
I won't stop until I stab you in the heart

Lovely_Pie · History
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11 Chs


Morning came and the sunlight flowed in to my room. It gave a refreshing glow but at the same time horrifying foreshadow. I don't want to say it but I have this weird feeling. It's not from the the Dagger nor from my dreams but i just feel it. Something will happen today.

Lady kera opened the door and she walked in. I sat up to welcome her. "Oh please be careful now. You really should try and be extra cautious" she said. She was carrying a tray and in it looks like breakfast. "I brought you breakfast, i thought you need it" she said. And just in time my stomach grumble in hunger. I ate my breakfast diligently.

After I'm done, I look up to see Lady Kera staring at me. "Is something wrong?" I asked. She shook her head and said "No, I just can't believe you are all fine now." She noticed that I've finished my breakfast and took the tray.

"Today, I'll go to the market. Liam won't be home as well. Do you think you can manage? I hate to leave you alone. But if you can, wanna come with me?" She said as she stood on my doorstep.

"Do you think I could come with you?" I said.

"My, will you be fine?" She said

"Yes, I've had enough rest. Plus I've been wanting to go outside"

"Well, all right. I'll let you come. But if you feel anything weird or feel sick, tell me right away okay?"

"Yes. I will do that" and she walked out.

After an hour or two, she called for me. I was about to go when I saw the dagger peeking out underneath the mattress. Just like how it used to, it is weirdly looking like though it was covered in blood. But my hand instinctively grabbed it. And the next thing I know, I was tying it to my thigh. After i safely put it in place I hurriedly ran downstairs. Lady kera heard my footsteps and when she saw me, she scolded me right away. "Don't run. You're not completely fine yet."' she said. Whenever she acts like this, I'd like to imagine Lady Kera as my mother. How fun will it be? Would she spoil me a lot or will she strictly discipline me? It's quite hard to imagine them.

As we walk down the street of Kars, I can't help but notice the liveliness that the town exude. Today, the city seems to be in a lively mode. The streets are lined with flowers and the street lamps are shiny as new. Everybody was in high spirit. I thought i was the only one clueless about everything but as i look over at lady kera, she's as clueless as i was. So i didn't bother to ask. When we arrived at the fruit shop, i talked to the vendor.

"The town seems to be livelier than usual" i said. The man laugh and replied "of course it'll lively!" He gleefully answered.

I looked at him with confusion and he laughed out loud "Haven't you heard? The crown prince is coming to the city! Today is his arrival!" His eyes are filled with cheers as he said that. But inside me, something is boiling. My blood felt like it'll burst out of me. The anger that took over my body is highly unusual. Suddenly, I feel the dagger I tied to my thigh. It's heating up. It's as though it can feel my emotions. Is this part of how this dagger works?

Then I hear the people lined in the streets cheering. Even the man i was talking to was bursting with happiness. I hear the wheel of carriage rolling on the street and the steps of the horses. Trumpets are blown as a grand welcome to the one and only prince of Lusindia.

"He's really here!" A woman said.

"Make way for the Crown Prince!" A soldier was shouting proudly. The noise is loud but the heat i feel from the dagger is blocking it. I quickly put down the groceries in my hands. And untie the dagger from me. But doing so means grabbing it with my own hands. The moment i wrapped my fingers on it, the strong force it always gives is pulling me harder than usual. The hate, the sadness, everything came pouring within me. So I straightened up. A picture of how I will find a way to get him came rushing into my head like though it was pushed inside. Then the voice started speaking to me again.

"For mother~!" She'd say. "Now is the time. Cut his throat. Until his blood covered the street, mother will never rest in peace" she added. The same line is being whispered to me over and over again. So when I turn around and saw his ride closing in, i couldn't help but think. Are these thoughts really mine? Have I been thinking of ending his life that much? Then the carriage was passing me and over the window, i catch a glimpse of him. His pitch black hair that resembles that of a raven. His eyes that are bluer than the skies. His gentle smile as he wave to the people right outside. He looked perfect. I've thought of him that way ever since I've known him. How weird is it that I remember that now? What am I doing?

"Stop!" The voice again. "Kill him! He need to pay for what he'd done to us!". The voice is now speaking to me louder. But the heat from the dagger is growing hotter. It's like a fire is lit on my hand. Then I remember the black cloth i tucked inside my pocket. I pulled it out and quickly covered the dagger with it. As soon as the cloth is on it, the heat disappeared, the voice is gone and my emotions are stable. The carriage is moving away and I stepped back into the crowd. The people are cheering, screaming their praises for prince selim. But my eyes are on my hands and as i stare at the burnmarks that appeared on my palm.

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