
Chapter: 1031-1035:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1031. Flawless | Reverend Insanity

Hei Lou Lan was startled and furious.Ying Wu Xie's sudden declaration made her situation very passive.Even though Hei Lou Lan did not know that Ying Wu Xie was one of Spectral Soul's split souls, she had experienced the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, she was aware that Ying Wu Xie, Shadow Sect, and Spectral Soul were on the same side.In the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Hei Lou Lan's aunts, Blazing Heaven Demoness and Fairy Li Shan, had died one after the other.These two people were the only two remaining family members that Hei Lou Lan cared about.As Shadow Sect was the culprit for killing Blazing Heaven Demoness and Fairy Li Shan, Hei Lou Lan's hatred was immense.Ying Wu Xie knew this but disregarded it, he directly approached her and forced Hei Lou Lan to surrender.If she did not, he would kill her!Even though Ying Wu Xie was in Fang Yuan's body and was a rank six immortal zombie, he had the rank seven Gu Immortal Shi Nu with him, who had high battle strength. Most crucially, he had a super Gu formation set up here.It was able to prevent Heavenly Court from investigating the place, and could resist the attacks of the wild beasts living in Earth Abyss. Being able to protect Bo Qing's remnant soul for so many years, this Gu formation was extraordinary.This was Ying Wu Xie's greatest assurance.Even though Ying Wu Xie was only a split soul, he had inherited Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's killing nature and firm personality.Hei Lou Lan's expression was dark, deep hatred was flickering in her eyes."Since Ying Wu Xie is fearlessly challenging me, he surely has made preparations and is fully confident. The other party's capabilities are unfathomable, and they have a close relationship with Spectral Soul Demon Venerable. If I resist, I would likely end up dead. I can only endure this and find a good opportunity later…"While having such thoughts, Hei Lou Lan snorted, speaking: "Your Shadow Sect killed two of my family members, you want me to join you, aren't you afraid I will betray you?""Hehehe." Ying Wu Xie's laughter could be heard: "What is there to fear?"Pausing for a while, he continued: "Firstly, I am strong while you are weak, there is nothing to fear. Secondly, I have information path methods to restrict you using an alliance agreement. Thirdly, I understand your personality. You have not taken revenge yet, Hei Cheng is still alive, are you satisfied with this ending? Even if you already had killed Hei Cheng, you would endure this for now and cultivate, finding a chance to take revenge in the future."Hei Lou Lan was silent.Hearing that Ying Wu Xie was so aware of her personality, Hei Lou Lan's heart sank.Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated, Hei Lou Lan did not expect Ying Wu Xie to know so much about her. In contrast, she knew nearly nothing about him.This was caused by Fang Yuan.Back then, Old Man Yan Shi in Shadow Sect found out something wrong with Fang Yuan and used heavenly secret Gu to deduce matters about him.As someone close to Fang Yuan, Hei Lou Lan was implicated, Shadow Sect collected information about her, deducing many details.Ying Wu Xie originally did not know, but because of the Red Lotus true inheritance in the River of Time, he received the guidance of Spectral Soul's will, he learned much about Hei Lou Lan.Seeing Hei Lou Lan become silent, Ying Wu Xie showed great patience, he did not rush her.There was only a hint of light in this simple room.Hei Lou Lan's entire body was nearly shrouded in darkness.A long while later, she spoke: "You want to recruit me to deal with whom? If you want me to fight against Heavenly Court, you might as well kill me now.""Hahaha." Ying Wu Xie laughed:" No need to probe me, Hei Lou Lan. I want to recruit you to deal with Fang Yuan!"Bright light flashed in Hei Lou Lan's eyes, her pitch became higher: "Oh, it seems Fang Yuan isn't dead yet?""Not only did he survive, he has obtained great gains!" Hatred could not be concealed in Ying Wu Xie's tone."You want to make use of me to harm Fang Yuan and take Hu Immortal blessed land for you?" Hei Lou Lan continued asking."Hmph." Ying Wu Xie smiled coldly: "Fang Yuan's Hu Immortal blessed land and Star Form blessed land should be empty already. The cultivation resources inside, including Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po valley, were all moved to Lang Ya blessed land.""Lang Ya blessed land?""Hehe, it is the place where you and Fairy Li Shan fought against Qin Bai Sheng, Hei Cheng, and Jiang Yu. Why? Fang Yuan didn't tell you?" Ying Wu Xie asked.Hei Lou Lan sank into silence.Ying Wu Xie continued: "Lang Ya blessed land was the immortal aperture left behind by Long Hair Ancestor. It is a former grotto-heaven that had fallen to a blessed land. But its foundation is so abundant that it could be said to be the number one blessed land in the five regions. Imperial Court blessed land is already destroyed, no other blessed lands can match it.""Fang Yuan not only moved his resources into Lang Ya blessed land, he even joined Lang Ya Sect, betraying humans and becoming the lackey of hairy men."Hei Lou Lan heard this and her gaze flickered.Ying Wu Xie seemed to know her thoughts, he continued speaking with a smile: "You guessed right. I have an insider in Lang Ya blessed land. I know everything that happens inside Lang Ya blessed land. Fang Yuan will not be running around for long, you can only survive by joining me."The sights of Yi Tian Mountain appeared in Hei Lou Lan's mind again.Spectral Soul's gigantic body was deeply ingrained in her mind."Spectral Soul Demon Venerable…" Hei Lou Lan muttered internally, she gradually closed her eyes, saying solemnly: "The circumstances are not in my favor, I will join you. But I will remind you, even if you want me to deal with Fang Yuan, we still have an active alliance agreement.""Merely an alliance agreement, I can get rid of it for you easily." Ying Wu Xie said confidently.But Hei Lou Lan said: "Are you sure? Back then, when we made the alliance agreement, it was stated very clearly, if any side breaks the alliance agreement, the other party would not need to follow it anymore."Ying Wu Xie felt that this was turning troublesome: "Oh? So if I help you get rid of the alliance agreement, I will be helping Fang Yuan indirectly?"Hei Lou Lan nodded: "Precisely."Fang Yuan had included this line back then because he was afraid of Fairy Li Shan secretly removing the alliance agreement. After all, she primarily cultivated information path, Fang Yuan had to guard against her.But things changed too quickly, unexpected events happened in life.Fairy Li Shan died, and Ying Wu Xie wanted to help Hei Lou Lan remove the alliance agreement."The essence of alliance agreements is the use of information path methods to leave information path dao marks on both the body and the soul. To remove the alliance agreement, I have to get rid of the information path dao marks." Ying Wu Xie thought."It is very easy for me to get rid of Hei Lou Lan's information path dao marks, using this super Gu formation and my Gu worms, I can accomplish it. But this way, I will be helping Fang Yuan too."Ying Wu Xie did not want that.In his opinion, the best situation would be that Hei Lou Lan was free from the alliance agreement, while Fang Yuan was still restricted by it.In this way, he could use Hei Lou Lan to deal with Fang Yuan, he would have a huge advantage."Actually, it is not impossible to achieve that. As long as I can find the corresponding information path dao marks and remove them first."On Hei Lou Lan's body, there had to be one or multiple information path dao marks that represented the condition, 'if one side breaks the alliance agreement, the other party did not need to follow it'.And these information path dao marks had to be related to the other information path dao marks.Ying Wu Xie only needed to remove these information path dao marks first, before removing the others to achieve the result that he wanted. In the future, he could use this alliance agreement to restrict Fang Yuan."But to do that, it is very difficult…" Ying Wu Xie was frowning more deeply.Using an inappropriate analogy, the alliance agreement between Fang Yuan and Hei Lou Lan was like two interlinked bombs strapped onto them.Whichever side broke the alliance agreement would cause their bomb to explode, and they would suffer a severe punishment.Ying Wu Xie had the ability to remove Hei Lou Lan's bomb now, but that would cause Fang Yuan's bomb to deactivate as well.This was not what Ying Wu Xie wanted.But to get the result he wanted, he needed to get rid of Hei Lou Lan's bomb while finding that crucial wire or multiple wires to remove first.It was very difficult to do that.Ying Wu Xie did not have the attainment level, and he did not have corresponding Immortal Gu either."Damn it… this Fang Yuan does things so flawlessly!" Ying Wu Xie felt stifled internally.If it were before the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, it would be easy for him to do this. He only needed to ask the other members of Shadow Sect to do it, there was even Spectral Soul's main body!But the situation now was different from the past.After the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, Shadow Sect's plan failed, they faced massive losses, only a small portion of their forces were left in the five regions.Ying Wu Xie knew that even if he rebuilt Shadow Sect and combined all of the remaining forces, he could not reach its former level again."In this way, Hei Lou Lan's value is greatly diminished. Should I kill her and turn her into a Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie, allowing me to obtain a life-and-death immortal aperture to revive?"Ying Wu Xie had an idea.But after considering it, he gave up on the idea."Reviving with a life-and-death immortal aperture has a huge flaw, if I am unlucky, the immortal aperture might explode. I might as well use normal immortal zombies to create a stable life-and-death immortal aperture."Thinking about the life-and-death immortal aperture, Ying Wu Xie naturally thought about sovereign immortal fetus Gu.At once, he gritted his teeth, feeling his hatred towards Fang Yuan intensify.After Shadow Sect created the life-and-death immortal aperture revival method, they had performed many experiments and found lots of problems with it. Next, they paid a huge price to modify it step by step. Eventually, even Spectral Soul's main body joined in, using the essence of human path, transformation path, and heaven path to create the Immortal Gu recipe for sovereign immortal fetus Gu.Fang Yuan snatched sovereign immortal fetus Gu and obtained the nine-five sovereign immortal aperture, he ascended to heaven in a single leap!Shadow Sect's countless years of effort and hard work had turned to nothing.Such deep hatred could not be expressed in words."Forget it, I should let Hei Lou Lan off. I am too short on manpower now, Hei Lou Lan's aptitude is great, she can be a very good lackey.""Fang Yuan! You will end up in my hands one day, by then, I will pull out all of your tendons, I will use every inch of flesh and skin on your body to refine the sovereign immortal fetus Gu again!!"

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Chapter 1032. Treasure Yellow Heaven Transports Gu Worms | Reverend Insanity

"Well? Have you considered it? You are an external supreme elder of Lang Ya Sect, you can use your sect contribution points to exchange for the method." Lang Ya land spirit smiled.Over in Central Continent, Hei Lou Lan was forced by Ying Wu Xie and had no choice but to submit, Fang Yuan did not know this and was contacting Lang Ya land spirit.Speaking of the method to counter Spring Autumn Cicada, Lang Ya land spirit was indeed formed from Long Hair Ancestor, he had a deep foundation.In their earlier conversation, Fang Yuan was shocked to find out that Lang Ya land spirit had more than ten methods! All of them were effective in dealing with Spring Autumn Cicada.These methods involved many aspects, with so many choices, at this moment, Fang Yuan felt a bit uncertain.But he quickly focused his mind, asking as he thought of something: "I have a question, how many sect contribution points do I have?""Three hundred!" Lang Ya land spirit hesitated for a moment before answering."Three hundred…" Fang Yuan frowned, he knew that he had not done anything for Lang Ya Sect yet after joining it. This amount of sect contribution was obtained because he had lent Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po valley, and wisdom Gu to Lang Ya land spirit.However, either of Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po valley, or wisdom Gu were unparalleled things, they were only worth three hundred sect contribution points?Immediately, Fang Yuan had some suspicion, but he did not question him, he asked in a roundabout manner: "First supreme elder, I am not sure how your three hundred points were calculated, I would like you to explain for me."Lang Ya land spirit heard Fang Yuan call him 'first supreme elder' and felt very pleased internally.He said frankly: "This is very simple. Dang Hun Mountain counts as a hundred, Luo Po valley counts as a hundred, and wisdom Gu is also a hundred."Fang Yuan's tone became lower: "Wisdom Gu is a rank nine Immortal Gu, why is it worth the same number as Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po valley?""No need to be suspicious." Lang Ya land spirit quickly answered: "You lent all three of them to the sect, but my Lang Ya Sect has to bear the expenditure of the earth qi, and the feeding of wisdom Gu. Three hundred sect contribution points are given to you according to the rules in the sect. I know that fairness is required for a sect to grow, don't worry, we will not shortchange whatever is rightfully yours, but we will also not give you extra that you did not earn."After pausing for a while, Lang Ya land spirit continued: "Of course, if you contributed them to the sect, the contribution points would be much higher! It is possible for you to become the first supreme elder of the sect as well."Fang Yuan heard this and couldn't help but feel excitement.Becoming the first supreme elder of Lang Ya Sect, wouldn't he obtain the highest authority? Even if he was not the owner of Lang Ya blessed land, he would be able to mobilize the hairy man Gu Immortals inside Lang Ya blessed land, right?But quickly, Lang Ya land spirit said: "But for you to become the first supreme elder, you need to get rid of your human status and become a true hairy man. Only an exceptional hairy man can be the leader of the hairy men!"Lang Ya land spirit's tone was full of confidence towards the ideology of hairy man rulership.Fang Yuan dispelled his earlier thoughts.He had no doubt that Lang Ya land spirit had methods to turn humans into hairy men. But if Fang Yuan became a hairy man, the price was too great.Most fundamentally, the current trend of human dominance could not be overturned. Hairy men and other variant humans, even if they became immortals, would be pushed aside and ostracized.Furthermore, hairy men and the other variant humans were flawed to begin with, they could not become rank nine venerables.Fang Yuan aspired to reach immortality, cultivation was only a tool. But evidently, the higher his cultivation level, the closer he would be to this goal.This logic was simple. Between an ant and a tree, which one was closer to eternal life?Fang Yuan only had three hundred sect contribution points, Lang Ya land spirit calculated the amount very precisely. He did not give Fang Yuan one point less or one point more.Fang Yuan sensed keenly that these three hundred sect contribution points were very precious, they had great value, if he used them wisely, they would be a huge help towards him!Thus, after he thought over it, he did not spend these contribution points rashly to obtain one of the ways to counter Spring Autumn Cicada.At the other end, Lang Ya land spirit said: "Sect contribution points are meant to be used. Don't be too stingy with them, we have many sect missions for you. As long as you complete one, your sect contribution points will increase.""Oh? What kinds of missions?" Fang Yuan asked lightly.Lang Ya land spirit wanted to make use of Fang Yuan's strength, he naturally explained them to him.Fang Yuan soon shook his head, disappointment was all over his face.These sect missions were split into two types. One was to collect Gu refinement materials, the other was to spar with the hairy man Gu Immortals and nurture their fighting skills.Earlier, after Qin Bai Sheng and the rest attacked Lang Ya blessed land, Lang Ya land spirit turned from the shape of a human and white haired land spirit to a hairy man and black haired land spirit, the management of Lang Ya blessed land had changed drastically.The black haired land spirit wanted hairy men to be the rulers, the overlords of the Gu world, to trample on humans and all other races.Thus, he tried to train his hairy man Gu Immortals, wanting to raise their battle strength.Before this, these hairy man Gu Immortals only knew how to refine Gu, they did not even train normally, their battle strength could not be said to even be at the dregs.Currently, Fang Yuan did not have the time to help the black haired land spirit search for Gu refinement materials, or be the nanny of the hairy man Gu Immortals."How about this, first supreme elder, I lack Gu worms now. Could you buy some Southern Border Gu worms from treasure yellow heaven and inspect to check that they are not tampered with. If they are fine, send them over to me." Fang Yuan changed the topic, listing his needs.Lang Ya land spirit did not reject this.Batches of Gu worms quickly passed through connecting heaven Gu via treasure yellow heaven, reaching Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture.The first batch was a large number of mortal Gu, including wine sack flower Gu, rice pouch grass Gu, spring water Gu, eating wind drinking dew Gu and others.The situation now was different.Earlier, Fang Yuan was an immortal zombie, he did not need to eat.But now that he had revived, his body was alive, he needed to consume food and water.Even Gu Immortals would die if they did not eat. Unless they had the relevant food path dao marks.Other than these food path mortal Gu, there was also some clothing Gu.Fang Yuan was not satisfied with fire cape Gu and flying smoke Gu, the effect of the flames was too eye catching, they were unnecessary.After acquiring these clothing Gu, he immediately changed his clothes.There were also Gu for housing.For example, the wood path Gu worm, three star cave.After it was used, it would turn into a tree house with space in the trunk.The second batch provided was moving perspective cup Gu and stargate Gu.It was not safe to use treasure yellow heaven.Treasure yellow heaven was an open market, it was not a secret channel.Moving perspective cup Gu used the Space Door to transport objects, it bypassed the five region's regional walls, it was a superb mortal Gu!Be it the moving perspective cup Gu recipe or stargate Gu recipe, Lang Ya land spirit had already obtained them from Fang Yuan.According to the previous Lang Ya land spirit's personality, he would have refined a lot of them.Thus, these two Gu worms were directly taken out from Lang Ya blessed land. Once they entered treasure yellow heaven, the two Gu worms shined with bright treasure light, it drew the attention of many Gu Immortals.They were mortal Gu, but the treasure light was really very bright, it was out of the ordinary.This special situation drew the attention of many Gu Immortals, they went to ask but Lang Ya land spirit rejected them.The third batch was also mortal Gu, they came from Lang Ya Sect's storage, Fang Yuan wanted to use them to test his sovereign immortal aperture.The earlier tests were only observations on the surface.To learn about the secrets of the sovereign immortal aperture, he needed to use Gu worms as tools.The fourth batch was the main objective.Sword Immortal Bo Qing's sword path Immortal Gu!Fang Yuan stole quite a number of Immortal Gu from immortal zombie Bo Qing, he used the light of wisdom and wisdom path methods to deceive these Immortal Gu temporarily, as he gradually refined them.Before joining the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, he only managed to refine change soul Immortal Gu. And during the crucial moment in the battle of Yi Tian Mountain, he used it to turn the situation around.Right now, change soul Immortal Gu was still in Fang Yuan's hands.As for the other sword path Immortal Gu, they were filled with Bo Qing's will, they were much harder to refine compared to change soul Immortal Gu. They were left inside Hu Immortal blessed land, and were not brought to Yi Tian Mountain by Fang Yuan.After all, these Immortal Gu were not refined, they could not be used even if they were brought.As it turned out, it was lucky that Fang Yuan did not bring them.Otherwise, according to what happened, these Immortal Gu would be left in his body and become Ying Wu Xie's property.These sword path Immortal Gu were the rank eight wisdom sword Gu, rank seven sword escape Gu. rank seven sword eyebrows Gu and rank seven flying sword Gu.Lang Ya land spirit only sent sword escape Immortal Gu and flying sword Gu over to Fang Yuan.The two of them made an instant transaction.At the first moment, Fang Yuan used a rock that he picked up to buy sword escape Immortal Gu and flying sword Gu."The treasure light is hundreds of meters tall, what happened?""Transaction of Immortal Gu!!""How is this possible?""I saw it earlier. Someone bought two rank seven Immortal Gu immediately, they were so fast that no one could react.""Buying two rank seven Immortal Gu? Heavens! I do not even have a single rank six Immortal Gu, who is that rich?"The earlier few batches of Gu worms had already attracted some attention. With this transfer, involving Immortal Gu, heated discussions were occurring in treasure yellow heaven!The trading of Immortal Gu was usually done through exchanges of Immortal Gu, they were rare even in treasure yellow heaven.Thus, Fang Yuan and Lang Ya land spirit's transaction was like a rock that was thrown into a calm lake, ripples formed immediately."Two Immortal Gu… each having around three hundred meters of treasure light. But the other party paid with a rock." A lucky Gu Immortal who witnessed the transaction transmitted using his divine sense.This information caused more heated discussion between Gu Immortals again."Impossible!""A rock? Are you kidding me?""This is not a normal transaction, they are using treasure yellow heaven to transfer Gu worms.""Even if they are transporting Immortal Gu, it is very rare. Treasure yellow heaven's fee is charged according to the treasure light's height."At once, countless divine senses conversed in treasure yellow heaven, the wills of many Gu Immortals were engaging in conversation enthusiastically.The commotion was similar to a mortal fish market.Because of Fang Yuan and Lang Ya land spirit, the entirety of treasure yellow heaven was in chaos.

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Chapter 1033. Taking Large Strides With Unwavering Determination | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border, on the peak of a nameless mountain.Fang Yuan held sword escape Immortal Gu in his left hand, and flying sword Gu in his right hand.He observed them.Sword escape Immortal Gu was like a golden bee, while flying sword Immortal Gu was like a silver winged dragonfly.Both had their merits.The first was a movement Immortal Gu, it was extremely fast, not inferior to the rank seven qi escape Immortal Gu. The second was very famous in history, it was Bo Qing's most used offensive and defensive Gu worm.The aura of rank seven was oozing.Fang Yuan smiled as he stored the two Immortal Gu.After Yi Tian Mountain, the sword path Immortal Gu were all successfully refined under the light of wisdom, becoming Fang Yuan's Gu.These two Immortal Gu were among them, Fang Yuan could use them now.With these two Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan felt more assured about his safety.Earlier, he had attitude Gu, change soul Immortal Gu, and unravel mystery Immortal Gu, he lacked movement and attacking methods. With these two Immortal Gu now, Fang Yuan's weakness was alleviated, his battle strength surged!If he met Huo Kong Dong again, Fang Yuan could use his Immortal Gu to kill him.He had stopped using connecting heaven Gu.Because Lang Ya land spirit sent Sword Escape and Flying Sword, two rank seven Immortal Gu, treasure yellow heaven was in a commotion, more and more Gu Immortals were joining in and discussing the matter.In the Gu Immortal world, rank six Gu Immortals were the majority.And among them, a large portion did not have any rank six Immortal Gu.Thus, this transaction that involved two rank seven Immortal Gu had such a huge impact.Treasure yellow heaven was an open market, secrets could not be kept. Fang Yuan had no choice but to use treasure yellow heaven to transport his Immortal Gu.After obtaining two sword path Immortal Gu, he stopped using connecting heaven Gu, allowing treasure yellow heaven to dwell in that commotion on its own.Using moving perspective cup Gu, he continued to communicate with Lang Ya land spirit."Just now, you spent thirty sect contribution points." Lang Ya land spirit said.It was not free to use treasure yellow heaven to transport Gu worms.Treasure yellow heaven would take a cut from every transaction. According to the treasure light, the higher it was, the larger the processing fee.The processing fee was paid by Lang Ya land spirit, he converted them into sect contribution points in Lang Ya Sect and deducted them from Fang Yuan.Thus, Fang Yuan's sect contribution points fell, he had two hundred and seventy left.Of course, a portion of the thirty points had been used on Fang Yuan's purchase of different mortal Gu."I want to talk to you about the trade of guts Gu." Fang Yuan replied.This discussion took a long time.Only until late at night, both sides came to a detailed agreement, concluding their negotiation.Trade of guts Gu!Fang Yuan's eyes shone, excitement was still lingering on his face.The winds of night blew, they were cold but were unable to extinguish the fire inside him.All along, Fang Yuan's guts Gu trade had been restricted by the number of hairy man slaves.Because guts Gu needed airsac Gu as the container to leave Dang Hun Mountain, and to be sold outside. But airsac Gu needed Hei Lou Lan's strength qi Immortal Gu as the Gu refinement material, and the hairy man slaves needed to refine it continuously.Now, Hei Lou Lan was missing, and strength qi Immortal Gu was not with Fang Yuan.But this was okay. Long ago, Fang Yuan had used the light of wisdom to deduce a new recipe. He had been keeping it a secret because he wanted to maintain his cooperation with Hei Lou Lan.Therefore, the number of hairy man slaves was the main limitation towards this trade.And it was very difficult to increase the number of hairy man slaves.Firstly, hairy man slaves were the most expensive among variant human slaves in treasure yellow heaven. Especially those skilled in refinement, they were even pricier.Secondly, the process of refining Gu was filled with danger, hairy man slaves would die during the process. Thus, even though Fang Yuan replenished many hairy man slaves, inside Hu Immortal blessed land, their numbers did not increase.Fang Yuan wanted to raise his own hairy men, but because he did not have the methods to do so, he could not execute this idea.But right now!Fang Yuan had joined Lang Ya Sect.How many hairy men were there in Lang Ya blessed land?It was an unimaginable number.This blessed land was perhaps the most populous location for hairy men in the whole five regions.Fang Yuan had his motives in lending Dang Hun Mountain and Luo Po valley to Lang Ya Sect.Using the vast number of hairy men in Lang Ya blessed land to refine airsac Gu for him, the number of guts Gu produced would far exceed Fang Yuan's previous scale, his profits would rise to an unprecedented level."As long as it is inside treasure yellow heaven, even if Central Continent attempts to suppress it, so what? The trade of guts Gu will not be affected.""I am really excited. According to our negotiation, even if Lang Ya Sect takes more than half of the benefits, my profits each month from the guts Gu trade would reach six thousand immortal essence stones!"Before this, Fang Yuan's total profits, including his other businesses, only reached two thousand immortal essence stones a month.Now that he joined Lang Ya Sect, with just the guts Gu trade, he could obtain six thousand immortal essence stones a month.This was a number that many rank six Gu Immortals could not imagine!After rebirth, Fang Yuan had joined Lang Ya Sect after deep and careful consideration.Firstly, one day, when Fang Yuan faces the pursuit of the entire world, which place was more reliable than Lang Ya blessed land? Others were targeting Fang Yuan's Giant Sun true inheritance, but they were also after Lang Ya blessed land. After Lang Ya land spirit transformed, he wanted to strengthen the hairy man race, he was a natural ally for Fang Yuan.Secondly, Lang Ya blessed land was very powerful, it resisted seven waves of attacks in the five hundred years of his previous life.Thirdly, Lang Ya land spirit could not lie, Fang Yuan would easily sense it should he decide to turn on him.With these three reasons, Fang Yuan joined Lang Ya Sect.Indeed, on the first night after reviving, he obtained a huge benefit.Fang Yuan not only used Lang Ya land spirit to solve his dangerous situation, he even used Lang Ya blessed land's foundation to increase his wealth."I have passed the weakest period after revival. Now, I need to inspect my nine-five sovereign immortal aperture."This was a night without stars in the sky, cold winds were blowing.Fang Yuan entered the house Gu, after eating food, he inspected his immortal aperture.With so many mortal Gu, his efficiency in inspecting it was higher.It was a sleepless night.Around dawn, Fang Yuan left the three star cave Gu, seeing the start of the sunrise.Southern Border was mountainous and foggy, when the sun rises, it would make the direction where it was facing look like a burning cloud.As the sun rose, the first light of dawn could be seen as golden-red traces.Soon, light burst out, bringing heat along with it, like metal that had just come out of the furnace.The morning sun ascended slowly, the clouds between the mountain peaks were moving about, beautiful lights were created after the rays of sunlight hit them, there were gorgeous red clouds in the sky.In Fang Yuan's heart, a grand feeling of ambition was brewing."Ambitious mountains with steps firm as steel, taking large strides with unwavering determination. Taking risks to obtain the essence of the universe, my heart still seeks to rise beyond heaven."As he recited, Fang Yuan opened his arms like a bird, jumping down the cliff before ascending rapidly. It was as if he was stepping on the clouds, flying towards the south-east direction.After this night, he gained a greater understanding of the sovereign immortal aperture.The immortal aperture had a huge space of over 335000km2. Not just that, there were rich time path resources, one day in the outside world was two months inside the sovereign immortal aperture.Hei Lou Lan's aperture, with her having the Great Strength True Martial Physique, was only at a one to thirty-eight ratio with the outside world's time.But Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal aperture was one to sixty, it greatly exceeded that of Hei Lou Lan.But compared to the space in the immortal aperture, the time path aspect was not as impressive.But this was a huge relief to Fang Yuan.When the time flow in the immortal aperture was fast, calamities and tribulations would occur more frequently, and Fang Yuan would have bigger problems dealing with them.Perhaps Spectral Soul had considered this point when he was refining the Gu, at a ratio of one to sixty, it surpassed super grade blessed lands, but was not too exaggerated, Fang Yuan could handle it, although with difficulty.Other than time path resources, Fang Yuan also found sixteen beads of green grape immortal essence in his sovereign immortal aperture.An immortal aperture that was alive was different from a dead one, it could produce immortal essence.Sixteen beads of immortal essence in a day, that meant four hundred and eighty in a month, it was extraordinary, far surpassing Fang Yuan's previous life.Fang Yuan also found that his body was full of dao marks.These dao marks were of all paths. Fire path, water path, wood path, light path, dark path… even poison path and luck path were encompassed within.What shocked Fang Yuan more was that these dao marks were not just high in variety, they were also of a large quantity.He could vaguely estimate that on average, each path had around a hundred dao marks.A hundred dao marks could amplify the effect of Gu worms by ten percent.No wonder Fang Yuan could use the fire path fire cape Gu and flying smoke Gu to such an extent.But this discovery did not make Fang Yuan happy, he felt a bit grim.Gu Immortals usually pursued one type of dao mark.Because dao marks could amplify the effect of Gu worms, they could also weaken and counteract them.For example, when a Gu Immortal who cultivates water path and has water path dao marks all over their body uses a fire path mortal Gu, the effect would be worse than a mortal Gu Master.Even if Gu Immortals cultivated more than one path, they would choose one to be primarily used.This was common sense in the Gu Immortal world."But strangely, I used the mortal Gu of so many paths, but I did not feel any resistance and weakening from the dao marks of other paths. In fact, the amplification is working normally. This goes against the logic of the cultivation world, what is going on?""There is another point, any Gu Master who ascends to immortal has a vital Gu. But my sovereign immortal aperture does not have one. What is going on?"Towards the mystical properties of the sovereign immortal aperture, the deeper Fang Yuan explored it, the more questions appeared in his mind."I have already used all my methods for yesterday's investigation. It seems that to understand the mysteries behind the sovereign immortal aperture, I need to get answers from Spectral Soul, Shadow Sect and Ying Wu Xie.""But near Yi Tian Mountain, the changes are too large, with the dream realm manifested, Southern Border Gu Immortals would seal it up and turn it into a forbidden area for outsiders. And I also do not know Ying Wu Xie's location.""Forget it, the matter at hand is to find Southern Border's current generation Ni Xiang!"

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Chapter 1034. Man-made Disaster | Reverend Insanity

Southern Border, Rotten Mud Mountain.It was noon, the sun was high in the air, it was a clear sky with no clouds in sight.At a certain area in a forest at the back of Rotten Mud Mountain, a youngster was fighting with a mature bear.The atmosphere was tense.The bear stood as tall as three meters in height, it had a bulky body and brown fur which was thick and shiny. At this moment, the bear was opening its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth as its red eyes stared at the young man with a ruthless look.The young man who was facing this bear was only fifteen or sixteen years old.He was only five and a half feet tall, compared to the bear, he was tiny and weak.But the young man's eyes were shining with vigor, he dared to face the bear head on, without any fear.Roar!The brown bear growled, opening its mouth and pouncing at the young man.The brown bear might look clumsy and heavy, but any experienced hunter would know that it had incredible explosive strength.When the brown bear moves from a still position, its speed rises rapidly as it pushes forward!The young man only felt a gust of wind as the bear suddenly arrived in front of him.The young man's expression did not change, he activated his Gu worm during the crucial moment.His movement Gu allowed him to move away by a certain distance.The brown bear missed its target, it crashed into the tree behind the young man.With a loud sound, the thick tree trunk was snapped by the brown bear.With the falling of the tree, another loud sound was heard as it slammed on the ground.The surrounding birds flew away in panic.The young man let out a breath of cold air, thinking: Thankfully, I dodged in time. If this bear hit me directly, even if I had defensive Gu worms, my bones would break and I would suffer heavy injuries.However, after dodging this attack, the battle tilted in favor of the young man.The young man's eyes shined brightly, he cried out: "Stupid bear, feel the power of my sword qi Gu!"Before he finished speaking, he had already stretched out his middle and index fingers on his right hand, pointing at the brown bear.The next moment.Whoosh.With a soft sound, a burst of pale white translucent sword qi shot out of the young man's fingers.The sword qi flew through the air, hitting the brown bear's back.But there was the aura of wild Gu on the brown bear. The fur on its back turned firm, becoming hard plates.The sword qi hit the hard plates and made a buzzing sound, as the sword qi dispersed.The brown bear's bulky body was completely uninjured.It shook its head as it recovered from the dizziness earlier, it turned around towards the young man.The young man was dumbfounded."What? This bear has a wild defensive Gu. How can my sword qi Gu hit it? Grandpa, did you intentionally put the wild Gu on that brown bear?" The young man shouted."Hehehe, grandson, I walked along the mountain's paths for over ten li to find this brown bear. It is a great opponent for you." From the tree branches, a voice said this.It turned out that the young man's grandfather had been sitting on top of the tree, watching his grandson fight this brown bear.The young man's strongest method was sword qi Gu.But against the brown bear, it had little effect. Each sword qi could only shave off some of the bear's fur.There was no choice, the young man could only dodge everywhere.The brown bear attacked fiercely, but it was a beast, it did not have enough intelligence.Even though the young man could not defeat the bear, he was agile and had much experience. Because of that, he dodged everywhere while causing the bear to crash into trees while fighting.Seeing the young man's difficult state, the grandfather laughed: "Rascal, do you know sword qi Gu's weakness now? It attacks by piercing, once it is countered, you will waste your primeval essence with no damage dealt. Come, catch this Gu."Saying this, the grandfather tossed a Gu worm to the young man.In order to receive the Gu worm, the young man was almost hit by the brown bear, he tumbled to the ground.But because he reacted quickly, he rolled away from the brown bear's bite.After getting some distance, he jumped and stood up again."This is muddy Gu!"The young man cried out, recognizing this Gu worm.This Gu worm was not his, but his grandfather had lent it to him, the young man could use it with no problem.After injecting primeval essence into muddy Gu, the Gu worm shined with a murky light.The young man's hand flicked, and the murky light on the Gu worm left his hand, landing below the bear's feet.Gugugu…A large amount of bubbles emerged from the soil below the brown bear's feet.In the blink of an eye, this area became a pile of soft mud.The brown bear's two feet were stuck inside the mud.It struggled intensely, shaking off a lot of the mud on it.The young man was hit by mud on his body and face, but he did not care, he used muddy Gu again.The murky light went into the pile of mud again.The brown bear was already stuck at the bottom of the mud, it struggled and was about to get out.But because of the light, the mud deepened.The brown bear's four limbs were stuck inside, the more it struggled, the more it sank.The bear stood on two legs, but the depth of the mud was already at its waist.When the young man used muddy Gu for a third time, victory was decided.The brown bear sank again, eventually, only its head was exposed, it growled, unwilling to give in."I finally won." The young man was tired, he sat on the ground, breathing roughly.His face was pale, his primeval essence was almost expended.With a soft sound, the young man's grandfather jumped down from the tree, floating down slowly for several meters, landing in front of the young man."Rascal, you know the advantages of muddy Gu now? Without this Gu, how could you defeat the brown bear?" The grandfather chided.The young man did not answer, he breathed roughly for a few seconds before snorting, looking at his grandfather: "Grandpa, you did this on purpose. I know you want me to give up on sword path and cultivate our Ni clan's specialty, earth path, right?"The grandfather raised his finger and tapped the young man's head, he said in a loving but bitter tone: "Rascal, you are smart, it would be great if you could use it on your earth path cultivation."The young man had his face in his hands, saying: "But I like sword qi. It is so cool when I shoot out sword qi. Earth path is so lame, grandpa, look at me, I am covered in mud. After one battle, I lose all my coolness."The grandfather heard this and stared with wide eyes, about to scold him further.But at this moment, the bells from the base of the mountain started to ring.Both of them were startled.The young man jumped up, standing and looking at the base of the mountain, saying anxiously: "Ah! This is the alert bell Gu of the clan. The bell is ringing so rapidly, what happened?"Go!" The grandfather was more direct, he stretched out his arm and grabbed the young man, running towards the base of the mountain rapidly.The young man felt the wind blowing past him, all he saw were shadows of trees that rapidly moved behind him.He was shocked: "This is the power of a rank five Gu Master? Such speed…"After a dozen breaths of time, the young man's vision returned to normal as his grandfather put him down.With the sudden deceleration, he felt queasy, his stomach was churning as he almost vomited."Lord clan leader.""Greetings to lord clan leader."The young man heard the voices of clan elders.He tried to stand up, but realized that he was already at the wall surrounding Ni clan village.The young man's grandfather was Ni Kun, the current leader of Ni clan and a rank five Gu Master.Ni Kun frowned, asking with a serious expression: "What happened? Why was alert bell Gu used consecutively?""Clan leader, the matter is urgent, take a look!"A clan elder used the clan's Gu formation, this was an investigative Gu formation, it was directed to Ni Kun.Ni Kun's vision flashed with all sorts of images, in an instant, he saw a scene a hundred li away from the village.His breathing paused, he frowned as he showed confusion on his face: "A beast tide! Strange, we had already survived a beast tide a year ago. And the surrounding beast groups near the village are insufficient in forming a beast tide.""That's right, we found it strange too.""If there is an abnormality, there must be a cause! I suggest that we send our elite Gu Masters to investigative.""Nevertheless, we should focus on defending ourselves. This beast tide is colossal, the question now is whether we can protect the village."Ni Kun's expression was grim.The danger had arrived so suddenly and severely.His grandson, Ni Jian, was staring blankly in a daze. Earlier, it was a calm and peaceful day, but now, his village was on the brink of destruction."The beast tide is fierce, an attack of this scale has not been seen in decades. Ni clan is facing a life and death situation, activate all three layers of our defenses! Second elder, third elder, quickly go and lead our elites to use the heavenly fire Gu formation! Sixth elder, lead the medicine hall and the medical team. Seventh elder, check our transportation Gu formation. If anything goes wrong, send our youths away…" Ni Kun ordered.The elders knew that the situation was dangerous, they moved immediately, showing firm determination.The beast group attacked like fierce waves, rushing forward relentlessly.Wherever they went, dust rose as trees in the mountain were snapped.The young man, Ni Jian, saw this on top of the village wall and felt immense fear, his expression turned pale.He had never seen such a fierce beast tide.Normally, beast tides came in one species, for example, a wolf tide, or a tiger tide. But now, this beast tide had many different types of beasts, wolves, tigers, leopards, bulls, deer, foxes, snakes, and more were mixed in."Strange! Why are these wild beasts not attacking each other, they are forming together and attacking our village?!" The grandfather Ni Kun mumbled.At the next moment, Ni Kun's shuddered, the Ni clan Gu Masters around him also stared with wide opened eyes.The terrifying beast tide slowed down, before stopped entirely.An enormous group of beasts of all kinds stood ten thousand steps away from the village wall, watching the people in anticipation.Ni clan's Gu Masters looked at each other, feeling uncertainty and fear.A mound tiger moved out.Mound tigers were mutated beasts, they had huge bodies, far larger than normal, they were like small mounds.Fang Yuan was lying on the mound tiger's back, his eyes were half open as he looked at Ni clan.Seeing Fang Yuan, Ni clan's Gu Masters shouted in shock.Ni Jian's eyes were wide open, he finally realized — This beast tide was not a natural disaster, it was a man-made disaster!

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Chapter 1035. Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs, Qi Clan's Two Immortals | Reverend Insanity

The sky was grand and vast.White clouds rumbled, moving below one's feet.A huge lion growled lowly as its four limbs stepped on the air, flying towards the cloud layer.This lion's body was like snow, it was completely white.Its thick mane swayed in the wind, strong air currents were created below its feet.On the lion's back, there was a huge chair, two Gu Immortals, one male and one female, were sitting together.The female was old and looked like she was in her sixties, but her eyes were shining brightly, she was excited and could not sit still, looking around.And the male had the appearance of a young man, he had a sharp nose and long thin eyes, his body was emitting a cool and experienced aura."Great-uncle, your steed is really amazing, it can travel on the clouds, in just half a day, we have already flown tens of thousands of li." The female Gu Immortal praised."This is a desolate beast qi grand lion, it is not flying on the clouds, but it has the ability to control air currents, thus it can fly." The young looking man explained patiently."A lion that can control air currents and fly in the air, I have never seen such a thing. Desolate beast… what does that mean?" The female Gu Immortal asked.The young-looking male Gu Immortal smiled silently: "Qi He, you just ascended to become a Gu Immortal, it is normal that you do not know about common knowledge of the Gu Immortal world. This qi grand lion has qi path dao marks on its body, once it matures, it can soar through the skies. But this type of lion is very rare now, it is almost extinct in the five regions, it can only be seen in white heaven and black heaven now.""As for desolate beasts, they are a certain rank of beasts. Like how Gu Masters have rank one, rank two and rank three, other than desolate beasts, there are ancient desolate beasts and immemorial desolate beasts. Desolate beasts are equivalent to rank six Gu Immortals, because one desolate beast can fight evenly against a rank six Gu Immortal. And ancient desolate beasts are equivalent to rank seven Gu Immortals, while immemorial desolate beasts are equivalent to rank eight Gu Immortals."The female Gu Immortal, Qi He, heard this and her eyes shined, she assessed the qi grand lion again, thinking: "No wonder I felt such danger from this lion. Thanks to great-uncle, I survived the tribulation from ascension and became a Gu Immortal. If I had to fight this lion, I might get torn to shreds."The young-looking Gu Immortal, Qi Zai, was hundreds of years old, he had rank seven cultivation level, he only looked so young because of lifespan Gu.He was old and experienced, seeing Qi He's face, he could guess what she was thinking.Stretching out his arm to pat this junior's shoulder, Qi Zai consoled: "Little He, don't worry, most people are like this after becoming immortal. When the matter I have to deal with is settled, we can return to Qi Sea grotto-heaven, your seniors are there, if the seniors know that our Qi clan has another Gu Immortal, they will be very happy. You will live in the grotto-heaven for some time and learn from your elders. Remember to observe carefully and ask questions.""Thank you for your advice, great-uncle." Qi He had a serious expression, standing up and bowing to Qi Zai solemnly."Mm… let's sit down and talk." Qi Zai nodded, showing a proud expression on his face.Qi He sat down, showing a confused expression, she hesitated for a while before saying: "Our Qi clan has a lot of Gu Immortal elders, why are we not imitating Southern Border super forces like Wu clan and Shang clan?"Qi Zai smiled as he said: "You want to ask, why is it that we elders who have become Gu Immortals are not acting like Wu clan and Shang clan, looking after our descendants. Instead, we allow our juniors to get bullied and suppressed, is that right?""I wouldn't dare to." Qi He said anxiously."In the past, when I had just become an immortal, I had the same question as you." Qi Zai sighed, he showed a look of reminiscence: "The reason is quite complex, it will take some time to explain.""The underlying cause of this relates to our Qi clan's ancestor, he was one of the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs thousands of years ago.""Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs?" Qi He asked."The Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs were five publicly recognized Gu Immortal experts in Southern Border during that time. The five of them had rank eight cultivation level, at the peak of the Gu Immortal world. They often collaborated and explored white heaven and black heaven together, they had a close relationship, thus they were known as the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs. Our Qi clan ancestor was one of the Five Xiangs, Qi Xiang. And our Qi clan cultivates qi path primarily.""Rank eight Gu Immortals!" Qi He was lost for words.Qi Zai sighed: "In the absence of rank nine, rank eights dominate! Every rank eight Gu Immortal is a legend, their actions have huge impact. And back then, the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs were extremely famous, even in the other four regions. And because these five people had similar interests and a close relationship, they often fought enemies together. In most situations, rank eight Gu Immortals work alone. Thus, in white heaven and black heaven, other rank eight Gu Immortals would avoid the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs if they encountered them.""During that time, Southern Border's Gu Immortal world had the edge over the other four regions because of the Five Xiangs, they had incredible fame. But dozens of years later, the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs disbanded.As he said that, Qi Zai's tone became deeper."Why?" Qi He asked.Qi Zai sighed, continuing: "I am not sure about the exact details. Supposedly, back then the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs found a huge secret while exploring white heaven. This secret represented an unimaginable achievement, but only one person could obtain it. All of the five Xiangs wanted to get it, but they did not relent. Because their strength was similar, and because of their relationship, they created a bet.""Bet?""That's right, this bet had a thousand year duration. The rules of the bet were: The five Xiang could only watch as their descendants developed on their own. A thousand years later, whichever clan had the most Gu Immortals would be the winner."Qi He considered the time, a thousand years had already passed, she quickly asked: "Then who won?"Qi Zai smiled bitterly: "A thousand years later, two clans had the same number of Gu Immortals, the victor could not be decided. The other three clans were unwilling to give up, thus, with two clans against three, another round of betting was decided upon. Thus, a thousand years, two thousand years, three thousand years… until now, the five ancestors already died long ago, but the bet is still ongoing.""So that's it!" Qi He heard this old secret and was tongue-tied.After a while, she accepted this fact and sighed: "That means without this agreement, Southern Border would have five more super forces?"But Qi Zai shook his head: "Among the five Xiangs, there were lone immortals and demonic path members, developing clans is something only righteous path members generally have the patience to do.""Our Qi clan had Qi Xiang, who are the other four Xiangs?" Qi He asked again.Qi Zai responded: "Qi Xiang, Ni Xiang, Bai Xiang, Xue Xiang, Chi Xiang, they were known as the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs. The following place I am going is where the current generation Ni Xiang is.""Why does great-uncle want to go to Ni Xiang?"Qi Zai hesitated for a moment before smiling: "Alright, it is not an issue to tell you. Recently, a huge matter happened in Southern Border's Gu Immortal world, large numbers of Gu Immortals died around Yi Tian Mountain. One of our elders from Qi clan died there. Thus, we are here to find the current generation Ni Xiang, so that they can help us deduce the truth.""Ah! Yi Tian Mountain…" Qi He cried out.Regardless of what had occurred in Fang Yuan's previous life, this time around, the battle of Yi Tian Mountain involved both mortals and immortals. Thus, Qi He had heard about it long ago.But she only knew that Southern Border's forces sent their mortal experts to attack Yi Tian Mountain and exterminate the demonic path in order to defend the righteous path. In Southern Border, there had been no demonic path power that was so brazen to create a force. Thus, the righteous path was trying to take them down.Qi Zai thus told Qi He the gambling contest of Yi Tian Mountain.Qi He finally realized that the truth was like this.She muttered: "The difference between immortal and mortal is as far apart as clouds and mud. Those rank four and five experts are just pawns of the immortals."This truth had great impact towards Qi He, who had just become a Gu Immortal.Qi Zai heard this and smiled internally.When Gu Masters become immortals, not only would their strength and cultivation change, their mentality also had to change.At this moment, Qi Zai could use the matter of Yi Tian Mountain to stimulate Qi He's growth, so that she could adapt to her new identity.Soon, there was silence.Only the qi grand lion was still running in the air, Qi Zai and Qi He had turned silent.Clouds moved around them, the world seemed vast.Because there were Gu formations on the chairs, they did not feel any wind or noise.Could any mortal see such a sight?Qi He saw this and felt how huge the world was, mortals were like insects, her complex feelings faded gradually, she thought: "That's right, I am a Gu Immortal, I am not a mortal anymore. Mortals and immortals are different, I need to remember this."After telling herself that, Qi He's mood returned to normal, even her mind had undergone a change.Qi Zai nodded internally at this, saying: "Actually, during these last few thousand years, among the descendants of the Heaven Surveying Five Xiangs, our Qi clan is the most prosperous. Xue Xiang's descendants cultivate blood path, they are almost wiped out. Chi Xiang's descendants are staying inside their immortal aperture and live like livestock, they do not have any urge to improve themselves, they are lazy and only want to eat, they are nothing significant. Bai Xiang's final traces of bloodline have all died recently. As for Ni Xiang, even though they have several branches in Southern Border, there are no longer any Ni clan Gu Immortals."Qi He understood why, she nodded: "Becoming an immortal is really difficult, if not for great-uncle's help, I would have died in the calamity and tribulation already."Qi Zai smiled, shaking his head as he said to Qi He with deep meaning: "Actually, Ni clan had the most hope in producing Gu Immortals. But because of that, the other clans obstructed them, resulting in their pitiful state now.""Three thousand years after the bet was created, Ni clan had a greatly talented refinement path Gu Immortal, Ni Ren, he was the final Gu Immortal in Ni clan's history. Before dying, he planned for his clan's future. He broke the rules of the agreement, helping Ni clan and selecting Immortal Gu to refine into his future descendants' bloodline."

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