
mystery girl

Bernard Griffin POV

Hi, my name is bernard griffin. I am the sole hire of griffin industry. My father build up this huge griffin empire by himself. Which make me proud of him. 

I am the only child of my parents. My mom is an house wife but a perfect dad's personal assistant too. She always keep things up to date. 

She knows what, when and where the things are happening and will happen. My mom had done MBA. Because of which she sometimes help dad in business too.

My grandfather died, when my dad was young. My grandmother raised my dad with so many difficulties and hard ship. But she always says it was worthy because of which your dad struggle too much and build up everything by his own and I agree with my grams.

My grams is my heart. She loves me a lot and the little secret I love her the most. I can't say it loud because when ever mom here this she becomes grumpy and it takes too much effort to convince her.

As now I am helping dad in business. He wants to announce me as is heir soon but before that he wants to make sure, I'm ready for it or not. But if you all ask me, I'm hell nervous.

I can't be like my dad. I mean how can I be him when he is so perfect in every aspects. Dad let me handle a new deal which is between griffins and goldbergs. 

Well, I heard about goldbergs. They are cold-heart enough when it comes to business. Dad says they are too strong. It will be foolishness if we make them enemies in business. 

I was getting ready when grams entered. Yeah today dad held a huge party as it's their wedding anniversary. All dad's business partners, friends and relatives are here.

"Ready my boy" grams asked. I applied little perfume then wore a mask and turned towards grams.

"How do I look" I asked grams in which she smiled towards me and said "today girls will die when they see my little prince charming" 

I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Let's go before someone gets here." I said to grams and we both left the room.


As soon as bernard came out of room with his grams all lights went off and they both stand in between spotlight both came down and host announced there names as Mr bernard griffin and old madam MRS maria griffin.

All the guest clapped for them. They both went towards stage where Mr and Mrs Griffin were standing in front of huge strawberry cake.

They cut the cake and soon the dance floor was opened by Mr and Mrs Griffin soon all couples started to dance.

Bernard was looking at couples as soon as he glanced around him he saw all the girls were around him. The girls were thinking to have a chance of dance with prince charming but bernard left from their and stand with his friends which were invited by him.

All girls were drooling over him except one who was sitting on chair and was enjoying soft drink. Bernard eyes landed on her. He was surprised that first time in life, someone was not interested at all in him.

He looked at his friends and asked "hey guys, do you know who she is?" His all friends looked at her direction. But no one knew. He thought 'why not to make her realized that I'm here'.

With an smirk he went towards her "May I have a dance with you" jasmine looked towards him. She was about to say no when her eyes met with his father who was dancing on dance floor. 

He signaled her through eyes that don't refuse. Jasmine took a deep sigh and nodded. Both went on dance floor (in mean time Mr griffin got a call and he went outside).

Soon both started to dance on soft music. Jasmine and bernard both were from well-known family because of which both were trained to dance on every kind of music. Soon the soft music was changed in salsa. 

Both dance whole evening gracefully. As the dance finished both bow to each other. They both went on bar side and sat their. Bernard was mesmerized by her. 

Her simplicity, her dance, her sea blue eyes all were giving him different kind of sensation. Bernard was about to ask her about her self, when suddenly jasmine's phone rang.

She excused her self and went in corner to pick her phone.

"Jaaz where are you" jayden asked

"I'm in a party with dad n mom. Why what happen? Why you sound so worried?" Jasmine asked in worry

"I was coming back towards house, when suddenly my car tyre brust. It's all dark around here. can you come and pick me?" Jayden asked in scared tone

Jasmine knows his brother jayden is scared of darkness. She asked him to share location now. She cut the call and dialed her dad's phone. He was between business partners with his wife.

As soon as he saw his daughter was calling him. He picked up instantly.

"Dad, jayden's car broke down he is scared, I'm going to pick him up. Please don't tell mom otherwise you know her."

Her dad agreed. She cut the call and ran outside. Bernard saw her running out. He ran behind her too. Jasmine throw her mask on floor and took the key from his driver and drives away.

Bernard saw all scene and felt bad. He wanted to know who she was at least her name but she just went away. He saw mask of her on floor. He took it and put it in his pocket and went back in.

Whole afternoon he was lost in his mystery girl's thought. His grams saw him lost some where. She went towards him and tapped on his shoulder.

"What happened prince charming" his grams asked.

"Grams, do you know that girl who was dancing with me" bernard asked with little hope. But all his hope went in vain, when his grams shook her head in no.




So how will he find her?