
Chapter: 1536-1540:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1536. Floating Sinking Iron Sand | Reverend Insanity

"Fang Yuan, I feel like I've heard of this name before?""Is that the Little Beast King who refined an Immortal Gu on San Cha Mountain?""Even though I cannot see clearly, I'm afraid that's him!""He became an immortal? He had such a huge fortuitous encounter! Sigh, why was it not me?"The Gu Masters from all three clans burst into commotion.The mortals were discussing the matter and venting their emotions of shock and jealousy, the situation became extremely heated.These mortals were stuck to old news, Fang Yuan's true fame was only known among Gu Immortals now, mortals barely knew anything of him.Tie Ruo Nan clenched her fists, gritting her teeth as she watched. She had a simple relationship with Fang Yuan, deep hatred!The conflict between her and Fang Yuan was a long lasting one, the hatred did not reduce over time, it was like wine, becoming deeper as time passed.But now, even though the enemy was in front of her, Tie Ruo Nan could do nothing against him!Fang Yuan was an immortal now! If this was the past, before Tie Ruo Nan knew the difference between immortal and mortal, so be it. But after interacting with Tie Mian Shen, she was very clear of the difference. As a mere mortal, there was no hope in getting revenge on a Gu Immortal!Now, Tie Ruo Nan's only hope was Tie Mian Shen. She wanted to see Tie clan's Gu Immortal Tie Mian Shen kill Fang Yuan publicly and uphold justice, to take revenge for Tie Ruo Nan's friends and family!Fang Yuan looked at the three immortals as he laughed arrogantly: "I am here to take back the thing I lost, are the three of you going to try and stop me?"Shang Qing Qing and Hou Yao had pounding hearts, Fang Yuan had only said a sentence without using any methods, but they felt that his demonic might was overwhelming, they lost all of their fighting spirit.Fang Yuan's fame resounded in the world, his demonic might was a deterrence to the entire world! Even someone like Wu Yong was toyed around by him, and Heavenly Court could not even catch him after such a long time. These were merely rank six Gu Immortals, it was normal to feel this.The mortals on the ground heard Fang Yuan's words clearly.Tie Ruo Nan was filled with anger: "Demon, even after becoming an immortal, he is still a demon! It is a misfortune for everyone that he holds such power. He deserves death, this demon deserves death! The righteous path should eliminate such evil and kill this demon to protect the world!"Thinking of this, Tie Ruo Nan looked at Tie Mian Shen expectantly.In her heart, this Tie clan Gu Immortal expert could almost hold up heaven and earth, he could pick the moon and stars from the sky, he could definitely kill Fang Yuan.After all, Fang Yuan was born in the same generation as her, how long had he been an immortal? How could he be Tie Mian Shen's match?But at the next moment, Tie Ruo Nan's heroic eyes stared widely.Tie Mian Shen sighed as he said: "Oh Fang Yuan, you rampaged unhindered over the five regions, you are renowned in the world, I am not your match. But even if I die, I will fight, this is the resolution of my Tie clan!""But I have something to say, we are both immortals, we should not implicate these mortals. Why don't we let these mortals leave first, we can have a good fight, even if I die, I will have no regrets.""What, what did he say? Lord Tie Mian Shen admitted he could not match Fang Yuan? How, how could this be?" Tie Ruo Nan was tongue-tied, this shocking news almost destroyed her entire mental state.Such words came from Tie Mian Shen himself, her entire worldview had been crushed."Let these mortals off? Why should I? Hehehe." Fang Yuan smiled coldly as killing intent surged.He gazed around and saw the mortals on the ground.Tie Ruo Nan's anger was not worth his attention, the rage of an ant was pointless rage.The luck connected Ye Fan, a person who was blessed by fate and had strong luck, even though there was a main and sub luck relationship, Fang Yuan did not want to let him off. Killing this person was beneficial to him. After all, every time Fang Yuan used burning soul bursting luck, Ye Fan would obtain a portion of that luck.And why was the upper extreme heavenly eagle with Ye Fan, Fang Yuan was very curious about this, he wanted to investigate.As for Shang Xin Ci?Fang Yuan's cold gaze flickered slightly, he showed a strange emotion.He had gotten close to Shang Xin Ci earlier in order to use her and gain footing in Shang clan. But now, Fang Yuan was shocked to find out that Shang Xin Ci's luck was incredibly alarming!Fang Yuan had methods to inspect luck, Shang Xin Ci was a mere mortal, her luck was clear to Fang Yuan.Above her head, there was a thick gush of white and pure luck, it weaved and gathered into a beautiful cape, it seemed to be made of countless bird feathers, there was even a drizzle of luck near it, moving around this bird feathered cape."Such luck, such a phenomenon, even Ye Fan, Hong Yi, and Han Li cannot compare to her. What is going on? With such luck, Shang Xin Ci is not a simple person, she is definitely an important person in the great era. Strange… why is it that in the five hundred years of my previous life, Shang Xin Ci was only a mortal throughout?""Unless heaven's will altered my memories inside Spring Autumn Cicada? Or was it because I ruined Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's heaven defying plan and became the leader of Shadow Sect, I changed many things and Shang Xin Ci got affected? But why Shang Xin Ci? I am afraid that according to the route of fate, she is truly an important person in the new era!"Fang Yuan was thinking when he suddenly heard an eagle's cry, it almost burst his eardrums.Next, the upper extreme heavenly eagle's seal weakened to its limit, as it pounced at Fang Yuan with bloodshot eyes."Hmm? Even though I have killing intent in me, I have been controlling it using wisdom path methods, it had not spread out. This upper extreme heavenly eagle is actually being controlled, not only is there a seal, its emotions are being affected to come and attack me!"Fang Yuan snickered, he did not panic against the attack of an immemorial desolate beast.Immortal killer move — Reverse Flow Protection Seal!The upper extreme heavenly eagle was a space path immemorial desolate beast, it arrived in front of Fang Yuan with a flicker, its sharp eagle claws slashed at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan did not evade, he took this move head on!The huge eagle claw larger than his body scratched at him mercilessly.Shang Xin Ci gasped, the immortals were surprised, anticipating the results.Fang Yuan was sent flying by this huge force but he was unharmed. In contrast, upper extreme heavenly eagle cried out in pain as its attack was reversed, it felt immense pain, even though it did not suffer heavy injuries, it was not far from it!"We will attack now, this is the best opportunity!" Tie Mian Shen shouted as he attacked Fang Yuan.He was incredibly brave, using killer move iron mask equipment to turn into a ten meter giant.The iron giant pushed with its palms as black qi surged out like a tide, engulfing Fang Yuan like a tiger's roar."Which life form would not want freedom? This upper extreme heavenly eagle is unwilling to be enslaved by Fang Yuan, it wants to escape, we will make use of its battle strength and attack Fang Yuan together, like this, we might be able to persevere.""Fang Yuan does not even want to let the mortals off, evidently, he is a demon even in the demonic path, he had no bottom line or principles. The mortals will die, we will also not be spared, we should fight for a chance of survival."Hou Yao and Shang Qing Qing had many thoughts, they attacked as well.They unleashed their strongest methods from the start of the fight.Fang Yuan smiled lightly, he did not evade, he let the three moves land on his body.At the next moment, these three moves were completely reflected back at Tie Mian Shen, Shang Qing Qing, and Hou Yao.Shang Qing Qing and Hou Yao were in a difficult situation, they quickly dodged.But that Tie Mian Shen's eyes shone with brilliance, he shouted: "I'll take this!"He jumped and entered the rumbling black qi that was reflected back, it did not do any damage to him, instead, he slowly regained control over it."Fang Yuan, take this again!" Tie Mian Shen shouted, he burst out with Gu worm aura as black qi surged.This immortal killer move floating sinking iron sand had both offense and defense in it, it was compatible with iron mask equipment, even if it was reflected, Tie Mian Shen could regain control over it.And this floating sinking iron sand could be stacked and combined perfectly.Tie Mian Shen was a rank seven expert, even though his attacks were all reflected by Fang Yuan, he felt that he had a chance of winning.It was fine that the floating sinking iron sand was sent back, he could still control it and add more killer moves into it to increase the power of this move, he would become stronger as time passes!

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Chapter 1537. Fang Yuan Slaughters Immortals | Reverend Insanity

"As expected of Iron Mask true inheritance." Fang Yuan saw that Tie Mian Shen had used floating sinking iron sand again with increased strength, bright light shined in his eyes.He had an understanding of the super forces in the five regions, because Shadow Sect's information was very comprehensive.Every super force had their signature inheritance like Iron Mask true inheritance, Shadow Sect had wanted to obtain them too, but all the super forces kept a close eye on them, it was hard for Shadow Sect to succeed.Shadow Sect had not succeeded in getting Iron Mask true inheritance, they only had some information of it. The core Immortal Gu was called Justice, the Gu Immortal who inherits this true inheritance had to have a heart of justice, they needed to have the determination to uphold justice and punish evildoers.Not just that, Fang Yuan still remembered that during the five regions chaotic war in his previous life, the rank seven Gu Immortal Tie Mian Shen had a great performance, he displayed battle strength at the peak of rank seven! But now, he was still a distance from the peak of rank seven.Continuing to use wisdom path methods to deduce, Fang Yuan thought of many good ways to counter floating sinking iron sand.Fang Yuan chose the most direct method.Ancient sword dragon transformation plus myriad self, forming immortal killer move — Myriad Dragon!Roar roar roar roar…At once, myriad dragons appeared, they roared as sword qi burst out rampantly, it was like a sea of silver scales.Tie Mian Shen was filled with fighting spirit, but suddenly, silver light flickered in front of him."What?" Shock was expressed on his face, he looked at the myriad sword dragons flew around like a tsunami, charging towards him.Floating sinking iron sand!During the critical moment, Tie Mian Shen breathed in deeply, he used all his strength and method to make the black qi around him surge and defend against the myriad dragons.But in just less than two breaths of time, the iron sand black qi was completely wiped out by the silver dragons!Tie Mian Shen coughed out a mouthful of blood, he wanted to escape but where could he go?At the next moment, the myriad dragons engulfed him."Lord Tie Mian Shen!!!" Tie Ruo Nan watched this as she screamed shrilly.The dragons roared in a colossal scale, they truly filled up the entire sky, the attack was terrifying and made all of the mortals on the ground soaked in cold sweat.After a while, a small figure emerged from the dragon group and flew out, it was Tie Mian Shen.He was extremely weak unlike before, his iron giant appearance had crumbled, but it was quite an impressive move to be able to defend against myriad dragon."This strength!" Tie Mian Shen had a solemn expression most of the time, but now, there was shock remaining on his face.He wanted to stack the floating sinking iron sand killer move against Fang Yuan, but he retaliated with the most direct method, brute force!Myriad dragon was created by fusing ancient sword dragon transformation and myriad self, both moves were very exceptional on their own, myriad dragon that fused both moves pushed Fang Yuan's attack strength all the way to the peak of rank seven!If this was in the five hundred years of Fang Yuan's previous life, Tie Mian Shen would have been able to block this move, but now, he was still lacking.The difference between experts was usually by a margin. Just that bit of extra strength decided victory and defeat. Now that Tie Mian Shen's offense was lower than Fang Yuan, while his defense was far inferior, Fang Yuan could completely suppress Tie Mian Shen in battle.Tie Mian Shen could only retreat, he had to flee.He was very fast, even myriad dragon could not catch up.Fang Yuan did not set up an immortal battlefield killer move, he could not trap these people. Even though Fang Yuan could defeat him, he needed prior preparations to kill him."Even though I have an immortal battlefield killer move, it cannot be used immediately, since my rank eight battle strength is in the defensive aspect, it will be hard to kill Tie Mian Shen today."Fang Yuan's eyes shone with cold light, he did not have much killing intent.Tie Mian Shen was a metal path Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan did not need his dao marks. Furthermore, Tie Mian Shen was an important person in Southern Border to resist Heavenly Court during the five regions chaotic war."As for these two rank six Gu Immortals, hmph." Fang Yuan did not move, he looked down.Shang Qing Qing and Hou Yao were surrounded by the myriad dragons, they had no way to escape, life and death was right before them.As rank six Gu Immortals facing this rank seven peak killer move, they were quite impressive to hold out until now, they were elites of super forces after all.Boom boom!With two loud sounds, Shang Qing Qing and Hou Yao could no longer resist the attack, their bodies were smashed to bits by the myriad dragons. As for their souls, they wanted to self-detonate, but why would Fang Yuan, who had Spectral Soul's true inheritance, let them? He directly imprisoned them, they were sent into Fang Yuan's hands by the myriad dragons very quickly."Fang Yuan, kill us if you dare!""Evil scoundrel, you are offending the three super forces of Hou clan, Shang clan, and Tie clan, you are courting death. You are arrogant now, but you will soon regret your actions!"The two Gu Immortal souls screamed.Suppressed!Fang Yuan willed as these two souls were unable to emit a sound or move at all, they were completely immobilized.Next, they were sent into Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture.It was easy for Fang Yuan to kill rank six Gu Immortals, afterwards, explosions occurred near him as the eagle cried out, the huge upper extreme heavenly eagle took the myriad dragon killer move head on as it charged at Fang Yuan.It was an immemorial desolate beast with thick defenses, even though myriad dragon attacked and slashed its body, it ignored the attacks bravely.Fang Yuan saw the bloodlust in its eyes, it had lost its cognition ability, Fang Yuan knew that this eagle was under external influence, otherwise, it would not dare to attack him like this.After all, not only did Fang Yuan enslave it, he had also hatched it.But in terms of defense, even the immemorial desolate beast upper extreme heavenly eagle lost to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan smiled coldly as he allowed the eagle to approach him, he only flew at a low altitude in spite of its pursuit.Boom!The eagle wings slammed on Fang Yuan's back, but under the effect of reverse flow protection seal, he was unharmed, this force made him even faster as he flew at Ye Fan and the rest.The upper extreme heavenly eagle shrieked as its right wing broke, it fell from the sky, but the endless swarm of dragons forced it back into the air as they attacked it endlessly.Fang Yuan had noticed it immediately when he arrived, he saw the upper extreme heavenly eagle on Ye Fan's shoulder.He was naturally concerned about this anomaly.Since Ye Fan seemed to be able to control upper extreme heavenly eagle, Fang Yuan decided to capture him first, he attacked Ye Fan.Comparing the immemorial desolate beast and a rank five Gu Master mortal, the latter was much easier to deal with!Before he arrived, Fang Yuan's methods were already in effect.Ye Fan, Tie Ruo Nan, and the rest watched as Fang Yuan approached, their bodies were stiff, they could not move."Oh no!" Ye Fan cried out in dismay, he wanted to explain himself, but he could no longer talk now.In Fang Yuan's opinion, any explanation could not match his own soul search."Am I going to die? I regret that I cannot continue to uphold justice!!" Tie Ruo Nan gritted her teeth, feeling rage and hatred."Brother Hei Tu…" Shang Xin Ci was the only person with a calm expression, her beautiful eyes flickered with deep emotions: "You saved me back then, you were the reason why I could gain influence in Shang clan and walk this far. Therefore, even if I die at your hands, I am… satisfied."But when Fang Yuan was about to succeed, a mysterious ripple appeared.Instantly, between Fang Yuan and the mortal Gu Masters, the scene became a blur, like they were separated by an unclean mirror."Immortal battlefield killer move!" This change occurred too quickly, but Fang Yuan reacted rapidly too, when he was about to make a move, the world turned orange-yellow.He was inside a mystical immortal battlefield killer move.A rank eight Gu Immortal showed himself, standing in front of Fang Yuan and protecting the mortal Gu Masters behind him."Master!" Seeing this person, Ye Fan screamed from excitement."Who are you?" Fang Yuan's eyes squinted as he emanated a cold aura."I am Lu Wei Yin. Oh Fang Yuan, living beings already live in difficulty, why must we kill each other? Why don't you stop here?" The mysterious person smiled as he said.

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Chapter 1538. Fetus Earth Maze | Reverend Insanity

"Master…" Ye Fan muttered, looking at Lu Wei Yin who was right in front of him, he had an expression of admiration.After a long time, Ye Fan saw his master again, he looked the same as before. He wore a grey hemp garment, it was very simple and plain, but his muscular body could not be concealed. He wore a conical hat that was large and wide, it covered his face under the shadow, concealing his appearance. His chin was wide and thick, it gave people the feeling of steadiness and unwavering determination."A rank eight Gu Immortal?!" The two Yi clan Gu Immortals were forced to appear, they were hiding in the lake earlier, the moment this immortal battlefield was created, they were forced out."Who is he? He has Southern Border aura, but he is definitely not a member of the righteous path!" Tie Mian Shen had a grim expression."Oh? Life is hard so you want me to stop?" Fang Yuan smiled coldly at Lu Wei Yin, countless thoughts appeared in his mind, he was thinking at rapid speed."This guy is a hypocrite! He had created the immortal battlefield killer move long ago, he could have saved Shang clan and Hou clan's Gu Immortals, but he chose to appear right after. Coming out and telling me that life is difficult and that I should stop, this is fake kindness!""However, he is a rank eight Gu Immortal after all, my three breaths future vision had already been active but it did not warn me. This move is too low ranked, the core time path Immortal Gu After is only rank seven.""And this immortal battlefield killer move that he set is very profound, my investigative methods could not find it."Fang Yuan thought to himself.He had an array of methods, against most rank seven and rank six Gu Immortals in the world, he could suppress them, but against a rank eight Gu Immortal, he was still inferior.The enemy was a rank eight Gu Immortal and he was inside an immortal battlefield killer move, Fang Yuan was in a passive situation.But he was not worried.Reverse flow protection seal was his greatest defense, he had modified it extensively during this period, even if Heavenly Court had a counter to it, they could only influence the initial version, it could not work on the current Fang Yuan.Immortal killer move — Myriad Dragon!Fang Yuan breathed in deeply, using his strongest offensive method again.Roar—!Countless silver sword dragons flew out and filled the entire immortal battlefield killer move.The dragons roared, they had a ruthless expression as they attacked Lu Wei Yin.Lu Wei Yin smiled lightly, he was completely unconcerned."Friend, don't be so angry, killing cannot solve all problems." Saying so, aura burst out of his body as he used an immortal killer move.This killer move made an effect immediately.It started to rain.But this 'rain' was not made of water, it was made of sand.Sand rained down like a torrent, appearing out of nowhere.The immortal battlefield resonated, causing the sand to be even heavier, as the entire battlefield was covered by a veil of sand.Immortal killer move — Descending Sand!The sword dragons were covered by the sand, their thunderous roars became very soft, their long and sharp bodies shrunk as their sinister claws became soft and fluid.In a few breaths of time, the army of ferocious sword dragons was completely weakened, turning into tiny white earthworms that were the size of a human arm."This killer move!" Fang Yuan's expression changed, he realized something."It seems he has already found out my identity." Lu Wei Yin sighed as he watched: "This person is truly an otherworldly demon, a cause of calamities and tribulations, not only does he have great battle strength, he has also grown sufficiently now. The more worrying thing is that he has a vicious and scheming mind, he acts with precise ruthlessness, this is truly a misfortune for ordinary people and life."Thinking so, Lu Wei Yin called out: "Gu Immortal and Gu Master friends, the saying goes, heaven helps those who help themselves. Everyone is in danger now, you have to unite and work together to resist this demon, that is the only way to survive. In this battlefield killer move, if you do not have the determination to resist the demon, I will not be able to protect you. I will need your help in this following killer move.""Master, what do you want us to do? Go ahead and instruct us!" Ye Fan shouted loudly in an energetic mood.Lu Wei Yin turned around and smiled as he nodded: "I only need all of you to have determination to fight against this demon.""I understand." Ye Fan nodded, he looked at Fang Yuan angrily as battle will emerged from his body, rising up like smoke.The upper extreme heavenly eagle also landed, its eyes stared at Fang Yuan with hatred, even though Fang Yuan hatched it, he had deprived it of freedom, even blood related parents who did that would be hated!"In that case, we might as well cooperate." Tie Mian Shen calmed his mind, even though Lu Wei Yin was mysterious, in this situation, Fang Yuan was the enemy. The enemy of an enemy was a friend, Tie Mian Shen responded to Lu Wei Yin's call.On the other hand, Yi clan's two Gu Immortals discussed and also summoned their intent to fight against Fang Yuan.As for the mortal Gu Masters, asking them to fight a Gu Immortal greatly challenged their courage, but because Lu Wei Yin was taking the lead, and Fang Yuan was simply too vicious, having the intent to kill them, they all summoned their fighting spirits.Only Shang Xin Ci shook her head, she had a sorrowful gaze, Fang Yuan was her benefactor, how could she fight him?"Clan leader, now is not the time for mercy. That Fang Yuan is an ambitious demon who acts viciously, he will not reciprocate your kindness." Even Wei De Xin who was beside Shang Xin Ci urged."Enough, I will not be enemies with brother Hei Tu, even if he kills me." Shang Xin Ci shook her head with firm determination.The people around her sighed.The other Gu Masters were unhappy with Shang Xin Ci's attitude, but because of her status and the situation now, they did not dare to speak up.Lu Wei Yin saw that everyone had summoned their wills, he smiled brightly."Good." He said, turning to face Fang Yuan: "I would like you to evaluate my move, mud piled into a wall."Immortal killer move — Mud Piled Into a Wall!Battle will surged from everyone, absorbed into this small world rapidly.The immortal battlefield resonated again.Fang Yuan had an alert expression, he did not attack randomly, he chose to watch the situation closely.At the next moment, walls appeared out of nowhere, erected by his side.Fang Yuan smiled and attacked, using all sorts of methods to smash these walls.But the walls formed at an incredible speed, while Fang Yuan's methods were affected by descending sand and became very weak.The yellow walls did not have offensive power, but they formed and gathered, some were in front of Fang Yuan while others surrounded him in all directions, above, below, and on all sides around him.Immortal killer move — Six Directional Maze!Lu Wei Yin grunted as a third killer move was used.Fang Yuan's mind was stirred!At this moment, Lu Wei Yin had finally bared his fangs.The three killer moves, descending sand, mud piled into a wall, and six directional maze, rapidly activated and fused together, forming a huge maze that completely enveloped Fang Yuan.This maze extended in all directions, it was like the core of a hollow mountain. All sorts of interweaving paths and walls were complex and confusing, people would feel dizzy just looking at them.Fang Yuan's myriad dragon killer move was created from the fusion of myriad self and ancient sword dragon transformation.But Lu Wei Yin's fetus earth maze was the combination of three rank eight killer moves, it had an incredible power!Fang Yuan felt his sense of direction dwindling here, he could not tell where was up, down, left, or right.He tried to move alongside the walls, but he completely forgot the path he came from.He tried to attack the yellow walls, but any attack that landed on the walls became extremely weak, because these walls had the effect of descending sand."It seems that I cannot brute force my way out of here, I need to expose this immortal battlefield's weakness and strike at it!" Realization appeared in Fang Yuan's mind.He sat down on the spot and closed his eyes, using all sorts of wisdom path methods.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1539. Reforming Fang Yuan | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan was temporarily trapped in the fetus earth maze killer move, the situation stabilized immediately.Bright light flashed in Tie Mian Shen's eyes, he flew down and greeted Lu Wei Yin, asking "Senior, how will we kill this demon Fang Yuan?"Lu Wei Yin smiled, saying softly: "All life deserves to live, even though this Fang Yuan is an otherworldly demon, he is still a living being, how can we say things like taking his life?"Tie Mian Shen was stunned, Yi clan's two Gu Immortals also flew over, Yi Nan Men said anxiously: "Senior, how can we let him off, this demon has committed great sins, he disrupts the order of the world, now is the best time to kill him, how can we be wrongly merciful?"Yi Yu also urged: "Senior, if we do not kill him today, he will harm the world and kill other living beings in the future, wouldn't that be worse? His death is the fortune of this world."But Lu Wei Yin shook his head: "Everyone's words make sense, but you are also biased. There is no absolute evil person in this world, nobody is born as a murderer. Otherwise, why would we need to learn methods to fight and kill? Humans have kindness and evil in their hearts, there is no pure evil or pure kindness. Even though this Fang Yuan is a demonic path Gu Immortal with blood on his hands, having committed great evil, he was not born as an evil person.""A hated person has reasons to be pitied, everything in this world has causes and effects. What created the Fang Yuan of today is the karma of yesterday. Since Fang Yuan could grow into this evil person now, why can't he turn into a kind person in the future?""He is strong and has countless methods, if he is in the righteous path, he would bring blessings to this world, he would save countless people, isn't that more helpful to the world?"Lu Wei Yin's words stunned Tie Mian Shen, Yi Nan Men, and Yi Yu!This mysterious rank eight Gu Immortal wanted to reform Fang Yuan!"Since senior has his objective, junior will wait for senior's success." Tie Mian Shen sighed.Yi clan's two Gu Immortals looked at each other, they saw the helplessness in each others' eyes.The three of them were not Fang Yuan's match, they needed to depend on this mysterious rank eight Gu Immortal Lu Wei Yin to deal with Fang Yuan.Lu Wei Yin had incredibly profound methods, even though he appeared abruptly and set up the immortal battlefield killer move in advance, showing his motive, all the signs pointed to the fact that he could eliminate Fang Yuan.But to think that after a conversation, Lu Wei Yin still held the absurd objective of reforming Fang Yuan, to turn this huge demon into a kind immortal that would save the world."I am afraid this rank eight Gu Immortal has some method to change Fang Yuan's personality?" Yi Yu guessed.Yi Nan Men spoke directly "Thank you senior for saving us, I would like senior to open this battlefield and let us return to our clan."Yi clan's Gu Immortals came here to deal with Tie clan, Shang clan, and Hou clan, but the situation developed too quickly, Fang Yuan's appearance completely took matters out of their control.The two Yi clan Gu Immortals were quite unlucky, they met both Fang Yuan and Lu Wei Yin, their objectives failed before they even started doing anything.In this situation, they did not want to stay, it was normal to want to leave.Tie Mian Shen looked at the two Yi clan Gu Immortals, his gaze flickered but he did not speak.Lu Wei Yin shook his head: "Friends, don't be anxious, I will not harm you, but now is not the time to open the battlefield. If everyone leaves, I'm afraid there may be reports to the clans and invitations for reinforcements to deal with Fang Yuan. This goes against my objective, you should all wait here for now.""This…" The three Gu Immortals looked at each other, they had no choice but to accept it.Inside this immortal battlefield, they could not communicate with the outside world, since they were weaker than both Fang Yuan and Lu Wei Yin, they could only obey his arrangements helplessly."Master, can that Fang Yuan really be converted to the righteous path?" Ye Fan asked in confusion.Lu Wei Yin turned around and patted Ye Fan's head: "Anything can be possible in this world, right? I am willing to give him a chance to repent and turn over a new leaf. If he does, I am sure that this will be a huge blessing to the world, it would become a wonderful story for future historical records.""Can it… really succeed?" Shang Xin Ci asked hesitantly, anticipation shone deep within her eyes.She was a righteous path Gu Master this entire life, she did not want the person she loved, Fang Yuan, to walk on this demonic path of no return.Right now, from Shang Xin Ci's perspective, Fang Yuan was already trapped, this showed that Lu Wei Yin was very powerful and that Fang Yuan was in danger. At this time, if Fang Yuan could turn over a new leaf, not only would it be a huge blessing, he would also preserve his own life."Of course it can. People can change, they can turn bad, but they can also become good. Oh Shang Xin Ci, do you think Fang Yuan is a bad person inherently?" Lu Wei Yin smiled and asked.Shang Xin Ci shook her head, she had a firm attitude: "I will not lie to senior, I believe that Fang Yuan is not born evil, I can feel his cold attitude, but under that, I can sense endless sadness."Lu Wei Yin nodded: "Your understanding is quite hard to come by. I know that he has helped you before, do you know that now, he needs your help more?"Shang Xin Ci was dazed before asking: "Senior, how can I help him?"Lu Wei Yin smiled: "Very simple, I have already said that you need to encourage and urge him to renounce his evil ways and become righteous. My killer move is called fetus earth maze, it can allow a person to live three lifetimes, experiencing the mortal life fully and comprehending life and death, understanding the vicissitudes of human ways and forgetting the evil in his heart, turning over a new leaf.""All of us have an inherent nature, but our life experiences are very important too. Oh Shang Xin Ci, if your invest your will into fetus earth maze, Fang Yuan would definitely feel it, let him experience the beauty of life, and summon the kindness and brightness in his heart.""I understand, thank you senior for the guidance!" Shang Xin Ci had a look of realization, her gaze became firm. A lump of will emerged from her body, entering fetus earth maze like everyone else.Seeing this, Lu Wei Yin's mind eased, he thought: "With Shang Xin Ci's luck on our side, we will not be fully suppressed by Fang Yuan's luck. Next, it will depend on the other party."In immemorial white heaven, Chen Yi moved like lightning, flying rapidly among the clouds.He was still injured, these were caused by Fang clan's first supreme elder and immemorial soul beast Qing Chou, his injuries were covered by strength path and soul path dao marks, they were very deep.Chen Yi had impressive healing methods, but these injuries could not heal so quickly.Compared to his injuries, his heart was heavier."I actually failed!""Not only did I fail to get Divine Bean Palace, I lost in battle and could not kill Qing Chou. Sigh! I was too greedy, they took advantage of it, it was my fault, it was all my fault!"Chen Yi was very regretful.He could not answer to Fairy Zi Wei, and also as the first supreme elder of Heavenly Lotus Sect, he could not regain his sect ancestor's possession, he was very ashamed."After returning, I will quit my role as Heavenly Lotus Sect's first supreme elder and cultivate in seclusion! I will reclaim Divine Bean Palace after my cultivation breaks through!"Chen Yi made up his mind, he needed to make up for this mistake, otherwise, he would not rest at ease.He flew for many days, Central Continent was already in sight, but now, three rank seven Gu Immortals approached him."Lord Chen Yi, hold on, we have been waiting for you." The three rank seven Gu Immortals said.Chen Yi took a gaze, they were familiar people, they were supreme elders from the other ten great ancient sects of Central Continent."Why are you…" Chen Yi could not understand.One of the three rank sevens handed Chen Yi an information path mortal Gu.Chen Yi looked into it, it was a letter from Fairy Zi Wei.Fairy Zi Wei requested for Chen Yi to make up for his failure, he needed to head to the immemorial white heaven of Northern Plains for his mission."Lady Fairy Zi Wei, as expected of a wisdom path great expert!" Chen Yi looked at the letter with a bright gaze, he nodded as he sighed deeply."Lord Chen Yi, please give us instructions." The three rank seven Gu Immortals asked. Their task was to hand Chen Yi this information path mortal Gu containing their mission, they did not know what they had to do next.Chen Yi looked at the three of them: "Heavenly Court has already acted against Fang Yuan, follow me!"TL Note: The more toxic you find this, the better you'll feel later.

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Chapter 1540. Attacking Lang Ya | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains, Lang Ya blessed land.On a plain and ordinary wetland, profound light suddenly emerged endlessly, the light was bright like jade, turning the surroundings green in color. Within the green light, countless butterflies were dancing around.The light lasted for three breaths of time before fading into sparkles of jade light that dissipated rapidly.But different from before, seven figures appeared on the ground that was empty earlier.They emanated Central Continent Gu Immortal aura, the leader wore a red and white robe, he was the famous genius rarely found in thousands of years — Feng Jiu Ge!These people were directly transported from Central Continent, even Feng Jiu Ge was a little dazed. At this moment, they were looking around and assessing the area.Beside Feng Jiu Ge, a rank seven wisdom path Gu Immortal deduced as he said excitedly: "This is Lang Ya blessed land!"Hearing his words, the surrounding Central Continent Gu Immortals felt deeply excited.Feng Jiu Ge nodded in satisfaction, he opened his immortal aperture's entrance and let out a will.This will was very damaged, it was about to be destroyed after existing for a very long period of time.Feng Jiu Ge cupped his fist as this will: "We were able to arrive here after crossing two regions thanks to senior's immortal killer move."This will formed into a human shape with difficulty, it had the appearance of a scholarly teacher, he looked around: "You are all pillars that support Heavenly Court, my main body left this will behind to deal with situations like this. I hope you can all work together and complete your mission, do not let down Heavenly Court!""We will do our best." The other six rank seven Gu Immortals said in unison.This will heard the answer and laughed: "Great, our Heavenly Court will continue to advance with all of your help, we will exist for all eternity!"As it laughed, the will dissipated in the wind, completely vanishing.Gu Immortal Fang Yun Hua, who was behind Feng Jiu Ge, wore a white jade crown and had a young appearance, he knew some information as he sighed upon seeing this: "Senior Liang Liang's final remaining will has been destroyed."Liang Liang was famous in history.He was a rank eight Gu Immortal from Heavenly Court, a space path expert. He had once obtained Fixed Immortal Travel and elevated it to rank seven.Later, when legendary immemorial desolate beast Huo Kong wreaked havoc, he participated in battle and died, the rank seven Fixed Immortal Travel was destroyed as a result.Afterwards, Fixed Immortal Travel appeared in history several times, refined by people of different regions, but it was always rank six, the rank seven version had never appeared again.Even during Fang Yuan's refinement in Three Kings blessed land, he could not break out of this limitation.But afterwards, Granny Sha from Heavenly Court refined rank six Fixed Immortal Travel, and with Fairy Zi Wei leading Heavenly Court, she had tried to raise the rank of Fixed Immortal Travel.Heavenly Court had the greatest immortal material inventory in the world, they had started collecting materials since the era of Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable, three million years ago in the Remote Antiquity Era!Fixed Immortal Travel was hard to raise to rank seven because of one crucial immortal material. But this problem was not that big for Heavenly Court.Months ago, Fairy Zi Wei had used the method Gu Immortal Liang Liang left behind and awakened his final will.With the help of this will, not only did Heavenly Court raise Fixed Immortal Travel to rank seven, they even collected a lot of Gu worms and created an immortal killer move, seven immortal doors.This was the immortal killer move that transported Feng Jiu Ge, Fang Yun Hua, and the rest of the Central Continent Gu Immortals into Northern Plains' Lang Ya blessed land directly.However, the moment they reached, Liang Liang's remnant will that had helped Feng Jiu Ge use the move dissipated after reaching its limit.The final trace of this legend had finally vanished.But Heavenly Court's plan succeeded in return."Lang Ya blessed land…" Feng Jiu Ge muttered, he floated up as he used an immortal killer move to investigate the surroundings.Only to see that the terrain was completely flat and empty for all the surroundings, it was a swamp everywhere, only some traces of vegetation grew here in clear view.But Feng Jiu Ge saw more than that, he looked closely and found the traces of hairy men living in this huge area.Feng Jiu Ge praised Fairy Zi Wei internally: "Amazing!"Ever since Fang Yuan lost Fixed Immortal Travel, he had been guarding against this Gu. Even the current Dang Hun Mountain had completely been remodeled, it was to prevent anyone from using Fixed Immortal Travel to teleport into it.But Fairy Zi Wei used some crucial clues to deduce the appearance of Lang Ya blessed land, using that, they used immortal killer move seven immortal doors to allow Feng Jiu Ge and the rest to arrive in here!After the battle of Reverse Flow River, Fang Yuan had grown sufficiently to resist rank eight. Afterwards, he went into seclusion and developed on his own, growing rapidly and forcing Heavenly Court, which was pursuing him, to fail in capturing him.Fang Yuan was a complete otherworldly demon, he was someone who could destroy fate Gu, a huge threat to Heavenly Court, Fairy Zi Wei had always been mindful of him, she wanted to find any means possible to eradicate Fang Yuan!But after failing to locate Fang Yuan, Fairy Zi Wei's focus turned to Lang Ya blessed land.Lang Ya blessed land was the number one blessed land in the world, it had provided too much help to Fang Yuan.Initially, when Lang Ya land spirit was still the white haired land spirit, he had helped Fang Yuan refine second aperture Gu, and even gave gruel mud Immortal Gu to him. It played a crucial role during the events of Imperial Court blessed land!After the battle of Imperial Court blessed land, Fang Yuan turned into an immortal zombie and was very poor, his finances were in terrible straits. But with the help of Lang Ya blessed land, he deduced Immortal Gu recipes for income and rapidly got past the awkward stage of lacking initial funds.Next, to protect Hu Immortal blessed land and resist the invasion of Immortal Crane Sect, Lang Ya land spirit lent Fang Yuan beast enslavement Immortal Gu as well as eight desolate beasts.There was also unfamiliar face, it helped Fang Yuan a lot, this was also given by Lang Ya land spirit.Next, when Shadow Sect attacked Lang Ya blessed land, they snatched many crucial core Immortal Gu of Immortal Gu House Refinement Cauldron, the white haired land spirit turned into the black haired land spirit, dog shit luck Immortal Gu was also destroyed in this battle.The black haired land spirit created Lang Ya Sect, changing the original plan of the white haired land spirit, he gave Fang Yuan a lot of help.Firstly, during the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, when Fang Yuan had just obtained the sovereign immortal body, he was in a dangerous and awkward spot, Lang Ya Sect used treasure yellow heaven to send him many crucial Gu worms and get through that difficult moment.When Fang Yuan went back to Northern Plains from Southern Border, Lang Ya Sect went to bring him back, losing two hairy man Gu Immortals in the process.Lang Ya land spirit had even relocated Fang Yuan's Dang Hun Mountain, wisdom Gu and other items before Hu Immortal blessed land was attacked, preserving most of Fang Yuan's assets. Especially wisdom Gu, Lang Ya blessed land had been bearing the burden of feeding it, expending a lot of lifespan Gu.Next, Lang Ya land spirit asked Fang Yuan to be their external supreme elder, transacting with him and refining dog shit luck Immortal Gu for him, as well as the self luck true inheritance.After getting Shadow Sect's true inheritance, Lang Ya land spirit exchanged most of the true inheritances' information with Fang Yuan.And throughout the period of interacting with both land spirits, Lang Ya blessed land had refined a large number of Gu for Fang Yuan, countless mortal Gu and many crucial Immortal Gu.All of this help came at timely intervals, giving Fang Yuan a huge amount of assistance.One could say that Lang Ya blessed land had played a critical role in the outcome of Fang Yuan being able to reach this stage today!And now, even Lang Ya land spirit did not want to offend Fang Yuan with rank eight battle strength, he wanted to improve their relationship.After the marriage with the snowmen, Lang Ya land spirit became even more assured of Fang Yuan's stance and attitude towards the variant humans. In other words, Lang Ya blessed land was already Fang Yuan's base now!However, this was also why Heavenly Court's attention was brought to Lang Ya blessed land.But for a long time, Heavenly Court was unsure of which force was helping Fang Yuan.Until recently, when Fairy Zi Wei's deductions made a breakthrough.Thus, Lang Ya blessed land became their first target to attack!"Such guts, you dare to invade my world!" Lang Ya land spirit suddenly shouted from within the wetlands, a silver giant appeared out of nowhere, it had overwhelming fighting spirit and disposition.It was the number two ancient battle formation in the world — Heavenly Giant Solor!Lang Ya blessed land was controlled by Lang Ya land spirit, he knew everything that happened inside it to great detail.Feng Jiu Ge and the rest suddenly barged into Lang Ya blessed land, the land spirit found out almost immediately. But because they were very strong, Lang Ya land spirit gathered the hairy man Gu Immortals and assembled Heavenly Giant Solor first before going to face them.A great battle was about to start!

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