
I won't stop until I stab you in the heart

Lovely_Pie · History
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11 Chs

Her name is...

The whole time i was telling the story, I'd observe lady kera and sir liam's faces. They'd frown and gasp as I carry my story along. Well, sir Liam would mostly frown while Lady kera would gasp.

"Today in the market, the man from that weapon store gave me that dagger. I wanted to pay him but he said that I can keep it" I added.

Sir Liam seems to be not getting what I said as he frowned even more. Then he asked "weapon store?"

"Yes, across the fabric shop, from where Lady Kera went to earlier".

"But there is no weapon store in this city. The city don't sell weapon to civilian as weaponry was ban from the city. The only weapon you could get from here was from the knights' camp in the Duke's house".

Then he picked up the dagger and inspect it. Finally he saw the insignia and look unnerved. "This is from the traveling tribe of khormos. This insignia belong to their tribe. What did the man from that store asked in exchange?" He said.

"He asked for nothing" as I remember he didn't exactly say anything... Then I remember something "ah! but he did say that i have to fulfill" I replied.

He seems to be more confused. He contemplated for a bit but after awhile he gave up with whatever self debate he just had. Then he shrug and said "No, it doesn't matter. If he gave it to you for nothing then that's good, though THEY are not the type to do that". He emphasized the word "they". The way he worded that made me question what he meant. What type of people are they? This khormos tribe?

Then he sigh and sat down. He didn't let the dagger go and was holding on to it more strongly. Finally he picked the cloth he used to wrap it and covered the dagger. "What you said is something that should be kept a secret. Never ever try to tell that story again, not unless you have to. If anyone hears you, you could be charged with treason. Do you understand?" When he said that, I was relieved.

"So you believe me?"

Usually this story would make you think I'm crazy, even I thought I sound crazy, but I can't believe he would believe all of that just like that.

"I've seen how royalties faught against one another. Their claims and such are what disgust me. Your story wasn't any different. What you have to do now is go in hiding, if they can do that to a noble blood just like that then you'll have to try even harder to not gave away any suggestive signs" Sir Liam was shaking his head when he said that. It was as if he was remembering something awful.

Nevertheless, I do understand his worries. Given my situation, with no one to help me and no power to hold, what can I do? I may be a noble but having no family to back me up, I am no one. What I only have is the memory of a life I have lived. The gardens and the parties, the laughter and the dancing, for all I know these are just distant memories.

"I will give this back as it wasn't for me but something that I can only see as a gift for you. If it's from that tribe then It'll be bad if i keep that" He then handed the dagger to me. Suddenly, the cloth that covers it slipped and fell on the table. May hands was reaching for it so I got no time to prepare myself. I grabbed the handle and the moment I gripped it, all sorts of negative emotions entered my body. Anger, rage, sadness even a hint of madness came rushing through my veins. I couldn't help it as it climbed all throughout my body. I couldn't pinpoint what exactly it was but then I realize what it was....


[They took away our life and you're willing to let go just like that?!] a whisper.

The dagger fell out of my hands as the voice startled me. For a second I thought someone whispered something to me. It was so close against my ear that in those moments I thought someone was standing next to me.

"What's wrong?" I found Lady kera reaching out to me across the table the moment i snapped out of it. I look down at the the dagger and it shine crimson red in my eyes.

"Nothing" I grab the black cloth sir liam brought earlier and used it to pick up the dagger. The emotions are gone and I didn't heard the voice again.

"That's enough for tonight, we can continue this tommorow" she said. I finished my food and retreated to my room. As I sat in my bed, I took out the dagger. I don't want to touch it directly so I kept the cloth as a cover. I look at it one last time and as I have thought, it looked weirdly reddish. I'm pretty sure that it was silver when I first got it.

That night, I had a dream. I woke up lying on a ground. It was night time as my sorrounding is enveloped with darkness. But it wasn't that dark as it seems that tonight the moon is out. As I looked up at the sky, I've noticed that there is no cloud floating above. I prompt myself up and found I'm wearing a white long dress that seemed so smooth I thought I was wearing clouds. Then I heard someone shouting, I look around to see where it came from but i see nothing except for the trees that sorrounds this green field i was lying on. I am in the middle of nowhere. I literally see nothing but trees and the mountains far away.

Then I heard it again, this time it wasn't shouting but rather whispered. It was a man's voice "Lucy" he said. He whispered right behind me. But I turned around and found no one. Weird, I thought he was just there. Then the shouting begins again. It wasn't that clear at first but then it got clearer and clearer until I could make up what it says.

"Behind you! Genevieve!" I turn just in time as someone stab me in the chest. I couldn't see his face but I can see a necklace around his neck. It has silver chain that extends up to his neck. The necklace has a tear-shape gem in cased in small strips of metal, making it look like the precious gem was caged. The stone has the hue of blue but it appears a bit more white. Then I look further downward to the weapon he stab me with and I recognize it. It was my dagger. It was covered with blood but I know it was it. The grip and the insignia, why is it here? I tried to look up, to try and see the man who's stabbing me but it was too late. I fall to the ground and the moment I felt the grass on my skin, I woke up. I was gripping for my chest as it hurts. It hurts so bad, I can still feel the dagger and there was something else. I feel like I was just betrayed. I know, I know that was weird. But I feel it. I felt so sad and hurt like I was just betrayed. I don't know what that was, I haven't had that experience before but it felt so real, I was so close.

[Genevieve!] I remember the voice as it call out my name. The shouting voice was calling my name but why did that man who stabbed me called me Lucy? That had me confused. If one was calling my real name then why would someone else was calling me "lucy"? And lucy, Who owns that name?