



It was morning sun was rising. it was spreading his rays on the world to tell everyone that the new day started with some hopes, some surprises, some opportunities for everyone but someone was unaware of it.


   The beautiful rays of the sun were peeking through between the curtains, suddenly all the curtains were moved and sun rays spread on the beautiful delicate body of a girl who was sleeping on the bed without any worries.


   "wake up princess" the dad of that girl spoke the girl pulled the blanket over her head while saying "just 5 minutes dad, please" with that she again close her eyes "she woke up?" eldest brother of her spoke and in answer, their dad shook his head helplessly.


   "Jasmine wake up sweety mom will be here any moment," the eldest brother of her said while waking her up. The girl jasmine shot open her eyes and ran to the bathroom to get fresh.


    The character of my story

  jasmine: our female lead the daughter of a businessman she is a spoiled kid everyone loves her naughty and crazy character but there is one problem of her she thinks love is waste of time it's better to stay away from that thing


 Jasmine has 3 brothers. 2 are elder and 1 younger the eldest James, second Johnathan,  third jasmine, last but not least forth Jayden.

    Jasmine parents her dad  Mr Davidson Goldberg the famous businessman. He spread his business in the entire country. He started his business on his own and today it reached on peek with his hard work. Jasmine's mom, Mrs Helena. She is a famous heart doctor 

    Jasmine's parents did the love marriage there were many hurdles but still, their love won how will tell you all in future

   Jasmine's brothers came into her room and saw their angel was getting ready. They all went towards the dining room, for breakfast. Then everyone sat on their chair to enjoy breakfast together "how are you jasmine" jasmine look towards her mom and smiled awkwardly "I'm fine mom how are you"

     Her mom looked at her with raising an eyebrow as an obedient kid she stood up from her chair and said "sorry mom actually when I was coming home from the office, I saw a woman layed on the road in the pool of blood, so I helped her and took her to the hospital and came after a doctor confirmed that her health is stable"


   With that, she hangs her head low. Yes in this house the father and kids share good bond. Kids share everything with their father but mom was credited with the name Hitler. She always wanted her kids to be saved so she turned into a strict mom but their dad was fun-loving and allowed them to do whatever they want.

    As her mom saw her daughter having a big heart, she hides her smile and said in a serious tone "let's have breakfast quietly, we will talk about this later" jasmine sat down and started eating her breakfast.

     Hello everyone, I m a new writer of webnovel. I need a lot of your support to continue this new journey.