
I Would Do It Again and Again, Just To Be With You (BL Fanfiction)

wangningxian fic Wen Ning dies and is finally able to take the next step in his life but the judge of hell doesn't think so. For a chance of reincarnation, Wen Ning will have to travel to different worlds to complete tasks and collect the soul shards if he ever wants to returns to his original world. But why do these people he meet in the way look like the people he knows in his own world?! Especially these doppelgängers of Wei-gongzi and Hanguang-jun who won’t stop chasing after him! *Transmigration AU fic. I love Wen Ning so i wanted to write something about him. I hope everyone who reads this enjoys the fic. This is a way to test my writing and language skills since English isn’t my first language. Plus im doing this for fun!*

kisamix · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


In this world there exist a gender beside male and female which is call ger. Gers are male who have the ability to get pregnant. They have smaller builds compare to the average men, usually physically weak and look more androgynous. Although gers are prohibited from entering the army, they are given the chance to be scholars, medics, entertainers and even be part of the royal advisors to the emperor. In conclusion, what gers lack in strength they make up for it with their intelligence. Still, gers are usually sheltered and not expose to the outside since young because of how rare their existence are. They are taught the skills needed at home compare to being taught at school before they decide what to do at the age of 16.

To identify a ger, they have a cinnabar mole located at their face area in which Bai Yujin's mole is right below his left eye.

Regarding the pregnancy of a ger, their chances of getting pregnant depends on the intensity of their cinnabar mole color. The redder it is, the more likely for them to get pregnant. Bai Yujin's color was not as red as he wished. It was a dull red that the color could only be seen when he is in the light. Normally if others have not seen it closer, it would be regarded simply as a normal beauty mark. Since his was a pale red, his chances of pregnancy were low but after two years of marriage he was finally able to conceive a child. There was a risk to his health but Bai Yujin was happy to be able to give Liu Li Feng a child. He thought maybe with a child, he and Liu Li Feng could grow closer as they raise their child but that was before he saw his husband and that man together.

Hearing all this, Wen Ning couldn't help himself as a few tears slip from his eyes. As he was in Bai Yujin's body, the emotions that Bai Yujin had repress deep inside him was wholly felt by Wen Ning and he wasn't ready for the burst of sadness, guilt and frustration. The tears didn't stop even after he wipes the tears away with his sleeve and even A-Jia got worry with his master's crying. Suddenly, a few soft hits from his stomach surprises him. Tears were still flowing but Wen Ning was now focus on his stomach. Another hit from his stomach and Wen Ning slowly places his hand there. He rubs his stomach, calming the child inside him and the hitting stops. Wen Ning huffs out, smiling weakly. "Were you…worry? Did you move around because you wanted to stop me crying and try to catch my attention? Such a sweet child. That's okay…daddy is fine now. Thank you," with a last swipe using his sleeve to clear out the tears, he gives a few rubs to his stomach. This child needs him now and he'll do whatever it takes to protect him or her in Bai Yujin's place. There were more weird things that he had seen when he was corpse. Being pregnant, albeit strange, is probably mild in his weirdness scale at this point.

As he slowly stands up to head towards another sliding door that he could see headed to the garden outside, Wen Ning can hear voices talking loudly from the hall outside his room and he hears the sound of heavy footstep walking quickly at his direction.

"You can't go in there!" Rou Yao voices out loudly from outside. Wen Ning got worry and as he was standing up to see what was going on, the door to his room slides open quickly, startling Wen Ning who was already half standing, his hand supporting his belly.

Wen Ning walks a step back, covering his stomach protectively as he looks at the man who just entered his room. The man was tall. He seems to be towering above Wen Ning even if he was standing far away from him. His chest length hair was in disarray, covering his face making Wen Ning unable to see clearly this man's face except for his golden irises which were staring at Wen Ning intensively, his robes were messy and he seems exhausted, as if he had run here, with sweat covering his forehead even though he was standing there with a stoned face, as cool as a cucumber. Wen Ning felt restless as he sees the sweat on the man's forehead and he moves slightly forward, wanting to wipe it away but he stops his action.

How should he act? What would Bai Yujin do in his place? This, he isn't ready!

"Master, master," A-Jia climbs up to his shoulder and pats his cheek. "Don't act out of character! Be Bai Yujin," the little sugar glider reminds his master. Wen Ning glances at the creature with hesitating eyes. "And how should I do that?! I don't know how to act!" he whispers quietly at A-Jia, eyes still wary of the stranger at his door. A-Jia puts his fingers on his chin, quietly thinking until an idea pops up. "Master, I know what to do. Leave this to A-Jia!" the sugar glider moves his paws and a little white orb appears. It pushes the orb into the skin on Wen Ning's neck and the orb disappears into him. Wen Ning looks at A-Jia with surprise. "A-Jia what did you…," "You're awake,"

The man finally voices out, filling the silence of the room. The man pushes his hair back and gives a look to Wen Ning that made him shrink back. He was looking at Wen Ning as if Wen Ning was a small and frighten animal. Wen Ning looks away from the man and suddenly something deep in him made him want to react. He had the urge to run away at that exact moment and before he could ask A-Jia what had it done to him, he sees the man walking closer to him and his hand seems to want to touch Wen Ning. Something within him burst out and Wen Ning snaps.

"Don't touch me!" Wen Ning harshly slaps the hand away and stood up straight, still protecting his belly, with fright in his eyes. Although he was feeling scare, Wen Ning still gave the man a glare to the man who was looking at his slapped hand. With still trembling fingers, he points towards the entrance to his room, avoiding looking at the man. "Get out," his voice shakens. Wen Ning was in distress, he didn't know why he was suddenly acting this way. It was as if something or someone was pushing those previous emotions out to make him act in such a way. That A-Jia…it was probably cause by the white orb.

The man cold façade broke a bit but it quickly turns impassive. He sighs out and promptly sits himself on the floor beside the bed. He gives a long look to Wen Ning and nods his head towards the bed. "Lay down," he says this, ignoring Wen Ning's request. Wen Ning hands were now tightly in fists and he had the urge to throw something at the man with how nonchalant he was acting. Before Wen Ning could throw out insults, the man gently pulls him down to bed and made him lay on it. He pulls the blanket upwards his body, not before glimpsing at Wen Ning's belly, a complicated gaze in his eyes and then tucks him in. Wen Ning was laying there, too shock to move as the man's face comes nearer to his allowing Wen Ning to finally have a closer look of the man's face.

Wen Ning was probably dreaming. This man looks too familiar. Fair skin, thin lips, a straight edge nose and those eyes. Familiar golden irises that may look serious at first but were the warmest eyes he had seen and love. This, no it couldn't be. That was impossible.

"Lan…Wangji?" Wen Ning whispers as he comes closer to the man, trying to see if it was true, if this was Hanguang-jun. Wen Ning touches his cheeks and gently caresses it. This face was Lan Wangji, could it be? But no reconciliation could be seen in the person's eyes only a questioning one and if Wen Ning had looked a little longer, a hidden anger behind it. This person may look like Lan Wangji but he wasn't his Lan Wangji. "You're not him," Wen Ning looks away and huffs in disappointment. It was probably his imagination. There was no way Hanguang-jun would be here. Thousands of worlds and Hanguang-jun was stuck at the same world as him. Yeah, definitely impossible.

"Who is Lan Wangji?" the man lowly says as he suddenly grips Wen Ning's wrist when Wen Ning moves away. The sudden close distance had the man surprise and almost blushing to his ears as he has never been this close to Bai Yujin but he allows it since Bai Yujin was still recovering. He didn't want to hurt the man. He allows the sudden snark coming from the normally quiet man since pregnancy affected others differently but when hearing another man's name being utter by Bai Yujin's lips and the disappointment he sees when the pregnant man realizes he isn't who he thought was, Liu Li Feng suddenly grew angry.

Who has his husband been seeing during Liu Li Feng's absence? "Bai Yujin, answer me," his grip suddenly tightens

Wen Ning glances at the man. Why the heck is he angry? Shouldn't Wen Ning be the one angry? This guy just comes and barges inside his room, telling him what to do and demanding him answers. Such arrogance! And his wrist is hurting. Young man, how can you treat a sick person like this!

Wen Ning tries to pull his wrist away but the grip didn't let go. The man was still staring at Wen Ning, waiting for his answer. Wen Ning was so annoyed that he blurted out what he had been thinking. "None of your business," and he froze. Did he…just say that? A-Jia, A-Jia you little twerp, why is he acting like this! The sugar glider was on top of his blanket, making cute hand gestures urging Wen Ning to carry on. Does this man not see an animal moving around him?

Suddenly his chin was held and move, facing towards the man. Despite the unexpressive face he has, Wen Ning knew that the man was angry by the look in his eyes. "As your husband, it is my business," he says this coldly. Wen Ning eyes got big as he hears what the man said. So, this is Liu Li Feng, Bai Yujin's cheating husband. Why did this guy have to have Hanguang-jun face but not his temperance.

The messy emotions that had stir within Wen Ning had finally calm down but it left Wen Ning with a sense of coldness that spread in him. He didn't know why but the word that had left Liu Li Feng's mouth made him want to laugh out. He narrows his eyes and his lips were in a line. "How can someone claim to be my husband when they have been ignoring me for the past two years? Go back and comfort your lover, they deserve your attention rather than me receiving such second hand affection," Wen Ning pulls his hand hard and pushes Liu Li Feng away, taking the opportunity of the man's shock expression to get away as far as he could from his 'husband'. Wen Ning laid his body back on his bed and turn away from Liu Li Feng. He covers himself from head to toe with the blanket, wanting to avoid looking at this man with Hanguang-jun face. He needed time to collect himself with the knowledge that he had just act disrespectful to his husband, which Wen Ning thinks Bai Yujin has never acted this way and with the fact that Hanguang-jun doppelgänger was his husband. Ahhhhhh.

Liu Li Feng looks at Wen Ning with disbelieve, as at that moment he really didn't know what to do.

Bai Yujin found out? When? How? He knew he wasn't that discreet with his movement when he was out of the castle but he made sure no such rumors got to Bai Yujin. He even threatens the two servants from Bai Yujin's household, making sure they knew what would happen if they even utter such words to the ger. As much as he wanted to show he cares for his…wife, he couldn't. The feelings he has for Bai Yujin was more akin to having a little brother. He knew Bai Yujin would be marry to him ever since the news of their engagement and at first he agree to it, as it was his duty as the second prince but the moment he met his beloved, all thoughts of Bai Yujin were thrown out from his mind and it was replace by a whimsical smile, contagious laughter and playful teasing. The moment his eyes fell on his beloved Liu Li Feng felt alive.

But still, he regretted bringing Bai Yujin into his mess. From the burst of anger and frighten expressions he was giving; the man had probably kept those thoughts only to himself and Liu Li Feng could see how hurt Bai Yujin was. Bai Yujin was right, did Liu Li Feng even have the right to be call a husband with how Bai Yujin has been treated by him.

"Yuj…," as Liu Li Feng extends his hand to pull the blanket so he could explain to Bai Yujin, a hand held to his stopping his movement. Liu Li Feng looks up to see the doctor was the one holding his hand. Rou Yao was standing at the edge of the bed, avoiding looking at him. The doctor shakes his head and lets Liu Li Feng's hand go. "My prince, the young master requires rest. Its probably better if you meet him back tomorrow. Also, if I might have a word with you," the doctor says as he walks towards the door, waiting for Liu Li Feng. He looks at the blanket covering Bai Yujin and lets out a tired sigh. He stands up and walks outside not before giving a final glance at that blanket lump. "I'll come visit soon," Liu Li Feng closes the door leaving the room with only Rou Yao and Bai Yujin occupying it.

Rou Yao looks at the close door and puts the tray of food that he has been holding on the side table beside the bed. "How dare that man. Just because he is the prince doesn't mean he can treat you like this," he grumbles out quietly. "Young master, I'll put the porridge and tea on the table and after that, just rest. I'll bring in the medicine after your nap. I have sent a message to his lordship and the other two young masters that you are awake. They will probably come visit this week since his lordship is out of the kingdom. Please do eat, you have to build up your strength for both you and the baby. Do not hesitate to call me if there is anything you need. I'll take my leave now," Rou Yao says as he gives a bow and exits the room.

Silence fills the room. The small blanket lump moves until Wen Ning pops his head out. He looks around and sighs in relieve knowing he is the only one here. He sits on the bed, his head down facing the floor. A-Jia, who was with him under the blanket, moves to his lap looking up at Wen Ning. "That went well," suddenly A-Jia's cheeks were pull in and out by Wen Ning. Wen Ning just stares at the poor creature who was attempting to talk. "Mawtew…not too hawd. Huwttttttssss…," the sugar glider's cheeks were stretch slowly and then quickly let go. "Huhu, it hurts," the little creature sniffles in pain and he looks at Wen Ning with glistering eyes. Wen Ning ignores its sad look and crosses his arms, a fearsome look place on him. "A-Jia. Explain. Now," A-Jia looks at the scary expression on his master's face and nods his head non stop. Scary, scary, too scary!

A-Jia looks down on Wen Ning's lap, playing with its paw while he stumbles out words to explain to his master. "Umm, well, King Qinguang gave me powers and items to help you in your task," he glances up to Wen Ning who was indifference to those words.

"Go on,"

"A-and that orb was one of the powers he gave me. Its, its an emotion pusher. It shows what the soul feels about the other person before their death. Don't worry! It will only last for a day,"

"I can understand that BUT, why did I have no control over myself? A-Jia, I acted like…a brat for heaven's sake," Wen Ning blushes, biting his lips remembering his embarrassing outburst and words.

"Well~ my powers are really weak at the moment since I'm currently a low-level beast. So since my powers are still unstable, I couldn't control the amount I put in the orb properly. It supposed to just let you know how the soul feels but it acted out. As we travel to more worlds, my power will have upgrades based on the success of each worlds and the items I can get for you their quality will improve. Like a D grade pill that can cure coughs and fevers to an S grade pill that can instantly heal wounds and illnesses,"

"That's…kinda cool,"

"Right! Praise me, praise me," it looks at Wen Ning with sparkly eyes.

"Still, it was just luck that the man didn't do anything to me from the way I was acting rudely towards him. Now he thinks I am a brat and since he knows now I know about his secret relationship, there is a possibility that he is going to make my life a living hell,"

"At least you know how to act in front of Liu Li Feng, right master," it tilts its little head to the side and give a cute wink to Wen Ning, trying to appease its master's anger.

A-Jia in return got its cheeks pinch again, this time much longer. It ends up with tomato cheeks and was sobbing quietly with its face on Wen Ning's lap. Wen Ning lets the creature cry itself while he thinks about what had just happen.

From what he found out is that:

1. He is pregnant.

7 months and a half, technically a melon from the way it weights. The child in him doesn't move around much but it seems to be able to detect if he is in a foul mood judging from the erratic movement when he was with Liu Li Feng. Smart kid.

2. A-Jia has powers and items.

Useful tools, might make my stay easier. Need more information on those.

3. Tasks to be completed.

Bai Yujin wishes the child to be healthy and happy. While he can't confirm if the child will be happy in the future, Wen Ning will damn make sure that this child will be healthy. His medicine skills will come in handy in this since he has to avoid any complication due to his weak body. Next, establish a good relationship with Bai Yujin's family. He tries to dig into the memories but what he gets is all in bits and pieces. Even Bai Yujin himself didn't know too much of his family. Only that his father is a general, his eldest brother is the advisor for the first prince and the second eldest brother is a well known socialite. They are well known in the royal society. Wen Ning is already having a headache with this. He is use to being a loner and having no social skills so how is he going to get closer to these people when Bai Yujin himself kept himself away from them. Lastly, getting Liu Li Feng and his lover together AND making the royal family acknowledge their relationship. Screw you Bai Yujin, you make this hard already.

4. Liu Li Feng.

This person is his husband who is having an affair with another man and rumors about them have been circulating since their army days. Conclusion; Bai Yujin is an oblivious fool who is in love with said husband. He also has to keep up with his brat act to avoid suspicious. His inner Jin LIng will have to do. Oh don't forget, the husband shares the same face as Lan Wangji. No Wen Ning, they may have the same face but that isn't Hanguang-jun. Remember, that king is playing with you.

5. King Qinguang is a good guy?

Yes…and also no. He may have given Wen Ning a second? Third? Chance in life but it was out of boredom. He wants to see an interesting story and Wen Ning is his guinea pig. If he finds you a bored, with just a snap of his finger Wen Ning's life can end just like that. That's why the king left out saying he had to play match maker, tying two red strings together and again leaving Wen Ning hopelessly without anyone, before he was sent here. So what he has to do is make this entertaining for the king. Wen Ning is starting to regret accepting that offer. Making his husband have the same face as Lan Wangji is probably one of the king's ploy so that Wen Ning would get confuse. Distasteful!

Well, if the king wanted to play with him, he'll play along. Wen Ning just needed a solid plan so that he could avoid public scandals or getting any major injuries. He nodded to himself, determination set.

With that thought, he taps on A-Jia's head. A-Jia sorrowfully lifts his head up, eyes glistening with tears. "Done?" Wen Ning asks the sugar glider. A-Jia stands up and starts to rub his head on Wen Ning's palm. His little sniffles made Wen Ning felt bad for pinching those cheeks hard. But still, discipline is important. "Master is mean. Master should be taking care of A-Jia," "You're not a baby. This baby is already enough for me to worry about," Wen Ning explains as he points to his belly and one hit from his stomach is felt, as if the baby was agreeing with their mother. Wen Ning softly laughs and rubs his belly.

Wen Ning dries A-Ji's tears, which seem to make the sugar glider happy.

"What are you going to do now master?"

"Well, we need to think of a plan but I need your help,"

"Ohhhh, what do I need to do?"

"Okay, well it's like this,"