
I Will Never Forget you

In a world where power meets passion, two souls are bound by a love that fate itself cannot erase. William, the dynamic and powerful CEO of his father's illustrious company, is a man accustomed to control. Yet, three years ago, his heart was captivated by someone unexpected: Ash, a gentle and talented third-year university student majoring in drawing. Their love story, blossoming in the shadows of corporate skyscrapers and university halls, was the stuff of dreams. That is, until a devastating accident stole William's memories of the past three years, leaving Ash as nothing but a stranger in his eyes. Now, William believes his fiancée, a woman from his past, is his true love, while Ash is left grappling with the pain of being forgotten. With his heart shattered, Ash must navigate a world where the man he loves doesn't remember their shared moments of joy, laughter, and intimacy. Determined to rekindle their love, Ash steps back into William's life, hoping to reignite the spark that once burned so brightly. But as he confronts the walls around William's heart and the complications of a forgotten engagement, Ash faces the ultimate question: can love truly conquer all? Will William ever remember the beautiful tapestry of their shared history, or will Ash remain a faded sketch in the background of his forgotten memories? Join William and Ash on a poignant journey of rediscovery, where love must fight against the odds to be found again. Dive into this heart-wrenching and captivating tale of love, loss, and the enduring power of destiny. Follow their story and witness the transformative power of love that refuses to be forgotten.

Ella_Mathew · LGBT+
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22 Chs

Chapter 8 | A Blossoming Connection| I Will Never Forget You

The sun rose gently over the city, casting a soft, warm glow through Ash's window. He stretched and yawned, feeling a tingle of excitement for the day ahead. Today, he was planning to submit his latest artwork to an art gallery, and he had someone special in mind to accompany him. He reached for his phone and dialed William's number, his heart racing slightly with anticipation."Hello?" William's voice came through the line, sounding slightly groggy."Hey, William. Are you free today? I have to submit some art to a gallery, and I was wondering if you could come with me," Ash asked, trying to keep his voice casual despite the fluttering in his chest."Yeah, I'm free," William replied, his voice perking up. "I'd love to come with you.""Great! I'll see you in a bit," Ash said, smiling as he hung up the phone.Later that morning, William arrived at Ash's house, his car gleaming in the sunlight. Ash hopped in, feeling a rush of excitement. The drive to the gallery was filled with easy conversation and laughter, the cityscape passing by in a blur.When they arrived at the gallery, Ash quickly submitted his artwork, feeling a mix of nerves and pride. As they stepped back outside, William's stomach growled loudly, making Ash laugh."Sounds like someone's hungry," Ash teased."Yeah, I am," William admitted with a grin. "Let's find a café."They found a cozy café nearby and went inside. Ash chose a table near the window, where he could watch the world go by. William ordered their food and then came to join Ash, sitting down next to him.Ash looked at him, surprised. "Why are you sitting next to me? Everyone usually sits across from each other."William leaned in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I can't even bear to be that far away from you."Ash was shocked but couldn't help but smile. Just as he was about to respond, William chuckled and said, "I'm kidding," before moving to the opposite side of the table. Ash felt a pang of disappointment, realizing he didn't want William to move away.As they ate, their conversation flowed easily, touching on their hobbies, dreams, and the events of the morning. Ash found himself enjoying William's company more and more, not wanting the day to end.After finishing their meal, Ash glanced out the window at the clear blue sky. "Do you think it's the right time for cherry blossoms? I know a mountain with a spectacular view. Do you want to go there?"William's eyes lit up. "If you're willing, I'll come with you, Ash."They drove to the mountain, their excitement building with each passing mile. When they arrived, they saw that the area was filled with people who had come to admire the breathtaking cherry blossoms. The sight of the delicate pink flowers against the backdrop of the mountains and valley was truly mesmerizing.Ash had brought his canvas and art supplies, eager to capture the beauty of the scene. While Ash set up his easel and began to draw, William lay down on the soft grass, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face.Hours passed as Ash worked diligently on his drawing. Every now and then, he would glance over at William, who had fallen into a deep sleep. Ash smiled to himself, feeling a wave of affection for the peaceful figure lying nearby.As the sun began to set, most of the visitors started to leave, but Ash continued to work, determined to finish his piece. Finally, satisfied with his drawing, he ran over to William, eager to show him his work. But when he reached William, he found him still sound asleep.Ash's heart pounded as he gazed at William's serene face. He felt an overwhelming urge to be closer, to bridge the gap between them. Ensuring no one was watching, Ash leaned in, his heart beating faster with each passing second. The distance between their lips grew smaller and smaller.Just as Ash was about to close the gap completely, William's phone rang, startling them both. William's eyes fluttered open, and he looked up at Ash in confusion. "Why are you so close?" he asked groggily."I... I came to wake you up," Ash stammered, quickly pulling back.William nodded, still half-asleep, and answered his phone. After a brief conversation, he turned back to Ash, who was now holding up his finished drawing."Look, William. I finished it," Ash said, his voice full of excitement.William's eyes widened as he took in the beautiful artwork. "It's perfect, Ash. You're so talented."Ash blushed at the compliment, feeling a warmth spread through him. William smiled and stood up, stretching his arms. "Come with me," he said, grabbing Ash's hand and leading him towards a nearby amusement park.As night fell, the amusement park came alive with lights, casting a magical glow over the rides and attractions. They spent the evening going on various rides, laughing and enjoying each other's company. The happiness and joy they shared made the night feel even more special.Eventually, they found themselves at the base of a giant Ferris wheel. "Let's go on this one," William suggested, his eyes sparkling with excitement.Ash nodded, and they climbed into one of the cabins. As the Ferris wheel slowly ascended, they looked out at the stunning view of the park and the city beyond. When they reached the top, Ash turned to William, his eyes wide with wonder."Look down, William. Everything looks so small from up here," Ash said, his voice filled with awe."Yeah," William agreed, leaning in closer. "But you know, they say that if lovers kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel, they'll never leave each other until death. They'll be soulmates for the next seven lives."Ash's heart skipped a beat. "I've never heard that before," he said softly. "So,.. do you have anyone you want to bring here and kiss?"He asked the question, hoping to understand whether William was taken or not. William's eyes met his, a playful smile tugging at his lips. "Not yet," he replied, "but soon. If they're willing to be my boyfriend."Ash's heart raced as he processed William's words. Could he mean...?The ride began its descent, and they sat in comfortable silence, both lost in their thoughts. When they reached the ground, William helped Ash out of the cabin, their hands lingering together for a moment longer than necessary.As they walked back towards William's car, the night air filled with the sounds of laughter and music from the park, Ash couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had changed between them.When they finally reached Ash's home, William turned to him with a smile. "I had a great time today, Ash. Thanks for inviting me.""Me too," Ash replied, his voice soft with emotion. "Thank you for coming with me."As the evening came to a close, Ash and William returned to Ash's home. Ash turned to say goodbye but stumbled slightly. William's reflexes were quick, and he grabbed Ash's waist, pulling him close. They stood there, faces inches apart, eyes locked in a deep, meaningful gaze.Ash could feel William's breath on his skin, and for a moment, the world around them disappeared. He looked into William's eyes, feeling a connection that went beyond words...