
Chapter: 1496-1500:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1496. Blurred Grey Eyes | Reverend Insanity

After he was done resting and making sufficient preparation, Fang Yuan entered Thieving Heaven's dream realm.There was the clamoring of people around the pool where a market gathering was being held.Western Desert actually had a lot of resources, more than Northern Plains. There were large amounts of resources hidden in the desert, including Gu worms and wild beasts. They only had scarce amounts of plants which was their biggest shortcoming.So this market mainly sold food products like milk and wine; Gu materials like beast skins, bones; and only three stalls were selling Gu worms.Young Thieving Heaven was roaming around in the crowd, he observed the transactions in the surrounding while moving closer to the pool at the center of the clan."Stop! Unauthorized people are not allowed entry here.""Kid, get lost."When young Thieving Heaven got near to the pool, two guards guarding the area immediately responded and stopped him.Young Thieving Heaven could do nothing other than to pretend to have received a shock and leave.He sighed inwardly: "That pool is the only water source in the oasis, it is strictly guarded and even though they opened a market gathering, the guards are quite alert, I simply cannot get in."At the same time, Sha Xiao's sinister voice resounded in his mind: "Hmph, think of whatever ways you can to get in. Don't forget, there is only a month or so left from our agreed time limit. If by then, you have not made any progress, that will be the time of your death."Young Thieving Heaven's pupils shrunk as he replied inwardly: "Aren't you powerful? Why don't you directly charge in or sneak in? Why let a weak guy like me gather information?""Hmph, you want to goad me? How could I fall for your plan? Moreover, you don't understand anything, heh, I also don't have the patience to explain to you. Grandson! Quick, do as grandpa says, talk less and do more work, then you can live a bit longer."Young Thieving Heaven could only let himself be manipulated, the enemy was strong while he was weak, he did not speak anymore, except that sharp light flickered in his eyes.Previously in the well, to survive and for the hope of returning to his home, he was forced to give in to Sha Xiao. But inwardly, he had never accepted this fate."I know when to yield and when not to, there will be a day when I will find a chance to not only escape the shackles of this old demon Sha Xiao, but also reciprocate all my sufferings.""But right now, I need to endure, I need to put on a show and wait for my chance."Over the next few days, young Thieving Heaven thought of every way possible and exhausted all his strength to gather intel and try to get near the oasis' pool.But all his attempts failed.The pool was the most important area in the clan, it was guarded extremely tightly.Young Thieving Heaven had only just advanced to rank one, his means were truly lacking.Just as he was unable to find a way, news spread among his peers."What, half a month later, the clan is holding a small scale competition, and the winner can choose a Gu worm from the pool as a reward?" Young Thieving Heaven also heard of this news.He immediately realized his opportunity was here.Moreover, this was probably the best opportunity for him to complete Sha Xiao's task!"I need to participate in this small competition and also obtain victory!" Young Thieving Heaven said to Sha Xiao in his mind.Sha Xiao snickered: "Silly kid, don't think I don't know what plot you are scheming inside. You want to use this to raise your strength to overturn my control?"Young Thieving Heaven sneered, admitting frankly: "So what? Who doesn't thirst for freedom?""Good!" Sha Xiao was unfazed, instead praising: "You are quite straightforward, haha, if you call me grandpa, I can help you seize this victory.""You!" Young Thieving Heaven stiffened, his eyes revealing anger."What, you don't want to? Think properly, without my help, with your strength and aptitude, how can you win this competition?" Sha Xiao sneered.Young Thieving Heaven's expression darkened."I was born as a noble, my life was filled with glory, but I have to bend my back and beg for mercy! This is a humiliation to my ancestry, I am ruining the reputation of my Sun clan.""But…""If I don't do this, I truly won't have any hope.""I am too weak, returning home is an uncertainty. If I can't even get through this juncture, there is no need to talk about the future.""Damn it!"Young Thieving Heaven clenched his fists, falling into extreme hesitation.Although he had called Sha Xiao 'grandpa' before, that was during the moment of life and death. Right now, he and Sha Xiao were separated, and there was also not much external pressure which made young Thieving Heaven waver, the choice became extremely heavy and painful."Grandpa…" Finally, he chose to yield, squeezing out this word through clenched teeth."Hahaha." Sha Xiao's crazed laughter filled young Thieving Heaven's mind: "My good grandson, since you called me grandpa, grandpa won't let you fail. Grandpa is giving you this method to succeed, accept it and turn it to your strength, you shall definitely win this competition."Right as Sha Xiao finished speaking, a huge amount of information charged into young Thieving Heaven's brain.Young Thieving Heaven immediately gave a low gasp, his expression distorted and he subconsciously held his head. The huge amount of information continued to strike his brain, he felt so much pain that his head felt like it would burst.The information attack only lasted for a short nine breaths of time, but young Thieving Heaven felt like a year had passed.He endured it with difficulty, his whole body was covered in sweat, his face was deathly pale like paper, and he was shaking, looking extremely miserable.Sha Xiao's method was violent, but the transferred information were all authentic and of great value.Most of the contents were about fighting techniques, they were exquisite and concise. A portion was about Gu recipes and usage method of Gu worms, and there was even a killer move.Mortal killer move — Blurred Grey Eyes.This move was formed by using sandpit Gu, chimney smoke Gu, and clear water Gu. There were eight steps to it, and once it was activated successfully, it could puff out white smoke.When this smoke landed in someone's eyes, it would cover their eyes in white ash, making them lose their sight.The person who was struck absolutely should not use water to clean their eyes, if water was used, the white ash would produce high heat that would burn the target's eyes and make them go blind."This move is so insidious, it is not my style." Young Thieving Heaven's heart sank, he did not look happy.Before his transmigration, he had been born in a noble family, receiving good education since childhood. He was upright and honest, he abhorred evil.Because of this, when he transmigrated and became a poor orphan, he still abided by rules and maintained his morals, even when he had an adult's wisdom and things were unsatisfactory."Blurred grey eyes needs three Gu worms, and they just happen to be all the Gu I have.""Looks like Sha Xiao had already planned to increase my strength. Hmph!"Young Thieving Heaven did not want to practice blurred grey eyes, he put his whole concentration in the fighting techniques.He had been a warrior in his previous life as well, although he did not specialize in close-combat, he had some foundation. His true battle attainment was deep enough.Thus, he was able to smoothly progress with these fighting techniques.After a few days of practicing, young Thieving Heaven felt his battle strength had soared!"This world's fighting techniques are not simple, but a complete set of moves involving Gu worms.""Different kind of moves for different kind of Gu worms.""I had no one to instruct me before, so I was too weak to do anything. Now that I have obtained this skill and have practiced it diligently, I have a sixty percent chance of winning the clan's competition.""Even if I don't use blurred grey eyes, I can take care of most competitors."Young Thieving Heaven had an aversion to this unscrupulous move and did not want to use it.He was confident in himself, and soon welcomed the clan's small competition.When he first stepped on the stage, the audience did not think highly of him.There were even some who ridiculed him.And his opponent had an expression of arrogance as he pointed towards young Thieving Heaven's nose: "So it is you, trash, surrender now and I won't break your leg."Young Thieving Heaven was dazed, standing on the spot without moving.The audience started laughing loudly."He is afraid, he can't even move.""Look at him, how did he pass the clan's exile test?""Probably luck. I heard that at the crucial moment, he was rescued from the wolves' mouths by the clan's Gu Master."Under this atmosphere, young Thieving Heaven's opponent seemed to be even more disdainful.But at the next moment, young Thieving Heaven clenched his fists, feeling the strength in his fingers."I finally have control again." Fang Yuan was inwardly happy.It turned out that young Thieving Heaven's dazed expression was because Fang Yuan had just gained control and had not reacted.Now that he came to his senses, he immediately attacked.Mortal killer move — Blurred Grey Eyes!Whoosh, a large clump of white ash was puffed out at his opponent's face.The opponent could not defend in time, quickly retreating three steps before crying out: "Ahhh! I can't see anything, what is this thing!""Get lost!" Fang Yuan took a few large strides before giving a fierce kick to his opponent's face.His opponent was directly kicked out of the stage.Victory!

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Chapter 1497. Deep Pain Despite Victory | Reverend Insanity

"Despicable, too despicable, he is actually sneak attacking!""This guy is too nasty, he is truly hateful.""According to both sides' strength, he was clearly slightly weaker."The surrounding people started denouncing young Thieving Heaven."You, you, you!" That opponent climbed up from the ground, and stuttered due to anger while pointing towards the air: "You're shameless! If… if you have guts… then… let's compete again!"However, his sight was blurry because of the killer move, and he did not know where Fang Yuan was at all, so his finger was pointing at a completely wrong direction, making for a hilarious situation.Fang Yuan sneered: "Winner takes all, what is there to compete about. Eh…"Fang Yuan could not speak anymore, because he once again turned into an observer, losing control over this body.Thieving Heaven's dream realm continued once more.Young Thieving Heaven gazed at the surrounding crowd and at the raving opponent below the stage, his face was pale and his whole body was shaking!He slowly raised his hands in shock."Why? Why did I directly use that killer move blurred grey eyes?""I clearly have strength to compete with him fairly, then throw him off the stage. But why, why did I choose to sneak attack?!"Young Thieving Heaven abhorred actions like sneak attacking, he felt this was a shameful thing.Why did he sneak attack?He liked fighting openly, and would not resort to such insidious schemes.He did not like, or more accurately, he disdained this kind of action.But then why did he do so!Sha Xiao's mad laughter resounded in his mind: "Hahaha! Too funny, too entertaining, my good grandson, you indeed resemble your grandpa me. You clearly had not trained blurred grey eyes killer move, but you were still able to use it so smoothly, the sneak attack timing was also quite good, clinching victory at once. Good, very good!"Sha Xiao repeatedly praised.Young Thieving Heaven was stunned.That's right, he had not practised this killer move, so why did he use it? And why was his usage so skillful?!"This is ridiculous!" Young Thieving Heaven roared inwardly."Hahaha, my good grandson, let grandpa tell you the reason. You were originally such a person, your nature is like this, don't restrain yourself, let out your true nature." Sha Xiao laughed loudly, adding insult to the injury.Young Thieving Heaven was deeply shocked, but soon his eyes flashed brightly: "No, this is not my doing. It is you right? You controlled my body!""Hehe, although I can do that, I did not do it. This was your own choice, you should be clear of it.""No, it was definitely you, how could I do such a thing!" Young Thieving Heaven clung to his own view."Bullshit!" Sha Xiao scolded loudly.But young Thieving Heaven's expression looked quite firm on the surface, as he walked off the stage while quarreling inwardly.However, in the audience's view, his behavior looked quite arrogant and seemed like he did not regard their criticisms, thus they started scolding even louder.It was the observer Fang Yuan's turn to feel shaken.He had been the one in control during the fight, but the outcome had directly influenced the following event of the dream realm.Young Thieving Heaven's shock and the change in the audience's attitude would no doubt influence the way the dream realm would play out and progress.This was a situation Fang Yuan had never encountered before while exploring dream realms.In his past explorations, although his participation rate was higher than in Thieving Heaven's dream realm, the dream realm as a whole did not change.The dream realm's outcome was set, and the passing standard was also fixed."But this dream realm of Thieving Heaven gives me a feeling of living through it! This is not ordinary!"According to its categorization, this kind of dream realm was a realistic dream realm, it restored Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's life experiences. But following Fang Yuan's continuous participation, this dream realm might deviate and change. As these deviations accumulated, would the final outcome of the dream realm be different from the original?Fang Yuan realized this and could not help but become more wary and cautious.Soon, it was his turn to battle again."You don't look like a vile person. But in the previous round, why did you use despicable methods to plot against my younger cousin?" This time, young Thieving Heaven's opponent was a girl who looked to be full of heroic spirit.Young Thieving Heaven frowned, he did not want to explain but still said: "There is a misunderstanding.""Heh, misunderstanding?""Hmph, you clearly sneak attacked, you actually don't admit it?""So many people witnessed it, this guy actually wants to deny it!"The crowd, outside of the stage, shouted in fury.The young girl frowned: "I don't care whether it was a misunderstanding or not, I am going to avenge my cousin. So not only am I going to defeat you, I am going to make sure you suffer enough! Come!"The young girl charged forward."Wait a moment." Young Thieving Heaven suddenly held out his hands: "I still have something to say, hear me out before you make a move.""What is it, speak up, I will make you admit your defeat completely." The young girl snorted, stopping her footsteps.But at this moment, young Thieving Heaven's eyes suddenly shone sinisterly as he raised his hand.Mortal killer move — Blurred Grey Eyes!The young girl had been on guard, but this white ash actually passed through her defensive methods and directly covered her eyes."Damn it, again!""This kid is playing dirty again!!""Careful, he is coming, quickly defend yourself!!"The crowd started shouting with all their strength.But by now, young Thieving Heaven had already neared the young girl and raised his right leg, about to kick this girl out.The young girl actually had good battle experiences, although she could not see, her ears were moving as she listened to the wind to determine his position!"I cannot see, if this match is dragged on, it will be unfavorable to me. I must finish this quickly." At this instant, the young girl made a wise choice.She gave a soft cry and instead of retreating, she directly punched at young Thieving Heaven.Whoosh.The wind blew from the impact of her fist, moving young Thieving Heaven's hair.This attack was fierce, it clearly used a Gu worm and was not something that could be produced by just a mortal body.If young Thieving Heaven had really kicked at the previous moment, he would not have been able to restrain his momentum right now, he would have been heavily injured by these two punches.But at this moment, young Thieving Heaven was not himself, but was controlled by Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's thoughts were sinister, he looked like he was about to kick the girl, but it was in fact just a feint.On one hand, he was probing the young girl, after all even if sight was blurred, there were other investigative methods, the Gu world was not lacking in all kinds of fantastic methods.On the other hand, Fang Yuan was using the audience.These people's shouts and reminders were actually misleading the girl.The young girl's sight was blurred, and in the intense battle, she likely did not have time to think much and would subconsciously feel the surrounding people's reminders to be correct.After all, there were a lot of people in the audience while the young girl was alone.Humans had a herd mentality, when many people believe something was correct, the young girl would likely believe it to be true as well.Sure enough like Fang Yuan expected, the young girl started punching and going on the offense.Fang Yuan scoffed, calmly pulling back his right leg and easily dodging, then he smoothly caught the young girl's hand and pulled her to the side.The young girl wanted to win immediately and had used too much strength which was instead used by Fang Yuan to counterattack.Fang Yuan took this chance to strike the young girl's lower abdomen fiercely with his knee.Bam.A soft sound was heard, as the young girl was badly hurt! Her shut eyes opened in pain, her gorgeous fair face flushed red at that instant, and blue veins popped up on her forehead.She felt her large intestine and internal organs were tangled together, the pain almost causing her to stop breathing.But before she could experience this intense pain again, Fang Yuan landed a chop at the back of the young girl's neck.In an instant, the young girl lost her consciousness.Thud, she fell to the ground and did not move.Fang Yuan won.The surrounding crowd was silent for a moment before they erupted."Despicable, too despicable!""He actually won like this, this is so shameless.""He is too shameless, a pity that his opponent was so innocent, she clearly had higher strength but actually fell for his trick!"The audience was furious and contemptuous towards young Thieving Heaven, while feeling pity and regret for the young girl. Their loud shouts could be heard without end for a while."What have I done? Was it me again?!" Fang Yuan was once again an observer, while young Thieving Heaven was once again stunned."Hahaha, it is you, you did it all." Sha Xiao laughed freely: "I haven't done anything, you have understood it, right? The whole battle process was your own choice.""No, this is not true. How could I be such a… scumbag?!" Young Thieving Heaven closed his eyes from the agony, even his eyelids were slightly twitching."You are indeed a scumbag, but grandpa appreciates that! You quickly and efficiently resolved the battle, victory was clean and fast. Your shamelessness and despicable nature is just like me back when I was young." Sha Xiao started laughing loudly once again."What the hell is going on? What's wrong with me?" Young Thieving Heaven almost cried, all his glory and values accumulated from his previous life received a huge impact."I once heard a saying, some people possess innate battle talent. When they enter battle state, they would often have creative thoughts as well as keen intuition, all kinds of factors could let them dig out their deepest self, and make the most natural choice, striving for victory with all their strength."Young Thieving Heaven: "…"Like this, young Thieving Heaven continued to win in the small competition.Every battle, Fang Yuan would replace young Thieving Heaven and take control of the whole battle.Although the opponents were vigilant, what kind of person was Fang Yuan? His battle experiences could be said to be as vast as the sea, these small fry opponents, even just a shift in their gaze would let Fang Yuan see through their schemes and thoughts.As far as Fang Yuan was concerned, these victories were without any difficulty.But to young Thieving Heaven, it was an extremely painful journey."Could it be that deep down inside, I am really such a person?""In my previous life, because I was protected in a mecha, I did not receive enough stimulation? So in this world, now that I am personally fighting, my true nature has emerged?""I have such a nature… I have shamed my clan, shamed my teacher's teachings, and shamed my family name!"

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Chapter 1498. Desire To Lose | Reverend Insanity

Inside the dream realm.On the stage, Fang Yuan was controlling young Thieving Heaven, fighting a rather difficult battle.This time, his opponent was a tall and sturdy youngster. The youngster's hands were in a knife-hand pose and with each chop, his hands would let out a flash of lightning that shot towards Fang Yuan.This youngster was one of the most popular candidates to win the contest.If he were fighting an ordinary boy, they might already be struck by the lightning and piss themselves, losing the match immediately.But he was facing Fang Yuan.Young Thieving Heaven's methods were simply not enough to dodge the lightning attacks. But Fang Yuan's experienced eyes were paying close attention to every movement of his opponent.When his opponent raised his hand, Fang Yuan could deduce the direction of the attack by observing the change in his shoulder movement, the direction of his sight, and the center of his body weight.As a result, Fang Yuan was able to dodge every lightning attack, making strange dodging movements in others' eyes."Do you only know how to dodge?" His opponent shouted impatiently."Hehe, catch me if you can! Come, beat me!" Fang Yuan mocked his opponent.Sure enough, the immature opponent got furious, charging towards Fang Yuan: "Fight me if you have guts, you rascal!"Bit Fang Yuan still kept on dodging.Even the audience could not endure this, as they hooted and criticized Fang Yuan's actions as cowardly.Someone even shouted: "The strength difference is so big, just surrender! You despicable guy!"However, Fang Yuan just kept on continuing his way like he had heard nothing.Although he was dodging, he was in fact controlling the tempo of the battle.His opponent did not have rich battle experience, after all, he was too young, and fell into Fang Yuan's rhythm without even being aware of it.The youngster fought for long, his primeval essence was mostly consumed as he gasped for breath from exhaustion."Nice, time to counterattack." Fang Yuan finally got the opportunity he was waiting for, and immediately went on the offensive."What?!" His opponent reacted too late, and was soon receiving a beating from Fang Yuan.But the youngster still had some primeval essence, he was able to resist with difficulty.Fang Yuan inwardly realized the situation was bad. Young Thieving Heaven's aptitude was too low, only having D grade aptitude, so he had small primeval essence reserve.After this long, the amount of primeval essence Fang Yuan had was even lower than his opponent who had been fiercely attacking since the start!"I must finish this quickly!" At this thought, Fang Yuan immediately shouted: "Come, you stupid kid, have a taste of my spit!"He then opened his mouth, spitting out his phlegm directly at his opponent's face.His opponent's eyes immediately opened wide.If this landed on his face, it would be too disgusting!The youngster quickly dodged.But this was what Fang Yuan wanted.He wanted to force his opponent to dodge in this direction."Time to go down." Fang Yuan suddenly moved forward like a nimble cat and appeared in front of the opponent before he threw a powerful high kick.That youngster already brought up his arms like a shield to block Fang Yuan's kick.But Fang Yuan was too powerful and directly sent him flying out of the stage.Fang Yuan won."This kid actually won!""How can this possibly happen?""Disgusting, he actually spat, this is too uncouth.""Right, even though he won, I also despise him. He doesn't even have a little demeanor, he is simply not qualified to be a Gu Master!"The audience engaged in heated discussions.Sneers and criticisms gathered into sounds that entered Fang Yuan's ears wave after wave.Fang Yuan, however, had already lost control of the body, and it was the reappearance of the true young Thieving Heaven.Young Thieving Heaven experienced this battle personally, victory had truly not been easy.After all, young Thieving Heaven was alone, while his opponent had some background, probably having Gu Master parents, or at least one of them being a Gu Master.Those who could participate in this small competition were all youngsters who had just become Gu Masters. They had almost non-existent foundation and were only rank one, so they could easily use external force to raise their battle strength.Thus, those born with golden spoons or silver spoons had more or less received support and guidance from their seniors who raised their battle strength.This was the reason Fang Yuan faced difficulty in the battle, there was also another reason: Fang Yuan's fighting style was already widely known, his opponents were very vigilant and would make meticulous preparations for the battle, making it hard for Fang Yuan to fight properly."I, how could I have spat?" Young Thieving Heaven stood at the center of the stage, almost crying from shame.In the previous life, he had all along paid heavy attention to his bearing, he absolutely would not do an uncivilized thing like spitting everywhere.But in this battle, not only did he do it, but also did it so grandly and brazenly in front of so many people.What was young Thieving Heaven supposed to feel now!"How could I be this kind of person? Is this really me in the depths of my heart?" Young Thieving Heaven fell into a profound self-doubt and denial.The audience was still ridiculing."This kid must be feeling thrilled, right!?""This kind of garbage is actually entering the top eight.""Hmph, social morals are degrading day by day, this kind of person should be thrown out of the competition!""But top eight is the limit, I really don't want to see him continue to win."Young Thieving Heaven: "…"He really wanted to clarify the situation and tell everyone that he was not that kind of person. But he could not say anything, because even he was shaken and doubting himself.His values and the sense of glory ingrained in him in his previous life were being struck time and again, right now, they were already distorted beyond recognition."This is good too, I also don't want to continue. With this win, I am now in top eight and can enter the pool." Young Thieving Heaven was tired, mentally tired!He did not want to continue fighting any longer.Bu Fang Yuan had another thought on this."Top eight, top four, top two, and the winner; they are clearly structured and will obtain different rewards from the clan.""Although this is a dream realm and not reality, if I help young Thieving Heaven obtain a better ranking, I can no doubt obtain a better reward.""And these rewards will probably continue on to the next events, making this dream realm's young Thieving Heaven stronger."This dream realm of Thieving Heaven was extraordinary, it was very flexible and did not have a fixed endpoint.Thus, the stronger the young Thieving Heaven got, the bigger his influence in the dream realm, and the more convenient Fang Yuan's exploration of this dream realm will be.Unravel dream did not have good effect in exploring Thieving Heaven's dream realm, which was akin to handicapping Fang Yuan!So Fang Yuan wanted to increase the chances to raise his success in exploring the dream realm."This second stage is much lengthier than the first stage, I should attempt to fight for first place. This is also a test towards this dream realm."Fang Yuan pondered for a while and made up his mind.But although his idea was good, the opportunity and time to control young Thieving Heaven were limited.Fang Yuan could only patiently wait for the opportunity.The dream realm continued.Young Thieving Heaven had obtained victory, but what he gained were a bad reputation and huge external pressure.Other youngsters were actively preparing for the competition, gathering information on their opponents, but young Thieving Heaven was immersed in self-reflection.In fact, he was afraid to face himself, this self-doubt was torturous.This caused young Thieving Heaven to become thinner day by day, slowly becoming depressed.Sha Xiao's voice was transmitted: "Grandson, you should refine Gu. Without a new Gu worm, it will be difficult for you to deal with your upcoming opponents, your chances of defeat will be higher."Refining mortal Gu and refining Immortal Gu were two completely different concepts.Especially when refining a rank one Gu worm, the success rate was rather high."I can't directly supply you with any physical materials, I cannot give you Gu worms as well. You need to refine it yourself to deceive the others and not let them discover me." Sha Xiao added.When he finished speaking, he transferred a huge amount of information to young Thieving Heaven's brain.Young Thieving Heaven's expression, however, changed to agitation when he looked at the contents: "No, this Gu worm is too sinister, it actually needs me to kill an infant and use their soul as a Gu material. I won't commit such an heinous act!"

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Chapter 1499. Thieving Heaven's Bottom Line | Reverend Insanity

Sha Xiao gave a Gu recipe to young Thieving Heaven, but the latter's expression changed and refused to refine the Gu.Sha Xiao's gloomy voice transmitted: "Grandson, you don't want to listen to grandpa? Do you want to live or not?"Young Thieving Heaven, however, persisted: "Who doesn't want to live? But I have my bottom line. This Gu recipe is too vicious, I refuse to follow it. Sha Xiao, didn't you want me to get near that pool? Now that I am in top eight, I have the qualifications to enter it, don't you think it is a pity if you kill me now?""Hahaha." Sha Xiao laughed, "Yeah, it is a pity."The words had just landed when young Thieving Heaven's pupils shrunk rapidly as he felt an intense pain attacking his body.Pain, pain, pain!At that instant, he almost collapsed on the ground.But he endured with all his strength and rushed to a dark corner. He then leaned his back to the wall and endured with clenched teeth.Sha Xiao's voice once more transmitted: "You are just a small pawn, you really think you can talk terms with me after entering top eight? You think you have such a high value? Hmph, there are countless people who want to be my grandson! It is your honor to be able to call me grandpa, do you understand?"Sha Xiao paused before continuing: "Let me hear you call me grandpa."Young Thieving Heaven's face had a distorted expression, he clenched his fists so tightly that his nails had dug into his flesh.He was trembling and sweating all over; this was caused by the pain, but also by the sense of humiliation and fury which he count not vent."Gran, grandpa…" After a long while, young Thieving Heaven squeezed out this word."Yes, my good grandson. Your voice is too soft, grandpa is old and did not hear you clearly." Sha Xiao laughed sinisterly.Young Thieving Heaven immediately felt his pain lightening by a lot.Sha Xiao had reduced the effect of his method.Young Thieving Heaven's brows tensed as the resolve to die flashed past his eyes, but he then recalled his family and his beloved woman, he took a huge breath and called out: "Hello, grandpa!""Hahaha, as long as grandson is obedient, grandpa will be satisfied." Sha Xiao's laughter was filled with smugness."Now, grandpa wants you to refine Gu, can you do it?""Can… not!" Young Thieving Heaven's face was deathly pale from the pain, but he still persisted in his bottom line."Scumbag!" Sha Xiao was furious, intensifying his method.Young Thieving Heaven cried out and fell to the ground.Even after torturing him for a while, Sha Xiao felt a headache when he saw young Thieving Heaven refusing to compromise: "You brat, you have quite the sense of justice. A pity, a pity, I thought you were raw talent when I saw you fight so efficiently. I did not think you don't even understand the logic of 'every man for himself'. So what if you have to kill an infant? If they do not die, then you will die. If you die, then any wealth or desire will fade out of existence. Think carefully."Young Thieving Heaven was slumped to the ground, curled up like a shrimp, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and he had almost lost consciousness; he did not have any energy right now.But, the corners of his lips still rose slightly: "Sha Xiao, you can forget about it. I am different from you, I won't build my happiness and bliss on others' suffering.""Laughable persistence! A lot of things in this world need to be fought for, if you don't fight or kill, how can you continue to live? What are you thinking in that head of yours?" Sha Xiao's voice was icy and disdainful: "Just think of why you were banished by the clan? Hehe, wasn't it because there were too little resources in the clan, and they felt raising you was a waste, so they used clan rules to openly try to kill you."Young Thieving Heaven's eyes shone brightly: "I understand this logic now, but what others do is their issue. If I do it, then it would become my issue, and I won't do this!""Ignorant! Then let me send you to your death!!" Sha Xiao's fury had reached its limit, but just as he was about to attack, he suddenly paused."Ahhh, my poor son, how could you pass away like this!" Young Thieving Heaven who was slumped near the wall, suddenly heard a woman's cry from inside the house.Then, there was a clamor inside the house.Someone also started crying, and someone was furiously cursing the doctor for being incompetent.Young Thieving Heaven and Sha Xiao listened attentively before understanding the reason.It turned out the owners of this house had a baby, but the baby was congenitally deficient and was barely hanging on to life. The house lord spent a heavy price to invite a rank three Gu Master, but the Gu Master was also unable to save the baby who finally died today."Hehe, kid, your luck seems to be pretty good. This baby is enough to refine Gu, he has already died, you can collect his corpse and use it to refine the Gu." Sha Xiao laughed, but it was filled with killing intent: "If you don't agree, you can go die. At worst, I will just change to another pawn."Young Thieving Heaven was silent for a long while before replying: "Okay.""Hmph, that's good." Sha Xiao did not speak anymore.Young Thieving Heaven rested for a good while before standing up with difficulty.Through this event, young Thieving Heaven thoroughly realized Sha Xiao's nature was extremely forceful, he meant what he said and did not allow for any disobedience.To return to his home, young Thieving Heaven decided to swallow this humiliation.According to the clan's common practice, the small competition would halt for a few days.Almost all the remaining competitors would remain in their house in this brief period, training and receiving guidance from their seniors.Over the next few days, young Thieving Heaven began to gather the Gu materials recorded in the Gu recipe.Although the gathering process was filled with obstacles, he managed to find them all.After that baby's corpse was buried, young Thieving Heaven dug it out in the middle of the night.There were two more days before the competition resumed.This night, in a remote hut, young Thieving Heaven started refining Gu."This Gu recipe was already clear and concise, but grandpa thought of your tiny primeval essence storage and added in many steps. Grandpa is so considerate, grandson, you need to succeed in this Gu refinement!" Sha Xiao's voice transmitted, he was going to guide young Thieving Heaven throughout the whole process.The Gu refinement officially began.Under Sha Xiao's guidance, young Thieving Heaven followed the steps and began to process the Gu materials one by one.Because it was his first time refining Gu, young Thieving Heaven's performance was extremely bad at the start, he repeatedly made mistakes even in the most simple procedure like using fire to process the materials. Were it not for Sha Xiao's timely guidance in correcting young Thieving Heaven, this Gu refinement would have already failed.Sha Xiao was hurling all kinds of abuse in anger.But as the Gu refinement progressed, Sha Xiao's curses became fewer and fewer."So this is the talent of a Demon Venerable?!" Fang Yuan who had been observing all along from the side was also shaken.Young Thieving Heaven displayed an extremely powerful Gu refinement talent, adapting very quickly, from the stumbling around at the beginning, to gaining his footing, and then becoming stable, and in the later stage of the Gu refinement, he even looked to be at ease."There are final four steps remaining to refine this Gu worm." Sha Xiao actually encouraged young Thieving Heaven: "My good grandson, do well, refine this Gu worm and give your grandpa face in the competition!"Young Thieving Heaven took a deep breath and gazed at the baby's corpse in front of him.A resolute light flashed past his eyes."Although this baby did not die by my hands, if I use it to refine Gu, how can I bear it in my heart? Anyway, Gu refinement can easily fail, if I fail here, Sha Xiao also won't blame it on me.""Child, forgive me, even after death, you could not rest in peace. But I had no choice, this is all I can do. I hope your soul can ascend to heaven through this fire.""If you can reincarnate, please don't return. This world… is too cruel!"While murmuring this inwardly, young Thieving Heaven made a mistake, the fire immediately burned fiercely and engulfed the baby's corpse."The intensity of the fire is too high, lower it quick." Sha Xiao said in a startled tone."I am trying!" Young Thieving Heaven pretended to panic, immediately controlling the fire, but the fire instead burned even hotter!"Such audacity! You purposely failed, you are going against me!!" Sha Xiao's gaze turned furious as he realized young Thieving Heaven's intention.

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next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1500. Sneak Attack Gu | Reverend Insanity

"No, grandpa, you misunderstood me! I truly cannot control this fire's intensity." Young Thieving Heaven was still continuing with the act."Hehehe. You dare to deceive me, you are truly looking down on me. Alright, I won't take your life. Let this fire devour you as well. You think Gu refinement is so simple and safe? You are seeking your own doom by intentionally failing the Gu refinement! Die, die, this is the result of your persistence, this is your own doing." Sha Xiao snickered.Before he finished his words, that fire immediately soared and covered young Thieving Heaven."Why did this happen?" Young Thieving Heaven wanted to charge out, but the fire was emitting an enormous attractive force that kept him on the spot.Looking as he was about to be buried in the fire, Fang Yuan discovered he could control young Thieving Heaven's body once again."Why do I feel like I am cleaning up young Thieving Heaven's mess?" Fang Yuan felt frustrated.But he did not panic.Fang Yuan had already come across the Gu recipe Sha Xiao had given to young Thieving Heaven.This was a rank one Gu recipe, while Fang Yuan was a refinement path quasi-grandmaster, so the principles of the Gu recipe were clear to him.Although young Thieving Heaven had already made a mistake, in Fang Yuan's view, it was not irrecoverable.Sandpit Gu.Fang Yuan controlled young Thieving Heaven's body to throw sandpit Gu to a certain position in the fire.He did not activate this Gu worm, instead throwing it in as a Gu material.The delicate Gu immediately attracted the fire and was soon burnt into a pile of powder.The fire's attraction force decreased sharply, Fang Yuan took this chance to jump out.He rolled on the ground for a few times to extinguish the remaining fire on him.His injuries were severe.Young Thieving Heaven's face, neck, arms and other areas were burnt to a miserable degree.But Fang Yuan ignored the injuries, and put all his attention on that fire.Young Thieving Heaven was still not out of danger, because the Gu refinement process had yet to truly stop.If this fire continued to burn, it would definitely engulf young Thieving Heaven again.So Fang Yuan activated chimney smoke Gu, smoke came out and covered the basin sized fire.Layers of smoke shrouded this fire.As the danger decreased gradually, Fang Yuan felt his connection with the fire was rapidly weakening."Like this, the smoke can extinguish the fire and stop this Gu refinement. Although there will be some backlash, this body's life will be preserved."In this state, Fang Yuan had done all he could.After all, young Thieving Heaven was too reckless, actually trying to intentionally fail the Gu refinement.This Gu refinement had instead lowered his strength because he now lost the precious sandpit Gu.However, a change occurred right at this moment.The smoke was suddenly absorbed into the fire."What's going on?" Even Fang Yuan had not expected this.But shortly, when he saw that baby's phantom in the fire, he realized: "There is an issue with this baby, their constitution is probably not ordinary, it is quite bizarre!"The baby had been added to the fire as a Gu material.Fang Yuan had been observing from the side and had not carefully inspected the baby, so he did not know if there was anything strange with it.This anomaly had surpassed Fang Yuan's expectation.The fire soared once again, the baby's phantom jumped about in the fire and pounced towards young Thieving Heaven."Damn, this is dangerous." Fang Yuan sighed, if young Thieving Heaven died, his dream realm exploration would also fail subsequently.Looking at the fire about to pounce at young Thieving Heaven's body, Fang Yuan suddenly had an inspiration."Got it!"He first threw the chimney smoke Gu.The chimney smoke Gu immediately attracted the baby phantom in the fire, it made babbling noise as it charged at the chimney smoke Gu and started eating it.Taking this chance, Fang Yuan quickly retreated a few steps, pulling apart some distance from the fire.But soon, the baby had finished eating chimney smoke Gu and charged towards Fang Yuan again.Fang Yuan laughed: "Come, there is also clear water Gu!"Clear water Gu was thrown out, and was also devoured by the baby.The fire suddenly dimmed, the clear water Gu turned into a lump of emerald green water that could not be evaporated by the fire.And the red fire turned into orange-yellow, shrouded in light. It was no longer fiery as before, and was deeply concealed instead.The emerald green water and orange-yellow fire circulated around each other in the air.Fang Yuan moved young Thieving Heaven's body to advance instead of retreating, and went in front of this strange water and fire."Sandpit turned into powder, consolidating the body. Chimney smoke shrouded and restrained the fire. Clear water toppled the world. Using blood to integrate yin and yang. Wonderful!"Fang Yuan bit his tongue and spat out his blood into the strange water and fire."Eeeek." After the strange water and fire was touched by the blood, it suddenly turned into a blue baby phantom that screamed and pounced at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan did not dodge, letting it attack.The blue baby phantom directly entered young Thieving Heaven's aperture, turning into a rank two Gu worm."What is this?" Young Thieving Heaven came back to his senses and was stumped."What the, again?!" Fang Yuan was speechless, the moment young Thieving Heaven was safe, he was thrown to the side and turned into an observer."You actually refined a completely new Gu worm under a series of coincidences?!" Sha Xiao also shouted out in surprise."No, that's wrong." Shortly, he came to a realization, "Brat, you seem to have a hidden nature which only takes control when you encounter fatal danger, and then makes you intuitively make the best choice. It was like this in the competition, it seems to be the same in Gu refinement as well.""You are naive and stubborn, as well as hopelessly stupid, but this hidden nature of yours is quite pragmatic and extremely cunning, having talents that you can't reach! I quite admire this nature, very impressive!!"Sha Xiao started laughing."I refined a… new Gu?" Young Thieving Heaven still had not completely reacted to this situation and was dazed."That's right, give it a try. This new Gu is a rank two Gu, it seems to be a new innovation, even I can't make out its effect."Activating an unknown Gu worm was a dangerous thing.For instance, Spring Autumn Cicada was the best example.But young Thieving Heaven had just started cultivating and was ignorant, and Sha Xiao, who knew about the risks, did not have any concern for young Thieving Heaven's safety.So young Thieving Heaven dumbly activated this Gu worm.The moment it was activated, this Gu worm turned back into a blue baby phantom that gave a strange scream before exiting young Thieving Heaven's aperture and charging ahead.There was a stone stool ahead, the blue baby phantom directly entered the stone stool, then exited and returned to young Thieving Heaven's aperture, turning back into its Gu appearance.The stone stool looked undamaged.Young Thieving Heaven walked to the stool and touched it.Bam.A crisp sound echoed as the stone stool turned into crushed stone pieces.Young Thieving Heaven was taken aback and took a step back, looking at the pile of pebbles on the ground in shock."Wonderful!" Sha Xiao praised: "This Gu worm has extremely high power, it is a top tier rank two Gu worm. More importantly, it seems to be able to pass through defenses, take a look, the stone stool crumbled from the inside."Sha Xiao was astute, seeing many of its profundities in an instant.Young Thieving Heaven was still somewhat muddled.Sha Xiao looked at his aperture and praised again: "Amazing! Look at your aperture, only ten percent primeval essence has been expended in activating this Gu worm, this is unimaginable. This is a rank two Gu worm with so much power, but it only needs ten percent of rank one green copper primeval essence!""But I only have D grade aptitude, my primeval essence is just a bit more than twenty percent. I can only use this Gu worm twice." Young Thieving Heaven was worried."You know nothing. With this Gu worm, the first position in the competition is yours. No one can defend against your Gu worm." Sha Xiao scoffed."I can be first with this Gu?" Young Thieving Heaven's eyes opened wide."Once this Gu worm is activated, it will turn into a blue baby phantom that will attack the enemy. You have seen its speed, it is extremely fast. Rank three Gu Masters might be able to dodge it with difficulty, but against rank one and rank two Gu Masters, as long as you close some distance, they will be struck and have no time to dodge."Sha Xiao continued to analyze, mumbling: "Hmm… looking at this Gu worm's power and effect, we might as well call it sneak attack Gu."The Gu worm was created by young Thieving Heaven, but Sha Xiao took the liberty to name this Gu worm."Sneak attack Gu…" Young Thieving Heaven immediately frowned and wanted to object."Yes, call it sneak attack Gu, my naming sense is still good. Hahaha!" Sha Xiao said domineeringly, young Thieving Heaven could only roll his eyes helplessly.

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