
Chapter: 1401-1405:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1401. Enslavement After Victorious Fight | Reverend Insanity

Large numbers of year beasts, chicken, sheep, monkey, dog, pig, horse, tiger, rabbit, they bore their fangs and claws as they attacked Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge was soon encircled.But he was daring and courageous, his expression did not change, he was still calm and composed."Come at me!" He shouted, his body shook as he used an immortal killer move.Ding ding ding…There was a clear crisp sound in the battlefield.It was like countless jade pearls landing on a jade plate.Immortal killer move — Green Jade Song!The year beasts closer to him suffered injuries, they were corroded by the song as they quickly turned into green jade stones.The year beasts' ferocious attacks were immediately resisted.But soon, from the year beast group, eight ancient year beasts emerged.Dragon, snake, tiger, ox, they attacked Feng Jiu Ge from four directions.Feng Jiu Ge snorted, the sound waves around him grew more intense, around him, a green jade sound wave pushed towards his surroundings.Boom boom boom!The eight ancient year beasts were pushed back to their original places by these intense sound waves.Before they landed, they were turned into jade statues as they shattered, dying as they broke into small jade pieces."Green jade song is so powerful!" The Shadow Sect immortals lying in ambush saw this and expressed their shock.Only Fang Yuan's expression did not change.He knew some intel.He knew about the battle between Qin Bai Sheng and Feng Jiu Ge thanks to Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance."Feng Jiu Ge's green jade song has gotten much stronger since the battle of Luo Po Valley. It seems he has improved it a lot.""Green jade song is secondary, but if he uses submission song, half of the year beasts here would likely turn into my enemy.""However, even if that happens, hehe!"Fang Yuan laughed internally.There was a lump of water in his right palm.This ball of water was emitting a weak eerie ripple, looking at it, it seemed to be the water of the River of Time.But in truth, it was a rank eight Immortal Gu —Years Flow Like Water!Indeed, this Immortal Gu obtained from Hei Fan's true inheritance had always been sealed.But now, Fang Yuan had unsealed and used it.Immortal killer move — Year Beast Summoning.It was the same name, but the current year beast summoning was completely different from before. This was because the core was no longer year Gu, but the rank eight Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water!Hei Fan's true inheritance was very detailed about this. There were two versions, year beast summoning using year Gu as the core, as well as using years flow like water Immortal Gu as the core.The ordinary year beast summoning could only summon one year beast. But the one that Fang Yuan was using now could summon an army of year beasts!Immortal killer move — Submission Song!Indeed, as the battle continued, Feng Jiu Ge used this incredible killer move.The entire place was silent.The song could not be heard with the ears, it was heard in every Gu Immortal's and year beast's mind directly.The year beast army went into chaos.Because many year beasts submitted to Feng Jiu Ge and fought against their former allies.Submission song encompassed wisdom path, enslavement path, sound path, and soul path, it affected the mind. The inspiration was obtained during the battle with Qin Bai Sheng when he used five finger fist heart sword.Many desolate level year beasts and ancient year beasts switched sides and obeyed Feng Jiu Ge.The battle changed intensely.Fairy Miao Yin and Lady White Rabbit, who were watching the battle, gasped in shock.But Fang Yuan was still calm.He continued to use immortal killer move year beast summoning.Rank eight Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water could be used by even rank six Gu Immortals. And Fang Yuan was already experienced with using this immortal killer move, year beast summoning, he had practised it so that he could use it in battle one day!If one did not have huge worries, they would worry about smaller things.Fang Yuan was a vigilant person, he had preparations in advance, at this moment, he benefited greatly from it, thus he had no problems."Year beast summoning will continue to summon year beasts, I want to see how many your submission song can control.""At a certain stage, even immemorial year beasts will respond and come here."Year beast summoning was a time path method that had the effect of enslavement path.And enslavement path excelled in battles of attrition.Feng Jiu Ge was a strong enemy, Fang Yuan was not counting on being able to kill him currently. Moreover, Feng Jiu Ge was backed by Heavenly Court, there might be other rank eight Gu Immortals hiding somewhere.Because of these two reasons, Fang Yuan decided to hide himself and use the year beasts to attack and expend his energy.An endless stream of year beasts continued to rush out of the tributary of the River of Time, responding to Fang Yuan's call and attacking Feng Jiu Ge.Soon, the number of year beasts on this battlefield reached a hundred and more.A large number of year beasts made a circle and surrounded Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge relied on submission song to control the year beasts and avert the crisis, creating his own defensive circle within the encirclement.The battle was in a deadlock.This scene was clearly observed by Fairy Zi Wei.She was in Central Continent's Heavenly Court, but using the investigative killer move, and Star Constellation Chessboard, she could observe the entire battlefield clearly.Fairy Zi Wei's eyes were flickering with thoughts.Killing Fang Yuan, and taking or destroying Red Lotus' true inheritance was her main objective now.She had already made all the plans, Feng Jiu Ge was just a part of them.Even though the battle was in a deadlock, Fairy Zi Wei was aware that Feng Jiu Ge was not using his full strength. Even if he was, he still had the rank eight Immortal Gu that Heavenly Court had lent him!"Right now, everything is under my control." Fairy Zi Wei willed as the image on Star Constellation Chessboard changed to another battle.Two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were fighting against an upper extreme heavenly eagle.This upper extreme heavenly eagle was the one which had escaped from Fang Yuan's control and flew away.The upper extreme heavenly eagle cried out, it had injuries on it.It did not have any Immortal Gu, even though it was an immemorial desolate beast, it was too hard to fight against two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals.The battle was not in its favor."This upper extreme heavenly eagle has Fang Yuan's tracking method on it. As long as we capture it, I will be able to reverse-deduce his location.""Of course, right now, Fang Yuan and the others have been hit by my investigative killer move. Capturing the upper extreme heavenly eagle is to prevent Fang Yuan from regaining control of this immemorial desolate beast in the future."Fairy Zi Wei planned.Fang Yuan was a complete otherworldly demon, he was no longer under fate's control, he was the biggest uncertainty in this world.Right now, he had Giant Sun's true inheritance, the combination of otherworldly demon and luck path meant that these uncertainties were stacking up, leading to greater unknowns.Spectral Soul was captured already, Fang Yuan was now Heavenly Court's biggest threat.But Heavenly Court could not use its full strength against Fang Yuan.Firstly, Fang Yuan had extremely strong luck, if too many people went after him, he would benefit from the misfortune instead. Only someone of similarly high luck could stop Fang Yuan's luck path advantage from showing.This was the reason why Fairy Zi Wei arranged for Feng Jiu Ge to deal with Fang Yuan.Secondly, Heavenly Court also needed to develop.The great era was coming, the five regional walls would dissipate and the five regions would become one. Without any geographical obstacles, Gu Immortals could travel freely, there was sure to be chaos.During such unprecedented chaotic battles, Heavenly Court would be in an awkward spot.Because it was encircled by Southern Border, Northern Plains, Eastern Sea, and Western Desert, Central Continent was right in the middle, bordering all four regions.Once battle erupted, Central Continent would face great pressure, it might get into great trouble.Thus, Heavenly Court needed to prepare itself.At the same time, Star Constellation heaven's will also instructed Duke Long and Fairy Zi Wei that she needed many rank eight Gu Immortals to hibernate in the future.Even though Fairy Zi Wei did not understand why this was needed, she trusted Star Constellation heaven's will and Duke Long."Lady Zi Wei, there is great news!" At this time, a Heavenly Court Gu Immortal sent a letter Gu to Fairy Zi Wei.Fairy Zi Wei knew that this person was recently recruited, originally being a supreme elder in one of the ten great ancient sects, Yuan Qiong Du.Ever since the battle of the dream realm, Fairy Zi Wei had elevated multiple Gu Immortals from the ten great ancient sects to become members of Heavenly Court.The two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals who informed Feng Jiu Ge and were now chasing the upper extreme heavenly eagle were also such people.As for this Yuan Qiong Du, because he cultivated refinement path, Fairy Zi Wei tasked him with the mission of repairing fate Gu."What good news?" Fairy Zi Wei asked."I have bought a batch of year beasts in treasure yellow heaven. The seller might not know, but these year beasts are different from normal year beasts, they are filled with heaven's will. I can use these year beasts as immortal materials to repair fate Immortal Gu. Not only can we save time, we can use the heaven's will inside to increase the effects." Yuan Qiong Du was extremely excited."Very good." Fairy Zi Wei's eyes were shining: "Continue working hard.""Yes, Lady Zi Wei."This was indeed great news.Fairy Zi Wei was quite happy."This way, fate Gu can be repaired even more quickly, until its wounds are healed.""With Spectral Soul captured now, once news gets out, it will shake the world and deter all the forces."Thinking of this, Fairy Zi Wei felt deep admiration towards Duke Long.Duke Long's wise and resolute attack created Heavenly Court's current huge advantage.If the five regions chaotic war started, Central Continent could definitely benefit the most in the initial period.However, the true deciding factor of this chaotic war was one person.Great Dream Immortal Venerable!Western Desert.Fang Yuan was at a crucial moment.Fight Immortal Gu was activated, around it were a large number of supplementary Gu worms.Immortal killer move — Enslavement After Victorious Fight!The killer move activation succeeded, Fang Yuan's gaze turned sharp, he looked towards the year beast army.Countless strength path giant hands flew out and defeated these year beasts.The defeated year beasts no longer ran away, due to the effect of enslavement after victorious fight, they became Fang Yuan's slaves, gathering towards him.

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Chapter 1402. Farewell, Feng Jiu Ge | Reverend Insanity

Under the effect of immortal killer move enslavement after victorious fight, any life form defeated by Fang Yuan would have a high chance of being enslaved by him.The core of this move was the new rank seven Immortal Gu that Fang Yuan just got, Fight. By using all sorts of wisdom path supplementary Gu worms, this rule path Immortal Gu displayed its unique value.Enslavement after victorious fight was created by immortal zombie Da Li.Immortal zombie Da Li was a second generation split soul of Spectral Soul, he was known as the Martial Duel Heavenly King. He cultivated strength path and wisdom path together, he had the Great Strength True Martial Physique.After the first generation split soul, Purple Mountain True Monarch, turned into a purple gold rock, he took over as the leader of Shadow Sect.However, afterwards, a mysterious Gu Immortal with a Red Lotus insignia on their forehead appeared, after an intense battle, he lost and was suppressed by Immortal Gu House Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.This was the origin of the killer move enslavement after victorious fight, it was an incredible killer move that combined both the profundities of strength path and wisdom path.Fang Yuan inherited Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance, he learned about this killer move.Of course, he was not familiar with it, he was only starting to use it now.However, unlike the other moves, this one only needed Fang Yuan to activate it in advance, he could sustain it very easily during the battle.Most immortal killer moves could not be used by Fang Yuan during battle because he was not familiar with them, if he failed in using them, he would be hurting himself.But at this moment, Fang Yuan had the initiative, he plotted to harm the Heavenly Court pursuers. Thus, he had enough time to prepare and after some failures, he successfully used enslavement after victorious fight.Next, Fang Yuan sustained enslavement after victorious fight as he multitasked, using year beast summoning to summon an army of year beasts from the tributary of the River of Time.However, even though there were many year beasts, year beast summoning's flaw was still around.That was, the year beasts would not risk their lives for Fang Yuan. If they were injured, or if the enemies were too strong, they would retreat.This was different from soul beast summoning.The soul beast summoning that Spectral Soul created could force any soul beast to fight to the death for the Gu Immortal, disregarding its own life.Year beast summoning was created by Hei Fan, even though Hei Fan was a time path great expert, he was far inferior to Spectral Soul Demon Venerable.Of course, even so, the strength of year beast summoning could not be denied.All in all, this move was very useful.With rank eight Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water as the core, the Gu Immortal could summon an army of year beasts. Against the enemy, such a huge number would result in a powerful encirclement, unless the enemy was a special rank seven Gu Immortal like Feng Jiu Ge or rank eight Gu Immortal.But in the Gu Immortal world, how many rank eight great experts and Feng Jiu Ges were there?Clap clap clap.Strength path giant hands flew around, pushing the year beasts which were retreating onto the ground.These year beasts were under the effect of year beast summoning, fighting against Feng Jiu Ge. But after facing the power of Feng Jiu Ge, they wanted to retreat through the tributary of the River of Time.But Fang Yuan had already blocked their path of retreat, he used the giant hands to slam these year beasts to the ground.These year beasts were all subdued with enslavement after victorious fight and became Fang Yuan's slaves.But a portion of them were still resisting.Against these stubborn ones, Fang Yuan's response was to attack with more strength path giant hands.Clap clap clap.With several more slaps, very few of the year beasts stayed adamant. After all, they were not in good shape, most of them were injured from Feng Jiu Ge's attacks.Fang Yuan enslaved more and more year beasts.He opened his immortal aperture's entrance and kept these year beasts in his immortal aperture.As well as some year beast corpses.These unlucky ones were already injured and were killed by Fang Yuan's strength path giant hands when he slammed at them with too much force.Even though they died, they were still rank six and seven immortal materials.Fang Yuan did not let go of any!On the battlefield, Feng Jiu Ge killed most of the year beasts, before Fang Yuan used year beast summoning again to call more year beasts into battle.Next, he stayed concealed by the Gu formation and used Feng Jiu Ge's strength to capture these year beasts.A moment later, Fang Yuan had seventy to eighty year beasts in his immortal aperture.Most of them were desolate level year beasts, a small portion were ancient year beasts."At this rate, I will be able to accumulate several hundred year beasts." Fang Yuan was joyous.Even though he did not have the batch of year beasts sold in treasure yellow heaven, he farmed for them himself, he had quite a good harvest."However… with my soul foundation, I can enslave a hundred year beasts at most." Fang Yuan estimated.His soul foundation was strong, but don't forget, he already had a group of eagles under his control."Maybe I should sell these eagles?" Fang Yuan was hesitant, but he suddenly felt a shiver as his body tensed up.A strong and aged aura emerged from the tributary of the River of Time behind him."An immemorial year beast! It was lured here by Years Flow Like Water." Fang Yuan understood.Fang Yuan did not place years flow like water Immortal Gu in the sovereign immortal aperture, thus, the immemorial year beast was lured here by the Immortal Gu, arriving through the tributary of the River of Time.After sensing the aura of the immemorial year beast, the year beasts on the battlefield became frenzied, they suddenly fought more boldly.Feng Jiu Ge felt his pressure intensifying, especially when the difficulty of enslaving those year beasts with submission song increased by many times now.Rumble!A huge tiger claw emerged from the tributary of the River of Time.Creating a huge wave made of river water, the tiger claw struck at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was prepared for it, he had kept the year beasts and Shadow Sect's immortals in his immortal aperture. When the tiger claw arrived, he had already flown away.The huge tiger claw crashed down like a mountain, the formation that Fang Yuan created was destroyed by the tiger claw easily.Roar—!The tiger immemorial year beast did not hit, but it sensed that the delicious Years Flow Like Water was leaving it, it roared as the sound waves produced spread out like thunder.Swish swish swish!The tributary of the River of Time created huge waves that crashed outwards, the tiger immemorial desolate beast was unhappy, it wanted to try and get out of this tributary of the River of Time.But it was too huge, its foundation was too deep, this tributary of the River of Time was too small for it.But it was not a problem, the tiger claws slashed around the place as the tiger immemorial year beast tried to expand this tributary of the River of Time.The tributary of the River of Time quickly became wider as its size increased.This superb time path resource point was ruined.Even though the size of it was going to increase by many times, it had lost its balance. After a while, this tributary of the River of Time would entirely return to the main river.Of course, this was nothing to the immemorial year beast, it did not care.Feng Jiu Ge saw that Fang Yuan approached him, his eyes shined with brilliance as he stayed vigilant.Fang Yuan had Feng Jiu Ge blocking him in front and the immemorial year beast behind him, he seemed to be in great danger.But in reality, he was smiling lightly, feeling extremely confident.He did not even use reverse flow protection seal, he activated rank eight Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water again."Fang Yuan has a rank eight Immortal Gu." Feng Jiu Ge's pupils shrunk.But he was not surprised. Fang Yuan took over Shadow Sect, it was normal to have such an inheritance."I wanted to get rid of all the Heavenly Court pursuers, too bad only Feng Jiu Ge came here. Hmph!" Fang Yuan smiled coldly, years flow like water Immortal Gu stared to shine in a pure white light in his hands.The white light shone over the area, turning this dark tunnel into a bright place.Under the strong light, a Gu formation started to activate."This is?!" Feng Jiu Ge found that he was trapped in the Gu formation. But earlier, this huge Gu formation did not activate, it was hidden perfectly, fusing with the environment flawlessly.Rank eight Years Flow Like Water, it was the core of this Gu formation, under its lead, the Gu formation activated.Feng Jiu Ge was on guard, but this Gu formation's power did not seem to target him.Rumble!Like a dam that had accumulated for years unleashing the floodgates, the tributary of the River of Time turned into a raging river in a few breaths' time.It turned out that this Gu formation's true target was this tributary of the River of Time itself!Feng Jiu Ge subconsciously held his breath.At this instant, the tributary of the River of Time was overflowing, it seemed to have become the main River of Time!The river water surged and created huge waves that blocked out the sky!The unstoppable waves devoured Fang Yuan instantly, before moving towards Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge naturally wanted to escape, even though there were many year beasts, with his nimble movement, they were of no obstruction to him.But the River of Time could not be comprehended by normal standards."So fast!"Feng Jiu Ge was dazzled, he found that the River of Time's waves were already directly above him.The River of Time was a time path secluded domain of heaven and earth, wherever it flowed towards, there was no concept of flow speed, only time itself mattered.The water of the River of Time only needed an instant to travel ten million li, or it could take a million years to travel an inch."I cannot evade it…" Feng Jiu Ge instantly understood this, he used his defensive methods to protect himself.Rumble!Hearing the sound of crashing waves around him, Feng Jiu Ge's body was engulfed by the huge waves, completely submerged.But Fang Yuan managed to emerge from the water of the River of Time using the Gu formation."Flood discharge formation, break!"Fang Yuan called out in his mind as the Gu formation broke apart.Without the Gu formation, the tributary of the River of Time was instantly attracted towards the main River of Time.This was because the flood earlier had surpassed the limits of this tributary of the River of Time, such a tributary was not going to flow out of the main river.This was no longer the power of the Gu formation, it was the power of heaven and earth, the supreme power of the River of Time itself.Rumble rumble!Amidst the loud crashes, Feng Jiu Ge was swept into the main river, even the tiger immemorial desolate beast that wanted to come out was obstructed by the main river.After a few breaths of time, the tributary of the River of Time vanished completely, only a large area of the ripples of time were still flickering silently.The year beasts in the battlefield had all returned to the River of Time."Farewell, Feng Jiu Ge." Fang Yuan said lightly as he stored the Gu worms used in the formation and left the place.

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Chapter 1403. Self Love Immortal Gu | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains, Lang Ya blessed land.In the refinement hall, after months of refining Gu, the most crucial moment was here.Lang Ya land spirit stood at the edge of a refinement path super Gu formation, his eyes observed the Gu formation that was blazing with fire.This fire was icy blue in color, it was not hot, but cold instead.Even the super Gu formation could not isolate this blazing ice fire completely.Lang Ya land spirit stood at the side of the Gu formation, his brows and beard were covered in a thin layer of blue frost.But he did not care, he was concentrated on that fire.Or rather, the profound ice at the center of the fire.The profound ice was still melting, but it was also continuing to form. The initial profound ice had sharp edges, but under Lang Ya land spirit's refinement, it was already smooth and had a rather round appearance now."Five traces of fan door wind." Lang Ya land spirit suddenly said.Hairy man Gu Immortal Sixth Hair was currently assisting him, he quickly worked as he heard that, using a special method to take out five traces of the fan door wind from the immortal material inventory.This fan door wind was a rank seven immortal material.It was very special.It did not grow in deep forests or mountains, or even the sky, it grew in the doors of the homes of mortals.Whenever this immortal material was produced, the mortal's door would not be able to close, it could only stay open.This special phenomenon attracted the attention of Gu Masters very quickly, and caused Gu Immortals to come and collect it.But initially, this fan door wind immortal material could not be used, nobody understood its use. But now, there were profound methods and plans to make use of it.The five traces of the fan door wind were carefully sent to the center of the ice fire by Lang Ya land spirit.Soon, the five traces of the wind surrounded the profound ice, circling it like five delicate hands, hastening the transformation of the profound ice."Oh no." But the success was short-lived, Lang Ya land spirit's expression suddenly changed as he called out.Sixth Hair had a feeling as he looked over.He saw that the ice fire had extinguished, the profound ice broke as the five traces of the fan door wind also vanished."Ahhh! I failed again!!!" Lang Ya land spirit stomped his feet, shouting loudly in deep anger and unhappiness.Sixth Hair sighed deeply.It was a pity.They were at the final few steps.But they failed.Their months of hard work had gone down the drain."If I used the hairy man heaven and earth style, this would not have happened!" Lang Ya land spirit snorted coldly.Sixth Hair quickly reminded: "But first supreme elder, according to the sect rules, elder Fang Yuan paid a huge amount of contribution points for this, we need to follow his request.""Sigh! This Fang Yuan has lost his mind, why does he want to use the human Gu refinement method. Is he trying to mess around with me?!" The failure of the Gu refinement gave Lang Ya land spirit a horrible mood.Sixth Hair quickly spoke up for Fang Yuan: "Elder Fang Yuan has always been mysterious. Even though I do not like him, it seemed like he had used up all his assets for this, using a vast amount of sect contribution points to refine Immortal Gu. He even needs three Immortal Gu, if he wants to purposely trouble first supreme elder, he would not have paid such a huge price, right?""Sigh! I was just venting." Lang Ya land spirit was dejected, he waved his hand: "Let's rest first for a while. This is the fifth failure already. Fang Yuan's sect contribution points are not enough, contact him and tell him the result of the Gu refinement, if he wants more attempts, he will need enough sect contribution points!""Yes." Sixth Hair replied.Fang Yuan flew like an arrow shooting rapidly in the sky.He had no mood to admire the beauty of this desert, at this moment, his mind was on the battle against Feng Jiu Ge.That tributary of the River of Time in the sand whirlpool was a secret cultivation resource of Shadow Sect, it was listed in Shadow Sect's map."Before Purple Mountain True Monarch died, he had instructed me to go to the River of Time and interact with Spectral Soul's will inside the ghost face red lotus."Even though Fang Yuan inherited Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance and obtained a lot of killer moves, Immortal Gu recipes and secrets.He had only gotten about half of Shadow Sect's assets.The ghost face red lotus in the River of Time contained Spectral Soul's will, it had almost all of Shadow Sect's cultivation details. It even had a portion of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's true inheritance.Shadow Sect had existed for a hundred thousand years, when Spectral Soul Demon Venerable was alive, he had slaughtered the world and caused deep despair in everyone. Even though Shadow Sect was destroyed, the cultivation information it had was unthinkably vast and grand.For example, Immortal Gu Houses.Fang Yuan currently knew the complete construction details of twelve Immortal Gu Houses. But in actuality, Spectral Soul Demon Venerable and Shadow Sect had far more than twelve.The rest of the information could only be obtained when Fang Yuan went to the ghost face red lotus."As for Red Lotus' true inheritance, it is also inside the River of Time. I have Spring Autumn Cicada, I hold the key to the true inheritance."Fang Yuan was definitely going to the River of Time.The tributaries of the River of Time in the five regions were his entrances.Even though Fang Yuan lost one to eliminate Heavenly Court's pursuers, it was not a problem, Shadow Sect had left behind five or six of them."However, in Western Desert, Shadow Sect only has control of one final tributary of the River of Time.""To play safe, I should head to the two resource points first. Before I am completely ready, I should not go there."Fang Yuan made his decision.Right now, he was in Western Desert, it bordered Northern Plains, Southern Border, and Central Continent.But Fang Yuan could not go to these three regions.Central Continent had Heavenly Court and the ten great ancient sects, Fang Yuan could not head there.Northern Plains had Longevity Heaven, which was hunting Fang Yuan.Southern Border had the righteous path Gu Immortals who were chasing after Shadow Sect earlier.Western Desert was the best place to hide.As for Eastern Sea, Shadow Sect only had the location of one tributary of the River of Time. And unfortunately, this tributary of the River of Time was already taken by Miao Ming Shen.Speaking of which, it was Fang Yuan's fault. He was the one who found it and told Miao Ming Shen.Back then, Purple Mountain True Monarch had tried to use the tributary of the River of Time to meet the ghost face red lotus. When he was in Eastern Sea, he could not find that tributary of the River of Time, he had to go to Southern Border for that."My biggest problem now is the investigative killer move on me, it is exposing my location to Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals.""And without dark limit Immortal Gu's protection, heaven's will is plotting at all times to get rid of me.""The problem is, I lack Immortal Gu, I have so many killer moves, but I lack the core Immortal Gu. With the core Immortal Gu, I will be able to dispel this investigative killer move and hide from heaven's will again!"While thinking, Fang Yuan received Sixth Hair's letter.He looked into it and the contents made him frown.The Gu refinement failed again.Damn it!Even though he succeeded in plotting against Feng Jiu Ge, Heavenly Court was not only going to send him alone against Fang Yuan.Heavenly Court had other methods, it was only a matter of time."This wisdom path Immortal Gu, self love Immortal Gu, needs to be refined as rank seven from the start. It is quite difficult. I have been observing the Gu refinement all along, Lang Ya land spirit has been giving it his all, he is not working half-heartedly." Sixth Hair said.Fang Yuan did not suspect his words.Lang Ya land spirit was straightforward and honest, Fang Yuan believed it.The failure was normal.After all, the success rate of a rank seven Immortal Gu was too low.But this self love Immortal Gu was necessary to Fang Yuan, and he needed it as soon as possible.With it, Fang Yuan would be able to use a killer move from Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance to get rid of the investigative killer move on him.This was possible.Fang Yuan had confidence in that."Refine it, we need to refine it, even if I go bankrupt, we must do it." Fang Yuan gritted his teeth, firming his mind.It was too easy to get Lang Ya Sect contribution points now, because Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance was too plentiful."But…""I cannot remain passive now.""I succeeded against Feng Jiu Ge because I caught him by surprise and used the rank eight Immortal Gu Years Flow Like Water. Heavenly Court had not gotten information about it yet.""But it has already been exposed, I need to hurry up!""It seems I need to use that method."Fang Yuan's eyes shined with determination.He replied: For this refinement, Sixth Hair will do the refining while Lang Ya land spirit will help out on the side.Sixth Hair received Fang Yuan's reply and saw it, feeling rather surprised.He knew that his Gu refinement technique was inferior to Lang Ya land spirit, and since he was not purposely failing, why did Fang Yuan want Sixth Hair to do the Gu refinement?In the River of Time.Raging water could be heard around him.Feng Jiu Ge was swept into the river by the raging waves."This is the River of Time?" He tried to regain his footing, but he felt the power of time path invading his immortal body.Strong.Incredibly strong!The protection of Feng Jiu Ge's immortal body was quite exemplary.But in just a moment, he felt that he was heavily resisted by the surrounding environment.Feng Jiu Ge understood that because he was full of sound path dao marks, he could not coexist with the time path dao marks."As expected of the River of Time, I need to get out as soon as possible!" Feng Jiu Ge wanted to leave, but looking back, the tributary of the River of Time was already destroyed, only a thin ripple of time was left behind.This ripple was huge, but for Feng Jiu Ge, it was not an exit."This is a problem. I am not a time path Gu Immortal, I cannot get out using the ripple of time alone, what can I do?"While he was uncertain, Feng Jiu Ge heard an explosion.A tiger's roar could be heard, as a huge tiger year beast emerged from the bottom of the river.With a loud sound, river water spattered.Feng Jiu Ge's pupils shrunk to pin size, his body was like an ant beside an elephant compared to the tiger year beast."An immemorial year beast!"The shadow of death engulfed Feng Jiu Ge.

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Chapter 1404. Zi Wei Controls The Situation | Reverend Insanity

Ding ding ding…Hearing the sound around him, Feng Jiu Ge exerted his full power at this moment.Immortal killer move — Green Jade Song!The range of his song extended for several hundred steps, the immemorial tiger year beast's claw was covered in green jade color.But the claw was too huge, it still charged at him unhindered.Feng Jiu Ge gritted his teeth, dodging quickly.At the moment of crisis, he narrowly avoided the year beast's claw, even though he was not hit, the intense shock wave created from the attack assaulted Feng Jiu Ge.Feng Jiu Ge was like a kite with its strings cut, he was blown away.Guh.He was tossed up and flew above the River of Time in an arc, spitting out blood in the process."No, my battle strength is too suppressed if I fight here.""The River of Time is filled with time path dao marks, it has the most time path dao marks in the world. With the conflict between dao marks, my sound path killer moves have less than ten percent of their original power!"Feng Jiu Ge endured the intense pain and used his killer move to heal his injuries.His healing methods that were effective in the outside world had barely any effect here.Not only his healing methods, Feng Jiu Ge's movement killer move also became very slow. His green jade song originally had great power, but now, the tiger year beast only shook its claw to break that layer of jade rock around it easily.Evidently, green jade song was suppressed to the limit.Feng Jiu Ge only had rank seven cultivation level, the reason why he had rank eight battle strength was because his sound path dao marks reached a quantity on par with rank eight Gu Immortals.But because of Fang Yuan's plot, he was thrown into the River of Time, his greatest advantage became his greatest weakness!The sound path dao marks were far inferior in quantity compared to the River of Time's dao marks.This was also why Fang Yuan was confident that Feng Jiu Ge would suffer here.The immemorial tiger year beast stretched out its tongue and licked its wound on the right claw, it had a ferocious gaze as it charged at Feng Jiu Ge.It was very strong to begin with, it lived in the River of Time, the time path dao marks in it complemented the River of Time, its territorial advantage was obvious.There were no rank nine year beasts, immemorial year beasts were the overlords of the year beasts.The tiger roared and whipped up a storm.The huge tiger year beast sprinted and assaulted Feng Jiu Ge fiercely.Feng Jiu Ge tried to block it.But soon, he was injured again.He was completely suppressed, there was no chance to win. If he wanted to live, he had to find a tributary of the River of Time and escape.But hope was too small.Because it was not easy to find a tributary of the River of Time. Even if he found one, it had to be big enough for him to cross over.Feng Jiu Ge was a sound path Gu Immortal, he was not time path and did not have methods to escape from the river."Am I going to die here?" Feng Jiu Ge had such a thought.But at this moment, a female immortal's voice resounded in his mind: "Use that rank eight Immortal Gu.""Rank eight Immortal Gu — Fate Armor?" Feng Jiu Ge hesitated.Heavenly Court gave him this Immortal Gu to protect his life.This was a defensive rank eight Immortal Gu.But Feng Jiu Ge had always been doubtful.Why?He did not have any weakness in defense, even against Wu Yong, his defense could last for some time.Instead of lending this Immortal Gu to him, they might as well have given him an Immortal Gu for offense or movement.After all, Feng Jiu Ge's movement methods were lacking. And his seven great songs, even though they were extremely powerful, they were killer moves, it was not as convenient as using one rank eight Immortal Gu directly to attack.After Feng Jiu Ge received this Immortal Gu, he had tried to activate it.Fate Armor was very powerful indeed, but it also expended a huge amount of immortal essence. Even someone like Feng Jiu Ge could barely endure the cost."If I stall for time, I will have to use my defensive methods while healing myself. If I use fate armor Immortal Gu, my immortal essence will not last for fifty breaths of time."Feng Jiu Ge calculated.But now, the immemorial year beast had already arrived in front of him.Feng Jiu Ge gritted his teeth, at the crucial moment, he chose to listen to that mysterious female voice.Rank eight Immortal Gu — Fate Armor!At once, his red date immortal essence was rapidly expended, while a thin layer of armor made of light appeared on Feng Jiu Ge's body.But this armor made of light was completely unfazed by the immemorial year beast's attacks, it protected Feng Jiu Ge completely.Feng Jiu Ge was uninjured, but from the attacks of the immemorial year beast, he was slammed into the River of Time.Once he fell into the depths of the river, a vast amount of the water of the River of Time pressed towards Feng Jiu Ge.But Fate Armor was very impressive, it did not waver, only some small cracks appeared on the surface.But this was very impressive.It was just a rank eight Immortal Gu.And this River of Time was a secluded domain of heaven and earth, its dao mark accumulation was on par with rank nine Immortal Gu.The immemorial year beast flowed along the river, charging at Feng Jiu Ge again.Feng Jiu Ge sighed in his mind: "This is tough!"He tried to struggle to fly and escape the River of Time.But the immemorial year beast had wisdom too, it did not let Feng Jiu Ge achieve his goal.Feng Jiu Ge was trapped in the river by the immemorial year beast's attacks, and he was also affected by the flow of the river.The situation was getting worse for Feng Jiu Ge, he had lost all initiative, if this continued, by the time his immortal essence ran out, he would die."Did I make a wrong decision earlier? That woman's voice was just a trap?"While Feng Jiu Ge was unsure, a vortex of flowing water assaulted and surrounded him.Feng Jiu Ge was caught by surprise and wanted to struggle, when he heard a voice: "Don't struggle, Feng Jiu Ge, I am a Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, Lord Huang Shi, I am here to help you!"As he said that, the vortex expanded, until it was dozens of times as large as before.Countless bubbles obstructed the immemorial year beast's vision.Feng Jiu Ge did not dare to deactivate Fate Armor, but he allowed himself to flow along the tornado, returning to the surface of the River of Time.Over there, a bald Gu Immortal with yellow clothes was waiting for him.Heavenly Court.Fairy Zi Wei let out a breath of air.In the Star Constellation Chessboard in front of her, the scene of Feng Jiu Ge being saved was displayed.At the crucial moment, the voice who reminded Feng Jiu Ge was naturally her, Fairy Zi Wei.Rank eight Immortal Gu Fate Armor, its true use was to give Lord Huang Shi an accurate clue to find out Feng Jiu Ge's location.The River of Time was hard to enter.It was harder for Gu Immortals to get in there compared to black heaven or white heaven.Because rank eight Gu Immortals were rare to begin with, and time path rank eight Gu Immortals were just a small portion of them.But even so, Heavenly Court had its time path rank eight Gu Immortals.Lord Huang Shi was part of Fairy Zi Wei's arrangements.Originally, Fairy Zi Wei planned to have Feng Jiu Ge force Fang Yuan into the River of Time to find the Red Lotus true inheritance.By then, the time path rank eight great expert Lord Huang Shi could go and attack him.But Fairy Zi Wei did not expect Fang Yuan to give up a tributary of the River of Time to set a trap and try to kill Feng Jiu Ge."Fang Yuan, this otherworldly demon, he is truly crafty.""But after this battle, we have probed most of the content of Hei Fan's true inheritance.""Even though he gave up a tributary of the River of Time to make a trap, it affirmed my conjecture — Fang Yuan will definitely enter the River of Time and take Red Lotus' true inheritance!""With Fang Yuan's vigilant nature, it seems like he still has control of at least one tributary of the River of Time in Western Desert.""It is not a problem, with my investigative killer move, Fang Yuan's location is still exposed to me."Feng Jiu Ge kept his life, Fairy Zi Wei immediately used Star Constellation Chessboard to see another battlefield.Fang Yuan's upper extreme heavenly eagle was injured and was flying in black heaven.The two newly ascended Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were chasing it, they had suffered only minor injuries.The upper extreme heavenly eagle was powerful, but against two rank eight Gu Immortals with immortal killer moves emerging one after another that coordinated with each other, it could not rival them.Feeling the threat of death, the upper extreme heavenly eagle moved according to its instincts, flying towards black heaven to try and shake off these enemies.Unfortunately, its actions were predicted by these two enemies.Boom!A killer move landed on the upper extreme heavenly eagle.The upper extreme heavenly eagle screamed in pain, it almost fell towards the ground but it tried to flap its wings and rise into the sky.The eagle blood spurted out, a long line of blood was drawn in black heaven.Immemorial desolate beasts had incredible healing speed, but the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals' killer moves were not simple either."The outcome is set." Fairy Zi Wei's gaze flickered.Even though the upper extreme heavenly eagle was struggling, the course of battle was obvious, the two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals could not fail.One of them even used an immortal killer move to follow behind the upper extreme heavenly eagle.The faster the upper extreme heavenly eagle flew, the faster he would be. He could fly to wherever upper extreme heavenly eagle was without much effort.How could the wisdom of an upper extreme heavenly eagle match humans?Even human Gu Immortals could not counter immortal killer moves easily in battle.The two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were afraid of the upper extreme heavenly eagle's last ditch effort in attacking, and because they wanted to capture it alive, they kept dealing small injuries to weaken its battle strength.The upper extreme heavenly eagle could sense its bleak future, but it did not give up, it flapped and flew into the sky.Past black heaven, it came to white heaven.The heavenly wind qi wall was not an obstacle to it.But for the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals, it was a different story.The two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals could not pass the qi wall easily. But they were prepared for it, how could Fairy Zi Wei not lend them an Immortal Gu House in advance?"You will stay here and prevent it from making a detour, I will chase it." The two Gu Immortals cooperated perfectly, the upper extreme heavenly eagle had nowhere to flee."Even though some mishaps occurred, everything is within my expectations. Be it the humans, eagle, or Red Lotus' true inheritance, nothing can escape my control." Inside Heavenly Court, Fairy Zi Wei's eyes squinted as she fully displayed the might of a wisdom path Gu Immortal.

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Chapter 1405. Burning Soul Bursting Luck! | Reverend Insanity

Western Desert.It was night time, stars were shining in the sky.In the desert, the difference in temperature during each day was larger, it was hot in the day and cold at night.Fang Yuan landed on a nameless sand dune softly."After flying for so long, there are no Heavenly Court pursuers coming. Was Feng Jiu Ge really the only one sent after me?"Fang Yuan was suspicious."Forget it, I'll ignore that for now."Fang Yuan calmed down and opened his immortal aperture's entrance, letting out Hei Lou Lan, Bai Ning Bing, and the rest."Next, I will use a killer move with Ying Wu Xie, our battle strength will fall, our safety will be in your hands." Fang Yuan said to Bai Ning Bing, Lady White Rabbit, Fairy Miao Yin, and Hei Lou Lan.The four immortals acknowledged it and moved out to patrol the surroundings.Fang Yuan set up an immortal Gu formation.With precaution Immortal Gu as the core, the entire Gu formation's original form was a mortal formation from Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance.Fang Yuan was a formation path grandmaster, it was not hard to modify a mortal formation. After adding in precaution Immortal Gu, the defense of this Gu formation could not be underestimated.Of course, there were weaknesses and flaws in this formation, but it was only needed for the time being.Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance had four immortal Gu formations, the strongest one was purple blood river formation! Unfortunately, Fang Yuan lacked certain Immortal Gu for all of these immortal Gu formations, he could not set up any of them.If the Gu formation was modified and used a vast number of mortal Gu to replace the missing Immortal Gu, the deduction would take two to three days.Because of many reasons, Fang Yuan chose to set up this Gu formation.This Gu formation was enough for now, it was to defend against sneak attacks from the enemies.Most importantly, Fang Yuan needed to race for time.Heavenly Court not sending any more pursuers instead made Fang Yuan more worried.The Gu formation closed, creating a simple temporary space.The Gu formation's space was very simple, it could not compare to the Southern Border super Gu formation's array of palaces.In this empty space, there was only Fang Yuan and Ying Wu Xie."Sect leader, let me do it! For Shadow Sect, for our goal, I will do my best!" Ying Wu Xie was filled with fighting spirit.Fang Yuan nodded: "Then you can go first."Ying Wu Xie sat down and instilled his immortal essence.A moment later, his aura shook, immortal killer move burning soul bursting luck was successfully activated.At once, Ying Wu Xie's luck rose by many times, at the same time, he felt dizzy and nauseous.Burning soul bursting luck was a killer move that expended the foundation of the soul to temporarily increase the Gu Immortal's luck. Thus, when the killer move activated, not only did Ying Wu Xie's luck rise sharply, his soul was also extremely weakened.But it was not a problem, Fang Yuan took out guts Gu.In the process of cultivation, Fang Yuan had been accumulating his storage of guts Gu to prepare for the worst.His vigilant act was very helpful to him, it was shown now when used on Ying Wu Xie.Ying Wu Xie rapidly recovered, he was no longer dizzy, he was just a little pale.Even though his soul was healthy now, his soul path dao marks had reduced sharply.Burning soul bursting luck permanently used up soul path dao marks.And this killer move had requirements towards soul path dao marks, to activate it, one had to use a certain number of soul path dao marks.Because of this, out of Fang Yuan's side, only he and Ying Wu Xie were able to use this killer move.The rest might have strong battle strength, but their soul foundation was weak.Experts had their field of expertise, not anyone could cultivate as widely as Fang Yuan. In fact, Fang Yuan could tackle so many paths because of the sovereign immortal body, and also because the dream realm raised his attainment level of many paths rapidly.After Ying Wu Xie, it was Fang Yuan's turn.This killer move, burning soul bursting luck, used the soul path Immortal Gu, Soul Howl. With Ying Wu Xie's guidance, even though this was Fang Yuan's first use, after failing twice, he succeeded in using it.Rumble!Instantly, Fang Yuan witnessed a mirage, he could see the luck above his head surging and growing, soaring towards the heavens.He nodded and informed Sixth Hair to refine Gu.Sixth Hair and Ying Wu Xie had their luck connected.And before the battle of Reverse Flow River, while Fang Yuan was chasing Ying Wu Xie and the others, they had gone from Eastern Sea to Northern Plains.And in the Earth Trench in Northern Plains Zombie Alliance, Ying Wu Xie was aided by Sixth Hair to escape, while Sixth Hair used Dark Flow Giant City to obstruct Fang Yuan.Ying Wu Xie and Sixth Hair had their luck connected at this time.Naturally, Ying Wu Xie still had connect luck Immortal Gu.To delay Fang Yuan, Ying Wu Xie tried all kinds of ways to strengthen Sixth Hair. Luck was one aspect.Of course, in the end, Fang Yuan's pursuit was stopped, and Sixth Hair did not die, he managed to return to Lang Ya blessed land safely.Now, Fang Yuan wanted to use this connection to raise Sixth Hair's luck!Initially, when Ying Wu Xie was in Earth Abyss, he tried to use this move to refine Fixed Immortal Travel. Too bad Heavenly Court refined it first.But his efforts were not in vain, it helped Fang Yuan to refine change form Immortal Gu.This information was obtained by Fang Yuan from Purple Mountain True Monarch, he thought of using it in this situation.After all, luck was the best method to help in Gu refinement.There was evidence of this.In the past, it was because of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's luck path assistance that Long Hair Ancestor could refine so many Immortal Gu for him and create Eighty-Eight True Yang Building.Perceivable dao Immortal Gu!After using burning soul bursting luck, Fang Yuan used this Gu to inspect the number of soul path dao marks in his soul.The numbers had truly been shaved off, his soul foundation was nearly crippled, he was back to square one.Fang Yuan had cultivated his soul for a long time.When he acted as Chang Shan Yin and roamed Northern Plains, before joining the imperial court contest, he had already started. Using Luo Po Valley and Dang Hun Mountain, Fang Yuan's current soul path cultivation was very efficient and fast.After a long period, his soul had accumulated a great number of soul path dao marks.But today, after using burning soul bursting luck once, all of Fang Yuan's effort had been obliterated.Fang Yuan did not feel much of a pity or shame, he could always regain the dao marks later. But if he lost his life now, then it would all be over.If other Gu Immortals like Bai Ning Bing tried to use this move, how could they have enough soul path dao marks for the expenditure?Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something, asking Ying Wu Xie: "With your soul path foundation, how many times can you use it?"Ying Wu Xie replied: "I can use it two more times, but sect leader, you have Purple Mountain True Monarch's inheritance, you should know that the same person cannot use burning soul bursting luck repeatedly to raise its effect. It is useless even if I try it again."Fang Yuan nodded: "I am just asking."He had a feeling of admiration towards Spectral Soul Demon Venerable.Ying Wu Xie was a split soul of Spectral Soul, but he actually had the soul foundation to use burning soul bursting luck four times.Spectral Soul was indeed the legendary person who created soul path and cultivated to rank nine!"Burning soul bursting luck has been activated, this is all we can do. Let's go." Fang Yuan settled his thoughts and stood up.Soon, he stored away the immortal Gu formation and the other Gu Immortals into his immortal aperture before setting off again.He had to continue moving.Not only did Heavenly Court know his location and would send Gu Immortals at him, even heaven's will was plotting.If Fang Yuan and the rest stayed at a place for long, they would meet with many problems.In white heaven.The upper extreme heavenly eagle shook off its blood and flew up.Behind it, an Immortal Gu House carrying two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals chased relentlessly."This upper extreme heavenly eagle is reaching its limit.""That's right, it was really good at enduring and flying.""Alright, let's end it, this move will let you rest!"The Immortal Gu House rapidly grew in aura as a golden beam of light shot out.The golden light was extremely fast, landing on the upper extreme heavenly eagle.The upper extreme heavenly eagle suffered a huge blow, it quickly flapped its wings and tried to escape.But the golden beam of light was long and thin, it was like a shadow, homing in on the upper extreme heavenly eagle.The upper extreme heavenly eagle's injuries got more severe, its body was covered in a layer of golden light, making its movement even slower.But at the next moment, a change occurred.A white cloud formed in the path of the falling upper extreme heavenly eagle.The upper extreme heavenly eagle fell into the cloud and vanished."Oh no, this is a black-white overturning cloud!""Quickly stop the killer move, don't destroy this cloud!!"The two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals shouted in shock, but it was too late, everything had happened too quickly.The upper extreme heavenly eagle vanished in the cloud, while the golden beam of light landed on the white cloud, dying it golden.The golden cloud became extremely heavy and fell downwards.At this time, the golden beam of light vanished as the two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals stopped the killer move.But now, their smug appearance was gone, replaced by a dumbfounded look."How could this happen?!""Wasn't it too coincidental?""The black-white overturning cloud can connect between black heaven and white heaven, anything that enters will be able to move between the two heavens.""We were concerned about this, so we had already destroyed all of the clouds that could potentially be black-white overturning clouds already.""To think that a new one would appear and the upper extreme heavenly eagle had to crash into it.""This damned luck!!"The two Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were going frantic, they wanted to spit blood, after so much hard work, and expending a great deal of immortal essence, right before success, this happened!"Chase!""The upper extreme heavenly eagle still has our investigative killer move. We will return through the heavenly wind qi wall and go back to black heaven.""That's right, this is our first mission after joining Heavenly Court, how can we fail? Even if we have to chase it to the ends of the world, we will capture this upper extreme heavenly eagle!"

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