
Chapter: 1001-1005:Reverend Insanity


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Chapter 1001. Taking Control of Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage | Reverend Insanity

Time passed quickly, a month went by.In Southern Border, be it the Gu Immortal world or the mortal world, their focus was all on one place.This place was Yi Tian Mountain.Under the influence of Gu Immortals adding fuel to the fire, countless righteous path and demonic path Gu Masters set off to join the two sides.The seventh righteous and demonic fight had concluded.The demonic path members schemed and cut off the righteous path's supply lines.At the moment of crisis, Shang clan leader Shang Yan Fei personally arrived with his forces, and used gourmet food box Gu, providing a feast for the army, foiling the demonic path's scheme.Next, the clan leaders of Southern Border's super forces like Yi clan, Luo clan, Yao clan and Xia clan also showed themselves, joining the battlefield.In this battlefield, rank three Gu Masters were all cannon fodder, the normally uncommon rank four Gu Masters were everywhere, and rank five Gu Masters were the most important battle power.Life and death blessed land.Spectral Soul Demon Venerable's dream realm had completely dissipated.Light in the seven colors of the rainbow shined brightly, turning into a cocoon.Crack…Some cracking sounds came from the cocoon of light.As time passed, more and more cracks appeared on the cocoon.Old Man Yan Shi had a tired and haggard face, but his gaze showed that he was extremely overjoyed.As he watched with expectations, the cocoon of light finally exploded, as a young man appeared in front of Old Man Yan Shi, completely naked and bare.He floated in the air, his eyes were shut, as if he was sleeping.Old Man Yan Shi quickly moved forward, using his hands to caress the young man's body, from his thigh to his chest, and then to his face.Old Man Yan Shi could barely hold in his excitement, his fingers that were touching the face were shaking.He muttered: "Success! I actually succeeded! I replicated Ren Zu's methods and used a dream realm to create a completely new extreme physique.""This is a historical moment! Hahaha…"Old Man Yan Shi laughed loudly for a while, before stopping: "You were born from a dream realm, created from nothingness. Since I used the rule path become real Immortal Gu, I will name this, 'Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique'."Saying this, Old Man Yan Shi moved his hand and took out a lump of soul.This lump of soul was dark like ink, it immediately flew into the body with the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique.Old Man Yan Shi waited for a moment, but he saw no movement from the body, his frown was getting deeper."What's going on? Why is he not waking up? This shouldn't be the case?"He quickly inspected, a moment later, he sighed: "It seems that this body with the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique is truly flawed. The dream path dao marks are very high in quantity, they gained a type of power in the body. Any soul that enters it will fall asleep and lose their memories continuously.""What should I do?" Old Man Yan Shi paced around, feeling anxious: "The lifespan of the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body has already started to decrease. Time is limited, I cannot do any detailed research now to solve this problem. What should I do?"After a long time, the body with the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique slowly opened his mouth, finally awakening.He was childlike and unlearned, looking at Old Man Yan Shi, then looking around the place, his eyes were wide open and showed a naive expression.Old Man Yan Shi felt some regret, he tried all sorts of ways and finally awakened the soul within the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique body, solving the problem of the sleeping soul. But almost all the memories in the soul were lost."But it doesn't matter. The Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique is a consumable rank nine battle strength, he is the greatest trump card to defend our core. As long as our plan succeeds, so what if the Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique has a flaw?"Thinking of this, Old Man Yan Shi smiled as he sized him up with his black eyes, his tone hardly concealing his happiness: "Good, good, good. Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique, you are the greatest accomplishment of my dream path research! Many of Bo Qing's Immortal Gu were robbed and his battle strength has fallen. You will replace him, becoming our greatest strength in suppressing the situation.""Who are you, who am I?" Ying Wu Xie curiously asked."I am you, and you are me. I am Old Man Yan Shi, and you… shall be called Ying Wu Xie." Old Man Yan Shi chuckled.He then lightly waved his arm, countless thoughts were transferred into Ying Wu Xie's mind.Ying Wu Xie felt a wave of information entering his mind.Old Man Yan Shi said: "Remember, you only have eighteen hours of lifespan. Every two hours, your cultivation level will rise by one rank. Time is limited, I can only impart an immortal killer move to you. Although it doesn't have any killing power, it is the pinnacle of dream path achievement currently in the five regions, at the forefront of this era. Even those Heavenly Court Gu Immortals are far behind. As the saying goes: 'When you have the skill, you can eat your fill'! Learn it properly, when you become a Gu Immortal, I will give you a complete set of Gu worms for you to speed up your practice at that time!"Southern Border, Yi Tian Mountain.Fang Yuan, who was recuperating on his bed, shook as he opened his eyes suddenly.In his eyes, joy flashed across slightly before they went back to being emotionless.Around him, there were many injured members lying down and talking. Some healing Gu Masters were moving the injured members around, some were healing, while others were checking if injuries of patients were becoming worse.The air was filled with a bloody smell, it lingered in the nose and did not fade.After the seventh righteous demonic battle, Yi Tian Village's medical ward was full of injured people. Right now, both sides were recuperating, healing from their losses and regaining their strength.Thus, the number of members in the medical ward was decreasing.Most of them were healed and left. Some could not be treated and died here.People were happy to live and hated to die, this medical ward became a place avoided by the demonic path Gu Masters.But Fang Yuan did not mind it.He pretended to be wounded and severely injured. Familiar face could deceive rank eight Gu Immortals, not to mention these mortal Gu Masters on Yi Tian Mountain.Fang Yuan found that this was the place which was most suitable to refine the Immortal Gu House's battle will.Only here could he lay back, openly and calmly refining battle will almost unceasingly.Even though there were many people moving around, none of them could threaten a Gu Immortal like Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's strategy finally paid off earlier."After spending so much time, I have finally finished converting Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage's battle will. Now, I have to get rid of the other Gu Immortals' battle will and become its owner!"Fang Yuan breathed in deeply, he did not hesitate, he took action immediately.Inside the Immortal Gu House, his battle will whipped up a storm, engulfing other battle wills easily.The battle wills of these Southern Border Gu Immortals were all operating independently and caught unprepared, they could not react before they were all wiped out by Fang Yuan.At once, Fang Yuan caused a huge commotion.The Southern Border Gu Immortals were furious and shocked, some screamed while others flew out, some were staring blankly from disbelief!They communicated and realized that someone did not participate in the gambling contest, they secretly refined battle will and fooled all of the Southern Border Gu Immortals.The Southern Border Gu Immortals felt immense anger and hatred, a sea would not be able to douse their fury.All of their hard work had been for nothing.They had been scheming against others, but now, it was all like a joke!"Who is it? You dared to toy with us!""Find them and kill them! They have openly challenged our Southern Border Gu Immortal world!!""Not only will I kill them, I will tear their skin and pull out their tendons, I will extract their soul and torture them for a thousand years!"The Southern Border Gu Immortals had surging auras as they encircled Yi Tian Mountain.They could no longer bother with hiding their traces, countless auras burst into the sky, engulfing the entirety of Yi Tian Mountain.The righteous and demonic path Gu Masters were stunned."What, what, what is going on?""Immortals, are they immortals?!""Such strong auras, they must be the legendary Gu Immortals. To think that I could have an opportunity to meet them in my life.""So many immortals, is this the plot of the righteous (demonic) path?"The two factions of Gu Masters fell into chaos, a commotion ensued in their corresponding groups."It is useless, this is the forbidden zone, none of you have the immortal aperture sealing method, how can you come in?" Fang Yuan snickered in his mind.But on the surface, he showed a fearful expression, similar to everyone around him.This was a crucial moment, Fang Yuan would, of course, not be careless.The forbidden zone could prevent Gu Immortals from entering, but it only targeted the immortal aperture, not their Immortal Gu. This meant that Gu Immortals could attack Yi Tian Mountain from afar."Who is it? Come out!""You have the guts to steal from us, but no guts to admit it?"The Gu Immortals were furious and anxious, they screamed like the rumbling of thunder, shaking the world.Even Yi Tian Mountain was shaking under their voices, not to mention the mortal Gu Masters. Including the rank five Gu Masters, all of them had pale expressions and were shivering in fear.Fang Yuan concealed himself and did not expose any flaws.After getting rid of the other battle wills, he manipulated the battle will and started to take over Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.This process needed some time.But Fang Yuan was not worried about the Southern Border Gu Immortals attacking without any reservations.For righteous path Gu Immortals, they needed to defend their reputations, they would not conduct a massacre here. For demonic path Gu Immortals, some had placed their Immortal Gu with their mortal pawns, similar to how Xiao clan's ancestor had left Immortal Gu on Xiao Shan.Immortal Gu were very fragile, Fang Yuan's Spring Autumn Cicada could be crushed by a child.If they attacked without holding back, these Immortal Gu would likely be destroyed.As for some lone immortals like Old Man Yue Xia, his treasured disciple Lu Zuan Feng was on Yi Tian Mountain, how could he attack?More and more Gu worms came under Fang Yuan's control.Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage's secret was finally exposed to Fang Yuan."So this Immortal Gu House is a time path Immortal Gu House, it uses the power of time path to seal any attacks aimed at it, before sending them back! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, this is an incredible idea!"Fang Yuan continuously praised in his mind.

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Chapter 1002. Extreme Formation, Dangerous Situation Again | Reverend Insanity

The exact reason could no longer be confirmed.But in short, the Immortal Gu House, Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, had been suppressing the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie for so many years, the two had formed a peculiar balance.The Immortal Gu House was ownerless, inside, there was pure battle will.Right now, Fang Yuan had completely converted the battle will into his own, he had even pushed out all of the Southern Border Gu Immortals.Since rebirth, after so much planning, he had finally achieved his goal!Fang Yuan was filled with joy.But at the same time, he was undeniably nervous."Faster, faster." Fang Yuan secretly urged himself.Even though the battle will was his, taking over the Immortal Gu House needed some time.This duration was when Fang Yuan was at his weakest.If any of the Southern Border Gu Immortals went berserk and suddenly attacked Yi Tian Mountain, Fang Yuan would have to defend against the attack, exposing himself in the process.The Southern Border Gu Immortals were furious and anxious, their minds were filled with rage and hatred.If they found Fang Yuan, they would definitely gang up and chop him into pieces, or completely eradicate him!Their emotions were understandable.After all, they had spent the last few months trying to be first, they had used all their methods to obtain the Immortal Gu House.But in the end, their hopes were dashed. The Immortal Gu House that they wanted had become someone else's!If Fang Yuan had acted in accordance to the gambling contest and won fair and square, the immortals could still accept that result. But Fang Yuan had sneakily avoided them completely, his actions was simply theft in their eyes, he was unscrupulous and shameless!Why had they been working so hard over these last days?It was all useless!Even though the Southern Border Gu Immortals did not attack, they had used all their investigative methods.In a short amount of time, Fang Yuan felt dozens of mental waves sweeping across his body.His anxiety increased, his muscles were contracted, all of the hair on his body was standing.Even though he was using the immortal killer move familiar face, it was a modified version. And even if it was the original, times had changed, some Gu Immortals might have developed new investigative methods that could expose it.Fang Yuan was confident in deceiving the rank six and seven Gu Immortals. But against rank eight Gu Immortals, he was not as confident.Time continued to pass, as Fang Yuan waited.Fang Yuan's mind was filled with thoughts that churned like a sea.As he took over the Immortal Gu House slowly, Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage's inner structure was exposed to Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan used all his time and effort to learn about these Immortal Gu and mortal Gu.At this crucial point of time, wisdom path grandmaster attainment level helped him immensely. Using these Immortal Gu and mortal Gu, Fang Yuan could deduce many things about the Immortal Gu House.Thus, Fang Yuan's understanding of the Immortal Gu House, Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, rose rapidly from a state of nothingness."Success!" Fang Yuan's eyes shined, he shouted internally.At this moment, he had finally succeeded, he completely took over the Immortal Gu House Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.This Immortal Gu House belonged to him entirely, at Fang Yuan's will, this Immortal Gu House flew out.Bam.At this moment, the medical ward's doors were broken through.Xiao Shan, Lu Zuan Feng and another rank five Gu Master charged in ferociously with their troops."There, there and that one there, they are all suspicious, kill them!" Xiao Shan was filled with killing intent, he pointed at three beds as he screamed.It turned out that not only were the Southern Border Gu Immortals themselves investigating, they were sending their pawns in both the righteous and demonic factions to undergo a bloodbath.Anyone that was found suspicious by the Gu Immortals was mercilessly killed, in order to find this accursed mastermind, Fang Yuan.The Southern Border Gu Immortals were all anxious.Even if their identities and the truth behind Yi Tian Mountain were exposed, they could not care less."Even though they did not see through familiar face, they were still suspicious of me…" Fang Yuan muttered internally.Xiao Shan pointed at three suspicious people, Fang Yuan was one of them.Rank five Gu Master Sun Pang Hu walked towards him with a ruthless expression, Fang Yuan felt completely calm, feeling no nervousness.Of course, on the outside, Fang Yuan showed a confused and angry expression, he screamed: "What are you doing? I am not a spy from the righteous path!""Who cares if you are not!" Sun Pang Hu shouted, pouncing towards Fang Yuan and kicking directly in the chest.Fang Yuan's chest was caving inwards, his heart was crushed as blood oozed out.Fang Yuan shouted in pain as he tried to retaliate.But Sun Pang Hu's punch sent him flying.Boom.Fang Yuan's corpse hit the wall, it slowly slid down, sprawling on the ground with his eyes wide open, he had 'died'."Go! To the next site!!" After settling this, Xiao Shan waved his hand as he brought his people elsewhere.The remaining injured members were all left panicking, there were also three unlucky corpses.Naturally, Fang Yuan was not dead.This was a disguise.Familiar face's disguise was limited to a human-like form, but it was very easy to show an appearance of death.Fang Yuan still needed some time.Taking over the Immortal Gu House Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage was not enough, there was still one matter he had to settle first.That was, to suppress the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie!There was still some immortal essence left inside Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, Fang Yuan mobilized the Immortal Gu House and created a huge force with his battle will, assaulting the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie.The slumbering rank eight immortal zombie opened his eyes, resisting violently.Fang Yuan snorted internally: "Sure enough, it will not be easy…"He was not surprised.In his previous life, this rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie had charged out.Fang Yuan had previously deduced the possibility of the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie retaliating.A Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie was something Fang Yuan required, he was not going to let it go, he prepared many methods just for this situation.But just as he was about to strike, tribulation clouds rumbled in the sky as the earth started to shake.The Southern Border Gu Immortals were uncertain, they shouted: "What is going on?""This seems like the prelude to a heavenly tribulation or earthly calamity!""Why would there be a tribulation out of nowhere?""Is someone undergoing tribulation?""Who cares about the tribulation, what I am concerned about now is finding that thief who stole our Immortal Gu House!!"Fang Yuan was surprised: "It is not time yet, why is this happening earlier? Oh no… the tribulations are already starting, then, is Shadow Sect also here already?"Fang Yuan knew this was turning bad, he hesitated."Activating the tribulations in advance, was it the influence of my rebirth? Shadow Sect is a mysterious and huge power, should I retreat?"Actually, at this point, it was okay to give up on the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie.After all, this was not the only possible Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie in the world, there was still Hei Lou Lan.Even though Fang Yuan and Hei Lou Lan had an agreement, once it expired, or if he used an information path method to nullify the agreement, Fang Yuan would be able to target Hei Lou Lan.In the past, Fang Yuan did not have the strength to deal with Hei Lou Lan. That was because Hei Lou Lan was backed by Fairy Li Shan and Blazing Heaven Demoness.But now, Fang Yuan had the Immortal Gu House, if he disregarded the immortal essence cost, he could suppress all three of these women, who cared if she was rank seven, rank eight, or had one of the ten extreme physiques.With the Immortal Gu House, Fang Yuan had sufficient confidence!"However, it is quite a big loss if I give up. This is a rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie… plotting against Hei Lou Lan will be a matter for the future. Who can be certain about the future, how can I ensure that I will succeed? The alliance agreement was just set recently, if I give up now, it will take too long to deal with Hei Lou Lan, unexpected surprises might occur."While he was hesitating, a change occurred in the sky!Old Man Yan Shi appeared, leading the Gu Immortals of the ten extreme physiques in setting up the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation.The Southern Border Gu Immortals were encircled, after feeling shocked, rage rose in their hearts.A Gu Immortal shouted: "Who are you? Were you behind the theft of the Immortal Gu House?"A rank eight Gu Immortal snorted: "Cowards hiding yourselves, show your faces if you dare, I want to see who dares to plot against me in Southern Border?"Old Man Yan Shi looked at the Southern Border immortals as he smiled coldly in disdain, he turned around and looked at Ying Wu Xie: "I have already told you everything that needs to be done, you need to remember them."Ying Wu Xie blinked innocently, he nodded: "You can go ahead and die, don't worry about me."He was just born twelve hours ago, his cultivation level was at rank six, he had become a Gu Immortal. But he was still very ignorant about the world, and about life and death.Old Man Yan Shi shook his head helplessly.He naturally did not originally intend to create such an assistant."It is a pity, my attainment in human path cannot compare to Ren Zu. The ten extreme physiques from Ren Zu could exist for a long time. But my Pure Dream Reality Seeker Physique can only live for eighteen hours. Even though the weakness of a sleeping soul was eliminated, the memories in the soul are still being lost by the effect of the dream path dao marks."This way, there was no use in transferring a large amount of information into Ying Wu Xie's mind. The more information he got, the faster he would forget them.Only if he tried to memorize it himself would there be some effectiveness.Old Man Yan Shi concealed his regret: "I am going now, but before dying, I will make a deduction for you.""Be careful… one of us…" Old Man Yan Shi said his final words before turning into powder, dissipating in the wind.Including his soul, many Shadow Sect Gu Immortals sacrificed themselves, sending their souls into the giant formation.Ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation, created by the sacrifice of many Gu Immortals, it had reached ninety percent completion.The Southern Border Gu Immortals had already tried to break this formation, now that it was ninety percent complete, the Southern Border Gu Immortals were startled and fearful.Above them, the thousand pearl-light tribulation descended.The Southern Border Gu Immortals gave up on breaking out, they had to deal with the impending tribulations first.

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Chapter 1003. Fang Yuan Defeats Bo Qing in One Move! | Reverend Insanity

"Shadow Sect also came earlier, huh…" Fang Yuan looked at the sky, mumbling to himself internally.Although he wholeheartedly wanted to finish his plan early, after putting it into practice, he knew that although his plan was great on paper, the way events unfolded in reality turned him helpless.In his previous life, the Southern Border Gu Immortals resisted several waves of tribulations before Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals made their appearance.This life, however, Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals also appeared early and arranged the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation.Since this formation had succeeded, Fang Yuan was no longer in a hurry to retreat.The reason was simple.The worst situation had already appeared.Like in his previous life, Fang Yuan's Fixed Immortal Travel would also be ineffective in this formation.Even with the Immortal Gu House Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, it would take some time to break through the ninety percent complete ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation.Fang Yuan had deciphered many battlefield killer moves, particularly in Eastern Sea's Yu Lu blessed land.However, Yu Lu blessed land's battlefield killer moves might be exquisite, but they were unmanned, and were arrangements that were fixed in place. Even if someone took control of them, their strongest state might not even match one percent of this ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation.Although Fang Yuan was not a formation path Gu Immortal and also was not proficient in it, he at least had this insight.If he went out now, he would definitely be a target for all. The Southern Border Gu Immortals would not let him go, and Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals naturally would not just look on as the Immortal Gu House was taken by Fang Yuan."Suppress the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie first, then look for a good opportunity to use the Immortal Gu House to forcibly break through!" Fang Yuan concentrated on the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie.The sudden appearance of Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals had somewhat helped Fang Yuan from a certain perspective.If not for their appearance, the Southern Border Gu Immortals would definitely concentrate on Fang Yuan.The pressure on Fang Yuan had relaxed, he had even more energy to deal with the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie now.What made Fang Yuan shocked was that this immortal zombie still had quite a bit of strength left.Facing Fang Yuan's continuous offense, he activated Immortal Gu to mobilize his battle will and resisted fiercely and decisively.For a moment, Fang Yuan was on the back foot!"This immortal zombie is also an astute schemer! Previously, he used battle will to try to refine the Immortal Gu House, but failed. Probably because of exhaustion, he went into a deep sleep. While in his sleep, he accumulated his strength in the hope that when he woke up, he could use the accumulated energy to turn around the situation." Fang Yuan guessed, involuntarily having some admiration for such an opponent.If the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie cultivated strength path, he quite likely would not have such a method.However, this immortal zombie was different, he had such good strength path talent but he actually gave it up to cultivate wisdom path.Who knew what he was thinking.But Fang Yuan knew that it was his wisdom path method that allowed him to forcibly dig a way out in this situation of certain loss.Maybe this immortal zombie had already woken up and slept many times, repeating it and accumulating battle will. But during his sleep, the Immortal Gu House would purify his battle will.If not for Fang Yuan interfering, according to such a course of events continuing, this immortal zombie could definitely free himself.He would not only be able to free himself, he could also obtain Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.Unfortunately, his scheme was for naught, as Fang Yuan overtook him.While Fang Yuan was dealing with this Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie, the situation in the sky around Yi Tian Mountain was rapidly changing.Thousand pearl-light tribulation, dark flying frost, desolate beasts, dragon roar tribulation, four inferno clouds tribulation, snow war tribulation lightning…Like the previous life, waves after waves of tribulations, with increasingly frightening might, descended upon the Southern Border Gu Immortals, inflicting severe losses.It was not that they hadn't tried breaking the formation.But how could they break through the ninety percent complete ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation?Like in the previous life, they mistakenly thought Ying Wu Xie was the greatest flaw, but they were struck by the immortal killer move lead soul into dream, and had to halt in defeat.Later, they entrusted hope in the tribulations, hoping that the tribulations could destroy the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation. But Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals started initiating their offensive.As time passed, under the Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie's resistance was becoming weaker and weaker.While Fang Yuan slowly saw hope, the Southern Border Gu Immortals had already lost theirs.Almost all of them were dead, either dying to the battle formation from the extreme immortal zombies, or dying under the terrifying tribulations.The only remaining two rank eights were heavily injured, running like headless chickens in the gaps between the tribulations and Shadow Sect's offense.Fang Yuan was also without other options.It was not that he did not try to help these Southern Border Gu Immortals.He still had not completely suppressed the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie, so he naturally hoped these Southern Border Gu Immortals could stall for some time.Not long earlier, he had secretly transmitted his voice, trying to inform these Gu Immortals about the power of Ying Wu Xie.But the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation had already spread to ten thousand li around Yi Tian Mountain, not only did it isolate the space, it also stopped sound transmissions. Fang Yuan was unable to achieve what he wanted.Fang Yuan had tried other methods as well, but they all failed.After several attempts, Fang Yuan had wisely given up, placing all his concentration back upon the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie.At the same time, high in the sky, a tall and white tower was quietly hovering.Immortal Gu House Heaven Overseeing Tower!"Tower Lord, the Southern Border Gu Immortals are already almost all dead, should we make a move now?" Bi Chen Tian asked.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord held his walking stick, with the help of Heaven Overseeing Tower, his gaze pierced through all obstacles and saw the battlefield below clearly."Such a powerful formation. This formation is seemingly an ancient battle formation, but in fact it relies on the dao marks of the ten extreme physiques. A man-made formation has the intrinsic qualities of a battlefield killer move. But this formation has a flaw, that is, it lacks one last strength path extreme physique. If all ten extremes were to really gather, that would be quite a thorny situation." Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord remarked."No wonder Shadow Sect's people thought of all possible methods to capture that Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie under the mountain." Lian Jiu Sheng suddenly realized.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord stroked his beard: "It is not easy to take the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie. They must pass the obstacle that is Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage. Let's wait for now. Bo Qing and the others have yet to appear.""In this journey, we have brought thirteen Gu Immortals, along with the Immortal Gu House Heaven Overseeing Tower. But we have passed the regional wall through white heaven without stopping on our way, we are not in optimal condition.""The enemies still have trump cards unused, let them bustle about first. Even if the Southern Border Gu Immortals are annihilated, aren't there still the tribulations? Hmph… that person refuses to stay dead, he wants to return but has provoked the fury of heaven's will. The mighty tribulations will become increasingly terrifying!"Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord was not hurried.This was different from the previous life.In the previous life, when he saw the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie appearing again, he had immediately struck with a vicious attack.But in this life, the Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie was suppressed by Fang Yuan, he could not even budge, much less appear out in the open, thus Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord was not in a hurry to make a move.Although his twelve companions had a common goal and all had rank eight cultivation, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord did not dare to make a rash move."Heavenly Court is still not making a move?" Far away, Bo Qing was gazing at the sky solemnly.In the previous life, he was unable to attack Heavenly Lotus Sect and could only choose to attack Combat Immortal Sect, which made Shadow Sect's previous arrangements useless.But in this life, there were divergences. Vice Envoy Blue, who was Seven Star Child, did not die, and together with Yu Mu Chun and Song Zi Xing, they activated an immortal killer move to transport themselves quickly to Heavenly Lotus Sect.Attacking this sect was among Shadow Sect's plans.Bo Qing and the rest delayed some time before retreating.However, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord was not easy to deceive. The unease inside him caused him to immediately return to Heavenly Court and use Heaven Overseeing Tower to make calculations. When he deduced Yi Tian Mountain, this crucial area, he quickly summoned as many Gu Immortals as he could and moved out together with Heaven Overseeing Tower, traveling to this place without resting."Since he won't make a move, we will." Song Zi Xing's voice came through an information path Gu worm.Bo Qing nodded: "Let me go first."Next moment, dazzling light shot to the sky, an Immortal Gu House of a majestic scale appeared in everyone's vision."Hmm?!" Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord was surprised, this Immortal Gu House had been hiding in the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation, who knew what methods were used, he had actually not sensed it.The Immortal Gu House flew to the sky before fiercely crashing down on Yi Tian Mountain.Fang Yuan's expression was ashen, his eyes shining with a cold brilliance."Immortal Gu House Sacred Feather City!" He gritted his teeth, he had not thought that at this crucial moment, Sacred Feather City, which was originally owned by the featherman Gu Immortals, would appear at this place.The moment this city appeared, Fang Yuan had started feeling uneasy.Now, seeing this enormous Immortal Gu House falling down on him, Fang Yuan's heart sank to rock bottom.He was extremely unwilling, he was just a few steps away from success. The rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie was already on the verge of defeat and would not be able to hold on any longer.But now, he had to stop!The Sacred Feather City directly smashed down, Fang Yuan had to activate Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage to resist it.If the Immortal Gu House was not activated, its battle strength could not be displayed. The amount of immortal essence used in the activation process would determine whether the Immortal Gu House's battle strength would be high or low.Even Heaven Overseeing Tower, a rank nine Immortal Gu House, had a portion cut by Bo Qing's sword light in its inactive state."Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, rise!"Fang Yuan resolutely called out internally, no longer concealing himself, showing his real body.Yi Tian Mountain instantly crumbled, while Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage shot towards the sky like a crimson meteor.It also had space path Gu worms, bursting out with a powerful and formless force that instantly transported Fang Yuan inside.Right now, Fang Yuan was officially controlling Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage!"Merely Sacred Feather City…" Fang Yuan snorted inwardly, and with a flourish of his hand, rank nine yellow apricot immortal essence spread out.Rank nine immortal essence from Giant Sun Immortal Venerable, it was nothing to scoff at!Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage was originally shrouded within an aura of red light a few meters in size. But after the expenditure of yellow apricot immortal essence, this red light was like a volcano, as it violently enlarged to fifteen or twenty meters!"What?" Bo Qing, who was controlling Sacred Feather City, called out in shock.Boom!An earth-shaking explosion erupted, Sacred Feather City was ruthlessly sent flying by Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage.Large amounts of city walls, gates and tiles were sent flying everywhere, turning into corpses of Gu worms which then scattered along with the air.There was no doubt about it, Fang Yuan defeated Bo Qing in one move!

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Chapter 1004. Deep Underlying Schemes, Great Danger | Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan repelled Sacred Feather City, he did not know that immortal zombie Bo Qing was inside manipulating it.Using this opportunity, Fang Yuan maneuvered Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, turning around in the sky and crashing towards Yi Tian Mountain again.Along the way, tribulations rained down and hit Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, causing loud crackling sounds.Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage defended as it charged down relentlessly, it could protect itself from the tribulations.At this moment, Yi Tian Mountain had already collapsed, turning into a ruin. Yi Tian Mountain's demonic path Gu Masters were all heavily injured or dead. Corpses were everywhere, it was a terrible sight.Fang Yuan took a glance and then stopped looking at these lowly mortals.His eyes were shining with cold light, at this point, he was still unwilling to give up.The earlier suppression failed, but Fang Yuan still had a chance."Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie, you are mine! Hmm?" Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage was about to charge down again, when a second Immortal Gu House blocked Fang Yuan's path.This Immortal Gu House was entirely black, it gave off a metallic luster.It was also in the form of a fortress.But it was not as grand as Sacred Feather City, it was a battle fort that was forged with steel.To compare them, Sacred Feather City was like a gentlemanly prince, while this Immortal Gu House was a warrior clad in steel armor.Fang Yuan's eyes shined with bright light, he gritted his teeth and charged down again.He had to race against time.The more time the rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie had, the more he could recover to a better state.Boom!With a huge sound that could burst eardrums, the two Immortal Gu Houses crashed into each other.A huge shock wave was generated, blasting out in all directions.The shock waves caused rocks from the mountain to fly away, among them were the corpses of Gu Masters.The two Immortal Gu Houses were in a deadlock.Even though Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage had a powerful charge, the iron fortress-like Immortal Gu House could barely hold it off.Both sides were contesting.The iron fortress Immortal Gu House was slowly pushed back, but Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage was losing its momentum."Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage is a rank seven Immortal Gu House, this other Immortal Gu House is likely also rank seven, specialized in defense." Fang Yuan had a realization.He sighed, knowing that he had lost his opportunity.He had tried hard, but because of obstructions, he did not succeed.This amount of time was enough for the rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie to break free from the force of Fang Yuan's suppression and recover.Fang Yuan's attempt failed, he immediately tried to retreat, leaving this troublesome place.Turning around, Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage flew into the sky.Fang Yuan did not fly directly upwards, he crashed towards the southeast direction.The third and fourth Immortal Gu Houses appeared consecutively.These two Immortal Gu Houses were small, one was filled with blood-red light, in the shape of a chariot. The other was dark and eerie, it was an old castle with grey tiles and white walls.Four Immortal Gu Houses trapped Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, which Fang Yuan was controlling.Fang Yuan charged in all directions, but he was obstructed by the four Immortal Gu Houses, he could not gather enough force to charge out of the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation.Inside Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, Fang Yuan's expression was dark.He did not expect Shadow Sect to make such a huge move.An Immortal Gu House was already very rare. Shadow Sect actually took out four Immortal Gu Houses, what were they trying to do by being so relentless?Even though the situation was not in his favor, Fang Yuan was still calm.The enemy might be strong, but it was not a desperate situation yet, because one party had not joined the fight yet.Fang Yuan looked into the sky from time to time, he was waiting.Would Heavenly Court fail to deduce that Shadow Sect was attacking early? Even if they failed, by this time, they should have arrived.When Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals attack, the situation would be chaotic, Fang Yuan would be able to take advantage of the confusion."But Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals, why are they not attacking yet?" Fang Yuan thought as he reduced Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage's power purposely.The Immortal Gu House that was shining with bright red light turned from brilliant to faint.At once, the situation changed.Fang Yuan's Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage was suppressed by four Immortal Gu Houses.Inside Heaven Overseeing Tower, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord's eyes were shining with white light that gradually faded.He used Heaven Overseeing Tower earlier to make a deduction, it had just ended.He smiled coldly: "The person inside Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage is an otherworldly demon. His name is Gu Yue Fang Yuan, the destruction of Imperial Court blessed land and the collapse of Eighty-Eight True Yang Building had been done by him! This person seems to have some sort of relationship with Red Lotus Demon Venerable and Spectral Soul Demon Venerable. Don't think that he is being suppressed in this current scenario, he is just acting so that we will strike.""Oh? Then, are Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect allies or enemies? Is their intense battle just an act?" Lian Jiu Sheng asked in confusion.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord waved his hand: "I am not interested in Fang Yuan and Shadow Sect's relationship, it is not important. Since he wants to lure us to attack, let's do it. The ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation is part of the enemy's crucial plan. I have already deduced that they have obtained that final key immortal zombie. Everyone, come with me, activate Heaven Overseeing Tower and destroy the formation, ruin the enemy's scheme!"Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord called out and everyone responded, they were full of intent to fight.The Heavenly Court Gu Immortals around him all had stern expressions, they attacked together.A beam of light shot towards the ten extreme formation."I wanted to use Fang Yuan to prevent the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals from attacking, so as to stall for time. It seems that such a shallow scheme cannot deceive these Heavenly Court members. Attack!" Envoy Blue, or Seven Star Child ordered as he thought over Shadow Sect's situation."Good, Heavenly Court is attacking." Fang Yuan was just starting to feel joy when he saw three more Immortal Gu Houses emerging!One was a pavilion with red bricks and green tiles. One was a manor with white traces flying around. One was an altar with shiny golden lights.The three Immortal Gu Houses worked together to resist the attack from Heaven Overseeing Tower."…" Fang Yuan did not know what to say.Since when did Immortal Gu Houses become so commonplace? They were emerging one after another, what were they planning to do?Fang Yuan's sense of unease was growing.He had thought that the mysteries behind the battle of Yi Tian Mountain were as deep as a lake. But to think that this place was as deep as an ocean!The hidden details simply ran too deeply.In the five hundred years of his previous life, during the five regions chaotic war, a battle of such a scale numbered to less than five!"Good, good, good. Sacred Feather City, Unbreakable Iron Fortress, Blood River Chariot, Nightmare Castle, Green Wave Pavilion, Weaving Cocoon Manor, Golden Altar… seven Immortal Gu Houses were forced out by my one move." From inside Heaven Overseeing Tower, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord's voice could be heard.He exposed the names of Shadow Sect's Immortal Gu House, his voice was loud as thunder, it could be heard over the surrounding thousands of li."Now then, we will let you see the might of Heaven Overseeing Tower!"Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord shouted as the heavens shook.Rank nine Immortal Gu House, Heaven Overseeing Tower, activated fully.There was no warning.The sky turned white!The world turned white!Even Fang Yuan, who was inside Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, at this moment, could only see white.Light was everywhere.White light.It filled the entire world, all the space in this world was filled with white light.The light seemed harmless, Fang Yuan did not even feel a sense of danger."This… what sort of attack…" When the white light faded, Fang Yuan regained his senses slowly.Taking a look, his body shook.In the sky, debris of these Immortal Gu Houses was falling down.The falling debris turned back into countless Gu worms as they fell.Not a single Gu worm survived.The corpses of these Gu worms fell in the air, scattering everywhere.The most mysterious thing was, from the outside, these dead Gu worms did not have any injuries, but they had lost all traces of life.The three Immortal Gu Houses closest to Heaven Overseeing Tower, Green Wave Pavilion, Weaving Cocoon Manor, and Golden Altar had broken apart. The remaining Immortal Gu Houses were also heavily damaged.But overall, Fang Yuan's Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage had suffered the least damage."Did Heavenly Court spare me?" Fang Yuan had a thought but he quickly denied it."Hmph! Otherworldly demon…" Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord gave Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage a look as he directed his attention towards the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation.The move earlier had activated fate Immortal Gu, creating an incredibly strong attack.This was an attack that carried the power of fate.Fate was predestined.If one is not fated, no matter how hard they work, they will not achieve anything.If fate decrees that you fail, you will fail.This was an unavoidable attack.It could have destroyed the ten extreme formation, but these three Immortal Gu Houses sacrificed themselves and endured the attack.In contrast, from the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation, Ying Wu Xie had flown out, his spot was taken over by the rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie."After being suppressed for so many years, I face such a great enemy upon escaping. Hahaha, I like it!" The rank eight Great Strength True Martial immortal zombie raised his head and laughed.He pointed at Heaven Overseeing Tower, shouting: "Scoundrels from Heavenly Court, come! Celebrate my resurrection!"The fully completed ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation activated!Dark clouds formed, covering the entire battlefield, spreading out endlessly at a rapid speed.All ten of the extreme immortal zombies were hidden in the dark clouds, their traces were gone.Countless immortal apertures were drawn out by the mystical power of the formation, they resembled starlight.These immortal apertures were left behind after the Southern Border Gu Immortals died.The immortal apertures went into the deep part of the dark clouds and gathered.Countless Gu worms, both Immortal and mortal, were flying about inside the dark clouds.At this point, Fang Yuan finally understood something: "So this ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation is actually a refinement path Gu formation! What is Shadow Sect trying to refine? They actually used the Southern Border Gu Immortals' immortal apertures as the refinement materials?!"Such a method was simply unheard of.The high and mighty Gu Immortals were like ants now, casually killed and used to refine Gu.Even Fang Yuan, with his five hundred years of experience, had never seen something like this.Shadow Sect, a mysterious force hidden in the depths of history, its true motive and plan that had been ongoing for countless years was finally going to show itself!

Reverend Insanity



next chapter of Reverend Insanity

Chapter 1005. Thousand Year Traitor, Stalling | Reverend Insanity

"You actually activated this formation in front of us?! Even though you were once invincible in the world, you are already dead now. If you do not respect us, so be it, but such a heaven defying act to transgress against heaven's will, how can we let you succeed?"Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord shouted, gathering the strength of the Heavenly Court immortals to use Heaven Overseeing Tower's strongest attack again."Endure it!" The Shadow Sect immortals, who had predicted, this activated their Immortal Gu Houses and charged up.The world turned white.The attack from fate could not be defended against.After recovering his senses, Fang Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was purple-gold in color.Even though he was an otherworldly demon, he was still a part of the world and under its influence, his injuries were only less severe than others.Taking another look, Fang Yuan saw that the Immortal Gu Houses Unbreakable Iron Fortress, Blood River Chariot, and Nightmare Castle had broken apart, turning into fragments and falling from the sky.Fang Yuan's Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage had also suffered huge losses even though it was inside the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation. Up to a thousand mortal Gu had died, two Immortal Gu were on the verge of death, they already could not be used. Three out of seven of the duel stage's edges had broken apart.But Fang Yuan was happy about this.He wanted Heavenly Court to continue attacking this ten extreme formation.Once there was an opening, he could escape.The situation was getting clearer, evidently, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were here for Shadow Sect. If Fang Yuan escaped now, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals would not have the spare energy to attack him.Under Fang Yuan's expectant gaze, Heaven Overseeing Tower was surrounded in white light once again.The white light gathered and became thicker, when it accumulated to its maximum capacity, it would unleash fate's strongest attack again. By then, the ten extreme formation would definitely be breached.Whoosh…!With a burst of wind, Sacred Feather City moved towards Fang Yuan to crash into him."You are not dealing with Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals, but approaching me instead?" Fang Yuan snickered, but did not fight the other party.He craftily maneuvered Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, dodging everywhere and awaiting the next attack of Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals.Boom!Suddenly, Heaven Overseeing Tower shook immensely, the accumulated white light exploded and vanished.Heaven Overseeing Tower was covered in blemishes, it was heavily damaged.The Heavenly Court Gu Immortals in the tower were spitting out blood, facing the damage of the backlash.In Sacred Feather City, Seven Star Child's voice could be heard: "Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord, you fell for our trap."At this moment, in Sacred Feather City, there were more than ten Shadow Sect Gu Immortals, with immortal zombie Seven Star Child, immortal zombie Bo Qing, and Ying Wu Xie at the lead.The other six Immortal Gu Houses were destroyed, but Shadow Sect's Gu Immortals used some space path method to escape, gathering in this final Immortal Gu House, Sacred Feather City.With the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation, and having planned for so long, it was not strange that Shadow Sect could do this with their territorial advantage."How can this be?" Fang Yuan saw the damage and was shocked and doubtful.Inside Heaven Overseeing Tower, the Heavenly Court Gu Immortals reacted one by one."Heaven Overseeing Tower is a rank nine Immortal Gu House, how can it be damaged so heavily?""Earlier, Shadow Sect did not strike, that means Heaven Overseeing Tower itself has a problem!""There are traitors in Heavenly Court!" Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord's expression was grim as he looked at Bi Chen Tian and Lian Jiu Sheng fixedly.After Sword Immortal Bo Qing awakened, sword lights rampaged over Central Continent, one had cut Heaven Overseeing Tower.To prevent the sword qi from destroying more Gu worms and causing bigger damage, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord had repaired it with Bi Chen Tian and Lian Jiu Sheng.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord had no issues of course, thus, the traitor was either Bi Chen Tian or Lian Jiu Sheng.Hearing Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord's words, the other Gu Immortals reacted, quickly moving away from these two suspects, encircling them in the process."Wait! How can I be a traitor from Shadow Sect?!" Bi Chen Tian's expression was shocked and furious, he defended himself: "To join Heavenly Court, there are countless trials to go through. Heavenly Court has already existed for three million years, since when had any traitors appeared? Maybe this is a method from Shadow Sect, the urgent matter now is to destroy this refinement path formation! We must not fall for Shadow Sect's scheme of sowing dissension!!"Bi Chen Tian's expression was sincere, his anxiety could not be concealed."Hahaha…" Lian Jiu Sheng beside him laughed loudly, his expression was dark as he looked around, speaking eerily: "Precisely because it was created three million years ago, any strict test or trial is already too outdated. How hard can it be to infiltrate Heavenly Court?""Lian Jiu Sheng, you!" Bi Chen Tian shouted, taking a step back in shock."So Lian Jiu Sheng is the traitor!""Are you Lian Jiu Sheng, or someone else?"Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were preparing themselves for a fight, but nobody made a move yet."Lian Jiu Sheng never existed in the first place. You want to stop me? Not even the rank nine Immortal Gu House can succeed! Hehehe, survive this first."Saying this, Lian Jiu Sheng died!A large burst of green wind blew out from within him."Winds of assimilation!"With his identity exposed, Lian Jiu Sheng immediately suicided, destroying his immortal aperture and creating the winds of assimilation.Such resolution and boldness, he was just like Qin Bai Sheng.Winds of assimilation could assimilate everything, they were extraordinary. But this was the internal space of the rank nine Immortal Gu House Heaven Overseeing Tower, before the winds of assimilation grew any further, Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord and the others spent a great deal of effort to quickly quell the winds.But Lian Jiu Sheng's death did not simply only create this wind.Since there were traitors in Heavenly Court, was Lian Jiu Sheng the only one? Were there others?The united Heavenly Court Gu Immortals were starting to have trust issues."Heavenly Court's investigative methods have not been modified for many years. According to 'his' ability, it is not impossible to infiltrate Heavenly Court." A Heavenly Court Gu Immortal said gravely."Is Heaven Overseeing Tower's damage severe?" More people were concerned about this.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord shook his head: "Forty percent of Heaven Overseeing Tower was destroyed. We cannot use the attack from earlier again. If we attempt to force its use, it will only lead to Heaven Overseeing Tower breaking apart!"After Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord said that, he sighed deeply.If it were not for fate Gu being incomplete, Shadow Sect would definitely not succeed.Although one had to admit that the creation of an undercover agent by Shadow Sect was simply brilliant.Lian Jiu Sheng had been there for a thousand years, nobody had ever suspected him, once he took action, he temporarily destroyed Heaven Overseeing Tower's strongest attacking method.Of course, the underlying cause for this was Shadow Sect exploiting Red Lotus Demon Venerable's achievement.If fate Immortal Gu was fully intact, Heaven Overseeing Tower would be able to stop its own attack, there would be no backlash."Everyone, the traitor is already exposed, why are you still encircling me?" Bi Chen Tian could not bear to remain in this state, he asked this.The immortals finally reacted, apologizing as they left the encirclement.But Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were not completely trusting of Bi Chen Tian, some of their gazes towards him carried deep suspicion.Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord saw this and was alarmed and fearful, he quickly spoke to control the situation: "Everyone! Listen to me, do not be suspicious of one another. Lian Jiu Sheng was merely exaggerating, if he could continue to lurk, how could he expose himself? If Heavenly Court had many spies, Heaven Overseeing Tower would have been destroyed long ago, why would they only reach this point?"The morale of the immortals rose, realizing at once."So close, we almost fell for their scheme.""Tower Lord is right, it is Shadow Sect's limit to achieve this much!""If Lian Jiu Sheng could really resist our investigative methods, why would he expose himself and suicide? He had no confidence, this shows that our methods are still useful.""Let's not consider how Lian Jiu Sheng got into Heavenly Court for now. The urgent matter now is the formation down there. Heaven Overseeing Tower might have lost its strongest attack, but we still have hope, as long as we work together, the power of a rank nine Immortal Gu House can still destroy their schemes!"The immortals were all experienced veterans, after discussing, their morale was raised once again.Heaven Overseeing Tower was activated, crashing down like a meteor.Shadow Sect did not block it, they opened a gap in the formation and allowed Heaven Overseeing Tower to get in.Fang Yuan wanted to leave, but was obstructed by Sacred Feather City.Thus, inside the formation, three Immortal Gu Houses engaged in a chaotic battle.Even though the rank nine Heaven Overseeing Tower was heavily damaged, it was still an overlord, it charged around with an unstoppable might.Shadow Sect used the power of Sacred Feather City and the ten extreme immortal zombie lifeless formation to barely contest with Heaven Overseeing Tower.Meanwhile, Fang Yuan was maneuvering Graceful Chaotic Duel Stage, with evasion as his priority.Compared to before, Fang Yuan's predicament was much better now.Because Shadow Sect and Heavenly Court had both suffered immense losses. As Fang Yuan was an otherworldly demon, his losses were actually the smallest among them."No need to rush, Shadow Sect and Heavenly Court are irreconcilable enemies, they will continue to fight intensely. As they continue to weaken themselves, I will have an opportunity. Right now, my priority is to preserve my strength." Fang Yuan assessed."No need to be hasty, as long as we are inside the formation, the other party needs to focus their attention on Heaven Overseeing Tower. The longer we drag, the stronger the calamities and tribulations, and the higher our chances of winning." Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord looked at the situation and explained to the Heavenly Court immortals."Stall!" Inside Sacred Feather City, immortal zombie Bo Qing called out.Seven Star Child continued: "That's right, we have Ying Wu Xie. The longer we drag this on, the higher his cultivation level, and the stronger his dream path killer move. Dream path is beyond this era, even Heaven Overseeing Tower cannot defend against it. Against dream path attacks, it would have almost no defense.""Are you talking about me?" Ying Wu Xie stared with wide opened eyes, pointing at himself.Seven Star Child nodded: "Even Heaven Overseeing Tower Lord cannot deduce your actual situation. The only concern now is, the higher your cultivation level, the more sophisticated your killer move, lead soul into dream, becomes. But this immortal killer move needs more Gu worms to become stronger, the activation process also becomes more complex. You need to use it properly, there cannot be a mistake."Ying Wu Xie breathed in deeply, waving his hands with a fearful look: "Uncle zombie, I am getting nervous after hearing that."Coincidentally, Shadow Sect, Heavenly Court, and Fang Yuan, all three of them were thinking of stalling for time. But in the end, who would get the last laugh?

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