
Chapter: 1171-1175:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1171. Wind Thunder Roar | Reverend Insanity

Thankfully, Bai Zu Wei was no longer as stifled as before.He chased Immortal Wang all over the place.Immortal Wang turned into a falling star hound, he was fast as he ran, shouting: "Why are you only chasing me? I did not even get a single eagle nest, it was all Liu Guan Yi! Are you blind? Do you have a brain?""You will all die, you will all die!!" Bai Zu Wei was beyond angry.He could not find Fang Yuan's true body, he could only take it out in Immortal Wang.Immortal Wang was strong, but he did not dare to make a killing move against Bai Zu Wei, so he could only run away.Thanks to him drawing Bai Zu Wei's attention, Fang Yuan successfully obtained another eagle nest."Ah!" Bai Zu Wei charged towards him, but Fang Yuan smiled, using the same move to hide among the myriad self army.Bai Zu Wei roared loudly, he was extremely angry, countless golden needles rained down like a storm, pouring.Countless myriad self phantoms were destroyed, but Fang Yuan used it again, replenishing the phantoms.This tactic was too shameless, Bai Zu Wei was breathing roughly from anger.At this time, Bai Zu tribe's other Gu Immortals arrived."Ah, where are our eagle nests?!""Lord Wei, are you alright?""Scoundrel! Return out eagle nests!"Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals were furious, they were currently experiencing Hei tribe's Gu Immortals' feelings when their headquarters were attacked and taken over, the rage and helplessness they felt.At the same time, Li Si Chun arrived too.Hearing the screams of Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals, he easily understood what was going on.He looked at the falling star hound that Immortal Wang had turned into, saying enviously: "Immortal Wang, you truly made great gains!"The falling star hound who was full of injuries heard this and burst out angrily, speaking human language: "Woof! What damn gains, I did not get a single thing!"Li Si Chun rolled his eyes, pointing at the falling star hound: "Sigh, who are you kidding? Look at how petty you are, I am not after your gains."Immortal Wang was almost jumping from rage: "Woof! So be it if you do not believe me, all the good stuff has been taken by that crafty Liu Guan Yi!!"Li Si Chun was stunned, before looking at the army of myriad self phantoms, his eyes shined: "To think that darling Liu has such amazing methods, I am truly seeing him in a different light."As he said that, something happened over there with Bai Zu tribe's immortals.Green light burst into the sky, a huge green giant formed, its imposing aura enveloped the entire battlefield."None of you will escape!" The green giant shouted, it was loud as thunder, echoing in Iron Eagle blessed land.Immortal Wang, who had become a falling star hound, saw this and ran rapidly with all four legs!Li Si Chun screamed: "Oh mother! Ancient battle formation, Green City Rampage!"Before finishing his words, he turned around and ran.Ancient battle formation Green City Rampage, it was an amazing method that could rival rank eight Gu Immortals. After Heavenly Lord Bai Zu recruited the four supreme elders of Hei tribe, he obtained it and gave it to Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals to learn it.This time, the Bai Zu Gu Immortals were using this formation for the first time in battle.Boom!The green giant clapped.Golden light shone, instantly destroying all of the myriad self phantoms in the battlefield.Fang Yuan's true body was hiding in an eagle nest, he had transformed into a small eagle, his heartbeat was accelerating."As expected of Green City Rampage, my myriad self phantoms were instantly destroyed, yet the three eagle nests were unharmed. By gathering everyone's strength, the attacks of the Bai Zu tribe immortals became much stronger, and their manipulation also became more precise. It is a pity… they are still unable to find me."Familiar face was this useful!Without luck inspection or similarly special methods, it was almost unstoppable.The green giant's eyes burst out with golden light, the Bai Zu Gu Immortals activated all sorts of investigative killer moves, but they could not find Fang Yuan.Bai Zu Wei snorted coldly, suddenly moving the giant's hand, grabbing an eagle nest and putting it into his immortal aperture."Hmm? He became smarter." Fang Yuan sighed, activating myriad self as he moved his real body.He could not enter Bai Zu Wei's immortal aperture along with the eagle nest.Even though that was Bai Zu Wei's greatest weakness, Fang Yuan did not have methods to break out of the immortal aperture, he was likely to be stuck inside.For just three eagle nests, it was not worth the risk.He had already taken more than eighty eagle nests!"He is here indeed! Die!" The green giant screamed, golden light flashed as the myriad self army was decimated, only Fang Yuan was left.Next, the green giant waved its hand as a dark green wind blade was formed.The wind blade slashed at Fang Yuan with incredible speed.Fang Yuan used myriad self again, hiding among the phantoms.But the wind blade turned into numerous blades, slashing their respective targets..Fang Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, his time path defensive killer move was instantly broken, his ribcage had multiple fractures, his spine was nearly snapped, he had suffered a huge blow!This was the terrifying battle strength that matched rank eight existences!The wind blade had already split into countless ones, Fang Yuan was only hit by one of them.He wanted to dodge, but after the wind blade split up, its speed rose tremendously, he could not evade it.Man as Before!At the next moment, Fang Yuan healed completely.The green giant was very confident in this move, seeing that Fang Yuan was unharmed, it was enraged, charging towards him angrily.Fang Yuan sped away as he flew.He decided on a direction and flew towards Immortal Wang.Immortal Wang saw that Fang Yuan was luring Green City Rampage over, he was so shocked he barked non-stop, his four dog legs moved like a windmill, desperately running for his life.Fang Yuan quickly got closer to him.Green City Rampage was chasing him relentlessly."Woof! Don't come, don't come here!""Woof! Liu Guan Yi, you took all the benefits, and you still want to drag me down with you! You are too ruthless!!""Woof! Let me off, we are friends of Domination Immortal!"Fang Yuan had a cold expression, he ignored these words, he was bent on making Immortal Wang his cannon fodder.There was no choice, Green City Rampage's speed was faster than sword escape Immortal Gu.Without cannon fodder, Fang Yuan could not outspeed Green City Rampage!Immortal Wang saw that Fang Yuan had run ahead of him, while Green City Rampage was right behind.At this moment, he was filled with intense rage and killing intent!He had mixed in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world for so many years, he had never suffered like today before. This Liu Guan Yi, this pretty boy! He did not give a good impression at first glance, and after attacking Iron Eagle blessed land, he earned the most, Immortal Wang did not even get a single eagle nest!!The important thing was, he was trying to use him as a sacrificial lamb now.Immortal Wang almost attacked Fang Yuan.But he restrained this urge.The reason was obvious, before this battle, they had gathered into a temporary alliance, they were restrained by dao marks. If he attacked an ally, he would face a terrifying backlash.This was necessary.Because Fang Yuan, Li Si Chun and the rest were not close, when they worked together, they needed an alliance agreement, that was the basis of trust!And the one who created the alliance agreement was a Gu Immortal in Chu Sect that Chu Du had chosen."At least you are still smart." Fang Yuan smiled coldly, he was a vigilant person, he naturally was on guard against Immortal Wang's attacks.Sword escape Immortal Gu continued to fly, his green grape immortal essence was expended drastically, Fang Yuan flew faster and shrugged off Immortal Wang.But he could not break away from the green giant.This was the ancient battle formation Green City Rampage, ranked third in the past! It was only weaker than Heavenly Giant Solor and Golden Heavenly Saint.If he did not scheme, Fang Yuan would be caught by the green giant eventually.Doing something like this which harmed an ally also caused him to suffer some backlash. But the extent of it was mild, because Fang Yuan did not attack his ally.Immortal Wang was anxious, his dog fur was standing up, he could feel intense killing intent from Green City Rampage."Quickly save me!" Immortal Wang shouted, feeling despair."Don't worry Brother Wang, we are here to help you." Far away, Hao Zhen shouted.Beside him, there was a Gu Immortal, it was Chou Lao Wu.Immortal Wang heard his words and was overjoyed, quickly shouting: "If I am saved, I will definitely thank you guys!"Hao Zhen nodded, speaking to Chou Lao Wu softly: "Brother Chou, let's start.""Alright." Chou Lao Wu burst out with an intense aura that shot up into the sky, a large amount of his red date immortal essence was expended at once.Around his entire body, a dark green wind was enveloping it, forming a gigantic ball of compressed winds."Wind—" Chou Lao Wu growled."Thunder!" Next, Hao Zhen cried out at the sky.His muscular body was upright like a spear, he was floating in the air, countless lightning sparks were flickering, turning the area of a hundred steps around him into a plasma pool.Next, Chou Lao Wu and Hao Zhen opened their mouths, bellowing loudly towards the green giant which was still far away —"Roar!!"Double immortal killer move — Wind Thunder Roar.First, the dark green wind ball flew out, forming into a horizontal tornado. It was like a world destroying serpent, moving forward with destructive force.Next, the lightning plasma shot towards it, fusing with the tornado in an instant, forming a thick wind and lightning pillar.The pillar moved extremely quickly, it shot out and flew several meters above the ground, along the way, intense air currents were formed, digging huge trenches along the grassland on the ground.Two breaths of time later, the wind and lightning pillar crashed into the green giant's chest with an unstoppable force.Peak rank seven battle strength!The green giant stood on the ground and braced itself, raising its arms in defense.After several breaths of time, the attack dissipated, while the giant was still standing."If I were to be hit by wind thunder roar, I would die for sure. Worthy of Green City Rampage!" Fang Yuan flew as he watched the battle of two sides.Immortal Wang was still running without even looking back, he was afraid that any pause would cause him to die there."No wonder it can rival rank eight Gu Immortals, let's run!" Hao Zhen had a pale expression, the use of wind thunder roar was extremely taxing on him.Chou Lao Wu was not feeling good either, the two quickly retreated.The green giant almost perfectly blocked wind thunder roar, but unexpectedly, it stopped moving after the attack, staying completely still."Something's strange." During this period, most of the battling Gu Immortals had fled a huge distance.At the next moment, they saw that the green giant broke apart all of a sudden.Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals were all spitting out blood, they fell towards the ground.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1172. Unresolvable | Reverend Insanity

The ancient battle formation was broken, Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals suffered a huge backlash."Lord Wei!!" Someone cried out.Bai Zu Wei was the key person controlling the formation, after the ancient battle formation was broken, he suffered the biggest damage, he actually died on the spot.Bai Zu Wei was the number one person below Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, the core of Bai Zu tribe's Gu Immortals.To think that after Bai Zu tribe was created, when he was about to reach the prime of his life, he died in their base camp.This shocking change not only made the Bai Zu tribe Gu Immortals feel deep sadness, Fang Yuan and the rest who invaded Iron Eagle blessed land also turned solemn.A member of Bai Zu tribe died!The enmity was huge now!!Fang Yuan had a heavy mood.Li Si Chun, with his flowery appearance, had a pale expression as he asked: "What, what do we do?"Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu had even worse expressions."How could this happen? Green City Rampage can rival rank eights, our wind thunder roar cannot cause such harm to him." Chou Lao Wu could not believe this."They were not familiar enough with the formation…" Fang Yuan had a realization in his mind.The ancient battle formation Green City Rampage was powerful, but it was not so easy to use successfully.The four top supreme elders of Hei tribe could use it well, that was because they had spent a huge amount of time practising it.But the Bai Zu tribe Gu Immortals had only practised Green City Rampage for a short period of time.And now was their first true battle in using it, it was understandable that they had made some errors."The matter is huge now, let's all discuss, what do we do now?" The immortals left the battlefield as Hao Zhen called out."Hmph, you two are the ones who killed him, what does it have to do with me?" Fang Yuan sneered, flying away."You!" Hao Zhen was furious.Chou Lao Wu quickly said: "Liu Guan Yi, we are all in the same boat, do you think the Heavenly Lord will let you off in his rage?"But Fang Yuan ignored him, he continued to retreat, quickly entering the clouds, vanishing from everyone's vision.The other immortals were still flying, but they were silent and uncertain.Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu felt panicked and flustered.Chou Lao Wu tried to calm himself down, he broke the silence: "Liu Guan Yi is such a scoundrel…"Before he finished his words, Immortal Wang interrupted: "Ah! I am heavily injured, I need to seek treatment, I will take my leave first."He turned into a falling star hound and changed directions, running away.Li Si Chun saw this and thought quickly, smiling: "I am skilled at healing techniques, wait for me Immortal Wang, I'll help you."Saying this, he followed behind Immortal Wang, swiftly leaving the place.Chou Lao Wu looked at this in disbelief, he stared with wide opened eyes, cursing: "This dog shit Wang, he is so shameless! To think we saved him! If we'd known this in advance, why would we even help?!"Chou Lao Wu looked at Hao Zhen, all of the negative emotions inside him were alleviated by a bit.After all, he was not alone.Other than him, Hao Zhen had also attacked.Chou Lao Wu and Hao Zhen had a good relationship, this was rare among demonic path Gu Immortals. Once this happened, these two unlucky brothers' relationship would grow closer.But this did not help matters.The two looked at each other, Hao Zhen had a stiff expression, he said in a heavy tone: "Since this has happened already, there is nothing we can do. Now, we can only rely on Chu Du."Chou Lao Wu's eyes were shining, he was like a drowning person who saw a floating log: "That's right, you are right. We were invited by Chu Du to help him, he cannot abandon us! Let's go find him!"Fang Yuan did not stick around, he immediately returned to Lang Ya blessed land."The situation is a little complex now." He frowned slightly, analyzing the situation.Originally, this attack on Iron Eagle blessed land was rather successful.Fang Yuan and the others attacked Iron Eagle blessed land, they destroyed and took away a lot of resources, it was a huge blow to Bai Zu tribe.If that was all that happened, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu would have to retreat, to defend his base.He had created a super force after so much work, he had squeezed into the cracks between the Huang Jin tribes, obtaining his own territory. This expended so much of his time and effort, he had even paid a huge price!If he continued to attack Hei Fan grotto-heaven relentlessly, allowing Fang Yuan and the others to continue attacking them, the situation would become very unstable.Bai Zu tribe's reputation would be completely ruined before it was even established. Other forces and Gu Immortals would gather like hungry wolves, targeting Bai Zu tribe like how they attacked Hei tribe.Once such a situation occurs, even Heavenly Lord Bai Zu would feel very troubled.Because he was not the only rank eight in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world!In order to defend his hard work, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had to either take down Hei Fan grotto-heaven quickly, or wisely give up on it and return to stabilize the situation, and fortify his base.Attacking Hei Fan grotto-heaven quickly was not feasible for Heavenly Lord Bai Zu. If he could, he would have already won by now.Chu Du had noticed Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's greatest weakness, thus, his tactic aimed at his weakness, it was truly brilliant and impressive.But unfortunately, how could simply a person's strategy completely determine the outcome?At the crucial moment, an unexpected mishap occurred, a rank seven Gu Immortal from Bai Zu tribe died!Fang Yuan naturally knew that Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu acted to save Immortal Wang because they were after the reward. After they help Immortal Wang break free from Green City Rampage, how could Immortal Wang not thank them heavily with compensation?"The two of them were the last to enter Iron Eagle blessed land, their gains were unable to satisfy their appetite. This is why they wanted to earn a fortune from Immortal Wang. It was a pity, they overestimated the Bai Zu Gu Immortals, and caused this terrible outcome." Fang Yuan shook his head and sighed.This way, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was sure to take revenge.If he did not, his reputation would go down the drain, how could a rank eight Gu Immortal be unable to protect his own people? He might as well go die in that case!This was more unforgivable than having Iron Eagle blessed land be completely destroyed.Forget about managing any super force, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu would lose all of his reputation."This means that, Chu Du and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's conflict is now unresolvable. And I am Chu Du's ally, who had also joined the battle in Iron Eagle blessed land."At this point, Fang Yuan was also dragged into it.Even though his circumstances were better than those of Chou Lao Wu and Hao Zhen."What should I do?" Fang Yuan paced around in the secret room, thinking hard.He had the alliance agreement, he had no choice. His desire towards information path inheritances grew even stronger now.He thought about it for a while, there was a solution that was not really a solution."In the worst case, I can only get Chu Du into Lang Ya Sect. Lang Ya Sect is already part of the variant human alliance, by then, we can use the immemorial rock dragon against Heavenly Lord Bai Zu."Thinking about this, Fang Yuan saw hope in getting Chu Du to join Lang Ya Sect.Originally, Domination Immortal Chu Du had the pride of being a human Gu Immortal, how could he lower his head and join a variant human force?"Or maybe, Chu Du still has his trump cards?" Fang Yuan thought of another possibility.Of course, he also had another solution, that was to leave Northern Plains directly.He had the sovereign immortal body anyway, he was unique, he could survive in any region. He was unlike other Gu Immortals, for example, when a Northern Plains Gu Immortal leaves Northern Plains, a foreign region's heaven and earth qi would cause their immortal aperture to become unstable, it might even break apart, trying to undergo tribulation was courting death."If I cannot fight you, I can still escape." Fang Yuan thought. So-called reputation and pride were not obstacles in his way.Of course, unless he had no choice, Fang Yuan would not want to leave Northern Plains.Over here, he could use Lang Ya Sect's power and live well. If he left, he could not use immortal tribulation tempering aperture. He could also not use Luo Po Valley which had already been sold to Lang Ya Sect. There were also lots of other problems as well.Southern Border.At dawn.Far away, the dawn sky was white like marble white.The fog in the mountains fused with the fragrance of the grass and trees, giving off a cooling feeling.Two figures were descending from the cloud layer.One was rank seven, the other was rank six, they resembled youngsters. They wore deep green short sleeve shirts and long black pants, they also had jade leggings."Big brother, they said third supreme elder went crazy? Do you think it is true?" The rank six Gu Immortal asked.The rank seven Gu Immortal had a grim expression, he sighed and answered: "Ever since us righteous path forces started the super dream realm exploration, two Gu Immortals have already fallen unconscious, and one Gu Immortal's soul was completely destroyed. Third supreme elder went crazy… I'm afraid it's true.""Ah." The rank six Gu Immortal gasped: "Third supreme elder has such high cultivation level, he is a senior among rank sevens, already having gone through two grand tribulations, how could he go crazy?"The rank seven Gu Immortal shook his head: "Exploration of the dream realm has nothing to do with cultivation level. Other than bringing back third supreme elder now, we have to take over his role. Little brother, you need to be careful, he is a good example, do not succumb to the dream realm.""Don't worry big brother! Even though there is a prophecy on Great Dream Immortal Venerable, I know my limits, how could I court death?" The rank six Gu Immortal had a fearful expression.The two immortals spoke casually, passing by a nameless peak as they continued flying, before vanishing in the sky."They went in." Hei Lou Lan said.Currently, besides her, there was Ying Wu Xie, Shi Nu, Tai Bai Yun Sheng, and Bai Ning Bing."This super Gu formation was set up by Chi Qu You, he used up a great number of Immortal Gu from the Southern Border righteous path super forces, as well as countless mortal Gu. The defense is really tight!" Shi Nu said heavily.With such a powerful defensive Gu formation and a large number of righteous path Gu Immortals defending it, with just the power of Ying Wu Xie and the others, they could not break through.Ying Wu Xie however, smiled lightly: "This Gu formation is not a problem. The dream realm is still expanding, every once in a while, the formation has to be reset, at that time, the righteous path Gu Immortals have no spare energy to care about other things, that is the time to attack. What truly obstructs us is this dream realm."Saying this, he spoke more slowly as he sighed eerily: "I have lead soul into dream, but I do not have a method to unravel dreams.""Fang Yuan does." Hei Lou Lan transmitted."Him?!" Ying Wu Xie's heart shook, his gaze suddenly became very complicated.

Reverend Insanity


next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1173. Crazed Demon Cave | Reverend Insanity

Inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven.Tens of thousands of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu figures floated in the air, looking down towards Chu Du.The expression and attitude of the Heavenly Lord Bai Zu figures were completely different from before, all of their faces were grim and heavy."Chu Du! Hand over the murderers and Hei Fan grotto-heaven, I can spare your life."Tens of thousands of mouths spoke at once, the loud volume reverberated in Hei Fan grotto-heaven.Chu Du stood on the ground, raising his head and looking.Compared to the numerous Heavenly Lord Bai Zu figures in the sky, he was all alone, seemingly lonely and weak.However, his body was upright and straight like a spear, his domineering aura shrouded his body, he could resist Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's imposing display without wavering."Hmph! You are attacking my grotto-heaven, and you want me to surrender? So what if that Bai Zu tribesman died, this is your punishment and a price to pay for attacking me."Chu Du spoke plainly, his voice was echoing in the grotto-heaven.The group of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu figures still wanted to speak, but Chu Du activated his immortal killer move at the next moment.Inner strength self detonation!The immortal killer move's range covered the entirety of Hei Fan grotto-heaven.Inside the Heavenly Lord Bai Zu bodies, inner strength was appearing out of nowhere, it expanded until it reached its limit.Next, all of the Heavenly Lord Bai Zu clones self-detonated at the same time, it was an incredible sight.At once, the overwhelming army was completely destroyed by Chu Du in one move."Domination Immortal!" Outside the grotto-heaven, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's true body frowned as he gritted his teeth, fuming with rage.Not long ago, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had received a letter from his tribe, he was informed of Bai Zu Wei's death.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was naturally very upset, and also furious.Bai Zu Wei was nurtured by him singlehandedly, he was like a child that he had raised.To think that after building the tribe, and having just having started building their foundation in Northern Plains, he died, it was truly regretful.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu quickly noticed that if this matter was not dealt with properly, it would cause a huge crisis!"If I do not take down Hei Fan grotto-heaven and kill the murderers, my reputation would fall drastically, people would think I am weak, Bai Zu tribe would be pushed aside."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu would not allow that to happen.But his earlier call for surrender did not work."Domination Immortal Chu Du! This person is as tough as a rock on the seashore, just waves alone cannot stop him. Then let me show him a tsunami." Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had a firm expression.Inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven."Lord Domination Immortal, it is my, Hao Zhen's, greatest honor to be acquainted with you!""Lord Domination Immortal, I, Chou Lao Wu, admires you and solely you alone."Somehow, at some point in time, Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu were brought into Hei Fan grotto-heaven.They were hidden underground, after Chu Du killed all of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's illusory clones, they showed themselves.Originally, they were worried, but Chu Du rejected Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's offer of surrender with a firm tone, their doubts were dispelled, they felt deep admiration towards him."You two." Chu Du faced them, having a sincere expression: "You both got into trouble because of me. If I submit to the threat of a rank eight Gu Immortal and abandon you, I will be letting down my title as the 'Domination Immortal'. That is definitely not my style and demeanor as Chu Du!""Lord Domination Immortal, what do we do now?" Chou Lao Wu asked.Chu Du smiled lightly: "Don't worry, this Hei Fan grotto-heaven is not ordinary. Earlier, I alone was able to defend it. With the help of both of you, we have no worries."Chou Lao Wu and Hao Zhen nodded, but the worry in their faces did not go away.Chu Du continued: "Of course, simply defending will eventually lead to failure, right now, we are in a passive situation. I have already sent a letter out, I am inviting friends to fight with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu once and for all!"Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu finally cheered up.The former said: "Lord Domination Immortal, you can firmly control the situation, we are at ease."The latter added: "Fame and reputation attracts people. Relying on Hei Fan grotto-heaven to defeat a rank eight Gu Immortal is definitely an incredible achievement. If we use benefits and fame to attract them, Gu Immortals will surely come to help us."Saying this, Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu looked at each other, before saying loudly to Chu Du: "We are willing to shoulder the cost of inviting help."Domination Immortal laughed: "No need for that, this was my problem to begin with, how can I watch without paying a price?"Saying this, he held the hands of Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu, saying in a moved tone: "Fortune and disaster comes together, whether it ends up as fortune or disaster will depend on our hard work. If we can defend the grotto-heaven, I am willing to give up sixty percent of the space here to both of you. It was fate that brought us together, from today onwards, I hope that the three of us can go through thick and thin together, regardless of poverty or wealth!"A huge amount!Chu Du promised that after success, he would give sixty percent of Hei Fan grotto-heaven to Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu directly.At once, Hao Zhen and Chou Lao Wu's eyes shined, their hearts were pounding.This was Hei Fan grotto-heaven, it had no calamities and tribulations.As long as they defended it, Chu Du would give them sixty percent, they would get thirty percent each!This was simply a godsent fortune.Hao Zhen's body shook, he had a look of excitement: "Through thick and thin together, regardless of poverty or wealth!"Chou Lao Wu was so moved his eyes were red: "Meeting Domination Immortal is the greatest blessing in my life."The two of them had no alternatives to begin with.Chu Du not only took them in, he even gave them great benefits, at once, their passions were burning!Bzzz bzzz bzzz….Waves of buzzing noises entered their ears.A change occurred, large numbers of distorted shadows appeared in Hei Fan grotto-heaven's sky, some even appeared on the mountains and in water.Next, from these distorted shadows, figures of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu walked out one by one, there were even desolate beasts, some were ruthless two-legged beasts while others were flying with flapping wings.The three immortals had solemn expressions.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was an enslavement path cultivator, he could not enter Hei Fan grotto-heaven, but he could send a large number of desolate beasts in.No, not just desolate beasts, even ancient desolate beasts.There were even ancient desolate plants, their roots entered the soil as they changed the terrain into their temporary camps."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu is finally using his true methods!""We have to take action, kill, kill, kill!"Chu Du called out loudly: "Good, both of you, go kill these fierce beasts. I will manage the situation, I will prevent Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's main body from entering the grotto-heaven."If Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's true body came in, they could not compete.There was an enormous difference in strength between rank seven and eight.The reason why Chu Du could resist Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was because he was using Hei Fan grotto-heaven as a barrier!Lang Ya blessed land.Inside the cloud city's secret room, Fang Yuan was seated as an Immortal Gu moved to his side.This Immortal Gu, in terms of width and length, was the size of an adult's finger, it was silver and blue in color, shining with bright light. It was like a centipede, but instead of having multiple pairs of legs, it had soft and thin hair instead.This was the rank seven Immortal Gu Sword Eyebrows.At this moment, Fang Yuan was using sword eyebrows Immortal Gu to increase his sword path dao marks.The secret room was dark and eerie, but sword eyebrows Immortal Gu was shining with silver light, it was flying around Fang Yuan as it drew a beautiful arc of dazzling light in the darkness.A while later, Fang Yuan stopped his cultivation for now.After the fifth earthly calamity, Fang Yuan had been using sword eyebrows Immortal Gu to increase his sword path dao marks.He also had fixed times for cultivation daily, going to Luo Po Valley to cultivate his soul.All in all, sword eyebrows Immortal Gu was quite useful, but it was a rank seven Immortal Gu, unfortunately.Fang Yuan was only rank six, using a rank seven Immortal Gu had a huge burden on his green grape immortal essence.Thus, Fang Yuan could not freely use sword eyebrows Immortal Gu. It was because his pressure from the calamities had decreased to the extent after the fifth earthly calamity, along with his good financial status in earning immortal essence stones, that he could undergo this cultivation."Oh? Chu Du sent a letter." Fang Yuan had just stored sword eyebrows Immortal Gu into his immortal aperture when he felt something, he sensed a letter Gu.Through treasure yellow heaven, Fang Yuan retrieved the letter Gu, his consciousness entered it as his expression changed.Chu Du had told Fang Yuan about the situation inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven, he also told Fang Yuan his firm attitude.When Chu Du wrote this letter, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had not asked him to surrender yet, and had not sent in his army of beasts, but Chu Du had anticipated it.In the letter, he said: "The might of a rank eight cannot be resisted. Even with the grotto-heaven's help, the inevitable failure is only delayed.""He is quite aware, I see." Fang Yuan praised before continuing to read.Chu Du asked for Fang Yuan's help in inviting reinforcements for him to resist Heavenly Lord Bai Zu. At the same time, he told Fang Yuan about his following plans.Inviting reinforcements to defend Hei Fan grotto-heaven so that Heavenly Lord Bai Zu could not have any gains was not the important point.The important thing was that other forces and Gu Immortals were not happy with Bai Zu tribe. As long as Heavenly Lord Bai Zu realized that he could not continue to attack Hei Fan grotto-heaven, if he did not return to stabilize the situation, the Bai Zu tribe that he had worked so hard to create would break apart.That was the only way to get Heavenly Lord Bai Zu to leave.Lone cultivator Heavenly Lord Bai Zu did not have this weakness. But after taking over Hei tribe and creating the righteous path super force, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had to defend it.Undoubtedly, this plan would work, it was also the only way to deal with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu.Fang Yuan had thought of it earlier as well, Chu Du's plan and his were the same."Who is Chu Du asking for help? This letter shows much confidence, but he is only asking me to go to Crazed Demon Cave to ask for reinforcements. There must be some capable people."Crazed Demon Cave!One of the ten great fierce areas in Northern Plains.Who was cultivating in seclusion there, who would make Chu Du think of drawing support from their power?Immediately, Fang Yuan felt a strong sense of curiosity.Because Crazed Demon Cave was different from the other fierce areas.If it were Tai Qiu, even though it was dangerous, it was still possible for people to cultivate there in secret. Lang Ya Sect was already doing that now.But Crazed Demon Cave was created by Limitless Demon Venerable singlehandedly, the cave was filled with demonic sounds, other Gu Immortals would go crazy uncontrollably, before losing all their senses. In history, even a rank eight Gu Immortal had lost their reasoning because of it and became a lunatic.

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Chapter 1174. Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics | Reverend Insanity

Of course, since Chu Du was asking Fang Yuan to go and invite people from Crazed Demon Cave, he had also given Fang Yuan some methods to defend against the demonic sounds, and some information regarding the patterns, strengths and weaknesses of these sounds."Regardless, I have to go."Chu Du and Heavenly Lord Bai Zu were competing over Hei Fan grotto-heaven, this originated from Fang Yuan's actions. He had benefits linked with Chu Du, he was also involved with the attack on Iron Eagle blessed land, all in all, he was deeply related to the issue.Fang Yuan acted quickly, immediately setting off.Using the super Gu formation, he teleported out of Lang Ya blessed land, heading towards Crazed Demon Cave.There were no issues along the way.More than ten days later, Fang Yuan stopped in the air, looking down.On the ground of flat yellow soil, there was a huge cave. The surroundings of the cave were a circular shape, spanning hundreds of kilometers. There was a thick rainforest in the cave, having both yellow and green colors. From time to time, desolate beasts growled, large numbers of featherless birds flew out, their red bodies made Fang Yuan think of pterosaurs.It was a scenery of wilderness.Fang Yuan descended, as the cave got bigger in his vision, until it eventually filled it up.As he went down, Fang Yuan was completely shrouded by the rainforest in the cave.Entering the rainforest, the humid and moist air enveloped Fang Yuan.The branches of the trees were thick and large, but sunlight was very intense. Vines were hanging on the tree trunks, or intertwining on them, Fang Yuan could not find a place to land at times.Creak creak…Far away, many strange monkeys with grey fur were chasing each other on the trees.Suddenly, a motionless 'vine' moved up, openings its bloodthirsty mouth as it swallowed dozens of grey monkeys into its stomach.In truth, this was a desolate beast tree python that had successfully hunted its prey.The grey monkey group was in a commotion, they called out loudly, their voices attracted the king of the monkeys, it was also a desolate beast.The desolate beast tree python continued to retreat, it was already full, its goal was achieved, it did not want to fight the grey monkey king.The grey monkeys were not insistent on revenge in nature, the monkey king saw that the tree python was leaving and did not chase it, only calling out loudly.But at this time, there was a sound echoing in the place."Oh no, demonic sound." Fang Yuan quickly used his Gu worms, using Chu Du's method to defend against the demonic sound.Ordinary methods could not block demonic sounds.But Chu Du's method worked against it with immediate effect. Fang Yuan felt like the demonic sound was gone, as if it never existed.The vocalizations of the monkey king and the tree python could be heard now.Influenced by the demonic sound, the two desolate beasts which were going to leave suddenly engaged in combat like they had gone crazy.This was not just an intense battle, it was a battle to the death.The two desolate beasts fought to the death, they were entangled, rolling around as many trees were snapped, countless living beings died.The monkeys around them also went crazy, not only did they attack their allies, they even self-mutilated, banging against hard rocks or digging out their own eyes with their fingers.The peaceful rainforest became chaotic, there was roaring everywhere, many life forms went into madness, fighting each other as dust clouds rose, an intense bloody smell was emanating.Fang Yuan maintained his composure and calmness.But the surrounding birds were all attacking him, even the ants and bees nearby were suiciding as they attacked him."This is Crazed Demon Cave…" Fang Yuan sighed internally, using Gu worms to defend himself.He was clear-minded, he had many strong methods to survive in this crazy environment, he did not feel much pressure.After all, these crazy life forms were not targeting him alone, they were attacking at will, acting like maniacs.The demonic sound continued for a while before vanishing.The noisy rainforest became silent at once.The wild beasts that were mixing around earlier were corpses now, they had severed limbs and incomplete corpses scattered all over the rainforest. At some places, their blood formed into small rivers, nourishing the ground. Countless snapped trees obtained sufficient nutrients and rapidly grew again.Far away, the two desolate beasts who fought had died.The tree python's thick and long body was coiled around the monkey king multiple times, while the final loop was around its neck, snapping it completely.But the monkey king struggled before dying, tearing apart the python's stomach. All of the monkeys that it had eaten were freed, but they were all dead.The tree python was near death, as the demonic sound faded, it regained clarity, before the light in its eyes faded.It lost its life.Fang Yuan had a thought as he rushed to the battlefield, keeping these two dead desolate beasts in his own immortal aperture."If I were you, I would not waste my effort. The life forms in Crazed Demon Cave, be it flying birds or land-based beasts, even Gu worms and plants have no value. The corpses of these desolate beasts cannot be sold in treasure yellow heaven, because the dao marks in their bodies are completely chaotic." A voice could be heard."Who is this?" Fang Yuan was shocked.Even though he had been using familiar face, and the time path killer move three breaths future vision, the latter could only let him see events related to himself three breaths later.'See' was not 'hear'.Three breaths future vision had its flaws.Like right now, Fang Yuan could not foresee voices.But soon, Fang Yuan 'saw' the future, a white robed Gu Immortal with a middle aged appearance came out of nowhere, he was behind and towards Fang Yuan's right, about ten steps away.Fang Yuan was fully focused, but he was still looking around.Three breaths of time later, towards his back, at the right, a white robed Gu Immortal appeared in that very spot.This Gu Immortal had a pale face and black beard, he had long wide sleeves and eyes that were shining like stars, his disposition was extraordinary.Fang Yuan quickly turned around, looking at this foreign immortal with a nervous expression.The white robed Gu Immortal smiled as he said: "Don't be afraid, friend, I am Not Immortal."Fang Yuan was exposing rank six aura now, but the white robed Gu Immortal was rank seven, his aura was not concealed."What?" Fang Yuan was perplexed."My title is 'Not Immortal', I live in Crazed Demon Cave. The Gu worm that you have is the token that us Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics gave to Chu Du." The white robed Not Immortal smiled.Fang Yuan realized, hearing Not Immortal's words, there were two other people in Crazed Demon Cave. He quickly greeted: "Junior greets senior, I came here without an invitation because we need senior's help to assist Lord Domination Immortal.""Hehehe, us Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics have lived here for hundreds of years without bothering with the outside world, if Chu Du wants to join us, we will gladly welcome him. But if he wants us to leave Crazed Demon Cave, that is absolutely impossible." Not Immortal smiled."Oh?" Fang Yuan had an anxious expression, but he felt nothing on the inside.Regardless of whether Not Immortal was saying this to elevate his own value, just Domination Immortal Chu Du alone was not someone who toyed around.Chu Du definitely had a close relationship with the three immortals here, he had a plan if he asked Fang Yuan to come."Since Chu Du gave you the Gu worm, I suppose he has also given you many methods and the traveling route as well?" Not Immortal asked."Yes." Fang Yuan nodded.Not Immortal assessed Fang Yuan involuntarily, to make Chu Du entrust him like this, what capabilities did this Gu Immortal junior have?"In that case, follow me. Hehe, you were quite lucky, I came out here for a breather. Crazed Demon Cave is getting more dangerous in recent years, the routes are changing, follow me, if you take a wrong step, you will face the consequences yourself." Not Immortal said as he entered the rainforest.Fang Yuan hesitated, before moving and following him.The two entered deep into the rainforest and went into a hole, arriving at the second layer.Crazed Demon Cave had nine layers, the second layer was an incredibly hot land of burning rocks. A large amount of rocks were piled up together, big and small, the large ones were like huge elephants, the small ones were like pebbles.A moment later, the two immortals arrived at the third layer.The third layer was covered in white fog, a large number of fog Gu were living here, along the way, Fang Yuan saw figures of large fierce beasts moving about in the fog.There was a very large quantity of cloud bamboo.It was this special bamboo, on the same scale as the rainforest in the first layer, that created the endless fog here.Next, Fang Yuan saw the image of a city in the fog.A tall city with markets and vendors, countless people were moving about rapidly, but there was no sound, it was a peculiar scene."That is Fog City, the vengeful souls who died gather and form here, there is no point looking at it." Not Immortal, who was in front, informed.Fang Yuan was slightly shocked, he knew about Fog City, this was the first time he saw it. Souls that could form Fog City were at least Gu Immortals, and a large number at that. With Fang Yuan's current strength, if he entered it, he would definitely die, there was no way to escape.Crazed Demon Cave was one of the ten great fierce areas in Northern Plains, it was naturally very dangerous.The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics including Not Immortal were living here permanently, their strength was naturally not low.Under Not Immortal's lead, Fang Yuan entered deep into the cave without much danger, he got to the sixth layer."Even we do not dare to enter the bottom three layers casually, it is too dangerous. Come, let me bring you to Gu Immortal Pang Shan, he has the most interaction with Chu Du, he was the one who recommended Chu Du in the first place. Chu Du knows our rules, but he still asked you to come here, he definitely has his objectives. Pang Shan should know."Under Not Immortal's lead, Fang Yuan met with Gu Immortal Pang Shan at a small valley in the sixth layer.A huge person!Pang Shan was dozens of meters tall, he was situated in the valley, he was using the valley as his chair, he was in a half lying down position.He made Fang Yuan think of that Leshan Giant Buddha back on Earth.Pang Shan opened his eyes slightly, waking up from his sleep."Oh? Chu Du is asking for reinforcements… hmm, we did have an agreement before." Pang Shan said in a deep tone, speaking very slowly."As expected. What agreement?" Not Immortal stroked his beard and asked."Lend him Immortal Gu and killer moves to resolve his alliance agreements." Pang Shan replied slowly.

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Chapter 1175. Do Not Care | Reverend Insanity

"Oh?" Fang Yuan heard Pang Shan's reply and felt extremely shocked.During this period of time, he had been looking for a way to remove his alliance agreements, but to think that it would show up in front of him like this.At once, Fang Yuan felt extremely complex.He had thought that Chu Du was here to ask for reinforcements, but to think that Chu Du's true intention was to remove alliance agreements."Chu Du had such a backup, but he had not used it yet, only activating it now, evidently, asking the Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics for help has a price."Crazed Demon Cave was a special place, demonic sounds often played, causing dao marks to become chaotic and all immortal materials to become useless. Because of the special environment, Gu Immortals here could not connect to treasure yellow heaven at all.The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics were isolated from the world.And Domination Immortal Chu Du needed to guard against Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's invasion, he could not leave. He was unable to act personally and leave the defense of Hei Fan grotto-heaven to others.Thus, even though Chu Du and Fang Yuan did not know each other for long, because of their closely linked alliance relationship, at this moment, Chu Du had to ask Fang Yuan to come, exposing the secret of Crazed Demon Cave."No, Chu Du is very shrewd. He might be intentionally exposing this to me."Fang Yuan had a thought flash in his mind.If this guess was accurate, then Fang Yuan could not clearly guess Chu Du's intention.Fang Yuan was skilled at scheming, so was Chu Du, the Domination Immortal that could make the super force Liu tribe feel helpless, how could he be a simple brute?Immediately, Fang Yuan held his breath as he asked Pang Shan: "According to what I know, Lord Domination Immortal has many alliance agreements, they are of different sources, they are not purely information path alliance agreements, there are also other paths that could attain the result of information path."Fang Yuan was spouting nonsense.However, Chu Du had roamed Northern Plains for so long, he had to have relationships with people, he definitely had many alliance agreements.Not Immortal stroked his heard and kept silent, smiling lightly.Pang Shan spoke slowly, but his voice was filled with confidence: "No matter what alliance agreement it is from whichever path, my method can resolve it. Because my Immortal Gu is called 'Care'."Immortal Gu Care?Fang Yuan did not conceal the shock inside him, it was shown all over his face.Care Immortal Gu, almost everyone knew about it.Because it was in the top ten of the List of Mystical Gu.In the past, it was ranked third.But after the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Fang Yuan's identity was exposed, everyone knew that he was a person from the future who had used Spring Autumn Cicada to rebirth.Thus, Spring Autumn Cicada went from seventh place to third.Care Immortal Gu, which was originally third, became fourth.The List of Mystical Gu was constantly changing.Of course, the top ten seldom adjusted.Spring Autumn Cicada was related to Red Lotus Demon Venerable, the latter was incredibly mysterious, there was little information about him in this world compared to the other venerables. As for rumors regarding Spring Autumn Cicada, not everyone held the same view. Fang Yuan's example proved Spring Autumn Cicada's immense value, the status of this Immortal Gu rose drastically in everyone's minds, its ranking rose as a result.Most of the top ten mystical Gu were related to rank nine venerables.The fourth place care Gu was refined by Limitless Demon Venerable when he searched for the secluded domain of heaven and earth 'Care' that was recorded in <the legends of ren zu>.Fifth place was qi escape Gu.Sixth place was combat relocation Gu, it originated from Paradise Earth Immortal Venerable.Seventh place was connect mind Gu, it came from Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.And for the number one mystical Gu, it was refined by Giant Sun Immortal Venerable.According to <the legends of ren zu>, chapter four, section twenty-four —Ren Zu wanted to save his own children, but he encountered a beastman along the way, he was affected by fear Gu.Fear Gu made Ren Zu fear everything, he was unable to advance due to his fears.Ren Zu was tormented by his fear, he was in deep agony, he consulted self Gu.Self Gu answered: "Then let me eat it."Ren Zu waved his hand: "No, no. I want nothing more than to avoid fear. If you eat it, this fear will stay with me for life. This is too risky."Ren Zu asked cognition Gu.Cognition Gu said: "Oh human, you want to conquer fear, you need to have courage."Ren Zu was troubled: "I used to have courage Gu as my companion, it is the friend of faith Gu. But afterwards, because I encountered the hairy men, due to failure Gu, it left me."Cognition Gu said: "I'll teach you a method, hide fear Gu deep within your heart. Move forward after that and courage Gu will come to you. Courageous people are not fearless, they are just hiding fear deep within their hearts."Ren Zu was more troubled now: "Oh Gu, what are you thinking? Precisely because of fear, I cannot advance, thus I need courage. But you are telling me that to obtain courage, I need to move forward first."While they were talking, a Gu worm flew over."Is it courage Gu?" Ren Zu was overjoyed, before feeling disappointment.Because this Immortal Gu was not courage Gu, it was love Gu.Sometimes, love comes to you on its own.Love Gu said: "Oh human, I can smell hope and fear from you, as love, they are my food."Ren Zu was overjoyed: "You can take fear away, but hope is mine, I cannot give it to you."Love Gu refused: "Only hope and fear can nourish me together, that is how I survive. Oh human, then I can only stay by your side."Ren Zu did not have any good feelings towards love Gu, he was not very willing, but love Gu said: "Don't chase me away, with me around, you can summon courage Gu."Indeed, after Ren Zu called out, courage Gu flew to his side a while later."Ah, this is the aura of love. Oh, and fear too." Courage Gu landed in Ren Zu's heart with much satisfaction.It was actually good friends with fear Gu, the two were playing as they flew around Ren Zu's heart.Fear and courage are often within one's grasp.Ren Zu had courage, his fear dissipated by a huge amount, he could move on again."Oh Ren Zu, I want to thank you, you are the reason why I broke free from fear." Before Ren Zu left, the beastman came to him."I have two Gu here, one is loyalty, one is betrayal. Choose one, this will be my token of gratitude towards you." The beastman said, taking out two Gu worms, holding one in each hand.Ren Zu did not know which to choose.Love Gu said: "Choose loyalty, you already have fear."Cognition Gu said instead: "Go choose betrayal, you already have courage."Ren Zu was troubled, he asked the beastman: "Can I take a look at them first?"The beastman said: "Of course."Ren Zu thus obtained both loyalty Gu and betrayal Gu, but to think that after he took them, loyalty Gu turned into betrayal Gu, and betrayal Gu turned into loyalty Gu.Ren Zu was puzzled.The beastman explained: "Loyalty to others is betrayal to oneself, betraying others is loyalty to yourself."Self Gu spoke at this time: "Oh human, choose betrayal. Since you are walking on your own road, you will need to betray others, and even betray yourself."Ren Zu made up his mind, he chose betrayal Gu.The beastman kept loyalty Gu, before leaving, he told Ren Zu: "Oh Ren Zu, you have betrayal now, you cannot go to a place called 'Care'. At that place, betrayal will harm you, but if you do not 'Care', then betrayal cannot harm you at all."Ren Zu nodded: "Thank you beastman, I will remember your advice."…In Crazed Demon Cave.At Pang Shan's will, Immortal Gu Care flew out of his immortal aperture.He said to Not Immortal: "Even though I have care Immortal Gu, it is not enough."Not Immortal stroked his heard: "I understand!"He took out an Immortal Gu."This is Immortal Gu 'No'."The two Immortal Gu were different in appearance, they floated towards Fang Yuan.Pang Shan and Not Immortal took out their respective wills, as well as their own red date immortal essence."We will trouble you to bring these to Domination Immortal. By then, he will have no lingering worries, he would not be restricted by the backlashes of alliance agreements." Not Immortal said to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was a little stunnedTwo rank seven Immortal Gu were lent out like this, they were so casual about it, was their relationship with Chu Du really that close, or were they influenced by Crazed Demon Cave?Two wills carrying Immortal Gu and immortal essence entered Fang Yuan's sleeves.Fang Yuan said goodbye as he asked before leaving: "May I ask both seniors, if I want to borrow these Immortal Gu in the future, what should I do?"Pang Shan did not speak, he opened his eyes slightly before shutting them, falling into deep sleep again.Not Immortal smiled and did not speak.Fang Yuan sighed internally, he turned around and left.Not Immortal did not send him off.But Fang Yuan had already memorized the route, he managed to move along the route without any danger.

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