
I won't entertain Yandere

Yuna who think that she will find herself in the afterlife after being hit by a speeding car found herself in a situation where she has to go through various scenario from 'Writing prompts' that her friend love scrolling. To go through various world or scenario without losing her sense of Self, Yuna decisively choose to preserve her sense of self, agreeing to any penalty she may faced. 'What's the worst thing that can happen?' She already goes through a horrible death isn't she not? Yuna light heartedly brush off the so called penalty. Of course if she know the content of the penalty, she may not hastily agree but what can she do? the milk is already spill. Penalty for preserving her sense of self: [Penalty#1 Being constantly drag in the centre of the storm Penalty #2 attracting the potential yandere in every scenario] Yuna who found herself in the centre of 'Chaotic' attention she try to vehemently avoid : Haha Yuna who found herself having to deal with Yandere from left and right, above and below : Haha Yuna who was so tired, wanting to burst into tears dealing with all sorts of up and down in every scenario look up at the sky and flip her middle finger beautifully before cursing "Fuck This, Fuck That, Fuck Everything"

_cosmic_librarian · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Scenario A (9)

"Nana, do you need help?"

Yuna, who was preparing a quick dinner for the child, her hand which was stirring the vegetables on the pan twitch hearing the 'sweet' NANA'

Yuna is never particularly fond of a nickname or any other endearing name. She like the name 'Yuna' as it is, although it may sound a bit narrow-minded, but she is not Nana or Yuyu or A'yu. She is Yuna, Yuna is Yuna and not any other else. 


To Yuna, abating the child hunger is more important than anything else so instead of flipping out she continue to stir the pan with a plain expression on her face, trying to smoothen her expression as much as possible, trying to contain the cold expression that threaten to spill out with the abhorrence sitting leisurely and being in the same space as herself. 

Food should be prepared with warmth and not with a bad face.

Yuna mother used to tell her that food can run away if we complain when eating them or prepare them with a frown or bad expression on the face. 

Food running away is a metaphor of running out of food and not being able to satiate one hunger. 

A meal should not be prepared with a fed up expression

Food ultimately exists to satisfy the hunger of human beings without wanting anything in return, which food would want to serve a consumer who constantly have a bad face towards it?

Ultimately, Yuna mother is bit of a superstitious person who believe that object have sentience that was not comprehensible by human beings. 

Yuna mother take it as a spiritual thing while Yuna just thought simply that if the object really do have sentience than it will fulfil the Object Oriented Ontology of object being existed independently of human perception. 

And maybe, object does have sentience after all. 

Well… even if it does not, Yuna although quite a rebellious and stubborn as she is, she still obey her mother in many things even to certain trivial superstitious teaching although she herself does not believe it. 

Feran though not hearing any response from Yuna does not have an unhappy expressions and still maintain a very warm smile, a smile that rarely expressed on his face have been maintained consistently the moment he made his 'confession'.

Yuna plated the meal before the child, giving him a spoon and fork.

The meal she made is only enough for two people while completely, blatantly ignoring the presence of Feran who was still inside the apartment, especially staying obediently inside the kitchen sitting patiently at the dining table. 

"A good husband must know how to cook"

Saying light-heartedly, Feran stood up, the dining chair creaks with his movement.

The man moved around the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out ingredients and prepares his own dinner while humming a strange but pleasant tune. 

Yuna just bend down her head eating her meal silently, completely ignoring the busy man who was using her ingredients. 

Anyway, she is not so small-minded as to not let the man used the groceries that she bought yesterday with trepidation in her heart of being caught by the child pursuer. 

Thank goodness nothing actually happened yesterday. 

But maybe because she has use up her luck yesterday, Yuna felt that she has been constantly surrounded by bad-luck energy starting from six in the morning. If not, why must one after another she has to deal with all sorts of annoying people?

….the kind that she especially cannot stand?

After having their dinner, Yuna just simply clean up the child before both of them make their way to the couch and sit in front of the television. 

It was somewhat a routine thing to just watch some show when there is nothing to do in particular. 

Yuna just blankly watch the show without paying any attention to it. 

When human have hope, a desire, they have a reason for living but for a human who does not have desire or hope for anything, they are not better than a stagnant pool of water or the dead in the graveyard. 

And Yuna is the latter. 

She exists for the sake of existing. 

No hope, no desire. 

Her previous life of living, having a job is nothing more than fulfilling her parent hope of her. 

They want her to be academically achieved, have a stable job and Yuna did just that. 

Anyway, it's easier carrying out her meaningless existence with stability'

If trying to gain stability and live leisurely can be regarded as a goal, then Yuna goal as of now is to have her life on track and maintain stability in her life as much as possible even if she was caught up in the hulu bulu world-hopping thing. 

Just when Yuna thought of stability, her apartment door was burst in by a pale face panic stricken Hot Pink. 

"Plavvin man…. They…" His lips trembled not being able to articulately say out what he wants to say. 

"Call the other and we'll hear it out"

Seeing the calm and cold expression of Pastel Pink, Hot Pink surprisingly found himself to calm down as well.

Nodding his head, Hot pink call the other member and not longer than 20 minutes, the other member quickly arrived. 


"So you're saying they will strictly monitored even involving the police department at the airport?"

"Yes… that's what I get to spy on back at the hotel... this-- it is much more supervision than we expected. If the police are involved, even if they demand a thorough checking, we won't have a way to refute but obliged to their checking"

Light Pink pinch the bridge of her nose. 

"… I'm afraid at this rate, even if we disguise the child they will find it out if they really did an authorised checking"

"We have to quickly think up of a solution"

Deep Pink who was quietly listening speak up "We can use diversion tactics"

"Hot Pink will go to the port with a decoy child, he will try to attract the attention of the enemy to make them think that he is with the child and try to board a cruise ship to escape, even if he was chased after, he can quickly lose them by disguising as someone else" Deep Pink pause and look around his teammate "The airport although will get distracted by the enemy at the port will still have their vigilance, that is when we will create chaos and let the person with the child to enter the plane without much time for thorough checking"

"….. so… who will take the child? If either one of us is with the child, they will check the child thoroughly even if chaos ensued"

With the question, all the members of the pink turn towards Yuna who was just staring blankly at the television with the child sitting beside her. 

As if perceiving the many gazes, Yuna turn her head towards the direction where she feels the gaze. 

Yuna sigh. 

She quietly caresses the child head without saying anything.

After looking at each other for about a minute, Yuna finally open her mouth

"How much did you get for this job?"

Deep Pink frowns while Light Pink narrows her eyes and answer "$5000000"


Yuna chuckle, she turn her head towards Feran who was sitting on the dining chair with his hand propping his head and his elbow on the table, he look at her, his charming captivating electric blue eyes never leaving her silhouette. 

"Hey Delusion head, how much did you guys get paid?"

A faint arc rise on Feran lips and his red lips parted to answer the question that Yuna directed at him "$10000000"

"Pastel Pink!" Light Pink has a shocked expression.

The room started to get strange and heated up. 

Deep Pink look deeply at Pastel Pink while Baby Pink has a somewhat uncomfortable expression. 

Hot Pink just look around at the people wondering what happened and why the room started to get strangely tense. 

Yuna whistle amidst the tense mood.

"An ordinary civilian, an innocent bystander but task to do the most important part of you so amazing.. so good… so secretive mission, the 'Safety' of the child and taking him back safe home. I assume 16% of the pie is not too much to ask, isn't it not?"


"And before you say anything, it is equally divided, not to mention I didn't ask for the extra 0.66666 till infinity percent"

Yuna smile lightly "That or I won't get involved, the choice is yours"

Even though Yuna have a smile on her face, she sigh heart brokenly inside her heart. 

"Who need the stupid money that can potentially put me in danger?, damn annoying kids, should have been better if he was already twenty years old" Yuna lightly muttered at a breath only she could hear and maybe… the child too.

Children are annoying and a pain in the butt. 

Being an adult suck as well.