
I Won't Ever Stop You

"You want to love me for the rest of your life?" you asked, seeing him nod his head slowly as he began leaving trails of damp kisses along your collarbone - before letting you feel his sharp fangs that protruded ever-so-slightly as he dragged them across your skin; leaving you feeling absolutely euphoric in the wake of his havoc he wreaked upon you. You opened your mouth, gasping and panting at the sensation, before you uttered words that you meant with all of your heart - words that you believed in now, and words that you would believe in until your end of days. "Jungkook,you know that I won't stop you... ...I won't ever stop you."

ggukupdates · Fantasy
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33 Chs

° Chapter. 30 (FINAL)

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If someone had told you back when you had first moved from your grandparent's house in the countryside, to the bustling and uneven streets of the city that your life would have ended up this way; you probably would have offered to pass on the name and telephone number of a psycho-therapist for their own good. You had completed University and interned at a few companies – before landing yourself as the CEO's personal assistant at the Jeon Corporation; which just so happened to be one of the largest leading corporations in the world of medical supplies and blood research. Upon joining back then, you just considered yourself as nothing more than a mere 'plain Jane' – a country-bumpkin kind of girl who had more or less nestled into city-life, renting her own run-down apartment and looking after one bitch of a cat, Mugsy; while trying to deal with her cold-hearted, unforgiving and formidable boss of almost eight months, Jeon Jungkook. At that time, you didn't know anything about Vampires or domitors – the only Latin you spoke were the words you had ignorantly spoken in your common tongue; and you sincerely thought that you'd happily, yet unfortunately, live out the rest of your years alone; perhaps becoming everyone's favourite crazy cat lady as a result of never being able to open up to anyone about your past.

Yet - you couldn't have been more wrong; not even in your wildest dreams.

Since the night Jungkook had asked you to marry him; and after saying yes to him, your life had changed immensely. But this time – contrary to most times in the past you had been subjected to a great degree of change, your life began changing in small yet progressive ways; for the better. As news of your change into a Vampire-domitor hybrid swept to all corners of the Eternal Kingdom, your name was in the mouths of strangers you never thought your actions would affect – inspiring and amazing many…yet agitating and enraging the few who adopted the same mindset as Yoongi. However, since fully recovering; Jimin had given you some invaluable advice that you had heard many times before in the past as a human – but it rang true for you even more, now that you were in a seat of undeniable strength and power.

"Lion's don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. And that's all they are – sheep that blindly follow one damning ideal…they'd do well to remember how that fared out for Yoongi, in the end" he had told you this during one of your many heart to hearts that you both found yourself engaging in when you took it upon yourself to visit him and Taehyung in their boutique. Things were good – more than good. In fact; they couldn't have been better, as Taehyung and Jimin both became the older brothers that you never had.

When it came to your working life – despite Jungkook wishing you would take the entire duration of your pregnancy off work to rest, everything remained just as it was before. You were still his personal assistant, you still made him coffee first thing in the morning at the office – and you still welcomed and greeted each of his clients as they came to join in on meetings with the company's CEO. There were, however, slight changes to your office life. For one, the entire office knew of you being not only Mr. Jeon's personal assistant, but you were now also his fiancé – his ­bride to be. At first, the atmosphere that surrounded the office was a little more than what could be described as 'strange' – but as the months went on, and as your baby-bump began to increase in size; everyone just became used to the sight of you both strolling in and out of work together in the morning and the evening.

You did, of course, keep your professional working relationship with Jungkook in the office…but only sometimes. You often found yourself grinning at the fact that – more often than not, Jungkook would take it upon himself to clear his office desk to lay you down on top of it, spreading your legs open wide to reveal that perhaps, you had chosen not to wear any panties that day. For – since becoming pregnant, you found that you didn't possess any cravings for food or the likes as you heard was quite the usual for pregnant women; Vampire and human alike. Instead, it was almost like you were in a constant state of heat. For want of better words – Jungkook found himself with an extremely beautiful, extremely seductive, and extremely horny Vampire bride-to-be; never able to say no to you as he just couldn't help himself, either. It was only when you decided to playfully sit in Jungkook's lap in his office chair after unzipping his work pants to lower yourself down on top of him – letting Jungkook feel every inch of his member being swallowed by your warm heat between your thighs…that things became more than risky. As it turned out, the position of you straddling him with your office skirt hiked up around your waist and your pregnant bump against his abdomen was what really got Jungkook's rocks off as he controlled your movements from beneath him. To put it quite simply, there were times that perhaps both of you moaned and panted a little too loudly; leaving questionable and awkward looks of shock on the faces of your fellow co-workers once you left his office to go about your duties. Yet – you smiled and waved at them as you passed them by, as you thought to yourself – "I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant, or if it's because I'm a Vampire…but I would NEVER have done anything like that if I were still human…" And as much as this thought greatly piqued your curiosity, both you and Jungkook rather enjoyed the act of risking getting caught too much to care.

As for your younger brother Cassidy, you and Jungkook began visiting him religiously every Sunday – as if the institute he resided in were a church and you were both devout believers. In the beginning, it took Cassidy a little while to warm up to the new face that was Jungkook; but upon you telling him that Jungkook had helped you defeat Dracula; Cassidy not only relaxed in the knowledge that the one who murdered both of his parents was finally no longer at large – but he took to Jungkook like a fish to water. In the weeks that followed, Cassidy was introduced to more than just Jungkook – with Taehyung and Jimin coming along to meet your own flesh and blood; and both of them were more than blown away by the sheer artistry your brother possessed in his drawings, which in turn, always put a beautiful smile on Cassidy's face. Both you and Jungkook had decided that – after you both married, that the two of you would begin working on getting Cassidy out of the institute; as he had the loving family of the Jeon's who could more than support and take care of his needs outside of his four walled confinement. You had since begun to finally realise that – Cassidy was never crazy, as he was labelled by so many in the past; he was just absolutely terrified of Yoongi. And now that he knew Yoongi was no longer a threat to either you or him? Cassidy seemed to become more docile – more approachable, and more like the little brother you remembered him as. You did, however, decide it was best not to tell Cassidy that you, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were all in fact Dracula's too; for the time being, at least. It was in those moments that you finally understood the troubled waters that flowed through Jungkook's heart when he didn't immediately tell you that he was a Vampire. Thus, you decided upon waiting for the right time, but somehow – you knew that everything would be alright. As a final note in regards to your family, Jungkook wanted to honour your human ancestral customs, wishing for a taste of how it felt to be a sweaty, nervous man asking for your hand in marriage from your grandfather. Although he wasn't asking for permission from your father, your grandfather was still young for his age despite being in his late seventies; yet, both of your grandparents rather enjoyed Jungkook's company – with Serrena and Jeonju coming along to introduce themselves in turn; and it was the perfect image of a 'happy family' you could have only ever hoped for. And of course, upon Jungkook engaging in what he referred to as a 'man-to-man' talk, your grandfather was more than happy to partake in the act that was 'giving you away' - to be wed to Jungkook in the near future.

As for deciding the fate of the three rogues – Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok; you were more than happy with how things had played out, as you granted Seokjin and Hoseok their wishes of allowing them to return to the way they were before Yoongi got to them; human, once again. Namjoon, however – wished to now remain a loyal Vampire by your side…and the Jeon family accepted him with open arms as one of their own. A part of Namjoon did want to return to his poor family who still believed he was either missing or dead, but an even bigger portion of him wanted to be a part of something that you were essentially leading – wanting to make sure that no Vampire would ever have to be subjected to the same mistreatment he had forced upon him. Jungkook offered Namjoon a job at his company in the psychological evaluations department for rogues that willingly turned themselves in to be rehabilitated with manufactured blood. And in the end, Namjoon couldn't have been more happy with how things had turned out for him; as all he wanted to do was to help lost souls…just like you had helped him.

When you had just entered the seventh month of your pregnancy, it was finally time for you and Jungkook to tie the knot after months of planning, organising and putting together a rather unconventional wedding. You didn't have many human friends that you could invite to attend – thus leaving only your grandparents, your co-workers and your old landlord along with his wife that you had since told that you wouldn't be moving back into your little apartment, as you would be moving in with Jungkook, permanently as his wife. However, this wasn't just any wedding; it was the wedding of the future King and Queen of The Eternal Kingdom – a real thought that would someday become your life that you still found to be an extremely hard pill to swallow. A royal wedding consisted of the Eternal Kingdom's council in its entirety, plus all of Jungkook's family and extended family; along with any known associate families that had ties with the Jeon's; making the entire body count somewhere over eight hundred souls that would attend to witness the marriage of the Prince and his bride. And not only that, you weren't just a bride…you were the now widely known and widely revered, respected and loved Vampire-domitor hybrid…who would one day rule the Kingdom by her Kings side as Queen (Y/N) – the first of her name.

Of course, your wedding dress was hand-made by none other than Taehyung and Jimin – creating the perfect dress to suit your heavily pregnant body in a white-flowing, Grecian style gown that swept to the floor in a waterfall style cascade. When you first laid your eyes on it – you found yourself almost reduced to tears at just how beautiful it was; with its sweetheart-style, Sabrina neckline with tiny, charming sparkles that created a shimmering illusion in the lace that covered the top of your chest and the lace bodice down your back. Upon slipping it on your body on the morning of your wedding – with the help of your two bridesmaids, Hyeja and Chaewon, you couldn't stop looking at yourself in the mirror while you observed how elegant you looked with your baby-bump actually looking as if it were a design as part of your ensemble. You had read somewhere that during pregnancy, women were supposed to 'glow'; and as you stared at your reflection with Jungkook's sisters smiling behind you, you could truly see your own glow as it radiated around your body in happiness. Even to Jungkook, as he thought about how truly stunning you looked walking down the aisle of the grand, holy Vampiric ecclesia that resided in the main Eternal Kingdom's castle which had been decorated in white and gold to symbolise the bringing together of two Vampires. He knew that for as long as he would live, he would never forget the sight of you walking towards him with everyone's eyes on you – the way you smiled at him, the way your eyes lit up with slight nervousness and giddy excitement towards his open hand to take yours. The whole ordeal was a rather tender-hearted experience, especially since the only souls that Jungkook would have ever chosen as his grooms-men were right there beside him; Taehyung and Jimin – all three of them dressed in black suits, with Jungkook donning his golden Princes' crown, encrusted in emeralds, rubies and sapphires to honour royal Vampiric tradition. A normal Vampire wedding consisted of no bridesmaids or grooms-men; but Jungkook wanted to honour the life that you came from – and you wanted to honour the one you had just been pulled into. Therefore, you both decided to begin your life together by undergoing one of the most important rules to the secret of having a happy marriage; compromise.

A vicarius from the Eternal Kingdom's council was chosen to be the one to wed you both; and was instructed to perform a slightly different 'run-of-the-mill' wedding. In the world of Vampires, no rings were exchanged at the altare – rather, it was the joining of hands and sipping blood – that was passed off as wine for the sake of human guests -  from the other's golden chalice that was traditional to custom. Yet – both you and Jungkook decided that there was no harm in also incorporating a few traditional humankind customs; as he presented you with the most elegant, but simple wedding band in the form of a rose-gold, single diamond ring for you to wear on your left hand. Admittedly, you did feel uncharted levels of nervousness as you performed the joining of the hands and sipping from Jungkook's chalice, as it was quite a complex procedure with many rules and customs to adhere to; especially with so many Vampires watching you from behind. But somehow, all of your worries withered away like dying rose-vines in the winter when you saw Jungkook smiling right into your face – feeling his gentle touch on your hand as he helped you wrap the royal cloth around the both of you; and ultimately, how delicious you found the blood from his chalice to taste, especially as you peered into his deep, mahogany pools that sparkled whimsically in the candlelight that shone from the altare table in front of you both. When you had first began consuming the manufactured blood for the sake of your baby, you were a little unwilling as you imagined the taste would be one you wouldn't favour. However, upon tasting it – you came to realise that perhaps since turning; you had grown a primitive taste for blood in itself. That, and the fact that you knew it would be the best form of nutrition for the life inside you – was all you needed to submit to the act of drinking blood. And as soon as you and Jungkook were announced as husband and wife; Jungkook completely surprised you by sweeping a lock of your hair behind your ear and placing his lips right on yours – as if to put a final seal on your marriage in the eyes of over eight hundred, as they all stood up to engage in a round of applause. You couldn't see at that time, but a tear of happiness escaped Serrena as she watched in the front row; and Namjoon sitting just a few rows back – with a beautiful smile plastered on his face from the sight of happiness that was you and Jungkook; Prince and Princess of the Eternal Kingdom. Not only that, but you were now the daughter-in-law of the current King and Queen, and in time; both you and Jungkook would take on the reign of the throne, for generations to come.

"Jungkook – put me down!"

After the wedding celebrations had gone out with a bang – with the majority of the guests returning home and you and Jungkook retiring to one of the grandest bedrooms in the palace, you currently found yourself being held in Jungkook's arms, very fittingly 'bridal' style; just outside of the castles very own, makeshift 'honeymoon' suite. Unfortunately, due to the room's grandeur - Mugsy was not allowed to spend the night with the both of you as Serrena probably would have had forty-fits if anything were to be ruined beyond repair. Thankfully, however, Taehyung and Jimin took the liberty of 'cat-sitting' for the night, leaving you and Jungkook alone to have a private celebration without the watchful eyes of Mugsy peering over at you both.

"Oh no, Mrs. Jeon – I can't have that~ You'll have to stay right where you are for the time being, I'm afraid" Jungkook gave you a whimsical smirk as he pushed open the door with his elbow – adoring the sound of your laughter as you found yourself feeling rather pink in the cheeks at the sound of him calling you 'Mrs. Jeon.' You had planned on teasingly protesting for just a little while longer, but you came to be at a loss for words at the sight of what could only be described as a perfect, Cinderella style room; the walls being a cream, smooth textured stone, with the high ceiling being panelled in oak-wood squares that gave the entire room the feeling of being perfectly frozen in time. As Jungkook noticed your awe-struck face, he placed you down on the stone floor to allow you more time to gaze at the sheer elegance of the room – finding yourself mesmerised by the detailed, intricate and brilliantly designed stone fireplace that had already been lit in wait of your arrival. And – when your eyes finally laid themselves to the bed just opposite the gentle fire, your mouth formed itself into a dazed smile as you took in the dark-wood bed-frame with its posters that had been draped with sheer, white fabric; to compliment the gold and royal blue bed-sheets that lay upon the super king-size mattress that was more than fit for a King, and his Queen.

"Do you like it?" you heard Jungkook's low whisper as you felt him come up behind you, pressing his chest to your back and snaking his arms around your front – resting his hands on top of your bump; something that he had grown extremely fond of doing.

"…it's – it's perfect, Jungkook" you couldn't hold back a full-toothed smile as you took in the rest of the room – it's old-style, antique stone and wood furnishings that made you feel like you had taken a step back in time. "You did all of this – for me?" you turned your head, seeing him nod eagerly as he returned your smile.

"I wanted today to be one that you would never forget. I wanted to make you feel like the princess you truly are – for you are, my princess now~" there was a patronising, double entendre to his tone as he raised his eyebrows to you –making you want to blush even harder in turn.

"But – that also makes you my prince, right?" you gave back as good as you got with a playful look in your eye, seeing Jungkook bite his lip at your response. "After all, female Vampires are stronger than males – which makes me the more dominant one now, correct?"

Jungkook let a rather devilish chuckle escape his lips at your blatant boldness, something he would never want to change about your character – before he once again, scooped you up into his arms and began carrying you towards the bed. "Hmm~" he let a low hum escape his throat as he gently lay you down on the mattress, his body just above yours as he peered deep into your eyes. "It's true – you are much, much stronger than I. And soon – you and I will not be Prince and Princess, rather; we'll be King and Queen…" his words trailed off as he began gently removing your delicate jewellery from your neck and wrist – placing them aside before returning his stare to you. "To every Vampire that resides in this realm, and to me – you will be my Queen…but you have always been the Queen of my heart. And that is something…that will never change, no matter what may happen in the future."

Somehow, his words instilled great power to surge through you in that moment, as you flicked your eyes to his fingers that were beginning to remove your wedding dress – slowly pulling it down your chest to expose your body to him. As you felt yourself heat up under his movements, you thought more about what he had said just then, before you spoke up with your voice wrapped in silk that was absolute music to Jungkook's ears.

"On the outside, I plan to be your Queen – for both your eyes and the eyes of others" you breathed heavily as you watched Jungkook swiftly remove his white shirt, letting it fall to the floor to allow you to see his body above you, before he began sliding his hand between your legs – gently caressing the skin of your thighs. "But when it's just you and I…" you moaned at the sensation of his hand coming into contact with your clothed centre as his eyes never left yours, "When it's just you and I…you are the one and only King; and I surrender completely to you…my Prince"

No sooner had your words left your mouth, Jungkook felt fire like no other ignite inside him, as all he ever wanted, all he had ever wished or hoped for – was right there in front of him with a wanton look on her face; only for him. To Jungkook, there was no other being on earth or in the worlds beyond his that was as perfect as you – not just aesthetically, but in every other form and aspect of how someone could be. And as he kept his eyes firmly locked on yours – watching them change from their normal pigment into the colour that seemed to only appear when you either exercised your Vampiric prowess, or when you were being radically seduced by him; he felt like the richest being alive – the happiest, the luckiest and the most loved soul in the history of time itself. Everything that you had both been through – the good, the bad, the worse and the downright ugly; it all led to that moment right then. In the beginning, Jungkook would have rather died that to have you subjected to the same life as he. But when he really thought about it, he wanted to spend every single day with you, watching both you becoming parents, seeing your children grow into adult Vampires that held the same morals as the two of you, living through the good and bad times that often came with life – no matter if you were a human or a Vampire. He knew that none of that would be possible if you were to live out the rest of your days as a human by his side; and the pain of your inevitable death would have in turn, been the death of Jungkook himself. As Jungkook removed the last of your clothing – he began skimming his hands over your stomach, feeling the slight movement of his future son or daughter inside that put the biggest grin on his face known to the world. You – as a pregnant female Vampire, knew the physical sex of the life inside you; but you decided on keeping it a secret until birth, despite Jungkook begging you close to fifty-million times a day to put him out of his misery. Yet – you decided to keep just this one thing to yourself, for now.

Jungkook's lips pressed themselves to yours as you gasped into his mouth – feeling his tongue slip inside as he swallowed your small sounds of hedonistic desire. While you took it upon yourself to begin roaming his bare back with your hands, Jungkook thought about the future; your plans to eradicate any and all Vampires who were like Yoongi – to help them see the error of their ways; to help them realise that life, all life – was precious, and should be respected no matter what. Before you walked into his life, Jungkook had absolutely no idea where he was going; no compass that pointed in any direction to help him decide what he wanted to achieve. You had given him emotion, you had given him life, love – feelings and all the things he secretly wished for. In around two months time, you would also be giving him something new; fatherhood. All of that – gave Jungkook the most important thing he could have ever found, something that most humans and Vampires alike spend their whole lives searching for. You had given him purpose to carry on – and he planned on being with you, every step of the way.

"(Y/N)…" Jungkook said your name as he let his lips linger for a second longer, loving how that – even though you were a Vampire, you still possessed the natural, pink hue on your cheeks that he always managed to gift to you in moments such as that one. "You've given me so much…and you've never asked for anything in return" he whispered gently with such emotion in his voice that mirrored itself in his eyes. You knew the look he was giving you – one filled with deep, pensive thoughts.

"I've never asked for anything, because you…you are the only thing I need. I…I love you, Jungkook" you took his hand in yours and laced your fingers with his, feeling him tensing over your body as to not lay his entire weight down on your pregnant stomach.

"No matter how many times I hear those words coming from your mouth, I'll never tire of hearing them" he let the most beautiful, bashful smile appear across his face – similar to that of a love-struck yearling. "I love you too, (Y/N) – and I hope you won't tire from hearing me say it to you, every day for the rest of our lives. You don't mind me doing that, do you?" he tilted his head as he waited for your reply.

"This dummy…" you laughed inwardly, knowing that he already knew what you would say, but knowing that he wanted to hear it from you directly. When you thought about it, you knew that your future with Jungkook would be a rollercoaster of excitement, happiness and adventure; especially as you had both decided on having lots of babies and helping them grow up in the best way you both could both knew how. You knew that soon, Cassidy would be able to be by your side. And, although your parents weren't there to witness the birth of their grandchildren, you smiled at the thought of them being in their own paradise in the world beyond – perhaps being able to look down upon you and your family…being proud of the strong, tender-hearted woman that was, and would forever remain; their daughter.

In response to Jungkook's question, you blinked softly at him – giving him a single kiss to his cheek as you smiled so radiantly back into his face, that it could have almost put the sun in her sky to shame.

"You want to love me for the rest of your life?" you asked, seeing him nod his head slowly as he began leaving trails of damp kisses along your collarbone – before letting you feel his sharp fangs that protruded ever-so-slightly as he dragged them across your skin; leaving you feeling absolutely euphoric in the wake of his havoc he wreaked upon you. You opened your mouth, gasping and panting at the sensation, before you uttered words that you meant with all of your heart – words that you believed in now, and words that you would believe in until your end of days.

"Jungkook,you know that I won't stop you…

…I won't ever stop you."

~ The End~