
I Would Do It Again and Again, Just To Be With You (BL Fanfiction)

wangningxian fic Wen Ning dies and is finally able to take the next step in his life but the judge of hell doesn't think so. For a chance of reincarnation, Wen Ning will have to travel to different worlds to complete tasks and collect the soul shards if he ever wants to returns to his original world. But why do these people he meet in the way look like the people he knows in his own world?! Especially these doppelgängers of Wei-gongzi and Hanguang-jun who won’t stop chasing after him! *Transmigration AU fic. I love Wen Ning so i wanted to write something about him. I hope everyone who reads this enjoys the fic. This is a way to test my writing and language skills since English isn’t my first language. Plus im doing this for fun!*

kisamix · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"You think he will like it?" Sun Junjie asked for the third time, exiting a sigh from Liu Li Feng.

Today, they were lucky enough to get some free time to go to the market despite their busy schedule.

With Hwansou trying to push Zhenbou to initiate the first move, Liu Li Feng has been busy patrolling the nearby towns and villages within their kingdom and training the soldiers. He gets home late and he so tired that, once he puts his head on the pillow, he is dead to the world. Because of that, he doesn't have many chances to join Bai Yujin for dinner, leaving his wife usually having dinner with Rou Yao and Rou Mei accompanying him. He is upset with himself for not being able to be there more for Bai Yujin. How are they going to fix their relationship if he himself doesn't put in the effort but with everything going on, Liu Li Feng can't find any time to spend with Bai Yujin. He suspects the ger is also put out with him and thinking of Bai Yujin's impression of him now, Liu Li Feng couldn't help but feel hopeless.

"Yes Junjie, he will like it. I was there when he looked at it," Liu Li Feng reminded Sun Junjie, as the other man held onto his arm and the other holding a meat skewer. People were watching them due to Sun Junjie's incessant chatter and bright personality that seem to attract others. Liu Li Feng pulled his hood down to cover half of his face. He didn't want anyone to start talking about the second prince's appearance in town. There was enough problem as it is then to start a new one.

"It's just, we've been so busy with the soldiers and now with Hwasou coming here, I haven't spent time with Yujin. Do you know how difficult it was to lie to him two days ago? I was this close to blurting out our outing. The only reason I held myself is because we want to surprise him with a present. You didn't see the look on his face. I felt like I stole a child's candy," Sun Junjie grumbled, angry with himself as he bites into the meat.

Sun Junjie was as busy as Liu Li Feng. With Hwasou near arrival to the kingdom, he has been working with Bai Zian in collecting information. With Bai Zian's close connection to the other kingdoms and the black markets, Sun Junjie was able to obtain evidence that he could use to tarnish the royal family of Hwasou. The slavery trade, the hidden opium business and the high rise of poverty in the villages in Hwasou due to high tax rate which was used for their benefit to live in luxury to name a few. But Sun Junjie knew it wasn't enough.

They had all this information but they needed someone of great importance from Hwasou to use it to fight against the corruption of their country. The plan was that Hwasou would be busy dealing with the internal conflict of their royalty to even think of initiating war with Zhenbou and if they were lucky, a new ruler who wouldn't mind a peaceful relationship with Zhenbou. Bai Zian suggested that they wait until the Zhebou representative and their entourage arrived so that they could select their victim, Bai Zian's words, not his. 'Maybe we could use the princess,' Sun Junjie thinks to himself.

Sun Junjie looks over Liu Li Feng who has been quiet ever since he spoke of Bai Yujin. Despite his lover's impassiveness, Sun Junjie could see the dejected look in his eyes. Worried for Liu Li Feng's sudden downess, Sun Junjie pulls him to the side where they stood at the the wooden bridge, facing the town's riverbank with the bright orange sky above them. "What did you do?" Sun Junjie calmly asked, knowing this probably has to do with Bai Yujin.

Liu Li Feng's body tenses as he was confronted with that question. He looks away from Sun Junjie and his forehead furrowed, not knowing how to tell him. Sun Junjie frowns and uses two of his fingers to flatten Liu Li Fei's furrow. "You'll get wrinkles if you keep up with that furrowing. Come on Li Feng, it can't be that bad," Sun Junjie insisted as he places their hands on the bridge's railing, his palm on top of Li Feng's, their fingers intertwined.

Liu Li Feng kept quiet but then looks down at the river, his reflection showing a remorse look. "I…Bai Yujin also asked me out but I declined it, quite rudely," he feels deeply regretful when he recalls back Bai Yujin's disappointed expression. Those bright eyes turn dull and the small smile set into a hard line. Liu Li Feng even quickly walked away from Bai Yujin after he said that, dismissing the ger before he could utter a word due to Liu Li Feng's nervousness just because he remembered the way Bai Yujin's flushed look that day.

Every time he caught a glimpse of Bai Yujin, Liu Li Feng starts to remember the way Bai Yujin blushed so beautifully, his neck littered with red marks, a large visible bite mark on the skin between his neck and shoulder, the small body pushed back to his firm one and that soft and gentle voice begging him to let go. Liu Li Feng couldn't help himself from getting hot and want to push his wife down and have his way with him. So he runs away because he knew Bai Yujin would not appreciate him doing that judging from how Liu Li Fei had done so that first time they met and Liu Li Feng was a coward who himself knew that he needed to heal their bond with how heartless he was to Bai Yujin those years ago. He has a lot to change about himself and he would do it for Bai Yujin.

"We'll apologise tonight and give him the present. He'll see how sincere we are and forgive us," Sun Junjie says with confidence that Liu Li Feng doubts Bai Yujin will make it easy for them. His lover then gives another look to him, questioning his still darker eyes and reddening cheeks. "That's not all I'm guessing," he gives a long stare at Liu Li Feng and starts to grin as if he knows what the other reason was. "Ah, is my Liu-er ge shy~? Did you start to remember Bai Yujin lovely state again?" Sun Junjie stands a bit closer, shoulders touching as he peeks at Liu Li Feng's face from under his fluttering lashes, a flirtatious smile greeting the stoic man. Liu Li Feng regrets telling Sun Junjie his uncontrolled actions towards Bai Yujin that night.

Liu Li Feng's looks away, the tips of his ear red. "Shameless," he hisses out as a hand starts going up to his chest. "Why don't you show me how you made him blush? I saw an empty alley beside that shop we passed by, you can re-enact it on me and I'll tell you how beautiful he looked when we were bathing together. All plump and flushed," The hand creeping up his chest reaches to Liu Li Feng's neck, gently brushing his skin as Sun Junjie lips touch his reddening ear. "Or you can imagine both of us naked as you fuck me? Touch me as if you're touching Yujin, me screaming his name with you inside me, both of us wishing he was there to join us. You would like that, don't you Li Feng?" Sun Junjie purred to Liu Li Feng as he nibbles his partner's ear, himself becoming breathless as he imagines what it would be like to have Bai Yujin with them.

Sun Junjie's chest was pushed slightly, his cheeks red as Liu Li Feng calm his breath. "Not here," Liu Li Feng growls lowly, his horsed voice sending pleasant chills down Sun Junjie's back. "Home?" "Home," Sun Junjie pouts. Well, he could understand why. Being too 'intimate' outside with people around them was just asking for trouble especially with their position in the army and Liu Li Feng being Zhenbou's prince but Sun Junjie was still disappointed. There was just something thrilling about being caught. Well, next time then.

As Sun Junjie pushes himself away from Liu Li Feng, holding his hand so they could return home quickly and have fun before dinner, he hears a burst of soft familiar laughter that sends his heart beating fast like the first time he heard it. 'Yujin! He's here,' Sun Junjie stops in his step surprising Liu Li Feng who slightly knock him from behind with the sudden halt. His face brightens with the thought of Yujin being there and looks around to find the source of the laughter. He sees a familiar silhouette sitting at the bench and was about to call them until he closely notices a person sitting together with Bai Yujin.

The person was wearing a cloak with a hood covering his face making it difficult to identify who it was. That person wasn't Rou Yao, judging from their tall stature and definitely not Bai Yujin's brothers since Sun Junjie knew Bai Zian was outside the castle's outskirt and Bai Shirong was working. Bai Chao was with the emperor according to Liu Li Feng. So who was this mysterious man? Sun Junjie couldn't help but frown. "Li Feng, is that-," "Who is he with?" Liu Li Feng snarls deeply surprising Sun Junjie. Confuse with the sudden change of attitude, Sun Junjie glances back towards Bai Yujin and his mysterious acquaintance.

Now he knows why Liu Li Feng is suddenly furious, even Sun Junjie cannot help feel upset with what he sees. The mysterious person had put his hand on Bai Yujin's head and made him lay on their shoulder. Then, that person had the nerve to thread Bai Yujin's soft hair with their finger and from their position, it looked as if they were cuddling with each other. The ugly sign of jealousy appears within Sun Junjie and he can't help but want to go down there and pull Bai Yujin off that stranger. He hated it, Bai Yujin was theirs!

Sun Junjie, with a scowl rarely seen on his face, angrily walks down the bridge, ready to fight off whoever that stranger was but his arm was held firm by Liu Li Feng who still had his eyes on the two people. He whipped his head back, to tell Liu Li Feng to let go but stops himself when he sees the sharply narrowed eyes and harsh line on those lips. Sun Junjie knew that his lover was angry but held himself back because they couldn't cause a scene with this many people around them. People would talk if they saw the prince fighting in the street. Sun Junjie lets out a frustrated exhale and he follows Liu Li Feng's example. They secretly observed Bai Yujin and the stranger.

It wasn't long until the two stood up from the bench and began walking down the street. Sun Junjie and Liu Li Feng instinctually followed behind but stood frozen when the stranger's hood fell from his head. The grip on Sun Junjie's arm went tighter than before and a low growl emitted from Liu Li Feng.

There stood Liu Li Fei frowning at a giggling Bai Yujin, covering his mouth with his hand as the first prince brought his arm around the ger's waist. They were talking to each other, with Bai Yujin playfully poking at the prince's chest. What Bai Yujin said made Liu Li Fei briefly smile in a gentle way before quickly covering up with his usual sly one. What made Sun Junjie feel irritated is the way Bai Yujin helped Liu Li Fei carefully cover back his head with the hood, so that his face was hidden from view.

Seeing that made his feel helpless. Why? Why was Liu Li Fei the one who make Bai Yujin open up more? These past few days, Sun Junjie had spent as much time getting to know Bai Yujin and he truly enjoyed being with the younger male. He was funny, kind and charming. Bai Yujin was also quick to retort back his words with witty comebacks that Sun Junjie never expect coming from the soft-spoken young man. Sun Junjie wanted to see more of Bai Yujin's hidden side.

But he knew that Bai Yujin still kept his shield up, as he should. There was always a wall blocking Sun Junjie from getting closer. The more he tried to knock it down, the quicker the wall builds up. He knew he had to be patient. Bai Yujin was slowly getting used to the idea of Sun Junjie being his friend and being in his life and as the third person in this disaster of a love triangle, he shouldn't be demanding more from Bai Yujin. Selfish, he has always been selfish.

He has Liu Li Feng, he loves the man more than anything and now he wants Bai Yujin in the mix. Why was he so damn selfish?! Shouldn't he let Bai Yujin now choose who he wants to be with instead of forcing him into Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie's relationship? If Bai Yujin should choose another, even if its that bastard of a prince, he should be happy for Bai Yujin and let him go because Bai Yujin would finally be happy not being tied to them.

Bai Yujin deserves better. Sun Junjie wonders; did he even deserve to be in Bai Yujin's life when Sun Junjie can't be honest with him? One day, he has to tell him, even if it will be jeopardized everything he has built up to this day and it's a chance he will take if it will make Bai Yujin accept him.

But right now, until Bai Yujin himself professes his heart's desire, Sun Junjie will damn sure make the goddess he fell for theirs. And if it takes deception and foul play, well isn't that how he won all those battles and this time he will win the war.

Sun Junjie stood there with Liu Li Feng, watching as Bai Yujin and Liu Li Fei continue heading towards the direction of the castle. Sun Junjie harshly bit his bottom lip, turning his head back to look at the ever-silent Liu Li Feng. "Should we follow them?" he carefully asked, not wanting to add more oil to the blazing fire. Liu Li Feng still had his eyes on the figures of two people fading into the bustling crowd before his facial features relax back to its neutral state and the grip to Sun Junjie's arm loosen. He slightly turns his head to Sun Junjie, eyes guilty as he looks at the hand on Sun Junjie's arm and lets it go. "Your arm…apologies Junjie," the sudden remorse in his voice surprises Sun Junjie. Of course he was surprised, Liu Li Feng has never suddenly blurted out apologies especially knowing that Sun Junjie's pain tolerance is higher than normal. Plus, he loves having Liu Li Feng's bruises on him.

"It's okay. You hardly did any damage with that grip of yours. I have gotten much worse," Sun Junjie winks at Liu Li Feng which elicit a small lift on his lips. "Trying to be gentle. Yujin complains I am too rough," he looks away from Sun Junjie, a slight blush on his cheeks as he looks at the bench where Bai Yujin sat. "We don't need to follow. It's nearing sunset, let's head back," Liu Li Feng walks down the bridge, leaving Sun Junjie to catch up to him.

Sun Junjie walks beside Liu Li Feng, the silence around them deafening. He wonders what Liu Li Feng is thinking. Of course, Sun Junjie knows he is angry but the certain calmness afterwards makes him think that there is more Liu Li Feng is not letting out.

Liu Li Feng is a person of action. Since he is a man of few words and due to his expressionless face, people found it hard to get close to him and never took the time to get to know the man. The only reason Liu Li Feng and he were friends, in the beginning, was because how relentless Sun Junjie was in trying to get to know him (he stalked and teased the guy to the point Liu Li Feng finally gave in just to get some peace and quiet). So if Sun Junjie wanted to know what his lover was thinking, he was the one who has to pry open that shell first.

"So, Yujin with Liu Li Fei, that's a surprise huh," Sun Junjie starts first.


"They seem really close. Surprising since Bai Yujin tries to keep his distance from the first prince after that day,"

"My brother visits him in the infirmary,"

"Ah, that explains why Bai Zian keeps cursing Liu Li Fei every time we meet. He hasn't seen Yujin for a few days now since he received that task and knowing the prince gets to see his little brother anytime, Bai Zian must be pissed,"


"Yujin must have wanted to go out. He did ask us but since we couldn't Liu Li Fei was his next choice. They must have had a lot of fun,"

"…that is good,"

"Li Feng, we still have a chance. Are you just going to give up that easily?" Sun Junjie says in a light, mocking tone that made Liu Li Feng scowl.

"Have you ever seen me give up that easily?" he retorts back, a glint of challenge in those golden eyes.

Hearing this, Sun Junjie was satisfied. "Then, let's attend dinner with Yujin and apologies. We should act normal since if we straight away ask him about his outing with Liu Li Fei, he might feel defensive. After that, we can give your gift to him since I wasn't the one being insensitive for buying only for one person and didn't think about the other," Sun Junjie playfully teases but he can see Liu Li Feng flinched from his remark. It must have hit hard.


"Make me~,"


"Liu-er ge, you pervert!"


Wen Ning sat at the round dining table, eating his rice with some steam fish while A-Jia was munching on the pork bun Wen Ning had bought at the market.

"So A-Jia, did you find anything from Bai Zian's meeting with the council?" he continues eating while waiting for A-Jia to finish with his. A-Jia swallows the last piece of bun and pats his round belly. "Yes master, it seems Bai Zian will be meeting with Hwasou's entourage in a few days in Chiuchu Village as a neutral party. It takes a day of horse riding to reach the village and after that Bai Zian will travel together here with them," A-Jia enthusiastically answers while it takes a cup of water and drinks. It lets out a small burp and hid its face, embarrass for acting in embarrassment. Wen Ning giggles and rubs its little head with his finger. He then cuts an apple and gives a slice to A-Jia, who happily takes it while Wen Ning continues cutting the rest. A-Jia hums blissfully being spoil by its master.

Wen Ning continues with his dinner. "The princess?" he enquires. "The princess will be there together with Hwasou's representative group. Besides her, her party consist of two high-ranked imperial guards and three female servants," it nibbles the apple as A-Jia observes the thoughtful look on Wen Ning.

"I doubt they leave the princess with such weak protection. I imagine she'll bring along at least one or two shadow guards with her in case of any unfortunate incident. Liu Li Fei at least had four shadow guards following us when we were at the market," he says, thinking back to the hidden bodyguards of the first prince.

Wen Ning remembered eyes following them throughout their outing. He could feel four hidden presences that were harmless but quite skilful in hiding their threatening aura. Wen Ning was actually more surprise that his skill to sense things normally hidden from what normal people could feel was still intact. In fact, his heightened senses and prowess when he was a corpse did not disappear. If Wen Ning wasn't pregnant, surely his fighting skills were still there. Unfortunately, he can only test his hand to hand combat after birth. Child, come out quick, please.

Wen Ning puts his chopsticks on his lips. "What else can you tell me about the princess?" "Well~ she is the youngest of four siblings with the others being all boys. From what I could find from digging into Bai Zian's mind is that the princess is beautiful and demure. She usually doesn't attend any of the parties held in the castle but when her presence is called, she easily catches others attention. Her appearance in the royal court is rare but she has given noteworthy advice that has made Hwasou prosper to its state now. She entertains the ladies of the noble families once a week for teatime and that's all I could find. Otherwise, she is just a normal, royal everyday princess," A-Jia concluded, nibbling into his apple slice.

"Who is the current heir of Hwasou?" "Hwasou doesn't follow Zhenbou's first son tradition. Anyone with royal blood is allowed to fight for the throne but currently, the one favour by Hwasou Emperor is the second son. Apparently, he was the one who suggested the high tax rate and slavery. Most of their wealth comes from the black market especially the slavery business handle by the black market in Hwasou. The black market gives a high percentage of their profit to the royal family as a bribe so that the royals don't shut them down. The first son is a crazed war-head. He was the one who has been forcing the kingdom's men to enlist in the army. It seems he even resorts to threats and brutal force to get his way. The third son is the son of a concubine. He doesn't do much due to his weak disposition and because he is a concubine's child, the royal court usually ignores his suggestions. It seems he won't live long because he also has a weak heart similar to Bai Yujin's but compare to Bai Yujin who is incurable, the son can be cured if he is given better medicine and care but due to his position, even the servants treat him with disrespect and only give him the necessities. He is close to the princess due to their close age. That is all master," A-Jia proudly says, feeling good that he was able to accomplish his job.

Hearing all of this, Wen Ning was thoughtful. Interesting, if what he has figured out was right, there may be more to the princess's visit. Since Liu Li Fei insisted on him being there with the princess, Wen Ning could use that opportunity to confirm his suspicious but the other party wouldn't stay quiet, so Wen Ning guessed he should corner the princess first before confirming everything. If he plays his cards right, Zhenbou wouldn't be going in a full out war but overtaking something would become easier.

A-Jia shivers seeing the glint in its master's eyes. It seems master has figured out something. A-Jia prays for the poor soul that crosses in its master's mind.

Wen Ning turns to A-Jia and nods to it. "Thank you A-Jia for following Bai Zian. I'll brush your fur extra good tonight as a reward," Wen Ning gives a small smile to A-Jia who looks excited with the notion of its fur getting brush. "With those nice smelling oils?" "Yes, I'll rub those oils on your fur," "Yeah~! Thank you master," the little sugar glider jumps around happily and Wen Ning just shakes his head, smiling as he continues his dinner.

Wen Ning and A-Jia were chatting before the door to the dining room opened. "Yujin!" a cheery voice shouts out before Wen Ning's side was tackled. "Ooph," Wen Ning grunted as he realizes that it was Sun Junjie. Said person is nuzzling at the corner of his neck, humming in satisfaction as he envelopes Wen Ning in a hug, his arms around Wen Ning shoulders.

"Yujin~ you didn't wait for us. We wanted to have dinner together," Sun Junjie whines as he lets go of Wen Ning, a small pout on those lips. Wen Ning gives a sigh, faces Sun Junjie as he places a lock of the man's dishevelled hair behind his ear and pinches a cheek. "You and Liu Li Feng have been too busy to accompany me for anything and you expect me to wait for you for dinner, food is more important to me than you two. Stop pouting, come sit and join me," Wen Ning gently pushes Sun Junjie away and begins setting plates for the two.

Liu Li Feng seeing the ger doing such a menial task while heavy with his child felt his heart warmth by the gesture. Bai Yujin might act nonchalant with them and his words often sharp but he was still that kind and caring person Liu Li Feng had regretfully pushed out of his life. He walks to Bai Yujin and takes the plates and cups from him. "Sit. I will do it for you," he says as he gently makes Bai Yujin sit beside a grinning Sun Junjie who has that look in his eyes. Liu Li Feng ignores him, sets the plates and places a few dishes on it.

Sun Junjie gets closer to Bai Yujin, who is startled by Liu Li Feng. "See, aren't you loved. Li Feng is worried you know; he doesn't want you to get hurt from doing menial tasks with the state you are in. So, depend on us more okay. Let us take care of you," Sun Junjie whispers as he holds onto Bai Yujin's hand and circles his thumb to their palm. Bai Yujin breath hitched and he quickly puts an apple slice in Sun Junjie's mouth, surprising the man. He sees Bai Yujin looking away from him and grumpily eating his veggies with rice, slight redness on those cheeks. Sun Junjie inwardly cooed in adoration. Yujin ah, why are you so adorable even when you act hot and cold to us! He bites the apple slice and swallows it.

Liu Li Feng looks at his partner who is staring at Bai Yujin with an unbashful gaze. Feeling annoyed, he hits Sun Junjie's hand with the chopsticks which made the man eep in pain. Sun Junjie gives a small glare to Liu Li Feng. "Eat," Liu Li Feng reminded Sun Junjie as he puts pieces of steam fish to Bai Yujin's plate. Bai Yujin gives a long incredulous look to Liu Li Feng and slowly looks down and mumbles his thanks, nibbling on the fish shyly. Liu Li Feng somehow feels accomplished.

"Hey! What about mine?" Sun Junjie looks at his plate which only consist of rice, veggies and a bowl of soup. Liu Li Feng gives the dish a glance and turns to his food. "You have hands," he bites into his fish as he looks directly at Sun Junjie's eyes.

Sun Junjie's lips twitch. 'So petty!'

Wen Ning looks at the silence interaction between the two men in front of him. He can't help but let out a soft laugh as he is reminded of the way Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji interacted with each other. He always envied the silent way they could communicate without words, wishing he too could join in. Well, no used wishing on something like that.

"Something funny Yujin?" Sun Junjie asked, his mouth full of rice as he looks at Wen Ning. A grain of rice sticking to the corner of this childish man's mouth. Feeling bothered by that single grain, Wen Ning plucks it up and eats it from his fingers. "Nothing. Just remembering," he replies back. He goes back to his food, not noticing the wide looks directed at him from a stunned Liu Li Feng and a flushed Sun Junjie.

Sun Junjie turns toward Liu Li Feng, smirking at him with a triumph look. Liu Li Feng narrowed his eyes back. Fine, challenge accepted.

Clueless with his surroundings, Wen Ning eyes the two. "Not too busy today?" he asks Sun Junjie. "Umm, we manage to get some time off. Right, Li Feng?" Liu Li Feng nods as he pours two cups of water and gives each to Wen Ning and Sun Junjie. Wen Ning takes the cup from Liu Li Feng but nearly letting it fall when his and Liu Li Feng's fingers brush each other. His husband might be showing an inexpressive face but his eyes tell a different story. The man again brushes his thumb against Wen Ning and releases it like nothing happened. That was definitely intentional. Wen Ning quickly takes the cup and drinks, hiding his blush.

What the heck are these two doing now?

"Yujin, I want to apologize," Liu Li Feng suddenly says.

Wen Ning looks at him in confusion. Liu Li Feng was able to sense it. "A few days back, I acted quite rudely to you. I should have not brush you off after I declined your invitation," he admits, a look of guilt on his face.

This took Wen Ning by surprise. A-Jia was even surprised. Both Wen Ning and A-Jia looked at each other, both agreeing that it was weird to hear the proud and prideful Liu Li Feng admitting he was wrong especially to Wen Ning. Wen Ning glances back to Liu Li Feng, who still has that puppy dog look quite similar to Jin Ling's dog, Fairy. Hmm, Wen Ning has always been weak to cute animals especially puppies.

A tug of his sleeve made Wen Ning turn to Sun Junjie. He too had a face similar to Liu Li Feng. "Me too Yujin. I want to apologize for not being able to accompany you and not spending that much time when I promised to. Please don't be angry with us," Sun Junjie voice lowers, those big eyes peeking through his lashes, asking for forgiveness. Wen Ning didn't have the heart to say no.

Wen Ning smiles to the two and nods. "With the way you two are looking at me, how can I not accept those apologies. But if you two dare to snub me again, I'll make you taste pain,"

Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie froze when they heard that. Despite the smile still adoring those red lips and kind eyes focusing on them, there is a certain coldness surrounding Bai Yujin and the playful tone speaking those words hid a sharpness to it. Then within seconds, it disappears, leaving the usual Bai Yujin sitting in front of them. "Just joking," Bai Yujin quietly giggles. Were, they imagining it?

Sun Junjie slowly releases an exhale, sweating a bit while he nervously smiles at Bai Yujin and Liu Li Feng releases the tenseness of his muscles that unconsciously by reflex reacted to the feeling of dangerousness. It seems they have underestimated Bai Yujin.

Sun Junjie notices a hair stick on top of Bai Yujin's hair bun. He has never seen the young man wear anything on his hair, preferring it to be set loose down his back. It looked relatively new.

"That is…?" realizing that Sun Junjie was pointing at his hair stick, Wen Ning happily smiles and clap his hand. "Is it cute? Brother-in-law bought it for me since I didn't have anything to put my hair up. Oh, I hope you don't mind me asking him out. Everyone was busy and he was willing to accompany me, so I thought why not. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you," Wen Ning sadly says to Liu Li Feng, who is looking at his hair stick. He didn't want to be disrespectful to his husband when he didn't ask for his permission. He hoped Liu Li Feng wasn't that angry with him.

Liu Li Feng kept quiet, his eyes finally removing from Wen Ning's hair accessory. He shakes his head. "That is fine. It was inevitable that we could not be there for you. I hope brother treated you well?" he enquired.

Wen Ning, glad that Liu Li Feng did not react badly, happily nodded. "He was respectful enough. His hands were a little flighty but nothing I can't handle," he grins.

Liu Li Feng felt relieved hearing that. If his brother had done anything disrespectful to Bai Yujin, no matter if they were brothers, his sword would act first before words. He felt dejected that he could not give Bai Yujin the present he bought right now but they had time, he could give this after their child's birth. He didn't feel like watching Bai Yujin compare his and his brother's gift. He didn't want to hear Bai Yujin say good things about his brother. He was already jealous with how close their relationship looked when Sun Junjie and he saw them at the river bank and that feeling of jealously weakened when he just heard Bai Yujin's honesty. His wife wasn't hiding anything from him and he appreciated the honesty. Still, he felt annoyed that his older brother got so much luck when it comes to Bai Yujin. He can imagine that smirk on Liu Li Fei's face. Makes Liu Li Feng want to hit him.

He looks at Sun Junjie who also realises that the present should be given the next time. Sun Junjie sighed at that but nods in understanding.

"By the way, I bought these in the market for you two," Wen Ning took a small package from his robe pocket and places it on the table. He pulls out two small items from it. "Sword tassels for you both. I know it is practically useless for battle but I thought that since I can't follow the both of you when you are out there fighting and me staying here, the sword tassels can be my replacement. Think of it as a good luck charm, me looking over you two," Wen Ning explains as he places one of each to their hands; a black-red tassel to Sun Junjie and white-blue tassel to Liu Li Feng.

At first, he thought it would be a stupid idea but buying these was a good reason to place a protective talisman. He uses two talismans from A-Jia's pocket portal and wrote protective scripts on it from his past life. It surprisingly works when Wen Ning saw glowing coming out of the scripts. He rolled the talismans into a small piece and insert inside the metal of the sword tassel. With this, Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie would be protected from heavy attacks and could quickly sense blood lust directed to them every time they carry the tassels. Since they brought their swords everywhere they go, Wen Ning didn't have to worry much.

Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie stare at the little item on their palms. It was a normal sword tassel that they could have bought from any shop but receiving such a gift from Bai Yujin made the importance of the sword tassels more than it was. It was a thoughtful gift with a sweet intent behind it. Despite the confident tone he had when he gave them the tassels, they quickly noticed the slight shaking of Bai Yujin's fingers and the small hesitation when the ger handed it to them. Sweet and cute, thoughtful and kind. Their Bai Yujin is perfect.

Sun Junjie did not hesitate to give another tight hug to Wen Ning who has expected this from the man (the purring to his ears did make him shiver a bit) but he did not expect a warm hand to cover his. Liu Li Feng had gently grip Wen Ning's hand that was placed on the table. The stoic man intertwine their fingers and Wen Ning was greeted with the warmest golden irises and the widest smile Liu Li Feng had ever shown him. Wen Ning tried to ignore the thumping of his heart but he doubts he can hide it with Sun Junjie's hand right above the rapid beat. The smirk that he could feel on his ear also doesn't help Wen Ning deny it.

"Yujin ah, you're so sweet. So thoughtful, so good to us. How about after dinner you come to Li Feng's room with us and lets continue chatting through the night?" one hand slowly trails his back, enticing shivers from deep within Wen Ning's bone until it reaches the nape of his neck, fingers playing with the short hair back there. Sun Junjie's voice had grown lower as his breath gently hits Wen Ning's skin.

"Li Feng wouldn't mind, right?" With his head still on Bai Yujin's shoulder, he turns slightly to face Liu Li Feng, with darkening eyes and a sly grin hidden from Bai Yujin's sight. To prove his point, Sun Junjie licks his lips as he stares directly at a stunned Liu Li Feng. Liu Li Feng grip on Bai Yujin's fingers tighten as he gently brought that small hand forward to his lips and trail small kisses to each of his wife's fingers. "Mhm," he answers as he closes his eyes, relishing on the warmth coming from Bai Yujin's hand as he places his cheek to the palm, his lips touching to the soft skin. Yes, he wouldn't mind at all.

Wen Ning was too shocked to move. This was, what in the heck did he do to make them act this way now?! Was it the gift? It was just a normal sword tassel! Of course it was an upgraded sword tassel that had the strongest protection script he knows of but still, it's a freaking sword tassel! A-Jia help!

The little sugar glider looked in amazement at the quick responses of Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie. They were very quick with their hands and sweet with their words. It saw its master, shivering and blushing from being manhandled in such a way that A-Jia couldn't help but blush when he sees how Liu Li Feng had moved and was now sitting by Wen Ning, lips now landing on his neck and Sun Junjie whispering sweet nonsense as the hand that was on its master's chest trails downwards, forcing an eep from Wen Ning. Right in front of A-Jia's dinner too, the nerve of these humans.

What should A-Jia do? It looks at its master eyes, seeing the desperation and glimmering in them and A-Jia finally understood.

A-Jia nods its head in understanding and flies over Wen Ning. Wen Ning thought A-Jia would knock those two over with its flying, sighing in relief but as the creature flies past him, Wen Ning turns his head back to look at A-Jia who was standing at the window sill. "Master A-Jia understands! You taught me if something like this happens, I shouldn't watch. So A-Jia will go now and wait in your room. Have fun master!" A-Jia, the oblivious and innocent little sugar glider, flies away, happy to be of help to its master. It is confident that master will praise him for his smartness.

Wen Ning thinks he should knock some sense into that little head.

Rascal! How can you not see the desperation in his eyes asking for help? A-Jia you fool!

Said fool is enjoying the apple slices he was able to take before flying away.

"Yujin, you smell so sweet. You ought to taste good too. How about we end dinner early and get straight to dessert?" Sun Junjie seductively says as Wen Ning feels a lick to the tip of his ear.

Dessert?! How about a kick to the groin you perverted fox!

"Join us, please," Liu Li Feng murmurs, nibbling on his neck with one hand groping his thigh too close, too close!

Watch where you're placing your hands! Stop biting me you animal!

"No…," Wen Ning whines as he feels Liu Li Feng's tongue lapping at a bruise that he had made on his neck. Liu Li Feng keeps on changing from biting to soothing the pain with his tongue, seeming not to hear what Wen Ning said.

"Yujin~ please," Sun Junjie nibbles at his ear, making Wen Ning shake more.

"No more. Let go, please," he lets out a sharp gasp when the side of his neck where Sun Junjie was at got bitten by the man. He can hear the groan from this man-child who seems happy with his face on Wen Ning's neck. "Stop~," he whines loudly, his voice falling on deaf ears.

Their hands were reaching towards dangerous territories. Wen Ning was in distress. He knew if he didn't stop them quickly, both his front and back were not safe. These perverted men, how dare you treat this Wen Ning like this!

With a slight change of movement, Wen Ning was able to knock his head hard to Sun Junjie's and gave a punch to Liu Li Feng's stomach.

Both groan in pain by the sudden hits they received and came to realise what they have done due to being clouded by lust. Realising Bai Yujin was not there sitting in the middle of them anymore, they looked towards the door leading out to the hallway and nervously gulped when they see how furious their Bai Yujin was. His small hands were by his side in a fist and his stand was tense with anger. Those big eyes were now glaring at them and his lip was in a frown despite the flush on his cheeks. Damn it, they got too carried away.

"You bloody perverts! I fucking hate you two. Just die!" Bai Yujin shouted at them and closed the door roughly, nearing making it fall off its hinges. They hear Bai Yujin's loud stomps until it quiets down.

Their eyes were still owlishly blinking at the door.

"Fuck," Sun Junjie first voices out.

"Did we…," Liu Li Feng couldn't believe how easily he lost control.

"Yes, yes we did," Sun Junjie wants to smack himself.

"He hates us," the notion of Bai Yujin hating them, him, was too much to comprehend.

"We, are in trouble," the horror on Sun Junjie's face was enough of an explanation.

They looked at each other with horror in their eyes and quickly stood up heading towards Bai Yujin's room, begging for his forgiveness.

Let it be known that as kind as Wen Ning was, never ever doubt his kindness to be weak when said person is quite revengeful a.k.a Wen Ning himself confesses he can be quite a bitch.

He lets the two perverts bow with their heads to the floor in front of his room, asking for his forgiveness and wanting to see his face. He leaves them like that until the morning and ignores them for a few days, trailing his movement with their sad puppy eyes and where they continue to bow in front of his room every night until they are forgiven.

Wen Ning does forgive them eventually but he gives each a smack to the head because he still feels angry. Liu Li Feng and Sun Junjie did not mind, they were relieved he was talking to them again and kept their hands to themselves to avoid angering him.

Serves them right.

Bloody perverts. Hmph!