
She’s hot… Oh and my new skills

Dang she kinda pretty. I thought

"Ehh hem…" she said

"I might've forgot to tell you I can hear your thoughts. Anyway, I am Verschneil but you can call me Mommy Ver."

"Okay… Yeah no. Best your going to get is aunt," I said.

"Fine. I guess you will be getting a new mother when you reincarnate." She said

"Im gonna what now!" I said as I looked at her being stunned by her beauty, and I have been for the last few minutes and haven't been listening. 

"Yes, you're going to reincarnate in a magical fantasy world, but, there is one rule. You don't have the feeling of love." She said 

When I thought about the downsides, I realized there weren't to many, I cloud just be extremely dedicated to my craft and I can be the main character in a story. I guess I can feel protection over my siblings and a love in that way, brotherly love, but not man and woman love.

So obviously I picked that. 

"But before that…" she went on. I will allow you to pick three skills or things/abilities you want in your life. But first, so you don't wish for it, I will tell you what you will naturally have in that world. You will have access to magic or martial arts…"

"Magic," I blurted.

"Okay," Aunty Ver said.

"Now name your three wishes already!" Aunty Ver said because she thought I was an ambitious and hasty kid, but really I knew I was discussing about my last chance. I had to make this right and perfect. So, after a little bit of deliberation, I picked these three. "I wish to be able to use all of the elements of this world."

[You have been granted skill: Apprentice Elementalist]

Apprentice Elementalist is: Upgradeable, use of all elements in a mediocre way. Description: Be able to channel your mana from your core into the six different elements. Tier: SSS

"For my second skill, I would like to be able to manipulate my mana to a much higher degree than even the best."

[You have been granted skill: Higher Mana Manipulation]

Higher Mana Manipulation is: upgradable, manipulate mana down to a 1" area. Description: Manipulate your mana to be so fine that you can channel it outside your body and it can be detailed down to a 1x1" area. Tier:A rank

" For my final skill, I would like to be able to predict and change outcomes." I said 

[You have been granted skill: Dice of fate: Outcome change]

Outcome change is: limited in uses for an amount of time, changes fate it self. Description: Unknown. Due to it being able to change, system can not provide a current description. Tier: SSS++

" A few things are known about this skill." It has a cooldown of 3 days per use or 72 hours. One more, it users always become either as lowly as a fortune teller, or as high and mighty as a king." The goddess explained.

"Now to take that back, and to send you on your way." 

"Wait!" I shouted

"How will I be able to see you?" I asked, concerned I wouldn't be able to see her beautiful face ever again. You just have to say in your mind, "Talk to Mommy Ver," and yes, you have to use mommy Ver. I already programmed it and such. She said

"Also one more thing." I said

"Activate: Skill: Change Outcome to make it so I am the most handsome person on the planet and my family is well off and has a good teacher for me and has servants. " I spoke

"Haa Haa Haa. Nice thinking. Toodaloo" she said as a portal opened behind me and my eyes opened.

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