
I wish to be unprovoked

Thandeka_Sityale · Urban
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I greet you all .. was up so this be my first book in this app, not perfect but trying and I'm still tryn get used to this app Soooo🤌 anyway! Confession first , I get bored easily I'm sorry I shouldn't be saying this cause we're not friends but I sometimes get bored with focusing on one book but I will try to get this book to a distance 🥺

You may find my grammar or a lot of mistakes and let me list my excuses for that😁:

1 English is not my native language

2 although I try to double check...I'm lazy

3 can't blame me😒 the mind travels faster than my hand so 😑

4 lastly im trying so....

I hope you guys enjoy and maybe you'll notice im a bit immature with my writing or aren't sophisticated 🤌 yeah well 😑 I hate those complicated things but well okay then...enjoy

In the year of 2024, crystals that have later been identified as nest crystals fell from the sky. Beasts and monsters of all kinds were made/created by these crystals that were in every corner of the earth. Military weapons were not working against these dangerous monsters, thousands of lives were lost and so was hope but then some humans woke up with abilities. At first they were seen as monsters who the humans started fearing and hating with disgust but when they used their abilities to help people the government immediately created a WAO (world ability organisation) [ 😬 i was trying so this is the best i could come up with] .

This organisation was to deal with beasts and monsters and protect the lives of ordinary people. Unfortunately the monsters were endless as the crystal created more of them everyday. People wanted to feel safe and so the answer was to build an island that covered a large part of the ocean. After it was built people were transported there and as years went by a lot of things were discovered. Inside every monster, beast was a crystal, these crystals were good for ability users and helped increase their level. The crystals were also used for technology, charging power, creating weapons and more.

With the crystal technology the island improved and expanded . Killing beasts and monsters for crystals became a very important job, ability users who do that kind of work are called hunters. A person gets his or her ability in the age of 10 and if they want to become a hunter they'll have to wait 7 more years to take WAO Hunter test. The WAO Hunter test is only taken by those in the age of 17 or above and the ability must be atleast above level 5.

Passing the test automatically makes you a F grade hunter while taking compulsory classes until they grade up, of course they'll be taking quests to help them improve their grade

F Grade- Level 5

E Grade- Level 50

D Grade- Level 100

C Grade- Level 250

B Grade- Level 400

A Grade- Level 550

S Grade- Level 800

SS Grade- Level 1000

There are different types of abilities like speed, strength, electricity, fire, water, earth, lightning, plant, wind and more. A few people once they get their abilities their hair changes to an unnatural colour like blue, pink and so on. Getting more than one ability is not unheard of but it's kind of rare and most ability users envy that. Some choose to hide their second or third abilities cause no one is allowed to forcefully see your status.

Today's earth is no longer what it used to be it is still unknown why these best crystals appeared or if there is a hand behind them...

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Thandeka_Sityalecreators' thoughts