
I won't stop until I stab you in the heart

Lovely_Pie · History
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11 Chs

The Kingdom of Lusindia

The Kingdom of Lusindia is said to be founded upon the Goddess Lusindia.

One day Lusindia fell in love with a mortal and decided to leave the heavens to live with the mortal. The mortal fell in love with the goddess too and so they live in harmony. They got married and from there, bore seven children. They lived a happy family for a long time but time tick itself away and so did the human mortal. He grew old but Lusindia never did. Eventually he died and Lusindia was left in the mortal world. The goddess was devastated and everynight she'd cry for her love but no matter how much she cries, her lover will never return. So when grief took over, Lusindia decided to be with her love again. On a cloudless night with the moon at it's highest peek in the sky, Lusindia decided to take her life.

However she is immortal and did not succeeded. The Gods overlooked it when Lusindia descended the heaven but taking one's life is forbidden. So as a punishment for the sin she committed, she was buried alive by the gods on the very soil that the kingdom is standing on. Lusindia will remain buried and until THE HOUR, she shall never walk the earth again. The Seven children of Lusindia Created a tomb for their mother. It was said that the castle that stands today in the capitol, is the very tomb of the goddess.


Everynight that i couldn't sleep, I'd ask my mother to tell me the story of Goddess Lusindia. The story may not be something that you want children to hear but the love that the goddess has show for the human was something i see as beautiful. The way she gave up the heavens for a mortal, the way she'd take away her life to be with the one she loves. But now that mother couldn't tell that story to me like before, i just close my eyes and re-live the life i use to have. It might be bitter to taste but just for a moment, i feel like I'm with mother again.

When morning came, lady kera came barging through the door.

"Good Morning dear!" She'd gleam and just for a tiny bit, her smile reminds of a sunny day.

"Good Morning Lady kera, is there anything i could help you with?" I smiled back at her.

" Come down stairs and have your breakfast. You need to get out of this room and find things to do. So later you'll accompany me to the market".

The market, outside and possibly sightseeing, I've been here for three days so maybe i should look around. I agreed to what she said. It might have been three days since i came here but staying in this room is kind of stuffy.

After i made my bed, i went down stairs and found Liam and Kera on the table. I sat with them and ate the bacon and eggs lady Kera had prepared.

"My wife said she wants you to tag along with here to the market?" Sir Liam said. He has a deep voice beffiting a man his size.

Sir William Greystone used to be a knight under the kingdom of Lusindia, hence whenever he speaks, he sounds stern and tough. He once fought in a war with the neighboring kingdom and during that war he lost his one and only friend. After the death of his friend, sir Liam couldn't bear to see any war again so he retired from being a knight and came to live here, the free city of Kars. Where people who hates war, resides in. I heard this story from his wife.

"Yes, I haven't seen the city since i came here so i thought that maybe i should at least look around" i replied while swallowing my food.

He puts down his spoon and didn't speak for a while. Then he said "I didn't ask as to why you end up here and why i found you collapsed in the forest but child..." He seems to be having a hard time saying what he wants to say. But then he sigh and continues "Just don't ... attract some eyes and get yourself in trouble. Be careful, this city might be peaceful but not at all times ". He was worried. Lady kera and sir Liam might be married but their personalities are worlds apart.

"Yes, I'll do my best". I replied and ended up swallowing my food again instead of chewing them first.

After breakfast sir Liam made his way to the backyard and i help lady kera with the dishes.

"He might seem like that but believe me, he's very worried for you" she started. "When he come home that night, i panicked when i saw him almost breaking down as he carry you in his arm. He looked exactly the same when he carried his best friend from the war." Lady kera suddenly looked sad and i was confused for a moment. Then she continues.

"Jason was my husband's friend" she puased " and Jason, was my lover. I was the only family jason had so...". My hands stopped moving and she noticed it. Then she begins to laugh, startling me.

"Well, i didn't mean to make you feel bad but we should hurry, the market can be very harsh if we ended up going late so hurry!".

After doing the dishes, Sir Liam suddenly comes in through the back door and he approach me. He handed me some type clothes and i took it. It was a Cloak. The Cloak was dark green and has a golden vine decorated at hem of the hood.

"Use that and make sure to stay out sight from trouble". He was walking away when when i call out to him "thank you, for this and for everything". Then he was out of the door.