
I woke up to raise little buns

(the book cover don't belong to me credit goes to original owner) Sana was simple girl who dream to became great actress but the reality was cruel in order to get chance in a movie the producer try to force her in that struggle her head hit the cupboard of the bed and she died even before she can show her talent. when she woke up she find herself in the body of a seven year old girl who has beaten to death by her cruel aunt. when she open her eyes and help her mother who was in difficult labour. she look at the tiny buns around her and decide to pave her way to the peak.

Bhoomi_Mehra · History
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56 Chs

Little venom leveling up.

hailin has find a new way to cook without attracting much attention toward her now she simply wrap the piece of meat in Lotus leaf and throw them in fire in this way the smell of meat didn't spread around.

she take out the meat wrapped in Lotus leafs from the fire carefully not wanting to burn her hand she clear the flames and climb on the tree beasts can't climb on trees which help her to enjoy her food without getting disturb.

she remove the leaf and the fragrance of meat spread around her she cut a piece for the little venom and give it him to eat little venom aka treasure hunting scorpion don't like his name but he still accepted the food.

she happily take a bite of meat it's only cooked in fire without any seasoning on it but light taste of Lotus leaf has been mixed in the meat which make it light sweet.

after eating her fill she leave the tree knowing that the beast will still came here she don't dare to stay there for much time she bend down to clean her hand when suddenly little venom spoke.

"master I can sence very powerful aura of from this area but i can't tell about the exact location cause of my lower strength maybe if I advance i can tell you more about it"

she narrow her eyes as she spoke "are you sure theirs treasure or you are just using it to grow powerful" her smile is very beautiful but little venom felt danger.

"no no no master how can I dare to lie you it's just my strength is very low pin out the exact location or else I had already taken you there" hailin nodded her head little venom secretly sigh in relief.

"so what I can do to raise your strength" she ask him curiously she blink her eyes as she move closer to him she look very cute but only the little venom know how much evil this master of his is if she dissatisfied with him she will threaten to eat him.

"we just need to find some herbs or i has to fight with beast of my rank or higher" hailin nodded her head like she seriously understand what he is saying.

"let's find some 1st tier beast it's not that hard to find them is it" little venom nodded his head low tier beast are food of higher tier beast so usually very less low beast manage to survive in the forest.

"usually it's hard to find low tier beast but the forest we are in not that dangerous the highest tier beast is the snow wolf which you had killed other then him his queen is the most strongest one in this forest" hailin was surprise with his knowledge.

"from where you get this much information"

"ohh I found tier 3 snake yesterday he has eaten his fill so he has intention to eat me so we end up having chat with each other" hailin narrow her eyes.

"where was i when you were talking with him" seeing her smile sweetly he subconsciously tell her.

"you were fighting with 2nd tier red spider" when he realise that he has shoot his own foot he gulp and look at her only to see her smiling which in his eyes look like demon smile.

"i was fighting with that damn spider and you were having nice chat without helping me" little venom immediately defend himself.

"no no master i was getting information out of that snake after all we both don't know much about this forest i also got more information like currently we are in the inner region of the forest"

"tell me more about if I found the information useful then i will consider to spare your life now speak"

"master this forest is divided into four region outer region, middle region, inner region and centre or core region the danger level of each region is different currently we are very near to the central region also known as the core of the forest that is the territory of snow wolf if we need to find low tier beast we need to go the outer region of this forest i promise to work hard master please forgive me this time please"

"okay okay now lead the way toward the outer region we need to hurry up if someone else get the treasure then i will surely eat you"

"yes yes master" with that both master and beast walk toward the outer region the more they walk toward the outer region the more low tier beast start appearing.

currently hailin is seating under a tree eating wild strawberry which she has found while traveling and looking at the 2nd tier snake is fighting with little venom who has just reach 2nd tier.

little venom look at her for help but she ignore he wanted to cry but he don't have time cause the snake is middle 2nd tier snake while he has just advance although this fight will help him to stabilize his rank it will also tire him alot.

when hailin saw that little venom is in disadvantage she is little sad but she know she can't force him to advance in rows he need to continue fighting for few more days.

she get up from her seat and grab her sword when the snake wrap his tale around the little venom she move very fastly and remove the snake head she look at the snake it's not even weight catty but it's still meat so she keep it.

As for the little venom she directly let him rest in her contract space she was thrill when she get to know about this space but she lost her enthusiasm after knowing she can't store anything else in it.

hailin clean the snake and throw inside the fire after wrapping it inside Lotus leafs as she lean against the tree and close her eyes.

currently she is very weak she has to do sneak attack to kill 4th tier beast if she someday incounter beast of higher level then we will die she still has to find a way to grow stronger and not let little venom do all the work.