
I woke up in body of five year old girl...

Qinlin open her eyes and find herself laying in the middle of forest she was confuse as for why she is laying here. she was well known for her talent of medicine and weapons not only that her talent in cultivation is also envies by other's. but she died while facing tribulations of ascending celestial king resulting in her death. the original owner was daughter of rich family her father was well preserved in medicine, her second uncle were merchant while her third uncle was martial art teacher. but everything was destroyed when someone put an eye on their secret medicine prescription resulting in there downfall. qinlin along with her four siblings roam in wilderness, running away from scammer but when she came over she help her siblings leave comfortable life. her eldest brother was well preserved in poision and medicine. she has art of both healing and killing. third sister know every single information about the place which she want to know. forth brother is expert in making weapons. her fifth sister take total diffrent path and become a scholar... but why a certain emperor nephew is sneaking around her house what does he want..

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Big brother Qinling.

She close her eyes acting like she is tired but she was using her divine senses to search for her siblings even though all of her cultivation has been destroyed.

She can still use her divine senses for few mintues she can't cover large area with her divine senses only few meters which is enough for her now.

She search for her new siblings after sometime she finally sense them they are few meter ahead of them near a river.

She open her mouth to speak "thank you young master for helping me to search my brother" her voice was slightly raised although her voice is filled with innocence.

"What's there to thanks it's what a human should do but you should not came in forest without any adult it's dsngerous for you next time stay close with your brother to not get loss in the forest"

She nodded her head seriously like she is listening to his advice but she secretly cursing at him in heart 'you just don't want to see me again don't worry I will also not see you ever again'

Shadow give her weird look which make uncomfortable for three of them she is giving signals to her partner about their arrival they start getting prepared for any sneak attack.

She spun her head around like she is truly looking for her brother soon her eyes lit up as shout loudly "big brother qinling" they turn their head and saw a eight year old boy.

The boy was squatting near the river washing his hand ther was a basket filled with various type of plants just by a look she can tell that every single one of them is extrenely poisonous.

Only the original owner know about it that her brother is more insyered in poision then nedicine but they never tell her father knowing that he don't like things which can take someone lives.

They boy pause for a sec when he heard hod name being called he turn his head around his face was full of smiles there are some tear in his eyes but he refuse to let them fall.

He run toward her she also slip down from wolf back and run toward the boy while reminding herself again and again ' I'm just a child, I'm just a child, I'm just a child'

She throw herself in his arms and whisper in his ear "the young master has helped me to find you" ofcourse her words has dipper meaning which he know.

She also know that those people who cultivate battle aura has awesome sense of hearing so she dilerately did this to make them believe that she mean no harm.

They walk toward three of them her new now down which seem like mimicry of noble people but it has lot of fault but no one laugh at him.

"Thank you young master for bring my sister back to me I was truly worried about her I don't know how to repay you in this life" the boy wave his hand.

"You don't need to tank me it's what a human should do" she pause 'this line seem to be familiar to me' the boy put his hand on her brother shoulder and smile.

"You need to take care of your sister don't came in forest without any adult it's not for you both to be here what if you encounter some kind of furious beast"

He nodded his head serious he look like a little adult with his serious expression the boy remove his hand from his shoulder and give his guards a look.

Shadow place the guzhen on the ground and stuff something in her hand previously they has hand her a bottle but since she was being carried on back she give the bottle back to them.

She take the bottle and bow at him they look at them for sometime before their figure disappear in the forest.

"I'm really thankful to that young master to bring you back" her lips twitch she look at her brother who is three year older then her in this world.

"Do you really think he is helping us" he give her confuse look "what do you mean by this" she shook her head her brother is still to young to know about that weird man.

"Where are other why I can't see them" he point in a direction "when I heard some noises I let them run away they has not gone far away we can catch up with them"

She nodded her head and grab her guzheng she carried it on her back and walk toward the direction which he has pointed along with him.

They were walking in silence qinling felt that something is different about her but he can't pinpoint it he frown in confusion.

She can sense his mood but she didn't speak knowing that the more she speak the more mistake she would make so she stay silent the whole time.

Soon they heard of child crying they quicken their speed and find her twin siblings seating on a large rock as her little brother hold their crying youngest cousin sister.

Qinling take Qinque from Qinye as he take out bamboo cantainer from the basket the cantainer is filled with goat milk.

She help him lit up fire they take out a small iron pot from his basket he boil the milk and start feeding the baby she frown while looking at the iron pot this type of pot is filled with impurities which is not good for child health at all.

But they has no other choise right now she sign at their poverty but she pause for a sec before grabbing her guzheng this guzheng was a gift from her secong uncle.

This guzheng has a secret compartment to hide things inside it there are two small boxes one is filled with Jewellery while the other one has few pieces of map with red mark on it.

Her second uncle has hide all his fortune this map is the only way to reach it luckily they are not gona die from hunger or anything like that