
Chapter: 1161-1165:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1161. Testing Perceivable Dao Immortal Gu | Reverend Insanity

Perceivable dao Immortal Gu!This Immortal Gu had a round head and a black body, it had many segments in its body, once activated, it started to shine in starlight.Blue starlight reflected on Fang Yuan's entire body.Fang Yuan breathed in deeply and concentrated, he observed meticulously, preventing any accidents from occurring.When Gu Masters use Gu, it was not safe. Many Gu worms had backlashes or weaknesses.The same went for Immortal Gu, and because they were powerful, the drawbacks and weaknesses were also larger.This was the first time Fang Yuan was using perceivable dao Immortal Gu, even though he used wisdom path methods to deduce it already, he still had to be careful.Initially, starlight only shone on Fang Yuan's body. But after a few breaths of time, starlight accumulated, it covered Fang Yuan's entire body like a thin layer of water.Starlight gathered into shining water, it got thicker and thicker, accumulating on Fang Yuan's face, limbs, and body.Afterwards, as time passed, the shining water faded, after more than ten breaths, it vanished.The starlight around perceivable dao Immortal Gu also vanished, it returned to its black state.But in Fang Yuan's mind, there was some information, he could see how many dao marks he had in his body.The greatest number were in snow path and ice path dao marks, reaching a total of sixteen thousand!Fang Yuan learned this and his heart jumped.A hundred dao marks meant that an Immortal Gu's effect would increase by ten percent. A thousand dao marks would double its effect. Then sixteen thousand dao marks would result in sixteen times the amplification of effects!This meant that when Fang Yuan uses an Immortal Gu from ice or snow path, the effect would be very strong. For example, compared to a Gu Immortal without any dao marks using an ice or snow path Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan's might would be seventeen times of this Gu Immortal!And the most important point was, even though the power was seventeen times as much, Fang Yuan's green grape immortal essence expenditure was the same as the other Gu Immortal.This was different from City Well, even though the immortal killer move was a hundred times stronger, Fang Yuan's green grape immortal essence expenditure rose by a similar proportion, he also spent a hundred times as much!This was very fearsome.Why did the battle strength of Gu Immortals as their cultivation level got higher, this was the reason.Below ice and snow path, the second highest quantity of dao marks belonged to luck path, it had fifteen thousand!"My luck path dao marks were basically all absorbed from Feng Jun's accumulation, this person had a deep foundation, he personally ascended Immortal Succession Mountain and succeeded, inheriting a large number of luck path dao marks from it.""Oh, right. There was an earthly calamity with the giant disaster blazing tree, after passing it, I gained luck path dao marks as well."Below luck path dao marks were qi path and sound path dao marks.Both had around thirteen thousand."Qi path dao marks mainly come from Qi Zai, he was a rank seven Gu Immortal who cultivated qi path, almost all of his qi path dao marks are absorbed into my body now.""Sound path dao marks came from Tang Song, this person is also rank seven, he is a supreme elder from a super force of Eastern Sea, Tang clan."Below that was blood path dao marks, about twelve thousand of them, they were obtained from Hei Fan grotto-heaven's blood path Gu Immortal, Zheng Tuo.Fang Yuan thought about it, he realized that among his dao marks, the rest of those that reached ten thousand were all from rank seven Gu Immortal corpses.Among them, rule path dao marks had twelve thousand, they were from Hei Fan grotto-heaven's rule path Gu Immortal, Chen Chi.Water path dao marks were around eleven thousand, obtained from lone immortal Zhou Li after Fang Yuan absorbed his foundation.Below that was transformation path and strength path, they summed up to nine thousand in total, close to ten thousand.Other than that, there was an assortment of other paths, haphazardly mixed in.For example, there was wind path, wood path, and food path."I went through a few earthly calamities, the wind flowers, spring dawn jade orioles, they gave me wood path and wind path dao marks. Food path actually exceeds these two paths, I guess the profound white flying salt calamity gave me food path dao marks."And fewer than these were earth path, time path, and information path."Earlier, I joined the alliance of variant humans, they used an earth path method to attain information path effects. Thus, I gained quite a number of earth path dao marks.""As for time path, they are probably from the hundred years harmony that I set with Chu Du, similar to the variant human alliance.""As for information path dao marks, they must be from the alliance agreement of Lang Ya Sect."The least in quantity, like phantom path, still had a hundred or so. This was the initial number of dao marks that sovereign immortal fetus brought with it.Fang Yuan considered these numbers, from these, he had a glimpse of the nature of some calamities and tribulations.He concluded.Ice and snow path were highest, followed by luck path, qi path, sound path, rule path, water path, and blood path, they all had over ten thousand.Below these were transformation path and strength path.And below those were food path, wind path, wood path, earth path, time path, and others."I mainly fight with strength path, sword path, and time path methods. Familiar face and blood asset Immortal Gu are supplementary methods.""My five grandmaster attainments are in wisdom path, strength path, star path, blood path, and transformation path."Fang Yuan looked at his situation, it was quite awkward.His paths with more than ten thousand dao marks were almost completely different from his main methods and five highest attainment levels.According to Fang Yuan's original cultivation plan, his focus was on transformation path.But now, because he joined the four races alliance, this plan had a lot of barriers. He could not undergo tribulation in the icy plain, Fang Yuan could not draw out Reckless Savage's true meaning. If he could not influence the earthly calamity, he would not gain transformation path dao marks, or even any rise in his attainment level.Fang Yuan pondered."From this, it seems that most rank seven Gu Immortals have about ten thousand or more dao marks of their main path.""But I have only gone through four earth calamities, and already have sixteen thousand ice and snow path dao marks, while my transformation path and strength path dao marks are close to ten thousand. Looking at my wood path, wind path, and food path dao marks, my total gain from these calamities add up to thirty thousand."Evidently, this number was abnormal.Gu Immortals with rank seven cultivation level had undergone up to around forty to fifty earthly calamities, four or five heavenly tribulations, and one or more grand tribulations.After all these, their main paths only had about ten thousand dao marks.Fang Yuan had only gone through four earthly calamities, but he had already gained three times the number of dao marks as them!The stronger the calamities and tribulations, after passing them, the greater number of dao marks the Gu Immortal would obtain.Ordinary Gu Immortals would have simpler tribulations. When they get to rank seven, they would have about ten thousand dao marks in their main path.Those with higher aptitude and having high grade blessed lands, or even immortal apertures originating from the ten extreme physiques, would have more resources in their blessed lands, with greater fortune comes greater disaster, they would have stronger calamities and tribulations, and would gain more dao marks after passing them.Fang Yuan's situation was unique in the entire world!Even if the sovereign immortal aperture had no resources, it was an immense amount of fortune in itself, the earthly calamity that befalls also reaches the limit of its strength.And because he was a complete otherworldly demon, heaven's will would try every possible way to kill Fang Yuan, causing his earthly calamity to be elevated to the maximum force allowed.In his first four earthly calamities, each one was extremely difficult, Fang Yuan passed them with great danger, it was like he was walking on a tightrope. But now it seemed, the risks were great, but his gains were huge as well!"Even though my current development and my methods don't match, my dao mark growth is real. At this rate, after each earthly calamity and heavenly tribulation, my foundation would rise to a terrifying degree!"Thinking of this, Fang Yuan felt that all the difficulty and hard work he had gone through were worth it.Even his attitude towards the earthly calamities had vaguely changed.Each earthly calamity could be seen as a great chance to gain more dao marks!"After a few more earthly calamities, how much would I grow? How much would my foundation grow?" Even Fang Yuan could not estimate this.The sovereign immortal aperture surpassed the norm by too much.His growth potential and speed could not be assessed by normal means!The amount of dao marks Fang Yuan gained from four earthly calamities was multiple times that of an ordinary rank seven Gu Immortal's dao marks in their main path!After clarifying the number of dao marks in his body, Fang Yuan took out his Immortal Gu, using Perceivable Dao to investigative them.But unfortunately, even though the starry water covered the surface of the Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan did not get any results.He realized: "Man is the spirit of all living beings, Gu are the essence of heaven and earth. Mortal Gu have dao marks, while Immortal Gu have fragments of the Great Dao. Perceivable Dao can only investigate dao marks, it is ineffective against Great Dao fragments."Indeed, when he used perceivable dao Immortal Gu on mortal Gu and checked them, it worked like a charm.But his tests were far from over.Next, Fang Yuan took out immortal materials and used perceivable dao Immortal Gu to inspect them.He realized that even though the dao marks in the immortal materials could be sensed by him, the expenditure of immortal essence rose when the quality and rank of the immortal material was higher."Perceivable dao Immortal Gu is an information path Immortal Gu, when looking at purely information path immortal materials, the immortal essence expenditure is lower. Other than that, any other type of immortal materials would have an element of conflicting dao marks. Thus, the immortal essence expenditure is greater.""As for why using it on me does not cause more immortal essence expenditure, that is because my dao marks are non-conflicting."Thinking of this, Fang Yuan had a stern expression on his face.The property of non-conflicting dao marks of the sovereign immortal body was both a good thing and bad thing for him.For ordinary Gu Immortals, when killer moves of other paths land on them, their dao marks would first reduce the might of the attacks, but Fang Yuan would have to face its full force. In fact, when his dao marks are of the same path as the attacking killer move, it might even get amplified!With just this point, Fang Yuan could not fight at close range.He was suited for long range battles, after creating some distance, he could amply think and evade attacks."Perceivable dao Immortal Gu cannot be used on Immortal Gu, and when using it on immortal materials, there is a conflict of dao marks. All in all, it is not very useful." After Fang Yuan tried using it, he came to a conclusion.He could only think of three ways to use perceivable dao Immortal Gu currently.The first was to decipher immortal materials, preventing others from scamming him.The second was to investigative a Gu Immortal's dao marks, to probe their foundation and strength. But it was quite impractical, the time needed to use it was quite long, and the effect of the starry water was also very obvious, it was easy to take action to counter it.The third was in refining Immortal Gu.Investigation using Perceivable Dao could allow him to see the dao marks clearly during the process of refining Immortal Gu, as well as to make a comparison.However, perceivable dao Immortal Gu was unable to find out the exact location of dao marks or influence them, thus, it had limited use.At most, it could allow the Gu Immortal to turn from a 'blind man' to a 'man with his eyes shut'.

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Chapter 1162. Soul Path Trap | Reverend Insanity

After testing out perceivable dao Immortal Gu, it was time for Fang Yuan to cultivate his soul again.He flew out of his cloud city, and went to Luo Po Valley.However, the usage of perceivable dao Immortal Gu was not over.Fang Yuan multitasked.Sovereign immortal aperture, Mini Southern Border.There were ample forests, it was no longer barren. Ordinary mountains were evenly distributed across Mini Southern Border in different places.A strength path immortal zombie was controlled by Fang Yuan, carrying some immortal essence and perceivable dao Immortal Gu as it flew in the air.A moment later, it slowly descended, landing on a small mountain.Fang Yuan named this mountain Heaven Sealing Mountain.The name was very grand, but the mountain was short and uninspiring. The mountain peak was being modified by Fang Yuan, there was a huge Gu formation on it, as the interior of the mountain was empty, it was sealing an immortal zombie body.It was Fang Yuan's original body.The strength path immortal zombie entered the interior of the mountain and came to the center of the sealing Gu formation.Fang Yuan's original immortal zombie body was six meters tall, it had a miniature pair of bat wings on its back, it had a green face and sharp fangs, its eyes were shut. Its eight arms were all different, other than his two original arms, there was the asura arm, heavenly demon arm, blood wight arm, nightmare arm, plague arm, and the earth chief arm.At this moment, the eight arms were spread out like a peacock's tail, their fingers were tightly stabbed into the ground.Because it was sealed, the immortal zombie's heartbeat was very slow, there was only one beat every few minutes.Light was emitting from the Gu formation, blowing on the immortal zombie body like a clear breeze, this showed that the sealing Gu formation was working fine.Fang Yuan manipulated the strength path immortal zombie as he activated perceivable dao Immortal Gu, starlight gathered into flowing water as it covered the body of the immortal zombie.A moment later, Fang Yuan got his results, he mentally snorted: "Something was done to it after all!"His caution was truly wise.Ying Wu Xie had left about ten thousand soul path dao marks in the immortal zombie body, it was more than Fang Yuan's original strength path dao marks inside the body.After storing away perceivable dao Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan manipulated the strength path immortal zombie, opening a slit in the sealing Gu formation as the strength path immortal zombie pulled something out of its body.A Gu Immortal's soul shrieked as it was dragged out by the strength path immortal zombie."Spare me, spare me!""I will acknowledge you as my master, please spare my life!!"The Gu Immortal's soul struggled intensely, it seemed to have sensed its doomsday.Fang Yuan manipulated the strength path immortal zombie expressionlessly as his demonic claws controlled the Gu Immortal's soul, preventing it from moving.In the dark space in the mountain, the sealing Gu formation shone with light, not only did it not bring the warmth of light, it gave the environment a cold eerie feeling.The Gu Immortal's soul cried out, it made the atmosphere even more creepy.The strength path immortal zombie moved slowly, pressing the Gu Immortal soul into Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body.The Gu Immortal soul was unwilling, but Fang Yuan was amply prepared, he forcefully stuffed it into the immortal zombie body.Soon after, Fang Yuan used the Gu formation, activating the sealing Gu formation.Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body did not move, it lay on the ground like a statue. But after the Gu Immortal soul entered it, the body started to shake.Soon, the shaking intensified.Suddenly, the shaking stopped entirely, Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body stopped moving, he opened his eyes, they were red like blood!Roar!He opened his mouth and growled, the loud noise was echoing in the mountain's interior, like the rumbling of thunder.Fang Yuan sneered, the strength path immortal zombie that he controlled did not move, it looked down at the immortal zombie body.Indeed, due to the Gu formation's restrictions, and the arrangements done to the Gu Immortal soul earlier, Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body struggled to get up but could not, feeling weakness all over."What are you doing, what are you trying to do?" The Gu Immortal soul screamed.He did not understand Fang Yuan's intentions, he felt an utter wave of fear and horror.Soon, the Gu Immortal soul screamed in a high pitch tone: "You, what did you do to me? My soul is melting, you have a vicious heart, I only have my soul left, and you still refused to let me off!!"Fang Yuan controlled the strength path immortal zombie, he watched with concentration, he ignored the Gu Immortal soul's screaming and crying."The soul would melt if they enter huh…" Fang Yuan investigated with all sorts of methods."Oh, this is an amazing soul path method. This Gu Immortal soul could not even last a short period of time!" Fang Yuan gasped, at his will, the strength path immortal zombie stretched out its right arm, trying to pull out the Gu Immortal soul from the immortal zombie body again.But at the next moment, a ghost face appeared on the chest of Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body, cackling at Fang Yuan loudly!An immense strength burst out as the strength path immortal zombie took three steps back.Looking at it again, the ghost face had vanished.Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body stopped moving, returning to the state of a statue.Fang Yuan controlled the strength path immortal zombie, carefully getting closer, Fang Yuan's immortal zombie body did not move at all.Fang Yuan continued to probe.The Gu Immortal soul that he stuffed into the immortal zombie body earlier had completely melted, not even a bit of it was left."The melting speed is really fast, once the soul goes in, it is like a deep trap. Even if I pull it out, it cannot escape from the trap!"Fang Yuan analyzed mentally.Ying Wu Xie's trap was incredibly vicious, the method was extraordinary.Fang Yuan was glad that he was vigilant, he did not take a risk to enter the body, otherwise, the consequences would be severe.After several inspections, Fang Yuan used perceivable dao Immortal Gu again, inspecting his immortal zombie body."What is going on? The soul path dao marks did not decrease, they even rose by two thousand!" Fang Yuan was shocked.At this moment, Fang Yuan was completely stunned by Shadow Sect's incredible soul path methods.Melting the Gu Immortal soul was a huge problem, but Fang Yuan could deal with it.The simplest and crudest method was to use Gu Immortal souls and constantly stuff them into the immortal zombie body so that the trap would weaken after several activations, before breaking down eventually.But Ying Wu Xie's trap was not normal!It not only prevented the soul that entered Fang Yuan's immortal body body from leaving, it even melted the soul and after that, strengthened itself, to replenish its expenditure and become stronger!"Truly impressive! In this case, my action of sending Gu Immortal souls to probe it is restricted. Unless I have a method that can truly target the soul path dao marks in this body. Otherwise, I would only be making this trap more powerful!"Fang Yuan gritted his teeth.Actually, the Eastern Sea information path inheritance would have had many methods that targeted dao marks.This could be seen from the information path dao mark insignia in flying sword Immortal Gu. Flying sword Immortal Gu was a dao mark fragment of sword path, but information path dao marks were added to it, the conflict between different paths was resolved. It was very difficult to achieve this, even rank eight Gu Immortals might have problems with it.Furthermore, the quasi rank eight skeleton that Fang Yuan obtained was also clear evidence.After a Gu Immortal dies, their path's dao marks would go into the immortal aperture as it forms a blessed land outside. If a blessed land did not form, these dao marks would scatter into nothingness and return to the five regions.But this information path Gu Immortal could actually directly carve this bone path Gu Immortal's dao marks into his skeleton. The method was very special, it was rather unthinkable.In the end, perceivable dao Immortal Gu even proved that this information path Gu Immortal had special methods that targeted dao marks."The complete information path true inheritance might have really had methods against dao marks. It is a pity I obtained this true inheritance too late, most of the Gu worms are dead, and the information path methods are lost."How could everything be perfect in this world?Fang Yuan could obtain Hei Fan's complete true inheritance, it was already very lucky.The Eastern Sea information path inheritance had been there for too long, and the information path Gu Immortal had just killed his enemy, he created the inheritance on the verge of death. The contents of the true inheritance could not be preserved for long.Even though he obtained perceivable dao Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan still needed to get more information path methods that could prevent him from being restricted by his alliance agreements."Searching for an information path Immortal Gu that can break alliance agreements is one way. But I need to keep it a secret, I cannot find Lang Ya Sect for help on this. Let alone getting Lang Ya land spirit to help me refine such an information path Immortal Gu."Information path inheritances would not be easy to obtain, and Fang Yuan's information path attainment level was at ordinary level, he could not design his own Immortal Gu recipe and innovate.In this trip to Eastern Sea, even though his gains were not few, Fang Yuan's original goal was not achieved.He still sought out and lacked information path methods.As his focus turned away from the sovereign immortal aperture, Fang Yuan began to focus on his soul path cultivation.An hour later, he left Luo Po Valley.He rigidly stuck to daily soul path cultivation. Because his soul path foundation grew rapidly, Fang Yuan could stay inside Luo Po Valley for a fifty percent longer time now.However, now that Fang Yuan saw the trap inside his immortal zombie body, he was wavering on his plan of cultivating his soul.Ying Wu Xie knew that Fang Yuan had Luo Po Valley and Dang Hun Mountain, how could he not consider this? Cultivating his soul was not a wrong decision, but by the time Fang Yuan gained enough soul foundation to resist the trap, a long time would have passed, he would have to put in a huge amount of effort!And Fang Yuan's time and energy were not unlimited. He needed to spend a lot of time and effort in planning, devising ways to advance his cultivation and development."But I have to leave the matter of information path for later. The fifth earthly calamity is coming."This earthly calamity was different from the previous four.The last four times, Fang Yuan used immortal tribulation tempering aperture to undergo tribulation in the northern icy plain. But now, Fang Yuan could not stay in the northern icy plain, he had to find a new tribulation location.What location should he choose?A few days later, Chu Du sent him a letter, saying that he would help Fang Yuan undergo tribulation, in exchange for Reckless Savage's true meaning.At once, Fang Yuan was in a situation with his hands tied!

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Chapter 1163. Chu Du versus Heavenly Lord Bai Zu | Reverend Insanity

Northern Plains, Hei Fan grotto-heaven.Chu Du stood in the air, the Immortal Gu aura on him was emanating, his immortal essence was being consumed rapidly."Open!"Suddenly, he shouted, his eyes burst with bright light, his body shook intensely.The ground several meters away from him started to crack open under the power of his immortal killer move.Suddenly, this opening became larger, it extended out, a hundred feet, a thousand feet, ten thousand feet!After tens of breaths, Hei Fan grotto-heaven stopped shaking, a huge trench of tens of thousands of feet opened up along the ground.Chu Du had created an artificial Earth Trench with his strength alone, he was indeed an expert that stood tall and proud in Northern Plains!He breathed roughly, looking at the trench below him, he frowned."It is not perfect yet, even if it is long enough, it is not deep enough. After all, earth path Gu Immortals are most skilled in doing this."All paths had their own specialties.Earth path Gu Immortals were particularly skilled at changing the terrain of the ground.But Chu Du was a famous strength path Gu Immortal."There is another way, I can buy many rockman slaves and modify this place. However… forget it, this trench is enough for now."Thinking of this, Chu Du took out a huge object from his immortal aperture.This object was huge like a small mountain, it was a red and black meatball, it was hot and round, vibrating weakly.Chu Du used his strength path hand, carrying this huge thing and slowly placing it into this newly created earth trench.This huge thing landed in the trench, once it came into contact with the soil, it spread out, becoming flat, spreading across several li.Next, its color started to change.Initially, it was black and red, but after spreading out, it took in earth qi, as its color changed. A portion became blue, another became green, part of it resembled jade, while another side was red like fire.Chu Du watched from above, seeing this color changing scene in the earth trench, it was quite a dazzling sight.These were multicolored guts!A rank seven immortal material that came from deep within Earth Trench.Chu Du acted quickly, taking out dozens of multicolored guts from his immortal aperture, tossing them in.The earth trench that was empty earlier was completely filled, no more multicolored guts could be put in.After carefully inspecting it, Chu Du let out a breath, his body slowly ascended into the air.He looked far away, taking in the view of Hei Fan grotto-heaven.When he took it over from Fang Yuan, it was barren and completely ransacked by Fang Yuan, it was a terrible sight. But now, it had mountains and rivers, the resources were prudently distributed.Undoubtedly, these resources were all relocated from Chu Du's own immortal aperture.Even though he was just a lone immortal, his foundation in terms of resources was very deep."The initial developments are complete. In the future, Hei Fan grotto-heaven's production will far surpass my own immortal aperture.""Looking at the time, Liu Guan Yi is about to undergo tribulation. Hmm?!"Suddenly, Chu Du's expression froze, his sharp gaze pierced through the sky, he saw a twisted figure squeezing into Hei Fan grotto-heaven with much difficulty."Who is it? You dare to invade my grotto-heaven!" Chu Du shouted, his body flew over like a gust of wind.After the figure got into the grotto-heaven, he smiled at Chu Du: "Domination Immortal, as a junior, your talent is quite good. In such a short time, you have already taken ownership of this place."The invader spoke big words, against the great Northern Plains expert Domination Immortal Chu Du, he regarded himself as a senior.But Chu Du did not rebuke him, he had a heavy expression: "It is you, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu."It turned out, the invader of Hei Fan grotto-heaven was none other than one of the rank eight Gu Immortals in Northern Plains, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu!Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was originally a lone cultivator, but in recent years, because Fang Yuan destroyed Imperial Court blessed land and Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, he saw hope in creating a super force.He had planned this long ago, inside his Bai Zu grotto-heaven, he had countless blood related descendants and even multiple Gu Immortals.Initially, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu and Yao Huang worked together to deal with Old Ancestor Xue Hu, even though they lost, he had obtained Yao Huang's support.After that, when Hei tribe was exterminated, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu used the chance to take over Hei tribe's Iron Eagle blessed land, and also taking in all of Hei tribe's remnant forces.Right now, Bai Zu tribe had officially taken over Hei tribe, becoming one of the righteous path super forces publicly recognized in Northern Plains' Gu Immortal world.However, Northern Plains was different from the other four regions, most of the super forces were of the Huang Jin bloodline. As an outsider, Bai Zu tribe was quite unique. Even though Heavenly Lord Bai Zu knew this and tried to be amicable with the other super forces, giving up most of Hei tribe's resources to satisfy their appetite.But after he officially created Bai Zu tribe, he realized that the surrounding forces were still targeting him. Because he had rank eight cultivation level, these super forces did not give him problems openly, but they created many small issues indirectly.In order to defend his hard work, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu could only stay to guard there personally. As a result, he wasted a lot of time.Until not long ago, when the surrounding righteous path Huang Jin tribes realized they could not gain anything anymore, they gave up and Bai Zu tribe's situation became better, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu finally rushed to Hei Fan grotto-heaven.The four supreme elders of Hei tribe did not know the exact location of Hei Fan grotto-heaven, but they knew which area it was in.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu acted secretly, coming here and spending a lot of effort to find out where Hei Fan grotto-heaven was.After getting enough information, he took action and started to invade Hei Fan grotto-heaven!"Chu Du, you are an astute person. If you back off, I will not make it hard for you, I was a lone cultivator myself." Heavenly Lord Bai Zu said calmly, urging Chu Du to give up.Chu Du's lips curled up, he directly attacked!Rumble!With an intense clash, dust and clouds rose.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was destroyed by Chu Du in one move, there was a huge pit in the area he was standing at."Sending just an illusion, and you want to take Hei Fan grotto-heaven?" Chu Du snorted, turning his head.The space behind him suddenly distorted, as a small centipede entered Hei Fan grotto-heaven from the outside.Soon, the distortion vanished, and the centipede turned into Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's appearance, it was exactly the same as before."Nice method." The second Heavenly Lord Bai Zu looked at Chu Du, praising as he commented: "You attacked earlier without any warning, and not a bit of Immortal Gu aura leaked out, is this your immortal killer move formless strength?"Chu Du did not answer, he asked: "Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, even if you have rank eight cultivation level, to snatch Hei Fan grotto-heaven away from me, it will not be easy. Because I have already developed this place for a while, I have made many arrangements."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu smiled: "No matter how long you have been here, or how many arrangements you have made, I can break all of them with my own strength."He spoke calmly, but he had an aura of confidence and power.There was only one reason. He was a rank eight Gu Immortal, while Chu Du was rank seven.Chu Du did not rebuke him, he nodded and admitted: "You are right, I cannot resist the might of a rank eight. But Hei Fan grotto-heaven is my territory, how can I give it up so easily?"Heavenly Lord Bai Zu shook his head: "Hei Fan grotto-heaven is good, but it is not essential. If the great Domination Immortal dies in my hands because of it, isn't it a waste?"Chu Du's eyes shined with a cold light: "Hmph! Too much bullshit, if you want to take Hei Fan grotto-heaven, just these small methods will not work. Show your true abilities, I want to see the might of a rank eight."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was silent for a while, before saying: "Fine."As he said that, around Chu Du, in an enormous surrounding range, countless distorted figures appeared, huge quantities of centipede Gu went into Hei Fan grotto-heaven, turning into Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's appearance.In an instant, Chu Du was surrounded by over ten thousand figures of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu.Event though he was encircled, he was not nervous, he even showed a look of disdain."Just illusions, no matter how many, they are useless!" Chu Du raised his right hand, his fingers were spread out, before clenching together, forming a tight fist.Boom!A huge strength shot out from all directions, in the blink of an eye, all of the figures of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu were exterminated."You made many preparations indeed." Another figure of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu came from afar.Chu Du's pupils shrunk, the Heavenly Lord Bai Zu in front of him was not the main body either, but it was different from the illusions that Chu Du had destroyed earlier.Chu Du could sense the aura of Immortal Gu on this Heavenly Lord Bai Zu."Let's fight in the sky." Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was the first to fly up.Chu Du followed him willingly.There were lots of resources on the ground, he had placed them with much effort, Chu Du did not want these resources to be destroyed.This was also Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's concern.He had taken in Hei tribe, and built Bai Zu tribe, he made great losses. He had already paid a huge price to negotiate with the other four rank eight experts. Even though he took in Hei tribe, most of Hei tribe's resources were distributed to the other forces to satisfy them.Thus, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu had a huge desire towards Hei Fan grotto-heaven.But when he got here, he saw that the grotto-heaven had far less resources than he had estimated.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu quickly realized that most of the resources were newly added. He naturally thought: Did Chu Du store those resources away already?Thus, Chu Du became his greatest target.An intense battle unfolded in the sky of Hei Fan grotto-heaven.One side was the clone of a rank eight great expert, while the other was a famous rank seven expert, the two sides fought like rumbling thunder, the entire world was shaking.After more than ten rounds of fighting, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's clone could not take it anymore, it lost.But soon, a second Heavenly Lord clone appeared and joined the fight, it also brought immortal essence and Immortal Gu with it, it was stronger than the first clone.Chu Du fought against two enemies, but he got stronger as they fought, after another ten rounds, he had the advantage, he was about to execute the killing blow when a third Heavenly Lord clone appeared.Chu Du's expression changed, he realized something was amiss!

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Chapter 1164. Fifth Earthly Calamity | Reverend Insanity

"Heavenly Lord Bai Zu has a method to invade grotto-heavens, but his main body cannot come in, he can only send clones.""Hei Fan grotto-heaven has a huge space, and the brass bell heavenly spirit was destroyed by Liu Guan Yi, I cannot see the entire place, I do not know how many Heavenly Lord Bai Zu clones there are at this moment!""Every time I am about to kill a clone, new ones come in. This shows that he definitely has more than three, they have already formed and are ready to enter battle. Once I understand their methods and gain the advantage, when I am about to deal the killing blow, they would show up to save the other clones, this is definitely him trying to stall for time!"Thoughts flashed in Chu Du's mind, he felt a bad sensation.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was stalling for time, he definitely had his motives!Even though Chu Du could not decipher his true motive, there was one unquestionable point — he could not fight according to the enemy's tempo.Thinking of this, Chu Du erupted, his body expanded rapidly, turning into a ten meter giant.Immortal killer move — Battle Strength Transpiration!His entire body turned red, all of the pores on his body opened up, as his sweat turned into steam, surrounding his body.Next, he raised his right hand to face the sky palm up, his left hand was facing the ground, he chanted softly: "Try this move — Heaven and Earth Combined Strength."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's three clones could not move, they felt like the entire world was sending an unparalleled strength that restricted them, crushing towards them from all directions.Chu Du did not feel well either.The muscles in his entire body were tense, he had used all of his strength. Within the steam, his face was bright red, his eyes were bloodshot, especially his two arms, they were bulging with beings resembling moving earthworms, it was quite terrifying.His right arm moved down, his left arm moved up, as if two hills were converging towards the center with great difficulty.In his immortal aperture, red date immortal essence expended rapidly.As Chu Du did this, the three Heavenly Lord Bai Zu clones felt horrible. They felt that the force around them was increasing, they were almost getting crushed.Seeing that these three clones were about to explode, at the crucial moment, the fourth, fifth, and sixth clones came to save them.Boom boom!With two loud sounds, the first clone and second clone were completely smashed by Chu Du, they were reduced to dust, but their Immortal Gu and immortal essence were missing, they were not destroyed."What an amazing killer move, it can attack, defend, and even immobilize multiple targets, it is almost like an incomplete battlefield killer move!" The third clone was saved, but it still felt lingering fear."No matter how many clones come, it is useless! I prepared this next move for rank eight existences. Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, if you refuse to show up, you will not be able to save these clones." Chu Du shouted, preparing his attack.He had spread out his arms and legs in a '大' shape, his hands were facing heaven, palms upward, aura of Immortal Gu and mortal Gu were emanating from his body, changing constantly, just the aura alone was far superior than the heaven and earth combined strength earlier, it was truly shocking.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's clones all moved back, they used their defensive killer moves, preparing themselves.Boom boom boom.At the next moment, the Heavenly Lord clones self-detonated without any warning."What move is this?" Outside Hei Fan grotto-heaven, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's main body frowned deeply.Even though his clones were all destroyed, he still had memories of the battle, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu could learn about Chu Du's mystical attack."This killer move is formless and covers a range. Once one is within range, from within, an internal strength would be produced and detonate the body. Hmm? The area that it covers is actually so huge!"Heavenly Lord Bai Zu frowned deeply.Inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven, Chu Du covered his mysterious strength path killer move over the entirety of Hei Fan grotto-heaven.It caused all of Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's clones to self-detonate.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu smiled: "Interesting, it seems that I cannot deal with Chu Du unless I enter personally."Once he said that, he used an immortal killer move.A profound white centipede figure flew out of his body, it drilled into space, causing a huge distorted shadow to appear in Hei Fan grotto-heaven instantly.Next, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu took large strides, stepping into the shadow."Want to come in?" Chu Du laughed, stomping his feet.A strength path leg flew out and kicked the distorted shadow, sending Heavenly Lord Bai Zu out.Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was stunned, before showing a furious and helpless expression: "This Hei Fan grotto-heaven is easy to defend and hard to attack, I will need twenty breaths of time to enter it. In this process, there is enough time for Chu Du to stop me. If I send clones in, they will instantly self-detonate, they are useless…"Chu Du was completely defending, hiding inside Hei Fan grotto-heaven, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu felt difficulty against this well defended fortress."Heavenly Lord Bai Zu is attacking Hei Fan grotto-heaven?" Fang Yuan held Chu Du's letter of emergency support as he let out a breath of air.His worry was lifted.Even though Chu Du was his ally, in order to defend Hei Fan grotto-heaven, using the properties of the grotto-heaven to contest with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu, there were great advantages for Fang Yuan in this.Lang Ya land spirit wanted to recruit Chu Du, it was very difficult. But if it succeeded, and Chu Du joined Lang Ya Sect, it would greatly affect Fang Yuan's current status. If he failed, Fang Yuan's relationship with the variant humans would be exposed, the situation would be unthinkable.Fang Yuan could only stall it, one day at a time.Because of the alliance agreement, Fang Yuan could not lie to Chu Du, especially in terms of the tribulation. Fang Yuan could not continue to undergo tribulation in the northern icy plain, this way, Chu Du would make guesses, it would expose the snowmen and rockmen under the northern icy plain. If this was settled poorly, and Chu Du attacked the tribe, Fang Yuan would be trapped in the middle, the situation would be very awkward and dangerous.Thus, he could not make alliances casually, in fact, most Gu Immortals were very wary when making alliances.Fang Yuan had originally intended to use his time path killer move to slow the time in his immortal aperture, and inform Chu Du about it.This was not lying, it was the truth.Next, Fang Yuan would hasten his immortal aperture's time, before starting his tribulation, he would inform Chu Du that the situation had changed. This way, Chu Du would not make it in time, even though it would ruin his relationship and trust, it was the best way.Chu Du was very astute, there were no loopholes in his alliance agreement, Fang Yuan could only think of this roundabout way.This method was very troublesome however, not only would it waste Fang Yuan's immortal essence, it would also cause a rift between Fang Yuan and Chu Du.All in all, it was troublesome.But now, Chu Du was forced to defend Hei Fan grotto-heaven, he was engaging Heavenly Lord Bai Zu in battle, he could not leave.Fang Yuan mentally praised: "Heavenly Lord Bai Zu really came in the nick of time, he solved a huge problem for me!""For that to have happened, my luck was pretty good."Fang Yuan started to reply using the information path mortal Gu.In the letter, he expressed concern and sympathy for Chu Du's encounter, he showed his intense fury and hatred towards Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's invasion. He said that he would definitely help Chu Du and would not break the alliance agreement. But!His tribulation was coming, he had to get through this first before helping Chu Du, and getting rid of the huge threat, Heavenly Lord Bai Zu.He hoped that Chu Du would understand.Chu Du quickly replied. He showed his understanding and told Fang Yuan: It was not hard to deal with Heavenly Lord Bai Zu's invasion, he had already rallied allies to support him, he hoped that Fang Yuan could settle his problem and quickly help.Fang Yuan quickly replied: He would do his best, and all that he could, he hoped that Chu Du could hold on!A few days later.Fang Yuan left Lang Ya blessed land, using the super Gu formation to teleport out.Next, he rushed to Earth Trench without stopping, choosing an appropriate location to place his immortal aperture.The main part of Northern Plains' Earth Trench had seventeen sections, they were managed by Zombie Alliance. But after the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Zombie Alliance was used by Shadow Sect and sacrificed, used to refine sovereign immortal fetus Gu, it caused the Zombie Alliances in all five regions to vanish overnight.However, Shadow Sect also had their arrangements.For Northern Plain Zombie Alliance, the headquarters, Dark Flow City, had sunken into Earth Trench, other than the remaining members of Shadow Sect, nobody could find it.Fang Yuan came to an Earth Trench, it was not the one in Zombie Alliance. There were large numbers of lone immortals and demonic immortals there, they were all trying to look for Dark Flow City. Ying Wu Xie and the rest might have even gone to the secret base there, unless Fang Yuan was a fool, he would not undergo tribulation there.Most parts of Earth Trench were split up by super forces, or were occupied by Gu Immortal experts.The part Fang Yuan chose had been completely excavated, nobody wanted it anymore, after countless battles, it was barren and empty, nobody came here anymore.Fang Yuan chose this place purely because this place had rich earth path dao marks, as well as many dark path dao marks too.Immortal tribulation tempering aperture!Fang Yuan successfully activated this immortal killer move.Next, he opened his immortal aperture's entrance, as heaven and earth qi rushed in.Soon, the fifth earthly calamity formed.The sky turned dark, a huge skeletal shadow covered up half of the sky.The skeleton cackled, opening its mouth and spitting out a dark current that resembled a black python.The dark current flew rapidly, everywhere it went, the soil became corroded, in an instant, they melted completely and turned into puddles of black rotten water, emitting a foul smell.Earthly calamity — Corrosive Dark Current!Fang Yuan recognized the earthly calamity, he quickly dealt with it.The corrosive dark current was hard to deal with, Fang Yuan did not have any methods that resisted it, he could only fight it using his strong offensive methods.The skeleton continued to spit, as waves of corrosive dark current rushed towards Fang Yuan like seas of snakes.Heaven's will had purposely raised the calamity's power to its limit, Fang Yuan was in a difficult state.This earthly calamity did not have Reckless Savage's true meaning. It was completely controlled by heaven's will, thus, it was multiple times as powerful than before.However, Fang Yuan had grown drastically in strength, forget about the Eastern Sea information path inheritance, he had also obtained Hei Fan's true inheritance, he had many time path immortal killer moves to use. Even though he looked distressed, rushing around frantically, he had been preserving his strength to deal with unexpected situations.

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Chapter 1165. Ye Fan versus Bai Ning Bing | Reverend Insanity

"Huff…" Fang Yuan looked at the black rotten ground in front of him as he let out a deep sigh."I have finally passed the fifth earthly calamity!"Fang Yuan spent a lot of effort in dealing with the corrosive dark current, but he had Hei Fan's true inheritance, he did not have obvious weaknesses. After persevering for a while, he passed the tribulation.The terrain here had completely changed, he needed to spend a lot of effort to get it back to its previous condition.Thankfully, Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture was huge enough, this area in Mini Western Desert was originally barren to begin with, Fang Yuan's losses were minimal.In fact, he could even preserve this area and not modify it.Fortune and disaster were correlated, there were two sides of the same coin.This place could not cultivate normal crops, but it was now an extreme environment, many types of special fierce beasts and plants could live and grow here.Of course, there was heaven's will lingering here, Fang Yuan needed to use a lot of self will Gu to get rid of it.But it was a small matter.The important thing was, the fifth earthly calamity was over.Successfully returning to Lang Ya blessed land, Fang Yuan concluded that even though the fifth earthly calamity was powerful, beyond the first four, it did not greatly surpass his expectations.There was one crucial reason why he passed it, Fang Yuan's strength had grown far quicker than the growth of the earthly calamity's power."It seems that earthly calamities themselves are no longer a problem, they can no longer stop me for now, the problem is human calamities!"Fang Yuan thought about the fourth earthly calamity, the human calamity was too terrifying, he still felt a chill in his heart.That human calamity was terrifying, even the immemorial rock dragon had appeared. Its might had greatly exceeded Fang Yuan's limits, thanks to his bluffing, he evaded the danger and survived it."That means, heaven's will is conjuring human calamities now because earthly calamities can no longer kill me?""Precisely so, heaven's will is plotting and scheming to use human calamities to destroy me.""In this tribulation, I did not encounter any human calamities. That is because I am a complete otherworldly demon, heaven's will cannot decipher my plans, and because I moved very quickly, it did not have enough time to construct a human calamity!"Heaven's will was not a fake will, it could not have such an obvious influence. Especially towards the higher cultivation level targets, or human Gu Immortals, having the highest intelligence.Thinking of this, Fang Yuan felt that he should not undergo tribulations at fixed locations.Constantly undergoing tribulation in the northern icy plain allowed heaven's will a chance to affect many Gu Immortals subconsciously, it nearly killed Fang Yuan."But this time, I purposely chose Earth Trench because I wanted an earth path calamity, to increase the number of earth path dao marks in my sovereign immortal aperture. In the end, it was a dark path earthly calamity."Inside Earth Trench, earth path and dark path dao marks were in the highest quantity.Fang Yuan successfully activated immortal tribulation tempering aperture, the earthly calamity had to be from these two.But heaven's will did not want Fang Yuan to get what he wanted, thus, an earth path earthly calamity did not form, it was dark path instead.Fang Yuan used perceivable dao Immortal Gu to inspect it, he realized that his dark path dao marks had increased, they were very close to ten thousand."Earlier, my dark path dao mark foundation was very weak, but in this earthly calamity, I gained at least nine thousand dao marks! I made quite some gains."Even though Fang Yuan's dark path attainment level was low, he had a dark path Immortal Gu — Dark Limit!This Immortal Gu was very useful to him, he could conceal himself from heaven's will's perception to an extent. Fairy Jiang Yu had once used this to conceal Hei Lou Lan's ten extreme physique aura completely.For this tribulation, Fang Yuan only spent a few days.Over in Hei Fan grotto-heaven, it was still at a deadlock.Chu Du had rank seven peak battle strength, while Hei Fan grotto-heaven was heavily guarded by him, it was impregnable.However, Fang Yuan could tell that it was Heavenly Lord Bai Zu who had the upper hand, even though he could not break through and was pushed back repeatedly.But Heavenly Lord Bai Zu was merely attacking, he could attack or retreat, he could decide completely when he fought or left. Chu Du could only defend using the grotto-heaven, he did not know when Heavenly Lord Bai Zu would attack or what methods he would use. He was in a passive position."Chu Du is bound to fail at this rate. But he is still far from reaching his limit." Fang Yuan mentally assessed the situation.He thought, if Chu Du died in this battle, would he benefit or lose out from it?After consideration, Fang Yuan concluded: It was better for Chu Du to be alive.There were several points.Firstly, Fang Yuan had invested heavily in Chu Du. The first investment was the rank seven Immortal Gu Calamity Beckoning. If Chu Du died, Calamity Beckoning would perish.Secondly, Chu Du had an alliance agreement with him, he could not abandon him if he requested assistance.Thirdly, the calamities and tribulations were only going to get stronger from now, Chu Du's Calamity Beckoning could help Fang Yuan divert a lot of the pressure. His existence was useful for Fang Yuan's development.Fourthly, if he helped Chu Du defend Hei Fan grotto-heaven, Fang Yuan would be able to relocate his storage pool, using Hei Fan grotto-heaven to produce heavenly crystals and hatch the upper extreme heavenly eagle once more."It seems that I need to take action and help against Heavenly Lord Bai Zu." Fang Yuan made his decision.However, he was not in a rush to act.Chu Du could continue to suffer, he had just undergone tribulation, he needed to rest and restock his green grape immortal essence.This was a justifiable reason, it did not break the alliance agreement, even if Chu Du knew, he could not blame Fang Yuan.Southern Border, Sun Crown Mountain.This mountain was green and lush, it had stood for a long time. During each sunrise, there would be a halo over the mountain peak, resembling a bright crown, thus it was named Sun Crown Mountain.But now was night time.The bright moon was radiating over the entire mountain."Who else?" Ye Fan stood arrogantly, his arms were crossed in front of his chest, he was standing on a huge rock.Opposite him, a group of Gu Masters were shivering, hesitating.They were fearful of Ye Fan!"Ye Fan, you were chased out by your clan, you are also a lone cultivator. We are also lone cultivators, why are you making life hard for us?" A Gu Master spoke.Ye Fan sneered: "Before we fought, all of you sought to overwhelm me with numbers, why did you not say that? Also, are you considered lone cultivators? Dominating this mountain and plundering the surroundings, as Gu Masters, you bully the weak and fear the strong, you slaughter and humiliate mortals. You are all vicious fiends, you are demonic cultivators, you are not lone cultivators!""We are innocent. The ringleader and main culprit has already died at your hands, we were forced to comply.""Also, ever since we submitted to boss White Demon, we have stopped committing crimes!"The Gu Masters cried out.Ye Fan's expression eased.According to the intel he obtained, the situation was indeed like this.Ever since Bai Ning Bing took control of Sun Crown Mountain and Silent Flow Mountain, she had restrained the demons, taking them in, but did not give them any evil orders."Hmph, if not for this, you would all be dead now, how could I let you live?" Ye Fan snorted, he continued: "I represent Shang clan, I need to get through Sun Crown and Silent Flow Mountain, I will wait here, get White Demon to come and see me. Otherwise, tomorrow, I will slaughter everyone here!"Ye Fan was very perceptive, he was not a rash brute.He knew that Silent Flow Mountain's defense was far stronger than Sun Crown Mountain, he came here alone, he could not take it down through force.Alerting the enemy and luring out White Demon was the best method.But the moment he said that, he heard an icy voice resound: "No need to call them, because I am here already."Saying so, more than ten figures appeared partway up the mountain.The demons saw this and cheered loudly: "Boss White Demon! Boss White Demon has come to save us!"Ye Fan watched with caution, he saw that all of the people who came were Gu Masters, they were stronger than the ones on Sun Crown Mountain. Among them, there were many demonic path and lone cultivators, there were also several famous people with their own unique traits.But what truly attracted his attention was the woman at the center of them.This woman was dressed in white clothes, her silvery hair was shiny, like a tassel, it extended to her waist, her deep blue eyes were clear like a lake, they were calm and peaceful, her skin was pale like snow, her face was cold and aloof, but her unparalleled beauty could not be concealed.At this moment, she was lying down on a bamboo chair, she was relaxing and her eyes were shut, like she was resting. There were four snowmen carrying her chair.Ye Fan's heart shook.He had roamed outside and seen many things.But in terms of appearance, Bai Ning Bing was simply a divine beauty! The only person comparable to her in looks was Shang Xin Ci."Boss White Demon, we have tried our best to defend, we waited for you so desperately. You have finally arrived." At this time, a demonic path Gu Master tumbled and crawled towards Bai Ning Bing, calling out loudly as he showed a fawning expression."You, who avoided the enemy and refused to fight, deserve death." Bai Ning Bing opened her eyes slightly, blue light flashed in her eyes as that kneeling Gu Master froze completely at the next moment, he was beyond dead.The demons were shocked, the few experts behind Bai Ning Bing shook, they recalled the terror when they had first met her.Ye Fan was also shocked, before he burst into anger. His good first impression of Bai Ning Bing was completely gone, it was replaced with deep anger."As expected of a demon! You even kill your own men!" Ye Fan shouted, jumping down the rock, staring at Bai Ning Bing angrily.Bai Ning Bing smiled lightly, stretching out her jade finger, pointing lightly at Ye Fan.At that moment, Ye Fan felt a cold sensation, covering his left leg.He looked down, only to see that on his left leg, a huge piece of ice had instantly formed."What move is this? I had already used my defensive killer move, but it could not block it at all?!" Ye Fan was extremely shocked.All along, he had used these methods without fail. But now, it had completely failed in front of Bai Ning Bing."What cultivation level does White Demon have? My methods were given to me by Lady Shang Qing Qing, a Gu Immortal! It was actually useless!! Looking at her expression, she still has not put in all her effort. Will I die in this battle?" Ye Fan's heart shook intensely.He had greatly underestimated Bai Ning Bing, to think that their difference in strength was so huge. But after his shock, Ye Fan quickly calmed down, his battle intent surged in the face of despair.

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