
Chapter: 1281-1285:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1281. Washed Away | Reverend Insanity

Reverse Flow River flowed silently.The further they went ahead, the calmer the river surface.However, to the swimmers, Reverse Flow River was like a torrential tide, it defied all thoughts of traveling ahead.Destruction of the body was not scary, destruction of thoughts and the mind was scary.In the past, even Ren Zu failed in Reverse Flow River. These Gu Immortals were doing the same thing as Ren Zu now."Damn it, I cannot continue anymore!" At the next moment, Yu Yi Ye Zi reached his limits, he could not continue anymore, he was washed away by the tides.And the second Central Continent Gu Immortal, followed by the third.Shi Zheng Yi gave it his all, but he failed and was washed away by Reverse Flow River.Bu Zhen Zi was unwilling, but he could only float away.Bi Chen Tian and the rest were showing ugly expressions as each Central Continent Gu Immortal got eliminated.Not long after, out of the Central Continent Gu Immortals, only rank eight Wei Ling Yang was left.Being able to reach rank eight, he truly had shocking willpower!Wei Ling Yang showed the foundation of a rank eight great expert.As for those Gu Immortals who were washed away, they were all gathered by Bi Chen Tian and went back to the group, they were not obstructed by Old Ancestor Xue Hu, or the dog tail life extending ferret Mao Li Qiu."Why is it that our Gu Immortals were all swept away, but these random people are still inside the river?" Some Central Continent Gu Immortals were very unhappy towards Ying Wu Xie's gang and Fang Yuan."At merely rank six, their willpower is truly shocking. But we were all defeated, they will fail soon." A Central Continent Gu Immortal who was just swept out of the river said.But they did not managed to see Fang Yuan or Ying Wu Xie fail, before a situation occurred around Ma Hong Yun.Ma Hong Yun, who was swimming forward, choked on the river water as he was nearly swept away."Be careful!" Bi Chen Tian couldn't help but call out.Ying Wu Xie was overjoyed, but soon, Ma Hong Yun continued to swim forward, moving his arms.It was just a scare."It's that girl, hehe, her willpower is shocking too." Mao Li Qiu could see the subtle details.At the crucial moment, Zhao Lian Yun had helped Ma Hong Yun and stabilized his condition.The truth was, after Reverse Flow River went back to normal, the river surface became smooth, it did not challenge one's physical stamina as much. Especially towards the upstream, the river became more shallow, but its reflective power against willpower and mental energy became stronger."Hong Yun, we cannot be separated anymore.""Do you know, in order to be with you again, how much have I experienced, how much hardship have I gone through, and how much I have lost?"Zhao Lian Yun had lost her voice and could not speak, but at this moment, she had no such energy anyway.Her aged body was unleashing strength that even Zhao Lian Yun could not believe she had.Zhao Lian Yun had forgotten about her stamina and age, she was purely wanting to be together with Ma Hong Yun.Even if they were swimming for their lives, and could not even look at each other.Even if she could not speak, and danger was right behind them."No matter how bad the situation is, I need to persevere. Every minute and second that I spend with him, fighting alongside him, regardless of the situation, I have never been so blissful!"Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun continued moving forward, even though they were slow, the situation was stabilizing.It was just a scare.Bi Chen Tian and the other Central Continent Gu Immortals, and even Flood Extremity and Black Extremity, were having their hearts shake from the shock.Old Ancestor Xue Hu snorted coldly, he did not conceal his disappointment.The immortals watched Reverse Flow River, every action caused deep emotions to form in their hearts.Even though some of them were rank eight existences, and even though the rank six and seven Gu Immortals were experts among those with the same cultivation level, elites of their regions."Even my immortal zombie body is feeling tired?" Ying Wu Xie smiled bitterly.Purple Mountain True Monarch was on his head, pulling Ying Wu Xie's hair, he was causing a din as he cried or laughed at times."I am just a split soul of the main body, I have not lived for a long time.""But since coming to life, I knew that I had my own responsibilities!""Right now, Lord Purple is crazy, I cannot ignore him, he might choke to death in the river, I am Shadow Sect's only hope.""Even if I die from exhaustion here, I cannot give up. Only by capturing Zhao Lian Yun and Ma Hong Yun can I stall for time until Lord Purple awakens again!"His duty was making Ying Wu Xie persevere.Bai Ning Bing gritted her teeth, her chest was pumping up and down."Hehehe," she even laughed lightly, her face was distorted, excitement was in her eyes."Exciting!""This is truly exciting!""In Reverse Flow River, I have experienced a new type of excitement never felt before, this is the road that Ren Zu once walked on!""Interesting, this is simply too interesting!!""Even if I fail, this trip was worth it. Even if I die, this life was worth it!"Hei Lou Lan was filled with anger."How can I stop here?""Mother, I have not avenged you yet!""I have not killed that man with my own hands yet!""Argh!""I need to persevere…"Hei Lou Lan was trembling, she was showing indomitable willpower.However, as time passed, some people could not persevere."Will my excitement end here?""I… have not… taken revenge yet…"Bai Ning Bing and Hei Lou Lan were out of energy, they were washed away.But their safety was ensured, Old Ancestor Xue Hu was already waiting for them outside.This way, there were only six people left in Reverse Flow River.Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun were still at first place.Ying Wu Xie and the crazy Purple Mountain True Monarch were second.Fang Yuan was third.Wei Ling Yang was fourth."There is still hope!" Right now, Old Ancestor Xue Hu's hopes were all on Ying Wu Xie.As long as Ying Wu Xie captured Ma and Zhao, Old Ancestor Xue Hu's side would gain the initiative, they would be able to threaten Bi Chen Tian and the others, as well as Longevity Heaven's dog tail life extending ferret.But if Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun were swept away, then everyone would have a chance, a huge battle would occur, it was unclear who would win. It would depend on their strength and also luck."Lord Wei Ling Yang, it will depend on you now." Bi Chen Tian thought, he clenched his fists that were full of sweat.The dog tail life extending ferret was laughing.Its eyes were staring at the river, thinking of something."Ah! The glory of Heavenly Court…" A moment later, Wei Ling Yang sighed out loud as he reached his limits, despite his unwillingness, he was washed away by Reverse Flow River.Central Continent's Gu Immortals were shocked, they were completely stunned.Someone screamed in disbelief: "How can this be? Lord Wei Ling Yang is a rank eight Gu Immortal, how could he lose to these people?""Swimming in Reverse Flow River has nothing to do with cultivation level, it depends on your willpower." Someone explained.Central Continent's Gu Immortals were silent, did this mean that the great rank eight Central Continent Gu Immortal, Wei Ling Yang's willpower, was inferior to these people?Bi Chen Tian slowly spoke: "Don't forget, Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun had rested on the floating mound earlier, according to the information, they even had fruits to eat, when Reverse Flow River engulfed everything, they were at the front, the Gu Immortals behind them also went through many struggles, their stamina and willpower were greatly expended."The Central Continent Gu Immortals finally realized."That's true.""Even though Lord Wei Ling Yang lost, if they had the same starting point, he would definitely be the victor!"Because of Bi Chen Tian's words, the Central Continent Gu Immortals' morale stabilized.Bi Chen Tian was expressionless, his mood was heavy."What do we do now?" Bi Chen Tian was hesitant.The Central Continent group had a huge disadvantage.The wise choice was to retreat and preserve their strength. They could go to black heaven and try to meet with Myriad Tidal Dragon, using the Immortal Gu House to see if they could turn this around.There was a third option, it was to stay here and contest for Ma and Zhao with Old Ancestor Xue Hu and the dog tail life extending ferret."We should discuss this after Wei Ling Yang returns." This was a huge matter, Bi Chen Tian could not make the decision, he was not the leader, Wei Ling Yang was.But while they were waiting, another change occurred in Reverse Flow River."I… will not give in!" Ying Wu Xie bellowed as he raised his head, but Reverse Flow River engulfed him as he was swept away."Is it finally ending! Ying Wu Xie, die!!" Fang Yuan screamed internally, he was waiting for this moment all along.He collided heavily with Ying Wu Xie.Both sides were fighting in the water, they stopped advancing.This way, Fang Yuan and Ying Wu Xie, as well as Purple Mountain True Monarch, could not help but be washed downstream by Reverse Flow River.Sovereign immortal body versus the strength path immortal zombie.Undeniably, Ying Wu Xie was at a disadvantage, he was quickly beaten until he suffered bone fractures by Fang Yuan's punches and kicks.But the immortal zombie body was dead to begin with, its only weakness was the brain. Even the heart was not a weakness.Fang Yuan had become an immortal zombie for some time, he naturally knew this, but Ying Wu Xie was defending his head, he disregarded the rest of his body and only protected his skull.Undeniably, this was a wise decision.Once he stalled for time and Fang Yuan was swept out of Reverse Flow River, Ying Wu Xie would counterattack.Don't forget, Hei Lou Lan, Bai Ning Bing, and Old Ancestor Xue Hu were already outside the river.Among everyone here, Fang Yuan was the only one who was truly alone.He was racing against time!Fang Yuan wanted to kill Ying Wu Xie and Purple Mountain True Monarch before they got out of Reverse Flow River.While Ying Wu Xie was stalling for time, trying to survive.Fang Yuan was not able to do anything to Ying Wu Xie at the moment.

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Chapter 1282. Surpassing Ren Zu? | Reverend Insanity

The most important reason was: Fighting in water greatly affected Fang Yuan's ability to attack consecutively.Because he needed to breathe outside the water at certain intervals.In this aspect, Fang Yuan was inferior to the dead Mu Ling Lan. He was a water path Gu Immortal, he had special water path dao marks that allowed him to breathe underwater.On the other hand, the immortal zombie did not need to breathe, as it was dead to begin with."Hmph!" Fang Yuan could not attack successfully, he changed his target towards Purple Mountain True Monarch, who was in Ying Wu Xie's arms.Ying Wu Xie was worried about Purple Mountain True Monarch's safety, he wanted to try and save him.But Fang Yuan changed his target again, poking at Ying Wu Xie's eyes.This was a vicious move.As long as he succeeded, Fang Yuan would be able to stab into Ying Wu Xie's brain and end his life for good.Ying Wu Xie's heart was jumping, it was too late to defend himself, he fell into despair.However, a change occurred right at this moment.Purple Mountain True Monarch suddenly stood up and charged at Fang Yuan's face.Fang Yuan had the initiative, he could easily defend himself. He grabbed Purple Mountain True Monarch and tried to squeeze his fist and kill Purple Mountain True Monarch.But Purple Mountain True Monarch had unfathomable capabilities, and was a wisdom path Gu Immortal with deep wisdom path dao mark accumulation, Fang Yuan felt like he was grabbing an eel, it was so slippery, Purple Mountain True Monarch somehow managed to squeeze himself out of his fist.Purple Mountain True Monarch escaped Fang Yuan's demonic clutches, he moved agilely in the water, his wings gave him more mobility, Fang Yuan actually missed all of his attacks.Next, Purple Mountain True Monarch flew to Ying Wu Xie and grabbed his shirt, swimming desperately and managing to get free from Fang Yuan.Ying Wu Xie was shocked and overjoyed, seeing Purple Mountain True Monarch regain clarity in his eyes, he knew that at this crucial moment of life and death, Purple Mountain True Monarch had regained his senses!"This is great!" Ying Wu Xie was overjoyed, with Purple Mountain True Monarch now clear-headed, they could capture Ma and Zhao again."Quickly leave!" Purple Mountain True Monarch carried Ying Wu Xie as they moved downstream, rapidly escaping.He was tiny but he had great strength."Lord Purple!" Ying Wu Xie understood something immediately, as soon, Purple Mountain True Monarch fell into insanity once again."Oh!' Ying Wu Xie sighed deeply, he knew why Purple Mountain True Monarch wanted to retreat, because his condition was not stable.Because of Purple Mountain True Monarch, Fang Yuan could not eliminate Ying Wu Xie.Furthermore, he was lagging behind.He was far from Ma and Zhao.Old Ancestor Xue Hu had an unhappy expression.Because Ying Wu Xie and Purple Mountain True Monarch left, only three people were left in Reverse Flow River.They were Ma Hong Yun, Zhao Lian Yun, and Fang Yuan."Who is this? He is a Northern Plains Gu Immortal, but he dares to foil my plan?" Old Ancestor Xue Hu had deep killing intent towards Fang Yuan.Hei Lou Lan was already standing beside Old Ancestor Xue Hu, hearing Old Ancestor Xue Hu's words, her heart jumped.Fang Yuan clearly had deep enmity with Ying Wu Xie, she had to answer this question now.Hei Lou Lan was a member of Shadow Sect, at this moment, she could not expose Fang Yuan's true identity, but thankfully, he had another identity, so she said: "He is Liu Guan Yi.""Liu Guan Yi? The demonic path Gu Immortal who killed Ye Lui Qun Xing and cultivates ancient sword dragon transformation?" Old Ancestor Xue Hu was stunned before replying.He knew about Liu Guan Yi.Even though he was refining Gu in Snowy Mountain, he still paid attention to the situation in Northern Plains.Because the rank eight Gu Immortals in Northern Plains were all obstacles for him in refining Fortune Rivalling Heaven. As for Liu Guan Yi, and Chu Du, Old Ancestor Xue Hu was not too concerned about them.But to think that this insignificant character was actually foiling his plan at this moment."Hahaha, luck is truly on our side." The dog tail life extending ferret laughed loudly, waves of noise billowed.Bi Chen Tian and Wei Ling Yang had gathered together, Central Continent's Gu Immortals waited solemnly. They had chosen to stay and wait for a chance.Old Ancestor Xue Hu, Hei Lou Lan, and Bai Ning Bing stood together.The three parties were all at the starting point, waiting for Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun to be swept away."Fairy Lian Yun, Ma Hong Yun, you can come out now, even if us Gu Immortals of Central Continent have to sacrifice our lives, we will defend you." Wei Ling Yang called out."Laughable! You Central Continent fellows want to snatch them from me, Grandpa Mao?!" The dog tail life extending ferret, Mao Li Qiu, was furious and spoke in displeasure.Black Extremity was worried that Mao Li Qiu's scary appearance would frighten Ma Hong Yun, he quickly added: "Ma Hong Yun, you are acknowledged by fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu and have Giant Sun's bloodline, you are a member of Longevity Heaven. Longevity Heaven is the origin of our bloodline, it is the grotto-heaven of Ancestor Giant Sun. We are here to bring you home."Old Ancestor Xue Hu snorted, pressuring Fang Yuan: "Liu Guan Yi, if you can capture Ma and Zhao, I will allow you to become the third peak lord of Snowy Mountain. I, Xue Hu, am one to hold my word, you can rest assured. If you succeed, I will back you up, your future cultivation journey will be smooth sailing."Hearing this, the other Gu Immortals started to look at Fang Yuan again.Fang Yuan lost the chance to kill Ying Wu Xie.There was no other way.He had tried his best.But the foundation of rank eight was immense, the advantage of the strength path immortal zombie body in Reverse Flow River and most importantly, Purple Mountain True Monarch's moment of clarity, pushed him towards the abyss of failure."I failed again!"Fang Yuan gritted his teeth.The situation was horrible for him. Out of the three rank eight existences outside the river, he could only join Old Ancestor Xue Hu.But Old Ancestor Xue Hu was with the members of Shadow Sect."If I leave Reverse Flow River, these three rank eights will attack me. My speed cannot match Hui Feng Zi, even with myriad self and familiar face, the hope of escaping from them is likely very slim."Fang Yuan was very clear on his current situation."However, if I can capture Ma and Zhao, I will have the best bargaining chips. Central Continent and Longevity Heaven will be willing to transact, not to mention Old Ancestor Xue Hu as well, by then, I could use them to help eliminate Shadow Sect!"Thinking of this, Fang Yuan stared at Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun.He swam upstream, charging towards the two of them.Ma and Zhao saw Fang Yuan's movement, they were the only ones ahead of him now, his animosity was obvious.Ma and Zhao could only grit their teeth and continue swimming."Persevere!""I have just escaped from Snowy Mountain, I cannot be captured again!""There is also Lady Xiao Yun, she became like this because of me, I need to save her!!""Thus, I need to persevere.""Ma Hong Yun, you can do it, work hard!"Ma Hong Yun gritted his teeth, he desperately swam, even though he was very tired, he had strong driving force in his heart.Fang Yuan's speed was faster than Ma and Zhao.But because he had fought with Ying Wu Xie earlier, he was pushed back by Reverse Flow River for some time.Thus, Ma and Zhao were very safe, unless they could not hold on anymore.As time passed, this mystical competition was reaching its end.Outside the river, large numbers of Gu Immortals were observing the three people in Reverse Flow River."Hmm?" At this time, Zhao Lian Yun's expression suddenly changed.While swimming, her legs had touched the ground.Next, she subconsciously stepped on the ground and stood up from Reverse Flow River, her head and shoulders was exposed above the water.This change made both her and Ma Hong Yun extremely joyful."How could this happen?" Flood Extremity was extremely shocked.The dog tail life extending ferret yawned: "Are you ignorant! Upstream in Reverse Flow River, it gets shallower and shallower, did you people not read <the legends of ren zu>? Back then, Ren Zu wanted to walk out of Reverse Flow River, he failed at the last step.""So it is like this!" Mao Li Qiu spoke loudly, the Central Continent Gu Immortals finally realized it."Unknowingly, the two of them have already reached the end.""Look, they are only a hundred steps away from the shore.""Does this mean Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun will be able to break the record and achieve what Ren Zu could not do, forcefully getting out of Reverse Flow River from the front?!""That might not be, Ren Zu had swam from the bottom of the river, Ma and Zhao had a much easier time.""Even so, this is a grand feat!""That's right, their willpower is simply shocking!!"The Gu Immortals were all discussing this.Even Mao Li Qiu was moved: "This is true, Ma Hong Yun is really something! He might be able to charge out of Reverse Flow River. Hehe."Black Extremity and Flood Extremity looked at each other, the former said arrogantly: "As expected of the person chosen by fortune rivalling heaven Immortal Gu."Fang Yuan was still swimming, trying to reach them, when Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun were already walking in Reverse Flow River.Almost all the Gu Immortals were looking at Ma and Zhao.The immortals wanted to know if these two could break the record of human history, and in a sense, surpass Ren Zu and walk out of Reverse Flow River from the front!One step at a time.Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun supported each other, as they walked forward shakily but with determination.They were extremely tired, their bodies were numb, but they still persevered.Almost every step, their bodies would shake like tree branches in the wind. It would not be strange if any of them fainted at the very next moment.But in this condition, they continued to advance.This situation created a huge impact on these immortals' hearts."What sort of willpower is this!""Is this the power of love?""The two of them are supporting each other through thick and thin, and are walking side by side. Regardless of the result, I feel deep admiration towards the two of them."The river water's turbulence gradually stopped, as Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun finally approached the end of the river, everyone held their breaths in anticipation.

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Chapter 1283. Immemorial Secrets of Reverse Flow River | Reverend Insanity

"Am I going to fail…" Fang Yuan was still swimming, seeing this, his heart sank: "No, until the final moment, I still have a chance, I cannot give up!""The final step!" Bi Chen Tian cried out.The immortals did not dare to breathe loudly, they were nervous, staring at this grand moment."Grandpa Mao, get ready to save Ma Hong Yun, we will fight for them the moment they get out!" Black Extremity transmitted, reminding the dog tail life extending ferret.But the latter replied: "No need.""Grandpa Mao, what do you mean?" Black Extremity was anxious.Because now, Ma Hong Yun was holding Zhao Lian Yun's hand, taking the final step.His left leg was still in Reverse Flow River, but right now, the river water was not even at the sole of his left foot. Meanwhile, his right foot was already in the air, about to step out of the river.At this moment, nobody could stop Ma Hong Yun, unless Zhao Lian Yun went crazy or if Ma Hong Yun gave up.But none of these happened.Ma Hong Yun took a step forward!Ping.With a soft sound, water splattered.He stepped on water."Why is there water?" Ma Hong Yun was stunned, Zhao Lian Yun was also dazed.They saw clearly that when Ma Hong Yun took the final step, the river water also moved forward by a little.Thus, Ma Hong Yun was still in Reverse Flow River."How can this be?" Ma Hong Yun could not believe it, he gritted his teeth and took a second step.This time, a similar thing happened, Reverse Flow River moved ahead again, causing him to remain in the river.The immortals were shocked.How could Reverse Flow River do this?This was simply too shameless!"Hahaha!" Mao Li Qiu suddenly laughed out loud: "This is too fun, this is too fun! Look at your faces, hahaha, this is too funny, too funny."The immortals' expressions changed.Black Extremity understood something after recalling Mao Li Qiu's earlier words, he realized at once that Mao Li Qiu was sure Ma Hong Yun could not step out of Reverse Flow River, that was why it was so calm and did not try to snatch them."Grandpa Mao, what is going on?" Flood Extremity was impatient, he asked curiously."Hahaha, you fools, look at your faces!" Mao Li Qiu was laughing as his claws slammed on the ground, he was extremely overjoyed."Reverse Flow River itself is like this!""It has upstream and downstream parts, but it is impossible to try and forcefully leave the river from upstream. Because Reverse Flow River has no end. Every step you take at the final stretch of the river would just create a new extension of the river.""During the immemorial era, Ren Zu wanted to save his son, but fate Gu dictated the life and death of all beings. How can a dead person have a second life? That was against the rules of heaven and earth, thus, wisdom Gu did not tell Ren Zu that there was such a mystical aspect in Reverse Flow River.""Hahaha, this is too funny, to think that we would encounter something so funny!"Mao Li Qiu said this as it laughed maniacally, it even rolled on the ground, patting its tummy.The immortals' expressions completely changed.This was an immemorial secret.Everyone was hearing it for the first time."This means that in the legends, wisdom Gu entrapped Ren Zu?""Ren Zu failed at the final step, but the truth is there was no final step. Because Reverse Flow River is endless to begin with.""This is a scheme. Wisdom Gu specially set this trap!""Wait, does that mean that Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun are trapped inside Reverse Flow River forever?"Someone said that and reminded everyone.The immortals turned their gazes towards Reverse Flow River.But this time, they paid no attention to Ma and Zhao, they were looking at Fang Yuan who was not far behind.Fang Yuan!He did not give up. As a result of his perseverance, there was a huge opportunity now!"This Liu Guan Yi was not swept away, he is still persevering, he is very close to Ma and Zhao now!""That means with his speed, he can definitely catch up to Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun?""Liu Guan Yi has immense battle strength, the battle earlier states everything. He had fought Lord Bi Chen Tian evenly in Reverse Flow River!"The other Gu Immortals were all eliminated!Only Fang Yuan, Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun were left.Right now, even if the Gu Immortals outside Reverse Flow River wanted to catch up to them, there was no time. And more importantly, they were all eliminated, all of their mental energy regarding swimming upstream had been consumed, they had no determination to swim in Reverse Flow River anymore for this period of time."Damn it, the only hope now is that Liu Guan Yi will overly exert himself?" Bi Chen Tian thought about it, his forehead was full of sweat.He suddenly reminded Ma and Zhao, "Walk slowly, don't rush, as long as you maintain your current speed, you can stay in Reverse Flow River!"Bi Chen Tian had fought with Fang Yuan, he knew about Fang Yuan's immense strength when fighting in Reverse Flow River!On this point, Ying Wu Xie, who had just escaped from Reverse Flow River, could prove it with his injuries. He had Purple Mountain True Monarch's help and was an immortal zombie, but he was still one step away from dying.Thus, with Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun on Central Continent's side, they should avoid meeting with Fang Yuan.They needed to stall for time until Fang Yuan could no longer persevere.This was Central Continent's only hope of victory!But Fang Yuan continued moving ahead, he was not fast, but compared to the turtle-like speed of Ma and Zhao, he was like a rocket.Not long after, he also stood on the riverbed, he was just a hundred steps away from Ma and Zhao.Old Ancestor Xue Hu suddenly spoke: "Very good, Liu Guan Yi, capture the two of them, you can ask for any request from me. Right now, you are wanted by both Liu tribe and Ye Lui tribe, but if you hand them to me, I will be your ally! Anyone who tries to deal with you will have to face me, Xue Hu!"Wei Ling Yang was stunned, he also spoke: "Liu Guan Yi, we are Central Continent's ten great sects, as well as Heavenly Court's members. If you can protect them, you can join Central Continent, we can modify your immortal aperture and let you adapt to Central Continent's heaven and earth qi! You will become a true Central Continent Gu Immortal! After this merit, Central Continent will not disappoint you, whatever Old Ancestor Xue Hu can give you, we can give you several times that, or even tens of times as many benefits to you.""Hmph! Liu Guan Yi, even though you do not have the Huang Jin bloodline, as long as you protect both Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun, and hand them to Longevity Heaven, we can make an exception and allow you to become our external supreme elder! Joining Longevity Heaven will grant you unthinkable benefits. You will be in Northern Plains' righteous path and not demonic path. Not only will you no longer be wanted by anyone, all the Huang Jin tribes will welcome you." Flood Extremity also said in response.

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Chapter 1284. Ma Hong Yun's Death | Reverend Insanity

This was indeed a funny situation.All three sides gave Fang Yuan attractive offers.Fang Yuan's position was too advantageous, if he succeeded in this attempt, regardless of which side he joined, he would gain great benefits.However, Fang Yuan did not respond.He had no spare energy to speak.He stepped on the riverbed as he stood up and walked ahead.He knew that talking was pointless, only by capturing Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun could he qualify to make conditions and negotiate with the three forces outside.The distance was shrinking.The people outside Reverse Flow River were watching Fang Yuan's movements, some were speaking and trying to raise their offers.But there was something strange.Nobody said anything to threaten Fang Yuan!Because everyone knew that Fang Yuan's public identity, Liu Guan Yi, was someone who could kill Ye Lui Qun Xing, he had outstanding battle strength and even dared to offend Liu tribe, he was a vicious and lawless person. Threatening such a person would only have negative consequences."I must live, I want to be together with Hong Yun!" Zhao Lian Yun sobbed, she chanted in her heart, every step was difficult for her, she was inching forward slowly."I am here, I am right here. Don't be afraid, Xiao Yun, I will protect you…" Ma Hong Yun was pale as paper, he was holding Zhao Lian Yun's arm as his vision turned dark, every step he took, he felt an assault of intense dizziness, he felt that he would collapse at any moment."Where are you two going?" Fang Yuan's voice came from behind Ma Hong Yun.Ma and Zhao shook, they turned around.Fang Yuan's hands were already on the shoulders of both Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun."No—!" At this moment, Ma Hong Yun shouted loudly, pushing Zhao Lian Yun away as he charged at Fang Yuan.But how could Fang Yuan allow Ma Hong Yun to succeed?Earlier, he failed to deal with Ying Wu Xie and Purple Mountain True Monarch, Fang Yuan was already furious. Dealing with Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun, a mortal and a false immortal, it was too easy.After some dazzling moves that made Ma Hong Yun's head spin, the two were subdued by Fang Yuan in turn, they were carried in each of his arms, unable to move.Ma and Zhao reacted, struggling intensely. But at this moment, Fang Yuan's cold voice spoke: "Move and I will kill the person you love!"Instantly, Ma and Zhao shuddered, they looked at Fang Yuan with immense fear.Fang Yuan's words targeted their greatest weakness.Fang Yuan let out a breath of air, he carried these two captives as he walked forward.In this dangerous situation, Fang Yuan had finally found a way to survive.He looked outside the river, saying: "We can negotiate now!""Hahaha, lad, you are quite good. You are like me back in the day, we can talk it through!" Old Ancestor Xue Hu laughed."Don't be rash, Central Continent can satisfy your needs." Wei Ling Yang also said."Boring." Mao Li Qiu pouted, lying on the ground as it wagged its tail, relaxing.Black Extremity smiled bitterly: "Liu Guan Yi, just tell us what you want… hmm!"At this moment, a change occurred.Ma Hong Yun suddenly stopped breathing!He was dead!!The immortals were shocked, there was pure silence.At once, even Fang Yuan was shocked."I did not exert any strength. Oh wait, Ma Hong Yun died of exhaustion! He carried Zhao Lian Yun as they traveled in the river, he was completely overexerting himself, surpassing his limits. Eventually, not only was he out of stamina, he was also drained of mental energy. After I caught him, his body relaxed and he died immediately."Fang Yuan quickly understood.This change caught him off guard.Ma Hong Yun was dead!The immortals gasped."Damn it! Liu Guan Yi, you actually killed him, I will tear your bones and tendons out, I will make sure you die a terrible death!!" Old Ancestor Xue Hu fell into a rage, he screamed loudly as his eyes turned red.Ma Hong Yun died, the effect of Fortune Rivalling Heaven also completely dissipated.Only a living Ma Hong Yun had value as an immortal material. A dead Ma Hong Yun was just a rank five Gu Master corpse.This was why Lady Wan Shou had been keeping Ma Hong Yun alive and did not kill him before trying to refine the Gu.Like the spring dream fruit tree, luck path immortal materials also had a special trait, if it was a living luck path immortal material, it had to be alive. Refining the luck path Immortal Gu would require a living refinement in that case."Ma Hong Yun…" Bi Chen Tian and Wei Ling Yang were downcast."Little worm, you actually killed Ma Hong Yun, you squeezed him to death!!" Mao Li Qiu shouted even more loudly than Old Ancestor Xue Hu, it was furious and bared its sharp fangs, it was agitated and its hair was standing, it was ready to pounce to devour Fang Yuan alive."Ma Hong Yun actually died?! Never mind, I still have Zhao Lian Yun." Fang Yuan held in his shock.Zhao Lian Yun was covered in tears."Hong Yun!""Hong Yun—!"The person she loved had died right in front of her.Unparalleled grief and sadness assaulted her and overwhelmed her like a tsunami!But she could not scream, she could not shout, she was unable to emit any sound.She could only scream in her heart and cry!She had spent so much effort to reach this step, she had just reunited with Ma Hong Yun, when they were separated for good.What was Zhao Lian Yun going to do now?Her tears flowed like a river, the pain was engraved in her soul, extreme grief was causing her to tremble intensely."Oh no." Fang Yuan quickly made a move, wanting to knock out Zhao Lian Yun.It was to prevent Zhao Lian Yun from dying on the spot as well from grief.However, right when Fang Yuan was about to hit Zhao Lian Yun's neck, a blue light burst out from Zhao Lian Yun's body.Rank nine love Immortal Gu!At the most critical moment, it displayed its might again."This aura… rank nine love Gu?! Wait, aren't Gu worms unable to be used in Reverse Flow River?" Flood Extremity called out.Mao Li Qiu rolled its eyes: "Are you stupid? How can anything be absolute in this world? Reverse Flow River is a secluded domain of heaven and earth, it is filled with dao marks, preventing Gu worms from being used. But if it is a rank nine Immortal Gu, they are not dao marks but fragments of the Great Dao. And a fragment of the Great Dao cannot be suppressed by Reverse Flow River's dao marks, the Immortal Gu's power can be used.""Save him, save him, even if I have to sacrifice my life!" Zhao Lian Yun was overjoyed, she screamed in her heart.But love Immortal Gu could not be controlled, the blue light brought Zhao Lian Yun into the sky, escaping Reverse Flow River. It then went to Wei Ling Yang and Bi Chen Tian, the speed was simply too fast to react to.Meanwhile, Ma Hong Yun's corpse remained.Fang Yuan was holding onto it.Even though Ma Hong Yun died, his soul was still in his body.But Old Ancestor Xue Hu lost all interest in this corpse already. If reviving Ma Hong Yun would help, Lady Wan Shou would not have used this difficult living refinement method.Mao Li Qiu was staring at Fang Yuan, ready to attack.Fang Yuan had grasped the chance earlier, but to think that this sudden change would cause Fang Yuan to fall into even bigger danger than before."Such a mishap, it is definitely heaven's will!"Instantly, Fang Yuan understood.He had fallen into Reverse Flow River, his Immortal Gu were ineffective, after such a long time passed, heaven's will had already started its plotting.He was first swept into Reverse Flow River, followed by the events of Purple Mountain True Monarch and Ying Wu Xie, and finally, Ma Hong Yun and Zhao Lian Yun.Heaven's will!Fang Yuan raised his head.At this moment, he was completely trapped.Not just Old Ancestor Xue Hu, Mao Li Qiu, and Central Continent's Gu Immortals, even heaven's will was everywhere, trying desperately to eliminate this biggest uncontrollable factor!"A desperate situation… then, what should I do?"Fang Yuan's mouth was dry.But from start to finish, he was expressionless.He could not think of a way, just Old Ancestor Xue Hu alone was an enemy Fang Yuan could not face.That giant purple ferret was unfathomable, it was Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's steed!Not to mention the other Gu Immortals.Fang Yuan had no way, he could only continue moving in Reverse Flow River.The clamoring of the Gu Immortals around him continued."Liu Guan Yi, you cannot escape death today.""You committed so much evil, you have done yourself in today, the fact that you are in this state is truly heaven's judgment!""Kill him, we need to kill him, he actually foiled our plans!""Do you know that you killed someone you could not touch. You will die for sure today!!""Howl—!" The dog tail life extending ferret howled, sound waves resounded endlessly, if not for Reverse Flow River, it would have attacked Fang Yuan already."I have no choice now… if Reverse Flow River sweeps me out, with my current methods, there is little chance of escaping." Fang Yuan was completely stumped.He could only continue moving forward in Reverse Flow River.Step by step.He was at the front already, every step he took, Reverse Flow River would move forward by a bit, causing Fang Yuan to stay in the river forever.Reverse Flow River had no end.This was a form of despair.But Fang Yuan did not feel anything."In my life, I have experienced too many instances of despair." Fang Yuan sighed internally.His gaze was clear, he was still expressionless."In the current situation, I can only wait for the three sides to fight, I will then be able to escape. I can only persevere in this river." Fang Yuan thought.Step by step.Time passed, the Gu Immortals who were waiting for Fang Yuan to be swept out became frustrated."Is he going to stop?""What's the point of moving forward in Reverse Flow River? You will still die.""Come out you coward! I will kill you with one slap!""It is hopeless now, Liu Guan Yi, suiciding is the only way you can retain your honor."Some Gu Immortals were laughing, some were watching coldly.In their opinion, Fang Yuan was just struggling futilely.

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Chapter 1285. Fang Yuan's Perseverance! | Reverend Insanity

"If you think that there will be a chance to escape when we fight, you can forget about it. Today, I only have one target, that is you. Do you know how much of a price I've paid to refine fortune rivalling heaven Gu? You foiled my cultivation plan, you are the person I hate most in my life. If I do not kill you, I will never be appeased!" Old Ancestor Xue Hu looked at Fang Yuan with deep hatred, his words were like an icy river pouring on Fang Yuan.But Fang Yuan was still expressionless.He was like a rock, a deaf person, anyone's words, be it threats or promises, had no effect on him.As time passed, Fang Yuan continued to move forward.Unknowingly, the growling of the dog tail life extending ferret, Mao Li Qiu, became softer.This giant purple ferret's expression had changed.It spoke in a weird and incredulous tone, looking at Fang Yuan: "No way…""What?" Black Extremity was confused.At this moment, Old Ancestor Xue Hu, Bi Chen Tian, and Wei Ling Yang also had changes in their expressions.They sensed something.Soon, the other Gu Immortals present were stirred up, they quickly shouted."Hmm?""This is a Gu worm's aura? But it doesn't seem like it!""What Gu worm? Impossible, does he also have a rank nine Immortal Gu?""This is weird, this is not an Immortal Gu's aura, or rather, it is not complete, this is so strange!"Suddenly, Yu Yi Ye Zi's eyes shined, he guessed the truth as he said: "This situation, he is refining Gu!"A Gu Immortal immediately mocked: "How can that be? Refining Gu in Reverse Flow River?"That was true.Gu worms could not be used in Reverse Flow River, unless it was a rank nine Immortal Gu.Even though Fang Yuan had wisdom Gu, it was inside Lang Ya blessed land, he could not use any Gu worms, not to mention refining Gu.Fang Yuan also felt the change inside his body.He was expressionless, but he was shocked on the inside: "It seems… I really am refining Gu? What is going on? Every step I take, the aura in my body strengthens. What is going on?"Even though Fang Yuan did not understand it, he knew that this was a turning point!The situation was at its worst, no matter what, Fang Yuan wanted to try.He continued to move forward.Step by step.He walked steadily, he was expressionless, but it gave others a feeling of strength."Why does he show no expression?" A Gu Immortal suddenly asked.The immortals finally reacted.That was true.Other than Fang Yuan, everyone else who had been in this situation had distorted expressions, they were in pain, or they were going crazy or sobbing.But why was Fang Yuan expressionless from start to finish?The immortals were silent.They all knew that the person who asked this question actually was asking about something else.And that was —"Why is this Liu Guan Yi able to persevere for so long? Furthermore, he seems to be able to continue, it seems like he can persevere forever!"How was it possible?Everyone was eliminated, swept away by Reverse Flow River.How could he remain here with so much remaining strength?Why was it him?Why was it him!Nobody could answer that, the Gu Immortals were all silent.A moment later, as Fang Yuan continued to advance, the Gu worm aura in his body continued to strength, it was at its peak.Soon, from inside Fang Yuan's body to the outside, he started to shine in a bright pure white light."It really… it really became like this!" Mao Li Qiu saw this and his eyes were staring wide open, he was gaping, unable to believe the sight in front of him."Grandpa Mao, what is going on?" Black Extremity could not endure it, he asked."Sigh! At this point, there is no reason in me hiding it anymore." Mao Li Qiu sighed deeply, showing a defeated look on his face."There is an Immortal Gu nurturing inside his body. This Immortal Gu's name is Perseverance!" Mao Li Qiu said some shocking things."Perseverance Immortal Gu?!" Black Extremity was extremely shocked.The other Gu Immortals were too."It is said in <the legends of ren zu> that perseverance Immortal Gu was the crucial Immortal Gu that could allow the user to conquer Reverse Flow River? Isn't it just a legend?" Yu Yi Ye Zi asked."No, it exists." Bi Chen Tian said, he was a Heavenly Court Gu Immortal, he knew many ancient secrets."There was a person who had once owned it, that person was a former leader of Heavenly Court, Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable!" Wei Ling Yang added."What?!" The immortals went into shock again."But we had never expected the refinement method of perseverance Immortal Gu to be like this. Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable had never mentioned it." Bi Chen Tian sighed and shook his head."Of course he didn't. This is a shameful event in his life. Hehehe." Mao Li Qiu interjected, it was very interested in anything that would ruin Heavenly Court's reputation.These words made Shi Zheng Yi shout: "Rubbish, how dare you slander the reputation of an Immortal Venerable?!"Daring to yell at a legendary immemorial desolate beast, Shi Zheng Yi was truly courageous, many Central Continent Gu Immortals were worried for him.Mao Li Qiu did not get angry: "Little boy, what do you know? Immortal Venerable or Demon Venerable, even if they have high cultivation level, they are still human. Humans have emotions, they have flaws, they have weaknesses.""Back then, Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable charged through Reverse Flow River and was trapped inside, unable to escape. Eventually, he painstakingly traveled to the end of the river and refined perseverance Immortal Gu in his body. From then on, he conquered Reverse Flow River and became the first Reverse Flow River Lord in history.""The first Reverse Flow River Lord?" Even Old Ancestor Xue Hu was shocked. This Reverse Flow River had been his for so long, he did not think there were such secrets."This means…" At once, the immortals' gazes landed on Fang Yuan.Mao Li Qiu sighed, with his gaze fixed on Fang Yuan who was bathed in white light, he said helplessly: "That is true. At this rate, he will refine perseverance Immortal Gu and become the second Reverse Flow River Lord!"The immortals were lost for words, they looked at Fang Yuan, who continued moving forward.He was expressionless, no matter how many steps he took, Reverse Flow River was always still below his feet, as if fate was mocking and laughing at him.But he continued walking.He had traveled through five hundred years of experiences over his previous life, he did not know how much longer he would have to walk.But he knew where he needed to go.As if… nobody could stop him.At least… inside this river, nobody could stop him.In the five hundred years of his previous life.Fang Yuan sat inside the bamboo house, he looked at the village, he looked at Qing Mao Mountain.His fists were clenched, hope was displayed all over his young and tender face."It is time to give up the past.""Transmigrating here is my greatest opportunity! Because here, I can attain eternal life.""I have to make good use of this rare opportunity! Otherwise, how can I live with myself, how can I give up this chance?""Of course, right now, I need to improve the living conditions of me and my brother. Hehe, that little fellow…"After the aperture awakening.On the battle stage, Fang Yuan lowered his head, he was filled with shock and anger."I was set up!""Who set me up? Who does not want me to win in battle? The answer is obvious!""Brother, give up, you are not my match. Because of our differing aptitude, we are fated to be different." Gu Yue Fang Zheng said with glee and smugness in front of him.Fang Yuan turned around and left, he was filled with determination."Since the village refuses to nurture me, since my aunt and uncle are purposely pushing me aside, what is the point of staying here?""If I stay here, will I be able to get stronger and gain eternal life?""Why don't I leave?"Inside the caravan.Gu Master Big Beard died, Fang Yuan stood in front of his grave.The youngster was filled with tears, he sobbed: "Uncle Big Beard, rest in peace.""Thank you for the final present.""You said: When you were a child, you wanted to be a grand hero, like those legendary figures of the righteous path. When you were a youngster, you wanted to be a clan leader. When you were an adult, you were satisfied with becoming a clan elder. When you were a middle aged man, you were exiled from the clan, you felt that you could live by yourself just as well, you were satisfied with just raising your Gu worms and yourself.""But I am not like this, I will not forgo my dreams just because of age.""This world is too big, but we are all minor characters… I will work hard! I will definitely do my best!"…Childhood, adolescence, adulthood.Qing Mao Mountain, caravan, he walked all along.Middle age, old age, and eventually, lifespan Gu.Southern Border, Western Desert, Eastern Sea, and Central Continent.After his rebirth using Spring Autumn Cicada, Qing Mao Mountain, Three Kings blessed land, Hu Immortal blessed land, Imperial Court blessed land, Yi Tian Mountain, and Reverse Flow River!Step by step, through difficulties and ordeals.Bi Chen Tian frowned, he stared at Fang Yuan's figure, thinking: "What sort of willpower is this! Why does he persevere? What makes him persevere to this extent?"Old Ancestor Xue Hu snorted coldly, solemness showed in his eyes, he no longer looked down on this rank seven Gu Immortal: "This means, there was Genesis Lotus three hundred thousand years ago, and now, there is Liu Guan Yi… the Reverse Flow River Lord."Mao Li Qiu looked at the light on Fang Yuan's body, there was nothing it could do, it bore its fangs and scratched the ground with its claws, causing deep marks to form.Bai Ning Bing's and Hei Lou Lan's eyelids were twitching, they were evidently moved.Zhao Lian Yun had woken up, she looked at Ma Hong Yun's corpse, held in Fang Yuan's arm, her tears were flowing out.She cried in her heart: "Hong Yun, Hong Yun, how could you leave me like this. Without you, I am all alone in this world. What is the point of living? Do you know, the perseverance of one person is so difficult!"How difficult is the perseverance of one person?All of the Gu Immortals here could answer that question.Because among them, some persevered because of responsibility, some persevered because of hatred, some persevered because of excitement, and some persevered because of love…And Fang Yuan's answer?He was still expressionless, he continued to move forward relentlessly.I had once screamed, gradually, I lost my voice.I had once cried, gradually, I lost my tears.I had once grieved, gradually, I became able to withstand everything.I had once rejoiced, gradually, I became unmoved by the world.And now!All I have left is an expressionless face, my gaze is as tough as a monolith, only perseverance remains in my heart.This is my own, an insignificant character, Fang Yuan's — Perseverance!A dazzling light erupted out.Perseverance Immortal Gu, at this moment, was refined successfully!!

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