
Chapter: 1356-1360:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1356. Fang Yuan Salvages The Situation! | Reverend Insanity

"Damn it! This tortoise won't stop hiding." Black Tigress gritted her teeth.Hundreds of thousands of tortoise shell thoughts surrounded the divination tortoise in countless layers, Black Tigress had no way of getting close, with the increasing number of tortoise shell thoughts, she was pushed farther away by Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan defended like an unmovable mountain, but he did not relax his mind.Because Purple Mountain True Monarch had not shown up yet.Fang Yuan used his investigative methods to observe the entire place.Fairy Miao Yin and Qiao Si Liu were two of the three current generation great fairies of Southern Border, they were fighting on par with each other, still stuck in a deadlock.Hei Lou Lan and Bai Ning Bing also displayed battle strength that shocked Fang Yuan.Previously, when Fang Yuan was chasing them, they were still not familiar with their immortal killer moves, but now, they were extremely proficient, using them easily.This made Fang Yuan sigh once again, Shadow Sect's foundation was truly deep. Even in this terrible state, with Shadow Sect's help, Hei Lou Lan and Bai Ning Bing still obtained such an increase in their battle strength.If Fang Yuan did not have such gains in Reverse Flow River, and used dream realms to raise his attainment levels after coming here, the speed of his growth would definitely not match these two immortals.However, even though Hei Lou Lan and Bai Ning Bing were strong, there were no lack of experts in the righteous path.Tie Xin Jian and Yi Hei Ting were first rate experts among rank sevens, even though they were inferior to Wu Yu Bo, they were still able to deal with Bai Ning Bing and Hei Lou Lan.The two pairs of Gu Immortals engaged in intense battle, thunder roared as lightning flashed, a blizzard was blowing with countless shining figures."However… Zuo Ye Hui has almost recovered." Fang Yuan looked at the battlefield, he did not forget about the strongest existence here."Wu Yi Hai, quickly return." At this moment, Ba De's words were transmitted to Fang Yuan."What is it?" Fang Yuan could hear something wrong from Ba De's tone, he hesitated: "I am defending the opening.""Quickly come, we need you." Chi Gui's weak voice was also transmitted.Fang Yuan's heart sank, he quickly entered the hole and got to the inside.Seeing Ba Quan Feng and Chi Gui on the verge of death, Fang Yuan's pupils shrunk.An information path Gu flew over, Fang Yuan grabbed it, instantly understanding the situation."Ba Quan Feng was a spy from Shadow Sect?! Shadow Sect truly is everywhere." Fang Yuan's heart jumped, his eyelids were twitching.The situation was horrible.The earth path Immortal Gu was destroyed too.Just earlier, the righteous path had fallen into a hopeless situation, when Ba De had almost lost all his confidence, he heard Chi Gui say: "We still have our final hope, even though I can't do anything, there is still Wu Yi Hai. His formation path attainment is something that our clan's Chi Shang had praised, his formation path attainment level is similar to me, at formation path quasi-grandmaster. Let him in, we still can give it a try."Ba De knew that Fang Yuan and Chi Shang had a close relationship, but this was the first time he heard confirmation from Chi clan that Fang Yuan's formation path attainment level was actually so high.Normally, Ba De would be wary and envious, but now, he was extremely glad about it, he quickly transmitted to Fang Yuan.Precisely so, he asked Fang Yuan to come back, the opening was filled by other righteous path Gu Immortals."This information is known only to us, Wu Yi Hai, do you have any confidence?" Ba De had a nervous expression.At this crucial moment, he could not spread news of this. Once everyone became disheartened and lost their morale, the righteous path would definitely lose."Confidence my ass." Fang Yuan cursed.He stared at Ba Quan Feng, his eyes filled with anger.Zuo Ye Hui would only rest for some time. Earlier, Chi Gui had already spent most of it deducing the Gu formation, Fang Yuan had less than thirty percent of the original duration left.To deduce a way to use a new Immortal Gu for this Gu formation, in addition to countless supplementary mortal Gu, and arrange them together to form the second layer of the Gu formation, the difficulty was huge, extremely immense.Chi Gui knew about the difficulty, thus he said they could give it a try, the hope was indeed slim."Even if you are not sure if you can succeed, we can only rely on you. Give it your all, if the Gu formation fails, grey night will kill us all. Don't think you can escape, Zuo Ye Hui is extremely ferocious, it is recorded in our bloody history. Our only hope is to defend ourselves using the super Gu formation." Ba De urged.Fang Yuan was silent, rapidly thinking in his mind.Ba De and Chi Gui did not know about Fang Yuan's true identity, but the truth was, Fang Yuan's situation was much better than theirs."I have reverse flow protection seal, as long as I use it, I can leave freely.""Even if Zuo Ye Hui pursues me, I can use the five regional walls to escape from him.""But if I do that, my true identity will be exposed, not only will I lose my opportunity here, I will be hunted by Southern Border's Gu Immortal world. Ignoring anything else, Wu Yong will become a mortal enemy!""I should first give it a try.""Hmm, there is still some time, I do not have to make that final decision yet."Fang Yuan thought of this and quickly walked to Chi Gui: "Tell me about the secrets of the Gu formation's second layer."Chi Gui's eyes were seeing darkness, he was pale as paper. His injuries were too severe, he was barely staying awake by using his Gu worms: "Firstly, we lack an earth path Immortal Gu. This information path mortal Gu has all of the details of this super Gu formation."After saying that, his eyes closed as he fainted."Damn!" Fang Yuan's heart sank.Chi Gui fainting was the icing on the cake. Even though Ba De used his methods, it was useless.Fang Yuan almost wanted to use reverse flow protection seal and flee. In his opinion, without Chi Gui's guidance, with the need for an earth path Immortal Gu, and also the time needed to deduce the modification, there was basically no hope.But he still looked into the contents of the information path Gu worm first.After seeing it, Fang Yuan was staring wide-eyed, he felt extremely glad that he looked at it!Four elements Gu formation?!Out of his expectations, this second layer of the Gu formation was established on the concept of the four elements.Earth, water, wind, fire, it was a Gu formation constructed of earth path, water path, wind path, and fire path Immortal Gu.Without the earth path Gu, the three Immortal Gu of fire path, water path, and wind path were left. Earlier, Chi Gui was working hard to replenish that earth path aspect."Why is it so coincidental?""I am not very familiar with other contents of formation path, but I had deeply researched the four elements concept."Back then, Tu Shi Cheng's training of his son in the formation path dream realm was quite traumatic to Fang Yuan."The four elements concept was known as an overly strict concept by later generations, even without the earth path Immortal Gu, I can use other Immortal Gu to replace it, earth path is not necessary.""Dark path it is!""Dark, water, wind, fire, these are also four elements, I can definitely construct the Gu formation's second layer."Fang Yuan was feeling firm intuition regarding this.He believed in this.Because he was a formation path grandmaster!"My concept will definitely work. Furthermore… with a dark path Immortal Gu, we can also defend against grey night more effectively!"Fang Yuan suddenly realized that his understanding of Zuo Ye Hui's signature killer move was also not small.The reason?Because he had entered a relevant realistic dream realm.This dream realm was too difficult, Fang Yuan died countless times. He barely passed it using a vast number of uses of unravel dream.Fang Yuan had experienced grey night in the dream.Different from now, back then, Zuo Ye Hui's signature killer move was different, it was a wide ranged attack that filled the entire valley.But now, it was a dark grey beam of light, this was a modified version.No matter how many times it was modified, the core was still the same, grey night was still grey night.Precisely because Fang Yuan had experienced the original grey night, he was confident of creating a super Gu formation that could defend against it."However… this means I will need to contribute dark limit Immortal Gu. This is my only dark path Immortal Gu.""Dark limit Immortal Gu is very useful in concealing my identity. Should I retreat now and leave, or stay here and take a risk, to see if I can find an opportunity to benefit?"Fang Yuan hesitated before making up his mind."I want to fix the Gu formation, but I do not trust anyone, take Chi Gui and Ba Quan Feng and leave me. Block anyone from getting close to me!"Ba De knew what was important now, he said nothing, grabbing the two Gu Immortals and moving away a distance of a few hundred steps.Fang Yuan breathed in deeply, turning into a divination tortoise.A wisdom path ancient desolate beast, his transformation path dao marks turned into wisdom path, along with his wisdom path methods, Fang Yuan started to deduce.His progress was rapid.Because he not only had the information on the Gu formation, he also knew about the four elements Gu formation, and he was even familiar with dark limit Immortal Gu and grey night.Roar—!Zuo Ye Hui suddenly raised its head, growling loudly.Shadow Sect's members had joyful expressions, quickly retreating and abandoning their enemies."Oh no, grey night is coming!""Quick, enter the Gu formation."The righteous path Gu Immortals did not know about the truth, they thought that this was the strongest defense."Quicker, are you not done yet?" Ba De could not help but urge, he was the most nervous one, if Fang Yuan did not succeed, he would die."I'm done." Fang Yuan's huge tortoise head let out a breath of air.Joy flashed in his eyes, dark limit Immortal Gu flew out along with many mortal Gu.Ba De was stunned before panicking, deep fear was concealed in his voice: "This is a dark path Immortal Gu, this Gu formation needs an earth path Immortal Gu!""I don't have earth path Immortal Gu, I only have dark path." Fang Yuan replied unhappily.Ba De's eyes turned, he almost wanted to hit Fang Yuan, he screamed: "Tell me if you do not have earth path Immortal Gu, I can lend to you!!""You know nothing, shut up!" Fang Yuan rebuked."You—!" Ba De had lost all hope, he was about to berate Fang Yuan when his eyes suddenly enlarged, like someone had slammed the back of his head.Next, he was stunned to see that the second layer of the Gu formation activated, having an imposing aura that was vast as the sea."He actually succeeded?!" At once, Ba De felt like he had gone to heaven from hell.He was dazed on the spot with his mouth wide open.Qiao Si Liu and the rest arrived, seeing this peculiar scene.Ba De lost his composure, he was in a daze, it was quite surprising."Ba De, what's wrong? Why are you perspiring so much?" Someone coughed and notified of this.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1357. Controlling The Righteous Path | Reverend Insanity

Ba De shuddered, when he regained his senses, his face went red as embarrassment flashed on his face for a second.Fang Yuan concentrated on manipulating the second layer of the Gu formation, before Chi Gui fainted, he had already lent the entire Gu formation to Fang Yuan, he was now the user of the super Gu formation.Ba Quan Feng's sneak attack, Chi Gui fainting, they all helped Fang Yuan."Very good, now, using the super Gu formation, I have a huge hold over others in this battle!"It was not a waste of Fang Yuan's dark limit Immortal Gu.This way, he had enough strength to wait for an opportunity.Earlier, if Fang Yuan used reverse flow protection seal to escape, he would allow Shadow Sect to escape too. But now, he chose to stay and had increased control over the situation, he only had to wait for an opportunity now.Of course, Fang Yuan did not let down his guard.He spoke to these righteous path Gu Immortals solemnly: "Get away from me, if anyone gets close, I will consider them a traitor and expel them from the formation.""What do you mean?" The righteous path Gu Immortals looked at Fang Yuan, who was vigilant, their expressions changed.At this moment, Ba De explained for Fang Yuan: "I agree with Wu Yi Hai, nobody is to get near him. Chi Gui fainted from his injuries, it was because of the attack by traitor Ba Quan Feng!"He told the righteous path Gu Immortals all about the incident earlier.The righteous path Gu Immortals were all shocked, they knew now: If Fang Yuan did not salvage the formation earlier, the second layer of the Gu Immortal could not be formed, these righteous path Gu Immortals were glad about this, but were also increasingly wary of the Gu Immortals around them.Ba De looked at Fang Yuan before managing the situation, giving his orders.There were many righteous path Gu Immortals, Ba De could not awaken Chi Gui who had fainted, but that did not mean that the others could not.Ba Quan Feng was also interrogated.The other righteous path Gu Immortals rested and healed their injuries in the meantime, preparing for the intense battle ahead.At this time, far away from the super Gu formation.Zuo Ye Hui's aura finally became calm again.Its huge black body was like an unmoving mountain.It slowly raised its head and opened its mouth, breathing in deeply.There were intense currents in the air, countless Gu worms mixed together into a complex aura, spreading outwards with explosive force.Its body began to expand like a balloon, it had an intense aura.When it reached its peak, it opened its mouth, as a dark grey beam of light shot out.The beam of light was incredibly fast, it landed on the second layer of the Gu formation with the speed of lightning!There was no sound or explosion.It was completely silent.But at the second layer of the Gu formation, there was also a grand, bright light. Red representing fire path, green representing wind path, blue representing water path, and black representing dark path, four colors fused together, defending against the grey beam of light.The Gu formation was creaking.The righteous path Gu Immortals were all nervous.If this super Gu formation could not hold on, they would be meat on the chopping block, they might survive the attack if they were lucky, but the unlucky ones would disintegrate immediately.Many astute people started to observe Fang Yuan's expression.Fang Yuan was the person manipulating the Gu formation, his every action would affect their mood.Fang Yuan's expression was calm all along, nobody could read anything from him.But his calmness meant confidence and safety. The righteous path Gu Immortals gradually relaxed.A while later, the dark grey beam vanished, while the colorful lights from the Gu formation's second layer also faded."We blocked it!""Hahaha…""Good job, Lord Wu Yi Hai!"The righteous path Gu Immortals cheered, looking at Fang Yuan in a new light."I was not wrong after all, Wu Yi Hai, you saved us all." Chi Gui woke up and muttered, feeling glad.He was in poor shape now, he still needed Fang Yuan to continue controlling the super Gu formation.Qiao Si Liu's eyes also turned to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan had saved everyone in the righteous path this time and became a hero. Qiao Si Liu did not have good feelings for Fang Yuan earlier, but now, looking at Fang Yuan who was standing straight, her heart was pounding as she has a wondrous feeling.Immortal killer move grey night against the super Gu formation, it was the contest of spear and shield.Eventually, the latter won and defended against this terrifying attack.As the light faded and dust settled, Zuo Ye Hui, who was breathing roughly, looked at the super Gu formation with wide open eyes.The dream realm was not affected.It was huge, like a giant pot, with the bottom pointed at the sky, covering the vast land.In the second layer of the Gu formation, Fang Yuan, Ba De, Qiao Si Liu, and the other righteous path Gu Immortals were protected. This Gu formation had lost its third and fourth layers, it could not conceal the dream realm like before, it could only shield a portion of the dream realm."We did not break through?!" Ying Wu Xie, Hei Lou Lan, Bai Ning Bing, and the rest were greatly surprised, this was not what Purple Mountain True Monarch had told them.Not long ago, they had received Purple Mountain True Monarch's transmission, he said that the Gu formation would be destroyed, they had to attack during that opportunity to secure victory."Chi Gui had already lost consciousness, what could be the cause." Far away, at the edge of the dream realm, Purple Mountain True Monarch sighed deeply.This was troublesome!They had lost the greatest opportunity, but he had no choice but to strike regardless.Purple Mountain True Monarch, who concealed his figure, could not be detected by the others. After arriving at the dream realm, he had already prepared for a long time.At this moment, he activated his method!At once, the world changed colors.Rainbow light shot into the sky beyond the clouds.An unparalleled aura, grand and vast like a tsunami, cracked the Gu Immortals' mental fortitude, leaving them in a state of shock."What is going on?!" The Gu Immortals on Shadow Sect's side closed their eyes.The super Gu formation was shaking intensely.The righteous path Gu Immortals were all flustered: "What is going on? What killer move is this?!"Fang Yuan's face flashed with nervousness as he announced: "This immortal killer move is not targeting us or the Gu formation, it is targeting the dream realm."After an intense eruption, the rainbow lights did not fade away. Instead, cocoons of light were formed."The… the dream realm is vanishing, condensing into countless cocoons of light.""Oh my, what method is this? It is causing such a huge commotion.""Normal methods have no effect on the dream realm, except dream path killer moves!""So that's it, these demonic path Gu Immortals are after the dream realm."The righteous path Gu Immortals called out.Among them, one looked at Fang Yuan sinisterly: "I said that the immortal opportunity business was a bad idea! It allowed those demonic path Gu Immortals to think of an immortal killer move to make use of the dream realm. This definitely has huge benefits, otherwise, how could so many Gu Immortals disregard all consequences to attack us?"These words made most of the righteous path Gu Immortals' expressions change.Fang Yuan heard it and had no reaction.Ba De snorted angrily, looking at the Xia clan Gu Immortal as he shouted: "Shut up!"At this moment, he was still trying to sow discord with the enemy right in front of them, and most importantly, he was angering the key person, Fang Yuan, this was simply too stupid, Ba De was furious.But at the next moment, this Xia clan Gu Immortal vanished on the spot, appearing outside the Gu formation."Why, why did he go out?" The righteous path Gu Immortals were stunned, they asked this.Fang Yuan sneered as he said: "This person has ill intentions, he tried to sow discord, so I sent him outside, after all, trash can be recycled, he can probe out the enemy's ability.""Rubbish, who gave you the authority to do this, you are disregarding our rights!""Quick, let our clan's Gu Immortal back in.""Quick!"Fang Yuan smiled coldly as the other Xia clan Gu Immortal who was screaming also vanished.At the next moment, he appeared outside the super Gu formation, in the outside world. Looking at the huge dream realm and the flickering super Gu formation, he was stunned."Wu Yi Hai!" Ba De was anxious, almost jumping up: "Are you messing around on purpose?!"Fang Yuan looked at him lightly and said: "Make a din and you will leave too."Ba De was dumbfounded.The other righteous path Gu Immortals: "…"Ba De's chest was moving up and down from rage, his face was flushed red, but he spoke: "Don't forget, the Immortal Gu of all our super clans were used to create this super Gu formation!"He was making a threat.But Fang Yuan chuckled: "Do you think that at this moment, you can still recall your Gu worms? Haven't you noticed that you have already lost your connection to these Immortal Gu?"The immortals' expressions changed.Chi Gui said solemnly: "Sigh, everyone, don't bother. This was the Gu formation created by our clan's Lord Chi Qu You. Earlier, when designing this formation, to guard against traitors and prevent the Gu formation from being destroyed from the inside, the first and second layers can only be controlled by one person, others cannot interfere. Even I cannot control the Gu formation now, unless Wu Yi Hai transfers the ownership back to me again."Saying this, Chi Gui looked at Fang Yuan sincerely and earnestly."Chi Gui, you are heavily injured, you have contributed too much for us, you should heal yourself now." Fang Yuan smiled coldly, crushing Chi Gui's hopes immediately.Ba De was fuming with rage.The immortals were also flustered.In this situation, weren't they at Fang Yuan's mercy?Qiao Si Liu and the others who were close to Wu clan were fine, but in Ba clan, Yao clan, Yang clan, and others, their Gu Immortals had conflict with Wu clan, their expressions were very ugly."Chi Qu You, this old fool!" Some people cursed in their minds.Chi Qu You had secretly dealt a blow to these super clans, under the justification of defending this dream realm and Gu formation, to keep it safe. But because of this change of events, Chi clan lost control and an outsider took over as the person in charge."Don't worry, I, Wu Yi Hai, am not a person who acts without reason. In this situation, us righteous path clans need to work together through thick and thin to get through this crisis.""My Wu clan is still number one in the righteous path, with such a situation occurring, we will definitely come forward and take on this responsibility."

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Chapter 1358. Reappearance of Pure Dream Reality Seeker | Reverend Insanity

"I have good news to share, my Wu clan has an Immortal Gu House secretly on the way here, to bring me back to Wu Yi Mountain. It is not far now, it is our closest reinforcement.""As long as we work together and cooperate well, we can definitely leave unscathed, we might even do a merit for the righteous path, for everyone living in Southern Border, we will contribute greatly to this region!"Fang Yuan spoke rapidly.Ba De's expression turned very ugly.Qiao Si Liu's eyes were shining, looking at Fang Yuan, her gaze did not shift, she was filled with admiration towards him.Chi Gui had once gave Fang Yuan the information path Gu worm and told him all about the super Gu formation. Thus, when Fang Yuan realized he could control this Gu formation by himself, he decided to lead all of the righteous path Gu Immortals.Xia clan's two Gu Immortals were unlucky people that Fang Yuan had used to assert his dominance.After that, he gave great news regarding the Immortal Gu House.With both the stick and carrot, he successfully got the righteous path Gu Immortals under him, becoming a force that he could manipulate.There were no lack of elites in the righteous path, but Fang Yuan had the initiative, his advantage was too large, because of this situation, they had no choice but to obey him.Fang Yuan's actions turned the situation around, right now, even Ba De had to listen to him.After successfully controlling these righteous path Gu Immortals, Fang Yuan turned his attention towards the outside world.Many cocoons of light had already formed, quietly floating in the sky.The price for creating these light cocoons was the dream realm.Large pieces of the dream realm vanished entirely. The originally round and intact giant dream realm now had holes in it, it was like cheese that was eaten by rats with holes all over.More than twenty cocoons of light had formed, and more of them were gradually condensing.Seeing this, Fang Yuan sighed: Shadow Sect's methods were truly endless. Indeed worthy of the super force created by a Demon Venerable which had a hundred thousand years of accumulation!Crack…At this time, waves of cracking noises could be heard from the first cocoon.Next, cracks appeared on the light cocoon.Bam.The cocoon of light broke as a nude person fell out!Before landing on the ground, Purple Mountain True Monarch, who had waited for a long time, acted rapidly.Large numbers of Gu worms flew out and surrounded the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body, before entering their immortal aperture.Soon, this person opened their eyes, their entire body was covered in clothing as they flew towards the edge of the dream realm without stopping."This?!"The other righteous path Gu Immortals were stunned, but Fang Yuan's eyes were wide open."This is the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique!" Fang Yuan had seen it before, seeing it again, he was still stunned.In the past, Ying Wu Xie had the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique.This immortal body was a man-made extreme physique. Shadow Sect's Old Man Yan Shi had researched it for a long time, how did Purple Mountain True Monarch get a hold of this method?Don't forget, Ying Wu Xie was still alive, and Purple Mountain True Monarch had entered the River of Time through great risks, interacting deeply with Spectral Soul's will inside the Red Lotus true inheritance.Purple Mountain True Monarch had wanted to cooperate with Fang Yuan, but because of his low information path foundation, he rejected it.Thus, even though Purple Mountain True Monarch knew that Fang Yuan had methods to deal with the dream realm, he could not make use of them.He wanted to save Spectral Soul's main body, other than the super Gu formation, there was also the huge obstacle, the giant dream realm.Fang Yuan was not helpful, thus, Purple Mountain True Monarch placed his focus on the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique.This way, with the bulk of the dream realms vanishing, he could get to the center of the dream realm and save Spectral Soul."This means, the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique is created like this?""Shadow Sect's methods… are truly fearsome!"Even though Fang Yuan had fought against Ying Wu Xie back then, he did not know about his origin.After finally seeing it, Fang Yuan shouted loudly, ordering the righteous path Gu Immortals: "Quick, destroy all these cocoons! We need to kill the one who just left!!""What is going on?""Wu Yi Hai, what do you know? Tell us!"The righteous path Gu Immortals asked.But at the next moment, they were teleported by Fang Yuan, to the outside of the super Gu formation."The f*ck!""Not even saying a word, who does he think we are?""Wu Yi Hai, you are using our clan's Immortal Gu, don't go overboard!!"Even Qiao Si Liu was sent out, this Southern Border fairy was a little dazed, she could not accept it.Xia clan's two Gu Immortals saw that so many righteous path Gu Immortals had landed in their plight, they felt extremely satisfied, they shouted loudly to take down Wu Yi Hai.But nobody gave them any attention. In this situation, who would dare to offend Fang Yuan, who controlled the super Gu formation?Fang Yuan transmitted: "If you do not want to die here, listen to me. These enemies will grow stronger with time, now is the best time to eliminate them!"While the others hesitated, Wu Liao had already listened to Fang Yuan and acted.Next, Gu Immortals close to Wu clan including Qiao Si Liu also moved. But because Fang Yuan shifted her out along with the others, this woman, who was one of the three great fairies of Southern Border, had an ugly expression and mood.These people acted quickly, soon, the righteous path Gu Immortals started to fight.One one hand, Fang Yuan controlled the super Gu formation, he controlled their safety. Secondly, the righteous path forces had deep interest in exploring the dream realm. They had desire towards these immortal bodies created from the dream realm. As long as they captured one of them and researched it, their clan's dream path development would rise rapidly.Only Xia clan's two Gu Immortals were hesitant.But Fang Yuan did not forget them, he transmitted: "As long as you each kill a cocoon, I will spare you and let you return to the Gu formation."Xia clan's Gu Immortals were furious, they gritted their teeth, but they had no choice! After looking at each other, they acted according to Fang Yuan's words.Almost all the righteous path Gu Immortals had moved, killing and destroying the cocoons of light.Only Fang Yuan stayed in the super Gu formation alone, overseeing the battle from the base, it was truly relaxing.Strive for every second!The Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies broke out of the cocoons of light as they flew out.At the same time, when the cocoons were destroyed, the dream realms that had vanished appeared again."Spectral Soul's main body is inside the dream realm. Shadow Sect has planned this well, creating Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies to obscure our vision. Among these flying Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies, there might be Spectral Soul's remnant soul!"Fang Yuan stared as he controlled the super Gu formation, manipulating the battlefield intently.This super Gu formation was built around the giant dream realm originally. Even though only the second layer of the Gu formation was active now, Fang Yuan could still control half of the battlefield, he could teleport Gu Immortals nearby.Not only did the righteous path Gu Immortals act, Fang Yuan also manipulated the Gu formation, using its power to destroy the cocoons.Unfortunately, this super Gu formation was built on the basis of defense, it was pitifully weak in attack, far weaker than Fang Yuan's own attacks."Kill!" At this moment, shouting could be heard.With Fairy Miao Yin, Hei Lou Lan, and Bai Ning Bing leading, Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals had arrived.This wave of Gu Immortals were far less in numbers, but in this complex battle situation, the disadvantage in numbers was easy to cover.The original giant dream realm was intact, resembling a turned over pot covering the ground.Next, because of the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies forming, large pieces of the dream realm went missing.Some cocoons of light were destroyed by righteous path Gu Immortals, and the dream realm appeared again, but it was much smaller than before, this caused the dream realm to not be as complete as before, there was a difference.Some of the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies were killed and created a huge dream realm on the spot. Because the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies had flown away and were not at the original spots, this caused patches of dream realms to be formed outside of the original dream realm.Don't forget, this giant dream realm itself had movement.Thus, large patches of dream realms were all over the place, some overlapped while some were isolated, and some were only a thin line away from being connected, they were in the sky and on the ground, the terrain was truly very complicated.When fighting here, Gu Immortals had to be very wary, they had to guard against the dream realms and could not fall into dreams."Creating so many Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies, it must be Purple Mountain True Monarch. But where is he?"Fang Yuan looked around using the super Gu formation, but he could not find Purple Mountain True Monarch.Rumble!With an intense sound, the super Gu formation burst out with power, as a shadow flew towards a Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body that had just broken out of its cocoon, crashing onto it like a mountain.Suppressed!Without Gu worms to help them, the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body was easily suppressed, before the super Gu formation teleported them to Fang Yuan.The Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body stared at Fang Yuan fiercely, tied by black chains and unable to move.Fang Yuan sized it up, his eyes shined brightly."Interesting, if I can capture a few more, I might be able to deduce this method of Shadow Sect and create my own Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies.""This is the extreme physique of dream path, even though it has a short lifespan, it might be able to help me resolve huge issues in critical moments!"Thinking of this, Fang Yuan searched for Purple while using the super Gu formation to capture newly formed Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies.The second layer's coverage was less than half of the dream realm, while the domain he controlled was even smaller.But cocoons of light continued to form, as Fang Yuan struck multiple times, he actually captured close to ten Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies.He soon had a shocking discovery — these Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies did not have rising cultivation levels as time passed. Among them, some had rank six immortal bodies while others were mortals, only a very small number had rank seven cultivation level.

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Chapter 1359. Heavenly Court's Interference | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan also found something interesting.The time that these Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies could live was inversely correlated to their cultivation level. The higher their cultivation level, the shorter the duration they could live. In contrast, those Gu Master Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies could live for two to three years, they were good research material for Fang Yuan, he had ample time to do so."Earlier, I was wondering why Shadow Sect did not use the method to mass produce Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies during the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain if possible.""Now it seems, the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique that created Ying Wu Xie was not this simple.""In order to save their main body, Shadow Sect had to use this method to create many Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies, to disperse and get rid of the dream realms. They have great determination!"Fang Yuan sighed as he realized Shadow Sect's firm and determined attitude.Not only did Fang Yuan capture some Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies, the other righteous path Gu Immortals were not stupid, they also had some captives.These Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies were the dream path fruits of Shadow Sect's research. Once anyone successfully researched on them, they would have an explosive breakthrough in the exploration of dream realms.Shadow Sect did this without hesitation in order to save Spectral Soul's main body.The scene was very chaotic.Purple Mountain True Monarch was not discovered, he was still continuing to create more Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies.More and more cocoons of light were starting to appear in the dream realm area.Pieces of dream realms were cluttered together in a messy fashion, creating a complex terrain. Both the righteous path and demonic path were surrounding the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies, engaging in fierce battles.Even though Fang Yuan's side was doing their best to obstruct them, because the battlefield was too chaotic, some Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies managed to leave the battlefield amidst the confusion."Damn it! Spectral Soul's main body might be hiding among these bodies." Fang Yuan observed and was about to attack from afar, when suddenly!Light that was sharp as a needle descended from the sky.Instantly, the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body's skull was pierced.This white light that was extremely thin was very sharp, it moved down from the skull of the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body and penetrated his entire body.It appeared instantly and vanished just as quickly.The Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body that was hit was rank six.He instantly felt that his body had no strength, he was extremely weak. He showed suspicion on his face as he raised his hand to touch the top of his head.Next, he placed his hand in front of him and saw that there was blood mixed with brain matter.His expression changed abruptly, there was disbelief and fear.Next, his vision turned dark as he lost his life. His corpse fell onto the ground from the sky like a rag doll.Instantly, blood sprayed out, bones were broken, it was almost a pile of mush, the body was completely dead."Hmm? Who is it?!" Fang Yuan saw this and his pupils shrunk.He was the person in charge of the situation, among the righteous path, he was the first to observe this.Meanwhile, on the demonic path's side, Purple Mountain True Monarch was creating cocoons of light while managing the situation.Seeing this, he was not confused, he frowned deeply: "Heavenly Court finally acted!"He had expected this, he had some arrangements in white heaven, Heaven Overseeing Tower was obstructed for a while.But unfortunately, Fang Yuan salvaged the situation, Purple Mountain True Monarch's plan was greatly disrupted.The super Gu formation and the righteous path Gu Immortals greatly hindered Purple Mountain True Monarch's plan to saving his main body.The best timing was lost, Heaven Overseeing Tower broke free of the obstruction and finally acted, joining this huge battle.Swoosh swoosh swoosh!After several soft sounds, several small traces of white light shot out and easily killed all of the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies who tried to leave the battlefield.Next, a grand Immortal Gu House appeared from the sky with shining light, as if a deity had descended upon the battlefield.Such an incredible sight attracted the attention of many Gu Immortals, they quickly looked up at the sky.A few of them were dazed, but most Gu Immortals instantly recognized Heaven Overseeing Tower.Heavenly Court's Heaven Overseeing Tower, it was too famous!Heavenly Court?!Almost all the Gu Immortals were intensely shocked.Heavenly Court's imposing entrance made this chaotic battle go into even more uncertainty.At the top of Heaven Overseeing Tower, Duke Long crossed his hand and stood upright like a tower, observing the entire battlefield."Spectral Soul is too devious, we cannot let a single Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body off, they need to die! Of course, these Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique bodies could just be distractions, Spectral Soul might be lurking in other Gu Immortals' bodies to escape. Thus, all of the Gu Immortals present need to be killed too, it is better to be safe than sorry!""Yes!" Behind Duke Long, Fairy Zi Wei and the Gu Immortals she led responded in unison.Duke Long pondered before saying: "We will kill Shadow Sect before eliminating the righteous path. But if anyone tries to leave the battlefield, no matter who, we will exterminate them!"Heaven Overseeing Tower pressed down on the battlefield like an imposing mountain with vast power.The chaotic battlefield froze.Heaven Overseeing Tower had the greatest battle strength, its movement decided the flow of this battle.The righteous path Gu Immortals' hearts were pounding.Heavenly Court… these were Central Continent Gu Immortals, were they reinforcements?Shadow Sect's side fell into panic.Evidently, Heavenly Court and Shadow Sect were enemies.Fang Yuan's expression was grim, looking at rank nine Immortal Gu House Heaven Overseeing Tower, he frowned deeply.He had somewhat expected this to happen."Heavenly Court appeared again, the situation is horrible. They actually rebuilt Heaven Overseeing Tower in such a short time! I wonder how many rank eight Gu Immortals came this time!"Heaven Overseeing Tower's appearance was a huge blow to Fang Yuan's plans.But thankfully, Fang Yuan was inside the super Gu formation, it could defend against Heaven Overseeing Tower's might.Fang Yuan had the experience of battling against Heaven Overseeing Tower.Even if the strongest attack from fate Gu was used, Fang Yuan estimated that this super Gu formation could endure one attack!Fang Yuan decided to observe for now, but Purple Mountain True Monarch could not do nothing.He was a rank eight wisdom path Gu Immortal, how could he not have backup plans?Purple Mountain True Monarch transmitted: "Zuo Ye Hui, according to our agreement, your enemy is here, what are you waiting for? They are from Heavenly Court!""Heavenly Court?!" Legendary immemorial desolate beast Zuo Ye Hui heard this as its body shuddered, intense rage and hatred could be seen in its eyes.This rage and hatred was embedded into its soul, even after a million years, it still felt this deeply."Heavenly Court!!" Zuo Ye Hui roared, the sound waves burst out and swept an immense surrounding area.Boom!At the next moment, vast darkness burs tout from Zuo Ye Hui's body. Its body was huge to begin with, now, under the cover of the dark mist, it became increasingly terrifying.Next, its legs bent as its body arched, it bared its teeth and stomped the ground.Bam.There was an intense sound, the ground shook harshly.A huge pit was created under Zuo Ye Hui, while it shot out like an arrow, through the sky, towards Heaven Overseeing Tower.Heaven Overseeing Tower burst out with power, but Zuo Ye Hui was covered in dark mist, it was evidently an immortal killer move, allowing it to fly and defend itself.Zuo Ye Hui moved like a bamboo spear or a huge meteorite, in a few breaths of time, it traveled a hundred li, arriving at Heaven Overseeing Tower."Hmph! Insolent fool." Duke Long snorted in disdain, his majestic body shook as his thoughts collided, Heaven Overseeing Tower burst out with an intense white light.At once, the world turned white.Heaven Overseeing Tower's strongest method — Fate Vanquish!Rank nine Immortal Gu Fate's power was unrivaled.There was no way of dodging. As long as one was not rank nine, no matter how powerful, they would lose to this move.Light was everywhere.White light.Filling the world from all directions.The Gu Immortals exposed to the light, be it righteous path or demonic path, coughed out blood. They were instantly heavily injured, most fainted on the spot.At once, half the battlefield was cleared.There were some Gu Immortals who were shielded by the dream realm, they were not exposed to the light and were saved.With a loud sound, even Zuo Ye Hui could not block the attack of Fate, it crashed to the ground.It coughed out blood, but soon, it crawled up and opened its mouth, roaring at Heaven Overseeing Tower.In Heaven Overseeing Tower, the Central Continent Gu Immortals all had shocked expressions.Even Duke Long was surprised.Zuo Ye Hui did not die from fate vanquish, that was normal. It was far sturdier than normal Immortal Gu Houses, and had incredible regenerative properties.Zuo Ye Hui was the problem of Southern Border for ages, Southern Border's Gu Immortal world had mobilized Immortal Gu Houses to kill it, but could not, they only defeated it.But Zuo Ye Hui's injury was far less severe than Duke Long's expectations.Gu Immortals could cultivate, so could Zuo Ye Hui. After all these years, Zuo Ye Hui had been getting stronger. Moreover, it was helped by Shadow Sect this time. Purple Mountain True Monarch purposely lent it a lot of Immortal Gu and large numbers of immortal killer moves, Zuo Ye Hui was fully armed.Zuo Ye Hui stood up again, half of its injuries had healed.This was a terrifying recovery speed!It pounced at Heaven Overseeing Tower again fearlessly.A cold light shined in Duke Long's eyes, he used fate vanquish again.Zuo Ye Hui was hit and landed on the ground again, but soon, it stood up, even though it was injured again, it was full of vitality.Central Continent's Gu Immortals were intensely shocked."This is the battle strength of a legendary immemorial desolate beast? It is truly stunning!""It is a bit troublesome." Fairy Zi Wei had a grim expression. Zuo Ye Hui's battle strength was out of her imagination, even though Heaven Overseeing Tower had fate vanquish, it could not be used consecutively.After all, rank nine Immortal Gu Fate still had injuries on it.

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next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1360. Fang Yuan's Desperate Situation | Reverend Insanity

Roar!Zuo Ye Hui growled, this time, it flew to the sky, and stayed in midair to attack Heaven Overseeing Tower.Duke Long sneered, activating Heaven Overseeing Tower.Turn phantom!Zuo Ye Hui missed its target.The entirety of Heaven Overseeing Tower, including the Gu Immortals inside, turned phantom. Normal methods could not hit them at all."This is on purpose? To lure me to attack?" Purple Mountain True Monarch, who was concealed, saw this as bright light flashed in his eyes.Shadow Sect had methods to counter the phantom form.But Purple Mountain True Monarch did not act against the phantom Heaven Overseeing Tower.Because he was not Spectral Soul's main body, he did not have all the Immortal Gu needed to counter the phantom form. Even if he used them, against Heaven Overseeing Tower, it was too inefficient."He did not act?" Duke Long thought to himself.In the past, during the Battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Spectral Soul had sealed the phantom Heaven Overseeing Tower and prevented it from returning to solid.Duke Long had specially prepared well against this killer move, but Purple Mountain True Monarch was really patient, he did not do anything.Duke Long controlled the phantom Heaven Overseeing Tower and tried to get closer to the dream realm.Once the huge Heaven Overseeing Tower entered the dream realm, it started to fade from its phantom form, some Gu worms by the fringe were devoured by the dream realm."Phantom methods are useless too." Duke Long's heart shook, bringing Heaven Overseeing Tower away from the dream realm.This was the first time Duke Long was seeing an actual dream realm.This was something related to Great Dream Immortal Venerable, Duke Long was quite surprised.Even though Heaven Overseeing Tower was in phantom form, the dream realm still devoured a corner of it. The Central Continent Gu Immortals in Heaven Overseeing Tower were quickly trying to repair it."Without any dream path methods, even Heaven Overseeing Tower will get lost inside the dream realm." Duke Long concluded.One skill to dominate the world!Back then, Ying Wu Xie with Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique could use lead soul into dream killer move and directly make Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord go to sleep.Evidently, even the powerful rank nine Immortal Gu House could not defend against the might of dream path.Unless it was an Immortal Gu House with dream path Immortal Gu, normal Immortal Gu Houses would get lost in the dream realm without resistance."This means, this battlefield is not good for Heaven Overseeing Tower to fight. Heaven Overseeing Tower is too big, it is far less agile than Gu Immortals fighting alone." Duke Long looked at the growling Zuo Ye Hui as light flashed in his eyes.At this moment, Heaven Overseeing Tower returned to solid form as Zuo Ye Hui chased after it.Heaven Overseeing Tower turned and accelerated, rushing towards a dream realm.Zuo Ye Hui flew in the sky, moving even more quickly, its huge body was like a black cloud, winds were wild as it moved towards Heaven Overseeing Tower."Oh no!" Purple Mountain True Monarch saw this and quickly stopped it.A mystical light flew out and landed on Heaven Overseeing Tower.Heaven Overseeing Tower's speed slowed, it became illusory as ripples appeared, like it was the surface of water."Fake?" Zuo Ye Hui quickly stopped.It almost went into the dream realm.The dream realm was incredibly dangerous to Zuo Ye Hui as well.Behind it, the real Heaven Overseeing Tower appeared."Hehehe." Duke Long stood at the top of the tower, his dragon eyes looking coldly at a certain place.Purple Mountain True Monarch sighed, knowing that this was a trap.Duke Long was seemingly trying to trap Zuo Ye Hui, but the truth was, he wanted to find out Purple Mountain True Monarch's location.But even if Purple Mountain True Monarch knew of Duke Long's plans, he had no choice but to act.Because Zuo Ye Hui was too valuable of a fighting force, it could not be lost, Shadow Sect needed it to defend against Heaven Overseeing Tower."Lingering split soul of Spectral Soul, hmph, I will kill him. Fairy Zi Wei, go deal with that super Gu formation and kill Fang Yuan. The others will control Heaven Overseeing Tower and leave this place. Zuo Ye Hui will surely follow, I do not need success, I just do not want failure." Duke Long ordered, as everyone responded.With the roar of a dragon, Duke Long turned into a mystical light and charged at Purple Mountain True Monarch.Meanwhile, Fairy Zi Wei charged at the super Gu formation.Heaven Overseeing Tower brought the Central Continent Gu Immortals and flew into the sky, leaving the battlefield.Zuo Ye Hui looked at Duke Long, Fairy Zi Wei, and finally, Heaven Overseeing Tower.It knew that it was highly restricted in this battlefield because of its size, and because it liked to move around fast.Meanwhile, Heaven Overseeing Tower had an aura that it detested, and was the symbol of Heaven Overseeing Tower, it had a deep desire to destroy this tower.Duke Long flew in the sky, turning into a phantom shadow as he appeared before Purple Mountain True Monarch instantly.He had a tall and majestic body, the dragon horn on his head was sharp and imposing, his dragon pupils revealed dominance and indifference.Boom boom boom!Purple Mountain True Monarch fought Duke Long.A few breaths later, Purple Mountain True Monarch could not fight on par with him, he had to run away."You will die today." Duke Long roared, chasing relentlessly.In the super Gu formation, Fang Yuan was breaking out in cold sweat.He realized that he had fallen into a trap!"Heaven's will! It was actually hiding in… no, rather than that…" Fang Yuan's pupils shrunk to pin size, sweat poured down his face.At this moment, Fairy Zi Wei had already arrived in front of the super Gu formation.Fang Yuan calmed himself down, activating the super Gu formation and defending against this enemy."This Gu formation is not bad." Fairy Zi Wei's eyes shined with purple light, she observed the super Gu formation and nodded: "It is a pity, there is a flaw, these Gu worms are of different sources, the user of the Gu formation is borrowing other people's Immortal Gu, but this can be used by me."As she said that, she raised her right hand, which was holding an Immortal Gu House.Star Constellation Chessboard!This Immortal Gu House was personally created by Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, it was possibly the smallest Immortal Gu House in the world.When the chessboard was activated, it changed into crystal starlight that filled the sky.Starlight moved around like fireflies, surrounding Fairy Zi Wei.Fairy Zi Wei's human body was assimilated by this starlight, turning into starlight and joining them.The starlight expanded slightly, pouncing at the super Gu formation.Fang Yuan was already vigilantly waiting, he activated the Gu formation and attacked the starlight.But the starlight completely ignored the Gu formation's attack, it started to infiltrate the super Gu formation.Originally, this super Gu formation was shining in four profound colors of red, green, blue, and black. But now, with the invasion of the starlight, these four lights weakened as starlight mixed in, Fang Yuan felt a sense of sluggishness from the super Gu formation."Fang Yuan, you were an otherworldly demon chosen by heaven's will and tasked to save the people of this world. Even though you destroyed Shadow Sect's heaven defying plan, you took a wrong step and betrayed the righteous path, entering the demonic path and becoming enemies with the world. If you admit your mistake now and surrender, I will leave you with a complete corpse, I will make a biography for you after death so that your name will go down in history as a lesson for the future."At this time, Fairy Zi Wei's voice came from the super Gu formation.Fang Yuan laughed as he said: "This is truly an incredible scheme by heaven's will!"As he said that, he tried to activate the super Gu formation.The Gu formation was still under his control, but it was getting incredibly hard to use, some mortal Gu by the fringe were vanishing from Fang Yuan's control.Evidently, Fairy Zi Wei was fighting with him over the control of this super Gu formation."Stubborn fool." Fairy Zi Wei had a cold voice, seeing Fang Yuan's struggle, she put in more effort.The starlight shining in the super Gu formation became brighter."Heavenly Court knows my identity, this proves my conjecture.""I cannot take back dark limit Immortal Gu anymore, as time passes, the super Gu formation will go under Heavenly Court's control.""What do I do? Do I discard the super Gu formation and activate reverse flow protection seal to escape?""No!""Heavenly Court has fought with me before, they definitely know about reverse flow protection seal.""Since they want to eliminate both me and Shadow Sect, how could they not consider the element of reverse flow protection seal?""Heavenly Court wants to see me rely solely on this move. If my killer move is broken, I will face a backlash, I will lose all my battle strength and even die immediately!""What should I do?"Thoughts moved in Fang Yuan's mind like a huge storm was brewing.It was a desperate situation.Fang Yuan thought of how he could leave the battlefield.There was no way!He could not otherwise escape. His only hope was reverse flow protection seal."Should I bet that Heavenly Court has no method against reverse flow protection seal?"Fang Yuan had a bitter expression.He knew that the chances were slim in this regard.As for the upper extreme heavenly eagle?Fang Yuan did not have heavenly crystals, the upper extreme heavenly eagle could not become an immemorial desolate beast.Even if he had a lot of heavenly crystals, an immemorial desolate beast upper extreme heavenly eagle may not be under his control.The upper extreme heavenly eagle was prideful and only submitted to strong experts, there was a huge chance of betrayal. Just that slight relationship it had with Fang Yuan was fragile and unreliable."There are two ways of stalling." Fang Yuan thought of two methods.The first was to bring out Reverse Flow River and placed himself inside like a fortress.The second was to put himself in his immortal aperture, placing in Southern Border and closing his immortal aperture's entrance shut.But both methods only stalled for time, they could not change the situation.If Fang Yuan used these methods, he would be giving up the initiative.This was very dangerous.The only hope in these two methods letting Fang Yuan escape was Southern Border's righteous path reinforcements.If Southern Border's Gu Immortals could repel Heavenly Court, Fang Yuan might be able to escape.But Heavenly Court was not stupid or weak.The overall strength of Southern Border's righteous path was definitely stronger than the group from Central Continent that was here. But whether the reinforcements could handle Heaven Overseeing Tower and Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals, that was uncertain.Even if they won and Heavenly Court was chased away, could Fang Yuan continue to be Wu Yi Hai?How could that be possible!Since Heavenly Court knew his identity, they just needed a few words to get Southern Border to turn on Fang Yuan.Wu Yi Hai's identity could not last if the entire Southern Border righteous path was investigating it.

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