
I Woke Up in the Morning and Became a Seeker

*Translated novel Novel name: I Woke Up in the Morning and Became a Seeker, So I Dived into a Dungeon ~Steadily Leveling Up Starting at the First Level~ Author: Ikapon ................... It has been about 30 years since “dungeons” were suddenly appeared in the modern world and “Seekers”, people who are adapted to dungeons, began to appear among the population. One morning, Rikusou Daichi, a high school graduate and freelance worker, realizes that he has become a “seeker”. A “seeker” is a person with unique abilities such as level, status, and skills. Daichi bikes to a nearby dungeon and explores his first dungeon through trial and error. This is the story of a young man who gradually gains power while raising his level, acquiring skills, and cashing in the magical stones obtained by defeating monsters. *This is a Japanese LN that I am posting here so it's easier for me to read *I do not claim ownership over anything in this book this is just a translation posted here in English

Cardinal_Sin · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

40 Relay Point

After passing through the large door. There was a staircase leading to the lower level.

As usual, the spiral staircase descended in a circular pattern, and eventually, the staircase ended, and we arrived at a small hall.

In the center of the small hall was a glowing magic circle.

It was the same shape as the transfer magic circle at the entrance to the dungeon.

There is a further descending staircase on the other side of the small hall.

That must be the relay point between the fourth and fifth layers.

Once we stepped on this magic circle, we would be able to choose this magic circle as our destination from the transfer magic circle at the entrance of the dungeon.

The three of us stepped onto the magic circle at the same time.

The magic circle glows, and our vision turns white.

A moment later, we were in the magic circle at the entrance to the dungeon.

After we left the magic circle and got on it again, a choice emerged in my brain.

The choices were the 1st and the 5th floor.

When we chose the 5th floor, we were at the place we had just left.

It worked just as we had been told it would.

Relieved, we decided to continue down the stairs.

We went down the staircase in a circular motion, and at the end of the staircase, we found.

It was hard to believe at first glance, but the scene we had been informed of before was spread out before our eyes.

"Is it a forest? Is this inside of a dungeon?"

Yuzuki, who had never seen the complete guidebook, tilted her head.

I was overwhelmed by the sight that spread out before my eyes as a reality, even though I knew of it.

After descending a stone spiral staircase, I found myself in a forested area thickly overgrown with trees.

And even though we were in a dungeon, the light was like sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a fantastic scene.

"This is the 5th layer, the forest floor...."

Kodachi-san murmured.

The 1st 4 floors of this dungeon are commonly known as the 'cave floor', and are considered the end of the dungeon.

The 5th floor and beyond are called the 'forest floor'.

The monsters have changed drastically, and unknown threats await.

People said that by reaching this forest layer, the seeker would pass out of the realm of newcomers and step into the world of full-fledged seekers.

But then we make a U-turn.

We'll see how we progress through the entrance to the world of the full-fledged seeker another time.

After all, today, my MP is already very low.

We came to this level to see how things were going and did not intend to continue our search.

So we returned up the spiral staircase to the relay point and exited the dungeon on a magic circle.

Once outside the dungeon, the time was finally past noon.

In other words, it was almost midday.

Since we had challenged the boss without taking a lunch break, we had not eaten lunch today.

Since it was a good opportunity, we decided to have a launch party to celebrate the breakthrough of the cave layer.

And then, Kodachi-san made this suggestion.

"Um, if you don't mind, why don't we have a party at my place? My house is near here. I used to live with my grandmother, so it's rather spacious, and if we buy ingredients from the supermarket and cook, it would be cheaper than eating at a restaurant."

Kodachi-san appealed to me as if it was a good idea.

Yuzuki, who heard this, looked at me slightly and then turned a quizzical eye toward Kodachi.

"Um, Kazane-san, what ... does that mean?

But immediately, Yuzuki shook her head as if she had realized something.

Kodachi-san tilted her head curiously at that.

Then their gazes naturally turned to me.

"Ah, yes. With pleasure."

When I was thrown in charge, I had no choice but to say this, didn't I?

So we decided to have a party at Kodachi-san's house to celebrate our success in conquering the boss and breaking through the cave layer.

As a side note, I had gained a great deal of experience from defeating the goblin lord and had leveled up to level 11.

Musou Daichi

Level: 11 (+1)

Experience: 2601/3022

HP: 64/64 (+4)

MP: 32/56 (+4)

Strength: 14

Endurance: 16 (+1)

Agility: 12 (+1)

Magic: 14 (+1)


[Earth Heal]


[HP Up (Endurance x 4)]

[MP Up (Magic x 4)]

[Spear Attack Power Up (+8)]

[Rock Bullet]


Remaining skill points: 1

The list of skills I can acquire seems to have been greatly expanded at level 11.

But I'll try to choose skills later.

Today, let's celebrate the victory against the boss and the breakthrough of the cave floor.

(End of Chapter)

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