
problems ahead

"Dad can't we just withdraw from this project"

"No son we can't as I added a point that if anyone of us leave the contract then that person have to pay double the amount they invested in this project. this was made for them but now I'm the one regretting it."

All of sudden they here knock on the cabin door. "come in" Bernard replied.

bernard's assistant came in with USB "sir the video of the yesterday night is here." with that he handed USB to Bernard and left the cabin.

bernard connect the USB in laptop and played video and directly took at the part where he was dancing with his mystery girl. "Dad look at this do you know this girl?"

Samrat look at the laptop screen and said "the only daughter of Goldbergs, the same girl you met today. The Jasmine Goldberg... sigh ... I'm going to my office let's see what to do now"

Samrat leaves the cabin and Bernard sit their with rage and thinks 'she knew everything, still she act like, she don't know me. you tricked me with your eyes jasmine now ready to meet the Bernard Griffin. You are gonna regret your decision of tricking me soon'.

with that bernard started to work on his plan. The master plan.

on the other side

they were working when jasmine received a text from her brother "tomorrow is Saturday night so what's the plan?

jasmine shook her head and replied "it's party night plan anything you want"

and continued doing her work. The new projects and the new investors were handled by jasmine she had a very busy day by meeting different investors and partners.

at night she was too tired and her throat was aching too because of continue talk and handling many things at a time since morning. she packed her things, pick up some files and headed to basement (the parking lot).

the parking lot was shared by her office building and the bar which was next to the building.

she went towards her car but realized that her car tire is flat. she sighed and called her brother. Her brother said to stay at the entrance of the building he will be there in five minutes.

jasmine passed the parking lot and went towards entrance.

The cold wind, the twinkle stars and the half moon with the only light of building were giving her soul some kind of peace. since childhood she was always the most pampered child. she learned to walk when she was 1year and 9months old because of her over protective family. they always used to be around when she do something.

when she started to walk her brothers always make circle around her by their hands so that if she falls they can catch her in meantime before she hit the ground.

"ponp ponp" she came out of her world by the sound of car horn. the two boys were sitting in the car came in front of her. "would you like to join us hot chick" they asked jasmine with lust in there eyes.

jasmine made expressionless face and said "No thanks" and stood little far from them.

one of the boy came down from car and hold her hand and tried to drag her but jasmine kicked him hard on his soft spot. he screamed in pain.

the other guy got angry and came down from car too and signaled the both boys who were standing just few steps away.

before jasmine can notice they caught her and put the hand on her mouth and drag her in car and left the place.

"what you think of your self? today we will show you the hell bloody bitch."

jasmine was trying hard to scream but the voice was coming like whisper because she was already having throat ache and now the scream and crying was making it more worse.

one of the guy put chloroform on jasmine's nose and she became unconscious.






so what's gonna happen next? will they be able to do something? if yes then what the reaction will jasmine give? and if not then who and how will they save her?

give your ideas in comment section and don't forget to share reviews too.

love you all
