
Chapter: 1196-1200:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1196. Sword Heart Clarity | Reverend Insanity

Above Blood Plain.Nian Er Ping Zhi and Granny Yin's battle had attracted everyone's attention.Granny Yin was a veteran demonic path Gu Immortal, she cultivated soul path and possessed bewitching soul Immortal Gu, and her reputation had already been established long ago in Northern Plains.She moved like a ghost, gloomy winds surged and vengeful souls moved around her, sending chills down people's hearts.And Nian Er Ping Zhi was a shining member of the righteous path's younger generation, the current Sword Child of Nian Er tribe, his movement was quick and his sword moved like lightning.Both sides had exchanged dozens of moves, at first they probed each other with mortal killer moves, then they used Immortal Gu, then immortal killer moves, and now the battle was at a very heated stage.On the field, dark souls had covered most of the sky.And the white sword light representing Nian Er Ping Zhi was already surrounded, despite it charging everywhere and the dark souls moving away, the overall flow of the battle was dictated by Granny Yin."Granny Yin is indeed a demonic path expert, the way she fights is steady and full of experience." Immortal Wang praised.Chu Du, however, frowned, silent.He was inwardly thinking: "Granny Yin is a rank seven Gu Immortal, but she was not able to immediately kill Nian Er Ping Zhi. Even though the situation looks more inclined towards her, Nian Er Ping Zhi's sword light is still rampaging around without the slightest of hesitation. He still is thinking of winning!"Inside Golden Dawn Hall, seeing his tribe's shining hope, a sword path genius, falling into disadvantage, Nian Er Yi Fang was becoming nervous, staring at the battle without blinking.If the situation looked bad, he would immediately make a move and save Nian Er Ping Zhi.No matter the rules or reputation, as far as Nian Er tribe was concerned, Nian Er Ping Zhi being alive was most important!"Hehehehe… such a tender body, you have nowhere to dodge now, accept your death!" A change suddenly happened at this instance.Countless vengeful ghosts suddenly covered all directions, as they surrounded the sword light that Nian Er Ping Zhi had transformed into.Then, Granny Yin revealed her true body from amidst the countless dark souls, stretching out her withered finger and pointing at Nian Er Ping Zhi from afar.Immortal killer move — Bewitching Soul Art!Nian Er Ping Zhi's eyes immediately lost their light, the freely moving nimble sword light completely dissipated and turned into his true body.He was floating in the air like his mind had halted, not having the slightest bit of reaction to the charging Granny Yin."Hehehe!" Granny Yin laughed in satisfaction. She opened her mouth wide, revealing her sparse yellow teeth.Her hand suddenly enlarged by many times, dark wind coiled around her five fingers, her nails as sharp as needles. The fan-like hand descended on Nian Er Ping Zhi's head.If this attack were to land true, Nian Er Ping Zhi's skull would no doubt be crushed under his defenseless state."Stop it!" Nian Er Yi Fang shouted as he rushed out of Golden Dawn Hall.However, Chu Du had already made prior arrangements.He saw that Granny Yin was firmly grasping the battle situation, and had already considered if she were to make a killing strike towards Nian Er Ping Zhi, she would surely be obstructed by the righteous path Gu Immortals.Therefore, he had already arranged his forces to lie in wait.Sure enough, when Nian Er Yi Fang rushed out, Hao Zhen moved out shortly after."Shameless fellow, you are interfering in a one on one battle?" Hao Zhen shot out a bolt of lightning right at Nian Er Yi Fang's face.Nian Er Yi Fang slightly shook, and emerald wooden armor appeared, covering his whole body firmly.This wooden armor was Nian Er Yi Fang's immortal killer move, and it had extremely powerful defense. Regardless of how sharp Hao Zhen's lightning was, it could not even make a dent on the wooden armor, instead the wooden armor seemed to be rejuvenated as it produced fresh yellow and green leaves, like it had received many benefits.Chu Du immediately gave out a light gasp.He was surprised.What made Chu Du surprised was not Nian Er Yi Fang's wooden armor, as his wooden armor was already famous in Northern Plains and was his self-created immortal killer move — Sick Tree Spring Armor.Instead, it was that Nian Er Yi Fang had rushed out madly to save Nian Er Ping Zhi.However, by using this move and blocking off Hao Zhen's lightning, he had missed the best opportunity to save Nian Er Ping Zhi.Chu Du considered what he would do in Nian Er Yi Fang's position, his tribe's genius, a star of the younger generation, was at risk of losing his life, while he himself could choose to either block the lightning or move to protect Nian Er Ping Zhi's life.But right now, Nian Er Yi Fang had chosen to protect himself. This action meant he did not feel it was urgent to save Nian Er Ping Zhi.What was going on?"Oh no!" Chu Du's heart suddenly jumped, and he quickly looked at the battle.He was just about to warn Granny Yin, but it was already too late.The sluggish looking Nian Er Ping Zhi suddenly let out extremely sharp, mysterious light from his eyes.This change immediately froze Granny Yin's ecstatic laughter.Granny Yin's mind sent out warnings of danger, she wanted to get back to defend herself but it was already late.An extremely stunning sword light flashed!Life and death, victory and loss, were determined within this moment of time.The dark souls were still hovering around, but Granny Yin was already starting to fall down, cut into two by the sword light.She was gazing at Nian Er Ping Zhi with an incredulous look on her face, unable to think of how he had suddenly gotten free from her signature trump card."Bewitching soul art is Granny Yin's proudest method, which she used when she roamed Northern Plains, but it was actually ineffective against Nian Er Ping Zhi?" Chu Du and his group of immortals paled in shock."What's going on?" Inside Golden Dawn Hall, the righteous path Gu Immortals were both surprised and joyous."This is sword heart clarity, it is an immortal killer move in Sword Saint true inheritance, especially used to restrict wisdom path and other similar methods. Few of the Sword Childs in history could use it." Nian Er Yi Fang laughed heartily, not giving up this chance to increase Nian Er tribe's prestige.Ye Lui Xiao Jin could not help thinking: "Is he saying Nian Er Ping Zhi is outstanding even when placed among all the Sword Childs in history?"He was a genius of Ye Lui tribe, but unfortunately had lost to Xue Wu Hen.On the contrary, Nian Er Ping Zhi had killed the rank seven demonic path expert Granny Yin. Comparing the two, it was clear for everyone who was better and who was worse."This Nian Er Yi Fang is truly crafty. He clearly knew Nian Er Ping Zhi's situation was of no concern, but still pretended to rush out in panic to save Nian Er Ping Zhi." Chou Lao Wu mumbled behind Chu Du, feeling indignant.One had to say Nian Er Yi Fang had acted really well.Because of his acting, the Gu Immortals of both sides had subconsciously thought Nian Er Ping Zhi was in absolute danger.Even Granny Yin was deceived."No, maybe it was Granny Yin who was too confident in her immortal killer move bewitching soul art." Chu Du assessed internally: "And this Nian Er Ping Zhi is also not just a brutish person, he actually pretended to be struck by the ability, deceiving Granny Yin. The killer move he used to kill Granny Yin is also not simple, it is terrifyingly powerful and also extremely fast, it is virtually impossible to guard against. It should be one sword life, an immortal killer move used by Sword Saint Nian Er in his younger days!""Come back quickly." Nian Er Yi Fang was in high spirits, but quickly and anxiously transmitted his voice to Nian Er Ping Zhi.Nian Er Ping Zhi had killed Granny Yin, but he had also suffered heavy injuries.He quickly retreated, but before leaving, he naturally brought the two halves of Granny Yin's body with him.One half of the corpse had Granny Yin's immortal aperture.This was Nian Er Ping Zhi's spoils of battle.Chu Sect did not stop him, this was one of the rules stated in the competition agreement.It was like when Xue Wu Hen who had stored away Gu Immortal Liu Hui's corpse.However, Xue Wu Hen might have won three battles, but he only killed the rank six Gu Immortal Liu Hui. While Nian Er Ping Zhi might have only won one battle, but he took a rank seven demonic path Gu Immortal, Granny Yin's, life.Thus, the righteous path's side was slightly leading.Chu Du was feeling the pressure.The slight dominance brought by Xue Wu Hen had now been balanced out by Nian Er Ping Zhi."Who should I send in this next battle?"Chu Du was hesitating.Soon, the result of this battle reached Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was still in Lang Ya blessed land, cultivating."Nian Er Ping Zhi killed Granny Yin?" Fang Yuan was only slightly surprised before he accepted this fact.There were many genius experts who were able to achieve the feat of winning against rank seven with rank six cultivation.But using rank seven cultivation to fight rank eight was extremely rare.Nian Er Ping Zhi… Fang Yuan did not have any impression of this person in his memories. After all, in his first life, Fang Yuan was still a mortal around this time, and was not at all aware of the events in the Gu Immortal world or Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world.What made Fang Yuan more interested was instead Xue Wu Hen.Precisely speaking, it was the loot in Xue Wu Hen's possession — that Gu Immortal, Liu Hui's, blessed land."Gu Immortal Liu Hui is an earth path Gu Immortal who has gone through two heavenly tribulations, his blessed land is suitable for me to annex. With this, my cultivation can also rise and reach rank seven."As he thought of this, Fang Yuan immediately wrote a reply.He took the initiative to request for Chu Du's help in expressing his intention of buying the immortal aperture from Xue Wu Hen.As for the invitation of Chu Du asking Fang Yuan to help, Fang Yuan used the reason of being in secluded cultivation to delay in a roundabout way."I need to raise my cultivation to rank seven first, it won't be too late to join this blood battle martial competition then."Fang Yuan slightly shook his head, throwing the news of this blood battle martial competition to the back of his mind.The Chu Sect alliance agreement he had was rather lenient. Even if Chu Sect was annihilated, Fang Yuan could choose not to show up and it would not be a problem.Fang Yuan prioritized raising his cultivation, all the other things were secondary.Chu Du received Fang Yuan's reply.Fang Yuan did not come, which made Chu Du frown."Sigh, if Elder Liu Guan Yi could come, I would not be in this difficult spot." Chu Du heaved a sigh.Xue Wu Hen was standing beside Chu Du, and curiously asked when he heard Chu Du: "Hearing Brother Chu's tone, it seems you hold this Elder Liu Guan Yi in high esteem."Chu Du laughed: "He had mentioned you in his letter, hoping you can sell Liu Hui's immortal aperture to him."Xue Wu Hen shook his head: "I could not get Liu Hui's Immortal Gu, but the resources inside the immortal aperture are my battle spoils. I don't know their value, so how can I sell them?"His intention of refusal was extremely obvious.

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Chapter 1197. Sword Dragon Transformation | Reverend Insanity

Chu Du smiled.Deep down, Xue Wu Hen was someone he wanted to recruit to his Chu Sect, so he had been giving him a lot of consideration.However, Fang Yuan was his collaboration partner, later on he would have to get Reckless Savage's true meaning from Fang Yuan to raise his strength path attainment.Chu Du was well aware of which was more important."In his letter, Liu Guan Yi entrusted me to accomplish this matter." Chu Du thought to himself, while transmitting his voice to Xue Wu Hen, "Brother Xue, collaborating with Elder Liu Guan Yi is probably your best choice to get the resources in Liu Hui's aperture.""How so?" Xue Wu Hen asked doubtfully."Because Elder Liu has an upper extreme heavenly eagle. This eagle can go into blessed lands, it is better for you take away the resources in the immortal aperture and give the immortal aperture to Elder Liu, making him add on some resources as the price. Isn't this a win-win situation?" Chu Du replied.Xue Wu Hen's eyes brightened."Upper extreme heavenly eagle?! I have also heard of this immemorial beast, I did not expect Elder Liu Guan Yi to have such a rare bird."Pausing for a while, Xue Wu Hen continued his voice transmission: "I am willing to transact with Elder Liu!"Right as Fang Yuan's plan was about to succeed, a change happened.A Gu Immortal walked out of Golden Dawn Hall."It is a Liu tribe Gu Immortal, Liu Zhuan Shen!" Immortal Wang immediately recognized this person."He is coming down to fight?" Chu Du's side cast their gazes.However, Liu Zhuan Shen did not go to the stage, instead stopped at the entrance of Golden Dawn Hall: "Lord Domination Immortal, my side is willing to use Granny Yin's corpse to exchange for Elder Liu Hui's corpse and soul."Liu Hui's corpse had ended up in enemy hands, Liu tribe's Gu Immortals naturally were not willing to see such a scene.The corpse was still alright, the main thing was the soul.Liu Hui's soul had not been destroyed.Therefore, Liu tribe's Gu Immortals wanted to get back Liu Hui's corpse and soul no matter what.However, Liu Zhuan Shen did not have enough bargaining chips on him, and was also afraid that the other side would be very greedy and recklessly extort them, if so, then the situation would be quite awkward and they would be put on the spot.So, Liu Zhuan Shen and the other Liu tribe Gu Immortals felt anxious, but did not make a rash move.After Nian Er Ping Zhi killed Granny Yin, Liu tribe's Gu Immortals saw hope in this matter.Liu Zhuan Shen had thus communicated with Nian Er tribe, and after giving up many benefits, had exchanged for Granny Yin's corpse.An immortal aperture was inside Granny Yin's corpse, and for the moment, was unharmed.It was only that Granny Yin's soul was already destroyed by Nian Er Ping Zhi. Nian Er Ping Zhi had a tough victory and simply was unable to hold back.Granny Yin's soul was completely destroyed by the immortal killer move one sword life.However, as far as Liu tribe's Gu Immortals were concerned, Granny Yin was rank seven while Liu Hui was only rank six, this transaction was very likely to be accomplished.Chu Du's side heard these words, and there was immediately a stir among them, as they began to whisper to each other.Chu Du inwardly exclaimed: "Amazing, this Liu Zhuan Shen has quite the ability, putting me in such a spot."Chu Du did not have to turn around to sense the disturbance among the Gu Immortals behind him.Granny Yin moved alone and had few relations with other Gu Immortals, most of her relationships were even hostile. Granny Yin had come this time only because of Chu Du's prestige and the rewards.However, Chu Du knew these Gu Immortals behind him hoped the two sides could exchange the corpses.The reason was that this blood battle martial competition had just begun, in the following battles, there might be Gu Immortals whose bodies and souls would perish in battle.If that was the case, so be it, since there was no body nor soul.But if they lost their life and their soul was left behind in the enemy's hands, what could they do?Under such a situation, they could only rely on their side's Gu Immortals to help retrieve their soul."If I agree to Liu Zhuan Shen's request, I can stabilize these Gu Immortals' mindsets and lessen their worries. Otherwise, the morale will probably lower which can seriously impact the following battles."Chu Du understood the importance of this matter.Most of the members of Chu Sect and Bai Zu tribe were lone immortals or demonic cultivators. They were not well united to begin with, they only took this risk because of the reputations of Domination Immortal and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, as well as the rewards.If Chu Du were to refuse now, these Gu Immortals would probably be self-conscious and be on guard against each other.Chu Du hesitated for a while, apologizing to Liu Guan Yi inwardly, before he spoke, agreeing to this transaction.Liu Zhuan Shen was joyous, both sides exchanged the corpses.Xue Wu Hen had lost a rank six earth path immortal aperture and Gu Immortal soul, but obtained a rank seven soul path immortal aperture. While Chu Du had also secretly made it up to him with some snow path killer moves.So, he was quite happy with this result.Anyway, even if he interrogated Liu Hui's soul and obtained earth path killer moves, they would be useless to him.After both sides exchanged the corpses, Gong Wan Ting also saw the importance of this matter, and took the initiative to negotiate with Chu Du.Because of this event, both sides had thus conveniently added a rule in the blood battle martial competition regarding the exchange of corpses and soul captives.After a delay of half a day, both sides engaged in another battle.Chu Du's side sent a Bai Zu tribe Gu Immortal, it was the previous Hei tribe supreme elder. The actual Bai Zu bloodline members were still being taken care of.Before this trip, Chu Du had received Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's instructions to protect as many Bai Zu tribe descendants as possible.Because of this setback, Fang Yuan's plan went down the drain.Not long later, he received Chu Du's letter, the letter explained the reason in detail. Chu Du's tone was polite and even apologized to Fang Yuan for not fulfilling what he was entrusted with.Fang Yuan understood Chu Du's difficulty.He was standing in a Gu refinement secret room, mumbling to himself: "I don't have a use for a soul path immortal aperture. It seems I still have to make a move personally and seize the immortal aperture that I want, and advance to rank seven."However, there were many forces in the blood battle martial competition, although Fang Yuan had familiar face, he still needed some new offensive methods.After all, he had proclaimed to the outside world that he was a transformation path Gu Immortal."I have flying bear strength Immortal Gu, but the power of the flying bear transformation is quite poor.""Fortunately, I have been considering this beforehand and have many possible solutions now!"Fang Yuan's gaze landed on the dragon corpse in front of him.This was a desolate beast.Its whole body was shining with silvery light, its horn was sharp as a spear, its eyes were pure white, its fangs and claws looked fearsome, many layers of scales covered its body emitting metallic luster.This was a silver colored dragon.The whole body was twenty feet long, its body was slender and its shape was fluid and graceful. It was like a piece of art, but it emitted a dense cold feeling of sharpness, as if anyone who got close to it would be pierced through by the surrounding air.This was not a false feeling, but it was because this silver dragon with two claws was originally a sword path desolate beast—— Sword Dragon.Now, it was already dead, its sword path dao marks were gradually dissipating, merging into the surrounding environment.This was the transformation Fang Yuan had prepared to cultivate ——Sword Dragon Transformation!"The killer move sword dragon transformation needs dragon scale Gu, dragon horn Gu, dragon claw Gu, dragon eyes Gu, and so on. If any one of the Gu worms is an Immortal Gu, then it becomes an immortal killer move.""But I have change form Immortal Gu, this Gu is one of the core essences of transformation path. Thus, I don't need to refine immortal level dragon scale Gu, dragon horn Gu, dragon claw Gu or dragon eyes Gu, and only need to refine the mortal Gu versions, and use change form Immortal Gu as the core, to form immortal killer move sword dragon transformation."Transformation path killer moves were extremely simple.It could even be said to be rudimentary.This was one of the advantages of cultivating transformation path.Immortal killer moves of other paths were not easy to deduce, but transformation path was completely different in this aspect.Adding on that Fang Yuan himself was a wisdom path grandmaster, not only did he successfully deduced the contents of sword dragon transformation, but also improved on many aspects, making the transformation faster and nimbler.Naturally, Gu Immortal Han Dong had a contribution in this.He was a transformation path Gu Immortal who specialized in cultivating spirit snake transformation.A dragon had a similar body shape and battle style. Although Han Dong died and his soul had dissipated, he had left behind a land spirit which retained some of Han Dong's cultivation insights, it was enough for Fang Yuan to take as a reference.He started activating the Gu refinement formation and began to refine this desolate beast sword dragon.The desolate beast sword dragon was full of sword path dao marks and in itself was an immortal material which could be refined into Immortal Gu.However, Fang Yuan's refinement path attainment was not particularly high, and with just this sword dragon, the immortal materials to refine the relevant Immortal Gu were also not sufficient, so Fang Yuan was refining only mortal Gu to support change form Immortal Gu.The refinement process went rather smoothly.Fang Yuan himself was a Gu Immortal and was using precious immortal materials to refine some rank five mortal Gu, the success rate was naturally extremely high and could even be said to be quite easy.Some days later.Fang Yuan stood still and took in a deep breath, his mind was still. Suddenly, thoughts surged up like a storm, as Gu worms started activating one after the other.In just a breath of time, Fang Yuan's whole body emitted piercing silvery radiance.After the silver light dissipated, an elegant and exquisite silver sword dragon that was emitting a feeling of sharpness appeared.The sword dragon's eyes were white, but they flashed with intelligence.It was Fang Yuan!"Immortal killer move sword dragon transformation has already been refined. Next…"Fang Yuan began to get familiar with his body, brandishing his claws and fangs, or flying in the sky.His practice drills went quite decently, it was because he had already begun cultivating transformation path. Not only the flying bear transformation, many times, he had used change form Immortal Gu to transform into all kinds of appearances, although they had not reached mastery, he could be said to be familiar with them.After thoroughly getting familiar with this form, Fang Yuan began to test the might of this immortal killer move.First was the expenditure of immortal essence.Very little.The expenditure of green grape immortal essence to maintain the sword dragon transformation was not high. After all, it only involved rank six change form Immortal Gu.Next was his battle strength.Fang Yuan had already arranged immortal materials in front of him.First was a piece of hundred years profound ice, he swept at it with his claws, Fang Yuan felt like he had sliced into tofu, he easily smashed this profound ice into pieces.Next, Fang Yuan moved to the subterranean adamantite and clawed at it!Subterranean adamantite was among the hardest rank six immortal materials, it immediately showed a clear claw marking that reached a few inches deep.Fang Yuan was immediately aware of the limit of the power of his dragon claws, he did not need to test it on the rank seven immortal material at the side.

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Chapter 1198. Dragon Breath | Reverend Insanity

Gu are the essence of heaven and earth, man is the spirit of all living beings.Human intelligence was the highest among all the living beings. However, the way of heaven was to have balance, humans were highest in intelligence, but their bodies were extremely fragile.Humans did not have sharp claws, fur, wings, or gills.The strength of humans might not be the weakest but it was at the bottom tier. They were fundamentally unable to contest with typical desolate beasts.Human skin was no different from paper compared to desolate beasts.However, when Fang Yuan transformed into a desolate beast sword dragon, he obtained the qualities of a sword dragon. Although there was still a difference from a true sword dragon, he was already far beyond the limits of humans.The initial concept when transformation path was created was —Study all living beings and add the advantages of those beings to one's own body.Humans did not have sharp claws, so transform human fingers into claws. Humans did not have fur, so transform one's hair into fur.If one is without wings, then create wings, and fly like the birds in the sky. If one has no gills, transform into a fish, and swim in the depths of the sea.Naturally, by the current era, the concept of transformation path was not limited to just this.Using one path to project every path had become transformation path's main principle, imitating the advantages of other paths.As time passed, there were bound to be improvements.The wheels of history would keep on turning forward.Ever since Reckless Savage Demon Venerable created transformation path, this path had not declined and was passed down throughout human history, moreover, new ideas replaced the old, causing it to thrive even now.Fang Yuan lightly stretched out his dragon body, flying to the rank seven immortal material.This was a giant dark inkstone, among rank seven immortal materials, it was considered very firm and had the characteristic of being difficult to process.His dragon claws slashed at it, but were unable to leave any trace.Fang Yuan had already expected this, thus he did not use only his claws, instead, he turned his body and suddenly whipped his tail!Ping.A sharp sound resounded as the dragon tail fiercely whipped at the dark inkstone.Pain could be felt from the dragon tail, causing Fang Yuan to take a sharp breath of cold air.While on the dark inkstone's surface, a thin crack appeared.Just based on the dragon tail's whip, it was more menacing than the claws.This was an attribute of the sword dragon.Many dragons' characteristics differed in subtle aspects.Some dragons had extremely sharp fangs, their strong bite power surpassing the power of their claws and tail. Some dragons were better at ripping, their claws were their most powerful weapons.And the sword dragon was slender and nimble, the power of its tail surpassed its two small claws.And above the power of its tail was the sword dragon's speed.Fang Yuan had already practiced it, the sword dragon was not powerful in long distance attacks, but its burst of speed from an unmoving state was impressive.Although it could not compare to sword escape Immortal Gu, it was not inferior to Fang Yuan's blood path movement killer move — Blood Torrent.Moreover, because it was the sword dragon's own innate movement speed, Fang Yuan could change directions much more nimbly than blood torrent, and it was much easier to maneuver as well.And the sword dragon's strongest weapon was its dragon breath.Dragons could breathe out attacks.This was almost an innate ability of any dragon.It was like the upper extreme heavenly eagle, having the innate ability to penetrate space and enter blessed lands and grotto-heavens. It was just that the dragon's breath was a very common ability, while the upper extreme heavenly eagle's ability was rare.Upper extreme heavenly eagles were very rare, rank eight Gu Immortal Hei Fan had also obtained one through a fortuitous encounter. Besides him, no one had obtained another upper extreme heavenly eagle in Hei tribe's history.Whoosh!Fang Yuan tested his dragon breath.In an instant, a white light flashed and shot at the rank six immortal material subterranean adamantite.The subterranean adamantite shook lightly before the dragon breath disappeared, the whole process was very fast, it was as if nothing had occurred.But the next moment, changes started to slowly appear in the subterranean adamantite, a clear crack appeared on the subterranean adamantite, the whole crack was incomparably straight, going from top to bottom in a slightly inclined angle.The subterranean adamantite was split into two by this thin crack. Then, due to the subterranean adamantite's enormous weight, the two halves fell down.Bam bam, two consecutive muffled sounds echoed.The boulder sized subterranean adamantite had split into two and fallen to the ground.The cut surface was smooth, like it was directly split by the sharpest weapon in the world.Fang Yuan's dragon claws could only leave behind marks a few inches deep. But his dragon breath was incomparably sharp, cutting down this giant subterranean adamantite into two!It had to be known that subterranean adamantite was considered among the hardest rank six immortal materials.The might of the sword dragon's breath could be seen from this.Despite Fang Yuan being mentally prepared, upon seeing the two halves of the subterranean adamantite, he could not help slightly nodding his dragon head in satisfaction.Next, he continued to test.He used his dragon breath on the rank seven immortal material dark inkstone.Dark inkstone was even firmer than subterranean adamantite, the dragon breath was like sword light, cutting open marks several inches deep on the dark inkstone.Fang Yuan continuously breathed it out sixteen times before he reached his limit.For a short period of time, he would not be able to send out his dragon breath, he felt like a traveler in a desert who had not drank water for over half a month, his throat was extremely dry. If he tried to use dragon breath any more, he had the feeling he would destroy his throat.Consecutively using dragon breath sixteen times changed the appearance of the whole dark inkstone. There were sword marks everywhere on it, it looked somewhat scary.After resting for some time, Fang Yuan felt he had recovered to some degree.He breathed out again, sure enough, he used the seventeenth dragon breath!Fang Yuan engraved this duration in his mind.He was continuously estimating: 'With just my own strength, I can use dragon breath sixteen times in a row. After resting for about five minutes, I will recover and can continue to breathe it out. But it is just barely possible, and after breathing out the seventeenth dragon breath, I will once again fall into the previous plight and will still need to rest for five minutes of time.""If I add some dragon breath mortal Gu in this, I should be able to increase the amount of times I can use dragon breath."Fang Yuan had not yet combined dragon breath Gu in this sword dragon transformation immortal killer move.Dragon breath Gu was quite difficult to refine.This was because the material to refine this Gu worm was the breath of dragons.This dragon Fang Yuan obtained was dead, he had waited for a long time in treasure yellow heaven before he found someone selling it, and he had to pay a considerable price to buy it.Only a living dragon could send its breath out, which could then be used as material to refine dragon breath Gu.Naturally, if the Gu recipe was modified and other materials were used to substitute for dragon breath, it could be done. But Fang Yuan clearly did not have such ability.Besides a living sword dragon, other living dragons also could be used to refine dragon breath Gu.However, such a dragon breath Gu might be the same in name, but would have some slight differences. Although it could be used, some other mortal Gu had to be added in to remove the differences.Transformation path was somewhat particular about this aspect.Thus, Fang Yuan had specifically refined all the required Gu like dragon scale Gu, dragon claw Gu and so on from the sword dragon's corpse.By using these Gu worms, he could much more quickly and conveniently activate the immortal killer move, sword dragon transformation.The testing of the killer move was finished, the results were in line with Fang Yuan's expectations.He had pondered deeply about choosing sword dragon transformation, and he had deduced these results in detail prior to this."With just a rank six Immortal Gu as the core, sword dragon transformation has a certain level of battle strength, but it is still not enough against rank seven Gu Immortals."Normally speaking, rank seven Gu Immortals had defensive methods that were stronger than dark inkstone.Fang Yuan used the strongest weapon of his sword dragon transformation, dragon breath, but was only able to deform this dark inkstone.This sword dragon transformation was not sufficient for display in the blood battle martial competition.Fang Yuan was well aware of this.He naturally had follow-up methods.Cancelling his transformation, he flew out of his cloud city and soon arrived in front of Lang Ya land spirit.Fang Yuan directly expressed his intent: "Greetings to first supreme elder, I am here to exchange for sect contribution points."Lang Ya land spirit's eyes flashed with joy, he knew Fang Yuan had obtained Hei Fan grotto-heaven, had the status of an inheritor of Thieving Heaven, wrecked Eighty-Eight True Yang Building and definitely had many good things in his hands.And for Lang Ya Sect to develop, it naturally needed better and more precious cultivation resources.However, Lang Ya land spirit could not force other Gu Immortals to hand over their resources, this would conflict with their interests, and Lang Ya Sect would then fall apart."It is good you have such thoughts." Lang Ya land spirit was greatly interested, "What do you want to contribute to the sect this time?""First, take a look at this." Fang Yuan brought out an item."A Gu Immortal's soul?" Lang Ya land spirit frowned, souls of Gu Immortals could be treated as a type of immortal material, and had more value if they were of a soul path Gu Immortal. There was even more value in the cultivation memories in the Gu Immortal's soul.Gu Immortal souls were naturally not common.Many Gu Immortals had methods to detonate their soul, Shadow Sect were most adept in this. Back then, when Feng Jiu Ge had battled Qin Bai Sheng before he recovered his memories, he had sensed the latter had a powerful soul detonation method, and thus let go of Qin Bai Sheng, not willing to fight to such a desperate extent.When Gu Immortals battle, it would not be easy for them to hold back. Just like when Nian Er Ping Zhi killed Granny Yin, he directly destroyed her soul.Lang Ya land spirit accepted this Gu Immortal soul, but he found this soul was already tampered with by Fang Yuan and could no longer be soul searched, only being used as immortal material."Like this, this Gu Immortal soul can only exchange for a hundred contribution points." Lang Ya land spirit said with slight disappointment.Fang Yuan, however, smiled: "No, I think the price can be slightly higher. We can place this Gu Immortal soul in Dang Hun Mountain and turn it into guts Gu. Gu Immortal souls are extraordinary, they are supreme goods, this will definitely turn into a large sum of guts Gu. Recently, we have not been able to increase the production of guts Gu, with this Gu Immortal soul, we can definitely satisfy the rockman tribe's requests."Lang Ya land spirit came to a realization and nodded: "It is indeed true."He estimated the price again and said: "This rank six Gu Immortal soul can be considered as two hundred and ten sect contribution points then."

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Chapter 1199. Huge Sale | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan nodded in agreement.This price was fair, the value of the Gu Immortal soul had increased because of guts Gu.Since the four races alliance was set, the rockman tribe below the northern icy plain requested for a large amount of guts Gu as they had an extremely urgent need for them.However, guts Gu had always been sold at a fixed price in treasure yellow heaven. This price could not be reduced, after all, they had to consider the long term.Currently, although the rockman tribe's relation with Lang Ya Sect was close, most of the guts Gu were still sold at treasure yellow heaven.Because of the monopoly on guts Gu, they could not only exchange guts Gu for immortal essence stones, but also exchange for many immortal materials and other resources.In the resource-scarce northern icy plain, the payment the rockman tribe could provide was not able to satisfy Lang Ya Sect's development requirements.For the benefit of the whole sect, Lang Ya land spirit would not make the rockman tribe the main trade partner.The rockman tribe was dissatisfied but had no choice regarding this.In short, the production of guts Gu was far from enough to meet the demand in the market. Especially in regards to Southern Border, because of the righteous path Gu Immortals exploring the giant dream realm repeatedly, they had excessive demands for the guts Gu in treasure yellow heaven.This even created a black market for guts Gu.Some guts Gu were resold at a much higher price.Lang Ya Sect had repeatedly raised the price of guts Gu, but the item was still extremely popular, the whole market was like an insatiable monster and even though Lang Ya Sect was already putting full effort in producing guts Gu, it simply was unable to satisfy the terrifying appetite of this monster.Among Fang Yuan's revenue sources, the profits from the guts Gu trade had already soared far ahead, entering its own level.Guts gu was the greatest contributor to Fang Yuan being able to repeatedly use rank seven Immortal Gu in battle and easily replenishing his reserves of green grape immortal essence at set intervals.Lang Ya land spirit received this Gu Immortal soul and spoke: "Man is the spirit of all living beings, with this Gu Immortal soul, we can indeed increase the production of guts Gu to a huge degree next time. Unfortunately, Gu Immortal souls can only be found by fortunate circumstances and not sought out. In the future, the primary investment for this aspect is still in Tai Qiu. Fang Yuan, if you are free, make a few trips to Tai Qiu. Desolate beast and desolate plant souls might be far inferior to Gu Immortal souls, but we can offset it with quantity and the source is also stable. With you taking action, we should be able to develop even more quickly in Tai Qiu."Lang Ya land spirit thought highly of Fang Yuan's ability.However, Fang Yuan replied: "I will be going to take part in blood battle martial competition soon, I am afraid I won't have time to split my attention. This is a second Gu Immortal soul, I hope first supreme elder can verify its quality.""Second?" Lang Ya land spirit raised his eyebrows, but was not surprised.He knew some details about Fang Yuan, and was not surprised at Fang Yuan selling some Gu Immortal souls."This is a featherman Gu Immortal's soul." When Lang Ya land spirit inspected it, he was slightly surprised. Variant humans were suppressed, variant human Gu Immortals were extremely rare. He had not expected Fang Yuan to have a featherman Gu Immortal's soul."This is your kill?" Lang Ya land spirit casually asked.Fang Yuan smiled: "Right."This Gu Immortal soul was of a featherman, Zheng Ling, the previous soul was Xue Song Zi's.Lang Ya Sect was a hairy man sect, regarding an unknown featherman Gu Immortal's soul, Lang Ya land spirit decided to take it and did not have the intention to investigate further.Thus, Fang Yuan gained several hundred contribution points.Immediately afterwards, he brought out a third Gu Immortal soul.Lang Ya land spirit smiled: "It seems you intend to sell a lot today. Alright, just take out all the Gu Immortal souls you want to sell.""Alright." Fang Yuan started taking out Gu Immortal souls one after the other.He truly had many Gu Immortal souls.There were souls of Dong Fang Chang Fan, Xue Song Zi, Zheng Ling and others from before. Later, in Hei Fan grotto-heaven, he killed a group. Then finally, he received even more souls in the turbulent flow sea area.When Fang Yuan took out three Gu Immortal souls in a row, Lang Ya land spirit smiled.When Fang Yuan took out six, Lang Ya land spirit was surprised, he subconsciously stood a little from his seat, as if he wanted to come closer to check.When Fang Yuan took out the tenth Gu Immortal soul, Lang Ya land spirit's expression changed, he started pointing at Fang Yuan: "How did you kill so many people?"Fang Yuan smiled: "It was just luck."He then continued to take out Gu Immortal souls.Finally, when Lang Ya land spirit saw Gu Immortal souls all around in the surroundings, he was extremely shocked."I finally understand why you are not able to blend in with humans and sided with us variant humans!" Lang Ya land spirit was left speechless."You only have rank six cultivation!" Lang Ya land spirit knew details about Fang Yuan, because familiar face was given to Fang Yuan by him."How long has it been since you became an immortal? You also still had to travel around here and there to revive yourself. Killing so many people, you are simply like Spectral Soul Demon Venerable when he was young."Fang Yuan gave a forced smile when he heard the name Spectral Soul: "I am contributing all these souls to the sect, besides this, I also have many cultivation insights, Gu recipes of all paths, Immortal Gu recipes, killer moves and immortal killer moves. Even battlefield killer moves as well as up-to-date maps of each region, which will make it more convenient for my fellow sect members to move in the outside world."Fang Yuan was undergoing a huge sale!Lang Ya blessed land's history was extremely long, it had incomparably rich treasures which were even coveted by Heavenly Court and always in the minds of Shadow Sect.But Fang Yuan had killed so many people, and the things he obtained from soul searching were also extremely abundant.Most of the treasures in Lang Ya blessed land were payment received in the past by Long Hair Ancestor by refining Gu for others. While some were items purchased by Lang Ya land spirit through treasure yellow heaven.Among these treasures, the former were stored ages ago, Long Hair Ancestor was a person from three hundred thousand years ago, a figure of the Medieval Antiquity Era.And the latter could be sold at treasure yellow heaven, one could imagine that the top quality goods among them were sparse, although they would also have rare items.As for these things Fang Yuan contributed, most of them were the entire foundation of the Gu Immortals, these things were as precious as life to them. Not to mention that they were new creations that would also not be sold for no reason in treasure yellow heaven.In this regard, Lang Ya land spirit did not reject any offers.He was different from the previous Lang Ya land spirit, the previous Lang Ya land spirit was only interested in refining Gu, while he was brimming with ambitions, creating Lang Ya Sect and wholeheartedly trying to make hairy men the rulers of the world, restoring their glory from the Immemorial Antiquity Era and Remote Antiquity Era.Currently, Lang Ya Sect primarily used refinement path, most of the hairy man Gu Immortals cultivated transformation path as well.Lang Ya Sect wanted to become a large sect, completing Lang Ya land spirit's ambition, for this they needed to incorporate various kinds of things and possess Gu Immortals of all paths. Like the great Huang Jin tribe super forces of Northern Plains, the ten great ancient sects of Central Continent and so on.Fang Yuan's sect contribution points rose steeply.In another cloud city.Twelfth Hair was in the midst of refining Gu."Oh no, there is an error!" Suddenly, his expression changed as the fire he was controlling suddenly weakened.He quickly activated Gu worms, spurting out blood into the fire.Whoosh.The fire burned high once again, Twelfth Hair was pale, his body shivering uncontrollably. He had just been injured by the backlash caused by failing in Gu refinement, blood was slowly seeping out of his seven orifices, causing the hair on his whole body to moisten with blood.His wide-opened eyes were filled with traces of blood, as they firmly focused on the fire.After a while, the burning fire suddenly erupted and disappeared.The refinement path Gu formation opened up, revealing over a hundred self will Gu.The hairy man Gu Immortals raised by the previous Lang Ya land spirit had extremely weak battle strength, but had strong Gu refinement ability.These self will Gu were only mortal Gu but they were rank five. Twelfth Hair could refine over a hundred of these rank five self will Gu at once, revealing his extraordinary refinement path attainment.Twelfth Hair thought to himself that it was a close shave, he rejoiced: "Fortunately, I sacrificed myself to make up for the mistake. Otherwise, these self will Gu would be destroyed, not only would it waste the effort I spent over these last few days to refine these Gu, I would also have to compensate for it with three times the refinement materials."To increase the production of self will Gu, Fang Yuan not only used his sect contribution points to attract other hairy man Gu Immortals to refine them for him, he also supplied them immortal materials out of his own pockets, letting these hairy man Gu Immortals use these immortal materials to refine mortal Gu.The hairy man Gu Immortals no longer had disdain and disgust towards Fang Yuan like before.Fang Yuan possessed rank eight battle strength, causing these hairy man Gu Immortals to be filled with respect. Moreover, after such a strong financial ability was revealed, these hairy man Gu Immortals accepted the difference between them and Fang Yuan even more.Strong dizziness assaulted Twelfth Hair's mind."Refining self will Gu eleven times without pausing is truly too consuming on the body and mind. The mistake just now is a warning that I need to rest. I need to quickly recover and accept some of these self will Gu refinement assignments later to earn more immortal essence stones."Twelfth Hair had a bitter expression when he thought of immortal essence stones, heaving a deep sigh."Desolate beasts are not easy to raise.""These desolate beasts all have great appetites, there is a huge burden on me every month to feed and raise them!""More importantly, beast enslavement Immortal Gu is only lent to me, every time I borrow it, I will have to pay with sect contribution points according to the period of time.""Considering the long term, I definitely need to buy this beast enslavement Immortal Gu. But rank six beast enslavement Immortal Gu needs up to ten thousand sect contribution points…"Twelfth Hair took out an information path Gu worm.This Gu worm had one use, to display the sect contribution points of all Gu Immortals in Lang Ya Sect and rank them accordingly.Simply put, it was Lang Ya Sect's contribution list.Twelfth Hair looked into it with his consciousness and easily found his name in the upper half of the list.Then he saw a series of numbers beside his name."Over six hundred sect contribution points, but I am still way too far from my target!" Twelfth Hair gave a bitter smile, feeling he had a long way to go."But the other hairy man Gu Immortals are also similar to me, some are even worse than me.""My advantage lies in that I cultivate enslavement path as well, and now already have several desolate beasts with me. I can obtain sect contribution points more easily than others."

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next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1200. Dragon Breath Immortal Gu | Reverend Insanity

"That's right, this is my advantage, I need to prioritize my strengths from now on and make full use of my talents in battle.""I can use this to break the deadlock and drive up my cultivation speed.""According to this development, my strength will continue to grow and the sect will need me more often. When I have strength like Elder Fang Yuan, the sect contribution points will be solely mine to take!""Cheer up, these days will keep on improving, Twelfth Hair, you need to continue working hard and reach your peak in life!"Twelfth Hair's mood changed, and his fighting spirit gradually returned.As he thought of Fang Yuan, he subconsciously glanced at the first name of Lang Ya Sect's contribution list.Last time, because of the four races alliance, Fang Yuan had obtained a thousand sect contribution points which had caused the hairy man Gu Immortals' mouths to water in envy.But recently, because Fang Yuan had issued large numbers of Gu refinement tasks, his sect contribution points had been continuing to dwindle, and quickly at that.Fang Yuan's name still occupied first on the list, but the gap with the second ranked hairy man Gu Immortal was getting smaller and smaller.A lot of hairy man Gu Immortals were waiting for the time when Fang Yuan's name was surpassed.Fang Yuan was a human Gu Immortal possessing rank eight battle strength, surpassing him at the contribution list would give a different sensation to the hairy man Gu Immortals.It would be an enormous glory!However, the next moment, Twelfth Hair's whole body suddenly stiffened.He remained still like a stone statue.Because he saw the number behind Fang Yuan's name."Over fifteen thousand sect contribution points, how could it be?!" Twelfth Hair almost felt like he was hallucinating.Ever since Lang Ya Sect was established, there had been no one who had obtained so many sect contribution points.At most, at one time, Fang Yuan's sect contribution points had reached above two thousand, before it started rapidly falling.Now, Fang Yuan's sect contribution points had passed fifteen thousand!Unbelievable!This was an unprecedented record!Twelfth Hair's heart shook wildly, but the following scene made him even more shocked.Fang Yuan's sect contribution points were continuously rising!Fifteen thousand, eighteen thousand, twenty thousand, thirty thousand… fifty thousand, sixty thousand…The number kept on rising steeply!"It surpassed… eighty thousand!" Twelfth Hair was stupefied at the sight. What made him even more astonished was that Fang Yuan's sect contribution points still showed no signs of stopping!When it reached over ninety thousand, suddenly, Fang Yuan's total sect contribution points decreased by over seventy thousand!Only over ten thousand was left now."What is happening?""Could it be, I actually refined Gu so much that I am starting to hallucinate?""This, this is a dream?""Ah, no!"Twelfth Hair suddenly shook and snapped back to awareness."Over seventy thousand sect contribution points suddenly disappeared, Fang Yuan definitely exchanged for an Immortal Gu. No, he did not exchange for my beast enslavement Immortal Gu, right?"Twelfth Hair quickly took out another information path Gu worm and placed his consciousness in it.After inspecting, he let out a heavy breath of relief: "So he did not exchange for beast enslavement Immortal Gu, but a rank seven Immortal Gu. It is good as long as it is not beast enslavement Immortal Gu."That was seriously a huge scare!Twelfth Hair patted his chest, his whole body easing up.But the moment he relaxed, his eyes rolled backwards as he fainted on the spot.He had suffered injuries during the Gu refinement process, and his mood had swung up and down at this moment, he naturally would fall unconscious after relaxing.Achieving his target, Fang Yuan returned to his cloud city.Inside a secret room, he took out a completely new Immortal Gu.This Gu resembled light purple colored fog in the form of a dragon, it did not have a fixed shape and was floating around.Rank seven Immortal Gu — Dragon Breath!Fang Yuan had finally chosen sword dragon transformation because Lang Ya Sect's treasury had this Immortal Gu.To exchange for this Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan had to sell all his Gu Immortal souls along with large amounts of cultivation information he had obtained from soul searching.Naturally, Fang Yuan had withheld some of the contents. Like Dong Fang Chang Fan's wisdom path methods, Hei Fan true inheritance's important details, and so on.This had sharply raised Fang Yuan's sect contribution points to above ninety thousand. In the near future, this amount would be Fang Yuan's peak, difficult to surpass.Then, Fang Yuan used over seventy thousand sect contribution points to exchange for the rank seven transformation path Immortal Gu, Dragon Breath.In just a short while, his sect contribution points had fallen to over ten thousand.But he still occupied first place on the contribution list.The second ranked Gu Immortal on the contribution list only had four digits in terms of contribution points.The gap had been widened by a huge margin.Fang Yuan's position was firmly in place like a mountain.Naturally, Fang Yuan did not care about the sect contribution list.He also did not know Twelfth Hair had received a great impact from this event and had fallen unconscious.If he knew, Fang Yuan would think he was over-thinking it.Not all Immortal Gu in Lang Ya blessed land could be exchanged. Beast enslavement Immortal Gu was on the exchange list, but Lang Ya land spirit had clearly left it behind for Twelfth Hair.Even if Fang Yuan wanted to exchange for it, he would not be able to.Besides this, rank seven Immortal Gu Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus was also not for sale.This Immortal Gu was originally Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable's Immortal Gu, later it was refined by Long Hair Ancestor up to rank eight and was merged into the rank eight Immortal Gu House Refinement Cauldron.Some time ago, Shadow Sect had invaded Lang Ya blessed land, destroying Refinement Cauldron and seizing many of the core Immortal Gu. Although Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus remained, it had been damaged and had fallen from rank eight to rank seven.If Fang Yuan wanted to exchange for this Immortal Gu, he would have to pay a very large price that could move Lang Ya land spirit's mind.However, Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus would not be of much help to Fang Yuan. He had calculated that after he raised his cultivation to rank seven and his immortal essence started producing red date immortal essence, it would be sufficient.It was not worth it to pay a greater price for just Heavenly Essence Treasure Imperial Lotus.Fang Yuan spent some time before he successfully integrated this rank seven dragon breath Gu into his immortal killer move, sword dragon transformation.Transformation path immortal killer moves were essentially very simple. Dragon breath Gu was a natural component of sword dragon transformation.What's more, Fang Yuan was a transformation path grandmaster.With this rank seven dragon breath Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan simply did not need any dragon breath mortal Gu.Like in Hei Fan's true inheritance, Hei Fan had really wanted to obtain immortal level day Gu and month Gu. Because then, when he activated days pass like years and similar immortal killer moves, he would not need to spend so many mortal day Gu and month Gu.Having a relevant Immortal Gu made it extremely convenient.It also reduced the difficulty of controlling the killer move.Its effect would also have a large boost!Taking a deep breath, Fang Yuan tried sword dragon transformation again.Silver light burst out, shining towards the sky.Just looking at this, Fang Yuan knew that sword dragon transformation's might had increased by multiple times.From within the silvery light, a sword dragon revealed its figure. Its body was more than double the size of before, reaching over forty feet.Its eyes were still white, its scales were much wider and thicker than before, there were now two more claws, reaching a total of four claws now. The dragon horn protruded out further, piercing towards the sky.Fang Yuan inspected all over and saw that every aspect had received a huge boost in quality."After adding the rank seven dragon breath Gu, this is now an ancient desolate beast level sword dragon." Fang Yuan was well aware.As such, this immortal killer move could be used at the blood battle martial competition.The previous sword dragon transformation would not work.It could only be used to bully some ordinary rank six Gu Immortals.The current ancient sword dragon had the qualifications to match against rank seven Gu Immortals.Next was the most important part.Fang Yuan was unavoidably a little nervous.He lightly stretched out his dragon body and flew to a completely new dark inkstone.Dragon breath!Fang Yuan opened his mouth and breathed out.In that instant, a pure white sword light flashed past.Crack, a crisp sound was heard, as the dark inkstone was cut in two.Not only this, the sword light still had strength remaining to destroy the whole secret room.Fang Yuan's cloud city shook intensely, giving off muffled noises as large numbers of Gu worms that formed the secret room died instantly."I have already controlled my strength, the dark inkstone already bore most of the dragon breath, only a small part of its power was leaked out." Intense joy flashed past the ancient sword dragon's eyes.Fang Yuan had only displayed a small portion of his strength, but his surrounding environment actually was unable to endure it.Although the cloud city's structure was exquisite and hairy man Gu Immortals had spent immense mental effort to make it, it was after all only a mortal Gu house, and could not endure the remaining power of the ancient sword dragon's breath.Green grape immortal essence continued to be consumed to maintain the form of the ancient sword dragon.Clearly, the immortal essence expenditure had increased by many times.Where there are gains, there are losses.After all, adding rank seven Immortal Gu dragon breath had increased the level of the immortal killer move, sword dragon transformation, immortal essence being expended rapidly was an inevitable outcome."I can no longer practice in the cloud city. Lang Ya blessed land has many observers, but if I go out of Lang Ya blessed land I will receive even more attention from heaven's will.""It seems I still need to place my sovereign immortal aperture and properly test the limits of ancient sword dragon transformation.""The dragon breath I send out has already reached rank seven battle strength, its effect is outstanding and the expenditure is still small. How powerful will it be when I use sword marks targeting death, dark assassination and triple layered sword wave in my ancient sword dragon form?"Fang Yuan was feeling anticipation.He resolutely took action, immediately flying out of the cloud city, going through the super Gu formation and teleporting to the outside world."Fang Yuan has left. He actually exchanged for dragon breath Immortal Gu, what is the reason?" Sixth Hair was secretly activating investigative methods, paying close attention until the super Gu formation activated and Fang Yuan's figure disappeared from his perception.After Sixth Hair knew the change in the sect contribution points list, he was filled with unease.Fang Yuan's development speed had surpassed his expectations again. Moreover, he did not understand the direction of Fang Yuan's growth."Fang Yuan naturally won't exchange for an Immortal Gu that has no use to him. No, I need to report this information to Lord Ying Wu Xie quickly." Sixth Hair was filled with worries.

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