
Chapter: 1421-1425:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1421. Myriad Dragon! | Reverend Insanity

Feng Jiu Ge was backed by Heavenly Court, he did not lack information, he knew a lot about Shadow Sect's immortals.Other than Fang Yuan, there was also Bai Ning Bing, Hei Lou Lan, Ying Wu Xie, Black Tigress, and Fairy Miao Yin, a total of five other targets.Bai Ning Bing was a beautiful dragon lady, she had the fiercest offense and was likely to be the inheritor of Bai Xiang's true inheritance.Hei Lou Lan had sharp eyebrows and eyes, even though she was a woman, she had a bold air and attacked with powerful flames, she had the Great Strength True Martial Physique.Ying Wu Xie was now using Fairy Cui Bo's body, he wore a green dress and had alluring eyes, his methods were still concealed for the moment, Feng Jiu Ge did not recognize him and felt a little suspicious.Black Tigress had a ruthless gaze, her injuries had mostly healed now, she moved rapidly and cultivated dark path, she was like an assassin, moving in the periphery and staring at Feng Jiu Ge as she waited for a chance to take revenge.As for Fairy Miao Yin, she had already displayed her signature killer move, wondrous hand profound sound, she was beautiful and elegant, her eyes had curved moons in them, she also cultivated sound path like Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge used yang pass tune as he evaded Fang Yuan. On the other hand, he was assessing these Shadow Sect immortals.Fang Yuan's reverse flow protection seal could not be countered, but it had advantages and disadvantages, if Fang Yuan wanted to maintain it, he could not use other immortal killer moves.Fang Yuan had weak offense and strong defense, if Feng Jiu Ge wanted to fight Shadow Sect, he had to target the rest.This was the best strategy!But who would Feng Jiu Ge target?This question was on Fang Yuan and everyone else's mind.Feng Jiu Ge was not going to be stupid and fight with Fang Yuan, but similarly, they had also guessed what tactic he would employ.It was common sense.Reverse flow protection seal was too powerful, there was no way for Heavenly Court to come up with ways of dismantling it in a short time.It was very hard to dismantle killer moves.But resisting and alleviating them was much easier.Despite this, Reverse Flow River was on par with rank nine Immortal Gu, it was a secluded domain of heaven and earth written inside <the legends of ren zu>, how could it be easily countered or weakened?Thus, only after Heavenly Court deduced a method to unravel it would they be able to deal with reverse flow protection seal. Before that, even if Duke Long showed up, he could do nothing."Among everyone, Hei Lou Lan has the lowest cultivation level at rank six, will Feng Jiu Ge target her?""Fang Yuan is out of the question, but he might target Fairy Miao Yin too. After all, they both cultivate sound path, with Feng Jiu Ge's deep foundation, he should have very effective methods against Fairy Miao Yin.""He attacked Lady White Rabbit earlier, he might also attack Black Tigress while she's still injured.""What about Bai Ning Bing? She has the strongest offense among us, she is the strongest spear, if she is taken down, Feng Jiu Ge's advantage in this battle will increase drastically.""Ying Wu Xie is also a possible target, he is using Fairy Cui Bo's body, Feng Jiu Ge is most unfamiliar with him, he might attack to probe him."All sorts of analysis and guesses were in the heads of Fang Yuan and the others.If they managed to guess Feng Jiu Ge's goal, they would be able to gain the initiative in battle and move more freely.Who would Feng Jiu Ge choose?At the next moment, they got their answer.Feng Jiu Ge jumped as yang pass tune activated, he went to the center of the battlefield.Next, the immortal killer move yang pass tune did not fade, but its aura changed abruptly.Feng Jiu Ge called out: "Why don't you listen to my green jade song?"This was his signature method, the immortals heard that and retreated. Only Fang Yuan laughed as he moved forward towards Feng Jiu Ge: "Feng Jiu Ge, you are finally using some proper methods."Ding ding ding…Music that sounded like pearls landing on a jade plate was crisp and sharp.Fang Yuan ignored it, he got closer to Feng Jiu Ge and used reverse flow protection seal to reflect a portion of green jade song's power back to Feng Jiu Ge.But unexpectedly, Feng Jiu Ge's green jade song killer move completely collected and preserved its power.Fang Yuan moved without obstruction, there was no reflected damage inflicted.The immortals were surprised, a vague figure emerged from Feng Jiu Ge's body.This person looked like Feng Jiu Ge, but it was green in color, as if it was made of green jade."What killer move is this?!" The Shadow Sect immortals felt a strong sense of threat from this mysterious figure."Song warrior!" Fang Yuan's heart sank, he remembered the information in his previous life.This was a powerful method of Feng Jiu Ge, it allowed the nine songs that he creates to gather into human form and attack enemies.In the five hundred years of Fang Yuan's previous life, Feng Jiu Ge's original nine songs were incredibly powerful, but they had one weakness, only one could be activated at a time, they were not flexible and lasted for only a short time.After countless battles, Feng Jiu Ge realized this weakness and went into a short period of seclusion. When he came out, he created the killer move song warrior.Thereafter, he could split the nine songs into temporary clones to fight strong enemies, they were flexible and agile, his battle strength surged and sent many of his enemies into deep danger."To think that this famous song warrior is actually a variation move of yang pass tune. It is similar to my myriad self and strength path giant hand.""In my previous life, he only created song warrior after five hundred years, why was it so early this time?""No, in the five hundred years of my previous life, because Shadow Sect succeeded, the great era was stalled by a long time, maybe Feng Jiu Ge was affected by that?""Or maybe, he created song warrior in advance because of Heavenly Court's help?"Countless thoughts churned in Fang Yuan's mind, he had many guesses at once.The green jade song warrior did not attack Fang Yuan, it pounced at Ying Wu Xie.Ying Wu Xie's eyelids were twitching, he quickly retreated, not willing to fight head on.Feng Jiu Ge used yang pass tune again, moving far away from Fang Yuan, after several times, he had already used another signature killer move.Heaven and earth song!The heaven and earth song warrior attacked Bai Ning Bing.Bai Ning Bing shouted: "Come!"She faced with the heaven and earth song warrior, clashing as frost splattered."Damn it, this cannot go on!""Bai Ning Bing and Ying Wu Xie are kept busy now, we cannot suppress Feng Jiu Ge.""So Feng Jiu Ge's target was not one of us, but everyone except Fang Yuan!"After understanding Feng Jiu Ge's tactic, the Shadow Sect immortals felt immense danger.The battle was tilting in Feng Jiu Ge's favor, but there was nothing they could do.The reason was because Fang Yuan's side was strong on defense while weak on offense, and also because Feng Jiu Ge used the optimal tactic.In fact, song warrior had strengths and weaknesses. If the nine songs were used on their own, they were formless and had a huge range, the power was vast and hard to defend against.After turning into song warriors, they would be condensed entities that could be attacked and avoided, long ranged attacks could even weaken the power of the song warriors.But in this battle, Feng Jiu Ge's concerns were completely different from before.Firstly, he did not need to deal with Immortal Gu House Clear Jade Dripping Wind Tiny Bamboo Building. This Immortal Gu House was extremely fast, if he used song warrior, it would just dodge the attacks.Secondly, Feng Jiu Ge did not need to attack the tributary of the River of Time.This time, while chasing Fang Yuan, he made sure there was not enough time for him to set up an immortal Gu formation.By using song warrior, even if he could not defeat them all, he could keep the Shadow Sect immortals busy, and be unable to attack together.Using certain tactics in certain situations, this was the decision of a Gu Immortal with the experience of countless battles.Feng Jiu Ge was a person who had extremely rich experience from actual battles.Together with his immense talent, this battle was very difficult for the Shadow Sect immortals.After green jade song and heaven and earth song, he used submission song and separation song.Four song warriors attacked, either alone or together, sending the battlefield into chaos."Bastard!" Hei Lou Lan gritted her teeth, she retreated as she attacked with angry bird from afar, but when the move landed on the green jade song warrior, the fiery birds turned into jade birds, they shattered when they fell to the ground."Penetrating ice blade." Bai Ning Bing muttered, holding a huge ice blade as she attacked the submission song warrior, but at the crucial moment, the separation song warrior appeared to take this blow.The huge ice blade broke apart, separation song could separate everything, including immortal killer moves.The heaven and earth song warrior had the power of suppression, Ying Wu Xie and Fairy Miao Yin fought against it evenly.Fang Yuan had a heavy heart."When Feng Jiu Ge started cultivating, he aspired to create nine songs, to express himself, to express life, and to express heaven and earth. Right now, he has already created separation song, according to my previous life's information, he already possesses seven songs."Among them, four of the songs were for offensive purposes, green jade song, heaven and earth song, submission song, and separation song. Fang Yuan had witnessed them already.There were two more songs, obtain treasure and towards heaven, these were used to assist in cultivation, they were not of concern to him.The most worrisome one was the final song."That song is not easy to control, if he fails, the backlash is almost fatal. But if Feng Jiu Ge gets a chance to use it, our losses will be severe…"Fang Yuan was worried, but there was no way around it, his offense was too low, he could not exert pressure on Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge had high battle strength, he was skilled in manipulating the four clones, this showed that his enslavement path attainment was deeper than even Fang Yuan!He had already been a Gu Immortal for many years, even with Fang Yuan's five hundred years, he could not match Feng Jiu Ge's foundation."And this is the result of fighting in anti-sound desert, Feng Jiu Ge is already suppressed. Of course, our Fairy Miao Yin is also suppressed.""I need to take a risk, otherwise, if we miss this chance, we will not even have a chance to take a risk in the future."Resolution shone in Fang Yuan's eyes.At the next moment, he deactivated reverse flow protection seal!Immortal killer move — Ancient Sword Dragon Transformation.Fang Yuan turned into an ancient sword dragon, next, he calmed his mind and breathed in deeply, using another signature killer move.Convergence of enslavement and strength path — Myriad Self!This was not simply 'using myriad self on top of activating ancient sword dragon transformation', this was a famous technique involving immortal killer moves — a combination move.Ancient sword dragon transformation combined with myriad self, creating — Myriad Dragon!Roar roar roar roar…At once, myriad dragons appeared, they roared as sword qi burst out rampantly, it was like a sea of silver scales."This killer move… it is the one he used when he destroyed our sect's immortal Gu formation in Eastern Sea! It has appeared again." Ying Wu Xie was shook."Fang Yuan." Bai Ning Bing muttered, a feeling of reliance emerged in her heart."Impressive." Even Feng Jiu Ge was greatly moved.At once, his field of vision was covered by flying sword dragons. The sea of sword dragons submerged the four song warriors, including Feng Jiu Ge himself!

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Chapter 1422. Battle Result | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan's current dao mark quantity was at the peak of rank seven. Myriad dragon killer move was amplified by his transformation path, sword path, and other dao marks, its power reached the very limit of a rank seven killer move.The dragons attacked the four song warriors fiercely.The green jade song warrior was surrounded by countless crumbling jade dragons, but it was unable to hold on for long as it got drowned in sword dragons.The heaven and earth song warrior attacked grandly with overwhelming pressure, but the dragons were too numerous, it was eventually eaten by one of them.The submission song warrior lasted the longest, it managed to make some of the ancient sword dragon clones submit to it, but it could not turn this situation around.And finally, the separation song warrior separated some ancient sword dragon clones, it charged out but was still surrounded by more sword dragons, it could not resist the tide of endless waves of dragons.All along, Fang Yuan's myriad self had been high in quantity and low in quality. Especially against Gu Immortal experts, it was useless. As Fang Yuan's enemies got stronger, myriad self had turned into a method for him to escape while using familiar face.But now, after creating this combination move, using myriad self on top of ancient sword dragon transformation, the effect had been elevated to achieve a qualitative change.Ancient sword dragon transformation used rank seven dragon breath Immortal Gu and dragon scale Immortal Gu, as well as rank six dragon strength Immortal Gu, he had the constitution of an ancient desolate beast.The clones of the ancient sword dragon were not comparable with the myriad self killer move clones at all!This was the strongest attacking method that Fang Yuan currently possessed.The myriad dragons engulfed the four song warriors, before encircling Feng Jiu Ge tightly.Fang Yuan did not hesitate, he directly mobilized the dragon group, attacking Feng Jiu Ge from all directions.Feng Jiu Ge's admiration faded from his gaze as he clenched his right fist and punched forward.Bang!A loud drum sound shook heaven and earth, it was like rumbling thunder, five or six ancient sword dragon clones were destroyed.At almost the same time, Feng Jiu Ge's left hand palm slapped towards the side.Ding!The chimes of the bell caused several ancient sword dragons to stop their movement, before their bodies shook and they disintegrated into nothingness after a breath's time.Drum fist!Bell palm!Feng Jiu Ge continued to attack, there were unceasing sounds as he attacked to defend himself, forcing the ancient sword dragons to stay away from him.Myriad dragon could send most rank seven Gu Immortals in this world into mortal danger. But against Feng Jiu Ge, it was not enough.Feng Jiu Ge's accumulation of sound path dao marks was simply too deep, even inside the anti-sound desert, his power could not be fully suppressed.But Fang Yuan felt some surprise upon seeing this."It is a bit strange.""Why is Feng Jiu Ge not using yang pass tune?""In this situation, the song warriors are already destroyed, Feng Jiu Ge can totally move away and avoid my attacks, he would be able to expend less immortal essence at a steady rate.""Unless he is preparing a certain immortal killer move…""But he is using drum fist and bell palm already, there is a low possibility of him using other killer moves. And he is not going to use a killer move under such a dangerous situation, right?""This means, there is likely to be one reason. The information in the five hundred years of my previous life was not without reason, it seems."All sorts of thoughts collided and sparked in Fang Yuan's mind.At the next moment, he turned back to human and told the Shadow Sect immortals: "We will retreat!"Ancient battle formation Omni-directional Travel activated again as Feng Jiu Ge smiled bitterly, watching Fang Yuan and the others leave without giving chase.It turned out that even though his movement killer move, yang pass tune, was very superb, it could even contain a variation move, song warrior, it had one weakness.That was a time limit.Each activation of yang pass tune lasted a limited amount of time.Once it was up, yang pass tune's effect would vanish, and Feng Jiu Ge would only be able to use it after fourteen hours.Thus, for Feng Jiu Ge, this was a very precious immortal killer move, he would not use it casually in normal battles.Because once he used the killer move, he would be faced with a time limit.Once he could not end the battle within the time limit, Feng Jiu Ge would not have a better movement method to leave the battlefield.In the battle with Wu Yong earlier, Clear Jade Dripping Wind Tiny Bamboo Building was too fast, even if Feng Jiu Ge used yang pass tune, he could not escape.Earlier when chasing Fang Yuan, because he used Omni-directional Travel, Feng Jiu Ge had to use yang pass tune to catch up.When Fang Yuan used myriad dragon, yang pass tune's time limit was up, Feng Jiu Ge could only smile bitterly in his heart as he used drum fist and bell palm to defend against myriad dragon.After Fang Yuan and the rest left, myriad dragon slowly faded away.In the huge battlefield, only Feng Jiu Ge was left.He was completely unharmed, he was still graceful and elegant, as if he had not fought in the battle earlier.Fang Yuan successfully retreated, Feng Jiu Ge did not feel dejected, he even smiled lightly."Fighting with Fang Yuan, how can it be settled in one battle?""There has to be lots of probing, after finding out all his trump cards, I will be able to kill him. But before that, there is Heavenly Court's mission to force Fang Yuan and give us a chance of destroying Red Lotus' true inheritance.""Fang Yuan seems to know a lot about me, is it because of Spring Autumn Cicada?""That new female immortal looks like Fairy Cui Bo from Western Desert, but she uses soul path methods, it is quite strange."The result of his probing was very fruitful.Especially regarding Ying Wu Xie.In the previous fight, because of Fang Yuan's ample arrangements, Feng Jiu Ge did not notice Fairy Cui Bo.But now was different."Ying Wu Xie has lead soul into dream, he is the greatest threat, Fang Yuan might have the move now, but it could also be with Ying Wu Xie.""In this battle, there was no Ying Wu Xie, but there was a new member, Fairy Cui Bo.""If I remember correctly, Fairy Cui Bo is the concubine of Thousand Transformations Ancestor, why is she hanging out with Fang Yuan now?""Is it because Fairy Cui Bo is a member of Shadow Sect, or did she… get possessed by Ying Wu Xie?"Even though Feng Jiu Ge was not a wisdom path Gu Immortal, he was intelligent and nearly reached the truth in a short amount of time.And at the other side."Feng Jiu Ge indeed didn't chase us." Fang Yuan looked at the sky, even though his retreat had elements of probing, he had already obtained the truth.Yang pass tune had a time limit.After knowing this, the other Shadow Sect Gu Immortals let out a sigh of relief."Feng Jiu Ge is powerful, true to his reputation!""I can feel that he has methods left, he has not used all his trump cards.""All in all, this was just a test run, we did not use our trump cards either, right?"The Gu Immortals conversed.It was indeed so.Be it Black Tigress' tiger lick killer move, or Bai Ning Bing's Bai Xiang, or Ying Wu Xie's lead soul into dream, they were not used.In this battle, both sides reserved strength, but they also used many of their methods.Like Feng Jiu Ge's yang pass tune, song warrior, and Fang Yuan's myriad dragon.When they fight again, these killer moves would be countered, or at least, they would be defended against.Several days later, on an ordinary sand dune.The wind of the desert blew up clouds of sand and smoke.The sun was setting, the clouds were red like blood.Camel bells rang with the wind, far away, there was a merchant caravan made by a group of mortal Gu Masters.These people were naturally unable to detect Fang Yuan and gang.At this moment, Fang Yuan's consciousness was in his immortal aperture.An immortal Gu formation was set up in Mini Central Continent.Self cleansing immortal Gu formation!Using self love Immortal Gu as the core of the rank seven Gu formation, and formation flag Immortal Gu as the supplement, once activated, it would cleanse all of the harmful dao marks constantly. And because of formation flag Immortal Gu, this immortal Gu formation could be moved temporarily.That was to say, when Fang Yuan wanted to, he could take out this immortal formation and use it himself.If he did not need to use it, he could place it back into the sovereign immortal aperture, it was very convenient."This immortal formation has a lot of room for improvement. For example, I can add time path Gu worms to increase the rate of time. Unfortunately, my time path attainment level is too low, I cannot make deductions on that."Fang Yuan felt it was a pity."However, I am at least able to relocate the formation spirit over to become the formation spirit of this immortal formation."This was not strange.Fang Yuan only needed to combine that incomplete immortal formation with the self cleansing immortal formation.And this was a type of immortal killer move technique, combination move.Fang Yuan was skilled in this and was a formation path grandmaster.He was very confident in this, he estimated that three days was all he needed."With the formation spirit, I will not need to activate the immortal Gu formation myself, I can spend my time and energy on other things.""But before that, I need to elevate myriad self to another level first!"When he fought against Feng Jiu Ge in the anti-sound desert, Fang Yuan gained a huge amount of inspiration.That was the elevation of immortal killer move myriad self!At the same time."This is a dream realm indeed!""But husband's will, rank eight Immortal Gu Mutation, and Dancer Hong Yun, are they still inside?"In the air, two rank seven female immortals looked at each other.They were Thousand Transformations Ancestor's concubines, one was called Night Temptress, the other was Immortal Concubine Qing Lan.Dancer Hong Yun and his will were trapped, Thousand Transformations Ancestor naturally felt it. Not long ago, he received information that Fang Yuan and the others had plotted against him and even possessed Fairy Cui Bo.Thousand Transformations Ancestor was furious, but because his injuries were not healed yet, and without actual facts, he sent his two concubines to investigate it.Be it Night Temptress or Immortal Concubine Qing Lan, they were rank seven experts, but against the dream realm, they were helpless.When they were feeling lost, a mysterious voice entered their heads: "If you cannot explore the dream realm, why don't you find the culprit, Fairy Cui Bo is with them.""Who?""Come out!"The two female immortals shouted, they used their investigative methods but they could not find the source of the voice."Such impressive sound path methods." The expressions of Night Temptress and Immortal Concubine Qing Lan changed.

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Chapter 1423. Brand New Myriad Self | Reverend Insanity

Western Desert.In the clear sky, the blazing sun was shining down.A red dream realm was floating in the air, it was extremely conspicuous.Dancer Hong Yun and Thousand Transformations' will were trapped inside the dream realm, unable to escape.Night Temptress and Immortal Concubine Qing Lan surrounded the dream realm, flying around it.Gu worms flew out of their hands as they were set up around the dream realm.Similar to the Southern Border righteous path Gu Immortals, they were creating an immortal Gu formation to surround the dream realm and prevent others from getting it.There was no other way, all the super forces in the five regions and two heavens, including some lone immortals and demonic path experts, were researching dream realms, but they were still at the elementary stages.During this period, few Gu Immortals would have methods against dream realms.Even though Thousand Transformations Ancestor was a rank eight Gu Immortal, and inherited a true inheritance of Reckless Savage, he was also without options against the dream realm.But concerning Dancer Hong Yun and his own rank eight Immortal Gu Mutation, he could not give up.Thinking about it, he could only seal this dream realm first and wait."It is about time.""I will defend us, you can finish the final few steps."Night Temptress and Immortal Concubine Qing Lan conversed for a while, Night Temptress was going to defend them while Immortal Concubine Qing Lan was going to set up the immortal Gu formation.Among Thousand Transformations Ancestor's concubines, Night Temptress had the highest status and strength, Immortal Concubine Qing Lan was second to her.Earlier, when the two heard the mysterious voice telling them about Fairy Cui Bo's location, they became incredibly alert.Red date immortal essence was instilled as the Gu worms were activated, forming a vague shadow of the Gu formation.The light was orange-brown, sand was dancing in the sky, as the shadows of beasts roamed around.Next, Immortal Concubine Qing Lan took out a crucial Immortal Gu.This was a rank seven Immortal Gu, it seemed like a flightless cockroach, it had the size of a fetus' fist, it was flat and shining in a metallic color, giving off a feeling of toughness."Rule path Immortal Gu — Pass?" Seeing this Immortal Gu, Feng Jiu Ge, who was hiding, felt moved, his gaze turned heated.He had been looking for this rule path Immortal Gu for the longest time."If I had pass Gu, I would be able to extend the duration of immortal killer move yang pass tune, and with this Immortal Gu, I can remove most of the mortal Gu, and reduce the difficulty and time needed to use this move.""To think that Thousand Transformations Ancestor has this Immortal Gu."Feng Jiu Ge sighed."Even though I created obtain treasure song, which can refine wild Immortal Gu, in this situation, the chances of getting it are too low."Night Temptress and Immortal Concubine Qing Lan were very vigilant, it was really difficult to snatch someone else's Immortal Gu, only Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable could achieve it with great success in his time. After him, even theft path Gu Immortals could not replicate his achievements.Pass Gu was the core of this immortal formation, it activated and went into the yellow sand.A moment later, the shadows stopped transforming, turning into a light yellow cloud that floated in the air.Immortal Concubine Qing Lan and Night Temptress let out sighs of relief."Alright, we created the immortal Gu formation.""With this Gu formation, we can come here almost instantly, let's see who dares to trifle with us!"The two female immortals were full of killing intent.But Feng Jiu Ge did not show up from start to finish.Seeing that nobody came, the two women were relieved but also disappointed.Next, they left the place and returned.Feng Jiu Ge tailed them for a while, realizing that their destination was obvious, they were returning to myriad statue desert."Strange, why are they not looking for Fairy Cui Bo? According to Thousand Transformations Ancestor's personality, how could he do nothing? Don't tell me something happened to Thousand Transformations Ancestor?"Feng Jiu Ge had lots of information from Heavenly Court, he knew about Thousand Transformations Ancestor's mentality, he was an overbearing person who would always take revenge, therefore he created this plan. But Thousand Transformations Ancestor did not fall for it, he completely disregarded Fairy Cui Bo.This was strange.Feng Jiu Ge's plan of using Thousand Transformations to pressure Fang Yuan failed entirely.At this moment, Feng Jiu Ge obtained a transmission.He left secretly and met with two Heavenly Court rank eight Gu Immortals behind a sand dune.Feng Jiu Ge was not unfamiliar with these two.Because in Southern Border, these two had appeared to block Wu Yong for him.After that, Feng Jiu Ge went to chase Fang Yuan while they went after the upper extreme heavenly eagle. Unfortunately, the upper extreme heavenly eagle had the effect of connect luck Immortal Gu due to Fang Yuan.Back then, because Fang Yuan relied heavily on this precious rank eight battle strength, he used Connect Luck to ensure its safety and also used qi luck sensation to find its whereabouts.Even though Fang Yuan had other investigative killer moves, considering that Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals could destroy them, he chose luck path to be safe.After all, the only force excelling in luck path was Longevity Heaven.Even though Giant Sun was known as an Immortal Venerable, he had never joined Heavenly Court, or passed his luck path true inheritance to Heavenly Court.Thus, after Fang Yuan and the others used burning soul bursting luck, the upper extreme heavenly eagle gained a boost of luck and escaped. Next, Lu Wei Yin saved it and also removed all of Heavenly Court's investigative killer moves that were used on it.Because of that, the two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals chased it for a long time, expending a lot of effort, but did not manage to capture the upper extreme heavenly eagle that had escaped.They failed in their task and were reprimanded by Fairy Zi Wei.After that, Fairy Zi Wei sent them to reinforce Feng Jiu Ge."We already know about the matter of the dream realm. Thousand Transformations Ancestor's attitude is really strange now. We have received orders from Lady Zi Wei, we will go to probe Thousand Transformations Ancestor." The two Heavenly Court rank eight Gu Immortals said.Thousand Transformations Ancestor had a different response than usual to Fairy Cui Bo's matter.Feng Jiu Ge could sense something, the wisdom path great expert Fairy Zi Wei naturally deduced more things.She deduced that there was a huge chance that Thousand Transformations Ancestor was injured and weakened, he could even be dead.Thus, if they probed him, they might be able to get Thousand Transformations Ancestor's true inheritance of Reckless Savage. Even if there was no gain, causing internal strife in Western Desert's Gu Immortal world and getting rid of a rank eight Gu Immortal was very beneficial for them.After all, the five regions chaotic war was coming.Central Continent was facing four regions, it had to prepare early and weaken the rest, such situations were favorable to them.Fang Yuan flew in the sky.These last days, Feng Jiu Ge did not chase them, Fang Yuan decided to stop using Omni-directional Travel.After all, the price of using this ancient battle formation was the dao marks of the Gu Immortals' bodies.And because Feng Jiu Ge's location was unknown, using Omni-directional Travel recklessly might even shorten their distance.Omni-directional Travel was only meant for emergencies.The rest went into his sovereign immortal aperture as Fang Yuan flew and pondered.A moment later, bright light flashed in his eyes as he slowed down and descended.When he landed, he opened his immortal aperture's entrance and let out Bai Ning Bing and the rest."Defend me, I have already conceptualized it, we can set up the self cleansing immortal Gu formation now." Fang Yuan said.Next, he sat in the group and concentrated.The truth was, the self cleansing immortal Gu formation had already been set up and was inside Mini Central Continent.But this immortal formation was not up to his expectations.According to his concept, Fang Yuan started to activate self cleansing immortal formation, at the same time, he split his concentration to activate the incomplete Gu formation.This incomplete immortal formation was taken from Dancer Hong Yun, the formation flag Immortal Gu inside was taken out too, becoming a part of the self cleansing immortal formation.And now, Fang Yuan was trying to fuse these two immortal formations into one.Two hours later, Fang Yuan was covered in sweat, he opened his eyes and let out a breath of air, relaxing.The two immortal formations had fused into one.His main motivation for doing this was the formation spirit.The incomplete immortal formation with the formation spirit was fused into the self cleansing immortal formation, the formation spirit also moved into it.After achieving this goal, Fang Yuan removed some of the Gu worms from the incomplete Gu formation and simplified the self cleansing immortal formation.At this point, the entire immortal formation was completed, it could remove unfavorable dao marks for Fang Yuan and the rest.However, Fang Yuan was not in a rush to get rid of dao marks, he took out self love Immortal Gu from the immortal Gu formation instead.Self love Immortal Gu was the first core of the self cleansing immortal formation, once it was taken out, the immortal formation would collapse. However, the current immortal formation was still intact.It turned out that the formation spirit's ability to manipulate Gu formations was above Fang Yuan. When self love Immortal Gu was taken out, the immortal formation was near the brink of collapsing.But the formation spirit acted in time, adding a large number of self love mortal Gu into the formation and replacing self love Immortal Gu.But this method could only be used in emergencies, self love Immortal Gu was the core after all, it was like the pillar holding up a building. With self love Immortal Gu taken away, the large number of mortal Gu used to hold up the building was just a temporary pillar.As time passes, this immortal formation would break apart eventually.Fang Yuan estimated that he had about fourteen hours.If he returned self love Immortal Gu before the time limit, it would not break apart.Fang Yuan took out self love Immortal Gu not to test the formation spirit's ability.He had other objectives.Self love Immortal Gu and affection Immortal Gu, these two Immortal Gu flew in his immortal aperture as Fang Yuan instilled red date immortal essence and activated many mortal Gu.At the next moment, a vast amount of self will was created by Fang Yuan like a huge tidal wave.Self will formed into a giant of over a hundred feet, it resembled Fang Yuan's appearance, it stood on the ground with a majestic body."Next…" Fang Yuan breathed in deeply, activating immortal killer move myriad self.At the next moment, the self will giant vanished, as ten thousand myriad self clones appeared in Fang Yuan's Mini Central Continent."Success! Myriad self has been elevated to a new level, my battle strength has risen along with it!" Fang Yuan was overjoyed.

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Chapter 1424. Refining Cleanse Soul Immortal Gu Again | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains, Lang Ya blessed land.Working even at night, staying for months in the Gu refinement hall, the light of the fire was reflecting on Sixth Hair's face.His face was covered in dust and soot, his eyes were bloodshot, he was staring at the burning flames intensely.Warm temperatures scorched the surroundings, Sixth Hair's hair was burnt, but he did not care, he was concentrating on his task.The Gu refinement was at the final crucial steps."Luck path is indeed really helpful in Gu refinement, I am at this step again! I must succeed this time!!"Sixth Hair gritted his teeth, making up his mind.Suddenly, his vision darkened."Oh no, is my body at its limit? Never mind, 'moving of a single thought, blossoming of the red snake'." Sixth Hair had a thought as red snake tattoos appeared on his body, moving rapidly from his waist to his chest area.At the same time, a surge of strength appeared out of nowhere, filling Sixth Hair up like he was an inflating balloon.Sixth Hair became energetic again."I used this move again, when the red snake gets to the top of my head and surrounds my whole body, I will die.""But so what? All I need to do is refine this Immortal Gu and be of help to Shadow Sect!""Let's do it, thousand li soul thread."Sixth Hair encouraged himself as the hairy man Gu Immortal behind him passed a long immortal material.It was the thousand li soul thread, it was an immortal material created in the bodies of ancient soul beasts.The value of soul threads depended on their length.The thousand li soul thread that Lang Ya Sect had was extremely valuable, it was on par with rank eight immortal materials!It was a quasi-rank eight immortal material, but because it was too rare, it was not usually sold even in treasure yellow heaven, thus its market value was at rank eight immortal material level.For Fang Yuan's Gu refinement plan, not just Sixth Hair, even Lang Ya land spirit was helping out, it could be said that the whole of Lang Ya Sect was refining Gu for Fang Yuan.After becoming the leader of Shadow Sect, he inherited Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance and had deep foundations, he used a portion of the cultivation experiences and immortal killer moves, as well as Immortal Gu recipes, to exchange for a vast number of sect contribution points from Lang Ya Sect.Next, he used these sect contribution points to make the whole of Lang Ya Sect refine Gu for him.After refining self love Immortal Gu, his next target was cleanse soul Immortal Gu.Sixth Hair was already at the final few steps.He carefully received the thousand li soul thread.The soul thread was like a strip of seaweed, it was dark green, but there was golden light shining in it, it looked like fireflies were inside this seaweed.Thousand li soul thread was very light, Sixth Hair held it like a feather.He used refinement path methods and quickly cut down one section of it.Refining cleanse soul Immortal Gu only needed a small part of the soul thread. In fact, even without thousand li soul thread, just hundred li soul thread was sufficient.But to raise the success rate of the Gu refinement, and to save time, Fang Yuan paid a huge price to exchange for Lang Ya Sect's thousand li soul thread, he was truly rich.The soul thread was tossed into the flames.In a split second!The blazing flames turned into eerie ghost fire as screams and cries could be heard.Sixth Hair breathed in deeply, his eyes were bloodshot as he controlled the temperature of the fire.An hour later, in Western Desert.A huge immortal Gu formation was making loud noises.The Gu formation was about sixteen acres large, while activating, it created huge dark green illusory figures. In this yellow desert, it was very conspicuous.Bai Ning Bing and the rest were surrounding this immortal Gu formation, patrolling and staying vigilant.The immortal formation's activation had reached a crucial point.However, Fang Yuan, who was at the center of the formation had the time and energy to deduce other things at this moment."At this speed, in about four hours, I will succeed and get rid of all the unfavorable dao marks.""Heavenly Court's pursuers must be coming now? I am trying to get rid of the investigative killer move, there is no way they cannot sense it.""Hmm, failed again?"At the next moment, Fang Yuan frowned as he received Sixth Hair's transmission, regarding the failure to refine cleanse soul Immortal Gu.And this time, when the Gu refinement failed, Sixth Hair suffered a heavy backlash and has to rest for a period of time.Sixth Hair was currently the most trustworthy person in Lang Ya Sect for Fang Yuan, more so than Lang Ya land spirit. Him needing to rest was bad news."Including this time, cleanse soul Immortal Gu's refinement has failed about ten times?""Immortal Gu refinement is a pit with no end in sight, while the hairy man Gu Immortals specialize in the nature Gu refinement technique, to prevent heaven's will from interfering, I can only use the human isolation style Gu refinement method."It was not surprising that cleanse soul Immortal Gu's refinement failed, it did not waver his strong determination to continue refining this Gu.Speaking of which, he had cleanse soul Immortal Gu in the past, but he lost it.Back then, cleanse soul Immortal Gu was a core of myriad self, but now, Fang Yuan did not seek to refine it for myriad self.His true goal was the strength path immortal zombie body.This eight armed immortal zombie body had the soul path trap left behind by Ying Wu Xie.Now that Fang Yuan became the leader of Shadow Sect, he had the method to remove the trap, but this method needed rank seven cleanse soul Immortal Gu as the core.As long as he refined cleanse soul Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan would be able to use the strength path immortal zombie and gain wisdom Gu's acknowledgement, he would be able to use the light of wisdom and influence the great era.Even though the dao marks of secluded domains of heaven and earth like Dang Hun Mountain and Reverse Flow River were on par with rank nine Immortal Gu, in terms of profundities, rank nine Immortal Gu were superior.Especially wisdom Gu, this rank nine Immortal Gu was famous in <the legends of ren zu>, it appeared many times and even scammed Ren Zu!"Southwest direction, we have enemies!" At this time, Fairy Miao Yin transmitted."Oh? They appeared after all." Fang Yuan was not surprised, he stood up.The immortal Gu formation was still active, it was manipulated by the formation spirit, this was simply too convenient to Fang Yuan.The only flaw was, this self cleansing immortal formation used a lot of immortal essence, Fang Yuan could barely sustain it. Along the way, with all these battles, Fang Yuan's immortal essence supply was dwindling, but thankfully, he had Wu clan's hundred thousand immortal essence stones.But now, the immortal essence stones storage was reducing.A moment later, Heavenly Court's pursuer came.It was Feng Jiu Ge."Why are you alone again?" Fang Yuan smiled as he looked at Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge looked around and did not see Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals, he smiled too: "Aren't you alone too?""Hehehe. That is because I am sufficient to deal with you. Feng Jiu Ge, you will regret coming here." Fang Yuan laughed heartily.Feng Jiu Ge frowned slightly.This was out of his expectations.Fang Yuan was too confident."Strange, what is he relying on? Is there a scheme or plot?"

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Chapter 1425. Beating Feng Jiu Ge Till He Spat Blood! | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan directly charged at Feng Jiu Ge.Of course, his special robe was already present, glittering light was shining on his robe, he had a long sash that coiled around his waist and arms.As Fang Yuan charged out, the robe moved along with him.Immortal killer move — Reverse Flow Protection Seal!"This move again." Feng Jiu Ge saw this and sighed internally, he very much was unable to break past this move.Thus, Feng Jiu Ge chose to retreat.He easily pulled some distance from Fang Yuan."Controlling reverse flow protection seal uses up too much mental energy, Fang Yuan cannot distract himself to use other moves, even if he has movement killer moves, he cannot use them. This means that when he uses reverse flow protection seal, other than defense, his other aspects are very ordinary."Feng Jiu Ge thought as he smiled.Fang Yuan could not catch up to Feng Jiu Ge, who was actively avoiding him, even after many tries.A glimmer of thought flashed in Feng Jiu Ge's eyes, he had not stopped thinking: "Why is Fang Yuan still alone?"In this battle against Feng Jiu Ge, Fang Yuan was not aided by Bai Ning Bing, Hei Lou Lan, or the others. Thus, Feng Jiu Ge's earlier tactic of dealing with them could not be utilized on Fang Yuan alone."But even so, Fang Yuan has no hope of winning. Even if he has good defense, he is a moving target board. Be it attack or movement, he is inferior to me, the battle is in my control.""No, Fang Yuan is not so stupid! He must have other schemes."Feng Jiu Ge was not careless, he became increasingly vigilant.When Fang Yuan approached, he would retreat to a safe distance."Feng Jiu Ge, you chased me up to here, are you going to run now?" Fang Yuan sneered.Feng Jiu Ge's smile faded: "Is there a point in taunting me? Fang Yuan, catch up to me first. It is not easy to use reverse flow protection seal, as time passes, your mental energy will be used up, won't your immortal essence also be depleted? Such a strong method must have a huge price."Feng Jiu Ge held the initiative, he had a hold over Fang Yuan in both speed and battle tactic.This battle was very different from the previous.In the previous fight, they engaged in fierce combat. This time, both sides chased and escaped, other than some words, there was silence.Fang Yuan snorted, he had a way to deal with Feng Jiu Ge's actions.Five hundred years of experience was not a joke, in terms of battle experience, he had his fair share.At the next moment, Fang Yuan charged down and landed on the ground.Feng Jiu Ge did not pursue him, he floated in the sky vigilantly, observing this desert.He had suffered a territorial disadvantage last time when Fang Yuan used the anti-sound desert.Feng Jiu Ge remembered this lesson and had done his homework before coming, this desert was nothing special.Plop.With a soft sound, Fang Yuan drilled into the desert, moving underground.Feng Jiu Ge continued to investigative using immortal methods, but there were no suspicions, he used drum fist and bell palm to attack.Bang… bang… bang!Clank clank clank!At once, drum fist and bell palm created huge holes in the desert, large amounts of sand splattered and created a huge cloud of dust in the radius of several li.But Fang Yuan ignored him, he continued digging deeper.Feng Jiu Ge frowned slightly.The deeper he went, the denser the earth path dao marks, it would be disadvantageous to Feng Jiu Ge.At the same time, he had a suspicion: "Fang Yuan is so confident now, did he have a set up here in advance? Or does he know about some special trait of this place that he can use?"Feng Jiu Ge had all sorts of thoughts as he flew down.He shot out like an arrow, stabbing into the desert, pursuing Fang Yuan.He had to.Because Fang Yuan could stay underground and use the immortal formation to remove the investigative killer move, Feng Jiu Ge had to pursue him.Even if he did not get rid of the investigative killer move, he could also set up Gu formations or battlefield killer moves, if Feng Jiu Ge remained hesitant and did not chase him, Fang Yuan would have a lot of time to prepare amply. In that situation, Feng Jiu Ge would be stupid to wait.Thus, he had to chase and give Fang Yuan pressure. He had to force more trump cards to be used and ruin his battle momentum.Drum fist, bell palm!Even deep underground, Feng Jiu Ge's sound path killer moves were still very powerful.Explosions happened around Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's face was stern.Without the help of anti-sound desert, Fang Yuan could feel Feng Jiu Ge's terrifying attack power at its fullest.Even deep underground with rich earth path dao marks, Feng Jiu Ge's killer moves were still overbearing.This was the advantage of sound path.Every path had its own specialty, in both advantages and disadvantages.Sound path was a minor path, but it had an advantage.The advantage was, sound path could travel easily, with relatively little conflict of dao marks. For example, for ordinary paths like earth path, the killer moves would be weakened by fifty to sixty percent in places filled with water path dao marks. A sound path killer move of the same power would only be weakened by twenty to thirty percent."Without reverse flow protection seal, I would not be able to last until now facing these attacks.""How did Feng Jiu Ge cultivate? How can his dao mark accumulation be on par with rank eight as a rank seven?""Forget about this, it is time to retaliate!"Immortal killer move — Ancient Sword Dragon Transformation!Instantly, a sharp light shone on Fang Yuan's body.But deep underground, light could not spread out."Hmm?" The moment Fang Yuan transformed, Feng Jiu Ge's investigative killer move sensed something amiss.Next, in a breath's time, the soil in front of Feng Jiu Ge exploded as a large dragon head appeared.Feng Jiu Ge was like a rat in front of an elephant, facing this huge dragon head."Ancient sword dragon! Fang Yuan!" Feng Jiu Ge's pupils shrunk to pin size at this moment.Fang Yuan's counterattack was so sudden and so powerful!The dragon head opened its mouth and shot out a wave of silvery light.Sword dragon breath!At once, silvery light shot out like countless arrows, it was powerful and made the entire area glow silver.The sharp breath was still far away, but Feng Jiu Ge could already feel sharp pain, like hundreds of needles were stabbing his face.Boom!Sword dragon breath landed on Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge's body had clanging sounds, his defensive methods were activated, sound waves were forced out and destroyed by the powerful and destructive dragon breath.Ordinary dragon breath could only last a moment, but Fang Yuan had perseverance Immortal Gu, his dragon breath was unceasing and continuous!Feng Jiu Ge was forced back, under the impact of the sword dragon breath, he used his methods as he flew into the sky, escaping from the sword dragon breath's range.But at the next moment, Fang Yuan raised his head.The thick sword dragon breath shot up like a silver pillar, it was like the sharpest sword that pierced the heavens."It's coming!" Feng Jiu Ge was not smiling anymore, his face was silver from the reflected light.Seeing the sword dragon breath, he retreated once again.Immortal killer move — Yang Pass Tune.Swoosh, he vanished on the spot, before appearing a thousand steps away.Fang Yuan stopped his dragon breath as he roared, attacking towards the sky.His sleek dragon tail swung, as ancient sword dragon's speed burst out. At the same time, he used sword escape Immortal Gu.Tens of thousands of sword path dao marks amplified the effect, giving Fang Yuan incredible speed!Boom!With a loud sound, he broke through air and went at supersonic speed.Instantly, Fang Yuan appeared in front of Feng Jiu Ge.He was so fast that Fang Yuan himself could not react in time, his vision blurred for a moment and Feng Jiu Ge who was a tiny black dot appeared in front of him, they were only a dozen steps apart.The dragon opened its mouth again but this time, Feng Jiu Ge was amply prepared.He called out: "Go ahead."Next, against the impending sword light dragon breath, he did not dodge, he attacked instead.Boom!With a loud explosion, Feng Jiu Ge flew backwards like a cannonball.For the first time, there was shock on his face as he felt deep suspicion: "How can this be? Fang Yuan has reverse flow protection seal active?"In the earlier battle, when Fang Yuan transformed into an ancient sword dragon, he could not maintain reverse flow protection seal.In the earlier clash, Feng Jiu Ge focused on this and attacked fiercely, but now, reverse flow protection seal reflected his entire attack to himself.Guh.Feng Jiu Ge felt pain in his chest as he spat out blood, he struggled to maintain his position in the air.The earlier attack not only had the force of Fang Yuan's attack, there was also the reflected power of Feng Jiu Ge's attack, the combination of both made him spit out blood!Fang Yuan had the advantage, he roared and charged forward.It was too fast earlier, but now, Feng Jiu Ge could see properly, the ancient sword dragon's silvery and shiny body actually had a layer of light, like a thin layer of clothing resembling flowing water."It really is reverse flow protection seal?""He can maintain both immortal killer moves now! How did he do it?"Yang pass tune!Fang Yuan missed and Feng Jiu Ge appeared elsewhere.The ancient sword dragon that Fang Yuan turned into could not tear open space, it could only travel rapidly in a straight line.Meanwhile, Feng Jiu Ge's yang pass tune had the power of space path, it could teleport him to an entirely new location.From this point, even though Fang Yuan turned into an ancient sword dragon with sword escape Immortal Gu, he could not match Feng Jiu Ge's yang pass tune.Unless Fang Yuan used the sword path movement killer move from Bo Qing's inheritance.But so what?Yang pass tune had a time limit.Once the time was up, Feng Jiu Ge would be at a disadvantage in terms of movement."I need to find a way around this while yang pass tune is still active." Seeing Fang Yuan attacking yet again, Feng Jiu Ge's heart sank..

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