
Introverts Lifeguide in Apocalypse

General life guidance from an introvert for other introverts in an apocalypse : If you are in a large group of extroverts, make sure to leave immediately. In this kind of situation, you will get noticed almost directly and then survival won't be easy... Then you should escape to a smaller group and pretend to be an extrovert, but remember you should follow four rules: - Don't grieve past   - Don't overthink the present - Don't count on the future - LAST BUT NOT LEAST DON'T FORGET THAT YOU ARE NOT !! AN EXTROVERT!! The story follows a self-proclaimed introverted influencer's life as the world changes drastically.  #INTROVERT #extrovert #survival

AngelsCompanion · Fantasy
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30 Chs

I'm the main character

 Thinking I'm the main character in some TV drama, I run off home in a pit of anger.

I didn't have my phone on me. No purse or ID card. Not even a close friend to go to.

I was afraid of loneliness, of darkness, of the future, and of the alone me in my dark future.

That day, despite being hungry and fear of darkness, I didn't go home until very late.

I was too afraid...

I felt like a stranger. My clothes were sweaty from running, my eyes were puffy and my throat hurt. I hadn't cried, but I had screamed like a madman. I felt sick. Quiet a bit.

I haven't been sick since forever. Even at times, I wish I was.

I had a strong body. Even at times, I had a broken mind.

My body was burning, but it still dragged me through the darkness. 

Then, I was at our house's doorstep ringing the bell. The door guard, who I probably woke from sweet sleep, opened the door while cursing under his breath.

After looking at me and not seeing any sign of me being thankful or sorry, the old guard furiously went back to the guardhouse.

We didn't have the best relationship. But If I wasn't in this shape, I would have at least made an effort to thank him. After all, I had woken him in the middle of the night. 

Anyway, he wasn't particularly nice to me. So, I also ignored him and took my time going through the large garden. 'What was I going to say to my parents?'

Opening the entry door, I shut my eyes and waited. It was oddly silent. When I opened my eyes it was also oddly dark. In that darkness, I found the light keys and pressed them. 

The once-dark house was bright now. My feverish eyes looked at the clock and it showed 04:15. Knowing Mom's personality, she would have waited and scolded me for being reckless. Not seeing her, made me worried. 

The worry-worm I went through all 8 rooms in the two-story house. Only to find all of them empty. 

My already shattering brain now becomes chaotic. All kinds of thoughts went through my brain, 'had anyone got into an accident?', 'was it father's heart?', 'did Damon get another asthma attack?', 'had mother's business gotten under?', ' Has Diana's sickness come back?', 'was it Divine's trauma?', 'Did the dumb Dylan eat peanuts again?', 'Had Diva finally starved herself?' or, 'Has anyone di..!'.

As I was panicking, I saw a note on the fridge. 

"We are at the oldies' house.

Mom made you some pasta,

Location: In the fridge.

Mom's order: Don't answer the oldies' call.



It was Dylan, not for calling our grandparent Bright for oldies, and not for the childish tone, but for calling himself the most handsome. It was me who gave him that nickname. He was the most similar to me, apparent-vise. Therefore, without objections, he was also the most handsome.

Before knowing it, my face was wet with tears. Not from the childish note. Not from mom's tasteless food, which she insisted on making at least thrice a week. Not from sadness and either from happiness.

 It was from relief and fear. I was relieved that everyone was okay, but I feared myself. I feared my thoughts. I didn't want to become unreasonable, and I hated to add another burden on my already struggling, parent's shoulders.

The decision to leave the house became an obligation. I didn't even know if I could take looking at Diana and Divine and stay sane. It was an obligation I owed my struggling parents.

So, I went to my shared room with Divine and started packing up. Some of my decent outdoor clothes, some of my comfortable outdoor clothes, plenty of indoor clothes, a towel, my toothbrush, some underwear, my sports bag, ID, passport, credit card, phone, driver's license, and I was done. Two large suitcases and a bag. 

All ready, but with no means of transport or destination!

I was thinking of how to solve those problems when I saw Divine's car keys on the board. So what if he was going to throw a tantrum? There was no way in hell that the old guard would give me a drive. 

In addition, he would for sure get a new car as an acceptance gift from Grandfather Bright. If not a mansion.

Either way, I had all the rights to use his car, therefore I took it and dragged all of my baggage down the stairs.

Well, not directly. While passing through the hall, I went into the first twin's room and took all the entry exam prep material they had. This time with no fear. They lived near their respective universities and they wouldn't even need those.

Had I gotten all the help I needed, I would have been content with becoming a teacher.

However, the situation has changed. There is no way I will become a teacher when the twins get to high places, having all the support they want. Not that being a teacher is bad, but it is not a job that makes me needless. 

If I become a teacher, there is a chance I will somewhere in life have to ask others for help. That is something I would very much hate to do. Being looked down on is something I had enough of.

I went out to where the car was parked, loaded everything in the trunk, and drove to the door. 

This time I didn't bother waking the guard and opened the door myself. 

'Where should I even go?' I asked myself as I drove away from the house.

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