feng Jiu Ge breathed in deeply, he looked at wisdom Gu which was already at the edge of his vision with lingering desire as he used an immortal killer move.This immortal killer move that used rank seven Fixed Immortal Travel as the core was called, 'human come human go', it was created by the space path great expert Liang Liang. Feng Jiu Ge was not familiar with this move, but it had an incredible effect.Once activated, not only could it transport people to anywhere in the world, they could also return the same way back. The first half was hard, but the second half was extremely easy.Liang Liang had already activated this successfully, Feng Jiu Ge was only completing the second half with ease.Swoosh.With a soft sound, Feng Jiu Ge vanished.After a few breaths of time, Lang Ya land spirit mobilized the silver giant and arrived."Damn it, Feng Jiu Ge, you actually ran away! Central Continent's ten great ancient sects, I won't let you off!" Lang Ya land spirit looked at the tattered Lang Ya blessed land as he shouted angrily, roaring.Southern Border, inside the immortal battlefield killer move.Lu Wei Yin sighed deeply.Three lifetimes were over, but Fang Yuan was not reformed."I was wrong!""I thought that this Fang Yuan was a heartless person or was filled with hatred and rage, that was the reason for his evil actions.""But the truth is, he has abundant emotions, he does not lack anything. Even though he pursues strength, he is not obsessed with it.""What drives him to do this is his goal. This goal is deeply ingrained in his heart, not only three lifetimes, even after a hundred lifetimes, it cannot be eradicated.""This person cannot be reformed.""Master…" Ye Fan muttered lightly.At this time, not just him, even Shang Xin Ci and the rest, including Tie Mian Shen and the other Gu Immortals had woken up.Everyone was in a daze after three lifetimes, they were savoring the mystical feeling behind it.Lu Wei Yin looked around as his gaze paused on Shang Xin Ci for a moment.Her eyes were red, she almost cried, her sadness was evident. She had been emotionally connected to Fang Yuan during the three lifetimes.Lu Wei Yin nodded secretly, saying to everyone: "I failed, this demon cannot be stopped, he is about to break out of the killer move and escape, let's go."Ye Fan was shocked: "Master, we have the clear advantage."Lu Wei Yin smiled bitterly: "I've already tried my best, let's go."The mortal Gu Masters were confused, but Tie Mian Shen and the two Yi clan Gu Immortals had their suspicions.Tie Mian Shen asked directly: "Senior's surname is Lu, and you are skilled in earth path, are you the inheritor of Paradise Earth's true inheritance?"Lu Wei Yin nodded: "That's me.""So it was like that." Yi clan's Gu Immortals sighed, they paid their respects and greeted Lu Wei Yin.At the same time, they no longer had any suspicions towards Lu Wei Yin's words.Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable did not have a single offensive method, his Paradise Earth true inheritance was the same. Lu Wei Yin was skilled at trapping and reforming enemies, this was the specialty of Paradise Earth true inheritance.Among the ten venerables, Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable was the kindest and most merciful, he singlehandedly healed the world and stopped the chaos after Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's rule.But for some reason, this Immortal Venerable did not choose to go to Heavenly Court, he stayed in Southern Border and even left his Paradise Earth true inheritance here.

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Chapter 1549. Soul Explosion! | Reverend Insanity

Central Continent, Heavenly Court.In the silver sky, amidst countless buildings.Jade light shone, Feng Jiu Ge appeared in Zi Wei's palace."Greetings to Lady Zi Wei." Feng Jiu Ge instantly regained awareness of his surroundings, he cupped his fists.In the grand palace, Fairy Zi Wei sat on her cloud bed as she turned to look at Feng Jiu Ge, slowly opening her eyes.At an instant, boundless starlight shot out of her pupils, dazzling light filled the entire hall.Feng Jiu Ge did not speak, an information path Gu worm flew out as Fairy Zi Wei received it, she understood what happened after looking into it."Feng Jiu Ge, you are indeed the Dao Guardian of Great Dream Immortal Venerable. You did well." Fairy Zi Wei praised.Feng Jiu Ge smiled: "This is Gu Yue Fang Zheng."Saying so, he opened his immortal aperture's entrance, taking out the captive.Gu Yue Fang Zheng's eyes were shut, he was affected by Feng Jiu Ge's method and had fallen asleep. as for the will of Fang Yuan that was in him, Feng Jiu Ge suppressed it.Feng Jiu Ge placed Fang Zheng on the ground as he sighed: "I already searched his soul, that Fang Yuan is a demon indeed, he is completely heartless and cruel, he wants to refine his own brother into Blood Deity. But I do not understand, he is only a mortal, even though he is related to Fang Yuan, why do you place so much importance in him?"Fairy Zi Wei said slowly: "The way of heaven is to be balanced, yin and yang intertwine, the area around the cave of poisonous animals usually has plants that can act as antidotes to the poison. This Gu Yue Fang Zheng was born together with Fang Yuan, he is an obstacle specially set by heaven against Fang Yuan. If he is nurtured well, he will be useful in dealing with Fang Yuan in the future.""I see." Feng Jiu Ge nodded."It is a pity." Fairy Zi Wei said as she searched Fang Zheng's soul, she sighed: "Fang Yuan actually did not refine Blood Deity and continue his blood path cultivation. Otherwise, I would be able to use the Demon Judgment Board to find his location. In my opinion, Fang Yuan has not noticed that his blood path cultivation in his previous life was a trap by heaven's will. He did not cultivate blood path now probably due to the protection of his luck.""Fate Gu has not been repaired, the power of luck path is greatly amplified, it is very obvious. You were able to succeed and return this time because of your status as a Dao Guardian, your luck is strong and is not suppressed by Fang Yuan."Feng Jiu Ge nodded: "How will we deal with Dang Hun Mountain? What about the wisdom Gu inside Lang Ya blessed land?""Take it out." Fairy Zi Wei smiled.Feng Jiu Ge was dazed, he took out Dang Hun Mountain from his immortal aperture.This pink crystal mountain was originally huge, but after entering Zi Wei Palace, it was suppressed into palm-size and was tiny and delicate looking.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable rampaged in the world and slaughtered countless beings, he created soul path. Heavenly Court was the leader of the righteous path, before Spectral Soul became venerable, they sensed his threat and fought against him, they understood each other well.After Spectral Soul died, soul path continued developing, even though Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable suppressed it, Heavenly Court still had an incredibly profound grasp of soul path methods. In fact, Heavenly Court had many soul path Gu Immortals.There were a vast number of soul path dao marks on Dang Hun Mountain, it was the soul path secluded domain of heaven and earth. Since Fairy Zi Wei could give Feng Jiu Ge the method to retrieve it, she naturally had an even more profound method to shrink it entirely.Fairy Zi Wei stretched her arm out as Dang Hun Mountain floated towards her lightly."Amazing, amazing." Fairy Zi Wei looked at it in amazement, she nodded happily: "With this mountain, we will have an endless supply of guts Gu, Jin Huang will benefit from it, her dream realm exploration will go very smoothly."Feng Jiu Ge smiled, he was very happy that he could help his daughter."As for wisdom Gu…" Fairy Zi Wei thought about it: "I must obtain this Gu, Jiu Ge, you can go and rest, I will need to plan this thoroughly."If they attacked Lang Ya blessed land again, the other party would be very alert, they would prepare amply, Fang Yuan might even have returned already, Fairy Zi Wei needed to plan."Yes." Feng Jiu Ge took his leave, getting out of Zi Wei Palace and out of Heavenly Court, going back to Spirit Affinity House.Fairy Zi Wei also left Zi Wei Palace, she held onto Dang Hun Mountain as she moved all the way into a dark hall.Three large words were carved on the plaque on the door of this hall — Soul Suppression Hall!It was the rank eight Immortal Gu House that imprisoned Spectral Soul Demon Venerable.Fairy Zi Wei smiled as she carried Dang Hun Mountain and went in front of Spectral Soul."Oh Demon Venerable, look what this is?" Fairy Zi Wei smiled lightly, she asked.Spectral Soul was completely silent.Fairy Zi Wei nodded: "Truly stubborn and incorrigible! However… I did not bring this mountain here to stir your determination. I know you have used this mountain before, you had cultivated on it in the past. I have this move that can stir your mind as long as I have something closely related to you, I can draw out all your related memories."Spectral Soul was still silent.Fairy Zi Wei's smile faded, lightning flashed in her eyes.All along, she had been troubled by Spectral Soul's stubbornness, she wanted to excavate his precious memories, but there was little progress.Now that she had Dang Hun Mountain, Fairy Zi Wei found a great opportunity, she wanted to use it on Spectral Soul now!At the next moment, the immortal killer move activated, the whole of Soul Suppression Hall buzzed as intense lights shone.The light shone on Dang Hun Mountain as they also shrouded over Spectral Soul.Spectral Soul resisted but this move was very powerful, his memories related to Dang Hun Mountain were drawn out and shown before Fairy Zi Wei.When young Spectral Soul found Dang Hun Mountain by chance, he was shocked and intensely happy…After many hurdles, he finally obtained Dang Hun Mountain, he cultivated in secrecy…Spectral Soul thought about it hard and finally found a way to move Dang Hun Mountain, after some more hurdles, he stored this mountain for his own use…Spectral Soul created soul path and gradually found more use for Dang Hun Mountain, it was no longer used for guts Gu creation solely. He created Dang Hun formation, he could use the vast amount of soul path dao marks on this mountain to give the immortal Gu formation incredible might…"Oh? There is a Dang Hun immortal formation, why didn't Fang Yuan set it up? Did he think it is safe inside Lang Ya blessed land or did this formation require too many Immortal Gu?" Fairy Zi Wei saw this and felt suspicious.But soon, her suspicions were answered, it turned out that after using Dang Hun Mountain as part of the formation, it could no longer create guts Gu.Fairy Zi Wei continued to watch.Scenes concerning Dang Hun Mountain were shown, displaying Spectral Soul's cultivation journey. Even though most were useless, some contained important cultivation information, even Heavenly Court could gain greatly from them.When Spectral Soul became venerable, he placed Dang Hun Mountain inside City Well and used an immortal killer move to modify Dang Hun Mountain.This memory made Fairy Zi Wei's heart shake."This orderly well killer move is amazing! City Well is a rule path secluded domain of heaven and earth, using it, he could actually remove the conflict between Dang Hun Mountain's soul path dao marks and external time path dao marks. This must be the profundity that led to the origin of sovereign immortal fetus Gu."Fairy Zi Wei had already deduced some special effects of sovereign immortal fetus Gu. After all, Fang Yuan fought many times, he exposed many precious clues.She was not wrong!The reason why sovereign immortal fetus Gu could have non-conflicting dao marks was because of City Well, and the killer move orderly well.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable paid a huge price to modify Dang Hun Mountain, but it was worth it. After that, he could use time path immortal killer moves to restore the mountain easily.The following memories were the immortal killer moves that Spectral Soul Demon Venerable deduced using Dang Hun Mountain.These immortal killer moves were very terrifying and powerful, but they would damage the mountain itself. Once in a while, Spectral Soul would use time path methods to restore Dang Hun Mountain back to normal."These methods are truly amazing, someone who was able to become a Demon Venerable truly had heaven-shaking talent!" Fairy Zi Wei's eyes were shining with bright light, she praised continuously.These immortal killer moves were precious cultivation information that could greatly help Heavenly Court.Especially when they had just obtained Dang Hun Mountain, these immortal killer moves were all usable.Among these killer moves, there was one move that Fairy Zi Wei placed great attention on."This move can actually ignite Dang Hun Mountain and create a terrifying soul explosion. Any living being's soul can be ignited and create a soul explosion. The soul explosion of soul beasts usually have incredible might, but the soul explosion of Dang Hun Mountain would surpass limits, using this mountain's soul path dao marks to ignite the mountain is truly ingenious. Hmm! Wait…"Fairy Zi Wei's pupils shrunk, she noticed something amiss!Boom!!!At the next moment, a shocking explosion occurred, the entirety of Dang Hun Mountain was blown to smithereens.Be it Fairy Zi Wei or Spectral Soul Demon Venerable, they were both within range of this terrifying explosion!

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Chapter 1550. Discussing Compensation | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border.Myriad dragon!Dragon roars reverberated throughout the air, the whole immortal battlefield was destroyed, silver scales shone as Fang Yuan shot out like lightning.The moment he escaped, he received large numbers of messages requesting aid."What? Lang Ya blessed land was attacked by Heavenly Court? It was led by Feng Jiu Ge?" Fang Yuan was stunned.He was trapped by Lu Wei Yin temporarily, but at the same time, Lang Ya blessed land was suddenly attacked by Heavenly Court; if one said that there was no connection between the two, even ghosts would not believe it!"Oh? They have already been defeated? Many Central Continent Gu Immortals died, while only Feng Jiu Ge returned alive?" Fang Yuan looked at the message sent by Lang Ya land spirit, then looked at Sixth Hair's message.Sixth Hair was a spy placed in Lang Ya Sect by Shadow Sect. He was on Fang Yuan's side and his message was the most trustworthy.From Sixth Hair's message, Fang Yuan quickly understood the whole matter."So Feng Jiu Ge saw the situation not going in his favor and retreated on his own initiative…"Fang Yuan's eyes shined sharply, but this was not the place for him to ponder about this. Rank eight Gu Immortals of Southern Border's righteous path forces might even be rushing towards here now.Fang Yuan immediately retreated and on the way, he directly activated his prearranged methods and flagrantly detonated Dang Hun Mountain!"Hehe, Heavenly Court attacked Lang Ya blessed land, they clearly planned a long time for this. Methods like pulling mountain are not common, but Feng Jiu Ge could directly take away Dang Hun Mountain, this is a scheme to cripple my foundation. But unfortunately… how could my Dang Hun Mountain be seized so easily?"Fang Yuan put Dang Hun Mountain in Lang Ya blessed land. On one hand, it was to show his sincerity in their collaboration and make Lang Ya Sect actively manage guts Gu business, saving him time and effort, on the other hand, it was also because Fang Yuan had left behind preventive measures and was not afraid of Lang Ya Sect or any other Gu Immortals taking Dang Hun Mountain.While flying rapidly, Fang Yuan put his attention into his immortal aperture.Landscape as Before!He activated the rank six Immortal Gu on a large piece of mountain rock.This mountain rock was a piece of Dang Hun Mountain, it was stored by Fang Yuan long ago.Right now, Dang Hun Mountain's main body had already self-detonated, this mountain rock was the only remaining piece of Dang Hun Mountain in the world.As Fang Yuan used Landscape as Before, this mountain rock started to slowly expand, beginning to grow towards the complete Dang Hun Mountain."Secluded domains of heaven and earth are like Immortal Gu, unique in their existence. Dang Hun Mountain was modified by Spectral Soul Demon Venerable in the past, now, under the illumination of Landscape as Before, this Dang Hun Mountain rock can definitely restore the complete Dang Hun Mountain."Fang Yuan was extremely confident.Dang Hun Mountain might have been seized, but he had not lost it, in time, Dang Hun Mountain will be back in his hands.But this process was going to take a long time.Landscape as Before was only rank six after all, while Dang Hun Mountain was a secluded domain of heaven and earth that was akin to a rank nine Immortal Gu. And the size of this mountain rock that Fang Yuan had left behind was countless times smaller than the whole of Dang Hun Mountain.Heavenly Court had plotted for a long time with Feng Jiu Ge personally leading the attack, Fang Yuan's overall losses were significant.First of all, he was not able to take back the upper extreme heavenly eagle, secondly, Dang Hun Mountain was destroyed for the moment and restoring it would take time and a huge amount of immortal essence, finally, Gu Yue Fang Zheng was captured, which means Fang Yuan's blood deity cultivation plan was halted.Fortunately, wisdom Gu was neither captured nor destroyed.The situation was actually dangerous at that time.If Feng Jiu Ge was set on destroying wisdom Gu, it had little hope of surviving on its own.But Feng Jiu Ge did not strike a fatal move the entire time.This made Fang Yuan feel a sense of joy, but at the same time, it also meant Heavenly Court's following attacks would be incessant. Feng Jiu Ge retreated on his own accord, which also signified Heavenly Court was definitely going to make another attack!But when were they going to attack? During the next attack, who would Heavenly Court send? What kind of method would they use?These were all issues to think about.Fang Yuan landed in an ordinary valley.He was already far away from the battlefield, and had been very careful on his way. He should be safe for now.Fang Yuan concealed his aura and hid himself, he then set up warning Gu formations before sitting cross-legged and shutting his eyes as he started making deductions.After a while, he opened his eyes, he was already aware of the whole matter as if he had personally experienced the battle between Lang Ya Sect and Feng Jiu Ge."It is certain that Fixed Immortal Travel is with Heavenly Court, it seems to have been raised to rank seven. It even has a set of immortal killer moves…"Any changes in Lang Ya blessed land could not escape Lang Ya land spirit's observation. The scene of Feng Jiu Ge's group suddenly appearing was engraved in Lang Ya land spirit's mind, this along with similar clues were all sent to Fang Yuan.With sufficient clues along with his wisdom path attainment, Fang Yuan immediately understood how Feng Jiu Ge suddenly attacked Lang Ya blessed land."To prevent Fixed Immortal Travel, I had already modified Dang Hun Mountain's appearance but Feng Jiu Ge's group appeared above the three continents. This information leak is probably related to the missing hairy man Gu Immortal.""It would take some effort in changing the terrain of the three continents. Even if this is done, it might not obstruct Heavenly Court's invasions.""If I am not wrong, although the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals did not succeed in setting up an Immortal Gu formation, just seeing how Feng Jiu Ge escaped so easily, they definitely have some measures left behind in Lang Ya blessed land."All kinds of thoughts flashed rapidly in Fang Yuan's mind.Heavenly Court was inactive most of the time, but when they made a move, it was earth shattering! If not for Fang Yuan arranging multiple precautionary methods against this, Lang Ya blessed land, which had lost the complete Refinement Cauldron, might have already been subdued by Feng Jiu Ge.Fang Yuan had already made many preparations but Heavenly Court's foundation was too abundant. Like this time, by relying on the method left by space path great expert Liang Liang, Feng Jiu Ge's group was able to sneak in abruptly.An opponent like Heavenly Court was the most difficult to fight against. Because nobody knew how many more trump cards they had!Fang Yuan heaved a sigh, contacting Lang Ya land spirit.He informed Lang Ya land spirit of his situation, also mentioning his guess that Lu Wei Yin was very likely Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable's inheritor.Lang Ya land spirit might still be discontented that Fang Yuan had not shown up to protect Lang Ya blessed land, but what Fang Yuan said were all truths, so Lang Ya land spirit could not easily pursue this matter."Heavenly Court did not succeed this time, but they have discovered wisdom Gu, they will definitely return. Fang Yuan, you are a supreme elder of Lang Ya Sect, the sect needs your strength, you should return to guard the sect." Lang Ya land spirit said.Fang Yuan smiled.That was impossible!Lang Ya blessed land had indeed helped Fang Yuan a lot, it could also be considered as his base, but it was impossible to bind him because of this.The current Heavenly Court was powerful, and as long as they restored fate Immortal Gu, they would become invincible.If Fang Yuan stayed to guard Lang Ya blessed land, Heavenly Court's side would definitely have a good laugh. This was what they wanted.Fang Yuan would not be able to advance further if he stayed in Lang Ya blessed land. He had to go out and roam to search for cultivation resources to grow rapidly.Once he grew to a certain extent, Fang Yuan could then go take the Red Lotus true inheritances, no matter how much help the true inheritances provided, he had to destroy Heavenly Court's plan of restoring fate Gu within ten years.Only by doing this would he not die, this was also his only way out.Otherwise, if he waited for fate Gu to be restored completely, almost all Gu Immortals in the world would be subjected to fate's arrangements. How many otherworldly demons like Fang Yuan were there? Heavenly Court would once again reach the summit, at that time, Fang Yuan would have no hope of being its opponent."Even if Lang Ya blessed land is breached, even if wisdom Gu is destroyed, they won't interrupt my cultivation plan."A ruthless light flashed in Fang Yuan's eyes.Naturally, he would not say these words to Lang Ya land spirit.Right now, his body was bound by alliance agreements. But he had been keeping the self cleansing immortal formation activated, it was not just for show."We still need to talk about compensation, right?" Fang Yuan continued with some useless banter before saying this to Lang Ya land spirit."Ah!" Lang Ya land spirit's expression immediately sank, he had made an agreement with Fang Yuan back then. If Dang Hun Mountain or wisdom Gu were lost or destroyed, he would have to compensate ten times the value.Wisdom Gu was not destroyed, Lang Ya land spirit let out a sigh of relief at this, but Dang Hun Mountain…At least for now, it was really lost!"You also know that if Heavenly Court obtains Dang Hun Mountain, they will have an endless supply of guts Gu, this is a huge boost to them." Fang Yuan added pressure as he saw Lang Ya land spirit keeping silent."You… no need to say this. I will compensate you, don't worry." Lang Ya land spirit replied."I believe you, how could first supreme elder possibly go back on his words?" Fang Yuan chuckled."What kind of compensation do you want?" Lang Ya land spirit asked.Fang Yuan's gaze moved, there was a lot he wanted!

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