
Chapter: 1331-1335:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1331. Inviting Chi Shang Over | Reverend Insanity

The banquet started.In this small hall, there was only Fang Yuan, Wu An, and Chi Shang, three Gu Immortals. Wu An naturally did not play a key role, the only important thing was that Fang Yuan and Chi Shang were interacting.Fang Yuan toasted Chi Shang, speaking politely with a smile, he expressed a lot of admiration and praise towards Chi Shang's formation path attainment.After smiling and admitting defeat, could Chi Shang bear to give him a hard time?Chi Shang was straightforward and unguarded, unschooled in interacting with others, he drank a lot of wine.He assessed Fang Yuan, looking at him in a different perspective."This Wu Yi Hai is quite a friendly guy. What happened earlier? Was he trying to purposely anger me? Or does he have a request of me?" Chi Shang thought to himself."I will not hide it, Chi Shang, talented people like you are the people I admire the most!" Fang Yuan laughed, toasting.Chi Shang raised his cup and drank before Fang Yuan even drank.The toasting from earlier had already made Chi Shang used to this subconsciously.But Fang Yuan's words were nice to hear. Especially when they were love rivals, such praise made Chi Shang feel deep accomplishment."No.""I must be alert!""This Wu Yi Hai might be acting, he is very scheming."Chi Shang did not let down his guard, but no matter how he looked at it, Fang Yuan's smile was full of sincerity.Hehe, forget about Fang Yuan's acting skills, but don't forget attitude Gu."Chi Shang, take a look." Fang Yuan stretched out his arm, handing over an information path mortal Gu to Chi Shang."What is this?" Chi Shang muttered, he looked into it and his expression changed.As it turned out, this was an information path mortal Gu that Fang Yuan was going to send to Qiao Si Liu. He praised Chi Shang in the letter, his admiration was overwhelming, he admitted his own insufficiencies, using formation path questions to challenge Chi Shang was just him overestimating himself, he was truly ignorant and could not see Mount Tai, Chi Shang was a true Southern Border hero.There was no such thing as 'Mount Tai' in this world, but the meaning was the same.After Chi Shang saw this letter, he felt embarrassed.Fang Yuan's praise was too exaggerated."Am I really so good?""Southern Border hero, why have I never thought of that.""What would Fairy Si Liu think after she sees this?"All sorts of thoughts appeared, Chi Shang could not contain his emotions.When he looked at Fang Yuan again, his gaze transformed.Fang Yuan directly sat beside him, Chi Shang did not feel any dislike towards this closeness."Chi Shang, throughout the Southern Border Gu Immortal world, only you are talented enough for Fairy Si Liu, I am truly in admiration!" Fang Yuan laughed loudly."Oh?" Chi Shang did not know what to say, he had joy on his face but also suspicions.Fang Yuan said again: "But I will not give up, all gentlemen may pursue beautiful and clever women, even though I am less talented than you, I will work harder. You won this time, but we will compete fairly again in the future! What do you think?"Hearing this, Chi Shang's suspicions faded, he raised his cup for the first time and tasted Fang Yuan: "Yes, fair competition! A contest between gentlemen should be fair and square."Saying this, he treated Fang Yuan as a gentleman.Fang Yuan laughed heartily, patting his shoulders: "To speak the truth, I hate the other competitors, but you are different. You are so talented and upright, I admire you. If you can get Fairy Si Liu's love, I will bless you two, because I know that I did not lose unfairly! As for the others, they are just clowns."Chi Shang was embarrassed from being praised, he rubbed his nose, saying: "Actually, some of them are quite strong.""Friends are often made after a fight, come, drink!" Fang Yuan raised his cup.Chi Shang acted even more openly: "Drink!"He raised his head and gulped, drinking all of the wine in one mouthful.Next, he burped, his face turned red."Awesome!" Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up, pouring wine for Chi Shang again.He smiled sincerely and enthusiastically, he was very friendly.But the truth was, he was calm in his mind, he thought about Chi Shang's information.Wu clan's intelligence was very reliable.Fang Yuan knew long ago: This Chi Shang had been noticed by Chi Qu You when he was young, he saw the talent that Chi Shang had in formation path, thus he nurtured him deeply.Chi Shang was known as the 'formation devotee'.He was chosen when he was a youth, he was sent into a cave in Myriad Snake Mountain to study. He stayed there for thirty years.When he was forty, he came out and had rank three cultivation level, but he surpassed rank four and five Gu Masters in creating formations, his formation path attainment shocked the entire Chi clan.Next, his clansmen realized that Chi Shang had actually come out of seclusion because he lost his way and accidentally left the mountain.His performance resulted in great fame, fortune and women came to him, but he rejected them all, his only request was to return to the cave and continue his formation path research.This alerted the supreme elders.Chi Qu You permitted Chi Shang's request, creating a cave solely for him, with attendants and servants to cater to him.Chi Shang continued his research, he was so engrossed in it, it was shocking, as if formation path was the only joy in his life.He was invested in it, regardless of what happened outside, he only stayed in his cave, engrossed in his formation path cultivation without seeing daylight.When his hair turned white and his lifespan was ending, Chi Qu You came to see him and asked: "In this life, did you regret anything? Do you have any requests before dying?Chi Shang cried loudly, saying: "Life is too short, a hundred years passes by too quickly, my formation path research still has many things left to do, how can I rest in peace? This is my biggest regret."Chi Qu You sighed in admiration, granting him a lifespan Gu.Chi Shang obtained it, regaining his youth and lifespan.Chi Qu You talked to him about formation path, guiding him for three days and three nights before confirming that Chi Shang was the clan's future hope, his formation path attainment could reach great grandmaster in the future!Chi Qu You did not just say it, he acted on it, nurturing Chi Shang with a lot of resources from the clan.With the clan's help, Chi Shang's cultivation level rose rapidly, he became an immortal. In a few decades, he became a rank seven Gu Immortal.Even though he became an immortal, his living habits did not change at all.He was still invested in formation path, he continued to research it endlessly, his closed cultivations lasted from years to over a decade.The only shocking thing was that he pursued Qiao Si Liu with a firm attitude.When news got out, Chi clan was taken aback, to think that other than formation path, Chi Shang actually liked women!After getting Wu clan's intelligence, Fang Yuan thought that Chi Shang was an interesting person.With this knowledge, he used a special method to deal with Chi Shang instead.He did not meet with Chi Shang earlier, it was part of Fang Yuan's scheme. He purposely used the formation path problem to challenge him, that was the second step, and this third step was the banquet.Chi Shang's performance was not out of Fang Yuan's expectations.Everything progressed according to plan.Not long ago, Qiao Si Liu had sent a letter according to Fang Yuan's expectations. As the person involved, Qiao Si Liu had to express her attitude clearly.Even though she did not state it, in the letter, she talked about her first encounter with Chi Shang.According to Qiao Si Liu, back then, she visited Chi clan with Qiao clan's orders, she was attended to by Chi clan first supreme elder's son, Gu Immortal Chi Bang.But to think that this Chi Bang was hitting on Qiao Si Liu by using the beautiful scenery and some poems.If this were normal times, Qiao Si Liu might not get mad, but now, she was the envoy from Qiao clan, Chi Bang's actions were disrespectful to Qiao clan, Qiao Si Liu felt resentment towards him.To deal with him, Qiao Si Liu purposely got closer to Chi Shang.Chi Bang was Chi Qu You's son, the supposed next first supreme elder of Chi clan, he had the second highest authority in the clan, nobody dared to trifle with him except the formation devotee Chi Shang.Chi Shang did not know about the issue, he had no interest in Qiao Si Liu initially, but she purposely talked to him about formation path, and even explained some of Qiao clan's formation path knowledge.Chi Shang was deeply attracted, he gained a lot of interest.Qiao Si Liu used Chi Shang to deal with Chi Bang, Chi Bang could not do anything, he could only apologize to Qiao Si Liu secretly.Qiao Si Liu completed the clan's mission and returned in success, also gaining a suitor in Chi Shang.Qiao Si Liu's letter gave Fang Yuan important information, he gained a clearer understanding of Chi clan's internal affairs."Chi clan's first supreme elder has limited lifespan, he can no longer use lifespan Gu, but his son, Chi Bang, became an immortal due to his protection, he has limited capability.""Chi Qu You knows about his son's abilities, but he wants him to become Chi clan's future first supreme elder, thus, after noticing Chi Shang's personality and talent, he decided to invest in him and nurture this formation devotee.""As long as the formation devotee protects him, Chi Bang will have a good chance of staying first supreme elder. And the formation devotee's admiration and gratitude towards Chi Qu You will make him unable to escape the control of Chi Bang.""Kinship… hehe."Qiao Si Liu's letter showed Chi clan's internal political conflicts to Fang Yuan.And because of this problem, a genius like Chi Shang emerged. At the same time, some questions that Fang Yuan had was answered."Come! Wu Yi Hai, let me toast you." At this time, Chi Shang toasted Fang Yuan for the first time, breaking his train of thought.Chi Shang continued: "You are a very sincere person, when Fairy Si Liu and I get together, you do not need to be too upset. You are very talented, there are lots of women in the world, but few are well learned about formation path!"

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Chapter 1332. Happy Host and Guest | Reverend Insanity

Chi Shang drank a lot, his face was red, he spoke a lot.It seemed that after defeating Fang Yuan in this contest, his confidence had risen sharply, he felt that he could obtain the love of his life.Gu Immortals had all sorts of methods to prevent getting drunk. But that way, the joy of drinking would be gone, and it was very rude to their drinking buddies.Fang Yuan quickly raised his cup, drinking the wine as he smiled: "If that is the case, I will admit I am unlucky, it was too bad that I had a competitor like you! Sigh…"Fang Yuan sighed to himself, as if lamenting that the heavens saw fit to put someone so gifted in his way, he expressed that sentiment fully in his act.Chi Shang laughed loudly, stretching out his arm and patting Fang Yuan's shoulder, consoling him.Fang Yuan laughed internally.This Chi Shang was so innocent and pure.This matter was decided long ago.As long as Fang Yuan agreed, Qiao Si Liu would enter his embrace, this was a certain thing.But Qiao Si Liu did not express her intention clearly, because this fairy had her schemes and pride, she wanted to play hard to get, so as to raise her own value.Actually, Fang Yuan could tell very clearly.Like this time, Qiao Si Liu's letter was the expression of her attitude."Qiao Si Liu is seeing that Chi Shang and I are competing, she is very happy about it. Earlier, she had been watching on the fence, this suited her intentions.""When I lost, she then took the initiative to tell me about the situation between her and Chi Shang. She wants to console me and let me know that she has no feelings for Chi Shang. It was his one sided affection.""But this clever woman did not state her attitude clearly, she just talked about a fact to show her purity, while showing that she had a lot of value to her suitors."It was natural instinct for men to pursue women. How many men pursued her, and the type of men that went after her, these somewhat determined the perceived value of a woman."Qiao Si Liu is seeking to be with me, this is not her personal wish, but the political desire of Qiao clan.""And with just this, I am already ahead of all her suitors.""No matter how many times I fail, no matter how many women I go after, no matter how weak I am, even if I make a scene like during the moon festival, so what?""I am already victorious!""In fact, even if I go after another woman instead of Qiao Si Liu, she will turn around and pursue me instead.""Of course, this is not love, this is… politics!"Fang Yuan sneered in his mind, he had seen through everything.But he could not accept this 'love' from Qiao Si Liu.Once he accepted it, he would be dragged into this vicious political spiral, he would no longer be simply Wu Yi Hai, he would be the key pawn that Qiao clan had inserted into Wu clan to fight for their own benefits.Wu Yong would no longer give him such a relaxed environment like now, he would keep Fang Yuan under close observation, suppressing him and maintaining alertness against this brother.If that happened, would Fang Yuan be able to enter the dream realms easily?Evidently, he could not, he might even get exposed.And that would lead to greater problems.Once Fang Yuan's identity was exposed, he would face the attacks of Qiao clan, because they were a righteous path force, they had to keep a clear distance from Fang Yuan, and Wu clan and Qiao clan would try to defend their own reputation by going after Fang Yuan with all their effort, far more than the other clans."However, even though I cannot accept it, and won't accept it, I can make use of this 'love'."Using Qiao Si Liu, Fang Yuan would make Wu Yong more alert, he would arrange for Fang Yuan to be sent back to the super Gu formation, Fang Yuan's goal would be achieved.Of course, there was nothing perfect in this world, even though this method was brilliant, it had its drawbacks.Wu Yong's alertness, Luo Mu Zi, Lun Fei, and Chi Shang, as well as Qiao Si Liu's other suitors were all lingering problems.There was pure love in this world, but it was indeed rare.When people lived in this world, they had to consider many things.Qiao Si Liu's beauty, background, cultivation level and others, these were alluring temptations.Among her suitors, Chi Shang was the purest, but he still considered the element of formation path, not to mention the others.As for Fang Yuan, he was the most special one.Chi Shang's arrival was not out of Fang Yuan's expectations.In fact, he was mentally prepared.Even without Chi Shang, others were going to come and find problems. Even if they did not come now, they would in the future.Because Fang Yuan was approaching Qiao Si Liu, and the benefits associated with her, he angered many people. Among these people, there were suitors, and there were forces behind them after the benefits.As the saying goes, beautiful women are trouble.A beauty was not easy to pursue.Only a naive person would think of using love and emotions to conquer a beauty.Actually, there was far more.A woman's beauty was her natural dowry.This dowry was extremely valuable, it was a huge amount of wealth.Who would not want such wealth?But not everyone could protect this wealth.If a beauty was willing to give this wealth to her partner out of pure love, then this lucky person should treat her well.But the truth was, such situations were too few.If it happened, treasure it, if it didn't, don't bank on it.This was not 'unseemly'.This was — reality.When Fang Yuan returned to the super Gu formation, he started to think of how to settle the aftermath of this.A true chessmaster would consider many steps ahead before even moving.In fact, when Fang Yuan decided to use Qiao Si Liu's 'love' to achieve his goals, he had already started to think of how to resolve the fallout of this issue.If he handled it badly, Chi Shang would be only the first one here. The second, third, and so on, these people would be unending.This would be huge interference for Fang Yuan's exploration of the dream realm.At the same time, Wu Yi Hai's identity restricted Fang Yuan greatly in dealing with these challenges, he could not expose himself during the process.Fang Yuan needed to resolve this problem carefully and accurately.How?It was difficult, and yet easy.He would create a target, someone who would attract the attention of those suitors.Fang Yuan had been expecting people to find trouble with him.Chi Shang came here at such an opportune time, Fang Yuan was secretly happy about it.When he looked through Chi Shang's information, his joy increased by several times!His opponent's stupidity was his own fortune.Of course, there was a point: Such stupidity had nothing to do with IQ or EQ.There was a clear example from Earth, it was Yue Fei 1 .Yue Fei went on a campaign, and when he was about to succeed, the emperor he served used twelve golden plaques to recall him back to the capital, and executed him on false charges.The reason?Was the emperor being stupid?He was!But were the emperor and officials idiots?They were not!If Yue Fei succeeded in his campaign, the reputation of his personal army would rise greatly, the emperor's authority would be lower than this general, the threat was too big. And most importantly, if Yue Fei won, he would bring back the former emperor. Then what would the current emperor do?And now, Chi clan's first supreme elder, Chi Qu You, intentionally nurtured a Gu Immortal like Chi Shang, was he senile, did he not know that a person like Chi Shang, who was focused on researching formation path and had no capabilities in political conflicts, would eventually become a tool that was used?He was not senile of course, he nurtured Chi Shang extensively precisely because he knew this.Because his son needed to be the first supreme elder, he needed a 'tool' to assist his son, Chi Shang was the chosen one.Many people thought that Chi Shang was Fang Yuan's problem.But that was not the case from Fang Yuan's perspective, he felt like this was an opportunity.If he handled this well, he would resolve all the future problems ahead, he would be able to peacefully explore the dream realm and raise his foundation for the following period of time.Thus, Fang Yuan had to lose.If he did not lose, how would he create the bigger threat than himself, Chi Shang?Without this meat shield, how would he divert all of the attention away?Chi Shang was the easiest to plot against.From his information, Fang Yuan knew that Chi Shang loved to research formation path, he was most skilled in answering problems, and creating the necessary Gu formations.Fang Yuan thus challenged him using this.As a researcher, Chi Shang had his unique pride in this domain he was specialized in.He could ignore everything else, he did not pay attention to his appearance, nor did he have any interest in fortune, but he cared about this. Because this was the meaning of his life!Fang Yuan, a transformation path Gu Immortal, was using this to challenge him, this was a huge slap on Chi Shang's face to begin with.How could Chi Shang endure this?He could not.Thus, he fell into the trap that Fang Yuan had set, he could not climb out.Not only was he stuck in the trap, he even toasted Fang Yuan, feeling that Fang Yuan was a very sincere person!"You are a competitor, but, but what can I say? We are truly friends made after a fight, haha…" Chi Shang laughed, placing his arm around Fang Yuan's shoulder."Enough talking, let's drink!" Fang Yuan gulped.Chi Shang stared at Fang Yuan with wide eyes, he gave a thumbs up and said: "Brother, you are so cool! Let's drink!"Both sides continued to empty their cups."Good wine." Chi Shang sighed: "Sigh, to speak the truth, this is the first time I am drinking so much…"Fang Yuan laughed heartily, but he was unmoved inside.The wine of the righteous path was not so easy to drink.The demonic path fought and killed, they were direct in their actions. The banquets of the righteous path was shrouded in rumors and suspicions, they were filled with schemes and plots, all sorts of devious thoughts were like undercurrents, waiting to sweep unknowing prey into the abyss.Fang Yuan lost the challenge to Chi Shang, but he was very happy, he spread news about this.So what if he lost?Sometimes, losing was a way to achieve one's goals.Chi Shang was also very happy, he felt that this was the happiest he had ever been in a banquet.At once, both the host and guest were happy.

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Chapter 1333. Plunder Shadow | Reverend Insanity

A joyous banquet was not the end, it was the beginning.Fang Yuan and Chi Shang became good friends.For the next few days, Fang Yuan frequently invited Chi Shang, and Chi Shang often came to Wu clan's territory to visit Fang Yuan.It was both easy and difficult to get close to someone and create a good relationship.The key was simply lowering the status of oneself and accommodating to the other party's wishes.Fang Yuan was an old schemer, with attitude Gu in his possession, how could Chi Shang be his match?Chi Shang was the 'formation devotee', he was not interested in ordinary Gu Immortals. But Fang Yuan was a formation path quasi-grandmaster, he had a connection to this formation path grandmaster.Both parties conversed on the topic of formation path.Chi Shang was soon amazed with Fang Yuan's formation path attainment, he expressed his doubt at this. Because Fang Yuan was a transformation path cultivator.But Fang Yuan told him: "I had always been interested in formation path, when I was a mortal, I researched formation path and primarily cultivated it due to some fortuitous encounters. But circumstances in life force twists and turns, later, I had to become a transformation path Gu Immortal. But I am already very lucky, after all, how many lone cultivators can become immortal?"This helplessness made Chi Shang sigh deeply, he felt a deep sense of compassion towards Fang Yuan."If you want to cultivate formation path, I can help you. Chi clan has a few formation path Gu Immortals, I can intervene and transact formation path Immortal Gu for you." Chi Shang stated.It was not easy for him to offer this. This proved that Fang Yuan's hard work had paid off.It was possible to change paths, but the vital Gu had to be changed too.Fang Yuan looked very moved: "If I want to change paths in the future, I will find you for help."Chi Shang nodded: "By then, just tell me!"He knew that it was not easy for a Gu Immortal to change paths, it could not be done quickly, this was a huge matter and needed a lot of aspects to be considered. There were also negative repercussions on the immortal aperture as well.While interacting with Chi Shang, Fang Yuan gained a lot of benefits.Even though his attainment level did not increase, Fang Yuan's knowledge did, his basic understanding of formation path had been supplemented, it was of huge help to him.Fang Yuan gained a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of formation path.What was the difference between Gu formations and killer moves?Chi Shang told Fang Yuan: "Gu formations are a type of killer move. Killer moves use multiple Gu worms at the same time, Gu formations are the same. Gu formations are the killer moves of formation path, each Gu formation is a different killer move. Thus, formation path is the path with the most killer moves among all paths. Of course, Gu formations and killer moves have slight differences in details. For example, Gu formations last a longer time. And after a Gu formation is set up, the amount of mental energy the Gu Master uses up also decreases…""What is the essence of formation path?" Fang Yuan asked Chi Shang.Chi Shang shook his head: "Even though I am a formation path grandmaster, I have insufficient attainment level to talk about the essence of formation path. But my clan's Lord Chi Qu You had once told me, the essence of formation path is to create environments."Fang Yuan heard this and felt deeply enlightened.The Gu formation of the coiling thread caves was precisely to nurture more regretful spiders by creating a new habitat and environment for them, right?"It seems that formation path great grandmasters can use the natural dao marks of the surroundings to use fewer Gu worms in setting up their Gu formations. In some places with abundant natural dao marks, just using mortal Gu can form an immortal Gu formation. Is that true?" Fang Yuan asked Chi Shang again.Chi Shang nodded, explaining patiently: "That is true. But actually, at our level, we can only use dao marks. Some Gu formations are not just built on the foundation of Gu worms but also Gu materials. But we can only use the dao marks inside the immortal materials to set up the Gu formation. After a long time passes, these immortal materials will be destroyed. Formation path great grandmasters are one step ahead, not only can they use immortal and mortal materials, they can also use the dao marks of the surroundings according to the environment."…This conversation was a huge inspiration to Fang Yuan.Thereafter, he attended to Chi Shang even more enthusiastically.Fang Yuan soon realized that banquets were not very effective at improving their relationship, he might as well converse with him about formation path.Sometimes, an intense discussion would incite the passion in Chi Shang's heart, and make him feel closer to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan also had another trump card, he wrote letters to Qiao Si Liu.Every time he wrote a letter, he would praise Chi Shang and exclaim about his shocking formation path talent, and his incredible ingenuity.Chi Shang was getting embarrassed from being praised, he looked at Fang Yuan in a different light, he thought that this person was truly a gentleman, conducting himself uprightly and with an open mind.Returning the favor, he also wrote letters to Qiao Si Liu, praising Fang Yuan deeply, saying that he cultivated transformation path and even formation path alongside it, his attainment was so deep that he felt great admiration and surprise at it.Qiao Si Liu: "…"She looked at the letters she received, she felt that these two suitors were praising each other so much that they had forgotten about her!She did not expect to see this situation, while she rolled her eyes to herself, she also wrote back letters of praise, especially towards their open-mindedness.Undeniably, Fang Yuan and Chi Shang turned from enemies to friends, this transformation made everyone watching from the side feel deeply shocked.Southern Border, Plunder Shadow Earth Trench.This was a famous Earth Trench in Southern Border, because it had countless fierce dark path beasts, as well as shadow monsters that were renowned in Southern Border.At the same time, this was also one of the most dangerous places in Southern Border.Right now, deep within this Plunder Shadow Earth Trench, inside a certain cave."Ahhhhh…" A crazed old man with purple hair and messy clothes was running around barefoot in the cave, while screaming and making a din.Plop.Suddenly, he fell to the ground, and his body started to twist as he started to crawl like an earthworm.After moving for a while, he suddenly stood up, laughing sheepishly.But a moment later, his laughter stopped, his cloudy eyes regained clarity."Lord Purple, you are awake." Ying Wu Xie suddenly appeared in the cave, he sighed with a complex expression.This crazed old man was Purple.Shadow Sect's party of four had vanished after the battle of Reverse Flow River, they had returned to Southern Border at some point in time. They had even entered deep into Plunder Shadow Earth Trench.Purple sighed deeply, he patted the soil on his body, his body shrunk to his miniman form with miniature wings."Call me Purple Mountain True Monarch, this will help our future actions." Purple Mountain True Monarch said: "What information do you have now?"Ying Wu Xie said: "Southern Border's political situation is progressing according to our plan. But it is a pity, Chi Shang and Wu Yi Hai did not have an intense conflict, they even became good friends.""Oh?" Purple Mountain True Monarch was slightly surprised.After looking at the information, he nodded: "This Wu Yi Hai is quite interesting, he primarily cultivates transformation path but also has enough formation path attainment to gain Chi Shang's approval.""This would help him, but he could not defy Wu Yong, he was sent to the super Gu formation again."Ying Wu Xie nodded: "Wu Yong is a rank eight Gu Immortal with great authority now, Wu Yi Hai had just returned not long ago, he did not even join with Qiao clan, and cannot get their full support.""But this proves further that even though Wu Yi Hai is a lone cultivator, he has great ambitions. Because he got close to Qiao Si Liu, yet he did not get together with her, it shows that he has not agreed on the profit distribution with Qiao clan yet. Is his ambition something we can make use of?""Hmm…" Purple Mountain True Monarch thought about it: "We might be able to make use of this, but we know too little about this person. Right now, our plans on Wu clan should focus on Wu Yong. Wu clan is the number one force in Southern Border, they are the pillar of the righteous path, if they fall, Southern Border would have huge political turmoil. By then, we will take advantage of it and destroy the super Gu formation, we will be able to save our main body."It turned out that Wu clan's political problems were not simple, Shadow Sect was behind them, causing many of the situations!"Hmph! So what if Southern Border's politics get into chaos?" Bai Ning Bing appeared outside the cave, having a cold expression: "With just the four of us, even if the super Gu formation only has four Gu Immortals defending it, it will be difficult. Furthermore, our main fighting strength is so unstable."Bai Ning Bing spoke without any politeness.Even against the rank eight Purple Mountain True Monarch.She was fearless, because when Fang Yuan chased after them, she had already set a new alliance agreement with Ying Wu Xie and the others, they were of equal status.And Purple Mountain True Monarch's constant insanity made the respect in her heart dwindle.Purple Mountain True Monarch was unmoved, smiling: "Political unrest is not enough, of course, these righteous path forces are not stupid. But this is just to weaken the strength of the righteous path in the super Gu formation. The four of us are not enough, we are too short on manpower, so now, we will recruit people.""Recruit people?" Ying Wu Xie was surprised: "There are still hidden cards in Southern Border that I do not know about?"Because he knew that Southern Border's Shadow Sect forces were heavily crippled. If they wanted to attack the super Gu formation, these new members needed to have high power level, ordinary rank six Gu Immortals were simply useless.But such people would definitely have been recruited when Ying Wu Xie was facing Fang Yuan's pursuit earlier.Or even further back, if such people existed, when Spectral Soul defied heaven to refine sovereign immortal fetus Gu, they would have been used already, to deal with Central Continent's Gu Immortals."Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded, before shaking his head: "Do you two know why I fall into insanity sometimes?"

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Chapter 1334. Assimilating with Heaven's Will | Reverend Insanity

Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly changed the topic.Bai Ning Bing did not speak, while Ying Wu Xie asked: "Is it not the interference of heaven's will?"Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded: "It is heaven's will indeed, but I was the one who initiated it.""What do you mean?" Bai Ning Bing heard this and showed shock on her face.Hearing Purple Mountain True Monarch's words, it seemed like his insanity was due to his own actions.Purple Mountain True Monarch sighed eerily, scenes of the past drifted in his mind: "In the past, along with the other first generation split souls, we found the major enemy was heaven's will, and tried to find ways to deal with it.""I cultivated wisdom path, I was the leader of the split souls, I had to be the one to find a way to deal with heaven's will.""Using a part of the true inheritance of Star Constellation Immortal Venerable that we found, and together with my wisdom path attainment, I devised a method, that was to assimilate with heaven's will.""Assimilate with heaven's will?" Bai Ning Bing and Ying Wu Xie looked at each other, frowning."That's right, heaven's will is vast and immense, it is everywhere, back then, we had just started to interact with it, we did not know as many secrets and weaknesses of it as now. Back then, we were greatly restricted, the situation was worsening and getting more dangerous every day. More and more members died after being targeted by heaven's will, hope was turning bleak."Purple Mountain True Monarch continued: "Left without a choice, I used this method that was not a proper solution. Since the enemy was so powerful, I pretended to surrender and infiltrate the enemy to obtain intelligence about it. After all, know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated."Bai Ning Bing and Ying Wu Xie's eyes shone.Even now, they could see the innovation of this method.Heaven's will was formless, Purple Mountain True Monarch actually wanted to infiltrate heaven's will, it was truly an incredible idea.Purple Mountain True Monarch did not just think about it, he did it!Purple Mountain True Monarch continued explaining: "Heaven's will, you must be clear of it. When grotto-heavens devour fragments of the nine heavens, heaven's will enters, and any heavenly spirit inside would turn dull and robotic. The heavenly spirit becomes like this, it's similar for Gu Immortals. Every time I assimilate with heaven's will, I will become crazy and lose my sense of reason.""However, this is also why I can greatly reduce heaven's will's intention of killing me, and am able to live until now.""There is also one benefit of this, when I fuse with heaven's will, I can clearly understand it and learn about its strengths and weaknesses.""When I learn about heaven's will's thoughts, I can see the planning of heaven's will and am able to plot for myself and Shadow Sect.""The principle of heaven is to be merciless, it treats all beings as pawns. From the perspective of heaven's will, all beings in this world are its chess pieces. And in this chessboard of destiny, there are some crucial points that attract my attention."Purple Mountain True Monarch's explanation made both Bai Ning Bing and Ying Wu Xie deeply interested.Because they had already sensed that Purple Mountain True Monarch's following words were going to be very important.As expected, Purple Mountain True Monarch continued: "I assimilated with heaven's will, I found that in heaven's will's arrangements, there were some very crucial pawns. So every time I went crazy, I would use heaven's will to get close to these pawns, and by the time I regain my senses, I would try to turn them over to my side, and use my own power to make them my pieces.""And in the battle not long ago, I believe you have already seen the use of one of these pawns."Bai Ning Bing's body shook.Ying Wu Xie said in realization: "Lord Purple Mountain True Monarch, you are talking about Tai Bai Yun Sheng?"Purple Mountain True Monarch nodded: "That's right, Tai Bai Yun Sheng was a crucial pawn in the chessboard of destiny, even though heaven's will arranged it, I managed to influence him and eventually used his power to allow you all to escape."Tai Bai Yun Sheng had once met Purple Mountain True Monarch when he was a Gu Master, obtaining his true inheritance.There were heaven's will's arrangements on him, and also Purple Mountain True Monarch's influence.Thus, when Fang Yuan was used by heaven's will to return to the past and overturn Spectral Soul's plan, Fang Yuan received Tai Bai Yun Sheng's help during the process.Tai Bai Yun Sheng submitted to Fang Yuan.One of the reasons was Fang Yuan's own intelligence. The other factor was heaven's will.But later, Tai Bai Yun Sheng separated from Fang Yuan, helping Shadow Sect instead.This was because Fang Yuan betrayed heaven's will, at the crucial moment, he did not destroy sovereign immortal fetus Gu, he used it for himself. Tai Bai Yun Sheng thus helped Shadow Sect greatly as a result of Purple Mountain True Monarch's influence.Tai Bai Yun Sheng died in battle, on the surface, it was due to Fang Yuan, but from another perspective, this was the sacrificial piece from the conflict between Shadow Sect and heaven's will.Ying Wu Xie heard this and finally understood Purple Mountain True Monarch's intent.He called out: "I get it, all these years, Lord Purple Mountain True Monarch has traveled the world, you influenced many crucial pawns, and now, they will be the strength to break the super Gu formation and rescue our main body!"Purple Mountain True Monarch smiled lightly: "Precisely."Southern Border, super Gu formation.Sovereign immortal aperture, Mini Central Continent.An intense jade green light shot into the sky with an alluring fragrance.Countless Gu worms were flying around in the jade light, just one look would make a person dizzy.Fang Yuan maintained a high level of concentration, as time passed, a portion of the Gu worms stopped flying, they landed and fell underground.More and more Gu worms went underground, they started to shine and resonated with the previous Gu worms, creating a mystical power.The jade pillar of light shrunk and got fainter, at Fang Yuan's will, an Immortal Gu flew out.This Gu resembled a round pearl, it was as large as a goose egg, the pearl had countless markings on it that were moving around, they were brilliant like a blooming field of lotuses, or the rumbling of clouds.It was rank six Immortal Gu Blood Asset.Fang Yuan breathed roughly, the arrangement of the Gu formation had reached its most crucial moment.Blood asset Immortal Gu slowly floated into the jade light.Almost instantly, the jade light was dyed by blood asset Immortal Gu and turned blood red.The red light got stronger and stronger, several breaths later, it reached an intensity that was on par with the jade light earlier.Fang Yuan let out a breath, the most crucial step was over, he just had to follow the routine now.The bright red pillar weakened before dissipating, but the fragrance still remained in the air, permeating the cave below.This cave was huge, it was around 200000m2.Deep underground, there was a few li of distance.The cave was not completely sealed, there were a hundred tunnels that resembled air vents, connecting the cave to the outside world. On the surface of the ground, there were countless holes that were dark and deep, but they gave off fragrance."The Gu formation for the coiling thread caves is arranged! The creation of the coiling thread caves is half done.""Next, I have to move those regretful spiders over and start nurturing them.""This process would require the modification of the Gu formation, in a month or two, I will be done."Fang Yuan was filled with joy.Chi Shang left this place and returned to Chi clan, as Fang Yuan continued his dream realm exploration.In the formation path dream realm earlier, there were two scenes left, they were solved by Fang Yuan's unravel dream killer move.As he had expected, Fang Yuan's formation path attainment level reached grandmaster!Using his formation path grandmaster attainment level, as well as the immense gains from interacting with Chi Shang, Fang Yuan easily deduced a brand new coiling thread Gu formation.This coiling thread Gu formation still used blood asset Immortal Gu, and the effect was only doubled.Fang Yuan's initial Gu formation concept could multiply his gains by eight, but this was not solvable. There was no way of setting it up.Doubling it made Fang Yuan satisfied already.He still had a lot of accumulations left, he could use unravel dream many times, and with Chi Shang leaving and diverting attention away for him, he could secretly explore dream realms now.Fang Yuan treasured this rare opportunity, in the following days, he gave an excuse of going into closed cultivation in order to to delve into dream realms.Right as he was laboriously exploring dream realms, shocking news came out that shook the Gu Immortals of all five regions.Central Continent's ten great ancient sects and Heavenly Court had lost!They sent a powerful group to Northern Plains, but they did not manage to save Ma Hong Yun and even had a crushing defeat.Out of the three rank eight Gu Immortals, Wei Ling Yang, Myriad Tidal Dragon and Bi Chen Tian, two died while one went missing.The one who killed the rank eight Gu Immortals was Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's former steed, legendary immemorial desolate beast — Dog Tail Life Extending Ferret.But Central Continent had survivors too.Zhao Lian Yun, Yu Yi Ye Zi, Shi Zheng Yi and the rest were saved by Wei Ling Yang risking his life, they managed to hair-raisingly escape with their lives under the reinforcements of Central Continent later.This news made the entire world shocked!Central Continent's foundation and strength was publicly recognized as the strongest in all five regions.The ten great ancient sects were super forces which governed Central Continent, any one of them could defeat the average level of super clans or tribes in all five regions.And Heavenly Court was in charge of the ten great ancient sects, not only did it rule Central Continent, its influence extended to the other four regions.Its status in the hearts of Central Continent's people was unshakeable. In the hearts of the people in the other four regions, it was the number one force in the world.After all, it had three Immortal Venerables that were in it, which force in this world could match it?But this extremely powerful Heavenly Court actually lost in Northern Plains.After their shock, everyone learned about more information and expressed their understanding.Because it was traditionally known that Northern Plains was tough and had high battle strength, and this time, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's descendants, Longevity Heaven, were the ones who fought!As for Heavenly Court's defeat, they had ventured into another region, their true strength had not been used.In fact, the group from Heavenly Court that went to Northern Plains was not just fighting Longevity Heaven, they also fought against Old Ancestor Xue Hu.But regardless of the reasons, they had lost, the reputations of Longevity Heaven and Giant Sun Immortal Venerable soared, while those of Heavenly Court and the ten great ancient sects fell drastically.

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Chapter 1335. Heavenly Court's Countermeasure | Reverend Insanity

"Wei Ling Yang and Bi Chen Tian died while Myriad Tidal Dragon escaped…"Fang Yuan muttered.Information was transmitted to him, in this super Gu formation, he was the person with the clearest understanding of that situation."Looking at the date, it is about time.""Heavenly Court went to Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world, which was represented by Longevity Heaven, Central Continent was dealt a huge blow as a result.""Dog tail life extending ferret… as expected of Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's steed, its battle strength is truly fearsome.""Even though this raises Northern Plains' morale, it is not a problem for Heavenly Court."With the five hundred years of his previous life, and experiencing the first half of the five regions chaotic war, Fang Yuan knew that Heavenly Court had immensely deep foundation. Compared to it, Longevity Heaven was just Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's grotto-heaven, its foundation was far less abundant."This kind of event is incredibly rare. It had never happened in my previous life.""After this, Northern Plains and Central Continent are basically enemies, or rather, Longevity Heaven and Heavenly Court are on opposite sides.""And now, will Heavenly Court take revenge? If they do, it will be very interesting."Fang Yuan thought in his mind, continuing to deduce and try to find out the possible political outcomes.Longevity Heaven came from Giant Sun Immortal Venerable, while Heavenly Court had three Immortal Venerables, they were all righteous path forces, to think that they would attack each other so harshly.Right now, the Gu Immortals of all five regions, and all the different forces, were focused on this matter.They were focusing on Heavenly Court's reaction.According to conventional reasoning, Heavenly Court had to counterattack, because it was the number one Gu Immortal organization in the five regions. If it did not do anything, its reputation would fall.But the five regional walls prevented any large scale war between Gu Immortals.And most people did not know about Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's Luck Suppression Heavenly Palace.It was too difficult for Heavenly Court to attack.Thus, whether it attacked or not, it had its own excuses.And no matter what Heavenly Court chose, its next step would decide the direction that the five regions would progress towards.Fang Yuan let out a sigh.He had predicted this long ago.Heavenly Court sent Gu Immortals to save Ma Hong Yun, they would definitely face the obstruction of Northern Plains' Gu Immortals. After Central Continent's Gu Immortals failed the rescue, they escaped back to Central Continent, and this battle, which had lasted a long time, finally reached a conclusion.But when he received news of this, Fang Yuan felt something amiss.There was something wrong.But he could not state what the problem was."Perhaps, because everyone has changed so much because of my actions, there were too many chain reactions, and the advantage of my rebirth is shrinking, so I am feeling increasingly uneasy?"The radiance of dream realm shone on Fang Yuan's face, his expression became dark and uncertain."No matter what, increasing my strength is most important.""Dream realm, here I come!"Regardless of the situation outside, or how treacherous or uncertain it was, as long as he got stronger, Fang Yuan would feel safer.His soul entered the dream.Regaining his senses, Fang Yuan quickly found out that he was in the wilderness.Night time.The crescent moon emitted a cold light.Wild dogs were barking, Fang Yuan was immobile, he was carried by two people from the front and back."What is the matter?" Realizing that he could not move, Fang Yuan started to assess the situation around him.Grunt grunt…Sounds that resembled a pig eating entered Fang Yuan's ears.He soon realized that this weird sound came from the two who were carrying him.These two weird people carried Fang Yuan until halfway up the mountain.The dark clouds in the sky faded, using the cold moonlight, Fang Yuan found that the two strange people holding him up were not humans, they were two boar headed beastmen."In the current world, beastmen are extinct. Since beastmen appeared in this dream realm, what era is this?" A question appeared in Fang Yuan's mind.Fang Yuan felt something amiss, he started to struggle but he soon realized that he was extremely weak, he was heavily injured.He struggled intensely, but he only managed to move his body slightly."Grr! Grr!"The two boar headed beastmen noticed Fang Yuan's movement and started to growl."Oh no!!" Fang Yuan cried out internally.But the two beastmen were faster, they suddenly let go, Fang Yuan fell to the ground.The intense pain almost made Fang Yuan faint on the spot.Using his firm determination and willpower, Fang Yuan forced his eyes open and saw that the boar headed beastman in front of him raised his leg.He stomped on Fang Yuan's face as the shape of the boar leg enlarged in Fang Yuan's vision.Bam.At the next moment, Fang Yuan's entire head was smashed like a watermelon, blood flowed out with brain matter scattering everywhere."F*ck!" The dream realm exploration ended, Fang Yuan's soul was injured, he was forced out."This means, I need to wait for my chance, I cannot act rashly?" Fang Yuan thought as he used guts Gu to heal himself.Unravel dream had limited usage in numbers, the nightmare demonic colt immortal materials had already been expended.But guts Gu was different, as long as he had Dang Hun Mountain, guts Gu was infinite in supply.Thus, Fang Yuan was more willing to use guts Gu and suffer soul injuries than use unravel dream unnecessarily.Soon, Fang Yuan's soul healed, and he entered the dream realm again.This time, Fang Yuan did not move, he allowed the two boar headed beastmen to carry him halfway up the mountain."Grr grr." At a certain point, the boar headed beastmen stopped as one of them grunted.The other one lifted Fang Yuan's legs as he walked up.Using the moonlight, Fang Yuan could see that these two boar headed beastmen were on the edge of a cliff."Oh no!" Fang Yuan was about to struggle when these two boar headed beastmen tossed Fang Yuan down the cliff.Fang Yuan rapidly fell down the cliff."This is?!" His eyes were wide opened, the bottom of the cliff was a mass grave.Countless corpses were casually lying around, the rotten corpses had a thick mist of foul smelling odor around them.Before Fang Yuan could think anymore, plop.With a loud sound, Fang Yuan fell to the bottom of the cliff.He was crushed into meat paste, he was dead with a ruined corpse left behind.Fang Yuan was forced out of the dream realm again."This dream realm, what is it exactly?"While Fang Yuan was exploring the dream realm, in Central Continent, Heavenly Court."Lord Duke Long, please." An old woman spoke, she had a hunched back, she was bending down, her hair was yellow like wheat, her face was wrinkled and her eyes were blurry.She wore a yellow-brown robe, there was a ring of sand around her waist, she was standing before Duke Long reverently.Duke Long was no longer in a weak state after taking away Di Zang Sheng's life force, he was mighty and commanding now, he had regained his demeanor as the apex of a legend.At this moment, he was looking at the tower in front of him as he nodded: "Granny Sha, you did well."This tower was Heaven Overseeing Tower.A rank nine Immortal Gu House!It had incredible reputation, it was famous throughout history.Even though it was shattered in Southern Border, most of the Immortal Gu were preserved, after it was sent back to Heavenly Court, Gu Immortal Granny Sha woke up and had been refining Gu, repairing Heaven Overseeing Tower.Right now, her work was done, Heaven Overseeing Tower was repaired completely!"Lord Duke Long, please." Granny Sha led the way.Duke Long and Fairy Zi Wei followed, entering Heaven Overseeing Tower.The white jade stairs spiralled upwards, it was no different from before.But Heaven Overseeing Tower had not activated, so Duke Long and the others went up without anything happening.When they got to the top of Heaven Overseeing Tower, the three Gu Immortals saw an Immortal Gu.This Immortal Gu gave off an intense rank nine aura, it was like a spider, colored in black and white, there was a scarlet wound on its body that almost cut it in two.What else was it but rank nine fate Immortal Gu?This fate Immortal Gu was damaged by Red Lotus Demon Venerable using the power of love Immortal Gu, it almost died. But after the hard work of generations of Heavenly Court's members, it had finally recovered to fifty percent during the last Central Continent Refinement Path Convention.After reaching this point of qualitative change, fate Immortal Gu's recovery speed was many times that of before.Right now, even without success dao marks, it had recovered to sixty percent due to Granny Sha's hard work."Good, very good, Granny Sha, you have contributed greatly to Heavenly Court, you have contributed greatly to humanity. I am sure that when Heavenly Court rules the five regions, your merits will be recorded in history and be revered by all descendants in the future." Duke Long sighed with an appreciative tone.Granny Sha smiled: "I am flattered, Lord Duke Long, I was merely contributing my meager strength. Furthermore, repairing Heaven Overseeing Tower was that old man's wish too. Hehehe…"Granny Sha laughed continuously as her body turned into sand while she laughed.A wind started blowing from nowhere, causing the sand to scatter in the air.Rank eight Gu Immortal Granny Sha, refinement path great grandmaster, had died at this moment!She had little lifespan to begin with, when the previous generation Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord died, she woke up from shock, and contributed the last spark of her life to Heavenly Court.Silence.Another Heavenly Court rank eight Gu Immortal had sacrificed herself, during this period of time, Heavenly Court had sacrificed many members.Fairy Zi Wei's eyes were slightly red.Duke Long's expression did not change, his body was straight like a ruler, he spoke: "In the passage of history, generations of Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals have sacrificed themselves like this, to give a bright future to our descendants. Wei Ling Yang, Bi Chen Tian, they were sacrificed, Granny Sha was sacrificed, and in the future, the two of us will do the same.""Why has Heavenly Court always been the top Gu Immortal force? Other than the three Immortal Venerables, there is another important reason, that is, us Heavenly Court Gu Immortals are not afraid of sacrificing ourselves. Because we know that humanity needs us, everyone needs us, heaven and earth need us!"Fairy Zi Wei breathed in deeply, trying to regain her calmness: "Then, Lord Duke Long, what do we do now?"Duke Long shut his eyes, before opening them again: "The great era is beginning, some people cannot be allowed to live anymore.""But that Fang Yuan, Ying Wu Xie, Purple, and others are all crafty, we have no idea where they are now. It is too tough to deduce their locations with the obstruction of regional walls." Fairy Zi Wei had a worried expression."No need to worry." Duke Long waved his hand: "No matter where they are now, we both know that they will go to one place, the giant dream realm in Southern Border.""Forget about Northern Plains and Longevity Heaven, they are small problems.""We have to get rid of these largest threats first!"

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