
I won't stop until I stab you in the heart

Lovely_Pie · History
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11 Chs

The Free City of Kars

The city of Kars got it's name from one of the children of Goddess Lusindia. Kars was the youngest and the most quite of the seven.

When the kingdom grew big and the citizens needed a leader, the seven ended up fighting for the throne. But Kars stayed away from the throne. He thinks that the throne attracts many thing and greed is one of them. He thinks greed is the most dangerous of them all so he wants to rid himself of it and completely gave up the right to rule. So while his siblings are fighting, he ran away and ended up in this place. People followed him and together they build their home. He named this city after his mother but after his death the king from the capitol renamed the kingdom as Lusindia and so this city was renamed as kars, from the name of it's founder. Now, the city grew big and wide that some even says that it can rival the capitol.


I had the cloak on as we walked out of the house. I didn't put on the hood yet for it'll make me look suspicious.

Walking down the street it made me feel at home. As i look around, i see familiar things from the capitol. From fruits they sell to the clothes and wears. They have everything that the capitol has. They even have things that they don't have. Like the lamp and carpet i saw earlier, it was a product from the desert kingdom of Bert. Or the wooden box decorated with flowers unknown to this kingdom, it was made from the Empire of rain, Asundi. They have all sorts of things in here and i can clearly see why they call this city, the center of trade.

While walking, Kera stopped at a fabric store. I didn't followed her inside as i wanted to look at the street for more. I told her I'd wait outside and she entered the store alone. I turn my head left and right, up and down just so i can let it sink in. I want to Imprint the city in my head with the little time i have. Then the store across the street caught my eyes. The store had the symbol of a sword and bow and for a second i was reminded of why I'm in this city right now.

The face of Prince Selim flashed in my head and the rage in me awaken. So i put the hood of my cloak on and slowly walked to the store. When I'm inside, swords, armor and other weapons on display, welcomed me. They all shine in my eyes. They all made me imagine how I'll succeeded with my plan. The blood of the prince in my hand and his head on the ground with my foot on top.

Then a man jumped out behind the glass display and i was startled. He grinned and a shiver ran through my spine. "Hell~ow! My, my what a fine cloak you have. It must have cost you a lot". The grin didn't left his face. "And your eyes, oh how it speaks of anger and revenge. You must have come far away from here". I couldn't talk back for he was speaking the truth. For some reason this man can see through me.

He gesture around his store then said "look around, who knows? the sword that might cut of the head of your enemy might be around. It'd be my pleasure to provide you one." Still i couldn't reply. After staring at me a bit longer, he grab something. It was a wooden box but was painted with black. He opened the box and a dagger was placed on it. I stepped a little closer to it as i find the dagger quite compelling. The dagger has a black grip and at the center of is an insignia printed in it. A sword with Vines of Thorn swirling on it. I recognize the insignia but I don't remember where I've seen it.

"Isn't it beautiful? Just the grip and you'll know it is something. Don't you known that it was said that when Lusindia tried to kill herself this was the very dagger that she used" the sales man said.

"But it was said that she drank a poison?" I said. In the book my mother read to me, it says that Lusindia created a poison from the pital of a poisonous flower.

"Nay, the goddess used a dagger. When she stab her heart this pierced through her skin. The dagger got soaked with her blood and so it was blessed but as the same time cursed. It never rusted nor got lost. And here it is now". There is something ominous about this man. When he speaks, i know i shouldn't listen but I can't help but believe him.

He handed the dagger to me and i took it in my hand. The moment i touched it, it's like something gripped me. I felt a wave of familiarity to the dagger. I couldn't let go. Then the man clapped and he started to laugh. He was in Joy like though he just saw a miracle.

"It chose you, i knew you have her blood. Finally, we will be Freed!" He said a loud.

"How much?" I asked. "Oh, it is yours. You don't have to pay. You just have to fullfil". I couldn't understand him. Why is he giving me something so precious? If this is from the legend then shouldn't this be valued more?

He looked at the store kera entered in. Then Looked at me. "Hide that and go, she'll come out of there anytime soon. You wouldn't want her to find out do you?". I hid the dagger inside my cloak and walked to the exit. But before i could walk out the man whispered.

"With a cloudless night and the moon at it's highest peek, you shall be..."

I didn't heard the last word but i didn't give it some thought. I don't want to hear a single word form him anymore. I just want to run away.