
I won't give in to you, hero

Yuna, who was the hero's friend, companion and girlfriend, died alone, being wounded by the princess, whom they had saved. She returned to the past, determined not to let it happen again and not to meet the hero, since he had denied their relationship and started dating the princess. She is determined to do it but can she? (it have a spanish version in wattpad. User: @EVIAM08)

Evolet_016 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Return and Past Lives.

Pov. Yuna.

I opened my eyes, I had to blink several times to clear my vision. After doing so I saw a very familiar room, I felt confused.

Hadn't he died? Or was that a dream...?

No. I still felt the pain and the cold of that place, remembering it I felt cold sweat on my back, I was scared. Also, it was too realistic to be a dream, I looked at my hands and the room, my hands were small and the room was like when I was child.

Where was it?

I had an idea, but it was too unrealistic. But don't remove it as an option, or completely. I got out of bed and went to a mirror that was nearby, I looked at my reflection and it was as I imagined, I had very light brown, almost blonde hair and slightly dark blue tips that were barely noticeable, cheeks that were a little chubby and plump, eyes large violet-blue… It was what I looked like when I was 5 years old.

I was surprised, if I looked at my appearance that option didn't seem very impossible, but I'm still not sure. Although... if I went back to the past I could change the future and it wouldn't end up like I did.

Good! Decided, if I am in the past I will change the future!

But… where should I start? If I'm 5, I haven't met the hero yet. It will be better to avoid it, although it is still a few years away, become strong, and study as best I can.

At that moment the door opened and a maid entered. She was surprised to see me and dropped what she was bringing. And she quickly approached me, hugged me tightly and sobbed a little.

"Miss, she's awake!" she said "It would be better to notify her parents as quickly as possible!" she quickly walked away from me and left the room.

It was so fast that she didn't let me say a word. How come she was awake? Had an accident happened to me before I woke up?

I frowned slightly.

This has never happened before… I thought.

Maybe this event was a butterfly effect or it was done so that i could return to this time...

I couldn't think any more about this as the door to the room opened and a couple hurried in, came towards me and hugged me.

The woman had brown hair with a little blue at the tips and light blue eyes, light skin and a pretty figure, she was my mother, Elisa of Acnolia. She comes from one of the founding families of the empire and her family had the rank of Duke.

And the man was blonde and with honey-colored eyes, his appearance was very attractive. He was my father, his name was Eric Genrich, he had the rank of Márquez and even though he had that rank, his family was very powerful.

"You finally woke up!" the woman said between sobs.

My father didn't say anything, but he hugged my mother and me. My vision became blurry and I felt my cheeks wet, I was crying, I haven't felt this warm hug in a while. My parents looked younger than I remembered them, but they were still the same, that warm and affectionate towards me.

  I didn't know the reason why they told me to go on that mission with the hero, and about some two months after I left I had already lost total communication with them. At first I didn't care about it, but as the weeks went by I started to worry, I was afraid that something had happened to them, I thought about going back and checking on them, but it was too far away, so I could always send letters , but none of them were answered. Finally I was encouraged to send a letter to my uncle on behalf of my mother, with whom I was not very close since I had rarely seen him, and ask if he knew anything about them. When a letter finally arrived in response, what it said left me cold... My parents had died...

I had cried a lot, I was even very sad, but I tried to hide it so as not to delay the group. I remember that at that time Adrián had ended our relationship, you could say that that made me feel even worse.

I didn't want to remember the past, especially those moments.

We stayed like that for a while, hugging, then they walked away and started asking me how I was and called the doctor.

"Are you OK? Does nothing hurt you? Do you remember anything before you fell?" My mother said worriedly and flooded me with questions.

"Yeah. It doesn't hurt at all." I answered.

Since the accident had not happened before I had no memory of how it had happened or what had happened.

I shook my head.

My mother remained silent, and she seemed worried.

"What happened?" I asked, referring to the accident I had.

She answered me that neither she nor her father knew what had happened, nor did the servant who had been there moments before it happened.

I stayed silent. It was strange, nothing like this had happened in the past, but thanks to it I was able to see my parents again. And even if he kept thinking about it he would probably get nowhere, and would get more questions than answers.

The doctor arrived and checked me, he told my parents not to worry, that there was nothing serious and that I was in perfect condition. Then the doctor left and my parents also left the room, to let me rest.

After a while a maid came to bring me dinner, it was already late, I was surprised how quickly time passed. After dinner, the maid took the plates and left.

I was alone and had nothing to do, so I decided to go to sleep. I had cried so my eyes hurt and I felt a little tired, I quickly ended up falling asleep.

My dream was strange, there were many people, it was very noisy and there were several different colored lights in various parts. What caught my attention was the person standing on the platform, he had dark silver hair, which looked like an ash color, but it shone a lot and was styled in two pigtails, pale skin, and violet eyes, he was wearing a very pretty, but short dress. . She seemed to be singing, her voice was very melodious and beautiful, she didn't understand why she was doing those movements, but they suited her well as did the music. Shortly after the scene changed she was talking to other people and thanking them, she always had a smile on her face. Once again the stage changed, this time showing two very beautiful dresses, one was red and the other light blue, they seemed to be inspired by the Queen of Hearts and Alice, both from "Alice in Wonderland." I didn't know both people, but I knew where they were from, I had never heard the name of that book, but somehow I knew it. When I saw the dresses I thought:

«How beautiful, what a pity that in the end I never got to use them»

That thought baffled me, why I had thought that? I couldn't think a little about it as I soon opened my eyes, the dream was over, it was already daylight.


The dreams continued for a while, in those dreams I saw several people, each one in a different dream, what they dedicated themselves to varied, the eras and times where they happened as well.

Until finally one day those dreams stopped appearing and left with one last dream. This was a girl with golden hair and blue eyes, pale skin and spectacular beauty, but who gave the idea of being someone innocent, she had feathery white wings. She looked towards a small puddle of crystal clear water, in which you could see a modern city, she seemed to be fascinated with the lives of those people. She turned her head, looking at an adult woman who was very similar to her, she called her "mother" and they talked about something that I couldn't hear, the only thing I heard was:

"You are going there with a mission, go and find your red thread" said the woman.

After that I woke up again, this time with a clearer mind and knowing what those dreams meant. Those dreams were my past lives and in all of them I failed in love, the lifestyle, the circumstances, names and appearances varied, but the only thing that was the same was the failure in that mission, in that feeling called "love".

I'm not that good at English, if you have any suggestions on how to change a word, you can do so. I hope you like my story, thanks for reading!

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