
I wouldn't change a thing

Alexandra Faucette is the CEO's assistant, and ThomasWolcott is the COO (the CEO's son). Peter Wolcott(Thomas's father) wants his son and his assistant to get along because he thinks they would do a phenomenal job taking over the company one day, but unfortunately, they despise each other. Nonetheless, due to a rumor starting saying that Alexandra is secretly engaged to peter while in truth she is just doing her job and gives advice to peter to ask his secret girlfriend Susanna to marry him and Thomas confronts Alexa saying she is a snake trying to take over the company and etc Alexa had enough…... it doesn’t help one bit So somehow peter thought it would be great for Alexa to be temporarily Thomas's assistant to dispel the rumor. Thomas wants Alexa out of the company, but before he does that he wants to boss her around, assign her tough tasks, basically to just drive her insane so he went to mock her for a however before he can do that …… Alexa QUITS not wanting to work there anymore because she was accused of doing something she didn’t do and becoming Thomas’s assistant was just the cherry on the top. When Peter found out that Alexa resigned he send Thomas to request her to come back but it doesn’t end well Peter finally tells Thomas that he is engaged to Susanna feeling mortified at how unfair he was he actually thought about apologizing to her but then he realized Alexa doesn’t work there anymore so decides not to Peter was having none of it he demands that he apologizes to her but he refused eventually, peter goes himself to ask her to come back to work at his company again, and apologizing on Thomas’s behalf in one way or another he manages to convince her But before she starts Alexandra wants an apology from Thomas for criticizing her for actions she didn't commit but he refuses (again) somehow they both negotiated on a deal that if Alexa doesn't quit herself after a month of working as his assistant and Thomas doesn't fire her for doing anything wrong, even if she is one second late. Thomas will apologize to her in front of everyone in the company. Who's going to win? Will things get out of hand? Will something bloom?

Lanya_Soran · Urban
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20 Chs

Chapter 3: The boss’s return

A bunch of workers were waiting for the CEO to return, including Alexandra and Thomas, as respect that he had come out of the hospital. When the car arrived. Thomas was curious to see who the driver was because he fired Joshua yesterday night, and he was surprised to see that Joshua himself had come out of the driver's seat when he went to open the door for Peter, then he recalled what Alexandra had said to him yesterday night

"....it's up to your father to punish him or not"

he turned to Alexa, and Alexa gave him a look saying "What?"(they were standing next to each other in front of the other employees)When Joshua opened the back seat door where Peter was seated, Peter stumbled a bit, and before Thomas could move, Alexandra was already there supporting his father.

"Thank you Alexandra" he said.

Alex just smiled, and nodded,

"Welcome back sir" all the workers said.

Then Thomas came closer to his father and said, "I was told by the doctors that it was best for you to stay at the hospital for a couple of days "

"Just because I've got this neck holder doesn't mean I can't work" besides I feel better when I am working"

"Well anyways Thank you all again you can all go back to your work" Peter said to the staff and walked away with Alexandra to helping him out.

As they were going to the elevator, Thomas came up to them and said

"Well sir if you feel so well why don't we look at the land for the company"

"Son, when I said I feel better I certainly don't mean to that point, and I didn't make you the COO for you to walk around me, you are here for work, not vacation"After he said that Thomas could see that Alexandra was holding back a laugh

And with the elevator, open Peter and Alex went inside, "oh don't enter I have something important to discuss with Miss Faucette you can take it when we get off" said Peter, stopping Thomas from entering the lift

When the elevator closed, he saw that Alexandra was giving him a smirk that literally made Thomas explode

-inside the elevator-

"Alexandra look Susanna texted me a letter" Peter said, showing Alexa his phone.

"She said 'I hope you get well soon"

"Well that means she is still thinking of you" Alexa said, looking at her manager.

When they entered his office Alexandra said

"Sir I wished you stayed at the hospital longer or at least just rest at your home"

"Well the hospital isn't far from here" Peter said as he attempted to remove the neck holder.

"No sir please don't take it off" Alex said with a sound of concern.

"Alright if you say so. Has Susanna's show started?"

"Yes sir "

Peter immediately turned on the TV in his office

"Well ladies and gentlemen morning has come again and we have another surprise guest today...."

"Look Alexandra doesn't red suit her very well"

"Indeed sir, I am glad you two made up"

"We haven't yet, I texted her if we could have dinner together but she hasn't answered yet"

"And here he is Mr. Leonard Girardi"

"Gooooood morning people of America"

"Good morning Mr. Girardi "

"Good morning my dear" said Leonard, kissing her hand.

"I hope we have a nice interview dear"

"I don't understand why they have to call each other dear and whatever else," Peter said, his voice tinged with jealousy

"Before we start I want to say congratulations on your wedding"

"Why thank you"

"How does it feel like being married?"

"Well if there isn't love then what's the point of life" said Girardi happily

"Ohhh it looks like we are going to have a romantic morning people" said Susanna

"Look in front of more than 8 million people they are flirting" said peter with a furious voice trying not to shout

"Eh sir please calm down they are only doing this for the show besides you just heard that he was recently married" said Alexa attempting to calm him down

"If I could-

-back to Thomas-

When was heading to his father's office, Thomas inquired of Adrienne (Alex's assistants),

"Yes, sir, he's inside with Miss Faucette."

"Why am I not surprised?"

and began to make his way to his father's office

-back to Alexa and Peter-

"If I could, I'd fire that guy," Peter said, motioning to Mr. Girardi, and Alexa laughed. Abruptly, Thomas entered the office, and Peter immediately switched off the television. "Son, how many times do I have to say knock before you get in?" "I apologize, sir, but I need to clarify this deal we had with an allied company."

"I can't because the medication they gave me in the hospital is giving me a headache, maybe later," Peter said. "Well, I hope you feel better soon, excuse me," Thomas said as he walked out of the room.

"Well sir I should go" said Alexa

"Sure," Peter said as he switched on the TV and began daydreaming about Susanna.

As Alex left the office, she was happy for her boss, and it was interesting how her boss was easily jealous, she began walking to her desk, where she found Thomas waiting for her next to her desk,

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Yes, in fact, I'd like to know what was funny?"

"Pardon me?"

"You came out of the office smiling, what's the reason?"

"Oh me and the boss were just talking about some private matter, why did something happen because of this?"

"No, smiling and laughing is perfectly fine, but I don't understand what's going on between you and my father."

"What exactly do you mean sir?"

"Let's go to my office so we could talk"

"Sorry(not sorry)but I don't have time I have to get these papers done, we can talk at 1 pm "

"I am the COO of this company; surely you have 5 minutes for me to speak with you; be in my office in a minute," Thomas said as he walked forward to his office, Alexa turned to see Adrienne eating popcorn. "What? I enjoy the show "Adrienne said

"Get back to work," said Alexandra unimpressed.

"Alright, alright"

So, precisely a minute later, Alexa went to Thomas's office and what she found.... frankly, she wasn't sure whether she should be surprised or not..... he was playing video games on the TV in his office

"You needed to discuss something me sir," said Alexa trying to get his attention

"Shhhh, I'm about to win."

"YESSSSSSSSS" shouted Thomas, throwing his hands in the air

Alex's face was expressionless.

Thomas noticed what he'd done and said "In order to distract my self from the cruel reality I play video games from time to time" and went to his desk and sat on the chair

"Well the reason I called you here is that, didn't I fire Mr. Joshua Fry yesterday night? Because I was surprised when I saw him this morning"

"Well I told Mr. Wolcott about it and he said.....


"Mr. Joshua Fry has been my driver for more than 2 decades and, on top of that, he is my best friend; no one can fire him without my knowledge

-flashback ended_

"That guy is 63 years old; do you realize how risky it is for someone that age to drive?"

Alexandra was puzzled because she had seen people above the age of 70 driving cars expertly.

Alexa guessed he just wants an excuse to fire Mr Joshua

"Well, if you're so concerned about him, why don't you drive Mister Wolcott yourself?"


"And in that way you two could have more quality times together"

"Enough" said Thomas angrily rising from his seat and slammed the table

"Don't involve yourself in my family business or else-"

"Or else what Mr. Wolcott" said Alexa cutting of Thomas

Then Alexandra looked at Thomas dead in the eyes and said"Tell that to Mister Wolcott let's see who he fires first, have a nice day sir,"

Before Thomas could say anything more. Alex stormed out of the room, enraged.