
Chapter: 1346-1350:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1346. Qiao Clan's Trouble, Rabbit's Deep Love | Reverend Insanity

Of course, over these last days, Fang Yuan was not doing nothing.The biggest batch of regretful spiders in his possession had been sold, Fang Yuan's red date immortal essence storage was no longer lacking.As for vajra shell, Fang Yuan had completed its modification, he only needed to test it.Because his dark path attainment level had risen to grandmaster, he successfully created an immortal killer move, extended dark concealment. This move used rank six dark limit Immortal Gu and rank seven perseverance Immortal Gu as the cores, and several hundred mortal Gu to greatly lengthen the effect of dark limit Immortal Gu.At this time, Qiao Si Liu requested to meet him.At Fang Yuan's will, the doors opened.Qiao Si Liu had a grim expression, worry could be seen on her face.She brought bad news with her.Other than Yao clan, Hou clan, and Yang clan taking over Wu clan's territories, Ba clan and Xia clan had also moved at the same time, but against Qiao clan.Looking at Southern Border's map, Ba clan and Xia clan were to the north of Qiao clan, they bordered Qiao clan.Qiao clan lost their wedding dress lake and empty origin pit, they were annexed by Ba clan and Xia clan respectively.After Qiao clan's first supreme elder, Qiao Zhi Cai, went missing, Qiao clan also did the strategy of gathering their Gu Immortals and defending their base, in anticipation of the enemy.This made Ba clan's and Xia clan's actions very successful.Qiao clan lost a lot just now.Wedding dress lake and empty origin pit were resource points that were more valuable than blood tide pit.Qiao clan was the weakest righteous path super force. After losing two resource points, Qiao clan was furious and upset.Fang Yuan had also heard of these two resource points.There was a folklore about this wedding dress lake in Southern Border. According to legends, a fairy in heaven weaved clothing, making her own wedding dress, whoever received it would become the husband of this fairy.After the fairy made the wedding dress, she tossed it into this lake, and it was picked up by a fisherman who lived by the lake.The immortal and mortal loved each other, staying inside the lake, living happily ever after.This story was mostly fiction, but wedding dress lake had all sorts of clothing Gu. Like fire cloak Gu, water armor Gu, wood armor Gu, and so on.In its history of being in Qiao clan's control, it had produced three wild Immortal Gu!As for empty origin pit, it was known by the mortals living in the mountains nearby as the final resting spot, it could communicate with the immortal realm.After the ignorant mortals died, their corpses were tossed into this pit.Before these corpses landed, they would be torn to shreds by the space path dao marks here.These ignorant mortals thought that the reason was because they had ascended to the immortal realm after dying.The truth was, this place was excellent in producing space path resources. Xia clan had wanted it for a long time, and even though Qiao clan was not their match, they were backed by Wu clan.Right now, with Qiao Zhi Cai and Wu Yong missing, this was a great opportunity, how could Xia clan miss it?Qiao clan and Wu clan had been in an alliance for a long time, their fortunes were tied together.Qiao clan was invaded by Ba clan and Xia clan, it was like Wu clan getting attacked.This way, including Yao clan, Hou clan, and Yang clan, a total of five super forces were attacking Wu clan.The situation was at its worst.If they could not stop this, Wu clan and Qiao clan would lose even more territory later."I will arrange it now, Wu Qiao will bring the Immortal Gu House here and escort us back!" Fang Yuan said to Qiao Si Liu.Qiao Si Liu nodded, this was the reason she came. With Qiao clan's predicament, Qiao Si Liu had to look for help from Fang Yuan.Actually, because of Fang Yuan's delay, Qiao Si Liu was very unhappy already. If not for the fact that Qiao clan only had one Immortal Gu House, they would have already sent out one to bring Fang Yuan away."Go arrange it too, gather Qiao clan's Gu Immortals, we are leaving together." Fang Yuan said again.Qiao Si Liu was stunned: "Together? What about here…""We can only give it up temporarily." Fang Yuan made up his mind, he did not hesitate."Then what about the Immortal Gu we used to set up this formation?" Qiao Si Liu frowned."We will bring them away. Otherwise, some Gu Immortals with ill intent will forcefully refine them or even destroy them. We know what these people are capable of. Excuses are too easy to find." Fang Yuan said plainly."Don't forget that my formation path attainment is not low. I am capable of taking out some Immortal Gu." Fang Yuan added.Qiao Si Liu thought of Fang Yuan and Chi Shang's competition, she nodded, thinking: "Wu Yi Hai's formation path attainment is indeed not low, Chi Shang had once praised him for it."In fact, she underestimated Fang Yuan.Right now, his formation path attainment level was at grandmaster, he was comparable to Chi Shang.In the past, this super Gu formation was completely indecipherable to him, he could not see anything.But after becoming a formation path grandmaster and staying here for so long, Fang Yuan had gained a rather deep understanding of this super Gu formation.Modifying this Gu formation was out of his ability, but taking away some Immortal Gu was possible.After the decision was made, Qiao Si Liu called Qiao clan Gu Immortal Qiao Bo: "Pack up, when Wu clan's Immortal Gu House arrives, we will leave and return to our base."Qiao Bo quickly acknowledged, asking in succession: "When are they coming? I need to arrange the clansmen."Qiao Si Liu looked at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan waved his hand: "No rush, I had just contacted them, it will take some time."Qiao Bo expressed joy on his face as he left respectfully."Even though Wu clan's base is near Yi Tian Mountain, if they are sending an Immortal Gu House, it will take four to five days to reach here. In this case, I can do the final round of the business." Qiao Bo left and started to think.The business he thought of was naturally the immortal opportunity business.Qiao clan and Wu clan were in dire straits, this caused Qiao clan's and Wu clan's Gu Immortals to feel worried, the immortal opportunity business was taking a huge hit.Two of Qiao clan's Gu Immortals were stationed to guard the super Gu formation here.Qiao Bo was one of them, he had rank six cultivation level, when he was sent here, he begrudged the decision, but the immortal opportunity business changed his mind."Now that we are returning, the immortal opportunity business cannot continue, there might even be fights later. Since we are leaving anyway, I will make this a big one!" Qiao Bo gritted his teeth, making up his mind.A day later.Qiao Bo met with demonic path Gu Immortal Fairy Miao Yin."Fairy, we meet again." Qiao Bo had an excited expression, his eyes were darting around as he observed Fairy Miao Yin.Even though Fairy Miao Yin was in the demonic path, her strength and appearance was top tier, she was one of the three great fairies of Southern Border, on par with Qiao Si Liu.All along, Fairy Miao Yin had been entering the giant dream realm to find opportunities in the dream realm.Even though her soul was often injured, the dream path materials that she gathered were not few.Even though Wu clan and Qiao clan, and other super forces tried to buy these dream path materials from her, Fairy Miao Yin rejected them all without hesitation."Let's go in and speak." Qiao Bo said as he looked at the two Gu Immortals behind Fairy Miao Yin.According to the rules, each business would only have one demonic cultivator or lone immortal.But this time, because Qiao Bo was going to leave, he made this a big one and went ahead to bring in three Gu Immortals at once.At the same time, in Wu clan's area.Lady White Rabbit looked at Wu An: "Lord Wu An, is it true that everyone is leaving? And so urgently?"Wu An nodded: "The situation is not looking good, I'm sure you've heard some rumors. But it is not a problem, don't worry, Wu clan will not fall. Just stay here and manage the immortal opportunity business, wait for us to return."Lady White Rabbit pondered for a moment before asking weakly: "Before you leave, I want to meet Lord Wu Yi Hai again, is that possible?""This…" Wu An had a difficult expression: "Lord Wu Yi Hai is in seclusion now, he is trying to deduce an immortal killer move, he might not have time for you."Lady White Rabbit had a sad expression: "I don't know why but I have a bad feeling, I want to meet Lord Wu Yi Hai, I just want to take a glance at him. Isn't he leaving too? I will wait here for a few days until he comes out, is that okay?"Wu An sighed deeply.It was obvious at a glance that Lady White Rabbit had affection towards Wu Yi Hai."It is a pity that the feeling is not mutual, I am afraid that in Lord Wu Yi Hai's eyes, Lady White Rabbit is just a tool, what a shame." Wu An felt some sympathy in him.He nodded: "Alright, you can stay here, Lord Wu Yi Hai will see you after he ends his closed cultivation.""Thank you, thank you!" Lady White Rabbit was overjoyed, she quickly thanked him profusely.Cultivating in the secret room, Fang Yuan held a rank seven Immortal Gu.Immortal Gu Precaution!This Gu worm was the size of two hands, it was like a long-horned beetle with a black exoskeleton, it was very heavy. Even with Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal body, he could not hold it.But it had already been refined by Fang Yuan, it was floating in the air now as Fang Yuan observed it.This Immortal Gu was one of the two Immortal Gu that Fang Yuan had taken after joining Wu clan as Wu Yi Hai.As the name suggested, the Immortal Gu's effect was to protect the Gu Immortal.It was rule path and had one weakness, when used alone, it needed some time to activate. It could only activate its effects after ten breaths of time.Ten breaths of time was not short for Gu Immortals. Especially in intense battles, ten breaths of time was enough for a dozen round of fights, with countless attacks unleashed.And most importantly, if a Gu Immortal sneak attacked, life and death would be decided in an instant. By then, activating precaution Immortal Gu would be too slow.However, once precaution Immortal Gu was activated, ten breaths of time later, its defensive effect would be incredible, it was one of the top rank seven defensive Immortal Gu, it had status equal to sword escape Immortal Gu.Not long ago, Fang Yuan had a new idea, he wanted to fuse precaution Immortal Gu into the immortal killer move vajra shell.And now, he had already designed the killer move, he just needed to test it.

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Chapter 1347. Chai Clan Has Human Smoke | Reverend Insanity

He started.The first step, Fang Yuan turned into a divination tortoise.The second step, he started to activate a large number of mortal Gu, followed by vajra thought Immortal Gu and more mortal Gu.The third step, and the most important one, he activated precaution Immortal Gu.Puff!Fang Yuan turned into a divination tortoise, spitting out a huge amount of blood. In his immortal aperture, large numbers of mortal Gu were destroyed, but thankfully, precaution Immortal Gu was sturdy and did not get damaged.Fang Yuan's head was dizzy, his immortal killer move failed, his organs were damaged, he suffered heavy injuries.Thankfully, he had transformed into a divination tortoise, an ancient desolate beast, he had a tough body and incredible recovery speed. If he did this with a human body, his injuries would have been worse, his organs and intestines might have disintegrated on the spot."Why did this happen?" Fang Yuan was dazed.This was different from what he conceptualized.In fact, before precaution Immortal Gu could use its power, this immortal killer move broke apart.Fang Yuan did not expect this.Fang Yuan had used affection Immortal Gu and other wisdom path Immortal Gu to deduce this modified immortal killer move, such a severe error should not have occurred.This was truly a huge blow to him.After Fang Yuan's injuries healed, he calmed down and looked at the killer move.After several deductions, Fang Yuan was even more troubled: "There are no problems, though?"Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration: "I understand!"Fang Yuan instantly understood where the problem was.He had misunderstood precaution Immortal Gu.When precaution Immortal Gu activated, it continued to expend red date immortal essence, but it could only unleash its power after ten breaths. It did not activate at the tenth breath, but at the eleventh breath. Because of this small mistake, the entire immortal killer move failed and Fang Yuan suffered a backlash."To think that the problem was here, it was truly a blind spot!""It seems that I need to add some time path Gu worms to make up for the time difference." Fang Yuan's time path attainment level was ordinary, it had never risen much. Because he had never encountered any time path dream realm.However, he had Hei Fan's true inheritance and wisdom path deduction methods, it could make up for some of his weaknesses.But because of this, the deduction could not be completed instantly.One day passed, Fang Yuan did not rest.Two days passed, Fang Yuan was still deducing.Three days passed, Wu clan's Immortal Gu House had already completed most of its journey.Fang Yuan's deduction finally had some progress.After his qualitative advancement, his future deductions went smoothly.Southern Border, Human Smoke Mountain Range.This place had the most living mortals in Southern Border. Villages after villages were seen on the mountains here. On some mountain peaks, there were even several villages, they were neighbors.This was a bountiful sight.The population had multiplied to its limit, there were a vast number of humans here. Of course, in terms of battle strength, a Gu Immortal would be able to wipe this place out, no mortal could resist their unstoppable might.And at the center of this mountain range, it was the political core of all the villages — Human Smoke Mountain.The base of one of the super clans, Chai clan!The person who created Chai clan was called Chai Fu, he had left his mark in human history.During his era, he was the number one person in Southern Border's Gu Immortal world, he cultivated fire path along with earth path, because he had gained a lot of insight from reading <the legends of ren zu>, he had a human path killer move. During his later years, he chose this place to create Chai clan, after modifying the mountain range, he created Human Smoke Mountain.In fact, most Gu Immortal experts and great experts would read <the legends of ren zu>.A true inheritance of human path was hidden within <the legends of ren zu>, this was indeed the first true inheritance in the history of the Gu Master world.It had a unique inheritance method.Normal inheritances were like Hei Fan's true inheritance and Bai Xiang's true inheritance.But Ren Zu's human path true inheritance was just one book, <the legends of ren zu>, it was information. The profundities of human path were concealed in this information, and whatever a Gu Immortal learned would depend on their affinity and talent.Everyone had different gains, after all, the benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom. But every Immortal Venerable and Demon Venerable had their gains, and those were huge gains. For example, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable had created all living being's luck and heaven and earth luck after reading <the legends of ren zu>.After Chai Fu read <the legends of ren zu>, he left behind the human path method that he learned after death, passing it down to his Chai clan descendants.Precisely so, Chai clan's development strategy was different from other super clans. Chai clan focused on increasing population, to increase the number of mortals.As for other super forces, they basically only focused on a portion of their clansmen and allowed them to develop and grow in the five regions. These clansmen would have the bloodline of certain authoritative figures in the super force, they were also called the main bloodline.And a portion of the people would stay inside their blessed lands or grotto-heavens and would not go outside. These people were often the branch bloodlines. Only when unexpected mishaps occur and the main bloodline dies out, or when a ruling figure dies without an inheritor, would the branch bloodlines take over.Chai clan expanded the population, but they did not have Chai clan bloodline.If any other clan did this, they were courting trouble. Spending great effort to nurture mortals of other surnames, with greater population, more Gu Masters would emerge among them. These Gu Masters would not have the clan's bloodline, their loyalty was greatly reduced, they had no value in being nurtured to become Gu Immortals. If they became Gu Immortals on their own, it would cause conflict between them and the main clan.But Chai clan was different.They nurtured so many mortals, but these mortals all had low aptitudes, there were few Gu Masters among them, not to mention Gu Immortals.In contrast, highly talented people continuously emerged from Chai clan's own descendants, there were many who were talented enough to be nurtured into Gu Immortals.This formed a clear contrast to the other super forces.According to their conjectures, Chai clan's abnormal situation was likely due to the human path method that Chai Fu had left behind.However, no matter which generation it was, even though Chai clan had lots of genius descendants, because of limited resources, these Gu Immortal seeds eventually remained as only rank four or five Gu Masters.There was a need to talk about Southern Border's geography at this point.Southern Border's biggest features, other than mountains, were the three great rivers.Red dragon river, jade dragon river, and yellow dragon river, each of them passed through the whole of Southern Border, cutting it up into many segments.Red dragon river started from the extreme northwest, moving east towards the south, all the way until Southern Border's extreme southeast.Jade dragon river started above it, it had a downward slope if a bird's-eye view over the region was used.Yellow dragon river had the shape of the character '几', there was a protrusion at the top, it was far more steep than jade dragon river.Jade dragon river and yellow dragon river did not intersect, but red dragon river intersected with both jade dragon river and yellow dragon river 1 .At the point of intersection between red dragon river and yellow dragon river, it was Wu clan's territory, towards the northeast shore of the huge whirlpool there was Corpse Emperor Yu Ding Tian.As for the intersection between red dragon river and jade dragon river, the huge whirlpool there was dozens of times as large. Natural essence was incredible dense there, at the center of the whirlpool, there were huge numbers of spirit springs, tens of thousands of them. These spirit springs were not stable, almost every breath of time, dozens would be destroyed.Thus, a great amount of natural essence poured onto the river banks.When Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable traveled to this place, he had once commented that throughout the whole of Southern Border, this place had the greatest density of primeval energy.Over there, the air was filled with primeval energy, large amounts of resources were produced, on par with grotto-heavens and blessed lands.And at this place, the bases of three super forces were gathered!For example, red dragon river and jade dragon river formed a cross shape, with the center being the spiral whirlpool. Chai clan's Human Smoke Mountain was north of it, Ba clan was south, while Xia clan was to its east.For the last three days, Chai clan's discussion hall had been in chaos.Now was no exception.Chai clan's first supreme elder sat before everyone as his gaze flickered, showing a hesitant expression.Not long ago, Fang Yuan had sent him a letter. In the letter, Fang Yuan, who was Wu Yi Hai, represented Wu clan and was willing to work with Chai clan to attack Xia clan and Ba clan.This was an incredibly important matter, Chai clan's first supreme elder had to gather the clan's Gu Immortals and discuss about it.The discussion hall's chaos was due to this."We cannot attack Ba clan and Xia clan! Wu clan's intention is just to make use of us to get rid of their external pressure. The moment we attack, our Chai clan will have to face two super forces at once. If these two super forces ignore Wu clan and turn around to target us, we will be on the losing end, we will not be able to overturn it." A Chai clan Gu Immortal shouted loudly, standing at the center of the discussion hall.He had just finished his words when a Gu Immortal at a corner proposed: "We can choose to attack one clan. Even though Wu clan gave the request of fighting both clans, we can negotiate about this matter. This will not determine what we do, after all.""Sigh… the matter is severe. Our Chai clan has so many mortals around, if we fight, the other party just needs one Gu Immortal to wipe out all of our mortals, we will suffer huge losses." An elderly Gu Immortal from Chai clan sighed, he was very apprehensive.Because of the human path method's limitation, these humans could not leave Human Smoke Mountain Range. This way, they needed an immortal Gu formation or an Immortal Gu House to defend the place."Precisely so, we need to fight for more resources.""That's right! Our Chai clan's advantage is that we have a human path method to allow geniuses to appear in our descendants. But we do not have enough resources to nurture them. Once we chase away one clan or even two, we will gain a vast amount of resources, we will become the number one force in Southern Border in no time."These were the arguments of the side that wanted to fight.Chai clan's first supreme elder remained silent, after a while, he looked at a Gu Immortal in the hall, asking: "You Yan, tell us about your view."

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Chapter 1348. Easing the Situation | Reverend Insanity

The discussion hall became quiet, everyone's gazes turned to this Gu Immortal.This Gu Immortal looked young and had a normal appearance, it was not outstanding, but he was an important Gu Immortal in Chai clan, he was the trusted and capable aide of Chai clan's first supreme elder.Chai You Yan, who was an information path Gu Immortal, thought for a while before saying: "The things I consider might be different from everyone. These last days, I have been pondering over Wu Yi Hai.""Wu Yong went missing and is presumably dead, regardless of whether this is true or who the culprit was, Wu Yi Hai is currently the leader of Wu clan. I am thinking about his personality, and how sincere he actually is.""We all know about Wu Yi Hai's origin. We know too little about him, he did not grow up in Southern Border after all.""Hmm, continue." Chai clan's first supreme elder showed interest in his eyes.Chai You Yan smiled before continuing: "Actually, we know about the information regarding Wu Yi Hai already, I will skip that. From this information, we can more or less understand this person's attitude and personality. I will mention something that everyone ignored.""Oh? We all ignored something?"Chai You Yan rubbed his nose: "I mean that letter. In Wu Yi Hai's letter, he wanted to ally with our clan to attack Ba clan and Xia clan. He did not choose either Ba clan or Xia clan, he chose to target them both.""Wu clan has always acted so domineering, isn't this their usual style of doing things?" Some Chai clan Gu Immortals did not understand."No no no. Wu Yi Hai is different." Chai You Yan shook his head: "We can tell from how he dealt with Frosty Peak and the agreement with Mountain Moving Old Monster. His actions are similar to lone cultivators, after all, how long has it been since he returned to Wu clan?""Wu Yi Hai lacks the dominating disposition of Wu clan, but he has the astuteness of lone cultivators, he knows how to make agreements, from what I see, he is talented as a part of the righteous path.""Why did he list Ba clan and Xia clan as his targets? Like what was mentioned earlier, why did he not choose one of them and seek peace with the other? Because when we ally with Wu clan, if we choose one of them to attack, would the other stay still? They would definitely work together and resist both Wu clan and us!"Chai clan's Gu Immortals heard this and nodded, agreeing with Chai You Yan.Chai clan, Ba clan, Xia clan, these three clans were gathered around the red and jade rivers, their relationship was complex. If one clan became strong, the other two would join up to resist it.The three were in a power balance, restraining each other, this was also why Chai clan had never made any progress after so many years of development.If Chai clan worked with Wu clan, this balance would shift, would Ba clan and Xia clan not cooperate?Thus, Fang Yuan directly listed both of them as his targets. Because he knew that it was bound to happen!"This means that Wu Yi Hai has quite good foresight. Since he suggested for us to cooperate with him, he must have made many preparations. We do not need to worry about Wu clan toying with us." Someone said.Chai You Yan nodded: "What I want to say is, Wu Yi Hai has a lot of talent in politics. From all these details, I can see that he has a lot of sincerity in this cooperation.""The truth is, our Chai clan needs to act.""After developing until now, we finally suppressed Xia clan and Ba clan, it was not easy, this is the hard work of countless generations, mixed in with some luck.""Once Ba clan or Xia clan devours more resources, their foundations would grow, our advantage will be gone.""Of course, we need to be careful of Wu clan as well if we work together.""As for how we will fight, and how we will restrict the extent of this battle? That will be first supreme elder's decision.""But at the very least, we need to send some Gu Immortals to attack. We cannot let Ba clan and Xia clan expand their territories so easily, right?"His words were met with the nodding of Chai clan's Gu Immortals.At almost the same time.Southern Border, Myriad Snake Mountain, Chi clan's base.Chi clan's first supreme elder held a letter Gu and remained silent.Chi clan was at the extreme west of Southern Border, southwest of it was Yang clan, and towards its east was Qiao clan.Chi clan bordered on these two clans, but Yang clan was farther from its base and had a longer border with it.Making friends with those far away and making enemies with those close by, this was a common foreign policy.Thus, Chi clan and Yang clan had poor relationships. Yang clan's Ghost Hand Mountain was at the source of yellow dragon river, it had abundant resources and was a strategic location, Yang clan Gu Immortals mostly cultivated soul path, they had incredible battle strength and was a threat to Chi clan.In the past, Yang clan and Chi clan had many conflicts, this had accumulated throughout history.Towards the east of Yang clan, all the way along yellow dragon river, was Wu clan's territory.Actually, Wu clan and Chi clan were close by. Even though they did not border each other, Qiao clan and Chi clan did.Qiao clan was heavily supported by a Wu clan first supreme elder of a certain generation. Qiao clan was at the central area of Southern Border, bordering Ba clan, Xia clan, and Chi clan, it could even restrain the southwest Yang clan.Chi clan and Qiao clan had conflicts, but everyone knew that Qiao clan was Wu clan's guard dog, thus, Chi clan's and Wu clan's relationship was good or bad at times, depending on the situation.If there was one phrase to describe Chi clan's and Wu clan's relationship, ambiguous would be a rather appropriate term.Not long ago, Chi clan had found trouble with Wu clan. But inside the super Gu formation of Yi Tian Mountain, Chi clan worked with Wu clan, creating the immortal opportunity business."Wu Yi Hai, you are giving me a tough problem." In his study room, Chi clan first supreme elder Chi Qu You sighed deeply.Fang Yuan had requested to work with Chi clan and deal with Yang clan.Chi Qu You was moved, because he knew this was a good opportunity. This chance was rare even in his lifetime.Any force needed to grow larger. Trying to annex Yang clan's resources, even if they could not succeed, would weaken Yang clan, this was something beneficial to Chi clan no matter what.Chi clan had a lot of spare energy for this.Not only because Chi clan's base was located far from the action, but also because Chi clan specialized in Gu formations. By setting up many immortal Gu formations, Chi clan's base and all their resource points had incredible defense.Chi clan had little to worry about. They also had two Immortal Gu Houses, and don't forget, Chi Qu You was a rank eight Gu Immortal.Wu Yong had died, this news sent Southern Border into chaos.In this chaotic situation, what would Chi clan do, Chi Qu You needed to decide quickly and resolutely!Several days later, in the super Gu formation, Fang Yuan came out of his seclusion.He had a bit of joy on his face.His closed cultivation bore fruit, he had completed the deduction of vajra shell and tested it several times.And during these few days, the situation in Southern Border had undergone a huge change.Chai clan sent Gu Immortals to the river and showed a threatening stance. Ba clan and Xia clan had to gather a portion of their strength and defend themselves.Chi clan's Gu Immortals directly invaded Yang clan's territory. The two clans were neighbors for so long, it was easy to find an excuse to do so.Both sides were fighting near their mountain range.Chi clan's great expert was very active, he brought an Immortal Gu House and attacked personally. This made Yang clan very nervous, they had to send their Immortal Gu House and many Gu Immortals to face him. Yang clan had no rank eight Gu Immortal, they were in a passive state.Other than that, Luo clan, Tie clan, and Yi clan also made their movements.Because Fang Yuan sent these clans letters as well. Of course, the contents were all different from Chai clan and Chi clan.After all, these four clans were too close to each other, they were all towards the east of Southern Border.But even so, these clans' movements had attracted the attention of Hou clan and Yao clan, they were drawn away. Because they knew that even though these clans were unlikely to strike, they were afraid of taking that chance, they had to defend against it.As for Shang clan, this clan had always scrupulously followed neutrality, even though Fang Yuan sent a letter, they replied instantly, rejecting his suggestion.Because of this sudden change, Wu clan's and Qiao clan's dangerous situation had become much more relaxed.Wu clan's and Qiao clan's Gu Immortals were very shocked at this result.Even though Fang Yuan just sent a few letters, to be able to convince super forces to act, it was not a simple thing. Especially when the letter had to be very precise on the amount of resources Wu clan was willing to give up to express their sincerity.Fang Yuan dealt with this perfectly, it was far beyond many people's imaginations.Very few people knew about the content of his letters, but everyone knew that these letters moved many Gu Immortals in these super forces. This allowed Wu clan and Qiao clan to have an opportunity to retaliate!"It seems that my skills have not fallen much." In the five hundred years of his previous life, Fang Yuan was once the leader of an organization, during the five regions chaotic war, the political situation was far more chaotic, all five regions were linked together, all sorts of deceptions, schemes, betrayal were endless.The current political chaos was just surrounding Wu clan and Qiao clan, as well as the western part of Southern Border.It was not too complex in Fang Yuan's opinion.He did not need to be careful, he could directly target the problem."Wu clan's Immortal Gu House is finally arriving?" Fang Yuan received more information.Originally, the Immortal Gu House was supposed to move earlier, but a mishap occurred midway and it was stalled for some time, no matter who did it or what their intention was, Fang Yuan had to wait an extra day before this Immortal Gu House arrived."It seems I need to leave this place now." This dream realm gave Fang Yuan an incredible boost, many things happened during this period, Fang Yuan felt a bit of unwillingness to leave this treasure.

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Chapter 1349. Fang Yuan Wants To Kill White Rabbit | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan started to settle the matters that piled up while he was in closed cultivation."Lady White Rabbit wants to see me? For what?" Fang Yuan asked Wu An using information path methods.Soon, Fang Yuan understood Lady White Rabbit's intention."Not seeing her, get her to leave." Fang Yuan rejected mercilessly.Wu clan's Immortal Gu House would arrive in a day.Fang Yuan was not going to bring Lady White Rabbit with him, he needed a chess piece to stay here. Even if she was not in the super Gu formation, having one outside was fine too.Of course this carried huge risks, after all, Lady White Rabbit's and Wu Yi Hai's 'relationship' was quite close, everyone knew about it.But chess pieces needed to display their worth. When Fang Yuan took in Lady White Rabbit, it was not because of her beauty or love, he just wanted to extract all of her value."Even with one day left, I cannot waste it, I might be able to gain something in the dream realm."But unfortunately, Fang Yuan still only met with absurd dream realms.It was a real pity.During this final period, he kept meeting absurd dream realms, his luck was quite bad. If they were realistic dream realms, he would at least obtain some growth."I heard that Qiao clan has many realistic dream realms. It is a pity… those demonic path Gu Immortals have no methods to use, but they are able to encounter realistic dream realms."Fang Yuan could not go to Qiao clan. It was their territory, if he exposed his method of exploring dream realms, it would be a huge problem to Fang Yuan.At this moment, Qiao clan's area."One more day before we leave, your dream realm exploration is going to end. Make good use of your time, also, our Qiao clan is very willing to purchase the dream path materials that you find." Qiao Bo transmitted to Fairy Miao Yin and the other demonic path Gu Immortals."No need for more explorations, we can end now." Fairy Miao Yin smiled at Qiao Bo.Qiao Bo was dazed.He had brought Fairy Miao Yin here to explore the dream realm many times, but this was the first time he saw Fairy Miao Yin smiling at him so deeply.At once, his heart jumped, he showed a dazed expression.But soon, his body shook.A soft sound echoed.Qiao Bo's pupils shrunk to pin size, he looked down at his chest.There, a hand with sharp fingernails had pierced through his back, directly destroying his heart, a cold frost was also spreading around his injury."You, how dare you…" Qiao Bo did not finish his words, he lost his life and turned into an ice statue.Qiao Bo died!Behind him, Bai Ning Bing drew back her hand expressionlessly.In the air, crystal shards were scattering.Her hand was white as snow, the blood traces were all removed along with the frost."The time is now, let's begin." The third Gu Immortal walked out, her appearance changed as she revealed her true form.Who else could it be but Hei Lou Lan?"Is Lord Wu Yi Hai really unwilling to meet me?" Lady White Rabbit had teary eyes as she looked at Wu An.Wu An sighed, shaking his head: "Leave, there is no rush, you will meet again in the future. As long as you manage the immortal opportunity business well, maybe Lord Wu Yi Hai might reward you in the future.""Manage it well? Hehe!" Lady White Rabbit's eyes suddenly turned black, a cold light was shining in her dark eyes.Seeing this change, Wu An became alert, he took a step back: "Lady White Rabbit, what are you doing? Don't act rashly."Lady White Rabbit's voice changed too: "Don't talk about White Rabbit! I am not that weak fool, blindly loving this cruel and heartless man. Remember, I am Black Tigress.""Hmph, what Black Tigress, it is time to teach you people a lesson. Even though my Wu clan is in a difficult spot, you minor characters should forget about… urgh!" Before Wu An finished his words, his angry face turned into one of extreme fear.He found that he could not move, not only that, his body and soul were melting, turning into black water on the ground."What, what killer move is this? When was I hit?!"At this time, Black Tigress' cold voice entered Wu An's ears: "Enjoy it, this was meant for Wu Yi Hai. It is a pity I did not get to see him."Once she said that, Wu An completely melted into a puddle of black water.Boom! Boom! Boom!Right after Wu An had died from Black Tigress' powerful killer move, the super Gu formation started to shake intensely.The super Gu formation was under attack!"What is going on?" The righteous path Gu Immortals here immediately reacted."Someone is attacking the Gu formation, they are inside the Gu formation!" Soon, Chi Gui, who was the leader of Chi clan here. found the problem and informed the righteous path Gu Immortals.The immortals' hearts sank.The super Gu formation had incredibly strong defense, but it was split into inside and outside. Attacking the super Gu formation from the inside and from the outside were two different situations.Undeniably, attacking it from the inside would be much more destructive."The problem is at Qiao clan's area." The righteous path Gu Immortals near Qiao clan's area quickly transmitted."Damn it, I said that this immortal opportunity business was going to create problems. Qiao clan is toying with fire! See what happened!!" Ba Quan Feng shouted, after all, Ba clan did not participate in this immortal opportunity business.Once he said that, many righteous path Gu Immortals went silent."No need to worry, even in this situation, my Chi clan ancestor had prepared against this, this super Gu formation has formations inside formations, for a total of four layers. Just these demonic path Gu Immortals cannot break our outermost layer." Chi Gui tried to raise the morale and relieve his own awkwardness. Because Chi clan was one of the instigators of the immortal opportunity business."That's right, they are just some rats." The righteous path Gu Immortals calmed down.But at this moment.Boom!Several loud explosions occurred as the Gu formation shook again, the intensity was many times stronger than before. Many Gu worms died, quite a few Immortal Gu were destroyed."What is going on, what is going on?!"Chi Gui was shocked: "They actually found our formation core? Oh no, the other party came prepared, they are not attacking abruptly.""They are attacking from both inside and outside, the outside of the Gu formation was hit by a strong attack earlier!""Stop them!""Quickly activate the Gu formations.""Send some people to the site, exterminate those demonic path scoundrels!""Did Wu clan's and Qiao clan's Gu Immortals all die? Is anyone there?!"The righteous path Gu Immortals transmitted to each other, it was a chaotic scene."What is going on?" In the hall at Wu clan's area, Fang Yuan's brows were locked, he was observing the situation that had just occurred using the Gu formation.He had just practised his killer move, the event happened too quickly, he was caught unprepared.Information was transmitted to Fang Yuan from the Gu formation. Lady White Rabbit's transformation and the killing of Wu An, he learned about everything."Lady White Rabbit is a traitor, she seemed to have become another person! And her target was actually me." Fang Yuan frowned even deeper now.He immediately decided to go ahead and kill White Rabbit to take revenge for Wu An.Not just because of Wu Yi Hai's identity, but also because Fang Yuan needed to maintain the stability of the super Gu formation, he needed to kill Lady White Rabbit."To think that there was such a huge slip-up, Yi Hai, my side of the Gu formation is completely out of control, come lend me a hand!"Qiao Si Liu transmitted to Fang Yuan a cry for help and also the scene of Bai Ning Bing killing Qiao Bo.Receiving this information, Fang Yuan's intention of acting was dispersed!"Bai Ning Bing? Hei Lou Lan! Why are they here? I get it, this is the act of Shadow Sect!" Fang Yuan's heart shook.He stayed on the spot, his eyes bursting with bright light.After discovering Shadow Sect, even though he had killing intent, his thoughts of going out vanished.What a joke!Shadow Sect had a rank eight existence.Fang Yuan saw this from the battle of Reverse Flow River.Who knew where that Purple Mountain True Monarch was. He might be close by, waiting to attack Wu Yi Hai if he came out!"Even though I have the immortal killer move reverse flow protection seal, which can defend against rank eight existences, once I use it, my identity will be exposed. Since Shadow Sect sent Lady White Rabbit to kill me, undoubtedly, they did not discover that I am impersonating Wu Yi Hai. Otherwise, they would not send just Lady White Rabbit.""What to do?"Fang Yuan went into rapid contemplation.Using his wisdom path methods, thoughts moved rapidly in Fang Yuan's mind, raging like a storm."Shadow Sect's intention is obvious, they want to save Spectral Soul's main body.""Shadow Sect must have their trump cards, I need to quietly observe for now! This super Gu formation is not a joke, using this super Gu formation, we can defend against the attacks of rank eight Gu Immortals. I should not expose myself."Fang Yuan quickly made his plan.As for Qiao Si Liu?You can die for all I care!"Yi Hai, come quickly." Qiao Si Liu urged again.Fang Yuan had a cold expression, immediately rejecting: "Hang on, I have some problems here. Wu An was murdered by Lady White Rabbit, I cannot spare this murderer!!""What? Be careful yourself." Qiao Si Liu was shocked, but she still gave Fang Yuan some words of concern, not knowing that he had already abandoned her in his mind.Qiao Si Liu was facing against Fairy Miao Yin, Hei Lou Lan, and Bai Ning Bing.She was a rank seven Gu Immortal, similar to Fairy Miao Yin, while Hei Lou Lan and Bai Ning Bing were rank six.Thus, in Qiao Si Liu's perspective, the situation was not out of control. Her gaze was focused on Fairy Miao Yin: "You are all finished, the super Gu formation has already been activated, you are all trapped here, surrender now and be my clan's slave Gu Immortals, you might be able to survive.""Hehehe." Fairy Miao Yin laughed: "Is that so?"

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Chapter 1350. Grey Night Breaks The Formation | Reverend Insanity

Right at this time, an intensely strong aura burst out from outside the super Gu formation.Soon, the righteous path Gu Immortals controlling the Gu formation noticed."There is a strong aura ahead!""Such intense aura, so, so powerful! A rank eight Gu Immortal?"The righteous path Gu Immortals were gasping."Is it Purple Mountain True Monarch?" Fang Yuan, who was inside the hall, watched attentively."No, it is not a Gu Immortal, it is an immemorial desolate beast… ah, it is actually?!"Before he finished his words, bam—!The entire super Gu formation was faced with an unprecedentedly intense attack.The entire Gu formation shook intensely, the halls created inside the Gu formation were destroyed, they crumbled and disintegrated.At once, it felt like doomsday.The entire Gu formation was cracked open, but there were not many injuries in the righteous path Gu Immortals.This was the difference between a Gu formation and a killer move.Even though Gu formations were the killer moves of formation path, after a Gu formation is set up, it works based on the Gu worms and the environment. When they are destroyed, the Gu Immortal would suffer a less intense backlash.Of course, ancient battle formations were different. Once ancient battle formations were destroyed, the Gu Immortals would suffer severe backlashes, especially the main controller of the formation."Cough, cough." Dust and smoke was clouding the place.The hall that Fang Yuan was in had completely collapsed, the corners were turning back into mortal Gu, dead Gu worms poured down like rain.A huge hole was created in the super Gu formation, the dream realm that was completely concealed earlier was now exposed.Many righteous path Gu Immortals stood by the opening, looking outside blankly.Over there, a huge figure was rampaging.It was a human shaped immemorial desolate beast, it stood on both legs and had two huge monstrous claws, its hair was messy and its body was black like ink."Gu Immortals, so many Gu Immortals, I want to eat, I want to eat you all! After eating you, I will be closer to being human." This human shaped immemorial desolate beast growled in a low tone, extremely excited."This, this is…" A righteous path Gu Immortal pointed at the immemorial desolate beast, stammering in a shocked state."Zuo Ye Hui!" Fang Yuan gritted his teeth subconsciously, feeling great pressure.The moment he saw this immemorial desolate beast, Fang Yuan felt like he was in the dream, but the shouting of the Gu Immortals around him, the destroyed halls, and the super Gu formation that was breaking apart reminded him that this was not a dream.Fang Yuan had not expected Zuo Ye Hui to come here!This legendary immemorial desolate beast had caused too much suffering and deaths in Southern Border. All of the righteous path Gu Immortals in Southern Border knew about it.With the appearance of Zuo Ye Hui, the hearts of the righteous path members wavered, their morale fell to rock bottom.This was a powerful existence on par with rank eight Gu Immortals. Especially after the super Gu formation was destroyed, how could these righteous path rank six and seven Gu Immortals defend against it?With their bodies?In this huge world of the five regions, there were only two people who could resist rank eight as rank seven, they were Feng Jiu Ge and Liu Guan Yi."We need to hold on! Don't panic, our Gu formation has four layers! That was just the outermost fourth layer which broke. Start to move, come into the next layer of the Gu formation." At the crucial moment, Chi Gui spoke up.He was the leader of Chi clan in this place, this super Gu formation was created by Chi clan's first supreme elder, Chi Qu You, Chi Gui naturally knew some information that others did not.As expected, the Gu formation activated and shined with a bright light. The collapsing stopped, and the outer formation was completely abandoned, a new line of defense appeared inside.The third layer of the Gu formation appeared before Zuo Ye Hui.It did not cover the entire dream realm, it was visible, but most of the dream realm was still concealed by the Gu formation.The righteous path Gu Immortals quickly went inside.Fang Yuan was not an exception.He had to, Shadow Sect did not know about Wu Yi Hai's true identity, otherwise, Shadow Sect, which had a wisdom path rank eight Gu Immortal, would not send just Lady White Rabbit to assassinate Fang Yuan.The enemy was in the open while he was hidden, this was a clear advantage. At the same time, Fang Yuan had another advantage, that was the Immortal Gu House.An Immortal Gu House from Wu clan was on the way.Most Gu formations could not move, but Immortal Gu Houses could!And the power of Immortal Gu Houses could increase the more immortal essence was used, they could resist rank eight Gu Immortals.With an Immortal Gu House to defend and escort him, Fang Yuan would have a greater chance to leave this place."But earlier, Wu clan's Immortal Gu House was delayed along the way due to an unexpected mishap, was it Shadow Sect?" Fang Yuan considered this as his thoughts turned dark."Tsk, so troublesome." Bai Ning Bing looked at the Gu formation's third layer of defense, frowning."This is hard to destroy." Hei Lou Lan sighed.At this time, Ying Wu Xie smiled coldly, transmitting to them: "Don't worry, just dodge."Fairy Miao Yin's, Bai Ning Bing's, and Hei Lou Lan's bodies shook as they quickly flew back and retreated.Roar!At the next moment, Zuo Ye Hui roared and emitted a thunderously loud wave.Its voice burst out and created a sonic wave, pushing out the surrounding air and uprooting the trees and rocks, whipping up a storm.Next, Zuo Ye Hui breathed in deeply, its stomach bulged up.Its entire body expanded to double its size!Next, it opened its bloodthirsty mouth filled with sharp teeth, and a huge beam of light shot out fiercely.The grey colored beam of light shot out extremely quickly, in the blink of an eye, it landed on the third layer of the Gu formation.There was a creepy silence.The third layer of the Gu formation was hit by the grey beam of light, as it was dyed grey rapidly.Earlier, Zuo Ye Hui had attacked the super Gu formation as well. The first few attempts were just trials, but the previous time was also the killer move grey night, together with Hei Lou Lan, Bai Ning Bing, and Fairy Miao Yin, they destroyed the fourth layer of the Gu formation.Most of the righteous path Gu Immortals did not manage to see these attacks clearly.But this time, they witnessed it firsthand, they saw how terrifying Zuo Ye Hui was!As if heaven and earth became still, monochrome color enveloped the place, time seemed to be moving slower.For one breath of time.Boom—!Another thunderous explosion resounded in the world, the immortals' eardrums were bursting.The entire world shook, the third layer of the Gu formation was ripped apart, as if the previous attack was going to be played out again.The righteous path Gu Immortals were pale, they instilled their immortal essence into the Gu formation desperately.When the tremors ended, the third layer of the Gu formation was only half destroyed, it still existed!This was a super Gu formation personally created by rank eight Gu Immortal Chi Qu You, together with a vast number of Immortal Gu and mortal Gu from Southern Border's righteous path forces, it was displaying its power now.It managed to block the signature move of legendary immemorial desolate beast Zuo Ye Hui!There were no injuries or deaths among the righteous path Gu Immortals."I am actually still alive!" Someone almost cried from joy."This is Zuo Ye Hui's signature method, immortal killer move — Grey Night! We actually defended against it!!" Someone shouted loudly.Chi Gui's forehead was full of sweat, he said: "This is the super Gu formation that my clan's first supreme elder set up, why would it be destroyed? If not for them attacking from both inside and outside earlier, the fourth layer might still be around.""Immortal killer move grey night, it is different from the one in my dream realm, was its form changed? After so many years, grey night must have been modified. Did Zuo Ye Hui modify it? Or did it have help? Is this help from Shadow Sect? Strange! If they had Zuo Ye Hui as a tool, why did Shadow Sect not use it when they were refining sovereign immortal fetus Gu? Was it because they could not control it? Or is this all because of that rank eight Gu Immortal?" Fang Yuan fell into deep contemplation.Fairy Miao Yin, Bai Ning Bing, Hei Lou Lan, they came to the super Gu formation again.Looking at the damaged third layer of the super Gu formation, they were not shocked nor disappointed.Because they did not come alone, there was Ying Wu Xie, as well as many demonic path Gu Immortals and lone immortals.Shadow Sect lacked manpower, but not resources.Normally, demonic path Gu Immortals and lone cultivators lacked cultivation resources, they would pursue resources over their whole lives.Purple Mountain True Monarch endured the huge costs of spending resources to recruit a batch of demonic path and lone immortals.Humans die for wealth and birds die for food, money makes the world go round.Of course, these Southern Border Gu Immortals were not stupid, only after Zuo Ye Hui appeared and used grey night did they start to follow Ying Wu Xie and show up.On the other hand, this showed that Shadow Sect had a good grasp on timing and human emotions.From these demonic path and lone immortals' perspectives, not only was there the wisdom path rank eight great expert Purple Mountain True Monarch, there was also the legendary immemorial desolate beast Zuo Ye Hui, this battle was decided already, they were going to win."It is all as Purple Mountain True Monarch predicted, we will attack using these holes in the Gu formation. Whoever can kill enemies and expand the hole would get several times the reward!" Ying Wu Xie shouted, Shadow Sect's side started to clamor as they attacked the super Gu formation.The righteous path side also reacted."Quickly, seal the hole.""We cannot let them in.""I need time to activate the second layer of the Gu formation, everyone, try to stall and fight for time." Chi Gui called out."Zuo Ye Hui has already used grey night twice, this is the limit. It needs to rest for a while, it is time to teach these demonic path scoundrels a lesson!!" Ba De shouted.Fang Yuan squinted, he had been assessing Zuo Ye Hui, he also saw that after Zuo Ye Hui used grey night, it was in a state of exhaustion, it panted as it remained on the spot, unmoving.This made Fang Yuan feel slightly relieved.There were so many Southern Border Gu Immortals here, many people were familiar with history, they knew a lot about Zuo Ye Hui. After all, every time Zuo Ye Hui appeared, it would cause disaster in Southern Border, lots of Southern Border Gu Immortals would need to work together, defending against and battling it.Southern Border's righteous path super clans had accurate information about Zuo Ye Hui from their historical records.

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