
Chapter One

" - Dialogue

' - Thoughts


"So, let me get this straight: I won a lottery that you made on a whim and now I basically get to be reborn?" Byne questioned.

"Yep, pretty much" replied the entity across from him.


When Byne regained consciousness, he was confused. He thought he had died so he came to the conclusion that this was the afterlife.

'Pretty empty for the afterlife huh' Byne thought

"For someone like you? Yeah, pretty much." A voice came from nowhere. It felt like the voice was coming from everywhere at the same time, layered atop each other.

"You are, at your very core, a mortal. So naturally, you do not have the ability or power to see what I see, because right now, I am sitting in a chair in front of you. But since I'm of a higher state of being, you can't touch much less see me." The voice explained.


"You seem nonchalant about all of this huh?"

"Well, I'm sure I really died back there so... While I am a bit intrigued about this, I also really can't do anything about it"

"True, true. So, you're probably wondering if you're going to be judged or not, getting sent to hell and or heaven and all that jazz, right?"

"Uh-huh," Byne recalled all of the things he had done when he was alive. Terrible acts upon terrible acts so he was pretty sure he was going to hell.

"Well...you're not really going to hell, per se"

"...Are you, serious right now?" Byne deadpanned.

"Yup, see—I was bored, then I was like: hey, why not do one of those reincarnation things those humans are always reading about. So, then I did it! I made a completely new world, fresh and all that shit with fantasy tropes. Like swords and magics, other deities, dragons, demon lords. Completely raw and yours for the taking!"

"And why me?"

"Well, I was what you could say, indecisive. Like; should I choose this complete loser with no prospects for his future and give him a second chance? What about that assassin? Ooh, maybe have a truck accident with that office lady with a dead-end job! Eventually, I couldn't choose, so I made a wheel of fortune!" With this, a wheel of fortune with constantly changing names appeared. "And I activated then so it spun, then it spun, then it spun..."


"...then it spun until it stopped at your name!" The voice said

"That was too long, and you act like too nonchalant about things" Byne complained

"Well too bad for you! I completely enjoyed that" The voice laughed. "And as for my behavior: well, with me being all-powerful and that shit I get bored... a lot! And I need the entertainment to satisfy it. Besides, why would I act like one of those fuckers who want to be feared and getting their dick sucked? All those gods who do that have an inferiority complex among other gods and compensate for it by having lesser beings fear them. I for one, DO NOT give a shit! If they completely fear me, then they fear me. If they don't believe in me and disrespect me, why should I care about some mortal's opinion? Those that take offense to them are usually the lower-ranking gods. The stronger ones are usually chill." The voice ranted.

"Uhh... you good?" Byne asked.

"No, no... Just wanted to get that out of me. Anyway, let me explain to you what is it that you won..."


"Do I get a choice in the matter? Like, what if I just don't want to be reborn? What if I'm content here?" Byne questioned

"Well... see, that's the thing haha... you don't have a choice," The voice said. "I am something akin to a god, and you won the lottery, soooo.... Whether or not you like it you're getting reincarnated, woohoo! Isn't that amazing?" Although Byne couldn't really see the voice right now, he was pretty sure it was grinning.

"Come on dude! Second chances, getting reincarnated, being O.P as fuck! Harems! You sure you don't like it?" The voice said enthusiastically.

"Not exactly..."

Suddenly, the voice realized something

"Oh? Oh... You think this might be some kind of scam don't you?" Judging by Byne's flinch, the voice guessed correctly.

"You don't have to worry about that! This is the real thing! No secret mission to stop the demon lord, no fixing up the world's mess because a god fucked it up. Not even stopping other reincarnators who went evil and shit. This is the top-of-the-line isekai! And even the world somehow gets those problems—which happens because of humans too, ironically--, you'd be powerful enough to stop them. I'm giving you absolute authority over that world. You'd technically be the strongest being in existence--aside from me should I decide to visit, which is rare--, and be able to totally overpower everyone living there." The voice explained.

"Strongest being? Can you elaborate?" Byne questioned.

"As in literally strongest, you can do ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING: from modifying the status, to changing classes anytime, you are basically an admin at a game. Should you will it, it will happen."

"Huh... Might as well..." Byne, seeing as there's nothing wrong with the deal—not that he could refuse anyway—accepted. He may as well enjoy this second chance given to him and enjoy his second life the way he likes it.

"Okay, what do I have to do?"

"Just relax and let me do everything," The voice said

"Now, you're gonna want to close your eyes, clench your ass, and..."



That was all Byne was experiencing. Like being crushed by a compressed skyscraper and being ran over by an elephant. His bones breaking and separating, nerves disintegrating, consciousness fading....

"By the way—your friend Finian? "He's" also there so pay attention to people's behavior." Was the last thing Byne Jason heard before he blacked out.