
I will recarnirated as his bride

Experience love beyond boundaries

Ash_rajpoot786 · Sports
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36 Chs

Dinner party preprations

**Scene: Dinner Party Preparations**

*The living room is bustling with activity as decorations are being hung, tables are set, and the aroma of delicious food wafts through the air. Ash, robert, Kali, Zyan, and their friends are working together to make sure everything is perfect for the dinner party.*

**Kali:** (grinning) Well, well, look at you two. Getting along quite well, huh?

**Ash:** (blushing) Kali, don't start.

Robert:** (smirking) What's wrong, Ash? Can't handle a little teasing?

**zack:** (laughing) Alright, you two focus. We've got guests coming soon.

*As they continue working, robert finds himself standing close to Ash, helping her with the decorations.*

Robert:** (whispering) You know, I never thought I'd be arranging flowers for a dinner party.

**Ash:** (smirking) Oh, come on, robert. It's not that bad.

*Robert playfully places a flower in her hair, and she gives him a playful glare.*

Ash: (mock stern) Really, brother?

Robert:(grinning) Just adding a little touch of nature, sister

*Kali and zack exchange amused glances as they watch Ash and Robert's playful interaction.*

**Kali:** (whispering to Zack) Looks like they're getting even closer.

**Zyan:** (whispering back) Yeah, but I think it's a good thing.

*As the evening approaches, everything is finally ready for the dinner party. The tables are set beautifully, the food is prepared, and the decorations give the room an elegant atmosphere. Ash and robert stand back to admire their handiwork.*

**Ash:** (smiling) It looks amazing, doesn't it?

Robert:** (nodding) Yeah, it does. Thanks for letting me help, Ash.

**Ash:** (softly) Thanks for being here with me.

*Their eyes meet, and there's a genuine warmth between them. Just then, their friends approach, clapping their hands.*

**Zack:** (grinning) Well, the place looks incredible. You two did a great job.

**Kali:** (teasing) And it seems you're both pretty great at working together.

**Ash:** (rolling her eyes) Alright, alright. Can we stop talking about it now?

Robert:** (smirking) Don't worry, Ash. We'll let you off the hook... for now.

*Everyone shares a laugh, and as the guests start arriving, the energy in the room becomes even livelier. The night is filled with laughter, delicious food, and joyful conversations.*

**Scene: Dinner Party and Truth or Dare Challenge**

*The dinner party is in full swing, with guests mingling, laughing, and enjoying the delicious food and drinks. Robert arrives a bit late, but he comes bearing a gift - Ash's favourite champagne. As he hands it to her.

Zack:** (muttering to himself) Champagne, huh?

*Ash notices zack reaction and gives him a reassuring smile before thanking Robert for the champagne.*

**Ryan:** (smiling) Sorry I was late, everyone. Got caught up with something.

**Kali:** (grinning) No worries, Ryan. You're just in time to join the fun.

Ash: i know what you said about me and you destroyed friendship with Ali ,apologies to him tomorrow.

Ryan: I sincerely apologise to you and i will make things right with Ali.

*As dinner is served, the group chats, and kali finds himself observing Ash and Robert's interactions closely. She watches as Robert engages Ash in conversation, making her laugh and smile.*

**zack:** (whispering to kali) You okay? You seem a bit... tense.

Kali:** (sighing) Yeah, I'm fine. Just... watching.Where is Ali ?

Zack: i think he is not coming because he didn't attend the call.

*After dinner, the atmosphere lightens up even more. Music starts playing, and the group moves to a dancing area.*

**Robert:** (extending his hand to Ash) Care for a dance, Ash?

**Ash:** (smiling) Sure, why not?

*They start dancing, and ryan watches them from a distance, his jaw clenched. After a while, Ash notices Ryan standing alone and walks over to him.*

**Ash:** (holding out her hand), brother, come dance with me.

Robert** (shaking his head) Nah, I'm not really a dancing person.

**Ash:** (pouting) Please? Just one dance?

*Robert:** (sighing) Fine.

*Robert takes her hand, and they step onto the dance floor. Their movements are a bit awkward at first, but soon they find a rhythm, and Ryan's tense expression gradually softens.*

*Later in the evening, as the group gathers for more fun, they decide to play a game of truth or dare.*

**Zack:** Alright, let's make this interesting. Whoever refuses to answer a truth or complete a dare has to take a shot of that champagne.

**Kali:** Agreed!

*The group takes turns spinning the bottle and asking each other questions or assigning dares. When it's Ash's turn, she spins the bottle, and it lands on robert.*

**Ash:** (grinning) Truth or dare?

Robert:** (smirking) Truth.

**Ash:** (thinking) Hmmm... Have you ever had a crush on someone in this room?

*robert raises an eyebrow, glancing at Ash before answering.*

Robert:** (smirking) Maybe.

*Ash chuckles, satisfied with his response. The game continues, and everyone enjoys the lighthearted moments, even Ryan . Everyone shouting kiss then robert kisses Ash.

**Scene: After the Dinner Party**

*As the dinner party comes to an end, the group helps Ash clean up and tidy the place. Laughter and chatter fill the air as they work together.*

**Kali:** (smiling) Ash, you really outdid yourself with this party. It was so much fun! But where was ali.

**Ash:** (grinning) Thanks, guys. I'm glad you all had a good time.he was busy.

Ash: We're on the phone with quite a serious expression.

**Zyan:** (whispering to Kali) I wonder who's calling him now.

**Kali:** (whispering back) I hope it's not something serious

Ash: Guys don't be silly he know how to protect himself.

**Kali:** (concerned) Ash, everything okay?

**Ash:** (nodding) Yeah, just some stuff. There's nothing to worry about.

**Zyan:** (raising an eyebrow) You sure? You seem a bit tense.

Ash:** (forcing a smile) Yeah, really. Thanks for your concern.

*Ali's friends exchange glances but decide not to press further. They bid their goodbyes to robert, giving him space.*

**Zyan:** (grinning) Well, it's been a great evening. Thanks for having us, Ash.

**Kali:** Yeah, thanks! And robert, take care, okay?

**ash:** (smiling) Don't worry, I will. Thanks for coming, guys.

*After saying their goodbyes, the group heads out, leaving Ash and robert in the quiet aftermath of the party.*

**Ash:** (sighing) It was a wonderful evening.

Robert:** (nodding) Yeah, it was.

*They share a moment of silence, both lost in their thoughts. Robert's phone rings again, interrupting the silence.*

**Ash:** (raising an eyebrow) Another call?

Robert:** (sighing) Yeah, just some work-related stuff.

**Ash:** (concerned) robert, you can talk to me if something's bothering you.

Robert:** (smiling) I know, Ash. Thanks.

*Robert's phone call ends, and he puts it away. Ash walks over to him and places a hand on his arm.*

**Ash:** (softly) Remember, you're not alone , okay?

Robert:** (gently) I know, Ash. I appreciate that. Remember, guards are here 24 hours, so don't worry, and i will also be here today because your friends went home.

**Ali whereabout **

Ali teammates came to him for asking if he wanted his stuff back or if he would stay at his previous home.Ali said why they bothered him , and he didn't want his stuff or move back.

Teammate( over phone)Well, what's with mood? You already told us about that, and we are not forcing you to join us.

Ali: Then who were those thugs they were saying i should join my team back, and they not only injured me but also my friends.

Teammate: We don't know, nor can we hire someone. It may be from your enemy. Don't worry, we will find out and you should need to be safe place.

Ali: Sorry for the misunderstanding.

*Ali called ash dad and told him that he was not responsible for her girl because that thugs were not from his teammates.his dad gets angry and cut off his phone.