
Chapter: 1296-1300:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1296. Light Shine Fungi | Reverend Insanity

Eastern Sea.In an ordinary sea area, there was a nameless mountain, it was desolate and barren, there were only rocks and caves in it.Several Gu Immortals descended from the sky.Among them were Fang Yuan, Immortal Hua Die and Feng Jiang."To think that this trading convention would be held on such an empty island." Fang Yuan stepped on the island as he sighed to himself."Brother Chu, you might be unaware that large trading conventions like this usually have their locations decided several days before the meeting, to prevent others from having ill intentions." A Gu Immortal beside Fang Yuan said.This male Gu Immortal was neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin. In terms of appearance, he looked ordinary, only his flat and wide nose left a heavy impression on others.This person was a famous rank seven space path Gu Immortal expert in Eastern Sea — Miao Ming Shen.In terms of appearance, he was not outstanding, but after Fang Yuan interacted with him, even though it was a short time, he could feel that this person was impressive, his appearance was deceiving.Fang Yuan had saved Immortal Hua Die and Feng Jiang under the identity of Chu Ying, learning about the trading convention.Next, he followed Immortal Hua Die and Feng Jiang to meet Miao Ming Shen.Miao Ming Shen had no hesitation as he agreed to Fang Yuan's request of joining the trading convention: "Friend, you have helped me twice, you are also the benefactor of Little Die and Little Feng. This is just a trading convention, how can I reject you? Please do grace us with your presence!"He was a rank seven Gu Immortal expert, but Chu Ying was a secluded cultivator with no reputation. Yet Miao Ming Shen did not put on airs, he was very amiable. He spoke politely and warmly to others.Thus, Fang Yuan and Miao Ming Shen came to attend the trading convention.The four of them had just stepped onto the island when a Gu Immortal came out of a rock."Miao Ming Shen, you are here." A midget Gu Immortal with a big head and small body welcomed them."Haha, Tu Tou Tuo, long time no see!" Miao Ming Shen said warmly, he laughed as he quickly went up to the person."Come, let me introduce the two of you. This is a secluded cultivator of Eastern Sea, Chu Ying, this is a rare earth path grandmaster in Eastern Sea, Tu Tou Tuo." Miao Ming Shen said."Greetings to you." Fang Yuan was polite but his expression was stiff, he pretended to be a secluded cultivator who was not good at interacting with people, it was flawless.Tu Tou Tuo looked at Fang Yuan with several glances, he smiled with his yellow teeth: "You received Miao Ming Shen's recommendation and are here for the first time? Haha, in the past, I also joined in after Miao Ming Shen's recommendation."Tu Tou Tuo was also quite polite.He thought: "Miao Ming Shen has good foresight, the people he invites are all talented experts. This Chu Ying looks unassuming and has no reputation, but since he has Miao Ming Shen's recommendation, he is not simple."While thinking of that, Tu Tou Tuo said: "Follow me, I was the first to arrive, there is nothing much to do but wait now, we can create a space underground first.""I will trouble Brother Tu. After all, this time, I am the host of the trading convention…" Miao Ming Shen said courteously."Haha, it is just an underground cave, it is nothing much. Come!" Tu Tou Tuo looked at Miao Ming Shen like an old friend, he grabbed his arm and led him underground.Everywhere he went, the tough ground melted like flowing water, opening a wide path that extended underground.Tu Tou Tuo and Miao Ming Shen walked ahead while Fang Yuan, Feng Jiang and Immortal Hua Die walked behind them.Tu Tou Tuo and Miao Ming Shen talked along the way.Miao Ming Shen had incredible interpersonal skills, Tu Tou Tuo was laughing as he talked, his laughter was reverberating in the cave.Furthermore, Miao Ming Shen did not give the cold shoulder to Fang Yuan, he turned around to talk to Fang Yuan.His words seemed ordinary, but they felt natural and did not make Fang Yuan feel like he was alone, or that he was neglected.The underground cave was very ordinary, but it was wide enough.There was a platform, and several chairs in front of it, they were huge. There were carvings on the chairs, they were fluid patterns. This showed Tu Tou Tuo's incredible skills, and the meticulous aspect that he had.Fang Yuan counted, there were six chairs."It seems that this trading convention only had six people originally. Immortal Hua Die and Feng Jiang are not part of this, they will leave when the trading convention starts and guard the area." Fang Yuan guessed."There is a new member, I will add a chair." Tu Tou Tuo stomped lightly as a mound appeared on the ground, it started to rotate like a ball.In the blink of an eye, a chair was carved out like it was made by an artisan.Fang Yuan and the rest sat down while waiting for the other immortals.Not long later, two Gu Immortals appeared.The former was a girl, she looked like a child with two ponytail braids, her eyes were round and watery, but there was deep maturity in them.She was Tong Hua.A rank seven light path Gu Immortal famous in the north of Eastern Sea.The latter was a male immortal. He had an aquiline nose, his gaze was dark and he wore a black robe, having messy hair.He was Wu Ma Yang, a dark path Gu Immortal, having exemplary battle strength among rank seven Gu Immortals. His immortal killer move, dark arrow veil, had once defeated three rank seven Gu Immortals working together, this battle caused his reputation to surge in Eastern Sea for some time.Tong Hua talked a lot, while Wu Ma Yang was uncommunicative.The two sides continued to mingle, and under Miao Ming Shen's intentional guidance, the atmosphere became congenial.Fifteen minutes later, a third Gu Immortal entered this space.He was Gong Liang Bai, a wisdom path Gu Immortal who also cultivated wood path. Wisdom path was his main focus, but wisdom path Gu Immortals were few in numbers, especially those like Fang Yuan who possessed a complete wisdom path Gu Immortal true inheritance.However, not only did Gong Liang Bai have a complete wisdom path true inheritance, he even had some achievements in his cultivation, even though he could not match the top three wisdom path experts, among lone immortals, he had a huge network and was willing to deduce for people in exchange for payment.The saying goes: Jia Dan sits in twin polar, Hua An hides in Nan Gong, there is also Dragon Head Tortoise, living inside adversity sea.This saying refers to the publicly recognized three most powerful wisdom path Gu Immortals in Eastern Sea currently.Song Jia Dan, Hua An, they were righteous path members, they rarely deduced for lone immortals. And Dragon Head Tortoise was always inside adversity sea, his traces were hard to find, it was hard for people to seek help from him."Gong Liang Bai, after these trades, let's have a good talk. I have some things for you to deduce." While talking, Miao Ming Shen said."Is it that Liu Guan Yi? I have received many requests from others, they are all after this person." Gong Liang Bai said."Of course not." Miao Ming Shen denied.Gong Liang Bai nodded: "Then that is fine. Speaking of which, I have already made five deductions, I failed each time. There are simply too few clues, and that Liu Guan Yi has methods to defend against deductions."Fang Yuan listened by the side, his expression did not change, though he felt a little awkward.This topic attracted everyone's attention.Tu Tou Tuo shouted: "This Liu Guan Yi is so popular now, he is completely famous!""Anyone who can render rank eight Gu Immortals unable to deal with them as a rank seven will go down in history." Tong Hua sighed."Resisting rank eight with rank seven cultivation level, this is truly a goal to set." Miao Ming Shen smiled bitterly: "It is a pity that I've had no opportunity to befriend such a person."Fang Yuan was sitting right beside him, hearing this, he said expressionlessly: "I heard that Liu Guan Yi could resist rank eights as a rank seven because he became the Reverse Flow River Lord. This Reverse Flow River is a secluded domain of heaven and earth, but how can it be so powerful as to leave rank eight existences without options?"Thus, the immortals' topic of discussion turned from Liu Guan Yi to Reverse Flow River.Fang Yuan had subtly changed the conversation's direction.The Gu Immortals talked until night time.When night appeared and the moon rose, the trading convention began.The other two Gu Immortals also had arrived.The trading convention officially began.According to the rules set earlier, Tong Hua stood on the platform."This is a desolate plant, I found it when exploring a deep sea. That place was dark as an abyss, but I saw some light far away. When I found the source, I took several minutes to reach it. The place was like a paradise of light path. It was so dazzling with rays of light extending immeasurably far.""Initially, I thought that it was light from the corals. But soon, I found some green fungus on the surface of the corals. This green fungus is a desolate plant seen all over that place, I named it light shine fungus, it contains light path dao marks and can emit strong light."Tong Hua talked about her findings, and the process of her naming.Fang Yuan was surprised, to think that he found something he wanted when the trading convention had just started.Light shine fungi!

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Chapter 1297. Divination Tortoise Shell Immortal Gu | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan needed light.He had first used aurora light, he had bought large numbers of dazzling light Gu to increase the aurora light in his immortal aperture. The more intense the aurora light, the more flowing light fruits could be formed. And rank eight attitude Gu fed on these fruits.Light shine fungus was a type of desolate plant that provided light which was not like the multicolored aurora light.But this was not absolute.Humans had the highest intelligence, they were most skilled in adapting flexibly. There were methods to modify and graft plants in this world.Wood path Gu Immortals excelled at this.Each path has its own specialties, and wood path Gu Immortals were often skilled at managing immortal apertures.Thus, if Fang Yuan brought in light shine fungi, he might be able to modify them in the future using wood path methods into aurora light shine fungi, it was possible.Other than attitude Gu, there was wisdom sword Immortal Gu.Wisdom sword Immortal Gu fed on multicolored overlord flowers.If Fang Yuan wanted to plant multicolored overlord flowers on a large scale, he needed to fulfill three conditions. Illumination, sweet scents and pearl soil.The latter two were easy to achieve, but illumination was hard.Fang Yuan's immortal aperture had light path dao marks, and he had also annexed a light path blessed land, but it was far from Fang Yuan's goal.If he used light shine fungi, he would be able to solve the problem of mass production of multicolored overlord flowers.But there was an uncertainty in this.Light shine fungi grew in the deep sea, could they still survive in other environments?"This should not be a problem, after all, light shine fungus is a desolate plant.""Even ignoring aurora lights, earlier, I plundered Liu tribe's jade light pit, I gained a lot of replenishment. Even though I am still not at the required standard, I am close.""But multicolored overlord flowers are different, their scale is far from optimal. I have too few light path dao marks currently, and not all of my light path dao marks can gather at the multicolored overlord flowers. My other lifeforms need light too.""Oh, that's right, I have transformation path dao marks, in crucial moments, I can convert them to light path dao marks temporarily."While Fang Yuan was thinking, Tong Hua spoke: "I am willing to trade these desolate plant light shine fungi for storey building water elephants, three of them."Once she said that, a Gu Immortal responded: "Storey building water elephants… I have a few, how many storeys do you want from the water elephants?"Storey building water elephants were a special type of beast in Eastern Sea, they had varying sizes, with white tusks and blue skin. Water elephants with one storey buildings were like boats and had blue jade exoskeleton on their backs resembling buildings. Two storey building water elephants were larger, with two floors of blue jade exoskeleton on their backs.Similarly, six storey building water elephants had wide backs and were like huge boats, they were desolate beasts. Seven storey building water elephants were ancient desolate beasts, and eight storey building water elephants were immemorial desolate beasts, they were extremely rare. Nine storey building water elephants did not exist.Be it beasts or plants, or even variant humans, there were no rank nine versions of them. Among humans, there were only ten of them, rank nine Gu Venerables, they were unique among all lifeforms.Tong Hua showed the scale of her light shine fungi and told the Gu Immortals that she wanted a total of three six storey building water elephants.This was not expensive, it was very standard.But that Gu Immortal frowned: "I only have one six storey building water elephant, the light shine fungi can be split up, would you like to trade?"Tong Hua hesitated.He might not be speaking the truth.After considering it, Tong Hua nodded: "Then let's trade."Thus, the first deal was made, both sides transacted quickly."I would like some light shine fungi, but I do not have storey building water elephants, do you accept immortal essence stones?" Fang Yuan asked.Tong Hua shook her head, but she did not reject him entirely: "If there are no storey building water elephants, never mind. But my light shine fungi will be sold in treasure yellow heaven, you can buy them then."In fact, Eastern Sea had mostly water path Gu Immortals.And light shine fungi suited Eastern Sea Gu Immortals a lot. Like Wu Yi Hai for example, his immortal aperture was a sea.Tong Hua was only testing the waters with this new discovery, seeing if she could gain benefits from it.As for selling them for immortal essence stones, Tong Hua did not want that.Because she did not know the market price.This was a new finding, she was selling it for the first time, Tong Hua did not know its value.However, she was very expectant about it.Thus, she rejected Fang Yuan without hesitation. What if this light shine fungus was very popular in treasure yellow heaven, then wouldn't her sale price be at a loss now?But if she sold it for too high of a price, the other party would not trade. Treasure yellow heaven was the best place for that.Tong Hua did not want to sell it, Fang Yuan was helpless.But he understood her.This was a new desolate plant, she could use some methods to raise the prices later.Even though this world's economy was not developed, Gu Immortals were astute people, they knew how to jack up prices.Especially this light shine fungus, in the world, currently only Tong Hua had it.If it were Fang Yuan, he would also elevate the price at the initial stage to earn a huge profit.This light shine fungus was just a rank six desolate plant, once it was in the market for some time, people would research about it, and Tong Hua's monopoly would be gone.After all, Eastern Sea was so big, light shine fungi would not grow in only one place.Gu Immortals could create a method to seek out light shine fungi after some research. That would cause the supply of light shine fungi to rise sharply.Seeing that no one else was interested, Tong Hua stepped down.Next, the second Gu Immortal went up onto the platform.This was the rule of the trading convention.In each round, the Gu Immortals would go up in order that was decided earlier. They could only put up one resource each round.This ensured relative fairness.As for Fang Yuan, a newly joined member, he could also transact and go on the platform, but he was the last person."This is marrow sucking stone, rank seven immortal material, I want some thousand year floating wood." The Gu Immortal who went up expressed himself quickly, explaining his item.Once he said that, he displayed it.This marrow sucking stone was black and looked like an ordinary rock by the beach. But in fact, as long as a life form that had bone marrow got close to it, they would be sucked inside.Thus, marrow sucking stone was known as a demon stone.Demon stone was a name coined by mermen.Mermen were a type of variant human, most mermen in the world lived in Eastern Sea.Mermen could live underwater and breathe, when they met marrow sucking stones, they had suffered from them, thus, they feared and called them demon stones.In Eastern Sea's history, there were some merman tribes who treated these demon stones as deities to worship.But to Gu Immortals, this marrow sucking stone was just an immortal material.This transaction was successful as well.Thousand year floating wood might be rare in the market, but the Gu Immortals here were all affluent, otherwise, they would not have gathered for this trading convention.Birds of a feather flock together, Gu Immortals who associated with Miao Ming Shen were not simple.One could say, this small trading convention was a rare gathering of experts in Eastern Sea.After the second Gu Immortal, Tu Tou Tuo went up."I have an ancient desolate beast queen toad. It can command all huge toads at rank six level and below. If raised well, it can nurture enslavement path Immortal Gu as well. Anyone interested?"The queen toad had a lot of enslavement path dao marks.But Tu Tou Tuo's transaction failed.The fourth Gu Immortal: "I am looking for clues to qi sea. Anyone know how to find qi sea and how to get in? I am willing to pay a high price for relevant information."It was also possible to trade information, but the Gu Immortals present stayed silent.This transaction also failed.Qi sea was a special and mysterious sea area in Eastern Sea.The Gu Immortals present might be unsure of it, or some might know but did not want to trade.The Gu Immortals went up one by one.The first round was about to end.Fang Yuan was the final one.And Miao Ming Shen was second last.He went up: "I have a rank seven divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu, anyone wants to trade?"Fang Yuan heard this and his eyes shined!

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Chapter 1298. Trading Gu | Reverend Insanity

The trading convention was underway.As the host of this trading convention, Miao Ming Shen originally was to be the final person to get on the stage.But because Fang Yuan joined in, he became the last person.Miao Ming Shen was now the second last to trade.In this aspect, Fang Yuan could see Miao Ming Shen's great interpersonal skills.Gu Immortals who got to trade first had the bigger advantage. Miao Ming Shen, as the final person, was expressing goodwill to everyone.But he could not place Fang Yuan before him.This was against the rules.Newcomers had to be last.If he went against this, everyone would be unhappy. After all, Miao Ming Shen was the host of this session, but what about the next?Interpersonal skills were nothing much, it was just one's attitude when interacting with people.Miao Ming Shen had a good grasp of this, he made the people that he interacted with feel friendly towards him.However, Fang Yuan's mind was not on Miao Ming Shen, his gaze was shining as he looked at the Immortal Gu that Miao Ming Shen was holding —Rank seven, divination tortoise shell Gu!Fang Yuan was greatly enticed.Why?Because Fang Yuan had many methods that he could not use. Like ancient sword dragon transformation or reverse flow protection seal, if they were used, Fang Yuan had to make sure there were no survivors. Otherwise, intelligence on him would leak and Gu Immortals would be able to find out more information about him, he would be forced into a corner.This was quite awkward, actually.As Fang Yuan got stronger, the problems he created were getting bigger.Shadow Sect, Heavenly Court, Longevity Heaven… looking at his opponents and enemies, all of them were colossal forces.Recently, he even made enemies with Old Ancestor Xue Hu, the number one rank eight in Northern Plains!Thus, Fang Yuan was facing great pressure, he had not reached rank nine.Only after reaching rank nine would Fang Yuan be able to announce his identity openly, nobody would be able to stop him.Before reaching rank nine, even if Fang Yuan cultivated to rank eight, Longevity Heaven and Heavenly Court could still find trouble with him.Currently, rank seven Fang Yuan had to act with a low profile, he had to disguise himself and cultivate rapidly to accumulate strength."Becoming Wu Yi Hai has a weakness, or rather, I have a flaw…"Fang Yuan could not fight when he was Wu Yi Hai.Because he was not the real Wu Yi Hai!After soul searching Wu Yi Hai, Fang Yuan found that Wu Yi Hai had three transformation killer moves. One was a coral form, one was a seagull form, and the third was a tortoise.Earlier, during the battle in the regional wall, Wu Yi Hai had turned into a tortoise to defend himself.Fang Yuan remembered clearly that it was a horned divine tortoise. An ancient desolate beast with a tough shell, it was top ten in that regard among Eastern Sea's ancient desolate beasts.Actually, this could be seen from Wu Yi Hai's immortal aperture.Wu Yi Hai's immortal aperture was a sea. There were three types of lifeforms inside, sea turtles and tortoises with the ancient desolate beast horned divine tortoise, corals with the ancient desolate plant silent coral, and seagulls with the desolate beast white letter blue feather seagull.As a transformation path Gu Immortal, he would often raise the species that he transformed into.Firstly, these lifeforms were resources that could help with his transformation path cultivation. Like the horned divine tortoise that Wu Yi Hai cultivated, if he needed any Immortal Gu in the future, he could kill these horned divine tortoises to refine it.Secondly, transformation path Gu Immortals had to have a clear understanding of these lifeforms that they transformed into to raise their battle strength. Raising them in the immortal aperture would allow them to observe the lifeforms and eventually have realistic transformations with greater battle strength.As for Fang Yuan, this was just a method.Fang Yuan's transformation path attainment level was raised from dream realms and tribulations.Once his attainment level rose, it would influence all these cultivation aspects, including this.Thus, Fang Yuan saved a lot of trouble, he could skip a long time of observation and practice."If I can have this Immortal Gu, it would be very useful to me."Fang Yuan became more enticed as he thought about it.The divination tortoise was a wisdom path ancient desolate beast, it had one ability, to defend against deductions. Many Gu Immortals wanted to capture this ancient desolate beast, but using wisdom path methods to deduce its location was too difficult.If Fang Yuan became a divination tortoise, it would help him greatly when traveling.This, he concluded that this Immortal Gu was extremely useful.Or rather — it was too useful!For others, rank seven divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu might be useless. After all, it could only defend one's back. But if one wanted its deduction prevention ability, it was instead not as effective as other methods.Thus, it had little use. Furthermore, why would a Gu Immortal face deductions all the time? Was everyone Liu Guan Yi?Fang Yuan, however, was different.He was extremely famous in the five regions now, even his fake identity was.Furthermore, Fang Yuan could transform into a divination tortoise and use the transformation path dao marks, it was an immortal killer move. The ability to defend against deductions would be far stronger than using divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu alone.Fang Yuan looked around, what made him happy was that these people were not very interested in the Immortal Gu.Transactions of Immortal Gu were only done through exchange.This was because Immortal Gu were unique, their value could not be determined easily. The value of Immortal Gu completely depended on the person. The same Immortal Gu could be a burden to someone, after all, the price of feeding Immortal Gu was huge, but to others, they would pursue it relentlessly, they would treat it like a treasure if they got it."Immortal Gu.""To think that he is trading Immortal Gu in the first round."The Gu Immortals sighed, they spoke softly, but they stayed on their seats, not moving.Miao Ming Shen smiled.He had anticipated this.They were few transformation path Gu Immortals, among those present, Chu Ying was the only one. And even Chu Ying might not be very interested in this Immortal Gu.Transformation path Gu Immortals usually cultivated two or three transformations, too many was pointless. Unless they had the essence of transformation path — change form Immortal Gu, it could allow them to turn into any form.But Miao Ming Shen had his intentions in doing this.He was the host of this trading convention. If news that an Immortal Gu trade had occurred in the first round got out, it would elevate the status of this trading convention, it would attract more Gu Immortals with greater wealth here."I am willing to trade for this Immortal Gu." Fang Yuan stood up from his seat.At once, the Gu Immortals looked towards Fang Yuan with surprised expressions.Miao Ming Shen was slightly dazed, before reacting and smiling even wider now."I wonder what you would like to trade for?" Fang Yuan asked.Miao Ming Shen chuckled: "Chu Ying, this is your first trading convention, and you are my benefactor. How about this… I do not have much use for this Immortal Gu, we can trade anything."This time, Fang Yuan was dazed, he did not expect Miao Ming Shen to list such an easy condition.But even so, Immortal Gu transactions could only be done with Immortal Gu, other things were not usable.Fang Yuan thought about it: "I have flying bear strength Immortal Gu…""Deal." Before Fang Yuan finished his words, Miao Ming Shen agreed without hesitation.Fang Yuan could not help but look at Miao Ming Shen, realizing why this person was doing so well in Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world. He was a lone immortal, but he actually had several Gu Immortals that were so loyal to him!But some things had to be stated clearly.He smiled bitterly: "Friend, I am in admiration towards your intentions, but I have not finished my words, my flying bear strength Immortal Gu is only rank six."Miao Ming Shen's expression changed.The other immortals' expressions also turned grim, they looked at Fang Yuan with dark gazes.Flying Bear Strength was a strength path Immortal Gu, while divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu was transformation path.Strength path was declining, but transformation path was still popular and strong. Between the two, flying bear strength Immortal Gu was already less valuable than divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu.And now, Flying Bear Strength was only rank six.How could a rank six Immortal Gu and rank seven Immortal Gu be traded?The value was completely different.

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Chapter 1299. Another Trade | Reverend Insanity

The difficulty of refining one rank six Immortal Gu was very different from refining a rank seven Immortal Gu.Fang Yuan wanted to use rank six flying bear strength Immortal Gu to exchange for rank seven divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu, if spoken nicely, he was dreaming, but to be blunt, he was simply too greedy, he was trying to take advantage.This 'taking advantage' also gave a feeling of disdain.Who did he think Miao Ming Shen was?Was he easy to bully?Or did he think the others were fools?Thus, the Gu Immortals having grim expressions was understandable.Fang Yuan smiled.He saw these immortals' attitude and expressions, he knew why these people had a change of emotion.But he still asked: "Will you exchange it?"Miao Ming Shen smiled forcefully, but he nodded: "Yes! You have helped me twice, these will suffice."The other Gu Immortals heard this and looked at Miao Ming Shen in a different light, their disdain towards Fang Yuan increased.One of them even snorted coldly, expressing his unhappiness towards Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan suddenly laughed.He said: "Everyone has said how incredible Lord Miao Ming Shen is, I was disbelieving, but after today, I completely agree. How can I take advantage of you? I will compensate you with something else, you will definitely be pleased!"Saying this, Fang Yuan transmitted to Miao Ming Shen secretly.Miao Ming Shen heard this and his expression changed, he became excited: "Chu Ying, are you serious?""Hahaha, let's do the deal now, you will know if it's true or false." Fang Yuan laughed again."Sorry, we need to do this transaction alone." Miao Ming Shen said as Fang Yuan followed him to leave the cave.They went outside for the transaction, afterwards, the two returned with smiles on their faces.Fang Yuan was relaxed, while Miao Ming Shen was smiling in a pleased manner.The two were walking together closely, everyone could tell that their relationship had gotten closer.After sitting down, Miao Ming Shen cupped his fists at Fang Yuan: "I owe you a third favor.""Your demeanor is truly magnificent. This is merely a transaction, there is no favor." Fang Yuan was very polite.These words made the Gu Immortals very perplexed.At once, they started guessing: What did Chu Ying trade to make up for the difference, and make Miao Ming Shen so happy?Miao Ming Shen sat down but Fang Yuan did not.After this transaction, it was Fang Yuan's turn, he went on the platform.The immortals looking at him had different gazes now, they were solemn and curious, with probing intentions.At the same time, they were curious about what Fang Yuan was going to offer.This was because they did not know Fang Yuan, he was a stranger.According to Fang Yuan's offer, they would be able to guess some information about him. Like what immortal materials he had in abundance, they were often produced in their own blessed lands. This way, some intelligence could be deduced, like how developed Fang Yuan's immortal aperture was, and what types of dao marks he had inside.If it were one or two damaged ancient desolate beast corpses, they were often the Gu Immortal's spoils of battle. If an ancient desolate beast reared in the immortal aperture died, the corpse would not be damaged. Such corpses would allow the immortals to assess Fang Yuan's battle strength as well.Gu Immortals focused heavily on gathering intelligence.On this aspect, information path Gu Immortals had the greatest advantage.But what Fang Yuan took out shocked them."Everyone, take a look, this is a bone path rank six Immortal Gu, Bone Spike. I obtained it by chance, but I am not a bone path Gu Immortal, I want to trade with it, does anyone want this? As for what I want in return, I am like Lord Miao Ming Shen, I have no specific preference." Fang Yuan smiled."An Immortal Gu again.""This is the first round, there are actually two Immortal Gu transactions.""This Chu Ying is quite rich, he is a transformation path Gu Immortal but he had two Immortal Gu of other paths.""The first transaction is done, but this one might not succeed. There are no bone path Gu Immortals here."The Gu Immortals talked to each other secretly, they were close with one another."None?" Fang Yuan waited for a while, but no Gu Immortal spoke.He felt no disappointment.The rank seven Immortal Gu, Divination Tortoise Shell, was worth coming to this trading convention.Just when Fang Yuan was about to step down, a voice said: "Wait, I think… we can trade with this Immortal Gu."The immortals turned to look, it was Wu Ma Yang."Strange, he is a dark path Gu Immortal, why does he want a bone path Immortal Gu?" This question appeared in everyone's minds.Bone spike Immortal Gu had no relation with dark path.But if Wu Ma Yang had any immortal killer moves that needed bone spike Immortal Gu, then it was possible for him to want this Immortal Gu.Everyone had their own secrets, even though the Gu Immortals were puzzled, they held in their questions and watched quietly."There is a Gu Immortal who wants bone spike Immortal Gu?" Fang Yuan was also curious.He asked: "I wonder what you would like to trade with?"Wu Ma Yang frowned, he hesitated a little before gritting his teeth: "I will trade this Immortal Gu."He displayed this Immortal Gu.It was a rank six Immortal Gu, on the same rank as bone spike Immortal Gu.The Gu Immortals looked as someone cried out: "This is day Immortal Gu."That's right, this was the rank six time path — day Gu!Fang Yuan was stunned."I did not expect this, this trading convention was really worth it!" Fang Yuan rejoiced internally, but his expression was blank, he seemed to be in deep thought.There was no need to think!The moment Fang Yuan saw this Immortal Gu, he wanted it.The reason?Because he had Hei Fan's true inheritance, he had rank seven year Gu, after Immortal Gu, and Years Flow Like Water, as well as a bunch of time path immortal killer moves.He remembered that in the true inheritance, Hei Fan had been talking about immortal level day Gu and month Gu non-stop.He remembered those four immortal killer moves, days pass like years and the rest."If the inheritor can obtain immortal level day Gu or month Gu, these four immortal killer moves would not need to expend so many mortal day Gu and month Gu, the effect would even rise greatly."These were the words recorded in Hei Fan's true inheritance.Fang Yuan saw this and did not think much of them.He was not overly ambitious, year Gu was enough to satisfy him.But destiny was very mystical, when Fang Yuan had placed no attention on immortal level day Gu and month Gu, day Gu appeared right in front of him like this."Let's exchange it.""Even though I am not familiar with time path, feeding bone spike Immortal Gu is certainly a burden."Fang Yuan said."My day Gu consumes the water of the River of Time, it has no feeding problems. However, I cannot use this Immortal Gu, I might as well trade it for bone spike Immortal Gu, to add into my immortal killer moves." Wu Ma Yang said.The two traded quickly.The original wills inside the two Immortal Gu left as the other party's immortal essence entered.The Gu Immortal's will inside the immortal essence was the true key to refining Gu.In Earth's terms, wills were like a preset program to Gu worms.Wills could think. Wild Gu worms had their own wills. Refining wild Immortal Gu was simply using the Gu Immortal's will together with immortal essence to erase the wild will.Wild wills had the instinct to survive, they could not destroy themselves, thus, even though it was tough for Gu Immortals to refine Immortal Gu, it was not risky.Other people's Immortal Gu were different.A Gu Immortal's will was vastly different from wild will.Trying with brute force to refine someone else's Immortal Gu would only destroy it. For example, Fang Yuan could recall his Immortal Gu with just a special will set inside them. Basically all Gu Immortals would not allow another person to refine their Immortal Gu directly.Once that was happening, the will inside the Immortal Gu would destroy the Gu worm.Unless wisdom path methods were used to suppress the Immortal Gu's will. But usually, it would be hard to suppress all of it in an instant. With a small flaw, the Immortal Gu would be destroyed.Precisely because of this, even though Fang Yuan captured Hei Cheng, he did not obtain dark arrow Immortal Gu.And because of this, even though Fang Yuan and Hei Lou Lan's alliance agreement was gone, he could not directly refine attitude Gu, it was a problem.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1300. Refining Attitude Gu | Reverend Insanity

"This particular trading convention is very different.""That's right, it is truly not normal. In our usual trading conventions, even though there are Immortal Gu trades, they will not appear in the first round."It was traditionally hard to trade Immortal Gu, most of the members in the trading convention had limited chances. Thus, they would usually put up the items which were unlikely to be traded to the end.Thus, even if they wanted to trade away their Immortal Gu, the Gu Immortals would choose to do it in the last few rounds.This was normal in trading conventions.But this time, it was different.Not only was there an Immortal Gu trade in the first round, it happened twice. And more importantly, both times succeeded!And in these two transactions, Fang Yuan played a pivotal role.Even though this was the first time he came to a trading convention, the Gu Immortals present did not dare to underestimate this newcomer, Chu Ying, anymore."We will start the second round now, Fairy Tong Hua, please." Miao Ming Shen said.He was very happy.The trading convention had just started and Immortal Gu were already traded, this result would help him a lot when he traveled over Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world.Tong Hua went onto the platform, she wanted to trade another type of desolate beast."It seems that she is trying to develop her blessed land." Fang Yuan, who was sitting beside Miao Ming Shen, spoke to him.Miao Ming Shen smiled: "Brother Chu, you might not know, but Fairy Tong Hua had just passed a tribulation recently.""So that's it." Fang Yuan understood.After a Gu Immortal passed a tribulation, their immortal aperture's resources would be greatly damaged, but they would gain a lot of dao marks too. These new dao marks would modify the immortal aperture's environment, causing it to be more accommodating to different types of resources.Thus, Fairy Tong Hua tried to trade for all sorts of resources in this convention, planning to develop them in her immortal aperture."This Immortal Tong Hua is very affluent. Not only is her immortal aperture managed well, she also has a personal sea area, called rainbow aurora sea. Whenever it is dawn or dusk, aurora light shines above the sea area, weaving with the sky, it is extremely beautiful. This sea area is not far away. After the trading convention ends, Fairy Tong Hua will invite everyone to her sea area for a gathering. By then, Brother Chu can go with us." Miao Ming Shen said, giving Fang Yuan some information about Tong Hua.Fang Yuan gained more understanding of her."Then I will thank you for a recommendation. To speak the truth, I am interested in her light shine fungus." Fang Yuan said directly."No problem, I can help you with that." Miao Ming Shen was someone who knew the best way to interact with someone, he gladly took on this task.After the trading of Immortal Gu, his relationship with Fang Yuan improved greatly.Fang Yuan knew why Miao Ming Shen's attitude had changed.The reason was none other than — lifespan Gu!What could interest Miao Ming Shen was undoubtedly lifespan Gu. Fang Yuan used a rank six Immortal Gu to trade for a rank seven Immortal Gu, and he even used a declining strength path Gu.But Miao Ming Shen was very satisfied with the transaction. This was because Fang Yuan used a hundred years of lifespan Gu to make up for the difference.Lifespan Gu was only a mortal Gu, but it was really rare.Many Gu Immortals would keep them in their hands and refuse to trade them. They would keep these lifespan Gu for the time when they really needed it.Miao Ming Shen's lifespan was not near its end, but he did not have a lot left.Thus, he was looking for the tributary of the River of Time, he wanted to find some methods to extend lifespan.In the five hundred years of Fang Yuan's previous life, Miao Ming Shen had entered the blue dragon whale many times to look for the lifespan Gu inside.Fang Yuan offered him lifespan Gu, why would Miao Ming Shen not be happy with it?Furthermore, Fang Yuan took out a hunded years of lifespan Gu, what did that mean?Miao Ming Shen was not dumb, he thought: This meant that Chu Ying had more lifespan Gu. Otherwise, why would he use them so 'unsparingly'?Thus, Miao Ming Shen wanted to improve his relationship with Fang Yuan.But he did not know that this was Fang Yuan's intention.Fang Yuan's motives were deeper.The blue dragon whale!According to his previous life's information, Fang Yuan had a greater understanding of this opportunity than Miao Ming Shen currently.The transactions continued.During the second round, Gu Immortals went up one by one, and most of their transactions succeeded.Soon, it was Fang Yuan's turn.Immortal Gu Woman's Heart.Fang Yuan was about to trade this rank six Immortal Gu away when his expression suddenly changed."Sorry, something happened, everyone, I need to leave early." Fang Yuan said.The Gu Immortals were shocked.This trading convention was a rare chance, to think that Fang Yuan was giving up now.But the trading convention was not a restricted event, it was fine if Fang Yuan wanted to leave, they could not stop him."What happened? Do you need my help?" Miao Ming Shen sent Fang Yuan off."It is not a big matter, but it is urgent. This is such a waste, I am missing out on the trading convention!" Fang Yuan sighed.Miao Ming Shen quickly said: "Don't worry, when such a trading convention happens again, I will inform you.""I will thank you in advance, goodbye.""See you again."Fang Yuan flew off into the clouds, vanishing from sight.Miao Ming Shen sighed, looking at Fang Yuan vanish, he turned around and went back into the cave.While flying in the clouds, Fang Yuan's expression was ugly.He had left earlier because a wisdom path great expert had suddenly tried to deduce his whereabouts.The power from Dark Limit was almost used up, with this huge expenditure now, Fang Yuan was forced to leave the trading convention prematurely."Damn it, which Gu Immortal is deducing me? I wonder if they are deducing Fang Yuan or Liu Guan Yi?"Fang Yuan felt some regret.If he had some more time, he might have traded woman's heart Immortal Gu away.Such opportunities were incredibly rare.After one convention, many Gu Immortals would lay low for many years before wanting to trade again.After he got to a safe distance, Fang Yuan used the new divination tortoise shell Immortal Gu, as well as change form Immortal Gu.Immortal killer move — Divination Tortoise Transformation!Transformation path killer moves were so simple and straightforward.Because he lacked the help of mortal Gu, this killer move's effect was not outstanding. But because of change form Immortal Gu, this panacea, although the transformation had none of the battle strength from the divination tortoise, Fang Yuan could use it.This divination tortoise transformation was to give Fang Yuan more time.A while later, he found a safe environment and placed his immortal aperture.For several days, he stayed inside the immortal aperture.He started to think about how he could refine attitude Gu.Even though he had two new Immortal Gu, they were not useful for refining attitude Gu.Fang Yuan was helpless about this.Maybe the third Gu for Woman's Heart could have been a suitable Immortal Gu.But Fang Yuan missed this opportunity.He needed to stay inside the immortal aperture for some time so that Dark Limit could be used again.By then, the trading convention would be over."This means I can only borrow Immortal Gu from Lang Ya blessed land." Fang Yuan had a backup plan.But this was a secondary method.The best situation was for Fang Yuan to settle it himself.Borrowing Immortal Gu was not a feasible plan.If Fang Yuan used his own Immortal Gu to deduce an immortal killer move to refine attitude Gu, it would help him greatly, he could even fuse this immortal killer move into reverse flow protection seal.Think about it, by then, Reverse Flow River would flow around Fang Yuan's body, and any Immortal Gu that flew inside would be refined by Fang Yuan. How tempting was that?Fang Yuan had a long term goal regarding this.But it was a pity, even though he joined the trading convention, he did not gain any progress in this aspect.But thankfully, Lang Ya blessed land had no lack of refinement path Immortal Gu.Through treasure yellow heaven, and after expending Lang Ya Sect contribution points, Fang Yuan borrowed some Immortal Gu.A commotion occurred in treasure yellow heaven again, but Fang Yuan had no choice but to do this.Using these refinement path Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan came up with an immortal killer move using Reverse Flow River to refine attitude Gu.Fang Yuan purposely slowed his movement, half a month later, he successfully refined attitude Gu.And now, he finally owned this legendary rank eight Immortal Gu.

Reverend Insanity