
I Wish For My Disciples' Ruin

After the Great Order Sect was ambushed and ganged up on by multiple sects, Liu Feng is left as the sole survivor. As such, he naturally became the sect master. [Detecting that host as fulfilled the conditions. Sect Building System activated.] "Finally, after ten long years, the system has arrived!" —-—-— "Special refund condition? What's that?" [For all creations made with the system, Disciple Points will be refunded by 150% if the creation fails.] "That means... I need to deliberately make bad creations?" A devious plan hatched inside Liu Feng's mind. —-—-— "Thanks, master! You're a genius!" Liu Feng nodded. Inside, however, his heart wrenched. "Why are all of my creations succeeding?! What is wrong with this world?"

GottaStayLowkey · Eastern
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30 Chs

System Does Not Give Out Stupid Tasks, What a Relief

Liu Feng watched as Jing Hei left the forest, cloaking his presence and speeding away. He shook his head, knowing that he couldn't do anything if Jing Hei wanted to escape.

On the other hand, Jing Hei knew that hiding his presence was futile, and that for an expert of the Domain Master Realm, getting rid of him was as simple as killing a cockroach.

That meant that the expert let him go on purpose.

Although Jing Hei never confirmed whether or not Liu Feng really was a Domain Master Realm expert, he learned to always assume the worst in situations like these, and decided to escape first instead of sacrificing his life for nothing.

Some time later.

After he confirmed Jing Hei to be completely gone, Liu Feng heaved a sigh of relief. For now, the sect should be safe, and he should be able to bring Shu Fanrong out.

He glanced at Shu Fanrong who was still diligently cultivating and headed inside his hut.

Intending to clear his mind off his first kill, Liu Feng opened the system.

[Task has been completed. Time remaining before task refresh: 6 days.]

[Ding! Congratulations on the host for receiving: Weekly Task Gift Pack, 50 DP.]

"50 DP! For doing something that I needed to do anyways!"

[Ding! Tasks are determined according to the host's immediate needs.]

Liu Feng nodded. He was grateful that his system was logical and didn't assign him stupid tasks.

"Now that I mention it, system, what happens if I fail a task?"

[Ding! Host can discard or replace tasks that aren't desirable/possible to complete in a reasonable amount of time. The limit for task replacements is 5 times per month.]

"Oh, so there's no penalty for failing a task?"

[Ding! Host can discard or replace tasks that aren't desirable/possible to complete in a reasonable amount of time. The limit for task replacements is 5 times per month.]

"Eh, you just repeated the same thing..."

Liu Feng was delighted. It seemed that he didn't have to worry about the system forcing him to do things he didn't like! He was a bit fearful that his system would be like the other systems he had read about, where the consequence for failing a task was instant death.

"Open the Weekly Task Gift Pack."

[Ding! Received: 3x Impure Spirit Stones]

"Three Impure Spirit Stones, so about 75 DP's worth of items..."

Liu Feng felt like he had underestimated how generous the Novice Gift Pack was.

A Quarter-Pure Spirit Stone alone was worth 200 DP, more than twice what he received now. What's more, he received five of those on the spot, which meant it was worth 1000 DP!

Not to mention the unexpected use of Sect Master uniforms in terms of its offensive ability...

"Sorry, Novice Gift Pack, for calling you a scam."

Afterr receiving the rewards, Liu Feng reiterated his plans inside his mind.

First, he was to bring Shu Fanrong back to the village.

That way, he could advertise his teaching strengths, allowing the villagers to have more confidence in him. The seeds planted by Shu Fanrong's father should have already started to sprout. He only needed to go there and harvest them.

Second, he needed to make more failed Creations.

So far, he had made two manuals, and both of them succeeded, resulting in him losing all his DP. As the turnover period was too long in his current situation, this method was the only way he could get extra DP aside from doing tasks, which were also timegated.

Of course, even with these, there was no way he could get a stable flow to fund the 1000 DP per day cost of the barrier.

So, his third plan was... to relocate temporarily, when the barrier runs out of energy and the sect gets taken over, until he gains enough power to retake the territory.

There was no chance in hell he was going to concede the sect's land to a bunch of invaders forever. He would at most do a tactical retreat.

For this plan, he needed to scout the nearest city, Hongqi City. This was the outermost city in the territory of the Shou Kingdom, bandits and criminals all over the place.

Ever since he transmigrated here a decade ago, Liu Feng never left the sect, out of fear from his lack of strength. Now that he was being forced to go out, he suppressed this fear.

"What am I so afraid of? I just beat a strong cultivator earlier! The bandits and criminals are probably nobodies!"

Liu Feng smiled, digesting these thoughts while knowing that they were only words of consolation for himself.

He exited the hut, planning to wake Shu Fanrong up and bring her to the village.

Before he could do so, a certain black robed cultivator appeared in Liu Feng's mind.

"...Yeah, I'll give him some time to flee first."

Liu Feng walked back into the hut and decided to cultivate instead.

As the sun sank, the moon rose. As the moon sank, the sun rose once more.

An entire day passed.

Stretching his arms, Liu Feng stopped cultivating and sighed.

"System, can I see my own stats?"


Name: Liu Feng

Bone Age: 28

Level: 1

Realm: Spiritual Awareness Realm

Number of Spiritual Roots: 5

Spirit Root Attribute: Wind, Thunder, Vine, Ice, Fire

Talent: 8


"No progress at all!"

He had been using cultivation to replace sleep as much as he could ever since he had exited the wardrobe 3 months ago. However, his efforts seemed to be fruitless.

After shaking his head at his own information, Liu Feng silently opened his disciple's panel.


Name: Shu Fanrong

Bone Age: 12

Level: 9

Realm: Attribution Form Realm (breaking through, more info...)

Number of Spiritual Roots: 1

Spirit Root Attribute: Frostfire

Talent: 89


Liu Feng's spirits got lifted.

"Yes, that's right. I taught this child—wait, breaking through?"

All of a sudden, he felt a strong pressure, flinging him away from his spot and crashing through the wooden wall of the hut!

"Little Rong is breaking through!"

Liu Feng was familiar with this pressure.

It was the wave of spiritual energy a cultivator released when they were on the cusp of the next realm! This wave would grow stronger and stronger with each realm.

Breaking through the first three realms, namely, the Spiritual Awareness Realm, the Body Tempering Realm, and the Attribution Form Realm did not release this pressure. This was because earth-shattering changes would only happen to one's body once they broke through the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Liu Feng stayed away from cultivators because of this reason.

"Luckily, Shu Fanrong is only breaking through Foundation Establishment Realm. If it was a higher realm, my body would have shattered with just that wave of spiritual energy!"

Liu Feng was worried, but at the same time, he was shocked.

"Little Rong has only been cultivating for a total of 8 days, how is she already breaking through the Foundation Establishment Realm?!"

When he continued to think about it, it made more sense.

The first three cultivation realms, namely the Spiritual Awareness Realm, the Body Tempering Realm, and the Attribution Form Realm, were considered as the preparation realms. While they did increase a being's strength compared to a mortal, said mortal could still overpower them with enough training, even without dabbling in cultivation.

It was only when one stepped into the Foundation Establishment Realm that a substantial change happens within their body, differentiating them from mortals.

In that sense, due to the high value of Shu Fanrong's talent, not to mention her perseverance to cultivate day and night, her speeding through the first three realms was only natural.

Guys, if we get to 50 Powerstones this week, I will release 2 extra chapters~

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