
Chapter: 1136-1140:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1136. Eagle Hounds | Reverend Insanity

Eagle hounds!They had the body of a wolf and head of an eagle, with a pair of eagle wings on their backs. Their head, neck and wings were covered in black feathers, while their canine bodies and four limbs were covered in grey wolf fur. The dao marks on their bodies were mostly of dark path.This was a rather special beast.Normal desolate beasts, ancient desolate beasts and so on reproduced through males and females mating. Eagle hounds, however, were different.The reproduction of eagle hound was through infection.The poison of an eagle hound could influence any species of dog or eagle. When this influence reached a certain degree, the dog or eagle beast infected with the eagle hound's poison would gradually transform into an eagle hound.As a result, the individual strength of eagle hounds varied greatly.Some eagle hounds were transformed from desolate beasts, so they would be desolate beast level. Some transformed from ancient desolate beasts, thus would be ancient eagle hounds. Immemorial eagle hounds were rarely seen, even in white heaven and black heaven.Everything was clear.The moment the first eagle hound appeared, Fang Yuan had already realized how the falling star hound and these eagle hounds were related.This group of eagle hounds had been eyeing this falling star hound. It was thrown down from the sky and confined in Tai Qiu to grow.When the falling star hound matured, it would be a true ancient desolate beast. At that time, the eagle hound group would use poison to turn this falling star hound into an ancient eagle hound.As for why this falling star hound was roaming near the teleportation Gu formation, the answer was clear — heaven's will!"Two ancient eagle hounds, while the rest are all desolate beast eagle hounds." Fang Yuan's gaze coldly focused on the two ancient desolate beasts.He did not sense auras of Immortal Gu on the eagle hounds.This gave him even greater assurance in this battle!Having and not having Immortal Gu would lead to Fang Yuan adopting two completely different battle tactics."The, the eagle hound was killed in one strike…""It has not died, it is only unconscious.""What was that move just now?""It was like a huge hand!"The hairy man Gu Immortals reacted only now, and they were extremely shocked.Just now, the eagle hound that was beaten unconscious by one giant hand was naturally a desolate beast level. Strength path giant hand had rank seven battle strength, creating such an outcome was not strange. If it were against an ancient eagle hound, however, it would be a different result.Twelfth Hair had never seen Fang Yuan fight seriously.He had always thought the battle strength Fang Yuan showed when instructing him was Fang Yuan's true strength.Twelfth Hair forcibly calmed down, thinking: "Although Fang Yuan beat one eagle hound unconscious, there are still a lot more remaining! Even if he is powerful, what can just one person do? This battle bodes ill, it is better to retreat! Ahh!"Just as he was thinking of this, Twelfth Hair suddenly could not help crying out in shock.Fang Yuan's confrontation with the eagle hound group lasted a very short time. Almost the next instant after beating the eagle hound unconscious, he began his attack.Sword escape Immortal Gu.Whoosh!Fang Yuan left behind an afterimage on his original spot.Within an instant, Fang Yuan had penetrated from the edge of the battlefield into the center."This, what level of speed is this?!" The hairy man Gu Immortals were shocked.Even Sixth Hair's pupils shrunk, he gritted his teeth. He guessed Fang Yuan used sword escape Immortal Gu, this was Bo Qing's Immortal Gu!Fang Yuan floated in the air, looking down at the giant beast below.This was an ancient eagle hound, when it had just appeared, it had knocked down the diamond bear, sent the golden-white tiger flying and pecked the chestnut yak blind.This ancient eagle hound was stepping on the diamond bear, not letting it budge. The infant falling star hound behind it was curled up into a ball, shivering.He was close to it!The distance between Fang Yuan and this ancient eagle hound was less than a hundred steps.Images of each other were clearly reflected in both their eyes.Fang Yuan suddenly disappeared and appeared right before the eagle hound's eyes, giving it a scare and causing it to take a step back subconsciously.But soon, its fierce nature was agitated, as it opened its beak wide and screeched furiously. Its wings flapped rapidly and energy transferred from its rear limbs, as it charged ferociously at Fang Yuan!Fang Yuan sneered, shouting: "Beast, lie down."Boom!A strength path giant hand appeared and descended from the sky, slamming on the ground like a jar lid.The giant hand collided with the ancient eagle hound; the ancient eagle hound was full of ferocity, but was still unable to match the giant hand's power as it was pushed down.The giant hand also was sent back from the collision.But soon, under Fang Yuan's control and replenishment, the giant hand once again pushed down fiercely, as if it was bringing down a storm.The giant hand struck the ancient eagle hound's head, immediately causing it to bow down, its four limbs bent exaggeratedly and its claws that were fiercely supporting its body left four pits on the ground.The strength path giant hand was again flung up a distance from the vibration of the clash, thinning during the process.But the next moment, the giant hand once again condensed as it slammed down.The ancient eagle hound refused to give in and lifted its head, but at the next moment it saw the giant hand covering the entirety of its vision.Boom!There was a huge sound as the ancient eagle hound's head was fiercely slammed down to the ground.The thick and sharp eagle beak was firmly embedded into the ground.Its feathers chaotically flew in the air, while its four limbs also sunk into the ground.The ancient eagle hound fell into an extremely furious state, when had it ever received such humiliation. It wanted to strike back, energy flowed through its limbs, its muscles bulged and the next moment, it was about to lift up its head!Boom!The giant hand was quicker, however, slamming down on its head and back.The eagle hound's skeleton gave fracturing sounds at the extremely heavy burden. Its head was shaking intensely and it was seeing stars, the strength it had accumulated just moments ago completely dissipated.But Fang Yuan's momentum was unforgiving, bang bang bang, another three slams, and this ancient eagle hound was almost completely buried into the ground.It was motionless, the surrounding soil was gradually turning red from the blood.The hairy man Gu Immortals were all struck speechless!After Fang Yuan had made a desolate beast eagle hound faint, he charged into the center of the eagle hounds without being afraid of the enemy's numerical advantage.Facing the ancient eagle hound, he sent out ten or so giant hands and struck it to death like slamming bread dough!The hairy man Gu Immortals had never seen such a terrifying display, and were extremely frightened.In fact, not only the hairy man Gu Immortals, even the other eagle hounds were dazed.By the time they reacted, one of their leaders had been wiped out.Deathly silence hung in the air, with not even the sound of wind.Under everyone's gazes, Fang Yuan slowly lifted his head and gazed at the sky.There were quite a few eagle hounds hovering in the air, among them was the second ancient desolate beast."It's your turn now." Fang Yuan's tone was light, as he charged towards the sky the very next moment!The eagle hounds in the sky immediately let out ear-piercing cries, breaking up in an uproar as they retreated in every direction.Twelfth Hair and the group still had their mouths wide open as they looked at Fang Yuan charging to the sky, driving the eagle hounds away like they were sparrows or pigeons.Were these still eagle hounds?A mighty ancient desolate beast, where is your imposing might!Twelfth Hair felt like he was in a dream.Pursuing good fortune and avoiding disaster, protecting oneself and seeking long life was every living being's instinct. Wild beasts pushing aside the weak and fearing the strong was also normal.With the eagle hounds dispersing, Fang Yuan could do nothing.In terms of speed, eagle hounds were outstanding, regardless of whether they were desolate beasts or ancient desolate beasts.Fang Yuan's gaze continued to stare at that ancient eagle hound."Will you be able to escape…" As Fang Yuan mumbled, he suddenly sped up!The next instance, his figure appeared behind the ancient eagle hound.Myriad self first style, giant hand!The giant hand slammed down with such a loud sound, the hairy men shivered and the eagle hounds felt their hair standing on end.The hairy men saw that ancient eagle hound being slammed down from the air by Fang Yuan like a ball, colliding heavily with the ground.Sword escape Immortal Gu combined with giant hand gave an outstanding result.Strength path giant hand's speed was rather slow, if it struck out from afar towards the eagle hound, this eagle hound would probably be able to escape before it reached it.But Fang Yuan personally moved, using his speed to make up for this weakness of the giant hand.Of course, this battle tactic also had a weakness, it could easily make Fang Yuan fall into a dangerous situation.So, Fang Yuan had activated bloodstained conqueror's robe before he used this tactic.There was also another condition, Fang Yuan did not sense any wild Immortal Gu on these two ancient eagle hounds. If there were wild Immortal Gu, without probing out the details, Fang Yuan would not use this battle tactic.Giant grass grew all over Tai Qiu, the eagle hound's fall was greatly mitigated by these strands of grass.Even though ancient eagle hounds specialized in speed, they were all of ancient desolate level, and had sturdy bodies. Fang Yuan would not be able to kill it without using ten or so strength path giant hands.However, just as Fang Yuan was about to take the chance to chase it, his expression suddenly changed.In his eyes flashed a scene of the future —While he charged down, suddenly a third ancient eagle hound appeared and ambushed him.Fang Yuan was caught unprepared and was clawed fiercely by the wolf claws, smashing to the ground. Blood flowed out of his seven orifices and all his bones were fractured, his bloodstained conqueror's robe was broken and even blood asset Immortal Gu was injured, unable to be used again.The image flashed in an instant, however Fang Yuan fully trusted it.Because this was the result of his pre-activated immortal killer move — Three Breaths Future Vision!It was a time path investigative killer move from Hei Fan true inheritance, 'three breaths future vision' used after Immortal Gu as the core and could allow the Gu Immortal to see their future situation. And this future situation would manifest within three breaths of time.Fang Yuan did not lose his head, instead his eyes shined with satisfaction."Sure enough, heaven's will's arrangement wouldn't be so simple, there was actually an ambush!""My bloodstained conqueror's robe is an immortal level defensive move, but its core Immortal Gu is only the rank six Blood Asset. It is still slightly weak when facing an ancient desolate beast."Since he knew about the ambush, the ambush naturally would be useless.Sword marks targeting death!Fang Yuan suddenly shot out sharp sword light towards a certain location in the air.Right as the hairy man Gu Immortals were feeling puzzled, sword marks targeting death struck that hidden ancient eagle hound.Ding!There was a sharp and clear sound, the ancient eagle hound was intercepted by sword marks targeting death.The hairy man Gu Immortals shouted in shock."There was actually a third ancient eagle hound hiding in ambush!""Unimaginable, if it had sneak attacked any of us hairy man Gu Immortals, it would probably have gotten its way.""Fang Yuan could actually sense it?"Fang Yuan slightly raised his eyebrows, staring at the third ancient eagle hound which had suffered no damage."Being able to block sword marks targeting death, this ancient eagle hound seems to have wild Immortal Gu on it?"

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Chapter 1137. Transformation Path Gu Immortal | Reverend Insanity

The third ancient eagle hound had Immortal Gu.If not for this, how could it block Fang Yuan's immortal killer move, sword marks targeting death?Fang Yuan's heart burned with eagerness.Times had changed.If it were before he inherited Hei Fan's true inheritance, Fang Yuan would have avoided this eagle group, but now, with his strength having increased sharply, his mindset had changed.He intended to take down all these eagle hounds!"My sovereign immortal aperture is very big!" Fang Yuan's lips curled up."As for the wild Immortal Gu on the ancient eagle hound, I will take it as well. Being able to block sword marks targeting death, let me see what kind of exemplary defensive Immortal Gu it is."In an instant, thoughts surged in Fang Yuan's mind, he determined his battle tactics.Blood path killer moves like blood torrent and so on were not suitable to be used in front of the hairy man Gu Immortals.These hairy man Gu Immortals could connect to treasure yellow heaven and knew the terror of blood path. They were not like that group of ignorant Gu Immortals in Hei Fan grotto-heaven.Although he could use Hei Fan true inheritance's immortal killer moves, he had to be prudent. After all, he still had not practised them to proficiency, rashly using them could likely result in failure and cause backlash.Therefore —Fang Yuan clapped, choosing his personal creation, which was also the offensive method he was most skilled in.Convergence of enslavement and strength path — Myriad Self!At the next instant, large amounts of strength path phantoms filled the sky."Ahh!" The hairy man Gu Immortals were all struck speechless.Sixth Hair also had a stupefied look, but inwardly was not surprised.He already knew about myriad self, this was old news.But soon, Sixth Hair's pupils shrunk as he blurted out: "He va… vanished?!"In his perception, Fang Yuan had suddenly vanished, and only the dense group of strength path phantoms remained in the sky.Fang Yuan had used familiar face to disguise himself as an ordinary strength path phantom, mixing in within the myriad self army.Charge!The myriad self army cried out together and like a torrent falling from the sky, charged towards the third eagle hound.The eagle hound's eyes flashed with sharp light, suddenly the wings on its back flapped, bringing forth a layer of dark wing shadows.Its speed increased sharply, and it actually retreated!This response was somewhat out of Fang Yuan's expectations.Clearly, this eagle hound had a second wild Immortal Gu. That layer of wing shadows was the effect of that Immortal Gu."It actually has another wild Immortal Gu!" The desire in Fang Yuan intensified.He commanded the myriad self army to continue charging towards the ancient eagle hound.Along the way, the strength path phantoms suddenly dispersed, like a blooming flower, or a giant beast's maw, as they pounced at the ancient eagle hound.The ancient eagle hound gave a sharp cry, as it suddenly rose up.It was actually retreating again.Fang Yuan had already calculated its retreat routes, the myriad self army, which had charged ahead like a flood dragon with its mouth open, swung its tail. The strength path phantoms at the rear pounced at the ancient eagle hound.The ancient eagle hound that was retreating backwards suddenly leaned towards the right, its wings flapped and its whole body drew an inclining arc through the sky, perfectly dodging the myriad self army's offensive route.The hairy man Gu Immortals were in an agitated state watching all these moves.Compared to the eagle hound, they naturally wanted Fang Yuan to win.But this third ancient eagle hound seemed to be extremely cunning, Fang Yuan had encircled it several times but was still unable to succeed."The ancient eagle hound's speed is much faster than these 'Fang Yuans'. How could they catch up to it?" Twelfth Hair attentively observed, feeling dejected as Fang Yuan continued to make no progress.Sixth Hair however had a bright gaze, thinking: 'Fang Yuan's enslavement path attainment seems to have increased slightly. It is going to end soon! This ancient eagle hound might be fast, but it is concerned about the other eagle hounds, and has only been flying around the battlefield, it will soon be captured by Fang Yuan.'A battlefield formed in the sky.Almost all the eagle hounds flew up and were battling with the myriad self army.Fang Yuan's focus was completely on the third ancient eagle hound."There is something odd about this ancient eagle hound!"Fang Yuan had discovered that the other eagle hounds could be easily dealt with. As long as he used a few strength path phantoms, the eagle hounds could be pinned down. Only this third ancient eagle hound was rather crafty and could see through the tactics of the myriad self army, it was able to retreat and advance at will.Finally, Fang Yuan was able to succeed, several groups of the myriad self army besieged the third eagle hound from the front, back, above and below."He actually surrounded it!" Twelfth Hair and the group cried out in joy.The ancient eagle hound let out a sharp screech, as it flapped its wings wildly and clawed everywhere, destroying many of the strength path phantoms.Within just a few moments of being encircled, the ancient eagle hound seemed to be about to break through the siege.But this did not matter.Because Fang Yuan's true body, hidden among the strength path phantoms, had already approached the ancient eagle hound.When he was close enough, he decisively used his sword path killer move — Dark Assassination!This killer move's specialty was that no Immortal Gu aura would leak out when it was activated, it was extremely stealthy.The ancient eagle hound let out a miserable shriek as it was struck by Fang Yuan.A bloody hole appeared on its neck, blood spurted out like a fountain.But in the blink of an eye, the blood lessened, and the bloody hole disappeared, the injury had healed and feathers grew once again on the surface.At the same moment, the ancient eagle hound turned berserk, its whole body was covered by a layer of dark shadows, its speed increased by multiple times as it attacked wildly, bringing forth afterimages of its wings and claws.Crash crash crash!Countless strength path phantoms were destroyed directly by the ancient eagle hound without putting up resistance.Even Fang Yuan's true body was discovered and was sent flying.But with bloodstained conqueror's robe, there was not much injury."How, how could this be?""There are disorderly auras of so many Gu worms appearing on this ancient eagle hound!"Twelfth Hair and the rest blurted out in shock.Sixth Hair's eyes also widened at this, as he incredulously said: "Impossible! It can actually use an immortal killer move?"Such a strong result and the complex aura of Gu worms indicated this ancient eagle hound had actually used an immortal killer move just now.This no doubt went against the common knowledge of the immortal world.A wild beast actually had enough intelligence to activate immortal killer move?!Wind whistled past Fang Yuan's ears, he was sent flying. Although he had avoided the frontal attack, it had still brushed past him and was enough to send him flying away.He gazed at the ancient eagle hound, his eyes brightly flashing: "So it was like this, no wonder I had felt it was so peculiar! This ancient eagle hound was originally a Gu Immortal!"It was impossible for wild beasts to be so smart to the extent of using immortal killer moves!Sixth Hair did not realize this because he did not cultivate transformation path.Fang Yuan had plenty of understanding regarding transformation path, immediately thinking of this most likely possibility.A transformation path Gu Immortal who cultivated an eagle hound transformation, but because of transforming too many times or being in transformation state for too long, they were unable to turn back, losing their wisdom and memories, turning into a special ancient eagle hound.Like when refining Gu, the Gu Immortals cultivating transformation path would have to face the risks when transforming into other forms!In history, such cases were not rare.The following battle proved Fang Yuan's guess.This ancient eagle hound still had some battle instincts of the transformation path Gu Immortal. As a result, its performance was much more cunning than normal ancient eagle hounds, and it understood when to advance and retreat.But in the end, it was not a Gu Immortal, it did not have human wisdom, it could not grasp opportunities in the battle and could not carry out any battle tactics.When in battle, it mainly used Immortal Gu. When it was the juncture of life and death, its instincts would be stimulated and it subconsciously used its most familiar immortal killer move from the past.Just before, Fang Yuan had used dark assassination to pierce through its head, but in the moment of crisis, it had dodged and the attack struck its neck.Then, the wild shadows it erupted with that sent Fang Yuan's true body flying were from it using an immortal killer move.The fight instantly fell into a stalemate.If it were ordinary eagle hounds, Fang Yuan would have captured all of them by now. But it was a different situation with this ancient eagle hound, it was much more troublesome than ordinary ancient eagle hounds.Whenever Fang Yuan sneak attacked, the ancient eagle hound was always able to avoid the fatal points. Perhaps it was because this transformation path Gu Immortal had experienced many battles, or maybe it was because of the support of an unique Immortal Gu, a more likely possibility was the help of heaven's will.In short, Fang Yuan's intention to finish the battle quickly had been thwarted.The sky was chaotic, loud sounds reverberated unceasingly as the strength path phantoms were destroyed at every moment.But with Fang Yuan's replenishment, the myriad self army was unending.Their quality might not be up to par, but their quantity held the absolute upper hand!From time to time, eagle hounds covered by strength path phantoms would fall down from the sky and smash into the ground."Upper hand! Fang Yuan… Elder Fang Yuan has the upper hand facing all these eagle hounds.""An individual's strength can actually reach such a level!""Elder Fang Yuan is actually so powerful."The hairy man Gu Immortals had already retreated to the edge of the battlefield, and as they looked at the battle, they had, without noticing, started to address Fang Yuan as an elder.Twelfth Hair's expression was filled with shock as well as bitterness.He felt it even deeper than others.Fang Yuan's enslavement path attainment of easily commanding the myriad self army, made him have a feeling of how shallow and minute he was!Although the ancient eagle hound was somewhat troublesome, from the beginning, Fang Yuan occupied the dominant position and the eagle hounds could not do anything to him."Since it is like this, then I should change my battle tactics." Fang Yuan's true body put off attacking, and suddenly retreated to the side.He began to gather his concentration to activate another immortal killer move.By now, he had already been constantly maintaining bloodstained conqueror's robe, familiar face and three breaths future vision. He was floating in the air and also activating Gu worms, and occasionally replenishing the myriad self army. All these used up his focus.And this immortal killer move was rather complicated and he had yet to practice it to proficiency, thus he had to give up on attacking and move to a safer environment, to gather almost all his concentration and activate this move.Rank seven year Gu was first activated, followed by the supplementary mortal Gu one after the other.Immortal killer move — Year Beast Summoning."Come out, my ancient year beast!"Splash splash splash.In mid-air, a phantom image of the River of Time manifested.Waves were surging endlessly in the river, and from these waves, an enormous bestial figure jumped out!Cluck cluck.The year beast unfurled its wings and descended to the battlefield!

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Chapter 1138. End of Battle | Reverend Insanity

"This, what is this?""Such a large chicken!"Seeing an ancient year beast suddenly entering the battlefield, the hairy man Gu Immortals were shocked."According to the contents of Hei Fan's true inheritance, there are twelve different forms of year beasts. This time, I was pretty lucky to be able to summon a chicken year beast." Fang Yuan sized up this year beast, while appraising it inwardly.This year beast was as large as a hill.When it unfurled its wings, it cast a huge shadow on the ground.It was valiant and spirited, with awe-inspiring might. Its feathers were bright and colorful while its claws were sharp as blades.It quickly swept its gaze around the battlefield, before fixing on Fang Yuan.No one else had more appeal to it than Fang Yuan, because it smelled the scent of year Gu from Fang Yuan.Year Gu!This was the food of year beasts. The higher the rank of the year Gu, the more enticing it was to year beasts.The immortal killer move, year beast summoning, was formed from this principle. Its creator, Hei Fan, had invented this killer move long before refining Years Flow Like Water."This is for you." Fang Yuan chuckled, as he waved his hand, sending out large amounts of mortal year Gu.The chicken year beast was joyous, as it raised its head and inhaled.Immediately, an enormous air current was created and like a dragon swallowing water, the chicken year beast inhaled all the mortal year Gu."Kill it and I will give you a lot more." Fang Yuan pointed at that crucial ancient eagle hound.The chicken year beast's gaze sharpened, as it quickly turned its head towards the target.The ancient eagle hound felt goosebumps all over its body, revealing its sharp claws as it felt a strong threat from the chicken year beast.The ancient eagle hound formed a clear contrast with the chicken year beast, even if it stood up like a human, it would not reach half the height of the chicken year beast.Cluck cluck!The chicken year beast flapped its wings, charging towards its target. The speed it erupted with was actually faster than the ancient eagle hound.Bam.The two collided fiercely, the chicken year beast was sent back seventy to eighty steps, while the ancient eagle hound was directly sent flying.The chicken year beast let out a sharp cry, as it chased after the ancient eagle hound.The ancient eagle hound was indeed crafty, after suffering a loss, it no longer confronted the chicken year beast head-on, instead it moved left and right, dodging the chicken year beast.Fang Yuan looked on for a while before he relaxed.This chicken year beast had no Immortal Gu, but its physical constitution was much stronger than the ancient eagle hound.Year beasts, even in the River of Time, were very rare beasts!Of course, if the ancient eagle hound activated Immortal Gu, the chicken year beast would fall into a disadvantage. Once or twice would not matter, but if it continued on, the chicken year beast would also be defeated.The side which had Immortal Gu would naturally obtain a huge boost in their battle strength."Hei Fan warned in the true inheritance that the summoned year beast is not a slave and the summoner does not have very much control over it. If the enemy is too powerful, it won't battle at all. Even if it battles, it might retreat after a short period of time and demand even more year Gu from the summoning Gu Immortal."As he thought of this, Fang Yuan knew he did not have much time left.He did not choose to pincer attack the ancient eagle hound with the chicken year beast.Because the chicken year beast was not under his control and he was only able to barely communicate with it using the method left behind by Hei Fan, reaching a collaboration.Fang Yuan's true body, which was hidden amidst the myriad self army, quietly approached a desolate beast eagle hound.The eagle hounds were still fighting with the myriad self army in the air.Occasionally, some eagle hounds would be beaten down by Fang Yuan's strength path phantoms, but shortly afterwards, these eagle hounds would fly to the air again, continuing to fight.Although there were many strength path phantoms, their offensive prowess was clearly weak when facing against desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts. They were only able to disrupt and expend the eagle hounds' energy.Strength path giant hand!Suddenly, Fang Yuan attacked, a strength path giant hand appeared out of nowhere, slamming down towards an eagle hound.Fang Yuan's position was extremely good, the eagle hound was caught unprepared and was struck by the hand, immediately letting out a miserable cry before it fainted.The eagle hound began to fall down, but Fang Yuan activated another giant hand and was waiting below.The second giant hand grabbed this unconscious eagle hound, and carefully placed it on the ground.Fang Yuan's true body disappeared amongst the myriad self army once again.But soon, he appeared in another area of the battlefield, strength path giant hand attacked quickly and sent another eagle hound fainting.He then did the same as before, placing this eagle hound on the ground, beside the first eagle hound.The hairy man Gu Immortals were all struck speechless!"Elder Fang Yuan seems to be…""Right, he intends to capture these eagle hounds alive!""A skilled person is truly courageous."The hairy man Gu Immortals sighed. These eagle hounds, which were deadly opponents to them, seemed to be no more than wealth from Fang Yuan's perspective.One after the other, eagle hounds were plotted against by Fang Yuan, struck unconscious, and piled up together.Soon, these unconscious eagle hounds piled up to form a hill, making for quite a grand sight.The ancient eagle hound saw this scene and gave a furious cry. But it was pinned down by the chicken year beast and was unable to go rescue its brethren.The chicken year beast was also slightly in a slightly miserable state, its whole body was filled with injuries and it seemed to be having the intent to retreat.After all, Hei Fan was a time path Gu Immortal, being able to create an immortal killer move that imitated enslavement path was already extremely amazing."It seems that year beast summoning is ideal for use in a favorable battle. If used to fight in a disadvantageous situation during a life or death battle, the result won't be outstanding." Fang Yuan engraved this information in his mind. Only when one used immortal killer moves in practice would they obtain deeper experience.Fang Yuan firmly held the initiative in the battle.He paid attention to the battle between the chicken year beast and the ancient eagle hound all along.Before the chicken year beast retreated, Fang Yuan dealt with the remaining eagle hounds.The unconscious eagle hounds numbered to eight, while the rest were struck to death. After all, giant hand was not a capturing method, it was not easy for Fang Yuan to use it to imitate this effect."Die!"Fang Yuan flew to the sky and flanked the ancient eagle hound with the chicken year beast.After fighting for several rounds, the result was indeed not good.Fang Yuan called out to the chicken year beast to retreat and guard those unconscious eagle hounds.The chicken year beast already had low battle intent, and after receiving Fang Yuan's instruction, it did not immediately move, but instead quietly retreated a distance before opening its beak as it gazed at Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan understood its intention, and threw out a large batch of year Gu.The chicken year beast had its fill, only then did it turn around and move towards the ground, to guard the unconscious eagle hounds.Fang Yuan and the ancient eagle hound battled once again.But this time, the situation was different from before.The ancient eagle hound was anxious to save those unconscious comrades, as it charged in all directions."What a pity. A grand Gu Immortal falling down to such a level! Thinking it is an actual eagle hound." Fang Yuan was lot more relaxed now than before.The ancient eagle hound flew fast and with Immortal Gu on it, at the crucial times, it could arouse its survival instincts and activate the previous immortal killer move.Fang Yuan changed his battle tactic.His previous tactic of charging in and using giant hand was too risky. Bloodstained conqueror's robe's defense was nothing prominent in front of this ancient eagle hound.Fang Yuan started using sword path killer moves to attack the ancient eagle hound from afar.But the ancient eagle hound's defensive method was outstanding, Fang Yuan did not know which Immortal Gu it was specifically. He estimated this transformation path Gu Immortal, when alive, felt the defense of an eagle hound was rather low, thus intentionally strengthening this aspect.Fang Yuan fought for a long time but still had no upper hand, the ancient eagle hound also could not rescue its comrades, while the chicken year beast sat in position to fight a defensive battle.The injuries on the ancient eagle hound slowly accumulated."This is truly troublesome. Giant hand's speed is slow, it cannot hit. Sword path killer moves can hit, but the effect is not that good. Using poison spit is simply wasting immortal essence. Ancient eagle hounds are extremely resistant to poison!"Fang Yuan was without other options.Similarly, after this transformation path Gu Immortal completely transformed into the ancient eagle hound, they obtained the intuition of wild beasts, and with the remaining battle instincts, this ancient eagle hound became much more difficult to handle.Facing it, Fang Yuan found himself at a loss as to what to do.A transformation path Gu Immortal's advantage was that after the transformation succeeds, their body's constitution would be extremely high. Like this ancient eagle hound, just its flying speed could match Sword Escape in short range. Let alone when it activates its Immortal Gu.At the moment, Fang Yuan could only choose to fight a battle of attrition.When this ancient eagle hound uses up all its immortal essence, and is no longer able to activate its Immortal Gu, that would be his victory.Or when its injuries accumulate to a certain degree and it exposes a flaw which Fang Yuan could use!Fang Yuan felt helpless, but the spectators did not have this feeling.The hairy man Gu Immortals were staring blankly.Strength!In the competitive, cruel world of Gu Immortals, the most important thing was the Gu Immortal's strength.The strength Fang Yuan displayed shocked all the hairy men.Even Sixth Hair was not an exception."This guy, how could he increase his battle strength so much in such a short time?! He can actually summon a year beast, how did he get a hold of this method? He clearly only went out for a short period of time…"Sixth Hair felt heaviness in his mind.Fang Yuan's growth speed caused him to feel stifled and breathless.After some more time fighting, the ancient eagle hound suddenly rose up."Eh? You want to escape!" Fang Yuan thought before quickly giving chase.The ancient eagle hound's injuries had accumulated to a certain state, whether it be its offensive prowess or flying speed, both had clearly fallen.No matter how talented in battle the Gu Immortal was when they were alive, the wild beast's instinct of evading danger still made it choose to retreat.As for those unconscious 'comrades', they could only be abandoned.Fang Yuan inwardly cursed at this, he had already anticipated this situation, it was just that it happened earlier than his expectation.Fang Yuan activated sword escape Immortal Gu to give chase, but the distance between them was shrinking very slowly.The ancient eagle hound was escaping for its life with an astonishing speed.Immortal killer move — Luck Whirlwind!Fang Yuan was without other options and could only activate this killer move.Success!The ancient eagle hound directly returned to the previous position, Fang Yuan caught up to it and both sides engaged in fierce battle again.After a few rounds of fighting, the ancient eagle hound escaped again.Fang Yuan could only give chase.Luck whirlwind!Success.Both sides battled again, while the hairy man Gu Immortals watched on from afar.But soon, the ancient eagle hound gave up on Fang Yuan, it crazily flapped its wings as it retreated for a third time, its attitude more firm than before.Fang Yuan was helpless, he was unable to break the eagle's wings.Luck whirlwind!Unfortunately, he failed this time and immediately spurted out some blood.It took him a few breaths to stabilize himself, the ancient eagle hound had already flown to the horizon by this time.Fang Yuan had no choice but to stop.Heaven's will was paying attention all along, Tai Qiu was perilous, and there were already vague signs of a beast tide forming.

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Chapter 1139. Deadly Situation | Reverend Insanity

"There was not much time to practice luck whirlwind properly." Fang Yuan thought as he sighed.If luck whirlwind was activated on its own, the success rate of its activation was eighty to ninety percent.But when put in real battle, it was a different situation.For instance, Fang Yuan had to maintain bloodstained conqueror's robe, familiar face, three breaths future vision, and other immortal killer moves, these killer moves involved large numbers of Gu worms and needed enormous mental energy.In this situation, activating 'luck whirlwind' which he was not proficient in, and being able to activate it twice successfully already showed Fang Yuan's luck was quite good.Immortal killer moves had outstanding effects, but their expenditure of mental energy was very high. Let alone in life and death battle, where one had to maintain their attention on the enemy, consider battle tactics as well as making appropriate responses in time.As a result, it was not the case that the more immortal killer moves activated in battle, the better.If the mind was burdened over the limit, one might not be able to give a correct response to an enemy's sudden attack or might not even be able to react in time, leading to their defeat and death. That would truly be laughable.In fact, there were countless such laughable ends in the history of Gu Immortals.Examples of extremely powerful killer moves failing in activation and causing the Gu Immortal to die were not few."To resolve this issue, I can only raise my battle strength even further!""Besides adding in more practice and modifying the immortal killer moves to make them simpler, wisdom path can be used to solve it."Immortal killer moves were created from the combination of countless Gu worms.Activating each Gu worm expended at least one thought of the Gu Immortal. Successfully activating one immortal killer move would expend thousands or even tens of thousands of the Gu Immortal's thoughts!Wisdom path was a path that was specialised in solving this issue.Wisdom path Gu Immortals were often able to use a greater number of and more complex immortal killer moves than Gu Immortals of other paths."Among the wisdom path inheritances I have obtained, the most important one is still Dong Fang Chang Fan's Wisdom Star true inheritance. It is specialized in deducing and is not specialized in controlling Gu worms and activating killer moves. But I am now a wisdom path grandmaster, I can fully use this foundation to develop on this aspect and make a breakthrough."After Fang Yuan sent the ancient eagle hound escaping away, he examined his own shortcomings while returning, and decided he had to progress on wisdom path next.Descending on the ground, Fang Yuan patted his stomach and opened the entrance to his immortal aperture.The entrance opened, revealing a part of the landscape in the sovereign immortal aperture.Sixth Hair stared fixedly, but how could he be able to see properly from outside the entrance?He only saw a desolate icy plain.That was Mini Northern Plains of Sovereign blessed land.Sixth Hair let out a sigh of relief at this.'It seems he focused on raising his battle strength, while the management of the immortal aperture has fallen. It's no wonder, after all this sovereign immortal aperture faces calamity once every two months.'Sixth Hair simply did not know Fang Yuan had completely plundered Hei Fan grotto-heaven, he thought Fang Yuan was still a pauper, little did he know that the other areas of Sovereign blessed land were beautiful mountains and rivers, lush forests, and shocking amounts of rich resources."Regardless, this is genuine rank seven battle strength.' Sixth Hair's eyes twitched as he gazed at the chicken year beast: 'Fang Yuan might only be rank six, but he already holds rank seven strength. Adding on to another rank seven battle strength… this, I definitely need to report this matter to Lord Ying Wu Xie!"The chicken year beast clucked in happiness.Fang Yuan fed it large numbers of year Gu, making it extremely satisfied.Finally, it flapped its wings and jumped into the River of Time, slowly disappearing from sight.Taking in the eagle hounds one after the other into his immortal aperture, along with the falling star hound, and after sending away the chicken year beast, Fang Yuan turned around and faced the hairy man Gu Immortals."This mission should be considered done by me, right?" Fang Yuan lightly smiled, using an inquiring tone to ask these hairy men.The hairy man Gu Immortals nodded, their expressions were more or less filled with reluctance, helplessness and embarrassment.This was the fact.Without Fang Yuan making a move, their lives would have been in danger.Twelfth Hair opened his mouth as if to say something, but even after moving his mouth multiple times, he did not manage to say a word.He thought of his meager performance and how he had an exaggerated opinion of his own abilities, he could not help feeling ashamed.Sixth Hair was observing the others' expressions, and spoke with a sinister smile: "Elder Fang Yuan, you are truly amazing, you were able to defeat the eagle hound group by yourself! If we had not seen it personally, none of us would have believed it. If you had made a move earlier, the falling star hound or whatever would have been nothing difficult, right?"The hairy man Gu Immortals heard this and their expressions changed slightly, feeling even more complicated."I have my own problems, I don't want to explain to you. First supreme elder knows about them." Fang Yuan chuckled, he then gazed at everyone before looking at Twelfth Hair: "Alright. This matter is over now, let us return."With the teleportation Gu formation, everyone returned to Lang Ya blessed land.After hearing everyone's report, Lang Ya land spirit's attitude softened by a lot.He was not very shocked at Fang Yuan's battle strength.Because he knew Fang Yuan had once possessed Spring Autumn Cicada and had reborn. A rank six possessing rank seven battle strength was rare, but for Fang Yuan, it was not hard to understand.Having eased his relationship with Lang Ya land spirit, and obtaining the thousand contribution points from completing the falling star hound mission, Fang Yuan was able to smoothly borrow Gu worms to use immortal tribulation tempering aperture.Over the following days, Fang Yuan cultivated in peace.He mainly cultivated his soul using Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po Valley, secretly trained the new killer moves like luck whirlwind, and in his free time, he looked after the newly obtained infant falling star hound and the group of eagle hounds.Regarding these desolate beasts and the ancient eagle hound, they only needed to slightly adapt to the new environment and could live in peace.Regardless of where they lived, they were still living, right?This was the behavior of those without intelligence.As for the countless resources moved over from Hei Fan grotto-heaven, Fang Yuan placed most of them in Mini Southern Border.Because Mini Southern Border's environment was rather similar to Hei Fan grotto-heaven's.Despite this, because the dao marks of Fang Yuan's immortal aperture could not compare to Hei Fan grotto-heaven, many resources had reduced production and some were even on the verge of dying.As a result, Fang Yuan still had a concern, which was to quickly sell these resources that he could not grow.Besides transacting with Lang Ya land spirit, the focus was on treasure yellow heaven.In a short period of time, Fang Yuan accumulated a large number of immortal essence stones. After using a portion of the resources, the slightly insufficient immortal essence reserve was no longer a worry, and now it had become Fang Yuan's strong point."So much green grape immortal essence! I don't have to worry even if I activate triple layered sword wave a hundred times."Fang Yuan had never possessed so much green grape immortal essence.This made him even more confident for his fourth earthly calamity.Time passed, finally it was time for Fang Yuan to pass another earthly calamity again.He left Lang Ya blessed land and came to the northern icy plain.After choosing an area, he placed down his immortal aperture and opened its entrance, absorbing heaven and earth qi.This time, the duration of the absorption of heaven and earth qi was tens of times as long as before!The reason was that the resources inside Fang Yuan's immortal aperture had increased by hundreds of times, expending large amounts of heaven and earth qi of the immortal aperture.Fang Yuan then arranged immortal tribulation tempering aperture.Everything was handled with ease.After finishing the preparations, Fang Yuan closed the blessed land's entrance, and welcomed the fourth earthly calamity.It was still at Mini Northern Plains.Fang Yuan encountered endless flying frost."This is… profound white flying salt calamity?"Fang Yuan was stunned, before recognizing it.He was slightly surprised.This calamity was not strong, instead it was the type which could be passed rather easily.Yellowish clouds started forming in the sky.Large amounts of frost salt slowly fell down from the sky. The whole process was silent, the salt was like snow and there was not any wind.The endless salt fell down on the ground, and melted the ice and snow on the ground.Some cold-resistant wild grasses and flowers that had grown on the snow were submerged by the salt, and were wilting rapidly before completely dying."It is trying to destroy Mini Northern Plains' ecology?" Fang Yuan was slightly perplexed. For the moment, he did not move and only looked on from the side.Although there were some losses, most of his resources were currently gathered in Mini Southern Border.Mini Northern Plains was the area Fang Yuan had been using to pass tribulations, Fang Yuan could completely bear these losses before, let alone now when he had harvested Hei Fan grotto-heaven's accumulation, and had become extremely wealthy.After a while, snowmen started to appear from the endless salt and frost.This was the influence of Reckless Savage's true meaning.So long as Fang Yuan killed these snowmen, he could obtain Reckless Savage's true meaning, rapidly raising his transformation path and strength path attainment levels.This time was not like the previous time where he shared with Chu Du, Fang Yuan was going to enjoy it all by himself.Fang Yuan quickly made a move.These snowmen had just appeared when they were melted by the flying salt. The intention of heaven's will manifested at this moment, it wanted to reduce Fang Yuan's benefits from the earthly calamity, as much as possible.Fang Yuan and heaven's will raced to strike at the snowmen.Myriad self was activated, eliminating these snowmen. Naturally, there were also other methods used.These had to be done by Fang Yuan himself.Other existences, whether they be Gu Immortal or desolate beasts, whoever killed the snowmen would be the one to obtain Reckless Savage's true meaning.Waves of Reckless Savage's true meaning entered Fang Yuan's mind, quickly raising his attainment level.As for the profound white flying salt, they were inexorable and not something Fang Yuan could directly get rid of.This fourth earthly calamity continued for a long time. Even when the duration of the previous three earthly calamities were added, they would not even be one-tenth of this earthly calamity.Three days later, profound white flying salt's scale began to slightly decrease."Is this a battle of attrition?" Fang Yuan frowned, somewhat puzzled.Several days went by again, the profound white flying salt calamity finally stopped.Fang Yuan gazed at the frost salt that had covered the land, the doubt in his mind intensifying.According to his previous deduction, the fourth earthly calamity should have been even more strong and even more difficult to handle. But the reality was, the profound white flying salt calamity had been mild from start to finish, it descended gradually; Fang Yuan did not feel any pressure at all.He was even able to destroy almost all of the snowmen, not wasting much of Reckless Savage's true meaning. His gains were plentiful.It was as if heaven's will was letting him go."Previously, I used some time path killer moves in Tai Qiu, it was also to test heaven's will's deduction ability and to see how it deals with me afterwards. The result was the profound white flying salt calamity.""No matter what, the fourth earthly calamity is now over.""I can let the land of salt remain, after cleansing it with self will, I can treat it as a special environment."This earthly calamity was unimaginably easy. Fang Yuan did not suffer even a small injury.Fang Yuan retrieved his immortal aperture and was about to return to Lang Ya blessed land.But right at this moment!The surroundings suddenly changed, Fang Yuan entered a battlefield killer move.Nine Gu Immortals appeared around him, along with an enormous dragon shaped beast whose aura was majestic and boundless, staring at Fang Yuan with hostility.Immemorial desolate beast!Fang Yuan's heart immediately sank to rock bottom, he immediately comprehended: "Human calamity! So heaven's will was intentionally extending the duration of my tribulation to set up this deadly situation for me!"In an instant, Fang Yuan had fallen deep into a predicament.

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Chapter 1140. The Sliver of Hope to Survive | Reverend Insanity

The surrounding area was frost white in color.Countless grey clouds, the size of carriages, hovered around Fang Yuan.Although Fang Yuan did not feel any wind, these clouds coiled around him swiftly, like hunting sharks or a pack of starving wolves."This is a battlefield immortal killer move! And one which I have not seen before. It seems to be mostly formed of cloud path…"Fang Yuan was fully vigilant, and after the brief shock, his mind worked rapidly, analyzing the situation."Forget about the battlefield immortal killer move, the main point is there are actually nine Gu Immortals and a dragon immemorial desolate beast!" Fang Yuan observed the nine figures.These mysterious Gu Immortals were covered in a layer of grey clouds, covering their true appearances, only revealing their eyes.As for the Gu Immortals' auras, the clouds could not hide them, they were leaked.That dragon beast was also covered in a thick layer of grey cloud as it hovered, facing Fang Yuan. It was completely releasing its majestically shocking aura! In Fang Yuan's perception, the dragon was like a lofty mountain, while he himself was like an ant at the base of the mountain.Fang Yuan was shocked.This group was too powerful! He could not even think of being their match."Strange! How could there be so many people lying in ambush?" Besides shock, Fang Yuan also felt an enormous doubt.The northern icy plain rarely had humans, as there were almost no resources in it.This was a desolate land created by Reckless Savage Demon Venerable, the only wealth to be found was Reckless Savage's true meaning which Chu Du desired very much.As a result, Gu Immortals rarely came here.Moreover, before each earthly calamity, Fang Yuan would gather intel about any movements regarding Northern Plains' righteous forces, through treasure yellow heaven, Lang Ya Sect and even Chu Du.There was no commotion from Northern Plains' super forces.Because of Hei tribe's extermination, everyone was absorbing their gains, and adapting to the completely new power structure of forces.Almost all of these righteous forces had territories in Northern Plains which were guarded by Gu Immortals. In fact, it was difficult for Huang Jin tribes to mobilize three or four Gu Immortals at once, unless something big happened.While demonic path and lone immortals might be free, they usually moved alone, how could they suddenly gather into one group?"Moreover, I have been holed up inside Lang Ya blessed land for almost all the time, avoiding wisdom path Gu Immortals' deductions. I am also protected by Dark Limit and other methods. It is almost impossible for my traces to be deduced so clearly! Where did these Gu Immortals come from? Could they be from Central Continent?"Previously, to investigate the truth of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, Central Continent's ten great ancient sects had allied and built a team of Gu Immortals to send to Northern Plains.Currently, Heavenly Court was trying every means possible to deal with Shadow Sect and Fang Yuan, it would not be strange if they sent out another group.However!Central Continent's Gu Immortals, especially from the ten great ancient sects or Heavenly Court, did things openly and in a grand style. How could they act so evasively like now?These Gu Immortals' appearances were hidden, even the immemorial desolate beast was the same, and only their vague figures could be seen."Maybe this is only an illusion created by the battlefield killer move?" Fang Yuan quickly speculated.From the time he put away his immortal aperture and prepared to return, to being ambushed, falling into the trap and his current analysis of countermeasures, only a short few moments had passed.The mental capability of the body from the sovereign immortal fetus was excellent by itself, and with wisdom path methods to support him, Fang Yuan had already reacted!If it truly was such a terrifying formation, Fang Yuan did not have any hope.But!He felt the probability of this being an illusion was huge, because the origins of these Gu Immortals could not be explained at all.A sharp light blossomed in Fang Yuan's eyes, at the next moment he decisively activated sword escape Immortal Gu and charged towards the Gu Immortals.The nine Gu Immortals did not react as if they were stupefied.Fang Yuan flew nearer before stopping, three breaths future vision and bloodstained conqueror's robe were already activated as he pointed, sword light shot out.Immortal killer move — Sword Marks Targeting Death.A Gu Immortal with rank six aura moved.But a rank seven female Gu Immortal to the side grabbed their shoulder: "You can't take on this move, let me."Her voice had just sounded out, when she pointed with a finger, an ice mirror immediately appeared in the air.The sword light condensed by sword marks targeting death shot at the ice mirror, but it did not pierce through, instead it was reflected away."She is able to change the direction of my immortal killer move!" Fang Yuan's heart chilled, as he quickly maneuvered sword marks targeting death back to the original direction.His sword marks targeting death's direction could be controlled by the mind once it was activated.It was just that this killer move was extremely fast and was not easy to manipulate.Sword marks targeting death returned to its proper path with difficulty, but suddenly there was another ice mirror in front.Fang Yuan could only helplessly look as sword marks targeting death derailed once again.Then, there were the third, fourth, and following ice mirrors, surrounding sword marks targeting death, actually making it go around in a circle."This is bad! This Gu Immortal's method counters my sword marks targeting death." Fang Yuan's heart sank.A second rank seven Gu Immortal suddenly took a step forward and gave a deep bellow, an ice spear immediately condensing in his hand.He then pulled back his arm, like drawing a bow, and after stretching to the limit, he threw the spear towards Fang Yuan.The ice spear produced a heart-shaking screech as it pierced through the air. Cold air overflowed and vapor was frozen along the way, turning into beautiful frost that floated in the air.The breathtaking scene, however, carried intense killing intent."This is an immortal killer move formed with rank seven Immortal Gu as the core!" Fang Yuan quickly jumped backed to dodge the spear.But this ice spear was like sword marks targeting death, its direction could be controlled.Fang Yuan could not dodge, gritting his teeth inwardly, he knew just bloodstained conqueror's robe could not block this move, so he sent out strength path giant hand.The giant hand suddenly appeared and created a barrier, it blocked in front of Fang Yuan.The ice spear reached the giant hand, immediately piercing through it and striking Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan was sent flying backwards, thick ice condensed on his whole body and even the blood which he spurted out condensed into blocks of ice. His blood asset Immortal Gu also suffered damage.If he continued to activate it, blood asset Immortal Gu might be seriously injured or even destroyed.But in this situation, how could Fang Yuan care about this?He could only crazily use blood asset Immortal Gu to barely maintain bloodstained conqueror's robe."The two rank seven Gu Immortals are not illusions. What about the others then?" Fang Yuan swallowed his blood and clapped, using the killer move myriad self.In an instant, large numbers of strength path phantoms surged out and covered everyone's sight.These mysterious Gu Immortals looked stunned.The third rank seven Gu Immortal smiled and called out: "Let me."He raised his arms and puffed his cheeks, before fiercely blowing.Spiralling wind shot out of his mouth.Within the blink of an eye, the wind enlarged to an enormous tornado.The tornado was as high as thirty meters, its two ends were wide while the middle part was thinner, and was dark green in color. It spiralled frantically, sharp as blades as it engulfed all the strength path phantoms in its path and easily ripped them into pieces.The size of the myriad self army sharply reduced by more than half in a short period of time.Fang Yuan quickly replenished the numbers."Brother, I will lend you a hand." The fourth rank seven Gu Immortal spoke in a muffled voice.He pointed with his index finger, targeting the tornado.Instantaneously, a certain mysterious immortal killer move was activated, the tornado split into two, before turning into four. Within moments, four enormous tornadoes ravaged the battlefield! Their power had increased by four times!"This!!" Fang Yuan's mind shook once again, feeling the situation was far from good.Since the battle started, he had suffered light injuries, blood asset Immortal Gu was injured and was in a danger of dying if it was continued to be used.While at the enemy's side, that immemorial desolate beast had yet to move, among the nine Gu Immortals, four rank sevens had each activated an immortal killer move, which were either mysterious and awe-inspiring, or profound and exquisite."Could it be… this is not an illusion?" As if he had fallen into an abyss, Fang Yuan's heart sank.Whoosh whoosh whoosh!Wind whistled crazily, in a few short moments, the myriad self army was going to be completely destroyed even if Fang Yuan continuously replenished them.The quality of the strength path phantoms was too low, their numbers could not be put to good use in front of rank seven killer moves.Myriad self, which had always been successful, now was in an awkward place, and was not able to change the situation for Fang Yuan."No, there is still an advantage of myriad self, it can at least expend the enemy's immortal essence, I have a strong point in this aspect. But there are a lot of enemies, while I am alone, this advantage is as good as nothing. What can I do!?"The difference in strength between the two sides was so great that any battle tactic looked useless.In fact, these mysterious Gu Immortals did not work together at once. Every time they made a move, they took turns. If this immortal level battlefield killer move was not entrapping him, perhaps Fang Yuan could make his getaway.Unfortunately, the enemy had already prepared amply, Fang Yuan also lacked space path methods, escaping itself was a problem, not to mention he still had to face four rank seven and five rank six Gu Immortals, as well as that immemorial desolate beast. This was an extremely dangerous peril!This situation was simply the worst.Compared to his first life where he was besieged by righteous path Gu Immortals, this was innumerably more dangerous.After all, at that time, there had not been an immemorial desolate beast to control the situation!Fang Yuan probed these Gu Immortals, but regarding the immemorial desolate beast, he did not even have a thought of probing it.Fang Yuan was relying on continuously activating myriad self to survive in this worsening situation.One after the other, the Gu Immortals made moves, strength path phantoms were almost annihilated. The myriad self army, which had always until now been surging with overwhelming momentum, simply could not form a large scale."Am I going to die here today?" An intense sensation of incoming death shrouded Fang Yuan's mind.Requesting for reinforcements would not work, within this battlefield killer move, Fang Yuan could not even connect to treasure yellow heaven.However, he had still not given up.His thoughts moved like lightning, and he suddenly remembered: "No, I still have a chance of survival!"This chance of survival was not Spring Autumn Cicada.Spring Autumn Cicada was filled with heaven's will, heaven's will was trying all methods possible to eradicate Fang Yuan. Using Spring Autumn Cicada was courting death.This chance of survival was in the upper extreme heavenly eagle.If it was before Fang Yuan obtained Hei Fan's true inheritance, his death would be certain at this moment. But it was different now, he still had one hope left.The upper extreme heavenly eagle was also an immemorial desolate beast, it was just that it was only an infant currently with desolate beast level strength.However, Hei Fan's true inheritance naturally had time path immortal killer moves that could speed up the upper extreme heavenly eagle's aging and push it to grow in a short period of time!With this, Fang Yuan would have rank eight battle strength.Coincidentally, the upper extreme heavenly eagle was also a space path immemorial desolate beast that could enter and exit grotto-heavens and the immemorial nine heavens, there was a huge chance it could pierce through this battlefield killer move!"Persevere! I need to persevere until the upper extreme heavenly eagle reaches rank eight!!" When he thought of this, Fang Yuan immediately changed his battle tactics.

Reverend Insanity