
I Wished...

Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.

Crytalcasey · Teen
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8 Chs


Huge giant buildings stood besides the street, loud as if taken over by an army of bees. Some windows gave out white and yellow lights, but the others were pitch black.

A watchman snored comfortably on his dark brown stool under the protection of his shops's roof. He was sleeping outside the school's gate, "this is a very good opportunity for students who will come to school late," Li Xui Yang thought, the idea of students sneaking into school made her face to brighten up.

On the streets, students in different school uniforms flooded the city making it appear like a multicoloured rainbow. On one of the bus stations, a young boy was seen running to the station,  but unfortunately he had just missed the morning bus and had to wait for another one. There was a shelter made of iron painted blue with seats below it for the pedestrians to rest while waiting for the bus, there were adverts which were glued on the walls of the shelter advertising different products.

Soon, a crowd of pedestrians started arriving one by one and filled the shelter,  Chao Yu Ze knew that he had to fight for the seats since so many people meant a threat to his trip to school.

Lu Zhi on the other hand could be seen cycling on her bicycle to a zebra crossing where Wang Yu Xi, her friend was standing there leaning on er bicycle waiting for her.

"You are late," Wang Yu Xi said, staring at her wristwatch, even forgetting to greet her friend.  There was a small breakfast stall where Wang Yu Xi had taken her breakfast from. She was still holding a takeaway English muffin that she was still munching on.

"Let's go!" Lu Zhi said as she led the way cycling on her bicycle and Wang Yu Xi followed her. By accident,  Wang Yu Xi dropped her purse on the streets,  it was in her side pocket of her bagpack, it fell next to where Chao Yu Ze was standing, he identified the girl as one of her school mates due to her school uniform and picked the purse up for her.

The warm breezes blew across Wang Yu Xi's forehead which was covered up with bangs, the bangs were blown sideways by the wind leaving her forehead bare.