
I woke up to raise little buns

(the book cover don't belong to me credit goes to original owner) Sana was simple girl who dream to became great actress but the reality was cruel in order to get chance in a movie the producer try to force her in that struggle her head hit the cupboard of the bed and she died even before she can show her talent. when she woke up she find herself in the body of a seven year old girl who has beaten to death by her cruel aunt. when she open her eyes and help her mother who was in difficult labour. she look at the tiny buns around her and decide to pave her way to the peak.

Bhoomi_Mehra · History
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56 Chs

Don't worry about money.

both hailin and little four get up before the dawn after hailin had cooked for the whole family she and little four eat small bite of food before leaving the house today she had plan to find people to build a bigger house.

she had heard from liufeng that her second brother is a carpenter so she want to hire him and ask his help to find more people who know how to build the house she want to make a big house so everyone can have there own room and privacy after all in the future she is going to do lot of things.

she and little four reach the door of the su family she knock on there door it was still dark no was awake so it took some time before someone open the door of the house the person who had open the door was third son of the su family when he saw her he was stunt.

"hailin what are you doing here at this time" hailin doesn't said anything it was little four who told him that they are going to town and will come late so before that they want to talk with his second brother about the matter of building house.

he quickly took them inside the house after settling them at the dining area he quickly run to bring his second brother along liufeng and his wife after all it's not good for a unmarried women to stay alone with a man even though little four us there he is still a kid.

although he try to not to wake up other since they had to work in field for whole day being awaken can only make there performance bad in field which is not a good thing but still he end waking up everyone in the house he look at hailin with embarrassment written on his face.

hailin look at the whole su family who look like scared from her actually it's not there fault after all she had done things with high profile so it's not weird that people are sfaird from her but she was actually satisfied with the reaction this is the result she want so no one will come to her.

"hailin can I ask why you were searching for my second son early in the morning" it was old man su who spoke while old madam was looking at her with fear liufeng was seating beside them she look sleepy like she is going to fell sleep right now.

"you all don't need to worry I heard from liufeng that her second brother is a carpenter as you know the place we are living is not very good so I want hire him to help us build a house he can also bring his friends who know carpentry I only care about result you all not need to worry about money as for why I come to early is cause I'm going to town and will come late you can bring your friend at my house tomorrow we will discuss about house further do you agree to my request or not"

her word was straightforward and she had simply explain everyone everything now the decision lay in the hand of second brother if he agree then she will safe from searching people to work and there no way he will reject her offer after all whole villsge know that there family had received lot of money so they don't hace to worry about not getting money.

"I agree are you sure that I can let my friends come too" he ask with some doubt.

"yes till they know carpenters but I like to tell you that if u get to know that the people you had bring are not reliable then I will find you" her voice was calm but it give chill to the people listening to her.

after the matter was solved she and little four left to town the school where little two study is in middle of the town it's quite far away from the village it took three hour to go there that why she had leave early.

both of them borrow a horse carriage it cost 1 silver coin per person it's quite expensive from the normal ox-cart ride but she was not stinky when treating herself and now she had money in her hand she will not misstreat herself and her family.

little four was very happy and excited he had never ride house carriage so he was looking around with shining eyes hailin just smile at him when he saw that his sister was looking at him he become shy his ear turn reb hailin let out small laugh.

When they reach town she open the curtain of the carriage to look outside the town was filled with activity it's much more lively then the market soon they reach in the middle of the town both of them get off the carriage and pay to the man she look around herself currently they are in the most lively street the academy was just after crossing the street but she want to buy some thing.

she lead little four to the candy shop and buy him some candy she buy some for other's then both of them head toward the cloth shop the material of cloth selling in the town is much more costly and better quality then the one she is wearing.

she buy lot of ready make cloth for boys they were in different designs and its little four work to hold the cloth his both was filled with clothes he helplessly look at his sister who had finish taking cloth for him and brother and now about to buy for the twins and mother he only watch how she get beautiful dresses for the little babies and mother.

after sometime he was not able to watch any more but he was hesitating to speak but he finally mutter some courage and spoke to hailin.

"older sister you had buyed cloth for everyone but don't you get some cloth for yourself" then he look at the saleswomen who was showing hailin cloths.

"sister don't you think my sister will look more beautiful althought she is born beautiful but are not cloth is mean to make a person more beautiful like the light yellow dress you are wearing is making you look more beautiful don't you think my sister will look more beautiful"