
I wont let go of you

Rose_gacha · Urban
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6 Chs

Revenge 2

Mira POV

I headed out the office and went into the restroom to cry . Duo came in with a bucket of water and threw it over my head ."ooops i am so sorry i didn't mean to "Duo laughed and the two other girls giggled. "just leave me alone...."i said crying ."Weren't you the one that made me damage my work!"Duo yelled at me .

"Didn't you destroy your work with your own hands "i said wiping some of my tears Duo clenched her teeth. "from now on you'll be fighting for your survival in the office after all your very weak now take "good" care of her ladies "Duo said laughing she left the restroom.

2 hours later

Duo's friends threw trash at me ,pulled my hair and left the restroom. I cried for what seemed like hours i tried to wash out the stinky smell of rotten bananas out my hair when i hear someone come in ,"Mira are you here?"Chelsea said she ran to hug me after she noticed me."what happened ?"Chelsea said holding onto my hands. "N-nothing " i said trying not to cry . "you can tell me tomorrow ill ask the boss an early leave for us , maybe it will take your mind off of things "Chelsea said smiling. "thank you " i hugged her .

few minutes later

"he said yes " Chelsea handed me her jacket.

"thank you Chelsea your the best i owe you "i wore the jacket Chelsea gave me ."no problem lets get going so you can get some dry clothes and a shower "Chelsea said as we walked out the restroom we laughed. Maybe I shouldn't tell her what happened Duo might make my life more miserable that it already was . I dont want to drag her in my mess .We headed out the office and went over to my apartment , I took a shower , changed, and headed to the living room ."Mira your back , do you want to eat?"Chelsea said holding a pan ."how about we eat popcorn " i said ."Are we going to wacth a movie ?" Chelsea said putting popcorn in the microwave .