
I Wish I Could Love You

Marquis Zachary accidentally triggered a teleportation matrix that brought him to a modern world. Unable to discern the sudden changes due to his blindness, he was entangled with Sonia, a human-vampire hybrid who's willing to give up her current lifestyle to fulfill her dream. As their bond deepens and their stories unfold, what will Zachary do when he learns he was isekaid to the modern world to meet a woman who's not her, and what will Sonia do when the situation gets reversed and she ends up in his world? After seeing him act like a leech and a puppy who clings to her and obeys her every word, how will she respond once she sees a side of him, he never once showed her? When he was already at his peak, and all the glories she had were left to her world, would she still be able to treat him the way she did before, or would he tell her to call him master too, like what she did to him before?

Visionary_M · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 13

"Wednesday, sir," Kai said.

"Then I have to wait for two more days," Zach muttered as he entered the bathroom. He traced the wall up to the sink and washed his face. 

"Miss Sonia…" he said, breathy. His eyes closed as warm droplets of water slid down his jaw. "I can finally meet her again…" 

He took a deep breath. 'But monsters, half-beasts, shadows, and magical creatures, they are treated as something only existent in fairy tales. If that's the case, what is Miss Sonia? Is she really human?'

'I'm sure I felt something different from her the first day. Besides…' 

Zach's body temperature rose when he remembered Sonia's lips and tongue on his skin, the sweet but subtle scent she emitted, and her voluptuous body pressed against him. 

'Could she be a half-blooded succubus?'

'Because if that was not the case, how else could I be temporarily allured by a woman I just met?'

Zach took a towel and dried his face. Before he knew it, he was tracing the downward movement of her lips. 'She bit me a lot. If she continued…'

He shook his head. 'No, no, no, what am I thinking? I must have gone insane. To think my body feels this excited when it's clear she's preying on me last time. This is madness.' 

Zach punched the wall, but the pain only reminded him of the way she engraved her existence on him. "She bites really gently and sometimes she does it hard… and on the neck, too."

'A vampire?'

'No, that's impossible because Miss Sonia… With the number of times she bit me, I could tell she does not have fangs. That means she cannot be a half-beast either. Then what is she?'



"Sir, are you alright? Do you need assistance?" Kai asked, since Zach was taking longer than usual.

"I'm fine. Prepare clothes for me. I want to bathe now."

"Yes, sir"

Later, after Kai finished blow-drying Zach's hair, he spoke. "Sir, would you have your walk today as well?"

Zach nodded. "Guide me outside. I will walk further than I did yesterday."

Kai handed his cane and led him to the garden. 

As they walked, they passed through towering trees lining the outer corners of the garden like a wall. These were complemented by fruit-bearing trees that provided additional shade, and shade-loving bushes, herbs, and flowers planted in the vast expanse of land. 

Like moths drawn to a flame, the butterflies on top of the flowers flew toward Zach in swarms, but Kai ignored it since it had been happening since the first day he guided him. It was no longer surprising. 

After circling Zach several times, the butterflies dispersed, but they were immediately replaced with sparrows that landed on the grasses beside the pathway. One even landed on Zach's shoulder and just sat there while the others watched him pass by.

"The flowers have been blooming exceptionally well for the past few days," Kai said. His eyes were focused on Zach's face, but his expression did not change, so he looked at the trees instead.

"Yesterday, all fruit-bearing trees in the nearby vicinity began to bud, even those that are not in season."

"I see," Zach said. His voice was calm, and his expression unchanged despite knowing it was an after-effect of the mana wave he released the other day.

Upon seeing his expression, Kai did not pry further, but he understood why he was the only one Sonia assigned to attend to him.

After 15 minutes, Zach stopped walking. His breathing was ragged and his sweat dripped on cobblestones.

"Water," he said, so Kai handed him an open tumbler. After sipping a little, he handed it back.

"Sir, there's an elevated gazebo nearby. Would you like to rest first?" Kai said when he noticed Zach's legs were shaking.


As soon as Zach sat, Kai handed him a face towel and a shirt. Then he looked far into the vast span of trees and flowers lay-outed with artful precision.

"How far have we explored?" Zach asked as he wiped beads of sweat on his forehead. 

"Not even a quarter, sir."

Zach's brows furrowed. He's aware the garden is vast, but they walked further than they did the previous days, so he thought they had explored more than that.

"Have we been walking in circles?"

"No sir, this entire mountain is Madam Sonia's playgrou… I mean, garden."

"That's a bit wide. Does she like being with nature that much?"

"I do not know, sir." 

Zach sighed. After being with Kai for several days, he's already used to his responses, but it does not displease him because it shows he's tight-lipped.

After Zach changed his shirt, they continued their walk. 

The further they go, the more sun rays passed through the thinner and shorter shade of trees. Slowly, the flowers and herbs were also replaced by a mini-vegetable garden.

"Sir, would you like to use an umbrella?"

"No, I want to feel the sun on my skin. It reminds me, it's daylight."

Before Kai could respond, a woman in mid-twenties approached him. "The lady you brought in has regained consciousness."

"She has?" Kai looked at Zach. "I'll visit during my break," he whispered.

"But she might fall asleep soon. You won't be able to ask her anything."

"I can't leave him. Madam told me to stay by his side, especially when he's not in his room." 

The two continued to whisper to one another, but Zach heard their entire discussion. "I can go with you if it's quick. I'll consider it as a detour from my daily walk," he said, so they looked at him wide-eyed. 

"Is that really alright, sir?"

Zach nodded. Based on the distance they walked, he knew the mansion he detected the other day was just around the corner. The probability that they were talking about the lady brimming with mana is also high.

"Lead the way," he said, so Kai guided him to the employees living quarters.

As soon as they entered the building, Zach was overcomed with an overwhelming sense of comfort. 

The more they climbed the stairs, the louder and faster his heartbeat.

For unknown reasons, he had a strong feeling that something would be revealed to him. This compelled him to walk faster.

When Kai opened a door, Zach's heart almost dropped. He could not tell what was going on or what exactly was he feeling, but he could tell he does not dislike it.