
Chapter: 1041-1045:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1041. Scaring Himself | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan's situation was very weird, Qi Zai could not help but feel wary."What sort of dao marks does he have, why can he use the killer moves of different paths and receive an amplification effect, without any hindrances?"Qi Zai seemed to be preparing while waiting patiently and at ease, but in fact, he was working hard at racking his brains."As far as I know, in history, only one person could do this… that was Reckless Savage Demon Venerable!"There were a number of Demon Venerables in human history, among them was Reckless Savage, he was the founder of strength path and had also cultivated transformation path.Historical records had stated that he could transform into countless things, and his dao marks could change at will.For example, when Reckless Savage Demon Venerable turned into a lightning wolf, he would be able to use lightning path killer moves. When he became a swamp crab, he would be able to use earth path killer moves without feeling any disturbance and weakening from other dao marks.Ordinary transformation path Gu Masters could only specialize in one kind of transformation. For example, in Northern Plains' imperial court contest, Cheng Long and Cheng Hu could only transform into a dragon and tiger respectively.As for transformation path Gu Immortals, for example, He Lang Zi, he could turn into three types of wolves, having different dao marks on him. But when he switched his dao marks, he had to wait for some time and use certain methods to get rid of the original dao marks and prevent the disturbance of dao marks of other paths.This problem had troubled every single transformation path Gu Master and Gu Immortal in history.Except one person.That was Reckless Savage Demon Venerable.He could transform at will without considering the interference between dao marks.Unfortunately, after Reckless Savage Demon Venerable died, his method was not passed down, countless talented individuals had tried to learn his methods, but their results had been failure, obtaining nothing."Don't tell me that this enemy here has inherited a crucial transformation path inheritance of Reckless Savage Demon Venerable?" Qi Zai thought of this and felt a fire of excitement burning in him.Other than this explanation, he could not think of anything else."Of course, Gu Masters cultivate in various ways, there are countless numbers of people and methods, not all of them follow conventional wisdom." Qi Zai squinted, he was still very calm.Actually, his guess that Fang Yuan had obtained a true inheritance of Reckless Savage Demon Venerable was still an underestimation of Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan could do this because he had the rank nine sovereign immortal fetus Gu that Spectral Soul Demon Venerable refined.This Immortal Gu was not ordinary!Not only was it the crucial thing needed for Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's revival, it was also his hope of surpassing all of the venerables in history.In the past, after Spectral Soul Demon Venerable died, he was not resigned to that fate.Thus, he built Shadow Sect and planned meticulously. During that time, he not only revised on the knowledge gained during his life, he even searched for countless inheritances all over the world. Among these inheritances, there were Gu Master inheritances of all kinds, they could give Spectral Soul Demon Venerable new inspiration and brand new directions. There were also Gu Immortal inheritances and even a number of the other venerables' inheritances.Shadow Sect could obtain one of Red Lotus Demon Venerable's true inheritances, the most mysterious venerable in history, not to mention the other venerables.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable controlled Shadow Sect and set up Zombie Alliance over the five regions, after tens of thousands of years, he accumulated his foundation and researched, putting in immense effort and making huge sacrifices.Eventually, he gathered all his knowledge and made use of the key aspects of it, creating the rank nine sovereign immortal fetus Gu.One could say, this Immortal Gu was not just the materialization of Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's soul path, it also showed his immense accumulation of the essence of other paths, it was an unparalleled treasure.Even though heaven's will used Fang Yuan as a tool, at the crucial moment, Fang Yuan, as an otherworldly demon, broke free of its manipulation, using sovereign immortal fetus Gu for himself.Qi Zai felt suspicion, even though Fang Yuan had rank six aura, he did not dare to be careless.He was probing Fang Yuan.He was a rank seven Gu Immortal, even if he did not have any rank seven Immortal Gu, he had rank six Immortal Gu.Earlier, the method of extracting the mud ball of grudge qi to create the mudman Ni Jian was an immortal method.But he did not use Immortal Gu right now.Immortal Gu were the trump cards of Gu Immortals, when used, they expended immortal essence!Qi Zai only had a low grade blessed land, unless it was a crucial moment, he would not use Immortal Gu.Of course, immortal essence was not the main reason, the most important reason was that once he used Immortal Gu, the information would be known by the enemy.The number and specific types of Gu worms that a Gu Master owned were confidential secrets. Once intelligence was leaked, the Gu Master could be countered using specific means.The same applied to Gu Immortals.During an initial battle, without knowledge of the background of one another, Gu Immortals would try to probe each other first.While Qi Zai was probing Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan was also probing him.All sorts of mortal killer moves were used by Fang Yuan, together with his handsome appearance, Qi He's attention was greatly captured.Similar to Qi Zai, even though Fang Yuan had Immortal Gu, he could not use them casually.Even though the rank seven sword path Immortal Gu were powerful, Fang Yuan only had rank six green grape immortal essence, this was inferior to that of the rank seven Gu Immortal Qi Zai.If not for Fang Yuan joining Lang Ya Sect, he would not have enough immortal essence stones to replenish his immortal essence, he would lose this battle for sure.Both sides fought continuously, attacking and defending at various times, the commotion was huge, Qi He watched unblinkingly, gasping in her mind.Unavoidably, Qi Zai was gradually falling into disadvantage against Fang Yuan.No matter how impressive mortal killer moves were, they did not have Immortal Gu in them. Thus, the amplification from Qi Zai's dao marks was very limited, they could not exceed the level of effect from using an Immortal Gu.In the long history of humanity, only one mortal killer move was publicly known to match Immortal Gu when activated.That was the White Bone Chariot that Proud Bone Demon Lord Shen Jie Ao created.This person was a rank eight demonic path Gu Immortal, he was proud for a good reason. In this particular achievement, none of the ten venerables could match him.Even though Immortal Venerables and Demon Venerables were invincible, they were not omnipotent.Specialists tackled their own fields, in the past, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable and Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable had asked Long Hair Ancestor to refine Gu for them.In contrast, even though Fang Yuan's dao mark accumulation was not as high as Qi Zai, he had a large number of methods and because the amplification towards mortal killer moves was limited, he could deal with his opponent.Thus, gradually, Fang Yuan attacked more and defended less, gaining the initiative.Qi Zai was fully aware of the battle situation in his mind. He frowned and began his counterattack.Battlefield killer move — Qi Lockdown.Immediately, the surrounding area was sealed, air was immobilized, forming a translucent temporary battlefield.Fang Yuan smiled, he was not nervous.This battlefield killer move was only mortal level, it had little threat towards Gu Immortals like him who had Immortal Gu.Only if they were a rank six Gu Immortal without Immortal Gu would they feel like this was a huge threat.And Fang Yuan already had this kind of battlefield killer move.Immediately, he used a signature move of Xue Song Zi, battlefield killer move snow domain.At once, qi lockdown was pushed aside, as coldness seeped into the surrounding air.Qi He could not hold it in anymore, she gasped out loud.In front of her eyes, the battlefield had been split into two, one was an icy domain, the other had motionless air.Qi He's perspective was still that of a mortal. This type of battlefield killer move, even though it was mortal level, was the trump card of every powerful mortal force. Unless it was an emergency, they would not use it normally, otherwise, they might get countered if enemies gained intelligence on it.Just now, she witnessed two battlefield killer moves used in front of her, she felt that this trip was worth going on, she was satisfied with this eye-opening experience.Seeing that Fang Yuan was still at ease, Qi Zai lost his patience, he took the lead to activate his Immortal Gu.He was a vigilant person.He did not use an immortal killer move, he only activated the Immortal Gu.A rank six qi path Immortal Gu.Fang Yuan did not know what it was, Qi Zai was not stupid enough to use it while calling out the Immortal Gu's name.Once the Immortal Gu was activated, the entire battlefield changed drastically.The qi lockdown battlefield dissipated, turning into fuel for the Immortal Gu. Snow domain could not resist it, a long rope of qi invaded it and pierced through.This long rope of yin qi coiled around like a venomous jade snake, it was several meters long, assaulting Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan sighed, using his rank seven sword escape Immortal Gu.Whoosh!Immediately, he seemed to have turned into a sharp sword, piercing the air and flying away."So fast!" Qi He opened her mouth, extremely shocked. In the blink of an eye, Fang Yuan had flown almost beyond her vision.It was a rank seven movement Immortal Gu after all, it had spectacular speed.Qi Zai was shocked too.He had estimated that Fang Yuan was a Gu Immortal specializing in snow path, wind path, or dark path, after all, the mortal killer moves that he used earlier were mostly from these three paths.But when Fang Yuan used his Immortal Gu, it was sword path!And it was a rank seven sword path Immortal Gu."What is this? He is not a transformation path Gu Immortal, but a sword path Gu Immortal?" Qi Zai felt like his brain was frying.After probing for so long, he had thought that he found out some details about Fang Yuan.But when he used his true methods, Fang Yuan actually displayed a rank seven sword path Immortal Gu!And he flew so quickly!"If this were in the past, I could only look on and sigh. It is a pity that you are unlucky, not long ago, I completed the immortal killer move that I had been designing for three years."Qi Zai snickered, whistling as he opened his mouth.At the same time, aura burst out of his body, the aura surrounded him and Qi He, and penetrated into the qi grand lion's body.The qi grand lion cried out in pain, its eyes were red as it charged towards Fang Yuan.Under the effect of Qi Zai's immortal killer move, the qi grand lion's speed was astonishing!In less than a few minutes, the qi grand lion carried the two Qi clan Gu Immortals and chased up to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan saw this and felt a headache.Qi Zai used his Immortal Gu again, summoning the long rope of yin qi.Very evidently, it was the same Immortal Gu as before.The yin qi rope coiled and flew towards Fang Yuan, rapidly getting closer."He did not use any other immortal killer moves, just a rank six Immortal Gu, is it because his movement killer move has a lot of Gu worms in it, he has to focus his attention on it?"Fang Yuan's eyes shined.During the moment of crisis, his mind was still calm. He thought about it as he displayed his deep foundation in fighting.When activating Immortal Gu, the aura of the Gu worm would leak, but when activating immortal killer moves, the leaked aura would be much more complex.Thus, Qi Zai easily noticed that Fang Yuan's Immortal Gu was rank seven and sword path.And Fang Yuan could also easily notice that Qi Zai was using just the rank six Immortal Gu alone.Of course, this was a typical case, it did not hold true all the time.Some special methods could conceal the aura of Immortal Gu and mislead the enemy.Flying sword Gu!Fang Yuan pointed as his Immortal Gu shot out.Flying sword Immortal Gu was peerlessly sharp, the yin qi rope was cut into pieces easily.Qi Zai's heart shook, he was shocked: "Why does he have another rank seven sword path Immortal Gu?""Is he really a sword path Gu Immortal?""Then, why did he use all those mortal killer moves?""Why are both his Immortal Gu rank seven?""Don't tell me, he is a rank seven Gu Immortal, and he is purposely concealing his aura to be rank six so that he can pretend to be weak when preying on others?"Qi Zai could not guess Fang Yuan's actual situation.He had a vigilant nature and a tendency to think deeply, the more he analyzed, the more shocked he got, he was scaring himself!

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1042. If Heaven's Will Finds Trouble, Cut Down the Trouble! | Reverend Insanity

Qi Zai's mind was churning with thoughts, his expression turned grim.Fang Yuan was also frowning deeply.He had used flying sword Gu earlier to destroy the yin qi, but it had recovered in an instant.The yin qi rope flew towards Fang Yuan again. It was not going to stop until it coiled around Fang Yuan."Flying sword Gu might be strong, but against an obstacle that can disperse and gather at will, it cannot take it down." Fang Yuan had a realization.Earlier, when dealing with the desolate beast mud monster, he had such a feeling as well.Now, facing a qi path Gu Immortal, this feeling emerged in him again.Of course, this was because he lacked a relevant killer move.If he had a sword path killer move that could help flying sword Gu to scatter its attacks instead of focusing on one point, his problems would be resolved.Actually, Fang Yuan had anticipated this situation.Thus, he used sword escape Immortal Gu and tried to retreat.But he did not think that the other party would have a movement killer move to chase him.Fang Yuan fell into disadvantage.Earlier, during the probing, he had the upper hand because of his countless mortal killer moves.But now, after using Immortal Gu and immortal killer moves, they were fighting for real, he got into a disadvantage very quickly.The other party was a rank seven Gu Immortal, his cultivation level was higher than Fang Yuan.It was to be expected that Fang Yuan could not beat him.In fact, it was already not easy to get to this point."I only have two Immortal Gu, while he is rank seven with higher cultivation level than me and has more methods. If he has an immortal battlefield killer move, even if I have flying sword Immortal Gu, I would not be able to break out. I cannot stay here!"Sword Escape!Fang Yuan activated this rank seven Immortal Gu again, flying into the sky."Heh, he is very vigilant." Qi Zai snorted coldly.His fighting style was to drain his opponent's resources and draw out the battle.When the yin qi rope breaks, the aura would disperse and as time passes, the entire battlefield would favor qi path more.By then, even if Qi Zai did not use Immortal Gu, his strength would be higher, and he would be able to spend less immortal essence, it was a very good strategy that benefited him.But Fang Yuan had already decided to fly away and escape after a short battle.Every round was basically at a new location.Qi Zai could not accumulate his advantage.Gu Masters had limited movement speed, they were often restricted to fighting at a particular place. But Gu Immortals could travel far, moving thousands of li easily, they were different from Gu Masters. Thus, it was easy to defeat a Gu Immortal, but very difficult to kill them, unless one had an immortal level battlefield killer move to trap them.However, these types of battlefield killer moves took time to set up. When Gu Immortals fought, they could only set up the arrangements in secret if they were in front of the enemy, they had to conceal their actions for the trap to succeed.Or like the time when Fang Yuan dealt with Hei Cheng, he set up the battlefield killer move in advance, luring his enemy into it.Even though Fang Yuan escaped, Qi Zai had an immortal killer move to chase him.Fang Yuan had slaughtered Ni clan village, this was a place which Qi Zai was in charge of, if he let Fang Yuan go, he would have to be held to account for this.Most importantly, Qi Zai was afraid that Fang Yuan was a descendant of the other clans.In this thousand year bet, Qi clan was already going to win, at this juncture, he could not allow unexpected mishaps to occur.Thus, Qi Zai had to investigate this matter.He could not let it go.After Fang Yuan escaped, he realized that Qi Zai had chased after him."How deep is his enmity? Why is he chasing me like this?" Fang Yuan was perplexed.In his previous life's memories, Ni clan did not have any Gu Immortals, this was why Fang Yuan acted so unrestrained. To think that he actually attracted the attack of Gu Immortals, and there were two of them, one rank six and one rank seven.Fang Yuan could not guess Qi Zai's motives. Because he knew nothing about the bet between the Five Xiangs.He could only retreat while fighting.Each time, he would use flying sword Immortal Gu to engage in a short fight before using sword escape Immortal Gu to retreat.After many rounds of battle, Fang Yuan saw some details gradually."The rank six Gu Immortal beside him is behaving strangely, she is likely a newly ascended Gu Immortal. She calls the rank seven Gu Immortal great-uncle, the two of them should be blood related family members.""This rank six Gu Immortal is not a threat. If she could attack, she would have done so long ago to disrupt me. But in this entire battle, she has been sitting back and doing nothing."Fang Yuan obtained much information, while Qi Zai also learned a lot about Fang Yuan."This odd fellow is really a rank six Gu Immortal. Hehe, he is actually using two rank seven Immortal Gu…"Qi Zai did not know what to say about this situation.Normally speaking, most rank six Gu Immortals did not even have one rank six Immortal Gu, they desired them greatly.This person did not have any rank six Immortal Gu, but he took a big leap and had two rank seven Immortal Gu instead."But this step is too huge, I want to see how much green grape immortal essence you have to use these rank seven sword path Gu!"Qi Zai snickered internally.He was skilled in battles of attrition, with his higher cultivation level, and Fang Yuan using rank seven Immortal Gu, he was not in a rush.Fang Yuan fought as he retreated, he followed after him closely, he was scheming and hard to shrug off.Fang Yuan thought to himself: "Since the start of the battle, I have already used up tens of thousands of immortal essence stones. These were all obtained from Lang Ya land spirit, I am wasting my sect contribution points.""This person has a good plan, he wants to waste my immortal essence, I know his scheme but can do nothing about it."If he had rank six Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan would be able to fight in a sustained battle, he would not end up in this state.With his rank six cultivation level, it was very difficult to make use of rank seven Immortal Gu.Qi Zai could not catch Fang Yuan, while Fang Yuan could not leave him in the dust, the situation was in a deadlock.After countless rounds of fighting, in order to maintain the situation, Fang Yuan had to continue to request for immortal essence stones from Lang Ya land spirit.His Lang Ya Sect contribution points were nearing zero.Qi Zai was shocked, it was beyond his expectations that Fang Yuan could hold on until now."This rank six Gu Immortal is very strange. He definitely has a huge secret, if I can obtain it, this might be the biggest fortuitous encounter in my life!"Fighting to this extent, Qi Zai's gaze was getting more heated, seeing Fang Yuan's cold gaze, he felt like he was looking at a mobile treasure chest.But at the next moment, Qi Zai's gaze froze, he showed shock on his face.He thought: "Isn't the mountain range ahead the Five Regional Mountain Range? Oh no, so this is his plan. I cannot let him escape into the mountain range."This Five Regional Mountain Range was not simple.It was created by a rank eight Gu Immortal from Southern Border, his name was Tao Zhu, he was known as the Restriction Expert.This person cultivated restriction path, it was a branch of rule path, just like how emotion path was a branch of wisdom path.People called him Restriction Expert, it was because he was the expert of restriction path in this generation, it showed how incredible his attainment was.He had deep research regarding the five regional walls, he attempted to find a way to allow Gu Immortals to travel through the regional walls easily.This Five Regional Mountain Range was created due to his research.Unfortunately, after he died, there had been no progress. But this Five Regional Mountain Range was left behind and became a special area in Southern Border.Fang Yuan was restricted by Qi Zai, he was trying to find a way to escape.He was very familiar with Southern Border, the Five Regional Mountain Range was his hope.Qi Zai had been thinking of draining his immortal essence, this was in line with Fang Yuan's objective, he was able to use sword escape Immortal Gu and after some hurdles, he flew for hundreds of thousands of li, arriving at this place.Qi Zai had been in seclusion for some time, and because Fang Yuan was drawing his attention, he did not think of this area.He quickly took action, trying to obstruct Fang Yuan, but Fang Yuan had two rank seven Immortal Gu, he was prepared, how could any obstruction work?Qi Zai watched grimly as Fang Yuan entered the Five Regional Mountain Range.He hesitated before making up his mind, saying to Qi He: "Sit here, I will let the qi grand lion protect you, you will be safe. After I kill him, I will come and find you.""Great-uncle, be careful!" Qi He said hurriedly.Qi Zai nodded, air currents burst out behind him as he chased after Fang Yuan, entering the Five Regional Mountain Range.Once he entered the mountain range, he felt a strong repulsive force directed at pushing him out.As it turned out, this Five Regional Mountain Range was created by Restriction Expert, who replicated the regional walls. Once Gu Immortals enter, it would be like they were passing the regional walls.Fang Yuan chose the part of this mountain range which was shining with golden light, it was a replica of Central Continent's saint regional wall.Qi Zai was a Southern Border Gu Immortal, when he entered, he was sure to face repulsion.He knew Fang Yuan's motive: "This crafty person came here, and because of his rank six cultivation level, he has the advantage. My rank seven cultivation level is facing more pressure than him in here.""No! This person is so suspicious, this concerns our Qi clan's ancient bet, I need to kill him!"Qi Zai was firm and determined, he did not waver in the face of difficulty.Both parties stopped flying, they started to travel by foot on the Five Regional Mountain Range.While another chase occurred here, in Central Continent's Earth Abyss, a different battle had ended.Ying Wu Xie, Tai Bai Yun Sheng, and Hei Lou Lan were surrounding the ancient soul beast's corpse, searching for the soul core inside the soul beast's body.Soul beasts nurtured a soul core in their bodies, it was the size of an egg, but had a large number of soul path dao marks in it, it was a top tier refinement material. Other than this, the soul beast's corpse would disappear after some time, it had no use."Where is it?" Tai Bai Yun Sheng searched for the soul core.Hei Lou Lan said, praising with certain intent: "The Gu formation set here is truly amazing. In this short amount of time, even though this soul beast had the soul howl Immortal Gu, it still died."Ying Wu Xie did not speak, he was frowning."This was caused by heaven's will, it lured this ancient soul beast here. Just now, even though I killed it, I had to use the Gu formation.""The more I use the Gu formation, the higher the chances of getting exposed. After all, Central Continent's Heavenly Court will try its best to find this place."At this time, Shi Nu transmitted to him secretly.Ying Wu Xie analyzed to himself: "Hmm? Not long ago, Lang Ya land spirit used treasure yellow heaven to send dark limit Immortal Gu to Fang Yuan?""This Immortal Gu belonged to Shadow Sect, but it had perished with Jiang Yu. After that, because Lang Ya land spirit created Lang Ya Sect, he refined dark limit Immortal Gu so that the sect members could have an easier time moving around in the future.""This Gu can conceal aura and hide from heaven's will. Hehe, indeed. Since I am targeted by heaven's will, Fang Yuan's situation is worse, he might be facing the assault of Gu Immortals now."Ying Wu Xie made a casual guess, but he was actually on the mark.However, Qi Zai did not succeed in killing Fang Yuan.Both parties fought in the Five Regional Mountain Range, Fang Yuan was heavily injured, but because he had lower cultivation level, he could move more freely and escaped from Qi Zai eventually.Qi Zai saw that Fang Yuan had escaped, noting that his own condition was bad, he had no choice but to return.Once he left the Five Regional Mountain Range, he saw Qi He."Great-uncle, you are finally back, I was so worried about you." Qi Zai was prancing on the spot, seeing Qi Zai, she quickly went up to him.Qi Zai felt warmth in his heart, but his expression turned grim, he scolded: "Foolish! I told you to stay with the qi grand lion, why did you not listen to me, instead coming here? This is a dangerous place!"Qi Zai's movement paused, she slowly walked to Qi Zai, lowering her head, apologizing: "I.. I am sorry…"Qi Zai grunted: "That person is already heavily injured by me, he was lucky and escaped. But if I see him again, I will definitely not… urgh!"Qi Zai cried out.He stared with wide opened eyes at Qi He.A dark flying sword had pierced into his forehead, the tip of the sword was pointing out from the back of his head.Qi He turned back to Fang Yuan's appearance, he smiled lightly at Qi Zai.Shock, regret, fear, all sorts of emotions filled Qi Zai's mind.But it was too late.Bam.He fell to the ground, creating a soft sound in the process.He was dead.

Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1043. Surprising Discovery | Reverend Insanity

In the Five Regional Mountain Range, five different colored lights filled the skies all year round.The entire mountain range was divided into five areas based on the five different colored lights.The dark purple light was the imitation of Southern Border's miasma regional wall, the green mountain range was the imitation of Northern Plains' licorice regional wall. The red portion was Western Desert's raging flame regional wall. The deep blue portion was Eastern Sea's blue water regional wall.As for the white-gold mountain range, it was Central Continent's saint regional wall.The rank seven qi path Gu Immortal, Qi Zai, had died in the white-gold region in the Five Regional Mountain Range.Fang Yuan let out a breath, he pulled out the flying sword Immortal Gu that was lodged in his opponent's forehead.Flying sword Immortal Gu was originally shining in silvery light, but now it was dim and did not have an aura emitting from it.This was because of the immortal killer move dark assassination!This move provided extraordinary concealment, once used, none of the aura of the rank seven immortal killer move would leak, others could not detect it.Once used, the sword attacked quickly, at a speed which one could not react to.The only weakness was that the attack range was small, the user had to be less than a hundred steps away.This was truly a short distance.Ordinary immortal killer moves could be used across huge distances, they were incomparable.Thus, Fang Yuan had to take a risk, using familiar face to disguise his identity and get close to Qi Zai. The closer he got, the higher his chance of killing Qi Zai.For this, Fang Yuan had to fight with Qi Zai and purposely get injured, so as to reduce Qi Zai's suspicions.Qi Zai dying from this move was not unreasonable.Because Fang Yuan deceived him using the infamous familiar face.Even though it was not the original version, the core was still rank eight attitude Gu, when used, this Gu could influence the minds of others, allowing them to feel Fang Yuan's 'attitude', so as to lower their suspicions.Even though Qi Zai was vigilant and it was hard to find vulnerabilities against him, with Fang Yuan's scheming personality, he saw a weakness in Qi He instead during the battle.Using Qi He, Fang Yuan took a risk and killed a rank seven expert with his rank six cultivation level.This was an incredible result, if one was an ordinary rank six Gu Immortal, they might wish for the whole world to know about it.But Fang Yuan only sighed in relief now, he did not show any expression of pride.After rebirth, he had gone through a lot, he witnessed Spectral Soul undergoing the myriad tribulations, killing a rank seven Gu Immortal was already a small matter from his perspective."If you did not pursue me to this extent, I would not have taken the risk to kill you. Alright, let me see why you were so insistent on chasing me."Fang Yuan grabbed at the air as he pulled out Qi Zai's soul from his corpse.Qi Zai cultivated qi path, his soul was just an ordinary Gu Immortal soul, it was not outstanding.After dying, he was not like those from Shadow Sect, even though his soul was angry and unwilling, struggling intensely, he could do nothing against Fang Yuan's actions.Fang Yuan first inspected and ensured that this soul had no problems before stuffing him into the nine-five sovereign immortal aperture.After entering the immortal aperture, large numbers of soul path Gu worms flew towards Qi Zai's soul.Soul search!While Fang Yuan searched the soul, he activated familiar face and turned into Qi Zai's appearance.He did not forget that the rank six Gu Immortal Qi He was still outside.Killing her would be much easier than killing Qi Zai, but to make this easier and safer, Fang Yuan decided to use the same method to assassinate Qi He as well.His familiar face was not the original version, without change form Immortal Gu, he could only use over a thousand mortal Gu to replace it.Thus, transforming his appearance was not instantaneous, he had to spend some time.After he turned into Qi Zai's appearance, he stored Qi Zai's corpse and flew out of the Five Regional Mountain Range.In the end, when he found Qi He, she was already dead.What killed Qi He was none other than the desolate beast qi grand lion she was sitting on.This qi grand lion was enslaved by Qi Zai originally. Once he died, the qi grand lion regained its freedom.The qi grand lion was forced by Qi Zai to travel this much, it was already hungry.If Qi He cultivated any other path, she might have survived, but she was a qi path Gu Immortal with a number of qi path dao marks, she was a delicacy to the qi grand lion.Thus, as the qi grand lion was hungry, it attacked her after the control over it was gone.Qi He was a newly advanced Gu Immortal, how could she match the qi grand lion, after a bit of resistance, she was killed by the qi grand lion and eaten by it.It was pitiful, she cultivated her entire life and fortunately became an immortal, but the moment she started witnessing the glory of the Gu Immortal world, before she started her journey, she ended up in the desolate beast's mouth.Fang Yuan chased after the qi grand lion, using flying sword Immortal Gu and piercing its head in a few moves.Flying sword Immortal Gu, which was shining in silvery light, rampaged inside the qi grand lion's brain. The qi grand lion fell from the sky in pain, it grimaced and cried out painfully, eventually dying after its struggles ceased.Fang Yuan felt glad when he saw this result.This was the true power of the rank seven flying sword Immortal Gu!Against Gu Immortals or the qi grand lion, once flying sword Immortal Gu dealt a critical strike through piercing, it could deal huge damage.This was unlike the desolate beast mud monster which did not have any weaknesses in its body, Fang Yuan had a vexing time fighting it.Other than feeling glad, Fang Yuan also felt a loss in wealth.This rank seven Immortal Gu used too much immortal essence, after killing the qi grand lion, Fang Yuan's expenditure rose again.He could slowly kill it without using Immortal Gu and only using mortal killer moves.But it would take far too long.To avoid more trouble, Fang Yuan had to deal with it quickly.After killing the qi grand lion, Fang Yuan cut open its stomach and took out Qi He's minced corpse.He checked carefully, he wanted to find the crucial area near her belly, it was the place where the immortal aperture was at in the Gu Immortal's body.Qi He's aged body was already chewed up by the qi grand lion, after ending up in its stomach, half of the body was already dissolved.Fang Yuan looked around for a long time before his gaze flashed, he picked out a piece of flesh.Similar to Qi Zai's corpse, Fang Yuan placed it into his immortal aperture.As had been mentioned before, after killing a Gu Immortal, there were two ways to benefit from it. One was to place the immortal aperture down in the five regions, where they would form a blessed land or grotto-heaven, before attacking it and obtaining the resources inside. The other way was to place the immortal aperture into one's own immortal aperture, making the immortal aperture self-detonate, the dao marks inside would be left behind for the victor.Fang Yuan was using the second method."After this battle, the qi path dao marks in me should increase drastically. From now on, when I use qi path Gu worms or killer moves, the amplification effect would exceed my other paths. It is a pity that I am not skilled in qi path, my qi path attainment level is only at ordinary level. But my immortal aperture will benefit, the environment will change slowly, it would help me when I grow resources that are related to qi path."Fang Yuan flew into the air, concealing his traces as he flew among the clouds, thinking over his gains.Ignoring Immortal Gu.Qi Zai's soul was a huge asset, it had great value waiting to be excavated.As for how many qi path dao marks he would get, Fang Yuan could not estimate it. But he knew that no matter how many qi path dao marks he obtained, it could not match his other benefit!He only discovered this benefit of his new body just now, but it exceeded Fang Yuan's expectations, other than feeling surprise and joy, he also felt doubts and anticipation.When he entered the Five Regional Mountain Range, he had a shocking discovery.His body was unaffected by the Five Regional Mountain Range!According to common sense, Fang Yuan was a Southern Border Gu Immortal, his body had the aura of Southern Border, no matter what other area relating to a particular region he entered in the Five Regional Mountain Range, he would be affected by it.But after Fang Yuan went in, he could move freely with no obstructions.After realizing this, Fang Yuan was puzzled, but it soon turned into joy, he had a guess in his mind: "This Five Regional Mountain Range was created by Restriction Expert Tao Zhu, who imitated the regional walls, if I can travel freely here, does that mean I can also pass the regional walls freely?"After that, he thought about the pursuers behind him, he pretended to travel with much difficulty, like he was heavily obstructed.Now, after killing Qi Zai, and settling the matter of the qi grand lion and Qi He, he had time to think, and realized that this was very likely."My new body is not an ordinary body, it has no parents, no origins from other people. It is formed from the rank nine sovereign immortal fetus Gu, if it is treated as an Immortal Gu, that would explain why I can freely travel across the regional walls."The five regional walls targeted Gu Immortals, not Immortal Gu.In the past, when Feng Jiu Ge entered Northern Plains to investigate the truth of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building, he sent a rank six information path Immortal Gu to his family, it could travel across Northern Plains and Central Continent, going through two regional walls without obstruction."If this guess is correct, why would I need to rush and refine Fixed Immortal Travel?" Fang Yuan flew as he thought, he got closer to a regional wall.He wanted to verify this guess as quickly as possible.From his perspective, he could not confirm if Fixed Immortal Travel was destroyed. It was only very likely because the special will had set Fixed Immortal Travel as the first one to be destroyed.When Fang Yuan asked the current generation Ni Xiang about it, his focus was to confirm Ying Wu Xie's current situation.Secondly, he wanted to refine Fixed Immortal Travel to pass the regional walls and return to Lang Ya blessed land.Why?Firstly, Lang Ya blessed land was safe, it survived seven waves of attacks in the five hundred years of his previous life, it was finally taken down by Heavenly Court after Feng Jiu Ge died. Secondly, a large number of his resources were inside Lang Ya blessed land, he could develop in peace there. The cost of using treasure yellow heaven was simply too high.Lastly, a crucial immortal material, the light of the immemorial era, was needed to refine Fixed Immortal Travel. Even though Fang Yuan had some clues, he knew that hope was small. His biggest worries now were his calamities and tribulations. He was less than two months away from the first earthly calamity.Fortune and disaster came together, his blessed land had such a deep foundation, its aptitude far surpassed the ten extreme physiques, the power of his calamities and tribulations would surely be extraordinary."If my guess is correct, I should give up on Fixed Immortal Travel! I should rush to Lang Ya blessed land and prepare amply for the calamities and tribulations! In just less than two months…"He was no longer an immortal zombie, his immortal aperture was out of this world, the calamities and tribulations were like swords resting above his neck.Fang Yuan looked at the vast clouds in the sky as he felt a strong sense of urgency.

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Chapter 1044. Ancient Cloud Beasts, Disaster Follows After Great Fortune? | Reverend Insanity

Central Continent, Earth Abyss.Ying Wu Xie looked at the rubble in front of him with an ugly expression.Behind him were Hei Lou Lan, Tai Bai Yun Sheng, and the rank seven variant human Gu Immortal Shi Nu.The battle strength of four Gu Immortals!Of course, among them Shi Nu was the strongest, followed by Hei Lou Lan and Tai Bai Yun Sheng. Ying Wu Xie was still an immortal zombie with some borrowed Immortal Gu, he had not subdued Fang Yuan's remaining Immortal Gu yet, his battle strength was the lowest.Hei Lou Lan was forced by Ying Wu Xie to surrender, she was free from the alliance agreement with Fang Yuan, and was now Ying Wu Xie's lackey.Shi Nu was completely loyal to Ying Wu Xie.And Tai Bai Yun Sheng, who did not know the truth, was not suspicious of Ying Wu Xie. Hei Lou Lan and Ying Wu Xie had worked together to deceive him, he was still in the dark."What is going on?" Tai Bai Yun Sheng looked ahead and asked in puzzlement.Shi Nu replied heavily: "Earth Abyss is not a tranquil environment, tremors will appear at times within the earth. The tremors might cause a great cave-in, like what is happening here."A strange light flashed across Hei Lou Lan's eyes: "This cave-in is simply too terrifying."Shi Nu nodded: "Yes, each cave-in in Earth Abyss would be gigantic, endless numbers of life forms would perish. The aftermath would be a huge amount of rubble stacked together, together with the grudge and death energy of the dead life forms and their blood, countless desolate level blood beasts, bone beasts, or even blood path and earth path wild Immortal Gu would be created. Master, what do we do now?"Ying Wu Xie looked ahead, after some time, he let out a breath.He was gloomy internally, thinking: "This route is the safest way to leave Earth Abyss, previously created by Shadow Sect. I had just wanted to leave Earth Abyss, and at this timing, a cave-in happened. Coincidentally, it happened here, obstructing our path. Hehe."Ying Wu Xie mentally sneered."This is the act of heaven's will!""My main body defied heaven to refine Gu, resisting heaven's will, causing heaven's will to be expended greatly. But now it seems, heaven's will has already mostly recovered.""I still have Spring Autumn Cicada with me, it has a lot of heaven's will in it. Thus, I am like a torch in the darkness from heaven's will's perspective!""If I did not have investigative methods and did not slow down on purpose, I would be trapped inside the cave-in. Or if I was greedy in regards to the wild Immortal Gu here and refused to leave, I might be discovered by the Gu Immortals who came to investigate. Perhaps when I used the Gu formation earlier, the commotion was already detected by Heavenly Court, they have already started searching."Ying Wu Xie had obtained the guidance of his main body's will in the Red Lotus Demon Venerable true inheritance, he had a deep understanding of heaven's will.Heaven's will had its limits, it would be expended as well. But because its foundation was the world of the five regions, heaven's will could not be destroyed entirely, it could recover at a rapid speed.Regarding heaven's will, Fang Yuan was still kept in the dark, he was unaware and his knowledge could not compare with Ying Wu Xie."Heaven's will is so troublesome, a large portion of the reason is due to that bitch Star Constellation!""My current body is ordinary, I need to refine Fixed Immortal Travel to travel over the five regions. By gathering the remnant forces of Shadow Sect, I can accumulate enough strength to attempt to save my main body."Thinking of this, Ying Wu Xie thought of Fang Yuan again.Intense hatred rose inside him!"Back then, when we designed the recipe of sovereign immortal fetus Gu, my main body thought about the five regional walls. Thus, Fang Yuan can not only pass the five regional walls now, he can freely change his aura to become a Gu Immortal from any of the five regions!""However… don't think about having an easy time. Even though you are a complete otherworldly demon, and heaven's will cannot influence your thoughts, it can influence others and create situations to eliminate you.""Also, every tribulation that you undergo is the best chance for heaven's will to eradicate you.""I hope you can survive them all until I find the opportunity to eliminate you!"Even though Ying Wu Xie hated Fang Yuan, the urgent matter at hand was to save his main body's remnant soul.Right now, his main body's remnant soul was trapped in the dream realm.As everyone knew, when the soul was in the dream realm, they would slowly worn down by the dream realm. Thus, Ying Wu Xie was pressed for time greatly now.Compared to saving his main body, Fang Yuan was a minor matter.Thus, the priority of Ying Wu Xie and the others was to refine Fixed Immortal Travel and gather their remaining forces, to return to Southern Border and break through the encirclement of the Southern Border Gu Immortals around the giant dream realm, to save Spectral Soul Demon Venerable.Southern Border.Sword escape Immortal Gu activated!Swoosh.Fang Yuan's body was like a sword, sharp and cutting through the sky, forming a long white cloudy line behind him.Using sword escape Immortal Gu alone would not create this white cloudy line behind him.The problem was, Fang Yuan's injuries were very severe now.His injuries were so deep bones could be seen, cloud path dao marks were gathered in them, spilling out white clouds constantly.Fang Yuan's expression was pale, he was frowning deeply.Behind him, about ten li away, a large group of ancient cloud beasts were chasing after him.What caused Fang Yuan's injuries were these ancient cloud beasts.Even though Fang Yuan had the rank seven flying sword Immortal Gu, against cloud beasts which were similar to mud monsters, without a fixed body structure, they could not be dealt with."According to legend, Bo Qing created the immortal killer move myriad sword tribulation in the past, using flying sword Immortal Gu as the core to create ten thousand swords that shoot down like rain. After I return to Lang Ya blessed land, I must find immortal killer moves like this, I cannot have this weakness!" Such thoughts had appeared in Fang Yuan's mind multiple times.As it turned out, after Fang Yuan found out a secret of his new body, he had a new idea, abandoning his earlier plan and wanting to pass the regional walls to get back to Lang Ya blessed land.But not long after that, he unexpectedly entered the attacking range of a group of ancient cloud beasts.Cloud beasts were extremely rare, not just in Southern Border, but also the other four regions. It was no exaggeration to say that they were nearly 'extinct'.But Fang Yuan encountered a group of them, there were even ancient cloud beasts among them which had the battle strength of rank seven Gu Immortals.When ancient cloud beasts were stationary, they were like clouds, very hard to detect.Even though Fang Yuan was using investigative methods, he did not have investigative Immortal Gu, he only had mortal killer moves. Thus, he went into the territory of ancient cloud beasts.After an intense battle, he managed to escape, but the ancient cloud beasts were unwilling to let him go, they chased after him.In his vision, a trace of purple-black color could be seen from behind a mountain range.Southern Border's miasma regional wall was already within sight!Fang Yuan was overjoyed.His speed slowed drastically.He had stopped using sword escape Immortal Gu.This Immortal Gu was too expensive to use. Right now, Fang Yuan had already expended all of his Lang Ya Sect contribution points.To save costs, Fang Yuan could only use sword escape Immortal Gu at certain times to maintain a safe distance from the cloud beasts.Without sword escape Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan used mortal killer moves.As a matter of fact, the speed of movement from them could not compare to the ancient cloud beasts.A moment later, the cloud beasts were already very close to Fang Yuan, less than one li away.Seeing that the cloud beasts were near, Fang Yuan had no choice but to use sword escape Immortal Gu again.Whoosh!His speed rose again, he shrugged off the ancient cloud beast group.The purple-black miasma regional wall covered half of his vision.Finally, when Fang Yuan got to the Southern Border regional wall, he did not hesitate, entering it immediately.Zero obstruction!It was as if the miasma regional wall in front of him was an illusion.Fang Yuan was overjoyed, he clenched his fists: "As expected! I was right, this sovereign immortal fetus Gu is truly mystical! From now on, even without Fixed Immortal Travel, I can travel freely over the five regions."Of course, Fang Yuan was not only considering this."This can also help me fight. The battle with Qi Zai earlier is a prime example. From now on, I can lure Gu Immortals into the regional walls before killing them!"But his excitement only lasted for a short moment.Soon, he frowned again.Because he realized that the ancient cloud beasts behind him also went through the regional walls, with no signs of stopping the chase against him.His guess was confirmed, Fang Yuan sighed to himself: "I knew it, I am actually so unlucky!""Cloud beasts are nearly extinct in Southern Border, even if they exist, they would only be a group of one or two desolate level cloud beasts. Groups of ancient cloud beasts like this only exist in white heaven and black heaven.""Seeing how white these ancient cloud beasts are, they must have flown down from white heaven to breed their next generation."Actually, cloud beasts were a special type of life form from the immemorial nine heavens. The cloud beasts in the five regions were also all from the immemorial nine heavens.Cloud beasts had a trait.Once in a while, they would fly down from the immemorial nine heavens, landing in the five regions and storing their cloud essence in the clouds in the sky.The clouds that were storing cloud essence would not dissipate unless there was a strong external force.Hundreds of years later, these clouds would turn into cloud beasts.The infant cloud beasts were all desolate level each. Once they were alive, they would follow their instincts and fly towards the sky.Passing the heavenly wind qi wall, they would return to their origins — the immemorial nine heavens.During this process, the cloud beasts would be obstructed by the heavenly wind qi wall, and would be attacked by fierce beasts, as well as all sorts of natural phenomena causing danger. A very small number of them actually made it back to the immemorial nine heavens."I was so unlucky to actually encounter a cloud beast group after they bred, this luck is truly…" Fang Yuan was speechless."Logically speaking, I have already connected luck to many lucky people, even if my body and soul are split into two portions, my luck shouldn't be this bad. Don't tell me, to obtain sovereign immortal fetus Gu, I expended a huge amount of luck, in this way, disaster follows after great fortune?Fang Yuan flew within the miasma regional wall as a group of ancient cloud beasts followed behind him.Fang Yuan had crashed into the place where the ancient cloud beasts stored their cloud essence, to take revenge for their offspring, the ancient cloud beasts wanted to eliminate Fang Yuan, they would not let him go.As long as Fang Yuan was still injured, the cloud beasts would pursue him.The problem was, these ancient cloud beasts could also move freely within the five regional walls!

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Chapter 1045. Fortuitous Encounter or Trouble? | Reverend Insanity

Normally speaking, it was difficult for desolate beasts of the five regions to pass the regional walls and move to another region.These desolate beasts, ancient desolate beast and immemorial desolate beasts could match the respective levels of Gu Immortals, they involved the essence of their regions and as such, it was very difficult for them to leave the domain of the region they had been raised and grown in.To them, the regional walls were like shackles.Comparatively, ordinary wild beasts, beast kings or mutated beasts were much more free and could move through regional walls.This group of ancient cloud beasts that were chasing Fang Yuan, however, were not raised by Southern Border, but originated from white heaven of the immemorial nine heavens.The regional walls of the five regions had no relationship with them and did not restrict or reject them.Perhaps it was because no matter which layer of the immemorial nine heavens it was, they all covered the whole five regions.This characteristic was already widely known.Previously, when Spectral Soul Demon Venerable went against heaven's will to refine Gu, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were able to reach Southern Border so quickly because they had used Heaven Overseeing Tower to travel through white heaven.Also, Fang Yuan's stargate Gu could attract the starlight of black heaven to travel over the five regions.Both, in essence, were similar to this group of ancient cloud beasts, they all used this special characteristic of the immemorial nine heavens.Fang Yuan was rapidly moving through the regional wall.The group of ancient cloud beasts were chasing closely behind him, Fang Yuan could do nothing but let them follow.These cloud beasts were stubbornly fixed upon Fang Yuan, not willing to rest until they reached their goal.At this time, Fang Yuan couldn't help but fondly recall the benefits of Fixed Immortal Travel.If he had Fixed Immortal Travel, he could simply get away from these problems.Even if Fang Yuan was injured, there was a limit to the range the ancient cloud beasts could chase him, he could use Fixed Immortal Travel to go beyond this limit.However, Fang Yuan only had sword escape Immortal Gu as his movement Immortal Gu.If he recklessly used sword escape Immortal Gu, it could increase the distance between them, but he would have to pay a huge price.Most importantly, Fang Yuan was not fully aware of the range in which the ancient cloud beasts would continue to chase him. If this range was extremely great, even if Fang Yuan spent all his assets, it might not be enough for the expenditure of activating sword escape Immortal Gu."Lang Ya land spirit may be simple and unable to lie, but he has all along been planning against me.""Previously, he schemed against me when I was dealing with Qi Zai as well. I had to pay a considerable amount to borrow dark limit Immortal Gu.""If I impatiently try to get rid of these ancient cloud beasts, he might extort me again! After all, Luo Po valley, Dang Hun Mountain and wisdom Gu are truly tempting!"The regional wall in front of him suddenly turned into a deep blue color.Fang Yuan had already passed Southern Border's miasma regional wall and had now entered Eastern Sea's blue water regional wall.There was nothing to say, Fang Yuan concentrated on flying.The journey was unimpeded.The regional wall did not have creatures or any other obstructions.Because the regional walls of the five regions in themselves were the greatest obstruction.After flying for a while longer, Fang Yuan looked behind him, those ancient cloud beasts were still chasing him.Cloud beasts did not have any fixed shape and continued to chase like rolling clouds, white and graceful as snow. But to Fang Yuan, they looked truly troublesome.By now, Fang Yuan had already used all his contribution points from Lang Ya Sect and was starting to owe Lang Ya land spirit immortal essence stones."If not for these ancient cloud beasts, how could I go this far? Hmm? What's going on?"On the way, Fang Yuan's expression suddenly changed, his gaze enlarging in wonder.He surprisingly discovered that in this blue water regional wall, his aura was having a mysterious change.His Southern Border Gu Immortal aura was continuously growing fainter, while the aura of an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal was strengthening constantly.If Fang Yuan had activated familiar face, he would not have been so amazed.The key point was that he had not activated this killer move."Could it be that this new body can not only pass the regional walls of the five regions, but can also change my aura into the aura of that region?"Fang Yuan speculated inwardly.The moment he flew out of blue water regional wall, his Southern Border Gu Immortal aura had completely dissipated and had truly turned into one of an Eastern Sea Gu Immortal.Fang Yuan naturally was surprised and happy."This sovereign immortal fetus Gu is truly mysterious, I am not even using familiar face and my body can actually perfectly adapt to the new region, which means I won't be pushed aside by the region's Gu Immortals.""But right now, it is still better for me to use familiar face."Fang Yuan gazed at the group of ancient cloud beasts following right behind him and sighed as he activated familiar face, turning into a different appearance.He had originally wanted to quietly move through Eastern Sea and return to Northern Plains.But now, with the group of ancient cloud beasts right behind him, he had naturally dispelled this idea.Such a commotion was not what Fang Yuan wanted, but he could do nothing about it."But this place is not far away from the turbulent flow sea area. Maybe I can detour around and move towards the turbulent flow sea area, and use its environment to break away from these ancient cloud beasts?"Fang Yuan suddenly had an idea.His five hundred years of life experience as a wanderer had given him an understanding of the various environments of the five regions.After pondering for a while, Fang Yuan chose to be cautious, giving up this idea.The turbulent flow sea area was like a maze, if he was careless in entering it, he might lose his freedom and be trapped himself.According to rumors, the turbulent flow sea area was a battlefield formed after a life and death battle between powerful Gu Immortal experts. It was a bloody battlefield where many Gu Immortal experts had fallen, leaving behind many inheritances.Many Eastern Sea Gu Immortals as well as Gu Immortals of Central Continent, Northern Plains and Southern Border would come to the turbulent flow sea area to search for fortuitous encounters.Unfortunately, in his previous five hundred years of life, Fang Yuan had never heard of anyone obtaining any huge fortuitous encounter. On the contrary, he often heard of certain Gu Immortals going missing in the turbulent flow sea area. Or that certain Gu Immortals would go missing for several months or several years before they were able to free themselves and appear again in the world.The turbulent flow sea area was not dangerous, but its special environment often caused Gu Immortals to be trapped and not be able to free themselves.Fang Yuan moved like an arrow, forming a straight line in the air.He did not choose the direction of the turbulent flow sea area, instead he flew straight towards Northern Plains' regional wall.Sword escape Immortal Gu was activated, gradually getting distance from the ancient cloud beasts.He had already inquired Lang Ya land spirit for information about ancient cloud beasts, but Lang Ya land spirit did not know much.Fang Yuan then sent out dozens of wills in treasure yellow heaven to search for information on the limits of the tracking range of ancient cloud beasts, but he did not get any useful news.With no other choice, Fang Yuan could only choose to try to see if he could break free of the pursuit of these ancient cloud beasts.Making up his mind, Fang Yuan activated sword escape Immortal Gu unceasingly!Finally, he was able to throw off the ancient cloud beasts beyond his vision.Fang Yuan stopped sword escape Immortal Gu and used mortal killer moves to continue to fly.His speed naturally slowed."I have paid such a price, it would be good if I have freed myself of them." Fang Yuan was inwardly worried.Not seeing the ancient cloud beasts did not mean he had already gotten away from them.Existences that were comparable to rank seven Gu Immortals usually did not track using just sight. It depended on what the limit of their tracking range was.Right as Fang Yuan was worriedly gazing back, a blood-red ray of light suddenly flew over from the southeast direction.The blood-red light was soaring through the horizon, and when it sensed Fang Yuan's presence, it immediately lowered its speed before rapidly approaching Fang Yuan."A rank six blood path Gu Immortal, and it looks like they went through a fierce battle!" Fang Yuan frowned when he sensed the approaching aura.No matter what intention the other party had, Fang Yuan did not want to provoke any more trouble.He already had enough trouble on his hands.He still did not know if he had thrown off that group of ancient cloud beasts behind him, and there was also the earthly calamity which was going to approach in two months.Therefore, he immediately changed his direction and flew away from the approaching blood-red light.The Gu Immortal in the blood-red light sensed Fang Yuan's intent, quickly shouting: "Wait! I have found a peerless fortuitous encounter in the turbulent flow sea area, as long as you can help me resolve this crisis, I am willing to use blood oath Immortal Gu to form a pact and share this peerless fortuitous encounter with you!""Turbulent flow sea area? Peerless fortuitous encounter? There really are people who have obtained benefits?" Fang Yuan was truly surprised.Right at this time, several Gu Immortals appeared in the horizon, chasing after the blood-red light with surging momentum and emitting powerful auras.They seemed to have heard what the blood path Gu Immortal had shouted to Fang Yuan.Curses after curses began to rain down —"A blood path demon causing harm to the world, everyone must execute them!""Anyone who associates with the demon shall be killed without mercy!""Block this demon and my Tang clan will definitely reward you.""No need. I, Liu Qing Yu, have struck this demon with my immortal killer move, he definitely won't be able to escape. You there ahead, if you know what's good for you, get lost!"In an instant, Fang Yuan was subjected to the persuasion, warnings and even curses of these Eastern Sea Gu Immortals.Fang Yuan snorted.He was not someone afraid of getting into trouble, but right now, what he had to do was hurry to Lang Ya blessed land and deal with his immortal aperture's earthly calamity.He changed his direction, moving away directly from the blood path Gu Immortal.The blood path Gu Immortal felt very anxious, he had already reached his own limits, Fang Yuan was his only hope to survive.When Fang Yuan retreated, he also changed his direction, flying rapidly towards Fang Yuan."If you can help me, I am willing to hand this fortuitous encounter to you completely!" He cried out.Fang Yuan sneered, retreating without hesitation.Seeing this, one of the Eastern Sea Gu Immortals laughed loudly: "That's right! Smart guy, you know how to judge the situation, get lost quickly!"Someone else also called out: "We might as well help one another, lend a hand and we will definitely reward you after this."Fang Yuan's brows slowly started to furrow.He only wanted to quietly return to Lang Ya blessed land, why were there troublesome matters occurring one after the other. He himself did not want to engage in these troublesome matters, but they instead were taking the initiative to follow him."This is the crucial information regarding the inheritance, if you obtain it, your cultivation will definitely advance rapidly and you'd become a superior existence among immortals!" The blood path Gu Immortal threw an information path Gu worm towards Fang Yuan, attempting to lure him.Fang Yuan screamed: "Screw off!"With a wave of his hand, a powerful burst of wind destroyed the Gu worm.At the same time, he rapidly charged towards the sky.The blood path demonic cultivator was not able to plot against Fang Yuan and seeing this hopeless situation, he suddenly shot a streak of strange light towards Fang Yuan."I have already handed the crucial part of the inheritance to this person. If you guys want to get the fortuitous encounter, killing me will be of no use!" The blood path demonic cultivator yelled loudly before flying away in the opposite direction.The streak of strange light was extremely fast and soon neared Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan snorted, he very much was unwilling to provoke trouble, he shouted in a stern voice: "I have important matters to deal with, do not provoke me!"Saying this, he simultaneous activated Sword Escape and Flying Sword, these two rank seven Immortal Gu.Sword Escape increased his speed while flying sword Immortal Gu shattered the strange light."Ah, two rank seven Immortal Gu!""Who is this person?!"Fang Yuan's power had suddenly erupted, the group of immortals were astonished, their expressions changed in an instant.

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