
I Wondered when the blue skies were green

RedBeeSAndAmber2's Real Name is Treasure Marie Denise Jackson and I am her, I collaborated with GOD A.K.A. Jesus Christ To help me write this book. This good book contains true events but to whom the events happened to are not revealed. We wondered when we wondered how we were able to live without our chips. In the year 2034, children were born with chips who were thought to be dead flesh robots. These chips were supposed to kill the embryo and create a human organism that was a robot, but it failed and nobody knew, the embryos weren't dead, they were alive. TRIGGER WARNING: CONTAINS SEXUAL ASSAULT, CHILD MOLESTATION, and graphic child physical abuse in some of the latest chapters. _________________________________________________________________________ This story is copyrighted. (Copr. ©) The copyright symbol, or copyright sign, ©, is the symbol used in copyright notices for works other than sound recordings. The use of the symbol is described by the Universal Copyright Convention. Copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property. ... This means that the original creators of products and anyone they give authorization to are the only ones with the exclusive right to reproduce the work.

RedBeeSandAmber2 · Sci-fi
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35 Chs

We wondered when we wondered how we were able to live without our machines.

Iphx was told by Electronic Repairation Golem "I need to talk to the Bio'Tech Corps' company. I need you to protect... The machine. Iphx."

Why would they want to protect the machine? That's not Iphx in the first place.

Easy, they are confused like you most likely were from the last chapter.

Iphx was confused by everything happening, she stared at her machine and asked herself "What is happening? Why am I supposed to protect- Oh sweet crap! Is that MY machine?!"

Then she ran to the machine in worried frenzies of perplexion, she looked at it intensely and wondered "Oh my gosh, it has my age, race, name, and even my gender on it! And it's a frickin' machine! machines don't even have genders!"

Iphx stood staring at the machine in sadness and deep confusion, she asked "Am I a robot?" Iphx rubs her face, her fleshy soft child cheeks, her soft hair, she breaks off a strand of hair by twirling it in her fingers on two different ends and then pulling her two fingers wrapped in one strand of hair away from each other, the broken off strand is brought to her face.

Iphx realizes that she isn't a robot if she's a human, "But, why am I being told I am?" Then She thinks "Maybe, they're dumb!"

Iphx gives a stare of deep sadness and states "Am I a machine or human?" She looks around the building for clues as to what is going on and decides to go to the scientists themselves to ask questions.

Iphx walks around the Flesh'bot hospital on her own, "Why are they called Flesh'Bots if we're human? Are the other Flesh'Bots human like me?" Iphx was so confused by this she wanted to go and punch the scientist in the face.

She decided to continue on in her journey to figure out the truth.

Iphx met a scientist, her left arm just above her elbow bleeding as she walks into the room with a scientist named Jock Hamilton. Jock Hamilton was not supposed to be a scientist to his father.

His father wanted him to play football, he got a muscular man out of it, but Jock Hamilton was just a smarty who kept in shape with no interest in sports at all.

Iphx pulled on his clothes in deep confusion asking "I think you messed up, I'm alive without my machine, you idiot!"

Jock was able to answer all the questions due to his research in Flesh'Bots.

Jock asks "You're a Flesh'Bot?" And so Iphx yells in anger "YUP, you dummy!" Jock sensed she was angry and told her "Why are you mad at me?" Iphx yells as he picks her up "I am not a robot!"

Jock was happy that she could tell the difference between robot and man.

He asked her "You think you're human?" In glee. Iphx yells "I had my machine removed!" Jock was ins hock, the idea that someone forcefully removed her machine out of memories of the truth being exposed to one person, his sister ran through his mind.

Jock asked her "How did it disappear?" Iphx says "They had to remove my machine to put it in another dead body, but I wasn't dead."

Jock told her "The reason is that you don't need the machine to live like the scientists and other so-called 'Flesh'Bots' think."

Jock sat down on the floor crossing his legs and sat her on his lap saying "Listen, I've interviewed Flesh'Bots who still had their machines but the machines were inactive. They were..."

A month ago...

A Flesh'Bot named Donni wakes up after being knocked out so as to not be upset or sad about her machine being turned off. Donni is 4-years-old.

Donni is being rained on, her machine is off, so the electricity isn't running through her, it doesn't electrocute her.

Donni lets out 6 big coughs because of her sinuses and the snot running sown to the back of her throat from inside her nose ever so slowly, Donni coughs it up on the ground and then looks around, Donni remembers the doctors telling her...

5 hours ago...

Electronic Repairation Golem strokes Donni's arm saying "We're gonna shut you off. Your machine is in your... Privates parts, we can't cut it out to put it in something else without harming you too bad. We may knock you out." Donni yells "Then why don't you?!"

Electronic Repairation Golem looks at her partner in anger, then looks at Donni saying "Your owner, Rodrick? He refuses to keep you. We can't spend money to keep up a Flesh'Bot who isn't wanted, you aren't working properly and your machine is broken. There's no need for you, anymore. Always remember, you aren't human-"

Donni screams and panics in terror and horror, they take a syringe and inject knockout serum in Donni to make her pass out, it took 54 minutes for her to pass out, Electronic Repairation Golem then takes out her remote, stares at it in tears and turns it off.

Donni thought that she WAS the machine and that if they turned the machine OFF that she would get turned off, they weren't planning on turning her off for 24 hours, they were planning on turning her off for infinity and beyond.

But, Donni wasn't her machine, so, when Donni woke up in the "Broken" as they called the field, she noticed she was still alive and working but her machine was still off. Electronic Repairation Golem thought she was dead and gone.

Donni is terribly confused, she looks around and see children crying, the only thing she sees is children aged 2-5 years of age in the Broken Fields, where they put children who were broken Flesh'Bots.

Donni yells "DADDY! DADDY! WHY'D YOU LET ME GO, DADDY?" In tears and sobs.

One of the five-year-old children named Hottie came to her and hugged her saying "What's wrong?" Hottie was a female.

Donni cries "My daddy left me! They turned my machine off!"Hottie says "Why?" Donni says "It broke!"

Present day...

Jock goes outside with Iphx and Iphx sees her friend, Iphx made Friends with a human child named Trinix who was deemed a Flesh'Bot, she had Albinism, she was Chinese. Trinix is just standing there waving at Iphx who waves back with smiles exchanging, then a witch doctor from africa snatched her from the site.

Iphx yells "Trinix?!" Then ran after the screaming Trinix, "Trinix, what happened?!"

The witch doctor believed in what he was taught, he thought that by cutting off Trinix's fingers he would be able to use the bones to make a potion to bring him wealth, he was going to keep her and sell her bones, he would punch out her teeth because in his culture.

The teeth were considered the most valuable parts of the albino, his culture did it because they saw the pale skinned people, and not just Flesh'Bots, all humans with albinism as spirits who would bring wealth.

Trinix reached out for help yelling "IPHX!" As she was being carried against her will through the woods.

What's happening to Trinix happens to Albinos in Africa, not all parts, but one part specifically in real life.

In real life, One boy's house was broken into, he was under 12, his finger was cut off and punched his teeth out to use the teeth and finger bone in a potion to bring wealth.

Trinix yelled "MOMMY!" As Iphx ran after her in the woods pulling grass out of her way to get to the horrified Trinix who screamed out "HELP ME!"

Iphx picked up a big log and chased down Trinix's kidnapper.

Once she made it to her kidnapper's hut, as they were living in Houston, Texas, he was all alone, he just decided to take his business to America.

Jock was right behind Iphx but far off as Iphx ran faster to save her best friend.

Iphx screamed "TRINIX!" Once she saw the man punching Trinix in the mouth and grabbing A KNIFE, SHE BASHED THE LOG UP AGAINST HIS HEAD.

Jock ran up on the scene as Iphx was rescuing Trinix, Iphx was picking her up off the ground, Trinix has only 7 teeth left, There are 32 teeth in the human mouth, including the wisdom teeth at the back that most people have removed.

Trinix had 25 teeth punched out of her mouth, only the teeth in the back survived.

And only 7 teeth int he back of her mouth.

The kidnapper's culture of which most African countries don't have but his village did have was that Albinos were spirits and not humans, it wasn't really the whole village, it was just the witch doctors of the village that did this and believed in this poor treatment of Albinos.

Iphx brought her back to the hospital yelling "Electronic Repairation Golem!!!"

Electronic Repairation Golem was already outside by now, she heard the screams and ran to them.

Electronic Repairation Golem looked inside Trinix's mouth and saw her teeth, most of them were gone, she took her to the hospital and tried to see if the machine was still in her right cheek using an X-Ray, it was there, the reason she checked is because it was supposed to shock those who hurt Trinix.

It didn't shock anyone.

That was the problem, she treated Trinix and gave her dentures. Trinix is 6-years-old.

Iphx asked Trinix "Why did he do that?" Trinix was unfamiliar with cultures from Africa, she was Chinese. Not only that, but she was a "Return and Resell" Flesh'Bot.

A Return and Resell is worse than foster care, at least they try to put in a good home when they care, Return and Resell is when you were returned by the person who bought you and is set up to be resold.

3 years ago...

Trinix is in the house with her Mexican-American LEGAL IMMIGRANT AS IN HE GOT HIS PAPERS AND IS A AMERICAN CITIZEN.

He signed up for it. He's unmarried, he never had to marry anyone to get them.

There are other ways to become a citizen then just getting married, that route is just considered easier.

It may not even be available in all states.

So, basically, he lives in Houston, Texas. He is not selling drugs, he makes a good wage.

His name is Pedro. Pedro yells "Trinix, come here!" Trinix loves him very much and ran to him and hugged him, but he said "I'm dating a girl and... She doesn't want me to have you."

Trinis thinks "Why not??" As he looks around the lonely house thinking "She's not human, I have to move on."

He says "I'm giving you back to Bio'Tech."

1 day later, Trinix is in the Bio'Tech office being returned, they give him a refund of $600 and he leaves her there as a Non-Flesh'bot human woman says "Are you okay, Trinix?" Trinix asks "Where is daddy going?"

The woman is named Riley, from the first chapter, she's all grown up, now. Riley tells "Trinix, he returned you."

Trinix tells her "No, he wouldn't return me! He loves me very much, like he told me!" As Trinix looks angry and upset at Riley.

Trinix ran after him to keep up because she thought they were going home, she yells "Daddy, wait up!" In a smiley cheer.

Pedro got in the car, he looked at Trinix in tears, he yelled "Go away!" Trinix tried to open the car door but he locks it.

Trinix asks "Why aren't you letting me in?" In deep sadness. Trinix is dragged on the ground as he starts driving the car, he eventually speeds up, forcing Trinix to let go as he's about to leave the driveway of the Hospital, Trinix is sobbing out "DADDY!"

Riley went out and saw Trinix following the car, walking only on the sidewalk so she wouldn't get hit by a car, she was running after her father. Trinix yells "DADDY!" Repeatedly until Riley catches up to her, picks her up and takes her back to the hospital saying "I love you, that's enough, Trinix."

Trinix is crying, kicking and screaming. She's throwing a tantrum. Trinix is 3-years-old.

We see from her point of view, seeing him drive off, seeing him lock her out, we see all of her pain.

Seeing her face as Riley gets her inside as she tells Riley "I want to go home!"

Riley takes care of her from then on.

To be continued...

Episode 5

Season 1

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

God wrote this story with me, he was also the one who got me to make it.

RedBeeSandAmber2creators' thoughts