
Chapter: 1086-1090:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1086. Speed! | Reverend Insanity

A few minutes later, Fang Yuan had already left dragon elephant plain.He saw a huge field of clouds in front of him.Fang Yuan subconsciously slowed down.He was very cautious of white clouds now, ever since he encountered those pesky cloud beasts in Southern Border.Learning from experience, Fang Yuan became very wary of large areas of clouds.After inspecting them, Fang Yuan relaxed, the clouds had no problems.He flew into them.His vision was covered by the thick white clouds.But it was alright, Fang Yuan had investigative methods to use.Be it hearing or sound waves, or even using his consciousness, he could fly freely inside the clouds without feeling like a lost insect.Gu Immortals had access to most mortal methods, they could deal with many situations.Fang Yuan's speed fell, he stopped all movement.Next, thoughts flickered in his mind as he activated countless Gu worms in his immortal aperture.Large numbers of mortal Gu moved like a storm, creating a huge, bloody tornado in the sovereign immortal aperture.The core Immortal Gu flew up next.Rank six blood asset Immortal Gu!It descended like a ruler with imposing aura, the rest of the mortal Gu were assistants, creating the immortal killer move that Fang Yuan was activating — Blood Torrent.Blood-red light rushed out of Fang Yuan's body, before turning into liquid, forming a river of bloody water.The blood carried Fang Yuan and tore through the clouds, moving forward rapidly.The speed was so fast, completely at a different level to before!Earlier, when Fang Yuan left dragon elephant plain, that place was within a righteous path super force's territory, he did not use an immortal killer move.Because most immortal killer moves would leak strong aura from them, attention would be drawn to him.Thus, Fang Yuan only used mortal killer moves when leaving dragon elephant plain.But now, after leaving it, he could finally use an immortal killer move.His speed rose sharply, he moved ahead rapidly.A long bloody trail was drawn out, but it was concealed by the thick clouds, it could not be seen from the outside.This was the advantage of flying in the clouds.If not for the cloud cover, Fang Yuan could only conceal his tracks. Openly flying like this was too attention grabbing.In a short moment, this huge area of clouds was pierced through by Fang Yuan.He had already traveled past an enormous distance.Outside of the cloud layer, Fang Yuan stopped using blood torrent.During this time period, blood path demonic immortals could not display themselves, they had to be concealed. Blood path was a target of attack from all over, Fang Yuan did not want to attract trouble due to blood path.Especially when heaven's will was locked onto him!"Unless I can modify blood torrent and prevent others from sensing its blood path nature." Fang Yuan had a thought.Actually, he had already modified blood torrent again.While cultivating in Lang Ya blessed land, Fang Yuan had been practicing his blood path killer moves and strength path killer moves.One day, Fang Yuan had an inspiration when practicing, he modified blood torrent.Originally, when using blood torrent, hundreds of mortal Gu would appear around Fang Yuan, flying around in a big circle.After modification, these mortal Gu flew in a spiral in his immortal aperture.This was a small change, but it fixed one of its major flaws.Flying around the Gu Immortal meant it could be easily attacked and destroyed, but being in the immortal aperture was safe.Just this alone showed great improvement.But blood torrent was still very eye-catching, when flying in the sky, it created a long river of blood, anyone would notice it. It would even emit a strong and foul bloody smell that would make one puke.If these flaws were not fixed, blood torrent could not be widely used.If the light of wisdom could be used, these modifications could be done overnight. But Fang Yuan was unsure of the safety of the immortal zombie body at this time.It was fine with clouds covering it, but without clouds, Fang Yuan would not use blood torrent.He activated sword escape Immortal Gu.Rank seven sword escape Immortal Gu!Fang Yuan flew forward like a sword.Compared to blood torrent, he was even faster now!Just sword escape Immortal Gu alone surpassed a rank six blood path killer move.Even though with his cultivation level, using sword escape Immortal Gu with green grape immortal essence was not worth it, Fang Yuan was very firm on doing this.The biggest factor of this trip was — Speed! Speed! Speed!He had to move quickly.It was because of heaven's will."Heaven's will follows the way of heaven, taking away surpluses while replenishing deficits, it treats me as an eyesore. But the way of heaven has its own rules and regulations, heaven's will has to follow certain rules and is limited to an extent.""Heaven's will cannot act casually, it can only attack me directly during calamities and tribulations. Normally, heaven's will can only engineer situations and circumstances to kill me."How can heaven's will create such situations?By affecting the living beings of this world.Like in the past, when Fang Yuan was in Imperial Court blessed land, he was affected by Mo Yao's fake will, heaven's will was vast and omnipresent, it could affect other life forms.This influence was on the subconscious level, it was very situational.In most situations, decisions were made in an instant.Heaven's will could influence countless life forms, and countless decisions that they make, through many subtle influences, these life forms could gather together into a force that would be fatal.But this way, to influence others and set up fatal traps, time was needed.Therefore, Fang Yuan emphasized on speed.The faster he was, the less time heaven's will had to influence other life forms and create situations to deal with him.During the journey from Southern Border to Northern Plains, Fang Yuan did not know this, he also lacked movement methods, especially at the start, it gave heaven's will a lot of time to set things up.Now that Fang Yuan knew heaven's will's weaknesses, he naturally made use of them.This was an effective method that Shadow Sect used against heaven's will.Shadow Sect followed a key principle: Accumulating in secret, striking at once like a volcano, moving as fast as lightning, achieving one's goal!Fang Yuan learned fully from this."To deal with heaven's will, Shadow Sect and Spectral Soul are the best role model. They are my enemies, but these enemies have aspects in which they are superior to me, I naturally must abandon bias and learn from them!""And I have a huge advantage compared to Shadow Sect, I am a complete otherworldly demon!""Shadow Sect members have to think about themselves when acting and use self will to cleanse themselves from heaven's will's hidden influence.""But I do not need to, as a complete otherworldly demon, heaven's will cannot influence me!"To guard against heaven's will, Fang Yuan used Sword Escape, disregarding the intense immortal essence consumption!Thankfully, Fang Yuan had preserved most of his accumulated cultivation resources.He was raking in money daily, it could be said he was very affluent.Even though he needed to build and manage his own immortal aperture, most of his plans had not started yet. Treasure yellow heaven was closed now, the things he could get from Lang Ya Sect's inventory were limited.Fang Yuan tore through the sky, bursting with a sharp sound along the way, he seemed to have turned into a flying sword!Roaming the desolate plains with peerless sharpness.Suddenly, there was a growl filled with pain and fear.An ancient desolate beast was escaping for its life, a wild rank seven Immortal Gu was chasing it.The two entered Fang Yuan's vision.In front was a horned six-winged pegasus, while the wild Immortal Gu behind was a Dragon Centipede.A four winged pegasus was a beast emperor, while a six-winged pegasus was a desolate beast, one with a horn on its forehead and six wings on its back was an ancient desolate beasts.And this Dragon Centipede was seven li long! It has a centipede body and a dragon head, there were countless legs split across the two sides of its body, moving continuously. It had a hard bronze shell, under the light of the sun, shining and dazzling golden color could be seen. It was very bold and grand looking!Some wild Immortal Gu lived in desolate beasts and desolate plants, absorbing their nutrients, living in co-existence while treating them as food.But this was only the majority of cases.The Dragon Centipede was a fierce and savage wild Immortal Gu, it directly captured desolate beasts and desolate plants, treating them as prey, surviving through hunting.This was the only dragon centipede Immortal Gu in the world, it was rank seven, it was capturing ancient desolate beasts and desolate plants to fill its stomach.Fang Yuan was flying straight ahead, this pair appeared right in front of him, blocking his path."Something happened after all!" Fang Yuan snickered internally.Last time was a cloud beast group, this time, it was a horned six-winged pegasus and the wild dragon centipede Immortal Gu.Wild Immortal Gu had low intelligence, even though they had their own will, they were easily influenced by heaven's will.The horned six-winged pegasus was an ancient desolate beast, beasts like horses mostly had higher intelligence. It was harder for heaven's will to influence them.But now, it was escaping and moving without thinking, heaven's will only needed to influence it slightly to change the direction that the horned six-winged pegasus was escaping.These two were here to block Fang Yuan's path!The pegasus was escaping for its life, it would try its best to crush all obstacles ahead.And the Dragon Centipede's gaze was also on Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's Gu Immortal aura was apparent.He was a rank six Gu Immortal.His aura was much weaker than the horned six-winged pegasus. But his sword path aura was also strong, coming from the rank seven sword escape Immortal Gu.This attracted the Dragon Centipede more.Because the Dragon Centipede was full of sword path dao marks as well!Its countless limbs contained sword path dao marks, allowing it to carry tens of thousands of swords with it. Once it coiled around its prey, these sharp swords would attack from all directions, creating bloody holes in the ancient desolate beast, it was very fierce.Fang Yuan's reaction was at lightning speed.He instantly stored sword escape Immortal Gu, the aura vanished instantly.The Dragon Centipede was confused, but its focus was still on him. After all, in its long life of hunting, it had encountered many prey which could conceal its aura.Fang Yuan's body shook, as countless figures appeared.Convergence of enslavement and strength path, immortal killer move — Myriad Self!In the earlier transactions, Fang Yuan had obtained many strength path Immortal Gu, his strongest method from back then had returned!Even though he did not have cleanse soul Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan used other mortal Gu to replace it. Myriad self's power fell, but at this moment, it was very useful in confusing his enemies.Countless Fang Yuans flew around the place, like a school of fish swimming in the sea, scattering around after encountering a huge whale.The Dragon Centipede was even more confused now, its speed fell for a moment.Next, its seven li long body attacked like a whip.Boom boom boom.Countless strength path phantoms of Fang Yuan were destroyed.The horned six-winged pegasus also crushed many of Fang Yuan's phantoms as it rapidly escaped.The Dragon Centipede saw that the pegasus was escaping, its attention was focused on it once more.The two escaped and chased, quickly getting out of Fang Yuan's vision.Fang Yuan lightly let out a breath of air.His true body descended.With a thought, countless Fang Yuan phantoms dissipated at once.Move!Fang Yuan activated Sword Escape again, flying into the sky, leaving.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1087. A Goat Explores Tai Qiu | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan traveled day and night without rest.When seeing thick cloud cover, he used blood torrent. Most of the time, he used sword escape Immortal Gu.He passed several dangerous areas along the way, there were also lone Gu Immortals or super forces around. Fang Yuan did not dare to use Immortal Gu openly, he used mortal killer moves.His strategy was correct, after the horned six-winged pegasus and wild Dragon Centipede, no other unexpected surprises occurred.Heaven's will needed time to lay out traps.On the other hand, there was a limit for heaven's will's influence on other life forms.Like the influence on the horned six-winged pegasus and wild Dragon Centipede, heaven's will could not order either of them to attack Fang Yuan.Heaven's will's influence was based off situational decisions.Fang Yuan's speed was very fast, heaven's will could not create obstacles in time.Heaven's will could think and plot.This was because of Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.According to the intel provided by Shadow Sect, before Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, heaven's will was much easier to deal with. But after her, heaven's will became much more 'crafty'.Thus, Fang Yuan was not purely flying straight ahead.He curved and took detours, moving forward in arcs.If he moved straight, his route would be easily deduced by heaven's will, it would lay out dangers along the way and wait for Fang Yuan to fall in.In fact, heaven's will might even deduce that Fang Yuan's true destination was Tai Qiu and set up arrangements there.That would be dangerous!Not only would Fang Yuan be unable to complete the sect mission, his life would be in danger.However, with Fang Yuan's fast advancement, heaven's will could not stop him.Of course, Fang Yuan would not purposely backtrack. If heaven's will formed an arragement that was behind him, he would be going into a trap that he had already evaded, that would be stupid!This way, his route was very far, the total length of his journey was extended multiple times.However, in the end, Fang Yuan's speed was still very fast.Thus, three days after encountering the wild dragon centipede Immortal Gu, along the horizon, Tai Qiu entered Fang Yuan's vision.Tai Qiu was in sight!A vast amount of ordinary grass formed a huge yellow plain.Tai Qiu's appearance was like a jade green tower standing tall in a thick forest. In this yellow plain, it was very eye-catching.As Fang Yuan got closer, the green Tai Qiu expanded in the horizon, becoming bigger in Fang Yuan's field of vision. It was like dye that was spreading rapidly on paper.Eventually, Tai Qiu filled Fang Yuan's vision completely.A vast amount of giant grass covered this area, figures of beasts were roaming inside, tigers were roaring as wolves howled, there was a stream of continuous noise.Far and wide, it was a grand scene of the wilderness!At this moment, there was no point for Fang Yuan to hide it from heaven's will.His speed became slower, he stopped using Immortal Gu, directly entering Tai Qiu.Compared to the giant grass, he was tiny. Compared to the entirety of Tai Qiu, he was like a fly that had entered a palace.The lush giant grass blocked out the sky.The entirety of Tai Qiu was concealing an unknown number of fierce beasts and mutated plants.There was a commotion ahead, it seemed like a beast tide was about to form.Fang Yuan smiled coldly, activating dark limit Immortal Gu.Immortal Gu Dark Limit!It could conceal aura and hide from others to prevent deductions, it could also hide one from heaven's will to a degree.Change form Immortal Gu!Fang Yuan turned into a coiling mountain goat, entering Tai Qiu.The commotion ahead slowly faded."If heaven's will could feel emotions, it must be shocked and furious now." Fang Yuan smiled, before shaking his head and sighing: "Unfortunately, heaven's will has no emotions…"Dark limit Immortal Gu helped Fang Yuan greatly.Back then, when Hei Lou Lan was still a mortal, she relied on this Immortal Gu to conceal her Great Strength True Martial Physique aura, thus surviving.Why did the calamities and tribulations of the ten extreme physiques surpass ordinary people?Because heaven's will takes away surpluses while replenishing deficits, it did not want an existence like one of the ten extreme physique to upset the balance of the world.Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture surpassed the ten extreme physiques. The power of his calamities and tribulations were much greater than the ten extreme physiques. Even dark limit Immortal Gu had limited effect.Fang Yuan suddenly thought: "Fairy Jiang Yu was a member of Shadow Sect, to resist heaven's will, Shadow Sect definitely had many tools such as dark limit Immortal Gu. If Ying Wu Xie can escape from this predicament and make use of Shadow Sect's remnant forces, his future might be unhindered, he would have an easier time ahead."He had turned into a coiling mountain goat, this was a common desolate beast in Tai Qiu, even though he was in disguise, he blended in perfectly.Unlike his Gu Immortal body, which was completely different and eye-catching in Tai Qiu.Soon, he encountered a desolate beast.A golden sand dark stallion.This was a huge horse.Its body was larger than the coiling mountain goat that Fang Yuan became. It has bulging muscles and strong bones, its skin was dark gold, it had six hooves that were dark and deep.The golden sand dark stallion was eating grass.Sensing the coiling mountain goat that Fang Yuan had turned into, the golden sand dark stallion raised its head, observing this 'uninvited guest'.Desolate beasts had their respective territories, the coiling mountain goat had invaded the golden sand dark stallion's territory.But the golden sand dark stallion did not eat meat, it also had a calm temperament, the coiling mountain goat was also a herbivore, the golden sand dark stallion subconsciously felt that the coiling mountain goat had no threat.But it was still very alert.It stared at Fang Yuan until he went far away from it, before lowering its head to eat grass again.Fang Yuan chose to become a coiling mountain goat, he had considered it deeply.Actually, in Northern Plains, there were lots of wolf desolate beasts, but if he became a desolate beast wolf, he would face an intense reaction from the golden sand dark stallion.Getting past the golden sand dark stallion, Fang Yuan continued to move forward.He had already memorized the map of Tai Qiu. Even in the case that he could not remember something, he had it copied in many information path Gu worms in his immortal aperture."The first location is in the southeast direction." Fang Yuan looked around.But the giant grass became taller and taller, the giant grass in the periphery were tall as trees, but as he went in, the giant grass became as tall as towers. The giant grass in the center of Tai Qiu were as tall as hills or mountains.The coiling mountain goat's body was not small, but as Fang Yuan went deeper, the surrounding giant grass became taller and thicker, the coiling mountain goat looked smaller and petite.Along the way, Fang Yuan encountered many desolate beasts.These desolate beasts were either in groups or alone. Most of them were herbivores, but there were some carnivores as well.Fang Yuan made use of his mind, his intelligence far surpassed desolate beasts.Thus, after some hurdles, he managed to get through them.Baa baa baa…The cries of goats entered Fang Yuan's ears.In the grass ahead, there was a huge group of coiling mountain goats.Fang Yuan sighed in his mind: "It seems that I am deep into Tai Qiu already, this is the first large group of desolate beasts I've seen."This goat group had about a hundred of them together, some were eating grass, some were lying on the ground sunbathing, while some young ones were playing around.Fang Yuan entered their field of vision.The wild coiling mountain goats looked at him.This was the first time they were seeing this unknown goat.Fang Yuan moved carefully.Even though he had change form Immortal Gu, there was a hidden threat. If one of the goats in this group had a wild investigative Immortal Gu, and could see through Fang Yuan's concealment, it would be a disaster.To play safe, Fang Yuan secretly activated attitude Gu.Immediately, the goat group felt Fang Yuan's 'attitude' and looked at him with warmer gazes.Fang Yuan took a few steps forward, there were several young desolate beast coiling mountain goats that ran to him, observing him with huge curious eyes, two of them were running around Fang Yuan, jumping around.Fang Yuan walked away from them safely, leaving the goat group.The young coiling mountain goats moved with him for a while, as he got away from the goats, they were called back by their parents and returned.Fang Yuan sighed as he felt some pity.If he could bring two or three of these younglings with him, and raise them inside the sovereign immortal aperture, that would be great.Regretfully, he did not have a chance to do so.Leaving the territory of the coiling mountain goats, Fang Yuan was very close to the first location indicated on the map already.He was not careless, he inspected himself."Dark limit Immortal Gu's power of concealment is weakening, but it can still last for some time." Fang Yuan had an accurate assessment.After activating dark limit Immortal Gu once, it needed to rest for some time before Fang Yuan could use it again.Its power was left behind in Fang Yuan, concealing his aura. But as time passed, or due to other forces, the concealment would weaken.And depending on the target, the protection effect varied.For example, it had been more effective on Hei Lou Lan when she was a mortal. If used on dark path Gu Immortals, the effect would be lower. If used on Gu Immortals of other paths, the effect would be even worse. Thankfully, Fang Yuan's dao marks did not conflict, otherwise, the effect would be horrible.In conclusion, Fang Yuan had to complete his mission while dark limit Immortal Gu's power was still concealing him.Otherwise, after the concealment fades, heaven's will would focus on him, and the countless desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts would attack Fang Yuan together, the situation would be dire.After a moment, Fang Yuan got close to the first location.Before reaching, Fang Yuan already knew that the location had completely changed.Because the map indicated that there was the corpse of an immemorial desolate beast, a qi grand lion, here.What guarded the corpse was a group of qi grand lions, they were a mix of desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts.But the hill-like corpse was gone. There were no qi grand lions either, Fang Yuan used his investigative killer moves and heard some faint wolf howls.Fang Yuan's heart sank."Desolate beast black blood wolves! And this scale… at least thirty of them."A group of desolate beast wolves.Even though the size was not large, they are fierce carnivores.The territory of wolves was larger.Fang Yuan did not need to observe them from close by, he just needed to use mortal investigative methods and hearing to get a lot of information.This was the intelligence of humans.Within this group of desolate beast wolves, there might be wild Immortal Gu, but they could not be activated at will. Compared to Gu Immortals who controlled Immortal Gu, it was a different story.Fang Yuan thought to himself: "The first location has changed. Be it the immemorial desolate beast level qi grand lion's corpse, those desolate beasts, or the ancient desolate beast qi grand lions, they have all vanished for some reason. Three hundred thousand years later, a small group of black blood wolves are occupying this place."Fang Yuan did not hesitate, he gave up on this place.He took a detour past the wolf group's territory, heading to the second destination.

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Chapter 1088. A Monkey Achieves Success | Reverend Insanity

One day later, Tai Qiu."This place…" Fang Yuan's hands were holding onto a giant strand of grass that was hundreds of meters tall, he climbed upon it and looked afar.There was a trunk of a huge tree ahead, resembling a giant ship that was washed ashore.But the tree only had part of its trunk left, it was dark and in ruins, it seemed to have been hit by lightning.Fang Yuan's appearance had also changed greatly.He had turned into a monkey.A fire swallowing monkey.An ancient desolate beast.Even though he was not big, he was not to be trifled with.Fang Yuan had stopped using the coiling mountain goat's appearance. The coiling mountain goat could not enter deep into Tai Qiu, this was a place where ancient desolate beasts roamed.Fire swallowing monkey was a special case.It was strong, but only ate fire, thus it roamed around the place. It did not compete with other desolate beasts for food, it was a suitable disguise for Fang Yuan.Without becoming a fire swallowing monkey, Fang Yuan could not move in here."Thousand snakes haze tree…" Fang Yuan looked into the distance as he muttered.This was the third destination on the Tai Qiu map.The first location was occupied by a group of desolate beast black blood wolves. The second area was empty, it was a region between two carnivorous groups.Fang Yuan's current location was the final one marked on the map.There was once a thousand snakes haze tree here.This tree was like a mountain, occupying a huge area. It was immemorial level, with seventy thousand seven hundred and seventy branches, the branches were like long snakes. At the tips of the branches, there were snake heads.The roots of this tree was deeply buried in the earth, they were thousands of meters long. It ate passing desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts as food, when hunting, the tens of thousands of branches would dance around, moving like slithering snakes, coiling around the prey and strangling them to death, before sucking up their blood to survive.For the longest time, the countless life forms that died under the tree rotted and piled into a mountain. Their grudge was overwhelming, the place was filled with a dark aura.Positive and negative energy are drawn to each other, whenever there was a storm, grand heavenly lightning would strike on the thousand snakes haze tree.It was fine if it were ordinary storms, but if it was unlucky and met with an extraordinary heavenly lightning bolt, the result would be disastrous.The thousand snakes haze tree had no natural enemies, it was at immemorial desolate beast level, it dominated its territory, it might have attracted the attention of heaven's will, resulting in lightning strikes.In any case, three hundred thousand years ago, there was a huge fire in Tai Qiu. This thousand snakes haze tree was burned and resembled an erupting volcano, it lit the sky of the surroundings, for months without ceasing."But this thousand snakes haze tree isn't dead yet!" There was a dark and wary gaze in Fang Yuan's eyes.When Long Hair Ancestor was alive, he left this Tai Qiu map behind, it was three hundred thousand years old.This thousand snakes haze tree had lived for three hundred thousand years, it was not dead yet, there was still signs of life in it!"Man is the spirit of all living beings, but our vitality, lifespan, body, and soul, are far inferior to other beings. This thousand snakes haze tree has the strongest vitality. It is still alive even after the lightning and fires." Fang Yuan sighed in his heart.Right now, the thousand snakes haze tree was completely lying on the ground. More than half of its tree trunk was rotten, a few li remained.The complete thousand snakes haze tree was taller than a mountain if it was upright, the attacking range of its branches and vines covered an enormous surrounding area.Fang Yuan could acutely sense that on this segment of the thousand snakes haze tree, dozens of branches were still alive. They were like pythons, coiling and moving around slowly. If any prey entered their range, they would strike swiftly, killing the prey.Even though the thousand snakes haze tree was in a sad state, it was still an immemorial desolate plant, it was easy to kill ancient desolate beasts and desolate beast groups.Fang Yuan observed for a while and discovered something new: "Fortune and disaster really comes together, the complete thousand snakes haze tree killed many life forms and created a mountain of corpses, causing the lightning to strike it. But this thousand snakes haze tree only has this tiny segment left, it can only hunt a limited number of prey, yin qi and grudge are not accumulated here, thus no lightning struck it again."That was the reason why this thousand snakes haze tree was still around in the world.But Fang Yuan frowned gradually.He took a huge risk in coming to Tai Qiu, it was to find a suitable location to set up the transportation Gu formation.There were three locations indicated in Tai Qiu for Fang Yuan to visit.The first two were gone, and the third was unsuitable.Because the thousand snakes haze tree was still alive.This was an immemorial desolate plant, it had incredible battle strength, rivaling rank eight Gu Immortals. Even if it were the weakest of all rank eight beings, Fang Yuan could not defeat it. This was a huge problem for Lang Ya Sect's plan.If they fought here, a beast tide might happen."That means, I completed part of my mission, and failed a part. Even though I made Tai Qiu's map more accurate and eliminated three locations, I did not find a location that suited Lang Ya Sect in setting up the transportation Gu formation.""It can't be helped, dark limit Immortal Gu's power is weakening, I should leave first. I will return to explore Tai Qiu again another time."Fang Yuan sighed internally.If he could succeed this time, that would be best, after all, Fang Yuan's recent situation was not bad, he had no immediate internal or external threats.If he did not succeed, by the next time, Fang Yuan would not have much time or energy to spare.He was very busy.Managing an immortal aperture was a huge job, he also had his own cultivation to worry about, he had to settle his immortal zombie body's problem, as well as turn Fang Zheng's mindset.It could not be helped. Most things in life did not go according to one's wishes.Fang Yuan slowly left.He chose the direction closest to the exit and took his leave.But the problem was, after Fang Yuan moved for a while, he discovered some peculiarities.First, two ancient desolate beasts were fighting, causing a huge commotion. Next, three desolate beast groups were also facing each other, they were about to erupt into battle.And unfortunately, these three desolate beast groups were blocking Fang Yuan's path."These all point to the occurrence of a beast tide.""So that's it.""The protection of dark limit Immortal Gu on my body has weakened to this degree? Even though heaven's will cannot detect my location, it already known the general location. Thus, it is creating a beast tide, to wreak havoc Tai Qiu. It wants to use this chance to expose me.""Mm… that's right, I have Spring Autumn Cicada and large numbers of snow monsters with me, they all have heaven's will. Even though they are restricted inside my immortal aperture, the heaven's will inside can resonate with the parts in the outside world."Fang Yuan frowned even deeper.He had somewhat underestimated heaven's will's power.Logically speaking, any immortal aperture world, be it a blessed land or grotto-heaven, was independent, they had nothing to do with the world of the five regions. Heaven's will could not interfere in these small worlds.But now Fang Yuan knew, if heaven's will existed in these small worlds, then it could cause a resonance with the heaven's will in the outside world, collaborating with one another.Using heaven's will's connection, and with dark limit Immortal Gu's weakening, even though heaven's will could not find Fang Yuan's location, it could create a huge beast tide that could seek out Fang Yuan, before eliminating him mercilessly!"Experiments lead to the truth! Or maybe, the intel provided by Shadow Sect regarding heaven's will was not complete. I cannot stay here!" Fang Yuan thought as he moved.He stretched out his monkey arms, jumping on giant grass strands, moving away from the beast groups, evading heaven's will's trap.But he was bound to fail.It was too late.The two ancient desolate beasts fought and went towards the beast groups that were in conflict, a huge chaotic battle started as a result.The impact of the chaotic battle affected the surroundings, triggering even more chaos.As the havoc grew, a beast tide formed, rampaging towards Fang Yuan.The beast tide was terrifying.Be it desolate beasts or ancient desolate beasts, they were in a frenzied state.They were in a berserk state, only listening to their survival instincts as they growled frenziedly, roaring.Prey began to attack the predator, many beast groups that had lived together were now broken apart, there was no order left.Large numbers of desolate beasts scattered in fear, a strong force was forming. This force brought along other fierce beasts, even if they were unwilling to, they could not help themselves.A moment later, this force became stronger and stronger, it was like an unstoppable flood.Sweeping everything! Anything that stood before this force, be it desolate beast or ancient desolate beast, was decimated.Fang Yuan felt like he was a small plank floating on top of raging waters.He could not help himself, he could only move forward along with the beast tide.He had to continue his disguise, if he was exposed, heaven's will would overwhelm him using the beast tide. By then, even if he had unlimited immortal essence and a large number of Immortal Gu with him, he would die without an intact corpse.He was only a rank six Gu Immortal who had passed one earthly calamity.Even though Fang Yuan had Change Form and attitude Gu, and even familiar face, simply disguising himself was not enough.Dark limit Immortal Gu's power was fading, by some point, Fang Yuan would be exposed to heaven's will!He could not expose himself, that was courting death. But he could not stay hidden forever, that was waiting for death.Fang Yuan was in deep danger, he could not find any solutions for the moment."Maybe I can take a risk for a chance of survival." He suddenly had a thought.If there was no other choice, he could only do this.Entrusting his hope in blood torrent and sword escape Immortal Gu.But this was deep inside Tai Qiu.Desolate beasts were everywhere, and ancient desolate beasts were also high in number. Heaven's will had too many options, it could choose and influence them, it could block Fang Yuan easily.At this time, the beast tide suddenly changed directions, it was moving forward before, but now, it turned at an angle."This is?!" Fang Yuan looked ahead, joy was showing in his round monkey eyes.He looked at the mountain-like red corpse in front, there were still buds of blue flames burning on the bones, the heat was concealed and there was no warmth at all, but Fang Yuan felt a deep sense of danger.This was an immemorial desolate beast's corpse.It seemed to have just died, the immemorial aura was overwhelming, even the beast tide avoided it subconsciously."Truly a surprise when I least expected it, hope is just around the corner!" At this moment, Fang Yuan really wanted to laugh loudly.

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Chapter 1089. Formation Path Great Grandmaster | Reverend Insanity

Fly!The fire swallowing monkey's body moved agilely in the air, it jumped up and flew away from the beast tide under the concealment of smoke and dust, getting close to the immemorial desolate beast's corpse.From the appearance, it resembled an elephant corpse.Tattered grey-blue elephant skin hung over flesh and blood that had dried and rotted. Its white skeleton formed a rack, and with the skin, a giant 'tent' was made.This was a half collapsed 'tent', there was an intense aura from within it, when this immemorial desolate beast was still alive, it must have undergone a fierce battle.Fang Yuan had a question in his mind: "What could have killed this immemorial desolate beast?"He was currently very close to the center of Tai Qiu.This was one of the ten great fierce areas in Northern Plains, it was very dangerous and its contents were unknown. The immemorial desolate beasts hidden in it made even super forces feel headache.After all, immemorial desolate beasts had battle strength equal to rank eight Gu Immortals.And among super forces, only a few had rank eight Gu Immortals.In the huge Northern Plains, there were only five rank eight Gu Immortals in the open.Even if he was at the periphery of Tai Qiu, if he was careless, he would trigger a beast tide. Immemorial desolate beast and beast tides, these two reasons were why Northern Plains' Gu Immortal forces refused to meddle in here.Fang Yuan got closer to the immemorial desolate elephant's corpse.Compared to this huge corpse, Fang Yuan was like a fly, he flew towards the tattered grey-blue 'tent'.There was no wind.But Fang Yuan felt his pressure increasing.A formless force was repelling Fang Yuan in waves, he felt like he was moving against a tide, as he entered deep into the sea.After getting close, Fang Yuan started to hear things.Swish swish swish…All he could hear was the ebb and flow of waves."Water path dao marks!" Fang Yuan was slightly shaken.Undoubtedly, this immemorial desolate elephant had an abundant number of water path dao marks.Even though the immemorial desolate elephant was dead, the water path dao marks in its bones and skin were left. They were affecting this area at all times.Fang Yuan had seen the corpse of an immemorial desolate beast before, it was during Dong Fang Chang Fan's tribulation.Back then, the immemorial ruin bat's corpse was modified by Dong Fang Chang Fan, thus, Fang Yuan did not have the same feeling as now.Inside the super Gu formation of Earth Trench, fang yuan had obtained a number of immemorial immortal materials, these immortal materials had lots of dao marks in them, lights of dao marks could even be seen with the naked eye!But these immortal materials were just a small portion. In terms of the number of dao marks, they could not compare to this immemorial desolate elephant's corpse which was nearly complete.The number of accumulated dao marks in an immemorial desolate beast was quite terrifying.And most importantly, this immemorial desolate beast had died just recently.Thus, Fang Yuan felt a repulsive feeling, it was hard to get close to it."When immemorial desolate beasts and desolate plants stay in a place for long, their dao marks would affect the environment, and change it gradually."Fang Yuan's thoughts flashed quickly, his legs did not stop moving, he maneuvered and tried to get as close as possible.Because of these water path dao marks, there was no wind. Around the entire corpse, there was silence, with no signs of life."After this area is completely transformed, it will have thick fog, a lake might even form, and countless plants and wild beasts would start living here."Fang Yuan concluded that this area was still not stable.The immemorial desolate elephant's dao marks were subtly changing the environment of the surroundings.This process could take decades, centuries, or even millennia. During this process, the immemorial desolate elephant's water path dao marks would dissipate, the surrounding area would also reject dao marks of all other paths, with water path remaining primarily.Eventually, the water path dao marks in the surroundings and the water path dao marks left in the immemorial desolate elephant's body would reach an equilibrium. The desolate elephant's corpse would stop breaking down, the remaining water path dao marks would stop decreasing, it would, instead, be nurtured by the environment.Other than Fang Yuan, there were no traces of plants or animals.Fang Yuan was very out of place now.The beast tide suddenly became chaotic, they were moving forward initially, but now they were starting to get messy.Fang Yuan's heart jumped, he watched as he focused.But the beast tide was only messy for a moment before it returned to normal. It was like a tidal wave, going around this corpse and crashing elsewhere. Everywhere it went, grass and trees fell, smoke and dust rose, it was a pitiful sight.Fang Yuan let out a breath of air, he thought: "It seems that Shadow Sect's intel is correct. Even though desolate beasts are easily influenced by heaven's will, the effect is small in the short run. The beast tide has already formed, even if heaven's will discovers me, it cannot control the beast tide to charge at the immemorial desolate beast corpse. Over here, I am safe!"A moment later, Fang Yuan stopped moving.He looked around, raising his head.At this distance, it was perfect, he was neither too far nor too close to the immemorial desolate corpse.Most importantly, there was a reaction in Fang Yuan's Gu worms.Before leaving, Lang Ya land spirit had given him a set of Gu worm to set up the area. The Gu worms which were reacting now were specialized investigative Gu worms. If they sensed a suitable location for the formation, they would send out sound and vibrations that only the Gu Immortal could hear.Set up the formation!Fang Yuan stopped moving forward, he stood still and injected immortal essence into his Gu worms.One after another, Immortal Gu were activated.Some flew out of Fang Yuan's immortal aperture, circling around him. Some were dancing in the air within Fang Yuan's immortal aperture, staying inside.Lights of immortal origin were shining, it was a beautiful scene.A great amount of concentration was needed, Fang Yuan had to stop his transformation and show his true form.Heaven's will raged, it had uncovered Fang Yuan, thunder was rumbling in the sky.But it was futile.Heaven's will could only act in itself when a Gu Immortal was undergoing tribulation. Fang Yuan was not undergoing tribulation now, he was also not using the hairy man nature Gu refinement technique to refine Immortal Gu.Traces of smoke were dancing, mysterious sounds were resounding.With Fang Yuan as the center, a huge seven colored spiral was formed, it looked like fog, while also looking like a tide, it was a grand scene with unparalleled beauty.The spiral became larger and larger, expanding in an orderly fashion.Gu worms were arranged in the rainbow light, some were buried in the soil, some were left on the ground, some turned phantom and were floating in the air, some were even sealed in the air, they could not be seen with the naked eye.A vast number of Gu worms were arranged at lightning speed.Fang Yuan was mainly the immortal essence provider, an Immortal Gu was setting the formation.Rank six formation plate Gu!It was like a round plate, a porcelain plate used to hold rice and vegetables. It was floating above Fang Yuan's head, mobilizing all sorts of Gu worms.Setting up the formation took six hours.By sundown, when the sun emitted the final trace of light, Fang Yuan collected his Gu worms.A vast number of mortal Gu had been placed here, the Immortal Gu were all retrieved. All of the Gu worms formed a complex and hidden Gu formation, hidden in this area. Unless it was used, even Fang Yuan could not find it."Such astonishing attainment!" Fang Yuan sighed.By placing down this formation, he had benefited greatly.Even though his formation path attainment level was ordinary, he had much insight."If a formation path Gu Immortal has great grandmaster attainment level, they would be able to use the dao marks of heaven and earth to arrange the formation. This Gu formation is similar. This makes me think of a historical figure."This person was called Immortal Lady Jiu Hua, she was a famous formation path great grandmaster in history.Her style of setting up formation was to create myriad lights, beautiful and extraordinary.Most importantly, she was from the same era as Long Hair Ancestor. Or more accurately, it was because Long Hair Ancestor had lived for too long."Maybe this transportation Gu formation was the result of a transaction between Long Hair Ancestor and Immortal Lady Jiu Hua." Fang Yuan guessed.The Gu formation was already completed.Fang Yuan hesitated for a moment before activating the Gu formation.With his vigilant nature, he would surely inspect the Gu formation.But he had no research in formation path, and this Gu formation was made by a great grandmaster, it was too complex. Fang Yuan did not have the ability to inspect if there were flaws in it.The Gu formation activated slowly, after a few minutes, the first step was completed.Lights shone, an illusory formation manifested in the surrounding li. Fang Yuan was in the center, he could hear the sound of water becoming more quickly, but the formless force around him vanished."This Gu formation uses the immemorial corpse's water path dao marks, no wonder Lang Ya land spirit wanted to choose a place like this to set up the Gu formation.""Gu formations that can transport Gu Immortals are very rare. Even though this Gu formation can do it, it takes a long time, it cannot be used for a speedy escape."Fang Yuan assessed as he activated the crucial Immortal Gu in his immortal aperture.This Immortal Gu's power spread out from his body, causing a rapid change.The surrounding lights gathered at Fang Yuan, they turned from phantom to solid, surrounding Fang Yuan and condensing into a ball.Fang Yuan felt an intense pressure.But a moment later, the huge pressure vanished.Bam!With a loud sound, the ball of light exploded, turning into specks of light in the sky.But Fang Yuan had disappeared.A moment later, the area became tranquil.As if nothing had ever happened."I am back in Lang Ya blessed land?" Fang Yuan's body shook, his vision was covered in bright lights, the world was spinning rapidly. Suddenly, he felt that he was stepping on solid ground, he focused and looked ahead, his vision became clear, and he was already inside Lang Ya blessed land.He was at the center of a huge Gu formation.He had already come into contact with this Gu formation.When he teleported from Feng Bo Cliff previously, he had landed here.Fang Yuan had some understanding now: "It seems that this is the main formation, the ones at Tai Qiu, Feng Bo Cliff and others, are the sub formations. To use the super Gu formation, the key is that Immortal Gu."Lang Ya land spirit's figure appeared.He laughed loudly: "Fang Yuan, you did not disappoint me!"

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1090. Ancient Battle Formation Omni-directional Travel | Reverend Insanity

The matter in Tai Qiu ended in success with Fang Yuan setting up the Gu formation.Lang Ya land spirit did not shortchange him, he gave him the promised reward, a total of six hundred sect contribution points.Using these points, Fang Yuan could exchange for many things, what attracted him the most were the transformation path Immortal Gu recipes inside Lang Ya Sect's treasury.Lang Ya Sect has three true inheritances, they came from three legendary people, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable, Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable and Long Hair Ancestor. There were no transformation path true inheritances, but Lang Ya Sect had a huge array of Immortal Gu recipes, among them were many transformation path Immortal Gu recipes.But Fang Yuan was not in a rush to exchange for them using sect contribution points.He saved these sect contribution points for now.Now was not the time to exchange them for transformation path Immortal Gu recipes, or the time to refine transformation path Immortal Gu.It was not a good moment.After transacting with Shadow Sect, and after the trip to Tai Qiu, Fang Yuan became deeply aware of his situation!Even though he succeeded in setting up the transportation Gu formation, and could travel between Lang Ya blessed land and Tai Qiu quickly, Fang Yuan did not want to enter Tai Qiu again.If he went again, it would be too dangerous."Dark limit Immortal Gu's power has faded, it can only be used after some time, it is not safe anymore. Heaven's will can think, I caught it off guard last time, but because setting up the Gu formation could not be done secretly, heaven's will already knows about it, it will definitely try to influence the surrounding desolate beasts, ancient desolate beasts, and even immemorial desolate beasts!"Since heaven's will was trying its best to get rid of Fang Yuan, it was a no-brainer that heaven's will was going to create all sorts of traps and arrangements in the surroundings of the immemorial desolate elephant corpse.It was best for Fang Yuan to not go.However, even though he was not going, Lang Ya Sect was going to take action there."Since Lang Ya land spirit has already accepted my suggestion, he will mobilize many hairy man Gu Immortals to cultivate transformation path.""Cultivating transformation path will require him to refine transformation path Immortal Gu. And to refine Immortal Gu, he would need immortal materials.""Lang Ya Sect has a huge treasury with many immortal materials, but the previous Lang Ya land spirit has controlled the blessed land for so long, and he had been constantly refining Gu. Thus, even though the treasury has many immortal materials, they are mostly rank eight or quasi-rank nine materials, rank six and seven materials are scarce.""Thus, Lang Ya land spirit will definitely set up sect missions soon to encourage hairy man Gu Immortals to go to Tai Qiu and kill desolate beasts. They can collect immortal materials to refine Gu, while also training the hairy man Gu Immortals to improve their battle strength. The second point is Lang Ya land spirit's greatest concern!""Let these hairy man Gu Immortals be my pawns! Since heaven's will can think, even if they are targeted, it is better than me being targeted."A cold light shone across Fang Yuan's eyes.Lang Ya Sect was stronger than him by countless times, but at this moment, he became the chess player. The whole of Lang Ya Sect were his chess piece.And the best thing was, even though Fang Yuan was plotting against Lang Ya Sect, he was also thinking about the future of Lang Ya Sect and its progress. Thus, he was not going against his alliance agreement."This is the tactical advantage of having more intel than the other side." Fang Yuan sighed, he learned about the value of information once again.Gu Masters of all paths had their own specialties.Information path was not an exception among them.But if its ability could be displayed fully, information path could give the Gu Master as much advantage as compared to any other path, if not more!Of course, Fang Yuan's advantage in information was because of his transactions with Shadow Sect.And Shadow Sect definitely paid a high price to obtain information on heaven's will and Lang Ya Sect."I have been lacking information path methods, from now on, I need to try and fix that!" Fang Yuan was determined.Information path Gu Masters were skilled in collecting intelligence and setting up alliance agreements, they were carriers of information. This might not seem important for cultivation, but one could gain immense advantage from it.Central Continent, Earth Abyss.Loud sounds were reverberating here."A discovery!""We had searched that direction more than ten times… they are really well hidden."Ancient Soul Sect's Gu Immortals reacted, they were enthusiastically charging towards the area with the sound.Ying Wu Xie spat out a mouthful of blood, he was half-kneeling on the ground, not only was his expression downcast, he was also gravely injured, half his body was missing."A mere immortal zombie…" The Ancient Soul Sect Gu Immortals fighting with Ying Wu Xie floated in the air, looking down at Ying Wu Xie, they scoffed in disdain."Keep them alive!""Even as an immortal zombie, his concealment method is very incredible, we have to interrogate him for it."The other two Gu Immortals shouted, rushing here with rapid speed.Ying Wu Xie laughed with a mocking tone: "You want my concealment method? Sure, I can tell you now!"Oh no!The three Ancient Soul Sect Gu Immortals' expressions changed, they realized that this was the enemy's plan.Ying Wu Xie had purposely showed weakness to lure these three immortals over.He was bait.Since there was bait, there were surely plans to deal with the enemies.Ancient Soul Sect's three Gu Immortals did not react slowly, but Ying Wu Xie had prepared amply, how could they manage to escape?In an instant, the super Gu formation, which had already charged up, activated.Ancient Soul Sect's three immortals fell into despair, they only felt that an endless force was restricting them from all directions.At once, they could not move at all, they were helpless!Next, under the three immortals' expressions of disbelief, their bodies and souls were smashed into bits by the power of the super Gu formation.Even though they resisted, they only lasted for less than three breaths of time."Hmph, I will collect some interest from you people first." Ying Wu Xie snickered, his gaze was cold.He had just spoke, when Earth Abyss trembled, sharp light shone dazzlingly, covering a vast surrounding range."So fast! It has only been so long, but Heavenly Court has already found my location and are moving here!" Ying Wu Xie was shocked.But soon, he calmed down.He flew into the super Gu formation.The super Gu formation was overworked these last days from resisting Heavenly Court's deductions, and after killing the three Ancient Soul Sect elite Gu Immortals earlier, it was greatly damaged and was on the brink of destruction.But Ying Wu Xie did not care.He was abandoning this base already.It could not be saved."Master." Shi Nu appeared beside Ying Wu Xie, Tai Bai Yun Sheng and Hei Lou Lan followed behind.The latter two were lacking Immortal Gu, their battle strength had fallen to the bottom. Shi Nu was the strongest, particularly as Ying Wu Xie had already returned him all of his Immortal Gu.Tai Bai Yun Sheng was worried: "Fang Yuan, your injuries…"Ying Wu Xie smiled, waving his hand, stopping Tai Bai Yun Sheng: "No need to worry."After transacting with Fang Yuan, he had lost Fang Yuan's body, his appearance changed, but he still had absolute control over these three people.It was easy to deceive Tai Bai Yun Sheng, his body was destroyed when refining Gu, it was a good excuse that did not attract suspicion."The enemy is in front of us, let's stop talking and leave." At Ying Wu Xie's will, the super Gu formation broke apart and the Immortal Gu that made up the Gu formation returned to him.The other three immortals coordinated together, they gathered and stood at the north, south, east, and west directions with Ying Wu Xie.Before leaving, Ying Wu Xie looked at the mysterious light in the sky as he laughed, he cried out loudly: "Central Continent… We will return with vengeance!"He had transacted with Fang Yuan, obtaining a way out in this desperate situation, he had undergone a transformation, like jade that had been polished.Even though he was escaping, when he spoke, morale was raised, it gave people hope from out of nowhere.Move!A bright light shone from Ying Wu Xie and the other immortals' bodies.They had practiced it extensively, they activated the Immortal Gu that they had refined recently, they burst out with power, fusing together into one mystical effect.Bam…With a loud sound, Ying Wu Xie and the others vanished.Multiple rank eight Gu Immortals from Heavenly Court arrived from beyond the mystical lights."They left so quickly!" A female immortal was leading Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals.She had a graceful figure and was adorned in a beautiful purple robe. Her eyes were like deep pools, with a sense of sorrow shrouding her face.It was Fairy Zi Wei.A troublesome figure with wisdom path attainment not inferior to Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord.The few times she took action, she caused Ying Wu Xie and the others to end up in despair. If not for Fang Yuan, Ying Wu Xie would have been dead for sure.She looked at the rubble on the ground as she deduced, frowning: "A total of four Gu Immortals… strange, I deduced that Fang Yuan was here initially, but now it's different. No matter what, they are from Shadow Sect, they have to be killed."She spoke casually, but there was deep killing intent hidden in her icy words.A Heavenly Court Gu Immortal behind her spoke: "I am sure they cannot escape this time, I will go to capture them."Fairy Zi Wei smiled lightly, but there was bitterness in her smile: "We cannot go. These four are at the regional wall already. By now, they should already be inside the regional wall."The Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were surprised.Someone asked: "So quickly?""This is an ancient battle formation, called Omni-directional Travel. Earlier, when Bo Qing awakened, he, along with the hairy man Gu Immortal Yu Mu Chun, immortal zombie Seven Star Child, and Blood Dragon Song Zi Xing teleported from Falling Heavenly River to Heavenly Lotus Sect, they used this method.""Even though we have Fixed Immortal Travel, this ancient battle formation uses people as the formation cores, it has lower restrictions regarding the Gu Immortals. We cannot stop them."Fairy Zi Wei deduced again as she said slowly.In just a moment, she had completely understood what method Ying Wu Xie used to escape for his life.

Reverend Insanity